Trace-Based Authentication Biometric for On-Line Education
Fatma Derbel Bouattour and Pierre-Antoine Champin
e de Lyon, CNRS Universit
e Lyon 1, LIRIS, UMR5205, F-69622, France
Authentication, Biometric, Keystroke Dynamics, Mouse Dynamics, m-Traces, e-Learning
In this paper, we present a continuous behavioral authentication system for Web applications and in particular
for on-line education applications. Our system implement two behavioral biometric modalities, keystroke
dynamics and mouse dynamics, with m-traces concepts. We describe our trace based authentication approach
as well as the experiments we have conducted.
On-line educational engineering is facing numerous
challenges and issues linked to teaching courses and
knowledge transmission, this evolution is encounter-
ing much unwillingness when granting and recogniz-
ing diplomas or qualifications. In fact, many organi-
zations don’t give equivalent credits for qualifications
obtained on-line compared to those obtained in situ
in a school or a learning center. One of the main ar-
guments for this lack of trust in remote learning pro-
grams is the fact that users may share authentication
credentials in order to cheat and obtain the certifica-
tion. So for organizations that use these platforms to
award qualifications, the question of the authentica-
tion’s reliability is crucial because it guarantees the
credibility of the delivered certificates.
This paper focuses on the issue of learners authen-
tication in Web-based e-learning platforms. Authen-
tication is the process of confirming a user’s iden-
tity, usually before giving them access to resources
or services in a secure environment. Many user au-
thentication approaches have been proposed in the
literature, and they can be divided into three cate-
gories (O’Gorman, 2003): knowledge-based authen-
tication, object-based authentication and biometric
authentication.The biometrics authentication methods
are divided into two categories: physiological biomet-
rics (face, fingerprint,..) and behavioral biometrics
(keystroke dynamics, mouse dynamics,..) (Matyas
and Riha, 2003).
Biometric authentication has several advantages
over knowledge-based and object-based authentica-
tion because biometrics cannot be forgotten, stolen,
or misplaced. Additionally, behavioral biometric au-
thentication methods are less obtrusive than other bio-
metric methods and do not require special hardware in
order to capture the necessary biometric data.
Authentication methods are also divided into
static and continuous methods. A static authentication
system authenticates the user only once, when they
open their session, so it can not detect any change of
identity during a session. On the other hand, a contin-
uous authentication system verifies the user’s authen-
ticity during the whole session. There are many ways
to implement continuous authentication systems, but
behavioral biometrics seems a good choice due to
the unobtrusive data collection that it allows. While
keystroke dynamics (KD) and mouse dynamics (MD)
are commonly used for this purpose (see Section 2
for more details on these two modalities), we argue
that complementing them with other behavioral in-
dicators can help improve the robustness of continu-
ous authentication systems. Of course, this requires a
data model that is versatile enough to capture multiple
facets of the user’s activity, such as the m-trace meta-
model proposed by (Mille et al., 2013) (described in
more details in Section 3.1).
In this paper, we present a continuous authenti-
cation system based on behavioral data implemented
with m-trace, which we have designed for for the con-
text of e-learning Web applications. This paper de-
scribes the following contributions:
- We propose a general architecture of an authen-
tication system based on interaction traces.
- We describe how biometric behavior modalities
can be implemented in our authentication system and
integrated it in an e-learning platform in order to con-
tinuously and dynamically authenticate learners.
- We compare the proposed system with state-of-
Bouattour, F. and Champin, P.
Trace-Based Authentication Biometric for On-Line Education.
DOI: 10.5220/0011776200003470
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2023) - Volume 1, pages 154-161
ISBN: 978-989-758-641-5; ISSN: 2184-5026
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
the-art authentication approaches in the context of e-
learning platforms.
The remainder of this paper will be as follows.
In the next section, we present a state of the art of
authentication systems implementing KD and MD in
e-learning platform. In the Section 3, we describe
the methodology followed in our research. In Sec-
tion 4, we describe the operation of each component
of our authentication system for both the KD and
MD modalities. Experimental results are described
and analyzed in Section 5. Finally, we conclude and
present some further developments of this research.
Continuous Behavioral Biometric Authentication
Systems Using KD and MD. In this section, we
present the state of the art in continuous behavioral
biometric authentication systems , more specifically
on those based on the KD and MD modalities.
The motivation behind the use of these behavioral
biometric data is that they do not require any addi-
tional hardware for data capture. In addition, they can
be collected without interrupting the user’s activity.
Most researches on this topic report performances
in terms of False Acceptance Rate (FAR), False
Recognition Rate (FRR), and sometimes Equal Er-
ror Rate (EER) (Ahmed and Traore, 2005; Pusara,
2007; Bailey et al., 2014). FAR and FRR are defined
as percentages; FAR represents the chances that an
impostor is accepted by the system, while FRR rep-
resents the chances that a genuine user is rejected by
the system. The EER is the value where FAR and
FRR are equal. Other researches (Mondal and Bours,
2017) have used different indicators for measuring au-
thentication performance: they focus on the number
of actions that impostors and genuine users, respec-
tively, can perform before being rejected or terminat-
ing the session. The Average Number of Impostor
Actions (ANIA) should therefore be as low as possi-
ble, while the Average Number of Genuine Actions
(ANGA) should be as high as possible.
Researches on continuous authentication using
KD was started by (Shepherd, 1995). They authenti-
cate users by analyzing the way they type on a key-
board (Bergadano et al., 2002). Some approaches
require the user to type a fixed text (Kolakowska,
2011) while others can work on free text (Kang and
Cho, 2015). Most existing researches on KD use the
time between two successive keys as features (Ara
et al., 2004), although some researches also con-
sider n-graph durations (Davoudi and Kabir, 2010).
For classifying users, many researches compare fea-
ture vectors using various distance measures (Bours,
2012), or other measures of how their order dif-
fer (Kolakowska, 2011). Others use machine learning
techniques, such as nearest neighbor classifiers (Kang
and Cho, 2015) and neural networks (Ahmed and
Traore, 2014). Another approach for continuous au-
thentication, based on a trust model, has been pro-
posed by (Bours and Mondal, 2015). The confidence
in the user’s authenticity is represented by a trust
value, which is revised for each action by compar-
ing it to the user profile, and applying a penalty-and-
reward function.
Despite a few works using MD for continuous au-
thentication (Shen et al., 2013), this kind of biomet-
ric data has not been used as much as KD. (Gamboa
and Fred, 2004) propose an authentication system that
collects mouse move actions from a Web interface.
Ahmed and Traore (Ahmed and Traore, 2007) use ar-
tificial neural networks to model the users’ behavioral
characteristics from the captured data.
Mondal and Bours (Mondal and Bours, 2013) use
the trust model presented above to propose a contin-
uous authentication system based on MD behavioral
Several researches have used a combination of
KD and MD in a continuous authentication sys-
tem (Ahmed and Traore, 2005; Pusara, 2007; Bai-
ley et al., 2014). Indeed, since only one biometric
modality is often insufficient to robustly verify the
user’s identity, a combination of multiple modalities
can increase the performance of the authentication
system (Ross and Jain, 2003).
Biometric Authentication System in e-Learning.
In this section, we present an overview of most rel-
evant published works on the usage of biometric au-
thentication in eLearning systems. Many of this au-
thentication methods can be applied in e-Learning
systems in order to prevent impostors from accessing
teaching resources (Belashenkova et al., 2015).
(Agulla et al., 2008) presents a biometric authen-
tication system based on face recognition in the form
of a web application. This application can be eas-
ily integrated into LMS, and allows the use of facial
recognition during access control, tracking and as-
sessment. (Fayyoumi and Zarrad, 2014) developed
also an authentication system for on-line exams using
face recognition. Facial authentication is generally a
reliable method for identification, but the variation of
the qualities of web-cams in addition to the lighting
conditions in the learners’ environment do not always
allow an image of sufficient quality to authenticate
(Rabuzin et al., 2006) recommended the system of
Trace-Based Authentication Biometric for On-Line Education
multi-biometric methods. The authors argued that au-
thentication based on a single biometric method could
cause security risks. Another multi-biometric authen-
tication system for eLearning systems was introduced
by (Traor
e et al., 2017). (Asha and Chellappan, 2008)
suggested to combine MD and fingerprint recogni-
tion using a mouse with an inbuilt fingerprint sensor.
e et al., 2017) proposed a framework combines
keystroke mouse and face biometric for continuous
Further approaches for continuous multi-
biometric authentication in eLearning systems have
been presented in cite (Hernandez-Ortega et al.,
2019). Others researchers recommended a combina-
tion of biometric technologies analysing face, voice,
mouse and keystroke dynamics (Jagadamba et al.,
(Flior and Kowalski, 2010) suggested to employ
continuous authentication based on KD for written
exams. (Morales and Fierrez, 2015) employ KD to
authenticate learner during a real on-line exam, test-
ing their system with 64 subjects. (Ramu and Arivoli,
2013) propose an authentication system to improve
on-line examination by utilizing KD and knowledge
based authentication. In this system exam participant
are authenticated only statically at login time. (Pl-
eva et al., 2016) demonstrate that using keystroke and
mouse dynamics is one of the best choices for contin-
uously authentication in current e learning systems.
(Maas et al., 2014) present the Signature Track au-
thentication process used in the e-learning platform
Coursera. The process uses two biometric authentica-
tion approaches, face recognition and KD. the Cours-
era platform asks the learner to provide a photo with
web-cam of his or her face as well as a photo of a
government-issued ID document, and to establish a
keystroke biometric profile by typing a short phrase.
But this method of authentication is not continuous
since it authenticates the learners at the end of a
course or exercise. In addition it is invasive since it
interrupts the learning activity to perform the authen-
tication process.
3.1 The m-Trace Meta-Model
In order to take into account multiple behavior modal-
ities, we need a flexible model to capture the interac-
tions of the user with the system. We propose to use
the meta-model defined by (Mille et al., 2013), as it
provides the desired flexibility.
The central notion of the meta model is that of
m-trace (short for ”modeled trace”), which is a se-
quence of records representing the actions performed
by a user of a system. Each such record is called an
obsel (short for ”observed element”), and is described
by a type, a set of attributes, and two timestamps (be-
gin and end, delimiting the time interval in which the
obsel occurred
). Each m-trace is associated with a
trace model which specifies the obsel types that trace
may contain, as well as the attributes obsels of each
type can have. The trace model allows to elicit the
structure and the underlying semantics of the m-trace.
M-traces are stored and processed in a system called
a Trace-Base Management System (TBMS). TBMSs
contain two kinds of m-traces: primary traces con-
tain the obsels collected directly from the applica-
tions; transformed traces, on the other hand, are
computed by processing the obsels of one or several
source traces (which can be either primary or trans-
formed). Transformations are typically used to ”lift”
the description of the activity from a low-level trace
model (focusing on atomic interactions) to a higher-
level one (describing more abstract actions and tasks).
The system presented in this paper uses kTBS
a reference TBMS implementation providing a num-
ber of useful transformation operators, from simple
filters to more complex rewriting methods, based on
the SPARQL query language (Harris and Seaborne,
2013) or finite state automata (FSA).
3.2 System Architecture
We describe in this section the architecture of our bio-
metric authentication system based on m-traces.
Users’ interactions with the platform are collected
by the collection system Tracing You
, a simple
script that can be added to any Web application, and
configured to collect a wide range of events inside that
application. Those events are then sent as obsels to
kTBS, which stores them in a primary trace (Cordier
et al., 2015).
These events must then be processed by the Data
Analysis Module to calculate the biometric features
and measures for each modality. The data analy-
sis module converts the collected atomic events into
higher-level obsels describing user actions. This
module is divided in sub-modules, each one handling
a specific modality. For the moment, a sub-module for
KD and another one for MD are implemented (which
will be described in detail in Section 4). They use a set
It is still possible for an obsel to have the same begin
and end, when it represents an instantaneous event.
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
of FSA, SPARQL and fusion transformations. FSA
transformations are used to detect sequences of obsels
matching a given pattern, and produce a new obsel
for each occurrence of that pattern. SPARQL trans-
formation use the SPARQL query language (Harris
and Seaborne, 2013) to detect more complex arrange-
ments of obsels, and compute new attributes. Fusion
transformations merge the content of several sources
into a single m-trace. The features computed by
the Data Analysis Module are stored in transformed
traces, which will then be used by the Behavior Trac-
ing Module to build the profile trace, and by the Sig-
nature Creation Module to build the signature trace.
The profile trace is a transformed trace that de-
scribe the learning behavior resulting from different
authentication methods (in this article biometric be-
havior). The signature trace is also a transformed
trace that contains unique features and statistics ex-
tracted from actions after enough occurrences of each
type of action have been observed (the threshold is
currently set to 5). Finally, the Identity Decision
Module will compare an profile trace with the sig-
nature trace with the signature trace generated from
previous (trusted) actions, in order to authenticate the
4.1 Data Collection Module
For KD, we use to capture each key press and key
release events captured by the Tracing You module.
We therefore define the following obsel types for the
primary trace:
- K Press (key press): this type of obsel describes
the press of a given key from the keyboard. It contains
the following attributes: the character corresponding
to the key pressed, if any (character), the numeric
code for that key (keycode) and the time of the event
in milliseconds (begin and end are equal, as obsels of
this type are always instantaneous).
-K Release (key release): this type of obsel de-
scribes the release of a given key from the keyboard.
It contains the same attributes as type K Press.
For MD, there are three types of events we need
to collect, captured by the following obsel types:
-M Move (mouse move): this obsel type describes
a point traversed by the mouse pointer while it is mov-
ing. It contains the following attributes: the screen
coordinates of the cursor (posX, posY), and the time
of the event (begin and end are equal).
-M BPress (mouse button press): this obsel type
describes the press of a mouse button. It contains
the following attributes: the name of the button be-
ing pressed (TypeButton), the position of the mouse
pointer (posX, posY), and the time of the event (begin
and end are equal).
-M BRelease (mouse button release): this obsel
type is similar to the previous one, but it describes
the release of a mouse button.
4.2 Data Analysis Module
The collected data must then be processed by the Data
Analysis Module to calculate the biometric features
for each modality KD and MD. This module is di-
vided in sub-modules, a sub-module for KD and an-
other one for MD. They use a set of finite state au-
tomate (FSA), SPARQL and fusion transformations.
FSA transformations are used to detect sequences of
obsels matching a given pattern, and produce a new
obsel for each occurrence of that pattern.
For KD, various features can be extracted from the
raw data. We use in this research the most commonly
used in the literature (Zhong et al., 2012): the hold
time of a key (PR), the time between the release of
a key and the press of the next one (RP), the elapsed
time between two consecutive key releases (RR), and
the elapsed time between two consecutive key presses
(PP). We apply an FSA transformation to calculate
these features from the obsels of the primary trace
described above. The result of this transformation is
a transformed trace that contains the following obsel
-K-PR (key press-release): this obsel type has
the same attributes as K Press above, but its begin
timestamp corresponds to the key press, while its end
timestamp corresponds to its release.
- K-PP (keys press-press): this obsel type contains
the following attributes: the characters corresponding
to the first key pressed (charSource) and the next one
(charDestination), the numeric key code of the first
key pressed (keySource) and the second one (keyDes-
tination); its begin timestamp corresponds to the first
key press, while its end timestamp corresponds to the
second one.
- K-RR (keys release-release) and K-RP (keys
release-press): these types of obsel are similar to the
previous one, but capture the release time of first key
in begin and the release (resp. press) of the second
one in end.
For MD, we use four types of actions defined in
the literature (Mondal and Bours, 2013): move, drag-
and-drop, single click and double click.
As with KD, we apply an FSA transformation to
calculate these features from the three kinds of obsels
in the primary trace. The result of this transformation
Trace-Based Authentication Biometric for On-Line Education
is a Transformed trace that contains the following ob-
sel types:
- M-BPR (mouse button press-release): this obsel
type describes a single click. Its obsels are produced
whenever a mouse button is pressed and released in
less than a given time (currently set to 2000ms). They
have the following attributes: the name of the button
being clicked (TypeButton), the position of the click
in the screen (xSource, ySource), its begin timestamp
corresponds to the button press, while its end times-
tamp corresponds to its release.
- M-BDC (mouse button double click): this obsel
type describes a double click. Its obsels are produced
whenever two clicks are separated by less than a given
time (currently set to 1000ms). The have the same
attributes as M-BPR above, but their begin timestamp
corresponds to the first press, while its end timestamp
corresponds to the second release.
- M-MS (mouse move sequence): this obsel
type describes continuous movements of the mouse
pointer. Its obsels are produced by sequences of M-
Move obsels with less than 250ms between them.
A combination of four transformations (FSA and
SPARQL) is used to compute the following attributes:
the time when the movement began (begin) and ended
(end), the position where the cursor started (xSource,
ySource) and finished (xDestination, yDestination),
the straight-line distance between those two points
(traveledDistance), the length of the pointer move-
ment (curveLength), the average speed (curveSpeed),
and the overall direction of the movement between 8
possible directions (direction).
- M-DD (mouse drag and drop): this obsel type
represents a movement of the mouse pointer started
when pressing a button, and ended when the button is
released. It has the same attributes as both M-MS and
4.3 Behavior Tracing Module
The result of the behavior tracing module is a trans-
formed trace called the profile trace that contains ac-
tion information for each of the KD and MD modali-
ties. This trace allows to describe the behavior of the
user: their way of typing on the keyboard and their
way moving the mouse pointer. The profile trace then
contains these types of obsels (K-PR, K-PP, K-RR, K-
4.4 Signature Creation Module
A signature in our authentication system is a trans-
formed trace that contains unique features extracted
from each user action after it enough times (the rep-
etition number is set to 5 in this study). Our authen-
tication system builds a signature trace for each au-
thentication modality.
The signature trace for KD is produced by a
SPARQL transformation computing aggregated infor-
mation from the profile trace, resulting in the follow-
ing obsel types:
- K-SPR: an obsel of this type is created for each
key, aggregating a set of trusted K-PR obsels on that
key. It has the following attributes: the number of
repetitions of the action, and the mean and standard
deviation of their durations (end begin).
- K-SRR: an obsel of this type is created for each
pair of successive keys, aggregating a set of trusted
K-RR obsels on that key pair. It has the following
attributes: the number of repetitions of the action, and
the mean and standard deviation of their durations.
- K-SPP, K-SRP: these obsel types are similar to
K-SRR above, but aggregating K-PP and K-RP, re-
As for KD, the signature trace for MD is produced
by a SPARQL transformation computing aggregated
information from the profile trace, resulting in the fol-
lowing obsel types:
- M-SBPR and M-SBDC: an obsel of each of these
types is created, aggregating a set of trusted M-BPR
and M-BDC obsels, respectively. It has the following
attributes: the number of repetitions of the action, and
the mean and standard deviation of their durations.
- M-SMS and M-SDD: an obsel of each of these
types is created for each direction, grouping a set of
trusted M-MS and M-DD obsels, respectively. It has
the following attributes: the number of repetitions
of the action, and the mean and standard deviation
of their durations, traveled distance, curved length,
speed and acceleration.
4.5 Identity Decision Module
As in other biometric systems, we need to determine
the distance between the signature trace and the new
input (each action in the profile trace in our system).
We use in our system a scaled Manhattan distance.
For KD obsels (and click-related MD obsels), we
compare each action obsel to the signature obsel of
the corresponding type, and related to the same pair
of keys (or same button). The action obsel has a
duration (end begin), and the signature obsel con-
tains the mean m and standard deviation sd of the time
in genuine actions. The distance of the action to the
user’s signature is therefore defined as:
D =
|m duration|
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
For move-related MD obsels, action obsels contain a
number of attributes value
(acceleration, speed, trav-
eled distance), and signature obsels contain the mean
and standard deviation sd
for each of those at-
tributes. The distance between them is therefore de-
fined as:
D =
Once the system has determined the distance D be-
tween the current action and the signature, then this
value must be used to update a trust value, in a way
that is freely inspired by the the trust model used
in (Mondal and Bours, 2017). The penalty and reward
function used to calculate the trust is the following:
Trust =
0, initially
Trust + D
D if D D
Trust if D > D
The confidence value starts at zero (no opinion
about the authenticity of the user). Then it will in-
crease (positive opinion) or decrease (negative opin-
ion) based on the distance of each action. More
precisely, a small distance (smaller than a threshold
) will reward the user by increasing the trust,
while a higher distance will penalize them, decreas-
ing the trust. Very high distances (higher than D
are considered as irrelevant outliers, and therefore do
not impact the trust.
In this section we describe the results of an experi-
ment we have conducted to assess the performances
of our system. The experiment was conducted with
23 office colleagues. The participants were asked
to play a Web-based puzzle game, requiring them to
drag and drop images across a page, and to type a
given text. This application can collect a primary m-
trace complying with the trace models described in
Sections 4.1. The experiment was divided into two
phases. In the enrollment phase, the collected data
was used to build the user’s signature trace. In the au-
thentication phase, the users were asked to replay the
same game and the collected data was used to calcu-
late the trust value for each action. Then, to simulate
impostor behaviors, we re-used each user’s second
trace with each other user’s signature. This provided
us with 23 cases of genuine user, and 23 × 22 = 506
cases of impostor.
The evolution of trust for typical genuine user is
a quick increase of value during the first action, after
Table 1: Influence of D
on FAR and FRR pour.
1 1.2 1.5
FAR 0% 0% 4.34%
FRR 100% 49.4% 0%
which the trust stays well above zero. On the other
hand, for most simulated impostors, the trust continu-
ously decreases, therefore remaining below zero.
We consider that a user is genuine if their final
trust (after all actions) is positive, and that they are an
impostor if their final trust is negative.
To evaluate our algorithm, we start by empirically
determining D
and D
To determine the value of D
, we studied the
distribution for each user of the distances of all ac-
tions to their respective signature. We noticed a sig-
nificant similarity in the distributions, with values
varying between 0 and 54. We noticed then the value
17 represents the 90th percentile of our whole dataset.
We therefore decided to set D
= 17.
To determine the value of D
, we computed
the trust of all genuine users and impostors with three
different D
(1, 1.2, 1.5), in order to compute
the FAR and FRR. The results are given in Table 1.
Our priority being to avoid rejecting genuine users
(low FRR), we focus on D
= 1.5. However, we
also used Table 1 to compute the EER of our method,
as some related works only provide the EER. The
ERR value of our authentication method is 4.016%.
With D
= 1.5, our system correctly rec-
ognized all 23 genuine users, giving a False Reject
Rate (FRR) of 0%. It wrongly considered as genuine
22 impostors out of 506, giving a False Acceptance
Rate (FAR) of 4.34% and a Equal Error Rate (ERR)
of 4.016%. These results are among the best results
comparing with other works combining KD and MD,
as can be seen in the table 2. We did not compute the
ANIA and ANGA indicators (described in Section 2)
because they do not apply to our context where pre-
sumed impostors are never blocked (as explained in
the previous section).
In this paper, we have presented a continuous behav-
ioral authentication system based on KD and MD. An
experiment conducted on 23 users showed that the
performances of our system are comparable to sim-
ilar works from the literature. We have answered
the research questions stated in our introduction by
demonstrating that: the keyboard and mouse events
collected by a Web browser are sufficient to authen-
Trace-Based Authentication Biometric for On-Line Education
Table 2: Performances of authentication system mixing KD
and MD (N is the number of participants).
FAR (%)
FRR (%)
ERR (%)
(Ahmed and Traore, 2005) 0.65 1.31 22
(Pusara, 2007) 14.47 1.78 61
(Bailey et al., 2014) 2.24 2.10 31
(Pleva et al., 2016) 4.5 50
(Morales and Fierrez, 2015) 6.07 64
(Jagadamba et al., 2020)
Our approach 4.34 0.00 4.16 23
ticate users with reasonable performances (compared
to similar related works); and that the m-trace meta-
model (Mille et al., 2013) can be used to implement a
continuous behavioral authentication system.
This opens a number of interesting perspectives
for future works. First, the architecture of our sys-
tem is naturally extensible to other behavioral data,
thanks to the genericity of the m-trace meta-model.
In the domain of e-learning, specifications such as
SCORM (Bohl et al., 2002) and xAPI (ADL, 2013)
provide standard ways for learning activities to ex-
pose traces of the user’s activity. We are currently
considering using these traces as a source of high-
level behavioral data which could complement the
lower-level KD and MD data in the authentication
process. This is all the more important that KD and
MD data are probably very sensitive
to hardware
changes (such as people switching from an external
mouse to a touchpad), while higher-level behaviors
may be more robust.
Second, even without considering hardware
changes, we expect that the KD and MD of a given
user will evolve over time (as the user gets used to
a given keyboard, or simply improves their typing
skills, for example). In order to improve our sys-
tem into a truly dynamic authentication system, we
need to update the user’s signature with the most re-
cent trusted profile traces. In the future, we will study
the design of such update mechanisms. The challenge
is, of course, to prevent an impostor’s profile trace to
pollute the updated signature.
Finally, and related to the previous point, we
would like to refine the decision criteria used to dis-
criminate genuine users from impostors. Although
the current approach (using the sign of the final trust)
gives good results, observing in more detail how the
trust evolves over time raises interesting questions.
For example, Figure 1 represents the evolution of trust
To the best of our knowledge, there has been no work
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Trace-Based Authentication Biometric for On-Line Education