Process Mining and Perceived Privacy Violations: A Pilot-Study
Evelyn Zuidema-Tempel
, Faiza Allah Bukhsh
, Robin Effing
and Jos van Hillegersberg
Research Group Digital Intelligence & Business, Saxion University of Applied Sciences,
M. H. Tromplaan 28, Enschede, The Netherlands
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Twente,
Drienerlolaan 5, Enschede, The Netherlands
Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences, University of Twente,
Drienerlolaan 5, Enschede, The Netherlands
Keywords: Process Mining, Privacy, Perceived Privacy, Process Model Abstraction, BPM, GDPR.
Abstract: Despite the existence of various methods and abstraction techniques to reduce the privacy risk of process
models generated by process mining algorithms, it is unclear how process mining stakeholders perceive
privacy violations. In this pilot-study various process model visualisations were shown to 6 stakeholders of a
travel expense claim process. While changing the abstraction levels of these visualisations, the stakeholders
were asked whether they perceived a violation of their privacy. The results show that there are differences in
how individual stakeholders perceive privacy violations of process models generated via process mining
algorithms. Results differ per type of visualization, type of privacy risk reducing methods, changes of
abstraction level and stakeholder role. To reduce the privacy risk, the interviewees suggested to include an
authorization table in the process mining tool, communicate the goal of the analysis with all stakeholders, and
validate the analysis with a privacy officer. It is suggested that future research focuses on discussing and
validating process visualisations and privacy risk reducing methods and techniques with various process
mining stakeholders in organisations. This is expected to reduce perceived violations and prevents developing
techniques that are aimed at reducing privacy risk but are not considered as such by stakeholders.
Process mining is a technique that is designed to
discover, monitor and improve actual processes by
extracting knowledge from event logs readily
available in today’s information systems (van der
Aalst, 2016). Process mining is increasingly being
adopted in industry as a data-driven innovation
(Grisold et al., 2021). With a forecasted growth of
40% to 50% for the coming years and passing $1
billion in revenues in 2022, the market is expected to
continue to rise (Gartner, 2020).
Like process mining, privacy is also gaining
attention in industry and society due to some recent
scandals. High profile cases such as the unwilling
exposure of user accounts at Yahoo and Facebook
and recent data breaches such as the case at the
Marriot hotel (Hill & Swinhoe, 2021) put the
spotlights on privacy. Also, data privacy is included
in many national and international legislations, such
as in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
in Europe (GDPR, 2022). The GDPR includes the
principle of privacy by design, meaning that
companies are encouraged to implement technical
and organizational measures necessary at the earliest
stage of the design of processing operations to ensure
the principles of privacy and data protection (GDPR,
Because event logs which are needed to mine
processes often contain personal information of
process stakeholders, the principles of privacy and
data protection also apply to process mining. In
academics, privacy and process mining as separate
research topics are gaining more attention, but
privacy preserving process mining is still in its
infancy (Mannhardt et al., 2019, Pika et al., 2020). To
the best of our knowledge, only a few studies have
been conducted to process mining and privacy
(Elkoumy et al., 2022, Sohail et al., 2021, Pika et al.,
2020, Rafiei & van der Aalst, 2020). These studies
mainly focus on privacy preserving methods and
abstraction techniques of process mining tools.
Abstraction is about simplifying process models
by removing edges, clustering nodes, and removing
Zuidema-Tempel, E., Bukhsh, F., Effing, R. and van Hillegersberg, J.
Process Mining and Perceived Privacy Violations: A Pilot-Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0011745200003467
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2023) - Volume 2, pages 289-296
ISBN: 978-989-758-648-4; ISSN: 2184-4992
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
nodes to make the process model more
comprehensible for the person looking at it
(Maneschijn et al., 2022). Through abstraction,
irrelevant details in a process model can be reduced
(Polyvyanyy et al., 2015).
Remarkably, privacy preserving methods and
abstraction techniques to reduce the privacy risk have
hardly been evaluated from a stakeholder’s
perspective. We have not been able to identify
research that addresses perceived privacy violations
of stakeholders when abstraction techniques are being
applied to process models. As of yet, it is unclear how
stakeholders perceive a violation of privacy when
these methods and abstraction techniques are being
applied. And given the increased focus on privacy and
the fast growth of the process mining market, it is
vital that more research is conducted to process
mining privacy from a stakeholder's perspective. To
this end, the objective of this research is to identify
and evaluate perceived privacy with respect to
different abstraction levels from a stakeholder’s
This paper is one of the first studies that
investigates perceived privacy in process mining
from a stakeholder’s perspective. Given the novelty
of the topic and thus the lack of theories and
experiences, we conducted an explorative pilot-study.
In this study, perceived privacy is identified and
evaluated by showing 6 process mining stakeholders
3 different process model visualisations of a travel
expense claim process. The process mining software
tool Disco is used to generate the process model
visualisations. When changing the abstraction level of
the visualisations, the 6 stakeholders are asked
whether they perceive a violation of privacy. Also,
the stakeholders are asked to give recommendation on
how to make the process mining visualisations more
privacy proof. The remainder of this research paper is
structured as follows; Section 2 highlights the
background research, and section 3 will discuss the
methodology used. Section 4 contains results and
section 5 contains the discussion and future work.
In this section we define perceived privacy and
survey which privacy preserving techniques for
process mining generated by process mining
algorithms are currently available in scientific
2.1 Process Models and Perceived
Westin (1967) defines privacy as “the claim of
individuals, groups or institutions to determine for
themselves when, how, and to what extent
information about them is communicated to others”
(as cited by Könings et al., 2016). The definition of
privacy differs from the definition of perceived
privacy, which is the individual’s perception that their
personal information is safe from potential
compromise (Johnson et al., 2020). The risk of
violating perceived privacy is measured by
identifying participant’s willingness to share their
data (Bhatia & Breaux, 2018). In process models that
are generated using process mining algorithms,
various abstraction techniques can be applied to
reduce the privacy risk (Elkoumy et al., 2022, Pika et
al., 2020). The majority of process mining abstraction
techniques focus on the data preparation phase and
the data visualisation phase (Maneschijn et al., 2022).
It is important to note that these techniques aim at
reducing risk of privacy, but not on how reduced
privacy risk is being perceived by stakeholders.
2.2 Process Models Abstraction at the
Data Preparation Phase
Several abstraction techniques for process models
exist to reduce the privacy risk. First, process models
are abstracted by using external domain knowledge
taken from existing process documentation to semi-
automatically match events and process activities
(Baier et al., 2014). Second, clustering of data,
supervised learning techniques and behavioural
pattern modelling are used to reduce the privacy risk
in the data preparation phase (Diba et al., 2020, Rafiei
& van der Aalst, 2020, Bose & van der Aalst, 2009).
Third, Rafiei & van der Aalst (2021) describe various
group-based privacy preservation techniques to
improve privacy in the data extraction and
preparation phase. These are 𝑘-anonymity (remove
all the trace variants occurring less than 𝑘 times), and
𝑙-diversity (reducing granularity of data
representation) and t-closeness (further refinement of
Also, various algorithms and web-based tools
exist to anonymize data for process mining, hence
reducing the privacy risk. These are among others
PC4PM (Rafiei et al., 2021) and PRETSA
(Fahrenkrog-Petersen, 2019). Sohail et al. (2021)
mention that higher preservation of privacy is realized
by applying various noise-adding plugins in the
academic process mining tool PRoM. These plug-ins
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
add noise to log filters, add k-frequent randomly
positioned activities, filter out high-frequency
activities and reverse process traces. Furthermore,
Van Zelst et al. (2021) identify seven different
dimensions of event abstraction techniques in the data
preparation phase of process mining. These are based
on supervision strategy, fine-granular event
interleaving, probabilistic nature of the outcome, data
nature, use of alternative perspectives, event class/
activity class relation and event instance/activity
instance relations. Finally, Pika et al. (2020) state that
case identifiers and activity labels can be encrypted in
data to increase privacy.
The abovementioned abstraction techniques come
with several challenges. When leaving out details in
a process mining analysis or process data, the utility
of identifying outliers and variances and determining
on concrete measures to address these outliers and
variances may be affected. (Mannhardt et al., 2018,
Rafiei & van der Aalst, 2020, Elkoumy et al., 2022).
Also, the identity of a data subject might be at risk
and can be recognized or identified when singling out
individuals from a supposedly anonymized or
pseudonymized event log or when applying
encryption (Elkoumy et al., 2022, Mannhardt et al.,
2018). Remarkably, all the mentioned abstraction
techniques have hardly been validated by process
stakeholders in organisations. Hence, they do not
focus on how these techniques are perceived by
process mining stakeholders as techniques of
reducing privacy risk.
2.3 Process Models Abstraction at the
Data Visualization Phase
Process model abstraction in the analysis and data
visualisation phase of a process mining project can be
performed using various options of the academic
process mining tool PRoM. The fuzzy miner
abstraction pattern plug-in uses conflict- and edge
resolution to remove insignificant lower-level
information in the process map visualization (van der
Aalst and Günther, 2007). Using the fuzzy miner,
Maneschijn et al. (2022) defined four threshold
abstraction levels (A, B, C and D) based on the utility
ratio, edge cut-off score and node cut-off score in
process mining models. Mannhardt et al. (2018) have
created guidelines for using process mining in
human-centered industrial environments. These
guidelines focus on informed consent of data subjects
of among others which data is stored, withdrawal of
data, but also of having the option to change the
aggregation settings when using or analysing the data
by primary users. Finally, Rozinat (2017) provides
practitioner experience reports on privacy of process
mining in an organizational setting. These are
clarification of goals to various stakeholders, have
external parties sign an NDA, and use encrypted
analysis to ensure responsible process mining and
reducing privacy issues at the data analysis and
visualization phase. However, advice given in the
consultancy papers of Rozinat (2017) lack empirical
foundation and scientific validation.
The available literature about reducing the privacy
risk when conducting process mining in the data
visualisation phase is much scarcer than the available
literature applied to the data preparation phase. And
the technical possibilities that do exist to reduce the
privacy risk focus mainly on PRoM. This tool is
mostly used for research purposes and is not aimed at
organisations and business. Abstraction techniques
that go beyond the technical possibilities presented
are scarce and lack scientific validation. In addition,
even when applying the abovementioned techniques,
it remains unclear how stakeholders of a process
mining project perceive privacy and potential privacy
violations. And given the fast growth of the process
mining market and the high focus on privacy, it is
vital to understand and act on how various process
mining stakeholders perceive privacy.
In this explorative pilot-study which is executed at
Saxion University of Applied Sciences (UAS) in the
Netherlands, perceived privacy in the data
visualization phase of a process mining project is
identified and evaluated. In order to follow a
structured research approach, the PM2 process
mining methodology of van Eck et al. (2015) is used.
This methodology includes a complete overview of
the steps to be executed when conducting a process
mining analysis. These steps are planning, data
extraction, data processing, analysis, evaluation and
3.1 Planning
The planning phase of this research includes a
literature study, process selection, and stakeholder
identification and selection. The results of the
literature study to process mining privacy and
abstraction described in section 2 of this research
paper. The travel expense claim process is selected as
the process to visualize. This process has been
selected because of data availability, and it is assumed
that this process is relevant, understandable and
Process Mining and Perceived Privacy Violations: A Pilot-Study
recognizable for the interviewees.
Next, relevant stakeholders of the travel expense
claim process are identified and selected. These
stakeholders are firstly identified in the PM2
methodology of van Eck et al. (2015). These
stakeholders are a business expert having knowledge
of the process and a data analyst who prepares the
data, creates the visualizations and analyses the
results. In addition, stakeholder identification took
place by identifying the stakeholders available in the
travel expense process dataset used in this research.
This dataset contains an employee, supervisor,
administrator, budget owner and a director. An
elaboration on the dataset can be found in section 3.2
and 3.3. At Saxion UAS the supervisor is the budget
owner. Therefore, the budget owner as a separate
stakeholder will not be included in this research. In
addition, the director at Saxion UAS is not directly
involved in the travel expense claims process.
Therefore the director will also not be considered as
a stakeholder in this research. The stakeholders that
are identified and taken into account in this research
are the employee, supervisor, administrator and the
analyst. Purposeful sampling is used to select the
interviewees from the direct network of the
researchers. The participants are known to be
involved in the travel expense process at Saxion UAS.
Although the sampling method has generalizability
issues, purposeful sampling is not costly and not time-
consuming, hence fits with the explorative nature of
this research (Stratton, 2021).
3.2 Data Extraction
The second step is data extraction. Due to
confidentiality reasons, no permission is given to use
data of travel expense claims from Saxion UAS.
Therefore, the publicly available travel expense
process data of the BPI challenge of 2020 (van
Dongen, 2020) is used to visualise the travel expense
claim process. The five available CSV datafiles of
this process contain events pertaining to two years of
travel expense claims of Eindhoven University of
Technology. In 2017 events are collected for two
departments, in 2018 for the entire university. The
datafiles are explored by converting the CSV datafiles
to an Excel file and compared with each other on
similarities, differences, and relevance of included
variables. Because the datafiles show overlap in
included variables, only the datafile Permit log has
been selected. This datafile includes most variables
with personal information from stakeholders, such as
variables of total declared amount, requested
expense, and overspent amount. These variables are
not always completely included in the other datafiles.
3.3 Data Processing
Data processing consists of data cleaning. By placing
a filter on the variables of the Permit log datafile, the
quality of the process data is investigated. The data is
cleaned by removing variables without attributes,
empty rows, and columns. Variable formats are
adjusted to be able to fit the process mining tool. The
result of the data cleaning process is a datafile
containing 86,582 rows of process data. In this
research the process mining software tool Disco is
used for creating the process visualisations. Disco
focuses on enterprises and we are investigating
perceived privacy from an organisational stakeholder
perspective. The cleaned data is imported to Disco.
3.4 Analysis
In the analysis phase the process model visualisations
were created using Disco and shown to the 6
interviewees. The interviews took place in June 2022
at Saxion UAS. In total 4 employees and 2
supervisors are interviewed. The administrator and
analyst are excluded from this research due to their
unwillingness to participate. The interviewees all
work at the same academy at Saxion UAS. Because
of the confidentiality and traceability of the
interviewees, more information on the interviewees
will not be provided.
To identify whether the interviewees perceive
privacy violations, 3 main process visualizations were
shown to the interviewees. Following the interface
design of Disco, these visualizations contain a
process map with frequency statistics and
performance statistics, a statistics overview with
variable frequency, and a statistics overview showing
the process data variables per variant and per
individual case. When the interface settings allowed
it, the abstraction levels of the visualisations were
modified. Table 1 contains the methods used in this
research to change the abstraction level of process
mining visualisations in Disco. These alterations in
abstraction level are described in the literature review
as l-diversity (Rafiei & van der Aalst, 2021), conflict
and edge resolution (van der Aalst & Günther, 2007)
and changing the aggregation settings of a process
visualization (Mannhardt et al., 2018). The numbers
in the table correspond with the available abstraction
techniques in Disco as shown in figure 1 in section 4.1.
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Following the measurement of perceived privacy
by Bhatia & Breaux (2018), the interviewees were
asked whether they perceived a violation of their
privacy when the visualizations would be shown to
their supervisor, fellow employees, administrator or
process analysts. The same question was asked after
the abstraction level of the process visualization
changed. Next, the interviewees were asked for
suggestions on how to reduce the privacy risk of the
visualizations when they perceived such a risk.
3.5 Evaluation and Improvement
Per visualization, answers given by the interviewees
on perceived privacy, perceived privacy violations
and suggestions to reduce the privacy risk were
described and compared. The results of this
evaluation can be found in section 4.
In this section the interview results per process
visualization which follows the Disco interface
design are described and compared.
4.1 Process Map Visualisation
Figure 1 shows the visualization of the travel expense
claim process that was shown to the interviewees,
hence executing the analysis phase (step 4) of the
research methodology. The numbers 1 until 4 in
figure 1 are added manually and correspond to the
methods to change the abstraction level of the process
model as described in table 1.
Table 1: Methods to change the abstraction level of a
visualisation in Disco.
Nr. Methods
1 Activity slider to reduce the number of shown
activities in a process map visualisation
2 Path slider to reduce the number of shown
paths in a process map visualisation
3 Showing frequency statistics (yes/no)
4 Showing performance statistics (yes/no)
Figure 1: Process map of a travel expense claim process.
Results show that the 6 interviewees differ in how
they perceive privacy and whether they perceive a
violation of privacy when the abstraction level of the
process map changed. Two employees perceived no
violation of privacy when sharing the process map
visualization with employees, supervisors,
administrators and analysts. These employees claim
that sharing such a visualization that includes their
own data is beneficial for the organization as it helps
to detect fraud. In addition, these interviewees
mentioned that sharing the process map with all
process stakeholders increases transparency in the
organization. Changing the level of abstraction in the
process map via the activity slider and path slider, or
showing the frequency- or performance statistics did
not yield different results. Also, these interviewees
did not perceive differences in perceived privacy or
any violations of privacy if cases in the process map
could be linked to individuals.
The other two employees perceived a violation of
their privacy when it was possible to identify
individual cases. This privacy violation was only
perceived if the process map would be shown to
employees. Showing the process map including
traceability to individual cases to supervisors,
administrators or analysts did not lead to a perceived
privacy violation. According to these interviewees,
working with individual process data is considered
part of the job of these stakeholders. The activity
slider and path slider were considered suitable
methods to make the process map more privacy proof
as long as individual cases could not be logically
identified and traced back to individuals. Showing the
frequency statistics and performance statistics to all
stakeholders was not perceived as a violation of
privacy. The two supervisors agreed by stating that
privacy is not being violated when cases cannot be
traced back to individuals by employees.
Process Mining and Perceived Privacy Violations: A Pilot-Study
4.2 Statistics Interface
The statistics interface of Disco shows frequency
statistics and relative frequency statistics per variable
in the dataset. The two interviewees that did not
perceive any violations of their privacy at the process
map visualization also did not perceive privacy
violation when the statistics interface was shown to
stakeholders. Instead, perceived organizational
benefits such as fraud detection and increased
transparency were perceived. One of these two
employees did mention that when names of people
are included in the resource stream while this was not
pre-discussed in advance, this employee would
perceive a violation of privacy when the interface was
shown to employees.
The remaining two employees perceived a privacy
violation when the statistics interface was shown to
employees and contained an employee number,
declaration number, organizational entities and
declaration amounts. Especially in a small team the
interviewees expected that declaration amounts could
be traced back to individuals. According to the
interviewees this is undesirable, because it is unclear
where the information ends up and what the intention
is of people that share this information. The
interviewees expect that fellow colleagues are going
to form an opinion on the declarations, resulting in
gossip and rumor that the employees feel
uncomfortable with. The employees mentioned that
when managers, analysts and administrators see the
statistics interface with all its variables, privacy was
not being violated. Working with the data is
considered part of the job.
The two interviewed managers mentioned that
privacy of employees is being violated when sharing
declarations and amounts with employees if the data
can be traced back to an individual employee or user
ID. On the one hand it was mentioned that employees
could use this information for purposes other than the
process optimization, but on the other hand it was
mentioned that when working towards a more
transparent organization where teams want to
improve their own processes, then this information
must all be shared.
4.3 Cases Interface
The Cases interface of Disco shows all individual
attributes of the variables per process variant and per
case. At the Cases interface, more interviewees
perceived a violation of their privacy. Only one
respondent mentioned that showing individual cases
to all stakeholders was solely beneficial for
transparency reasons and detecting fraud. Also,
showing the cases visualization to all stakeholders
was perceived to accomplish a damping effect when
submitting a travel expense claim. The interviewee
considered this to be positive for the financial
situation of the organization. In addition, it was
expected that when people know that everyone could
see the data, then people would behave better and
more fairly.
The remaining employees felt that their privacy
was being violated when the variables and attributes
of individual cases was being shared with direct
colleagues (employees) and analysts. This mainly
goes for variables that are related to identify (resource
and organizational entity) and variables related to
declaration amount. The main arguments mentioned
for privacy violation were that having this
information is not part of their jobs and uncertainty
on the ethical behavior of colleagues.
The interviewed supervisors agreed with the
majority of the employees and mentioned that the
cases interface should only be accessible to managers
and administration. The main reason mentioned was
that insight on case level is needed to help to detect
fraud. Privacy is considered being violated when
analysts and employees see the individual cases and
their attributes. Especially when these stakeholders
see the resources and amount, individual privacy is
being violated.
The findings on whether each individual
interviewee perceived privacy violations (yes or no)
are summarized in table 2. In this table a distinction
has been made between the visualizations that were
shown to the interviewees.
Table 2: Perceived privacy violations per interviewee.
Interviewee Process map Statistics Cases
Employee 1 No No No
ee 2 No No Yes
ee 3 Yes Yes Yes
ee 4 Yes Yes Yes
Supervisor 1 Yes Yes Yes
Supervisor 2 Yes Yes Yes
4.4 Reducing the Privacy Risk
Various methods were suggested by the interviewees
to reduce the privacy risk of the process
visualizations. First, various employees and
supervisors suggested to include an authorization
table in the process mining tool. This is expected to
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
prevents undesired curiosity by stakeholders. In
addition, an authorization table is expected to help in
only showing travel expense claim information to
stakeholders that need information on case level to
execute their jobs. To improve transparency in the
organization and eliminate perceived privacy
violations, it was suggested by the supervisors to
communicate and discuss the goal and output
characteristics of the process mining visualization
with all process stakeholders. Objections to the
analyses and visualizations can be discussed in
advance. Validating the analysis with a privacy
officer to verify whether the analysis adheres to the
GDPR regulations and communicating about the
validation with all involved stakeholders is also
mentioned as an option to eliminate perceived privacy
violations. Pseudonymizing or anonymizing the data
in the statistics interface or cases interface was not
considered a suitable option by all interviewees to
eliminate perceived privacy violations. As the team in
which the employees and supervisors operate is
relatively small, the interviewees mentioned that it is
highly likely that pseudonymized or anonymized data
can be traced back to individuals. In addition,
pseudonymization and anonymization is expected to
make it harder for supervisors and administrators to
do their job and detect fraud.
The objective of this research was to identify and
evaluate perceived privacy with respect to different
abstraction levels from a stakeholder’s perspective.
The results show that there are differences in whether
individual stakeholders perceive privacy violations
when they are shown process models generated via
process mining techniques. Perceived privacy
violations vary between type of visualization, type of
technical privacy reducing method, change of
abstraction level and also between role of the
This research has practical relevance as it shows
the importance of addressing perceived privacy with
process mining stakeholders in organizations.
Identifying difference and similarities in how various
process mining stakeholders perceive privacy could
help organizations decide which privacy preserving
methods and techniques can and cannot be applied.
Communicating with these stakeholders on perceived
privacy and taking actions to reduce or prevent
privacy violations could benefit the adoption of
process mining in organizations. This research is
scientifically relevant as it is one of the first research
conducted on stakeholders perceive process mining in
organizations. Not all currently available techniques
to reduce the privacy risk are perceived by
stakeholders as techniques that actually reduce the
privacy risk. Suggestions given by the interviewees
to reduce the privacy risk were only a fraction of the
identified techniques in literature to reduce this risk.
To prevent developing techniques that are aimed at
reducing privacy risk but are not considered as such
by stakeholders in organizations, it is suggested to
keep validating privacy risk reducing techniques with
process mining stakeholders in organizations. This
validation can contribute to designing techniques to
reduce the privacy risk of process mining that are
valued by stakeholders in organizations. Also, the
PM2 process mining methodology of van Eck et al.
(2015) does not include privacy in relation to a
process mining projects. This research shows that
privacy is of importance when executing a process
mining project. Therefore it is suggested that future
research on process mining methodologies takes
privacy into account.
The main limitation of this research is the sample
size of 6 interviewees. Based on the rule of logic it is
possible to deduce knowledge on how various process
mining stakeholders perceive privacy. But more
research on perceived privacy related to process
mining is needed to justify and develop claims that
are generalizable to other processes, organisations,
stakeholders and process mining tools. Furthermore,
no validated questionnaire or list of interview
questions exist on perceived privacy violations in
relation to process mining. As a result, a list of
questions was developed based on the available
interfaces of Disco. This method has issues related to
construct validity. Future research should emphasize
on expanding the questionnaire to other tools and
contexts to gain more in-depth knowledge on
perceived privacy related to process mining.
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ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems