A User-Centered Approach to Analyze Public Service Apps Based on
Glauco V. Pedrosa
, John L. C. Gardenghi
, Pollyanna C. O. Dias
, Ludimila Felix,
Ariel V. L. Serafim, Lucas H. Horinouchi and Rejane M. da C. Figueiredo
University of Brasilia (UnB), Brasilia, Brazil
Data Mining, Machine Learning, Natural Processing Language, Human-Computer Interaction, User
User reviews often contain complaints or suggestions which are valuable for app developers to improve user
experience and satisfaction. In this paper, we introduce the Br-APPS (Brazilian Analytics of Public Posts in
App Stores), an automated framework for mining opinions from user reviews of mobile apps. The purpose of
Br-APPS is to assist developers by identifying the causes of negative user reviews in three levels of detail. As
it is not possible to accurately estimate the number of active users of the app, Br-APPS adopts two indicators
based on the number of issues reported by users and the number of app downloads. This approach allows
estimating the proportion of causes of complaints, so it is possible to prioritize the issues most complained
about. The performance of Br-APPS was evaluated on the gov.br app, which is the most accessed mobile
application in the Brazilian government. The use of Br-APPS made it possible to quickly identify the main
causes of user complaints and made it easier for developers to direct efforts to improve the app. Interviews
with stakeholders of the gov.br service reported that the technique proposed is a valuable asset to ensure that
government agencies can drive the creation of public services using a user-centered support technique.
Mobile applications have increasingly taken a leading
role in digital culture in the last years. Many
governments around the world are redesigning their
services to offer online public services and following
this direction, mobile applications have been widely
used in government domains as mobile devices are
portable and facilitate access to useful services via
the Internet. Advanced mobile devices, such as
smartphones, iPad and tablets with apps, provide
huge opportunities for public institutions to minimize
the digital divide between government and citizens.
The potential of mobile technologies for the public
sector is manifested empirically when we observe
the growing development of initiatives based on
this type of device (Matos et al., 2021). Many
government entities started to invest in projects to
mobilize their services through mobile applications,
as mobile services are ubiquitous and convenient in
nature (Sharma et al., 2018).
The development process of mobile applications
should take into consideration the complexities
associated with their usage and exploration. Thus,
developers should involve experienced users to
receive feedback and to keep these constructs in focus
while developing mobile applications for citizen-
centric services. App markets, such as Google Play,
display histograms of ratings and list text comments
by users. So, these reviews contain complaints or
suggestions which are valuable for app developers to
improve user experience and satisfaction. However,
while one could manually analyze these reviews, it
is extremely tedious due to the sheer quantity of
ratings and comments (Fu et al., 2013). Besides, user
reviews on mobile app stores are generally shorter
in length, and individual apps may have multiple
releases; therefore, reviews are often specific to a
particular version and vary over time (Phong et al.,
One way to increase the satisfaction of citizens
with public services offered via mobile application
is to identify their complaints reported in the app
Pedrosa, G., Gardenghi, J., Dias, P., Felix, L., Serafim, A., Horinouchi, L. and Figueiredo, R.
A User-Centered Approach to Analyze Public Service Apps Based on Reviews.
DOI: 10.5220/0011774100003467
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2023) - Volume 1, pages 453-459
ISBN: 978-989-758-648-4; ISSN: 2184-4992
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
stores. User-centered tools that make it possible to
know the failures and causes of complaints allow the
public administration to direct efforts to improve its
services. However, it is very common for users of
public services to complain about the service offered
and not about the application used to provide the
service. Therefore, one of the challenges of analyzing
comments from users of public services is to separate
the comments that are related to the app from those
related to the government. Besides that, it is also
important to estimate the proportion of causes of
dissatisfaction in order to prioritize utmost issues and
meet users’ expectations as quickly as possible.
In this paper, we introduce Br-APPS (Brazilian
Analytics of Public Posts in App Stores), which is
a framework for mining user opinions from user
reviews of mobile apps. The technique proposed
is different from other ones, mainly because it
explores the data using different indicators that allow
estimating the main causes of user complaints. These
new indicators are valuable for prioritizing the issues
most complained about by users, making it easier
for developers to prioritize efforts to improve the
app. Besides, Br-APPS is a multi-level framework
to identify and analyze user reviews in three levels
of detail: (a) the macro level shows the trending
causes of complaints as well as their proportions
using two metrics; (b) the meso level allows following
the evolution of the main causes over time; and (c) the
micro level helps to identify the set of reviews related
to the causes of complaints.
The proposed approach was evaluated in a real
case study with the gov.br app, which is the most
accessed public app of the Brazilian government, with
more than 13 million active users. The gov.br app
allows Brazilian citizens to access various documents
electronically, such as Driver’s License, Identification
number of the Brazilian citizen, Brazilian Civil
Document and documents for specific audiences,
such as military and civil aviation. The manual
analysis of all the reviews made by the users is
unfeasible due to the large volume of data; therefore,
the use of Br-APPS may contribute to decision-
making regarding improvements to the app.
This paper is structured as follows: Section 2
presents related works; Section 3 presents the steps
of the framework developed; Section 4 shows the
results obtained from an empirical experiment carried
out with real data of the gov.br app; and Section 5
presents our conclusions.
Previous research showed that user feedback contains
usage scenarios, bug reports and feature requests
that can help app developers to accomplish software
maintenance and evolution tasks. For example, the
work of (Chen et al., 2014) proposed ARMiner,
an approach to discover the most informative user
reviews using text analysis and machine learning
by filtering out non-informative reviews and topic
analysis. However, (Panichella et al., 2015) argue that
topic analysis techniques are useful to discover topics
treated in the review texts, but unable to reveal the
authors’ intentions (i.e. the writers’ goals) for reviews
containing specific topics.
The work of (Panichella et al., 2015) presented an
approach which uses Natural Language Processing,
Sentiment Analysis and Text Analysis to detect and
classify sentences in app user reviews that could
guide and help app developers in accomplishing
software maintenance and evolution tasks. The
classification is performed according to a taxonomy
of sentence categories deduced by analyzing reviews
and development emails. (Panichella et al., 2015)
empirically analyzed how the stability and fault-
proneness of APIs used by some free Android apps
relate to apps’ lack of success. (Minelli and Lanza,
2013) proposed to combine data extracted from the
app marketplace with source code to comprehend
apps in depth. The work of (Chia et al., 2012)
analyzed the relationship between permissions and
community ratings of some apps. (Pagano and
Maalej, 2013) conducted an exploratory study to
analyze the user reviews from Apple Store through
statistical analysis and frequent itemset mining. Also
using Apple Store, (Chandy and Gu, 2012) presented
a latent model to detect “bogus” user reviews.
(Iacob and Harrison, 2013) developed a prototype
named MARA that uses a list of linguistic rules to
automatically retrieve feature requests from online
user reviews.
To evaluate the users’ perceptions about an app, it
is necessary to obtain a reliable source of reviews that:
(i) is used by a large and dispersed group of users
(ii) contains information concerning the application
being analyzed and (iii) provides information that
discusses the problems encountered in the usability of
the application. Much work has focused on detecting
spam reviews (Li et al., 2011) (Mukherjee et al.,
2012) (Xie et al., 2012). These works focus on
detecting and removing fraudulent reviews to provide
a fairer marketplace. In our work, inconsistent review
detection can also help identify non-related reviews
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: Main steps of the proposed method to mine the user reviews on app stores.
(e.g. reviews related to the government) though our
major goal is to remove non-related comments of
the app in order to improve the performance of root
causes discovery. Besides, it is also important to
detect the inconsistencies between user comments
and ratings, identify the major reasons why users
dislike an app, and learn how users’ complaints
changed over time.
Our work also differs from the aforementioned
studies because we explore the data in the app stores
using other indicators to estimate the main issues
reported by users. The contribution of this work is
presented in the next section.
The proposed approach, called Br-APPS, aims to
mine user complaints from reviews on app stores
to assist developers in improving the app. Figure
1 shows the three steps of the method proposed
to identify and quantify the main causes of user
complaints. In the following, we will discuss these
three steps in detail.
3.1 Filtering App-Related Reviews
Reviews in mobile app stores may refer to many
different issues, sometimes application-related, some-
times service-related, and sometimes government-
related, especially in public service applications. This
brings a variety of subjects that could not contribute to
the evaluation of the quality of the mobile application
itself. Distinguishing these subjects can be a tricky
task. We propose a means of sorting the reviews,
aiming to focus on those whose main issue pointed
out is some mobile application feature.
Let R = {r
, r
, r
, ..., r
} be the set of n app
reviews, where each r
consists of three pieces of
information about the user feedback:
: the score of the review r
: the textual comment of the review r
: the date of the review r
The separation of government-related and non-
government-related reviews is given by a mapping
function φ : R R
. This function is a binary trained
classification-based model obtained by any machine
learning classifier, where each review r
is associated
with 0 if it is non-related to the app and 1 otherwise.
Thus, r
iff r
= 1.
To construct function φ, we use a SVM
classification algorithm. First, we manually build
a training set by classifying each comment as
application-related, service-related, or government-
related. Then, we apply the identification of user
complaints over the set of application-related reviews,
obtaining a new set of related reviews R
R. By
filtering non-related reviews, we can improve the
performance of discovering the root causes of users’
negative reviews.
3.2 Identifying the Causes of User
To identify meaningful root causes, we applied
the lda2vec technique (Moody, 2016), which is a
combination of the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA)
algorithm (Blei et al., 2003) and word2vec (Mikolov
et al., 2013). We applied lda2vec to the set of related
reviews R
to identify the cause-related topics.
Starting from a desired number of topics, lda2vec
classifies each review in a topic by analyzing the
occurrence of words that compose each topic. The
words are dynamically defined during the execution
of the method. lda2vec divides the set of reviews
into topic clusters, and each topic cluster contains
the extracted ranked top-N keywords. To meet the
lda2vec input requirements, we carried out two
Step 1: One part of the input to the lda2vec
model comes from the output of the LDA model,
i.e., keywords, the topic-word distribution matrix
and the review weights. To determine the optimal
A User-Centered Approach to Analyze Public Service Apps Based on Reviews
number of topics, we performed a fast manual
verification using the pyLDAvis visualization
Step 2: Another part of the input to the lda2vec
model comes from the output of the word2vec
model. After the process described above, we
chose word vectors of the selecting keywords in
the vocabulary as the other part of the input to the
lda2vec model.
Every topic is described as a set of words related to
its context. Every word contains a weight, in the form
of probability values, that tells the importance of the
word for the topic.
However, the absolute total number of reviews
classified into each topic does not bring enough
practical information. In this context, we propose two
measures to identify the main topics and estimate the
relevance of each cause.
3.3 Estimating the Relevance of Each
We applied two measures to estimate the relevance of
each problem-related topic: Problems Per Thousand
Installations (PPTI) and Problems Per Thousand
Daily Active Users (PPTAU). Both measures only
consider the negative reviews, that is, those whose
score is one or two.
Formally, PPTI is given by:
× 1000 (1)
where R is the total of daily negative reviews
(eventually related to some problem) and I is the
total number of daily installations of the app. The
PPTI measure will give a timeless overview of all
issues reported by app users. To obtain more specific
temporal details of a given problem, PPTAU can be
PPTAU is given by:
× 1000 (2)
where R is the total of daily negative reviews and
U is the total number of daily active users in the
app. On the one hand, in this way, we can check if
user complaints have evolved, as have installations
and active users on the app. On the other hand,
we have a relative measure between complaints and
installation/use of the app.
We conducted an empirical experiment to evaluate
if the approach proposed could reduce developers’
efforts in real-life situations. Br-APPS was evaluated
on a real case: the analysis of comments from
users of the gov.br app, which is the most accessed
app in the Brazilian government. It has been
downloaded by more than 22 million users, which
continues at an increasing rate. Between 2021 and
2022, many of its users reported difficulties due to
problems in the app or even low digital literacy. User
complaints are recurrent and abundant in the app
stores, which makes it hard to perform a manual
analysis and practically impossible to transform the
user’s issues into information for decision-making
regarding improvements to the app.
Our goal is to evaluate if the Br-APPS can assist
stakeholders of gov.br to improve the app complying
with the users’ issues reported in their reviews on the
app stores.
4.1 Data Collection and Processing
We used an open-source crawler to continuously
obtain the most recent reviews of the gov.br app.
We crawled 44,500 reviews on Google Play from
November 4, 2020 to August 30, 2022. Each review
crawled contains a title, a long text description of its
content, the time of creation, the reviewer ID, and its
associated rating.
Before identifying the causes of user complaints,
we applied standard filters in the set of reviews:
Tokenization:First, all reviews were tokenized.
This is a process in which a stream of text is
broken into words, phrases or other meaningful
units. This process was done with a simple python
NLTK library. Punctuations were removed from
the sentences, then the text stream was split up
by whitespace characters. Other non-word and
non-number characters were also removed from
the tokenized dataset.
Stopwords removal. Stopwords are common
words that do not have semantic relevance to the
context analyzed. These are usually prepositions
and articles.
Lemmatization. This consists of transforming
words into a basictheir base form, called lemma.
For instance, words am, is, are would bewere
reduced to the lemma be.
Figure 2 shows the overview of the app reviews
collected in the period considered, as well as the
increase in the total number of evaluations over
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 2: Total monthly reviews per score.
Power BI Desktop
Total reviews per problem
2020 2021 2022
Access to app account
Facial recognition
Open app
Figure 3: Total monthly reviews per problem.
time. Although negative reviews are the minority
of the evaluations, understanding their root is very
important for the continuous improvement of the
service offered. In 2020-2021, the app had an average
of 3 million users per month. Today, it has an
average of 17 million users. Despite a large number
of negative comments, the store rating is stable.
4.2 Obtained Results
From the data provided by Br-APPS, we built 4
graphs to visualize the results obtained. These graphs
are represented in Figures 3, 4, 5 and 6. In the
following, we will discuss the information extracted
from these graphs.
We identified problems in five main aspects
reported by users of the gov.br app: (i) initialization;
(ii) slowness; (iii) login; (iv) facial recognition and
(iv) generic causes. Figure 3 shows the distribution
of these problems per month at the meso level. In
2020, a version of the app was released with face
recognition authentication. Many users installed the
app, but faced trouble in the account creation process,
which lead them to leave negative comments about
the app. Subsequently, the app was completely
overhauled to provide a better user experience. The
number of negative comments began to decrease, and
the comments stabilized, as shown in Figures 4 and 5.
At the micro level, Figures 4 and 5 show the
PPTI and PPTDAU measures per month in the period
considered. Both measures decreased in this period
even with the increased number of reviews. This
shows that the relative satisfaction of the app users
has grown over time. Analyzing the results, we were
also able to identify some instabilities in the app,
which stakeholders attributed to an unusual number
of people accessing the app. In February 2022, the
period for filing the Brazilian Tax Income Declaration
began. Citizens can use a pre-filled declaration when
they have a gold or silver gov.br account. The
requirement for gold and silver accounts enhanced
the number of active users of the platform and app
installs. Also since February 2022, many users
attempted to access the System on Receivable Values,
which also requires a gold or silver gov.br account.
This is a service from the Brazilian Central Bank
where one can check if they have some forgotten
or unexpected money in a bank or other financial
institution and, if so, redeem that amount.
Finally, Figure 6 illustrates the distribution of
negative reviews at the macro level in five aspects.
4.3 Perceptual Evaluation
We interviewed eight stakeholders of the gov.br app to
evaluate their perception of Br-APPS. The interviews
were carried out using a questionnaire with the
following agree/disagree survey questions:
Q1: Br-APPS was able to detect the main factors
of user dissatisfaction with the app
Q2: Br-APPS made it possible to identify details
of the causes of user dissatisfaction with the app
Q3: Br-APPS helped the team responsible for the
A User-Centered Approach to Analyze Public Service Apps Based on Reviews
Power BI Desktop
2020 2021 2022
Access to app account
Facial recognition
Open app
Figure 4: Total number of Problems Per Thousand Active Users (PPTAU) per month.
Power BI Desktop
2020 2021 2022
Access to app account
Facial recognition
Open app
Figure 5: Total number of Problems Per Thousand Installations (PPTI) per month.
Figure 6: Total reviews per problem.
app to direct efforts to improve the app
Q4: Br-APPS was able to provide input on
reasons for installing and uninstalling the app
Q5: Br-APPS was able to present the most and
least accessed features of the app
Each interviewee should answer each question using
the Likert-5 scale: totally agree (5), partially agree
(4), neutral (3), partially disagree (2) and totally
disagree (1).
Table 1 shows the questions and the average score
obtained with the responses. According to the results,
we observed that using Br-APPS can contribute to
assisting the developers to map the issues reported
by users while providing a reliable way to search
for the most relevant ones. In their opinion, Br-
APPS managed to save them time and effort in
discovering and understanding users’ opinions but
failed to discover more detailed semantic meanings
of user’ reviews. Unfortunately, this drawback is not
related to Br-APPS functionality, as it is not always
Table 1: Average score obtained for each question.
Question Average Score
Q1 4.250
Q2 3.875
Q3 4.125
Q4 4.000
Q5 3.625
possible to get details of user complaints due to the
short texts they provide in the app stores.
In this paper, we presented a text mining based
approach to identify and estimate the main causes
of user complaints from app store reviews. The
method proposed, called Br-APPS, allows to evaluate
the main topics of user complaints in three levels of
detail and, thus, help developers to improve usability
issues and user experience design. Br-APPS can offer
important insights that benefit end users, developers
and potentially the entire mobile app ecosystem.
More specifically, we provide data that allow people
to easily absorb the information contained in a large
set of text reviews and numerical ratings by offering
multiple forms of summarization.
The main contribution of Br-APPS is two
indicators based on the number of daily installations
of the app and daily active users in the app. Thus,
it is possible to have a timeless overview of all the
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
issues reported by the app user while checking if user
complaints have evolved. These two new metrics play
a crucial role in providing a dynamic view of how
users’ opinions evolve, therefore discovering event-
driven trends and life spans of different versions.
The findings obtained by Br-APPS allowed its
stakeholders to direct their development efforts
towards the main issues reported by users. Br-
APPS was able to save them time and effort in
discovering and understanding users’ opinions so that
governments could harness the potential of digital
technology and data to improve outcomes for all.
This work has been supported by Minist
erio da
Economia (ME) - Secretaria de Governo Digital
(SGD) Transformac¸
ao Digital de Servic¸os P
do Governo Brasileiro.
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A User-Centered Approach to Analyze Public Service Apps Based on Reviews