Anomalous File System Activity Detection Through Temporal
Association Rule Mining
M. Reza H. Iman
, Pavel Chikul
, Gert Jervan
, Hayretdin Bahsi
and Tara Ghasempouri
Department of Computer Systems, Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia
Centre for Digital Forensics and Cyber Security, Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia
NTFS, USN Journal, Forensics, Pattern Recognition, Association Rule Mining, Anomaly Detection.
NTFS USN Journal tracks all the changes in the files, directories, and streams of a volume for various reasons
including backup. Although this data source has been considered a significant artifact for digital forensic
investigations, the utilization of this source for automatic malicious behavior detection is less explored. This
paper applies temporal association rule mining to data obtained from the NTFS USN Journal for malicious
behavior detection. The proposed method extracts association rules from two data sources, the first one with
normal behavior and the second one with a malicious one. The obtained rules, which have embedded the
sequence of information, are compared with respect to their support and confidence values to identify the ones
indicating malicious behavior. The method is applied to a ransomware case to demonstrate its feasibility in
finding relevant rules based on USN journal activities.
The detection and exploration of malicious behavior
are one of the mainstream research directions in the
digital forensics domain. A huge number of data
sources can be utilized in cyber incident investiga-
tions for identifying such behavior. The sources in-
clude but are not limited to network traffic captures,
processes in memory, system call sequences, or Win-
dows registry modifications. Microsoft NTFS Change
Journal or USN Journal is another alternative that ac-
cumulates information regarding all of the operations
performed on the file system.
NTFS forensics stands out as one of the corner-
stones of conventional PC forensics due to the usage
of file systems across all of the Microsoft Windows
operating system lines. USN Journal is often used
in system forensics to manually determine malicious
or criminal actions (Cohen, 2020). It can shed some
light on the executables launched in the system. File
deletion traces of these files can still confidently be re-
covered from the journal. It enables tracking the file
system operations related to file creation, renaming,
deletion, or changing security attributes, thus, pro-
This work was supported in part by the European
Union through European Social Fund in the frames of the
“ICT programme” (“ITA-IoIT” topic) and by the Estonian
Research Council grants PSG837.
viding valuable information for malicious behavior
once the benign usage is profiled (Corey, 2013; Russi-
novich, 2000). It is easy to access and extract this
data when compared to, for instance, network traces
or system calls, requiring additional tools and usually
having limited historical coverage. Despite its huge
potential, limited work has been done to date regard-
ing the automated analysis of this important source of
In this paper, we examine the ways of forensic
pattern recognition in the NTFS USN Journal using
the Apriori algorithm (Han et al., 2012) and Tempo-
ral Association Rules (TAR) (Antunes and Oliveira,
2001; Bilqisth and Mustofa, 2020). Apriori is a fast
algorithm that can provide accurate association rules
(Han et al., 2012). Association rules demonstrate in-
teresting relations among variables and data in a large
dataset (Zaki, 2000).
To this end, association rule mining became a
promising technique for extracting and exploring use-
ful information from a system for engineers. It has
shown its strength in many different domains, such
as market analysis (Brin et al., 1997), accident and
traffic analysis (Shahin et al., 2022), intrusion detec-
tion infrastructures (Treinen and Thurimella, 2006)
and health informatics (Altaf et al., 2017), as well as
its huge application in dependability and reliability of
safety-critical applications (Danese et al., 2015; Hei-
H. Iman, M., Chikul, P., Jervan, G., Bahsi, H. and Ghasempouri, T.
Anomalous File System Activity Detection Through Temporal Association Rule Mining.
DOI: 10.5220/0011805100003405
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2023), pages 733-740
ISBN: 978-989-758-624-8; ISSN: 2184-4356
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
dari Iman et al., 2021), etc.
In this research, temporal association rule mining
identifies rules that are applicable to the USN Journal
data for the detection of anomalies caused by mali-
cious behavior. Mainly, the data mining approach ex-
tracted two sets of rules, one from a snapshot of a be-
nign file system and another one from a target file sys-
tem that is suspected to be infected or attacked. These
two rule sets are compared, and the rules that detect
the anomalies are determined. Security experts can
use these rules for revealing and enumerating the files
used or infected by the actions of the adversary. Thus,
the proposed method does not only predict the exis-
tence of anomalies, but it also enables to discriminate
the infected files from the benign ones to assist in the
impact assessment of the incidents and planning the
recovery actions during incident handling processes.
In summary, the contributions of this paper are as
An automatic malicious behavior detection
method is proposed to analyze the NTFS USN
Journal and extract a set of association rules for
detecting the anomalies induced by malicious
The method does not require file-level labeled
data, instead, a normal file system, which is easy
to obtain, and a target file system which is the
main subject of the analysis are enough.
An incident regarding the ransomware analysis is
presented to demonstrate the applicability of the
The outline of this paper is as follows: Section 2 gives
background information and reviews the related work.
The preliminaries of the proposed method are pre-
sented in Section 3. The datasets and their generation
are detailed in Section 4. Section 5 introduces the
proposed methodology. The case study and the rele-
vant results are presented and discussed in Section 6.
Section 7 concludes the study.
The USN Journal or Update Sequence Number Jour-
nal is an advanced feature of the Windows NT file
system introduced with version 3.1 of the file system
(Russinovich, 2000). It was designed to keep a record
of all changes made to the volume. There are sev-
eral use cases for the file system to maintain a full
log of changes within itself. Backup applications may
use the change journal information in order to iden-
tify files that were created or modified since the last
backup without the need to recursively parse the di-
rectory tree which is time- and resource-consuming.
Another useful application of the journal is real-time
antivirus protection: the AV application can monitor
the live USN journal to identify any incoming files
and scan them at the same moment.
The journal is stored in a system-maintained
metafile $Extend\$UsnJrnl in an alternate data stream
called $J and is comprised of a number of records
consisting of the following fields: a USN ID (a
64-bit unique identifier which is incremented with
each new record been created but not guaranteed to
be contiguous (Cooperstein and Richter, 1999)), a
timestamp, filename, reference to the parent Master
File Table (MFT) ID, the update reason, and some
other attributes. The presence of parent MFT ID
in some cases can lead to the real location of the
file. However, if the MFT entry was already reused
the reference becomes invalid. Update reason is a
64-bit integer that uses bit flags to describe what
changed in the file or directory. According to Mi-
crosoft’s documentation (Microsoft, 2022), there are
23 flags available, including creation, renaming, dele-
tion, and security information change. Multiple flags
can be set into a single update reason record. For
example, two flags USN REASON FILE CREATE
(0x100) and USN REASON CLOSE (0x80000000)
combined together will result in an integer record
0x80000100 or 2147483904 in decimal. One of the
most important aspects of the journal is the fact that it
stores information about operations on files that may
be already deleted and their entries in the Master File
Table reused. Thus, it is possible to prove some data’s
existence even if the data is a long time gone.
Different approaches for analysis of the USN jour-
nal in order to discover patterns are presented in sev-
eral works. Lees et al. in (Lees, 2013) explore iden-
tifying a user using Private Browsing mode or uti-
lizing anti-forensic software such as CCleaner. The
proposed method allowed them to clearly identify
traces and, most importantly, patterns for such activ-
ities within the change journal. Corey in their article
”Re-introducing $UsnJrnl” (Corey, 2013) discusses
ways of using the change journal for determining mal-
ware activity from the USN journal including self-
destruction, hiding in unusual locations, and tamper-
ing with the file system metadata. Cohen in their ar-
ticle (Cohen, 2020) demonstrates real-time monitor-
ing and capture of the change journal with Velocirap-
tor software in order to update the modified files hash
database to trace the malicious activity.
Association rule mining has been applied to the
detection of ransomware by using the data regarding
dynamic link libraries called by the programs (Subedi
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
et al., 2018). Another study extracts association rules
from the user login information for the purpose of
user profiling (Abraham and de Vel, 2002). A so-
lution based on a classifier composed of association
rules is proposed for the problem of email authorship
attribution (Schmid et al., 2015).
All the observed works that use the USN journal
as the evidence source demonstrate semi-manual pro-
cesses in pattern recognition mostly relying on the in-
vestigators’ observations and prior knowledge of spe-
cific behavior. Obviously, these approaches need hu-
man expertise, they are costly and error-prone due to
human beings in the loop. Thus, we see a clear indi-
cation of the need for an automated way for file sys-
tem behavior patterns extraction. To the best of the
authors’ knowledge, this work is the first automatic
malicious file system behavior detection that adopted
data mining methods for this purpose.
Definition 1. Apriori is a seminal data mining algo-
rithm for mining frequent itemsets for Boolean asso-
ciation rules (Han et al., 2012). To mine association
rules, Apriori employs an iterative approach called
level-wise search, where k-itemsets are used to ex-
plore (k + 1)-itemsets (Han et al., 2012).
Definition 2. Let I = {i
, i
, ...,i
} be a set of items
and D = {d
, d
, ..., d
} be a data set, i.e., a set of
observations, called transactions, with respect the set
of items I. Each element in D contains a subset of the
items in I. An association rule is defined as an impli-
cation of form X Y where X, Y I and X Y =
X and Y are called itemsets (Han et al., 2012).
Definition 3. Temporal Association Rule (TAR) is
a kind of association rule that considers time in the
data sets when the sequence of data changes during
the time (Antunes and Oliveira, 2001; Bilqisth and
Mustofa, 2020).
Definition 4. In TAR mining, there are different pat-
terns including Next, and Before that consider differ-
ent time series in a data set (Antunes and Oliveira,
2001; Bilqisth and Mustofa, 2020). As an example,
X Next(5min)Y means that when X occurs then
after 5 minutes Y will be implied. Moreover, rule
X Be f ore(5min)Y means that When X occurs, 5
minutes before it Y should have occurred.
Definition 5. Support is an indication of how fre-
quently the itemset appears in the data set (Han et al.,
2012). This value is between 0 and 1. For the rule
X Y , the value of support is calculated with the
following formula (Han et al., 2012):
Supp(X Y ) = P(X Y ) (1)
In (1), P(X Y ) is the probability where X Y indi-
cates that a transaction contains both X and Y, that is,
the union of itemsets X and Y.
Furthermore, in Apriori, min supp value is the
threshold and a minimum value that is chosen by the
expert to decide whether an itemset is frequent (i.e.,
occurs frequently in the data set) or not. If the fre-
quency of the itemset is more than this threshold, the
itemset is considered a frequent itemset.
Definition 6. Confidence is an indication of how of-
ten the rule has been found to be true. For the rule
X Y , the value of confidence is calculated with the
following formula (Han et al., 2012):
Con f (X Y) = P(Y |X) (2)
Confidence assesses the degree of certainty of the de-
tected association rule. This is taken to be the condi-
tional probability P(Y |X), that is, the probability that
a transaction containing X also contains Y. This value
is between 0 and 1. The min con f is the threshold
and the minimum value that is chosen by the expert
for confidence.
As noted in (Cohen, 2020) and (Lees, 2013), differ-
ent software utilizes different approaches in regard to
file manipulations depending on their needs and im-
plementation specifics that usually result in several
change records being created. For example, unpack-
ing a file from an archive will in most cases result in
three USN records being generated:
Various software actions (both operating system and
user applications) performing file operations result in
a continuous flow of USN records created in the jour-
nal. Thus, our assumption is that it is possible to
fingerprint specific software behavioral patterns and
classify such actions (both legitimate and malicious).
To test our assumption with different behavioral
patterns we created two datasets: the first one with
legitimate behavior only and the second one intro-
ducing some malicious activity inside the normal op-
erating system lifecycle. A fully patched Windows
7 virtual machine was set up and an origin snap-
shot was created (snapshot 1). For the ”legitimate”
dataset creation, some user activities were simulated.
Anomalous File System Activity Detection Through Temporal Association Rule Mining
Figure 1: General flow of the proposed method.
These activities included web browsing, user docu-
ment editing, and, most importantly, software instal-
lation. On a high level, software installation involves
various file operations that might be common to ma-
licious software actions as well: files unpacked, tem-
porary files created in different locations to be later
deleted, etc. which could make the analysis harder.
After some time a snapshot was created representing
the first ”normal” dataset (snapshot 2). To introduce
malicious activity the system was reverted to the ori-
gin snapshot and infected with the WannaCry mal-
ware as a typical ransomware representative. Wan-
naCry is a ransomware crypto-worm that when trig-
gered on a target machine iterates over user files en-
crypting them and by the end of the encryption phase
displays a notification demanding ransom in order to
decrypt the files. In a worldwide attack in 2017 Wan-
naCry infected more than 200.000 machines in more
than 150 countries dealing billions of dollars in dam-
age (Trautman and Ormerod, 2018). When the system
went into the ransom-demanding state another snap-
shot was created representing the second ”infected”
dataset (snapshot 3).
The file operation sequences that represent a sin-
gle action (such as the un-archiving of a file men-
tioned above) tend to be atomic meaning that the
records representing an action will stay close to each
other in the journal. However, due to the parallel writ-
ing in the journal, the patterns relevant to several files
may be mixed with each other. Thus, to overcome this
behavior we do the initial preparation of the datasets
so that the records related to a single file are batched
together in a one-second timeframe. To demonstrate
such preparation refer to Table 1.
We extracted USN journals from snapshots 2 and
3 and after running the preparation procedure on them
as discussed above we then converted them into arrays
of USN update reasons, i.e., lists of 64-bit integers.
Thus we resulted in two datasets representing file sys-
tem activity under different circumstances: legitimate
Table 1: Raw journal data preprocessing.
Original Preprocessed
1 second
File-1 record 1 File-1 record 1
File-2 record 1 File-1 record 2
File-1 record 2 File-1 record 3
File-2 record 2 File-2 record 1
File-1 record 3 File-2 record 2
actions (19.000 records) and legitimate actions with
some malicious actions mixed in (14.000 records).
The general flow of the proposed method has been il-
lustrated in Fig. 1. As mentioned in Section 4, in our
case study, one data set is related to the normal behav-
ior of a user while he/she was using the system. The
other data set is related to the behavior of the system
when ransomware inflicted damage on it. As can be
seen in Fig. 1, association rule mining is applied sep-
arately on both sets of data. Therefore, at first, a data
preprocessing phase is performed on data sets to pre-
pare suitable data for association rule mining. After-
ward, in the data mining phase, the Apriori algorithm
is applied to the prepared data sets separately. The
outcome is two sets of association rules which have
been mined from any of the normal and infected data
As illustrated in Fig. 1, by reaching the associ-
ation rules, a comparison is done between the two
data sets based on the mined association rules. This
comparison is performed with the aid of the values of
Support (Definition 5) and Confidence (Definition 6)
metrics. Based on our assumption, if both data sets
are similar, the mined rules from each of them should
be similar. This similarity means that in addition to
the mined rules, the values of the Support and Confi-
dence for these rules should be the same. Therefore,
any difference in these values can show an anomaly.
The result of the comparison will be two new sets of
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
association rules (shown in the green box in Fig 1),
which both indicate the anomalies in the system. One
of these two sets of anomalies contains the rules that
have occurred only in the infected data set. The other
one is the set of rules that have occurred in both data
sets, however, the values of their support and confi-
dence are different.
More details about each phase and how the mined
rules will be compared are discussed in the following
5.1 Data Preprocessing
In this phase, data preprocessing is performed to pro-
vide suitable data for Apriori to extract TARs (Def-
inition 3) from the datasets. The Apriori algorithm
extracts frequent itemsets in the form of association
rules without considering the sequence of events dur-
ing the time. However, we are interested in rules
which illustrate the sequence of events through time.
In other words, in Apriori, it does not matter
whether an itemset is followed by another or pre-
ceded by another. It only finds those itemsets that
have occurred together (without considering their se-
quences and orders). However, in NTFS USN Jour-
nal the concept of time or more specifically the se-
quence of operations that occur in the system mat-
ters. More precisely, if event X happens at second 1
and event Y happens at second 6, then the associa-
tion rule regarding this sequence of events would be
X 5seconds Y , which means Y happens 5 seconds
after the happening of X. The mentioned association
rule is what we are interested in extracting for this
work. Mining these kinds of rules will be helpful for
security experts to more accurately find the files or di-
rectories related to the malicious behavior in the sys-
In this regard, in preprocessing step first, the user
identifies the length of time for the rules. For instance,
if a rule such as X 5seconds Y , is in the interest
of the users, therefore number 5 should be identified.
Second, all the events in the dataset with the identified
length (in this case 5), are clustered in the same sub-
dataset. Finally, the concept of time for each event
in the sub-data set is removed and saved for future
reference (authors do not describe technical details to
make it easier to read). Finally, this sub-dataset is fed
to the next step for mining the association rules.
5.2 Data Mining
In this phase, the Apriori algorithm (Definition 1)
(Han et al., 2012) is applied to the Preprocessed data
sets to generate association rules. According to Fig.
1, this phase takes two sets of data as the inputs, one
for the normal set of data, and the other one for the
infected set. The outputs of this phase are association
rules related to both sets. Due to the space limit, we
refer interested readers about the Apriori to the litera-
ture (Han et al., 2012).
5.2.1 Applying Temporal Filters and Labels
This phase aims to restore the time instance of events
that were removed in the Preprocessing phase, Sec-
tion 5.1. In accordance with our previous statement,
the extracted association rules are generated in two
formats, namely next and before (Definition 4). De-
tailed instructions on how time instances are set back
to the rules are provided below:
After mining association rules in the previous
phase (section 5.2), the method provides us a set of
rules in the form of P Q. By considering P Q,
we will have two different conditions as follows:
next: If the value of P is equal to some events in
the data set, and the value of Q is equal to the
events that in the data set have appeared after the
events of P, this means that the extracted associ-
ation rule is next. Therefore, the mined rule is
labeled as a next TAR.
before: If the value of P is equal to the events that
have appeared in the data set before the events of
Q, this means that the extracted association rule is
before. Therefore, the mined rule is labeled as a
before TAR.
5.3 Anomaly Detection
This phase is in charge of automatically detecting ma-
licious behavior in the NTFS USN Journal which is
typically performed by ransomware. The assumption
in the proposed method is that in the ’normal’ sce-
nario that there is no malicious behavior in the in-
fected dataset, two data sets should be similar (normal
and infected data sets). This means that if the Apriori
algorithm is applied to both data sets, the mined rules,
as well as the values of their supports (Definition 5)
and confidences (Definition 6) should be similar.
In order to find the anomalies, the method com-
pares the two sets of mined rules. In this compar-
ison, two different conditions and two different sets
of anomalies would occur. In fact, in this compari-
son, we are looking for the conditions that neglect our
assumption (i.e., similar behavior and similar mined
rules for both data sets in a normal scenario)
The first set of rules is the one that has not oc-
curred in the normal data set and occurs only in the
infected data set. Based on our assumptions, these
Anomalous File System Activity Detection Through Temporal Association Rule Mining
rules show malicious behavior. The other set of mined
rules is one that is the same in both data sets. For
these rules, the support and confidence values of each
rule are calculated. Next, according to the following
formulas, we calculate the difference between their
supports and confidences:
DS = (Support1 Support2) × 100 (3)
It should be noted that each rule that has been
mined from the normal data set or infected data set has
a support value. With the aid of the formula (3), we
calculate the support difference for each pair of rules
that has been mined from each data set and are exactly
the same (i.e., similar rules that have been mined from
both data sets, but with different support values). In
the above formula, Support1 is the calculated support
for a specific rule that has been mined from the nor-
mal data set, and Support2 is the calculated support
of that specific rule that has been mined from the in-
fected data set.
If DS > 0, it means that a malicious behavior
has occurred, and it shows that in comparison with
the normal data set, some parts of data have been re-
moved from the infected data set. On the other hand,
if DS < 0, it means that there is malicious behavior
again, however, in comparison with the normal data
set, additional records of data have been added to the
infected results file. Furthermore, the formula (4) and
according to Definition 6 shows the probability of ma-
licious behavior in a specific rule.
DC = (Con f idence1 Con f idence2) × 100 (4)
In the above formula, Confidence1 is the calcu-
lated confidence for a specific rule that has been
mined from the normal data set, and Confidence2 is
related to the calculated confidence for that specific
rule that has been mined from the infected data set.
For instance, if for a mined rule like P Q, Confi-
dence1 – Confidence2 is equal to 95, it means that in
95% of the operations that this rule shows in data sets,
we have a malicious behavior.
Table 2: Number of Mined Association Rules.
Rules Unequal Support Infected Only
#Association Rules 1 14
#Before Rules 0 1
#Next Rules 1 13
The experimental results of the proposed method have
been elaborated in this section. The normal data set
that we have used in this paper has 19055 records and
the infected data set has 13721 records.
In Table 2, the number of all mined rules (’#As-
sociation Rules’), as well as the number of Before
(’#Before Rules’) and Next (’#Next Rules’) rules
have been presented. It should be noted that the length
of the sequence of operations in the data set has been
set to 9 based on the expert’s decision. Thereby, for
the preprocessing phase, the number of shifts is equal
to 9. Since the detection of the attacks is signifi-
cantly important, the minimum confidence value has
been assigned to 0.80 out of 1. Note that this number
can easily be changed by the expert as the proposed
method is fully automated. For highly critical cases
this value can be set to higher; otherwise, a lower de-
gree can be set by the user to introduce more sensitiv-
ity in rule mining.
As mentioned in section 5.3 (Anomaly detection),
the method provides two sets of rules (anomalies).
One set is related to the rules that have unequal sup-
port values and their difference is calculated accord-
ing to formula 3 (DS). However, the second rule set
is the one that has occurred only in the infected data
set. In Table 2, the number of mined rules have been
demonstrated for both of these two sets, i.e., ’Unequal
Support’ and ’Infected Only’ columns. There is only
one rule in both data sets with unequal support values
mined with the Next pattern. The figure for the rules
that have not occurred in the normal data set is 14 with
1 rule mined with the Before pattern and the rest with
the Next pattern. Regarding the execution time, the
method is able to mine both categories of rules in less
than a second.
6.1 Digital Forensics Interpretation of
All 14 rules in the unified format are presented in
the table 3. Basically, the unified format represents
all of the reasons records that are put in consecu-
tive order the way they are supposed to be found
in the dataset. If we take the first rule as an ex-
ample, the original mined rule’s consequent was
2147483652 and the list of antecedents was as fol-
lows: [6 before 4, 4 before 2147484160, 1 before 4,
8 before 256, 7 before 2147483904, 3 before 256,
5 before 2147483652, 2 before 2147483904]. It
practically means that we will be looking for a record
256, followed by a record 2147483904, followed by
4, and so on until we find the exact match of the
whole sequence ending with a 2147483652. It should
be noted that all parts of the antecedent of this rule
should occur together in the data set to finally imply
the consequent.
As the first part of our validation, we ran all our
mined rules against the infected dataset and extracted
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Table 3: Association rules in unified format.
# Rule Confidence
1 256, 2147483904, 4, 2147483652, 2147484160, 256, 2147483904, 4, 2147483652 1
2 256, 2147483904, 4, 2147483652, 2147484160, 256, 2147483904, 4, 2147483652 0.831050228
3 2147483652, 2147484160, 256, 2147483904, 4, 2147483652, 2147484160, 256, 2147483904 0.965714286
4 2147483904, 4, 2147483652, 2147484160, 256, 2147483904, 4, 2147483652, 2147484160 1
5 33026, 2147516674, 4096, 256, 258, 32768, 2147516416, 8192, 2147491840 1
6 4096, 8192, 2147491840, 4096, 8192, 2147491840, 4096, 8192, 2147491840 0.886956522
7 4, 2147483652, 2147484160, 256, 2147483904, 4, 2147483652, 2147484160, 256 0.945945946
8 258, 32768, 2147516416, 8192, 2147491840, 33026, 2147516674, 4096, 256 0.843137255
9 32768, 2147516416, 8192, 2147491840, 33026, 2147516674, 4096, 256, 258 0.931818182
10 2147484160, 256, 2147483904, 4, 2147483652, 2147484160, 256, 2147483904, 4 0.982248521
11 8192, 2147491840, 4096, 8192, 2147491840, 4096, 8192, 2147491840, 4096 1
12 256, 258, 32768, 2147516416, 8192, 2147491840, 33026, 2147516674, 4096 1
13 49152, 2147532800, 8192, 2147491840, 256, 258, 33026, 2147516674, 4096 1
14 2147491840, 4096, 8192, 2147491840, 4096, 8192, 2147491840, 4096, 8192 0.982142857
a histogram of the affected file types (Table 4). The
second and third most frequent file types are WN-
CRYT and WNCRY. These file types represent the
temporary storage and the final encrypted container
generated by the WannaCry ransomware accordingly
(Team, 2017). As for the TMP files, we suppose that
those are also temporary files generated by the mal-
ware since they were created in the infected direc-
tories (as indicated by the Parent File Reference en-
try in the record) and the timestamps match the time-
frame of the attack. The rest of the files comprise less
than 9% of the total detected records that were false-
positively identified. Having this information we may
conclude that the rules correctly detect the anomalies
caused in the file system by malicious activity. To get
the accuracy of the identification, we took all of the
unique file entries that were affected by the attack and
compared them with the ones detected by the rules:
out of 235 affected files we detected 206 which makes
an 87.7% accuracy.
Table 4: Detected file types histogram.
File Type Number of Hits
tmp 1020
wncryt 710
wncry 411
png 101
txt 31
db 24
docx 18
zip 12
js 6
vbs 5
gif 3
lnk 1
If we look closer at the 14 mined rules we can
identify that some of them are just shifted versions of
others. For example, rules 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, and 10. This
behavior was expected since the contiguous repetitive
patterns in the USN Journal can be grabbed by the
algorithm from different starting points. This leaves
us with 4 groups representing the unique rules: (1,
2, 3, 4, 7, 10), (6, 11, 14), (5, 8, 9, 12), and (13).
Only one rule number 13 does not have a shifted ver-
sion of itself. We extracted individual outputs of sin-
gle rules from the identified groups. A comparison
of the outputs showed little to no difference in the
identified records. Thus we end up with only 4 dis-
tinct rules for malicious behavior detection. Another
aspect noted is the repetitiveness of the pattern in the
mined rules. For example, rule number 6 [4096, 8192,
2147491840, 4096, 8192, 2147491840, 4096, 8192,
2147491840] is a repetition of the same 3-value pat-
tern [4096, 8192, 2147491840] three times. It is a
part of future work to address both the elimination of
shifted rule versions and the shortening of repeated
Machine learning methods can be considered a
significant alternative to the proposed method. How-
ever, there are some obstacles to applying them in
this context. It is easy for a forensic expert to cre-
ate a snapshot with a benign file system. The target
snapshot which constitutes the subject of investiga-
tion usually contains benign and malicious files which
are blended into one file system. Supervised learn-
ing models require file-level labels to provide scrutiny
about each file, which is very hard to achieve in dig-
ital forensics tasks due to the high cost of labeling.
One-class learning models, which may just learn from
the files in the benign snapshot, cannot use the tar-
get snapshot while inducing the models, limiting the
knowledge that can be obtained from both snapshots.
Unsupervised methods (e.g., clustering) that do not
use any labeled data may give some intuition to the
expert but they do not provide explicit rules. More
importantly, machine learning models do not provide
human-readable rules, which limits their applicabil-
ity in this context enormously. Even the explainable
methods such as decision trees may require additional
steps to generate rules and strict pruning strategies
should be applied to achieve comprehendible rule sets
at expense of detection loss.
Anomalous File System Activity Detection Through Temporal Association Rule Mining
In this work, we proposed an automated way of dis-
covering patterns in the NTFS USN change journal
by utilizing Temporal association rule mining. A data
preprocessing method is introduced which can cus-
tomize the Apriori algorithm for mining Temporal
association rules instead of mining traditional rules
where time has no meaning. The method can be
applied for both real-time and post-mortem pattern
recognition. We assume that normal and malicious
software leave distinct fingerprints in the file system
that are recorded by the change journal. To test this
theory we validate the method by trying to detect the
patterns of ransomware presence in the system. This
is achieved by practically infecting an operating sys-
tem with malware and then running the proposed sys-
tem against the extracted USN journal. As a result of
such validation, we identified patterns specific to mal-
ware activity. More specifically, the files which are in-
fected or generated by malicious activity are found by
the association rules mined from normal and infected
data sets.
As part of future work, we envision a system that
will utilize the proposed method in real-time to mon-
itor the activity of a live system in order to detect
patterns at the moment close to emerging. Another
prominent application would be the automatic gen-
eration of a forensic timeline that shows the system
behavior and possible attack timeframes and volume.
From the perspective of technical improvement, we
are planning to address the shifted rules handling and
merging in order to reduce the number of redundant
patterns. The same applies to the repetitive patterns
inside the rules: we need to shorten the identified pat-
tern if it is just a repeated sub-pattern present in it.
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ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy