On the Automatic Generation of Knowledge Connections
Felipe Poggi A. Fraga
1 a
, Marcus Poggi
1 b
, Marco A. Casanova
1 c
and Luiz Andr
e P. Paes Leme
2 d
Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro RJ, Brazil
Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niter
oi RJ, Brazil
Personal Knowledge Management, Natural Language Processing, Semantic Similarity, Concept Extraction,
Text Relatedness, Connections Generation, Note-Taking Apps, Bi-Directional Hyperlinks.
Recently, the topic of Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) has seen a surge in popularity. This is illustrated
by the accelerated growth of apps such as Notion, Obsidian, and Roam Research, as well as the appearance of
books like “How to Take Smart Notes” and “Building a Second Brain. However, the area of PKM has not
seen much integration with Natural Language Processing (NLP). This opens up an interesting opportunity to
apply NLP techniques to operating with knowledge. This paper proposes a methodology that uses NLP and
networked note-taking apps to transform a siloed text collection into an interconnected and inter-navigable text
collection. The navigation mechanisms are based on shared concepts and semantic relatedness between texts.
The paper proposes a methodology, presents demonstrations using examples, and describes an evaluation to
determine if the system functions correctly and whether the proposed connections are coherent.
The recent surge in popularity of the Personal Knowl-
edge Management (PKM) field has led to a myriad
of new note-taking tools being released since 2016.
These innovative tools provide the general public with
brand-new functionalities to operate with knowledge
that were not previously available, an example being
bidirectional hyperlinks.
Even though advancements in note-taking tools are
happening simultaneously with the accelerated devel-
opment of Natural Language Processing (NLP), as of
today, these two fields still interact in a very superfi-
cial way. This presents an opportunity to combine the
fields of PKM and NLP, by enhancing the features of
note-taking tools using Artificial Intelligence.
In a structured way, this work is inspired by the
intersection of three elements: (1) Personal Knowl-
edge Management; (2) New generation of Note-Taking
Tools; (3) Natural Language Processing.
Personal Knowledge Management deals with creat-
ing an external and persistent collection of a person’s
knowledge. Recently, PKM has become increasingly
popular, as evidenced by the popularity of the books:
“How to Take Smart Notes”, (Ahrens, 2017), which
explains the note-taking process by the prolific Soci-
ologist Niklas Luhmann, called the Zettelkasten; and
“Building a Second Brain”, (Forte, 2022), which ex-
plains how to build an external collection of knowledge
to work faster and with better quality.
Another piece of evidence for this increase in pop-
ularity is the appearance of a new category of note-
taking tools. Tools such as Roam Research, Obsidian,
and Tana present new features for knowledge organiza-
tion based on
networked note-taking
. Networked
note-taking contrasts with the hierarchical, folder-
document systems used by traditional note-taking. The
feature that stands out as essential for this work is
the use of
bidirectional hyperlinks
to connect notes.
Representing both directions of the link, front-links
(outgoing) and back-links (incoming), provides a fun-
damentally different type of knowledge to work with.
The main contributions and possible impacts on
the field of Personal Knowledge Management are:
Contribution 1 The creation of a methodology
that automatically generates connections between
Connections between texts are generated fol-
lowing two different options: Semantic Relatedness be-
tween texts and Shared Concept. The connections are
Fraga, F., Poggi, M., Casanova, M. and Leme, L.
On the Automatic Generation of Knowledge Connections.
DOI: 10.5220/0011781100003467
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2023) - Volume 2, pages 43-54
ISBN: 978-989-758-648-4; ISSN: 2184-4992
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
considered to be coherent and reliable for the intended
functions of Recall, Elaboration, and New Insight.
Contribution 2 A theoretical and practical
workflow for introducing NLP capabilities to mod-
ern note-taking tools:
To the best of our knowledge,
this paper is the first work to explicitly unite the fields
of note-taking apps and Natural Language Processing.
The methodology presented in the paper contributes to
the design and implementation of note-taking applica-
tions that use NLP.
Contribution 3 A technique for generating
connections between texts using Shared Concept:
The proposed navigation using concept nodes pro-
vides relevant information about concepts and creates
bridges between texts that mention the same concept.
With the added possibility of calculating the text relat-
edness using the concepts mentioned in the texts.
The possible implications are, therefore, to lower
the entrance barrier for applying Natural Language
Processing to Knowledge Management, which may
enhance collective intelligence and capabilities to over-
come the challenges that humanity soon must face.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 defines the problem to be solved. Section 3
covers related work. Section 4 outlines the proposed
methodology. Section 5 explains the experiments that
evaluate the performance of the proposed methodol-
ogy. Section 6 discusses the implications of this work.
Finally, Section 7 contains the conclusions.
The objective of this work is to apply NLP techniques
to leverage and enhance the current functionalities in
note-taking apps. To facilitate, empower, or replace
human effort in operating with knowledge, specifically
inside networked note-taking apps.
The approach is intended to help users explore a
text collection by automatically proposing connections
between texts. An essential element of the approach
is to use networked note-taking apps to visualize and
navigate through the connections.
Furthermore, the problem statement and the
methodology are designed to ensure that users have
an active role. Automatically generated connections
could nudge users into a passive role, with Artificial
Intelligence doing all the “thinking”.
Given an initial text collection, a user is responsible
for selecting the highlights s/he wants to insert into the
system for the automatic generation of connections.
Hence, the user has a direct influence on the result of
the methodology. A highlight is a selected passage
from a text in the initial text collection that is used to
create a set of highlights,
, where the methodology
will be applied.
Two types of connections are proposed to navigate
through the highlights:
Concepts Connections: Navigation between high-
lights through shared concepts, by first navigating
from a highlight
to a concept
mentioned in
and then from
to other highlights that mention
Text Relatedness Connections: Navigation based
on a recommendation system, with texts suggested
according to Semantic Relatedness.
The problem addressed is informally defined as:
Automatically generate connections to create
a highlights collection that is interconnected and
inter-navigable, represented by a graph.
Create connections between highlights using
shared concepts and semantic relatedness.
Use networked note-taking tools to navigate.
In what follows, recall that, in an undirected graph,
an edge is an unordered pair
{x, y}
of graph nodes
(contrasting with a directed graph, where a directed
arc is an ordered pair (x, y) of nodes).
Given two sets
of nodes, let
the set of all edges {x, y} such that x X and y Y .
The problem is then more precisely defined as fol-
lows. Given a set of highlights
, create an undirected
= (V, E)
, called an interconnection graph
for H, such that:
V H C A (1)
is a set of Highlight nodes,
is a set of
Concept nodes, and A is a set of Author nodes, and
AH (2)
where the edges represent connections between the
nodes and are always bidirectional.
We assume that all edges in
are given, while
the others must be computed, as well as the Concept
nodes, C.
3.1 Frameworks and Systems
Becker et al. (2021b) presents CO-NNECT, a frame-
work that proposes connection paths between sen-
tences according to the concepts mentioned and their
relations. This work uses concepts in ConceptNet and
language models trained on knowledge relations from
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
ConceptNet. Maria Becker suggests this framework
could be used to enrich texts and knowledge bases.
Ilkou (2022) uses Entity Extraction and the DB-
pedia Knowledge graph to generate Personal Knowl-
edge Graphs with specific e-learning user’s personal
information regarding learning profiles and activities,
looking to enhance the learning experience.
andez et al. (2020) presents a system
that, given a question and a right answer, automati-
cally generates wrong answers to distract the user in
multiple-choice questions. The system uses knowl-
edge bases and semantic relatedness between texts.
3.2 Concept Recognition
This section briefly outlines works that focus on ex-
tracting concepts.
(Mendes et al., 2011) introduces DBpedia Spot-
light, which approaches concept extraction as a text
annotation task, and can annotate mentions with DB-
pedia resources (which include abstract concepts).
Becker et al. (2021a) extracts ConceptNet concepts
from natural text using a series of semantic manipu-
lations to form candidate phrases, which are matched
and mapped to the ConceptNet concepts.
Fang et al. (2021) proposes GACEN (Guided At-
tention Concept Extraction Network), a technique of
attention networks feeding a CRF to extract concepts
using the title, topic, and clue words.
Recent Surveys on Named Entity Recognition (Li
et al., 2020) and (Canales and Murillo, 2017) point
to a set of industry-based tools. One tool mentioned
in both surveys is Dandelion API, (SpazioDati, 2012),
which can identify conceptual entities. Dandelion API
performs a high-quality identification of entities, as
well as entity linking to the DBpedia knowledge base.
3.3 Using Knowledge Graphs
This section briefly outlines a few works that use
knowledge bases instead of building them.
Resnik (1995) presents a commonly used seman-
tic similarity measure using the is-A taxonomy from
WordNet to provide Information Content. The algo-
rithm measures the semantic similarity between con-
cepts by how much information they have in common.
Piao and Breslin (2015) presents Resim, a Re-
source Similarity metric between DBpedia Resources
based on Linked Data Semantic Distance (LSDS).
Leal et al. (2012) proposes a Semantic Related-
ness approach between concepts using the paths on an
ontological graph extracted from DBpedia.
Anand and Kotov (2015) utilizes DBpedia and Con-
ceptNet to perform query expansions and retrieve ad-
ditional results to a given query.
3.4 Text Semantic Relatedness
This section presents works that perform the tasks of
Text Semantic Relatedness and Text Semantic Simi-
larity. This task is usually divided into two main cate-
gories of algorithms: Knowledge-based methods and
Corpus-based methods (Gomaa and Fahmy, 2013).
3.4.1 Knowledge-Based Methods
Speer et al. (2017) describes the ConceptNet Number-
batch, a relatedness measure between concepts using
the ConceptNet knowledge base.
Yazdani and Popescu-Belis (2013) presents a relat-
edness metric based on Visiting Probability using Ran-
dom Walks between two texts. Visiting probability is
calculated using relations matrices between concepts.
The metric uses two different relation types, Wikipedia
links and a relatedness score between concepts.
Ni et al. (2016) builds a Concept2Vector represen-
tation of concepts and then computes a cosine similar-
ity to determine the similarity between concepts and
eventually between documents by combining distances
between concepts in each document.
3.4.2 Corpus-Based Methods
With the introduction of word embeddings, (Mikolov
et al., 2013), similarity metrics shifted to using the
semantic meaning of the words. Nonetheless, pre-
trained word embeddings still have limitations when
dealing with polysemic words, which have multiple
meanings, such as “bank” which can mean a river bank
or a financial bank.
One solution to this problem is BERT, presented
in Devlin et al. (2019). BERT (Bidirectional Encoder
Representations from Transformers) uses a Transform-
ers architecture (encoder-decoder), (Vaswani et al.,
2017), to create word embeddings that capture the
meaning of surrounding words. BERT pre-trains lan-
guage models considering both directions of the text
so that words further along in the text still influence
the vectorial representation of earlier words.
A notable work that builds on the original BERT
model is presented in Reimers and Gurevych (2019).
Sentence BERT or SBERT generates sentence embed-
dings of a text without running all of the texts through
a BERT architecture, which significantly reduces com-
putation time from 65 hours to 5 seconds.
On the Automatic Generation of Knowledge Connections
Figure 1: Overview of the proposed Methodology.
4.1 Overview of the Methodology
The proposed methodology is to create an intercon-
nected, human-readable, and human-navigable collec-
tion of highlights,
. Instead of being a one-time
execution, the methodology is recurrently applied to
continuously updated sets of Highlights
from the initial text collection.
The methodology creates a first interconnection
and then updates the initial graph with
newly added highlights,
. This is done to
allow for the highlights set,
to be constantly chang-
ing as users add new texts and passages.
Each interconnection graph,
, can be navigated
by transforming the nodes in the graph into pages
inside a networked note-taking tool that enables nav-
igation and editing. The chosen tool for this task is
Obsidian, (Li and Xu, 2020).
Figure 1 details the methodology overview, includ-
ing this background check for new highlights. The
remainder of this section details the processes for a
single pass of the methodology for a fixed set of high-
lights, H. This process occurs between stages 2-4.
To create an interconnection graph,
, the un-
derlying problem is simplified to solving for 9 graph
components (3 node types and 6 edge types). We
assume that
, and
are given and known in
advance. The six remaining components (1 node type
and 5 edge types) are obtained from the two paths
described in section 2:
1. Concepts Connections
Concept Recognition: C,
HC, and
Concept Relationships :
2. Text Relatedness Connections:
HH, and
Concepts Connections represent paths between any
given highlight and other highlights that mention the
same concept. Text Relatedness Connections create
a direct bridge between highlights, providing a clear
picture of other highlights and ideas that are related to
any given highlight.
4.2 Concept Connections
Concept Connections refer to all the connections that
involve concepts, the most important type being be-
tween Highlights and Concepts, which is identified
through the task of Concept Recognition. Concept Re-
lationship, subsubsection 4.2.2, plays an exploratory
role and collects important information for Section 4.3
on Text Relatedness.
4.2.1 Concept Recognition
This section details the tasks of entity recognition and
the filtering of these entities to obtain concepts. The
pipeline starts with entities, and as the filtering process
occurs, the term concepts will be employed. Concepts
are defined as conceptual entities, such that every con-
cept is also an entity, but not all entities are concepts,
Equation 3. In special, for the scope of this paper,
Named Entities are not considered to be concepts.
C E (3)
where C is the set of concepts and E is the set of
The first task in the pipeline for this section is
identifying the entities mentioned in a highlight’s text.
Since all types of entities are initially extracted, the
task is described as Entity Recognition.
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
The task is the joint task of Entity Recognition
together with Entity Linking, which is formalized as
1. Spot mentions in the text.
2. Collect candidate entities for each mention.
Select the most likely entity represented by each
Several tools were considered to perform the joint
task, and two different tools were chosen.
The Dandelion API (SpazioDati, 2012) was used
for initial Entity Recognition for a couple of reasons.
First, it has the functionality of identifying concepts.
Second, it provides an exact confidence level for each
mention-entity occurrence, and third, it links each men-
tion to a DBpedia resource (entity).
The other tool is DBpedia Spotlight (Mendes et al.,
2011), which also links mentions to a DBpedia re-
source and is used to identify any mention-entity oc-
currence that may have been missed by Dandelion API.
DBpedia Spotlight is used for this task because it has
a broader reach and captures more mentions.
It is worth mentioning that both tools do not require
the traditional data cleaning of removing stop words
and performing lemmatization on the input text for the
task of Entity Recognition.
Upon extraction of the information regarding the
mentions and corresponding entities, a
is built. The database contains important
information that is used in the filtering process, includ-
ing mention surface form, entity name, entity DBpedia
URL, location in the text, and confidence score.
The following step is filtering the mentions
database according to unwanted entities. This step
marks the transition from dealing with entities to deal-
ing with concepts. The term “concepts” refers to the
set of entities after the filtering process, which priori-
tizes conceptual entities.
be a collection of selected highlights and
be a set of mention-entity occurrences, denoted
(m, e)
identified in the text corpus of highlights, where
denotes the text fragment used to represent the entity
. Let also
be a set of taxonomic categories that
β(m, e)
be the confidence of
being an
, and
be the frequency of the entity
the texts, i.e.
γ(e) = 1
means that the entity occurs in
just one text t T .
The filtering expression for the set
is as follows.
α(e) L =
0 β(m, e) > 0.6 γ(e) > 1 (4)
is a set of unwanted categories (such as the
DBpedia categories /Film, /Band, /Magazine, and
is a DBpedia-type filter,
is a
confidence level filter, and
is a single occurrence
filter. There are user-defined parameters for each of
these filters.
After the filtering process, a final concepts list,
is defined with the remaining entities’ DBpedia URLs.
4.2.2 Concept Relationships
This section details the procedures to identify relation-
ships between the concepts in the graph. All entities
that passed the filtering process are regarded as con-
cepts from here onward.
This task is composed of finding all relationships
between concepts contained in the graph
, given by
the concepts list,
. To find all relationships between
each possible pair of concepts, information is retrieved
from two Knowledge Graphs, DBpedia (Lehmann
et al., 2015) and ConceptNet (Speer et al., 2017).
Queries are made to each knowledge graph to deter-
mine all relationships
r R
between each concept pair
in the concepts list,
. The data is gathered by posting
queries to both knowledge graphs and collecting the
results from these queries. Queries and their results
follow the triples format (subject, predicate, object).
, c
C)(find all r R) such that: (5)
r IN (c
, p, c
) (6)
is the chosen set of relationships and
, p, c
is the result triple with predicate
. The set
of relationships considered,
is composed of relations
from DBpedia, R
, and ConceptNet, R
DBpedia was accessed to capture relations between
concepts based on Wikipedia page links. DBpedia
relations are Wikipedia links from one concept’s page
to another. These relations are the least specific and
provide the lowest value information.
DBpedia relations (R
dbo:WikiPageWikiLink TO
dbo:WikiPageWikiLink FROM
dbo:WikiPageWikiLink BOTH
ConceptNet was used to obtain commonsense
knowledge between concepts. Commonsense knowl-
edge presents more granular relationship types be-
tween concepts, providing richer information on how
concepts connect with one another.
ConceptNet relations (R
- /r/Causes
- /r/CapableOf
- /r/MotivatedByGoal
On the Automatic Generation of Knowledge Connections
- /r/Synonym
- /r/SimilarTo
- /r/Antonym
- /r/DistinctFrom
- /r/HasPrerequisite
- /r/HasContext
- /r/HasProperty
- /r/PartOf
- /r/IsA
- /r/RelatedTo
It is worth noting that all relationships are used as
bidirectional links between concepts. Technically, the
inverse of each relation is also captured.
4.3 Text Relatedness Connections
Text Relatedness Connections are direct connections
between highlights. They represent an important
bridge between ideas, creating direct pathways be-
tween highlights. This section details the creation of
connections between highlights using two different re-
latedness metrics: Knowledge-based Shared Concepts
Relatedness (kbr) using concepts; and Corpus-based
Semantic Relatedness (cbr). A final Relatedness Score
is achieved by combining the two metrics:
) =
) + cbr(t
is the final relatedness score,
is the
knowledge-based relatedness, and
is the corpus-
based relatedness.
It is worth noting that recommendations to other
highlight nodes are also divided between highlights
that are from the same author and belonging to differ-
ent authors. This is done to provide multiple options
when navigating between highlight nodes.
4.3.1 Knowledge-Based Relatedness
Knowledge-based shared concepts relatedness be-
tween highlights is calculated according to the con-
cepts that are mentioned in each highlight’s text to-
gether with the relatedness between each concept.
, h
) =
, c
, c
) =
, c
) + sr(c
, c
is the number of concepts in highlight
, c
is the numerical relatedness and
, c
the shared relationship between concepts.
Numerical Relatedness is a quantitative score that
represents the direct semantic relatedness between con-
cepts, and Shared Relationship is a binary value that
signals the presence of any descriptive relation be-
tween the concepts.
The numerical relatedness score,
, c
, is a
value between 0 and 1 that indicates the relatedness
between two concepts as defined by the ConceptNet
Numberbatch (Speer et al., 2017), which calculates
word embeddings based on shared neighbors in a Con-
ceptNet graph with additional retrofitting using GloVe
and word2vec embeddings. This score was further
normalized to represent relatedness scores between 0
and 1.
An example of the two concept-relatedness met-
rics is presented in Table 1, showing the relatedness
between the concept of “Knowledge” as compared to
selected concepts.
Table 1: Relatedness scores for the concept of “Knowledge”.
Relatedness to: Knowledge
Concept Numerical Shared
Relatedness Relationship
Information 0.460 1
Wisdom 0.442 1
Understanding 0.434 1
Intelligence 0.332 1
Learning 0.328 1
Memory 0.181 1
Thought 0.120 1
Biology 0.063 0
Innovation 0.017 1
Nutrient -0.007 0
Pricing -0.080 0
Shared Relationship is when two concepts share
one or more relationships with each other. A relation-
ship happens when two concepts are part of a relation
triple, (subject, predicate, object), extracted in subsub-
section 4.2.2. i.e. One concept appears in the subject
position, and another concept in the object position,
while sharing a predicate (relation) between them.
The presence of a relationship between concepts
is used to create a connection matrix, similar to what
is proposed in Yazdani and Popescu-Belis (2013). A
connection matrix is a binary matrix composed of only
0s and 1s; the number 1 is used to represent that a
relationship between two given concepts exists, and 0
is used when there is no relationship.
, c
) = max
(r R) (10)
where R is the set of all relationships considered.
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
The relationship types
considered were detailed
in Section 4.2.2 and were selected from DBpedia and
ConceptNet. These relationships were applied in both
directions, meaning that if concept
is related to con-
, then concept
is automatically related to con-
. This is done to satisfy the four properties of a
distance metric: non-negativity, symmetry, the identity
of indiscernibles, and triangle inequality.
A Knowledge-based Shared Concept Relatedness
Matrix is created by calculating the overall relatedness
between each pair of highlights in the collection. The
method to calculate the relatedness between two given
highlights is based on the average connection strength
between the concepts of each highlight’s text. This is
inspired by one of the features for document similarity
using concepts, presented in (Huang et al., 2012).
For each of the metrics, the following procedures
are performed. First, the concepts mentioned in each
of the highlights are identified. Next, an average relat-
edness is calculated considering all the relationships
between the concepts in highlight A with the concepts
in highlight B. When a concept appears in both high-
lights, the relatedness score is 1. The final relatedness
between the two highlights is composed of the aver-
age of the two relatedness metrics, arriving at a uni-
fied Average connection strength between the concepts
present in each of the two texts.
4.3.2 Corpus-Based Semantic Relatedness
Corpus-based Semantic Relatedness is defined as the
similarity between the semantic meaning of two texts.
This relatedness metric is calculated using SBERT
Sentence Transformers (Reimers and Gurevych, 2019),
an adaptation that generates Sentence Embeddings
using the BERT architecture:
, h
) = cos(SB(h
), SB(h
)) (11)
where SB(h) is the Text Embedding for highlight h.
The process consists of two stages: (1) Encode the
highlights’ texts; (2) Create a Relatedness Matrix.
Encode the Text
To calculate the relatedness (or distance) between
two given highlights, it is necessary to encode each
highlight’s text into a vectorial representation. This
numerical format, a tensor, represents the semantic
meaning of text across multiple dimensions so that it
is possible to apply similarity metrics to compare two
Sentence-BERT, SBERT, is a model trained only
to generate embeddings, which means it only contains
the encoding architecture and does not contain a de-
coder component. By focusing only on the encoding
of the information and being fine-tuned for this spe-
cific task, the Sentence Transformers derived from
Sentence-BERT are computationally very efficient and
run in a fraction of the time needed to run the entire
BERT architecture. SBERT also does not require the
removal of stop words and lemmatization.
Sentence-BERT works by automatically adding a
pooling operation to the output of BERT. It performs
fine-tuning of a neural network architecture composed
of siamese and triplet networks to produce sentence
embeddings that are meaningful and can be compared
using similarity metrics.
Sentence-BERT outputs fixed-sized Sentence Em-
, that can be easily explored to calcu-
late the relatedness between them. All the embeddings
generated with the same model checkpoint will be
compatible with one another. This does not depend on
the texts being encoded together in the same batch.
Creating a Relatedness Matrix
Once a vectorial representation, or a Text Embed-
ding, is generated for all highlights in the text collec-
tion, the relatedness between these vectors is calcu-
lated to generate a relatedness matrix.
The relatedness between texts is a generalization
of similarity and is the inverse of the distance between
two texts. Computing the relatedness between two
texts is equivalent to finding the similarity between the
embeddings representing each text.
To build a relatedness matrix, the cosine similarity
was calculated between the vectors representing all
pairs of highlights in the collection.
4.4 Methodology end Result
The result of the methodology is an interconnection
, with the proposed connections. For users
to actively use this graph, the nodes and edges are
respectively “translated” to pages and hyperlinks in
the networked note-taking tool Obsidian, (Li and Xu,
Creating pages and hyperlinks turns the graph into
an accessible collection of highlights. Two figures
briefly illustrate what this collection looks like. Fig-
ure 2 shows the Highlight Node’s page for an example
Figure 2: Example Highlight Node page and hyperlinks.
On the Automatic Generation of Knowledge Connections
highlight. The figure shows the different alternatives
for navigation, where red rectangles take users to Con-
cept Nodes, and blue ones take users to Highlight
Nodes. Figure 3 presents the Concept Node’s page for
an example concept, again demonstrating the options
for navigation following the same key.
Figure 3: Example Concept Node page and hyperlinks.
The objective of the evaluation is to analyze whether
the methodology implementation successfully solves
the defined problem. Two metrics were selected as
being necessary to consider the system a successful
1. Accurate Graph Representation.
2. Coherence of Knowledge Connections.
To carry out the experiment, two different-sized
subsets of the highlight collection were used. The
original Text collection
was composed of several
different books. The selected highlights
were book
passages collected using the Kindle digital reader for
each book. The subsets of the text collection were two
highlights selections:
The small test-set had 52 highlights from two
books, with connections that can be easily interpreted.
This small test set makes it easier to analyze the fun-
damental functioning of the system in a limited scope,
where the connections can be manually analyzed and
medium test-set
had 182 highlights from
eight books, with connections that were less obvious
to interpret, but still under control for human interpre-
tation. This test set was selected to interpret how the
fundamental features of the system scale for a slightly
larger highlights collection.
5.1 Accurate Graph Representation
Question 1:
Are all of the node and edge types in
the mathematical problem statement represented in the
graph view of Obsidian?
This is a very simple question. It simply checks if
all the node and edge types proposed in the problem
statement are actually present in the final structure of
the interconnection graph G
The note-taking tool Obsidian, which is used to
navigate the generated connections, has a functionality
called the graph view, where it is possible to visualize
the generated graph. This view mode is further en-
hanced by an extension called Juggl, which makes it
possible to include additional information to identify
the node and edge types in the graph.
The chosen approach to answering this question
is to look individually at the local graph views rep-
resenting the three node types. The Highlight nodes
are represented by blue circles, the Concept nodes are
shown as red pentagons, and the Author nodes as green
The fact that it is possible to look at the three dif-
ferent node types individually is enough to understand
that the three node types, Highlight, Concept, and
Author, are present in the graph representation. The
question then translates into determining if the 6 edge
types defined in Equation 2 are present within the
graph views for each node type.
Figure 4: Local graph view for an example Highlight Node.
When looking at the local graph view for the High-
light node of an example text, in Figure 4, it is possible
to identify all the three edge types involving Highlight
, between blue circles,
, between blue
circles and red pentagons and
, between the green
triangle and blue circles.
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 5: Local graph view for an example Author Node.
When looking at the local graph view for the Au-
thor node of Tiago Forte, in Figure 5, it is possible to
identify the three edge types that involve author nodes.
, between the green triangles,
, between the big
green triangle and red pentagons, and once more
between the big green triangle and blue circles.
Figure 6: Local graph view for an example Concept Node.
Finally, when looking at the local graph view for
the Concept node of “Wisdom”, in Figure 6, it is pos-
sible to identify the final edge type to conclude that
the implementation has all the proposed elements, the
, between the red pentagons. It is also possi-
ble to observe the edges
, between blue circles and
red pentagons.
After analyzing the local graph views for each node
type, it is possible to assert that all elements proposed
in the problem statement are present in the implemen-
5.2 Coherence of Knowledge
Question 2:
What is the coherence between the two
connection types? i.e. The coherence between the
relatedness matrices generated for each method.
This evaluation determines if the generated knowl-
edge connections are appropriate and serve their in-
tended purpose.
The Coherence between Connections is defined
as being the coherence, or similarity, between the
two types of proposed connections, Shared Concepts
(knowledge-based) and Semantic Relatedness (corpus-
The metric for coherence between the two types of
connections is calculated by comparing their respec-
tive relatedness matrices using the Mantel Test (Man-
tel, 1967). The Mantel Test is a popular statistical test
that returns a measure of the correlation between two
matrices, ranging from -1 to 1.
The Mantel Test evaluates the similarity between
the matrices. If the connections proposed by the Se-
mantic Relatedness metric are similar to the ones pro-
posed by the Shared Concepts metric, then they are
coherent. A positive correlation between the two re-
latedness matrices implies that the two relatedness
metrics are similar and, thus, coherent with one an-
A simple grid search is also performed when cal-
culating the relatedness matrices, to find the best co-
herence while varying the parameter
β(m, e)
, the con-
fidence threshold for concepts extraction.
Table 2: Grid Search of Coherence scores, while varying
Confidence threshold for Entity Extraction.
Coherence Score
Confidence Small Test Set Medium Test Set
0.55 0.679 0.519
0.60 0.665 0.499
0.65 0.642 0.508
0.70 0.681 0.481
Following the proposed metric, all results in Ta-
ble 2 present a positive correlation. According to
(Swinscow and Campbell, 2002), correlations from
are considered to be moderate, and from
, as strong. This means that the relatedness
metrics are considered to be strongly correlated for
the small test set, and moderately correlated for the
medium test set.
By applying the significance test with
P < 0.001
the correlation coefficients are considered to be highly
statistically significant for all the obtained results. This
signals that the two different approaches for generating
connections are indeed coherent with one another.
On the Automatic Generation of Knowledge Connections
The positive correlation between the different con-
nection types suggests that the methodology presented
throughout this paper is valid. The generated connec-
tions are quantitatively coherent with one another.
With regard to the grid search for the optimum
confidence, by considering both test sets, it is possible
to say that lower confidence thresholds when extract-
ing concepts lead to a higher coherence between the
relatedness metrics.
This makes some intuitive sense because this pro-
vides more concepts to work with, which would in-
crease the performance of the concept-based related-
ness, as there is more information available.
Regardless of the reason for the coherence between
the metrics improving, the confidence threshold of
0.55 presents the best overall coherence.
Even though the best coherence between the two
metrics was obtained at 0.55 confidence, the chosen
default parameter for confidence was 0.60, because of
the computational cost of running the system. More
concepts mean a longer runtime to run the methodol-
ogy. This implies that running the methodology with
a lower confidence threshold could lead to very long
runtimes for larger highlights collection.
This section presents a discussion regarding the eval-
uation of the results and a reflection on the proposed
methodology, with special attention to the potential
use cases for this technology.
The proposed methodology was successfully rep-
resented in the functional version of the system, the
final implementation successfully corresponds to the
proposed graph representation, and the Connections
can be considered to be coherent with one another.
6.1 Proposed Methodology Overview
Two questions are proposed to carry out additional
reflections on the implementation of the methodology.
Can the combination of NLP with Networked note-
taking tools improve the Knowledge Management
functions of Recall, Elaboration, and New Insight?
Are Concept Nodes a useful mechanism for navi-
gating a highlights collection?
The first question is directed at the inspirations
and reasons for proposing the methodology and im-
plementing it. The second question is directed at the
utility of introducing the Concept Nodes as means of
connecting and enriching a highlights collection.
When analyzing the proposed methodology
through the lens of the three intended functions of
Knowledge Visualization – Recall, Elaboration, and
New Insight – it is interesting to mention some charac-
teristics of the envisioned system.
The three functions share a common duality, which
is the presence of divergent and convergent aspects.
Each function has an element of divergence, of spread-
ing out wide and exploring new connections, while
also presenting the convergence element, of collapsing
to one tangible connection or event.
The function of Recall has the divergence of search-
ing for a specific item across a wide range of options
and eventually converging to the retrieval of the de-
sired item(s). Elaboration presents different options
for elaboration and eventually converges to one of the
possibilities to elaborate on a given topic. New Insight
is the most divergent of all three features, seeking
mainly to be exposed to new ideas and possibilities
that aren’t previously known. The convergent aspect
of insights is when two or more ideas connect and
form a new piece of knowledge.
The proposed methodology was inspired by these
three functions, which means it was designed to seek
divergence and convergence in a balanced way.
The two Connection types used to navigate the
highlights collection have different levels of diver-
gence and convergence. The
Concepts Connections
are directed at divergent thinking by uniting related
ideas that use common concepts, with the important
feature of not discriminating between ideas according
to the general topic of the highlights. The convergent
aspect of the Shared Concepts Connections comes
from connecting different highlights through a com-
mon concept between them.
On the other hand, the
Text Relatedness Connec-
seek to initially promote convergent thinking by
generating connections between highlights that are in-
deed related to each other. In turn, it also presents
elements of divergent thinking, with the possibility of
contrasting ideas from different authors.
The two modes of operation – divergence and con-
vergence are essential to the proposed system, as they
play a part in both connection types and are designed
into the system to simultaneously represent the three
functions of Recall, Elaboration, and New Insight.
Whenever possible, the chosen priority for the sys-
tem is to provide solid options for divergence and
exploration instead of convergence and precision. The
navigation mechanism provided by Concept Nodes is
considered to be a key factor for this divergence and
The focus of the proposed methodology is to pro-
vide the structure for semi-organized
divergent think-
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
while also providing the tools and context for the
human user to bring forth convergence, according to
their personal terms. This means humans are still re-
sponsible for interpreting connections and selecting
the most relevant ones, something humans do inher-
ently well.
The methodology promotes an active role for hu-
mans, with users actively cocreating connections and
being an inherent part of the puzzle. This prevents
users from being too passive and is an important as-
pect of the development of AI technologies.
6.2 Use Cases for the Proposed
The methodology is supposed to be used by human
users and depends directly on user input. It is expected
that the user would deploy the methodology with a
specific outcome in mind, in the format of a tangible
project or even a specific reflection or contemplation
of ideas.
The first category of use cases is applying the
methodology for Personal Knowledge Management
(PKM). The idea behind a PKM System is to store
a person’s past knowledge in a safe place to be later
recycled and reused.
A potential combination would be integrating the
interconnected highlights collection
into a given
user’s PKM System. This way, the user could access
their highlights through the generated connections and
use them as catalysts for retrieving and “applying” the
knowledge contained in the highlights for several more
granular use cases.
A clear use case for this combination would be
creation. This could be creating a specific deliverable
for work, a research project, and of course, the epitome
of creation, writing.
Another use case within the overarching use case
of Personal Knowledge Management is to help users
retrieve any piece of knowledge related to specific
texts, concepts, or topics in a fast and efficient way.
Another potential use case within PKM is learn-
ing. Generating connections automatically can help
users compare a new piece of information with pre-
viously acquired knowledge in an easier, faster, and
more powerful way.
A very interesting use case would be
knowledge from different topics
. A specific example
of this would be students organizing their notes across
different disciplines using automatic connections be-
tween passages from digital Textbooks, online articles,
and personal notes.
A generalization applied to any non-student would
be to use the system to read and study multiple sources
at once, while easily navigating between the ideas
presented in them. By highlighting the passages that
present important ideas that the user wishes to ponder
about or study more deeply, the user would be able
to receive an interconnected version with connections
between the selected highlights.
The interconnected text collection may then be
navigated, and most importantly,
edited and incre-
. Since the system is hosted inside a note-
taking app, the user may easily use the software to cre-
ate new notes and elaborate on the initially collected
A final, important use case for this technology is
connecting ideas from different people
. Using the
system to connect and compare texts from a group
of people is very aligned with what Doug Engelbart
defines as the two most important aspects of the Col-
lective IQ level, (Engelbart, 1992). First, the process
– how well a group develops, integrates, and applies
its knowledge. Second, the assets produced by that
process – how effective the group’s shared repository
of knowledge is and how easily information can be
synthesized, stored, retrieved and updated.
Recent advances in Natural Language Processing and
Personal Knowledge Management present an oppor-
tunity to combine these two fields. Specifically, by
providing Artificial-Intelligence-based features to note-
taking tools, using the recently available functionalities
as a starting point.
This paper proposes and successfully implements
a methodology to automatically generate connections
between highlights. The proposed methodology em-
ploys a combination of NLP tools to transform a given
highlights collection,
, into an
graph representing the same highlights,
Interconnectedness is present in the graph where
highlights become Highlight nodes, and connections
are added with multiple edge types and Concept Nodes.
In turn, navigation is added to the text collection us-
ing Obsidian, a note-taking tool that combines the
hierarchical organization of files and folders with the
networked organization of bidirectional hyperlinks.
The results and evaluation suggest that the end
result of the proposed methodology is an adequate rep-
resentation of the proposed graph,
, in the Problem
Statement, section 2. Finally, the two different paths
for generating connections are coherent within them-
selves, which suggests that the connections generated
by the system are reliable.
On the Automatic Generation of Knowledge Connections
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ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems