Remote and Collaborative Software Development Projects: A
Requirements Elicitation Exploratory Study
Alexandre Grotta
1,2 a
and Edmir Parada Vasques Prado
IS Post-graduation Program (PPgSI), University of São Paulo (USP), São Paulo, Brazil
IS Graduation Program, Federal Institute of São Paulo (IFSP), São Paulo, Brazil
Keywords: Virtual Projects, Software Development, Requirements Elicitation.
Abstract: Remote and collaborative software development (RCSD) projects are gaining more relevance in the actual
information technology (IT) industry. RCSD projects may carry many benefits, such as economic, velocity,
and flexibility impacts to an IS project. Anyhow, RCSD might be complex, due to the team’s geographic
distribution, the issues of remote interactions, and other issues that might impact RCSD projects. One of the
first aspects to be affected in RCSD is the software requirements given they are often at the project beginning.
In this context, this research aims to analyse the factors that impact functional and non-functional
requirements in RCSD projects. For this objective, we choose a case study with 59 participants that formed
11 teams of software development. As result, we find that, in this research context, three factors of those six
had a positive association with the quality of RE. They are skills in software development, techniques of
software development, and tools (adequate selection and usage). These finds are in line with the literature
based on the triad People-Process-Tools. Our finds aim to contribute to the project management and software
engineering theoretical bases relevant parts, mainly RE success factors, team management, and projects.
The Software development process is no longer
solitary or single-person-centered. Instead, it has been
recognized as a collaborative process, where artifacts
are shared constantly. This new paradigm has been
named the remote and collaborative software
development (RCSD) process. In RCSD, cooperation
allows teams to better understand the information
system (IS) and its requirements, such as functional
and usability requirements. (Gallardo-López et al.
2016). However, new challenges impact distributed
IS projects when this collaboration gains large scale,
such as internationally distributed projects (Yadav,
RCSD projects are relevant because of many
benefits, such as economic, velocity, and flexibility
gains, although distribute projects might be complex.
These benefits were most notably seen during the
2019-2021 pandemic period when the workforce had
to quickly switch to a remote work environment
(Stechert 2021). Many IS teams move forward to
adopt the Agile development approach, even if they
have not been adopted before. The hybrid approach
also gained more momentum, given many project
teams could work remotely, with no major quality
impacts compared to the other alternatives then
(Marek, Wińska & Dąbrowski 2021). On the other
hand, Agile teams were thought to share physical
environments. But when these projects are distributed
among different places or regions, part of the teams’
bounds are damaged (Stechert, 2021).
The remote environment challenges start to affect
the project from its beginning. Requirements
elicitation (RE) is one of the first aspects to be
affected by a remote environment. Even before
starting the software development phase as many
project members might believe (Babar, Bunker, &
Gill, 2018). RE might be defined as the discovery,
gathering, and dissemination of user needs (Alexa e
Avasilcai, 2018). Thus, one of the major flaws in
software projects is related to incorrect and
incomplete RE (Mishra, Mishra & Yazici, 2008). In
this context, this research aims to analyse the factors
Grotta, A. and Prado, E.
Remote and Collaborative Software Development Projects: A Requirements Elicitation Exploratory Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0011812400003467
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2023) - Volume 2, pages 117-125
ISBN: 978-989-758-648-4; ISSN: 2184-4992
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
that influence RCSD within virtual project teams.
This main objective was narrowed down into two
specific objectives: i) to identify factors that influence
RE in virtual DCS projects with an agile approach,
and ii) to analyse the influence these factors apply to
the requirements quality. To perform this analysis, we
investigated virtual teams which applied the Agile
approach and the RCSD and that carried out RE
In this section, we detail two relevant concepts for
this research. First, we define and classify the RE. We
then detail RCSD.
2.1 Requirements Elicitation (RE)
In traditional (waterfall) software development
projects, RE must be performed at the initial stage of
software development, and all requirements must be
gathered and correctly documented. However, in a
constantly evolving environment like the actual one,
requirements also change frequently, including
during the development phase. Traditional
methodologies might be difficult to be applied in a
constantly changing environment. Thus, agile
methodologies can improve the software
development process by being more flexible to
accommodate software requirements changes and
this is one of the main reasons agile methodologies
are chosen for remote and RCSD environments
(Batool et al., 2013; Curcio et al., 2018).
The RE is often described as the initial phase of
the software life cycle and it is considered the most
critical and complex phase of a software project
(Pandey, Suman, & Ramani, 2010; Fernandes et al.,
2012; Buitron, Flores-Rios, & Pino, 2018). RE
success is considered a prerequisite for software
success, given RE delineates both the system’s needs
and its limitations, via communication with
stakeholders (Curcio et al., 2018).
A common categorizing approach is to split
requirements as functional requirements or non-
functional requirements (Pandey, Suman e Ramani,
2010), as follows:
Functional Requirements (FR). They express
the users’ needs and the activities the software must
perform, except those considered by the limitations.
(Buitron, Flores-Rios, & Pino, 2018).
Non-Functional Requirements (NR). The NFs
limit software behavior through software-specific
attributes, such as software security mechanisms,
software distribution type, and software usage
licenses (Younas et al., 2017). NFs are important
parts such as technology selection, hardware
allocation, and software development standards
(Younas et al., 2017; Buitron, Flores-Rios, and Pinto,
2.2 Collaborative Software
Development (RCSD)
To detail the RCSD, we narrowed it down into three
dimensions (Sardjono, Retnowardhani, & Budianto,
2021): people, processes, and technologies.
People. People is a dimension that may embrace
many factors of human beings. For this research, we
choose the factors ‘motivation’ and ‘learning
capability’, for reasons detailed as follows.
Motivation is a critical factor for the success of a
project given unmotivated people tend not to be
engaged in project activities. On the other hand,
project team members might be motivated mainly by
two different motivation dimensions (Sardjono,
Retnowardhani, & Budianto, 2021) expect internal
rewards, such as developing his/her capabilities, and
feel internally a sense of being able to. Extrinsically
motivated team members might be interested in
external rewards, such as financial rewards, the need
for relations, or family and friends needs (Melo et al.,
2011). Therefore, some behavioral attitudes may
express positive team member motivation, such as
delivering on time (punctuality) and delivering
frequently (Grotta & Prado, 2021). Motivation is a
critical factor for the success of a project given that
team motivation reflects on customer benefits (Melo
et al., 2011).
Team members’ learning capability is another
relevant factor. Given the constant changes in the
environment and technology, both self-directed and
collaborative learning as necessary skills for software
development project members (Intayoad, 2014).
Process. We choose two of the available factors
for the software development process
communication and RE techniques for the
following reasons. First, communication directs the
collaborative interaction patterns in global software
development teams. Both the communication mode
and task type influence communication patterns
(Serce et al., 2011). Thus, communication influences
directly or indirectly the outcome of a project, which
can be positive or negative outcomes. It includes
conflict communication (Marshall and Gamble,
2015). The communication type to deal with
interpersonal conflicts is highly related to RE
outcomes (Liu et al., 2011).
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
The second factor is RE techniques. More
specifically, this factor directly influences RE. Thus,
different RE techniques might or might be
appropriate in certain RE contexts (Alflen, Prado &
Grotta, 2021).
Technology. This dimension relates to the IT
resources of virtual DCS projects. There is a
framework to analyse RCSD teams. It allows a
unified view of how the stakeholders’
communications occur by the means of the
technology and how technology is used. The
technologies scaffold the teams’ communication
given communication, as presented, is a critical factor
in this type of project (L'Erario et al., 2020). The
communication success/ effectiveness of
geographically distributed teams is also related to the
ability of team members to use and collaborate with
the technology (Serce et al., 2011).
This research aims to explore the factors that
influence the quality of requirements in virtual DCS
projects with an agile approach. Therefore, this is an
exploratory study that may offer more information
about the study object and scaffold the formulation of
hypotheses for future research (Creswell & Creswell,
We adopted the case study as defined by
(Eisenhardt, 1989), given the case study allows the
researcher to respond flexibly to new findings when
collecting primary data. In this research, for
confidentiality reasons, the organization and the
participants were anonymized. However, all other
relevant information is presented.
3.1 Research Propositions
The research propositions are grouped according to
the three dimensions detailed in the Theoretical Basis
Section. In summary, we choose three dimensions,
according to Figure 1 as follows, that resulted in six
research propositions:
Dimension 1 People dimension represents the
characteristics of RCSD teams:
P1: Teams with higher motivation produce RE
with better quality in DCS projects.
P2: Teams with better software development
skills produce RE with better quality in DCS
Dimension 2 – Process dimension represents the
characteristics of RE processes:
P3: Teams with a better level of communication
in software development processes produce RE
with better quality in DCS projects.
P4: Teams that do the most proper use of ER
techniques produce RE with better quality in
DCS projects.
Dimension 3 Resources dimension represents the
technological resources used by team members:
P5: Teams with better IT infrastructure
resources produce RE with better quality in DCS
P6: Teams with better use of collaboration tools
produce RE with better quality in DCS projects.
These propositions aim to establish the relationships
between the research variables. The variables were
divided into two categories, as detailed in the next
Subsections: independent variables (3.2) and
dependent variables (3.3).
3.2 Independent Variables
This research model is based on (Creswell &
Creswell, 2021). It has six independent variables.
Three variables were evaluated at the individual level:
Motivation (V1), Skills (V2), and Communication
(v3). The other three variables were evaluated at the
group level: the usage of RE techniques (V4), IT
Infrastructure (V5), and Project Tools (V6).
Motivation (V1). This variable refers to the
team's motivation specifically in the RE process. The
motivation level of each team member was defined
based on two criteria attendance, punctuality, and
self-assessment, which were done via a questionnaire.
The composition of these three indicators defined a
rational variable ranging from zero to 10. Team
motivation was calculated from the arithmetic mean
of team members' motivations.
Skill (V2). This variable represents the skill of
each team member in the software development
activity. This ability was measured by academic
grades obtained in disciplines related to software
development. This variable is of the rational type
ranging from zero to 10. The team's ability was
calculated as the arithmetic mean of the team
members' abilities.
Communication (V3). This variable measures
the quality of communication between the team
members and the customer in the RE process. The
communication level of each team member was
defined based on their participation and interactions
with the group. It was assessed by an individual
questionnaire. The composition of these two
indicators defined a rational type of variable ranging
from zero to 10.
Remote and Collaborative Software Development Projects: A Requirements Elicitation Exploratory Study
Figure 1: Research Propositions.
The team communication level was calculated as
the arithmetic mean of the team members'
communication levels. The other three independent
variables were evaluated at the team level only. They
are detailed as follows:
RE Techniques (V4). It represents the proper
usage of RE techniques. A five-point Likert-type
ordinal scale was defined: 1 - very low; 2 - low; 3 -
medium; 4 - high; 5 - very high. The top three most
cited RE techniques were: interviewing,
brainstorming, and prototyping.
Infrastructure (V5). It represents the low-level
infrastructure that is represented by both hardware
and internet connection capabilities. It was assessed
by the same Likert scale as presented in V4.
Tools (V6). This variable represents the
appropriate usage of collaboration tools (software) by
the team. There was an ordinal three levels scale as
follows: no collaboration tools; inappropriate
collaboration tools; or proper collaboration tools.
3.3 Dependent Variables
As seen in Figure 1, the research proposition has two
dependent variables as follows:
FR Quality (V7). It refers to the functional
requirements quality. It was measured by a prototype
presentation, versus the client's requirements. To
measure this variable, a three-level ordinal scale was
defined as follows: level 0, low RE quality (33% of
the FR, or less) was fully achieved; level 1, medium
RE quality (more than 36% and less than 66% of the
FR) were elicited with completeness and consistency;
and level 2, high-quality RE (more than 66% of the
FR) were elicited correctly.
NR Quality (V8). It refers to the non-functional
requirements quality and we utilized the same scale
as we did in V7 but for NR.
3.4 Case Study Protocol
This Subsection details the case study protocol into
eight steps, and its intermediary steps, from i) data
collection policies to vii) data analysis procedures, as
i) Data Collection Policies. The data collection
policies were limited by the research objectives,
propositions, and evidence sources, including those
that support the threats to validity and conclusions.
ii) Data Source. This research collected three
sources of evidence: observation carried out in
meetings to follow up on the RE work of a DCS
project; a questionnaire applied to team members; and
a prototype of the software delivered by the teams.
Data were collected from four different sources, to
allow verification of evidence employing
triangulation, according to (Yin, 2010):
iii) Participants. The case study was conducted
in the first semester of 2022, with students of an IS
undergraduate course. A total of 61 students
participated in this study thought an entire semester.
Beyond the course knowledge, many of the students
also had work experience (previous or in progress).
iv) Data Sources. Data were collected based on
the survey variables. Data were collected in the first
half of 2022. One data source could be related to one
or more research variables, as shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Data sources by variables.
ID Variable Type* Data Source
V1 Motivation I Quiz
V2 Skills I Grades
V3 Communication I Interactions
V4 Techniques I Interactions
V5 Infrastructure I Interactions
V6 Tools I Interactions
V7 FR quality D Prototype
V8 NF quality D Prototype
* Variables: (I) - Independent or (D) - Dependent
v) Participants’ Objective. To observe the
phenomenon of RE, the students were grouped into
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
teams. Each group had the main objective as follows:
to elicit the system requirements and then to produce
and present a working prototype.
vi) Influence of the Researcher. All projects
were developed using RCSD. Beyond the
observation, the researcher also played the role of
product owner, which is the person in charge of
defining product requirements for the development
vii) Data Analysis Procedures. The most
relevant interactions were recorded and then
transcribed into text. These results allowed the
analysis of the group members' discourse via a
semantic content analysis (Bardin, 2011).
Questionnaire data and grades were analyzed using
descriptive statistics. Finally, the researcher in the
role of Product Owner analyzed all prototypes and
compared the results obtained by the teams regarding
RE deliveries compared to their original definition.
In this Section, we first contextualize the case study.
We then present the results outline. Finally, presents
the evaluation of research propositions with data
grouped by teams’ results, as seen in Table 2:
4.1 Context of the Case Study
This case study was conducted in the first semester of
2022. The IS undergraduate program has a minimum
duration of four years. It is in the São Paulo state,
Brazil. The select course of that program was from
the 7
semester, thus those students were considered
Seniors. The course was mainly offered during the
night period. Therefore, many students were working
during the day, such as internships or full job
In this research, we tried to keep as much as
possible the same conditions for all participants for
the same context, as follows: (i) the requirements
were presented to the teams in the same manner; (ii)
the researcher conducted the same activities for all
teams; (iii) the duration of the activities was the same
for all teams, divided into four interactions; (iv) the
evaluation was the same for all teams.
A total of 59 students formed eleven teams for the
software development project, according to Table 2.
Each team worked on one single academic only. This
case study was focused on observing the students and
their projects. The semester project was first divided
into two phases: first, perform the requirements
elicitation; second, produce and present a project, and
Table 2: Motivation, Skills, and Communication.
Members M H C Members M H C Members M H C
E1 8,3 5,1 5,3 M01 9,0 6,0 6,2 M03 8,0 6,0 4,8 M05 7,4 6,0 3,4
M02 8,0 5,0 4,8 M04 8,8 3,5 6,2 M06 8,5 4,0 6,2
E2 6,9 4,4 6,0 M07 7,4 4,5 7,6 M09 6,9 4,0 6,2 M11 6,9 3,0 6,2
M08 6,9 5,5 6,2 M10 5,6 4,3 2,0 M12 7,4 5,0 7,6
E3 8,3 7,2 5,9 M13 9,0 9,0 7,6 M15 8,8 7,5 7,6 M17 6,9 7,5 2,0
M14 8,0 4,5 4,8 M16 9,0 7,5 7,6
E4 7,1 8,3 6,4 M18 7,4 8,5 7,6 M20 6,6 10,0 4,8 M22 6,9 6,0 6,2
M19 7,4 8,0 7,6 M21 6,9 9,5 6,2 M23 7,4 8,0 6,2
E5 8,7 6,1 8,2 M24 9,0 6,5 9,0 M26 8,5 5,5 7,6 M28 8,5 6,5 7,6
M25 9,0 6,0 9,0 M27 8,5 6,0 7,6
E6 4,0 9,4 6,8 M29 4,0 9,0 6,2 M31 4,1 9,5 7,6 M33 3,6 9,5 4,8
M30 4,1 9,5 7,6 M32 4,1 9,5 7,6
E7 2,3 5,3 5,7 M34 2,3 4,5 6,2 M36 2,0 7,0 2,0 M38 2,5 4,0 7,6
M35 2,3 5,0 4,8 M37 2,3 5,5 6,2 M39 2,5 5,5 7,6
E8 3,9 8,3 6,9 M40 4,1 8,0 9,0 M42 4,0 9,0 7,6 M44 3,3 9,0 2,0
M41 4,1 8,5 9,0 M43 4,1 9,5 9,0 M45 3,5 6,0 4,8
E9 2,4 5,2 7,6 M46 2,5 5,5 7,6 M47 2,5 4,0 9,0 M48 2,3 6,0 6,2
E10 8,7 6,6 6,8 M49 9,0 8,0 7,6 M51 9,0 7,0 7,6 M53 8,5 5,5 6,2
M50 8,0 4,1 4,8 M52 9,0 8,5 7,6
E11 2,3 6,7 5,3 M54 2,3 7,5 4,8 M56 2,2 3,5 3,4 M58 2,5 7,0 7,6
M55 2,3 7,5 6,2 M57 2,3 6,5 4,8 M59 2,3 8,0 4,8
Legend: (1) Team average; (2) Motivation; (3) Skill; (4) Communication
Remote and Collaborative Software Development Projects: A Requirements Elicitation Exploratory Study
review requirements whenever necessary. In the first
interaction with the class, the teams were formed, and
the main activities and deliverables were planned. All
team members were very engaged. Although before
the end of the semester, two students dropped their
course enrollment, thus they are not listed in Table 2.
4.2 Results Outline
As seen in Table 2, the variable motivation was the
one that had both the lowest average and the highest
difference among the teams. The mean of the teams
was 5.7 with a standard deviation of 2.7. According
to Mukaka (2012), the preliminary data analysis
showed three variables were positively aligned with
the RE: skills, techniques, and tools. This is because
the teams that stood out in the RE were also superior
in these three variables. Furthermore, these three
variables indicated a correlation with the FR and NR,
because as their level grows, the quality level of FR
and NR also grows. We then verified the correlation
between independent and dependent variables via
Spearman's correlation as shown in Table 3.
Table 3: Variables Spearman Correlation.
Dimensions P
Independents Dependents
P1 Motivation 0,545 0,145
P2 Skills 0,945 0,6
P3 Communication 0,4 0,173
P4 Techniques 0,8 0,455
P5 Infrastructure 0,6 0,291
P6 Tools 0,836 0,409
* Bold=Strong or Very Strong Correlation;
Italic = moderate Correlation
Positive associations between independent and
dependent variables were those with strong or very
strong correlations, as shown in Table 3. According
to Mukaka (2012), values between 0 and 0.3 represent
negligible correlations, between 0.31 and 0.5 weak,
between 0.51 and 0.7 moderate, between 0.71 and 0.9
strong, and 0.9 or greater represent very strong. We
highlight the four independent variables that had in
Table 3 strong and/or moderate correlation with the
dependent variable, as follows:
Skills had the strongest positive association
with FR (very strong) and the NF (moderate)
requirements. This indicates that the teams’ skills
were the most relevant independent variable to be
considered for the elicitation of requirements.
Tools; Techniques: A strong level of
correlation was found for both tools and techniques
independent variables. This indicates that, beyond the
skills, Teams also need to select and have access to
the appropriate tools, while they also had to utilize the
most appropriate techniques, towards achieving FR
Infrastructures: Finally, this independent
variable was the only one to have a moderate
correlation with FR. Thus, in this research context,
the availability of good infrastructure, if not all, at
least in parts affects the quality of the final FR.
4.3 Research Propositions Evaluation
Finally, table 4 summarizes the tests of research
propositions by grouping the data by teams. The top
performers’ teams were E3, E6, E7, and E8, which
represent 30.8% of the teams. They elicited
requirements with a good level of completeness and
consistency. These teams scored an average of 8.8 on
the ER. The top performers were superior to the other
teams concerning three variables: skills, techniques,
and tools.
The average performers teams E1, E2, E4, E5 and
E10. These teams scored an average of 5.0 on the ER.
Finally, teams E9 and E11 had an unsatisfactory
performance, given they scored less than 2.5 for FR
and zero for the NR requirements. This indicates that
the motivation was very different among the teams.
On the other hand, the variable communication and
skills had a higher average when compared to the
motivation. They also had fewer standard deviations.
In this Section, we first perform an analysis of the
propositions, followed by a description of the
research limitations.
5.1 Analysis of the Propositions
To research validity, we choose to state as a
confirmed proposition only those that have a strong
or very strong Spearman Correlation, as described in
Table 2. Thus, we could confirm propositions P2
(Skills), P4 (Techniques), and P5 (Tools) regarding
FR. On the other hand, we could not confirm any
proposition regarding NR. Most importantly, each
confirmed proposition belongs to one specific
dimension, from where we can state all three
dimensions influence FR, as described in the
theoretical bases of this research. The result confirms
the validity of the people-process-technology
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 4: Evaluation of Research Propositions by Teams.
Teams Motivation Skills Communication Techni
ues Infrastructure Tools F
E3 8,3 7,2 5,9 5 4 1 2 2
E8 3,9 8,3 6,9 5 5 2 2 2
E6 4 9,4 6,8 5 4 2 2 1
E7 2,3 5,3 5,7 4 4 1 1 2
4,6 7,6 6,3 9,5 8,5 7,5 8,8 8,8
E1 8,3 5,1 5,3 5 5 1 1 1
E2 6,9 4,4 6 4 5 2 1 1
E4 7,1 8,3 6,4 5 4 1 1 1
E5 8,7 6,1 8,2 5 5 1 1 1
E10 8,7 6,6 6,8 4 4 1 1 1
7,9 6,1 6,5 9,2 9,2 6 5 5
E11 2,3 6,7 5,3 5 2 1 1 0
E9 2,4 5,2 7,6 2 4 1 0 0
2,4 6 6,5 7 6 5 2,5 0
structure, often applied in IS system development, as
presented in the theoretical basis of this research.
People. This dimension is composed of two
propositions: P1 and P2. Although the first one,
motivation, was not verified, the second one, skills,
was verified (with a very strong correlation). This
result is in line with Intayoad (2014), which states
‘skills’ is an important attribute for professional
success. In the context of this research, professional
skills were highly relevant for RE success.
Process. This dimension is composed of two
propositions: P3 and P4. Although the first dimension
(communication) was not verified, the second one
(techniques) was verified. Proposition P4 associates
the adequate use of RE techniques with the
improvement of the quality of the RE and it was
verified as described in Table 1.
Resource Dimension. This dimension is
composed of two propositions: P5 and P6. Similarly,
from the other two dimensions, only one was
considered valid. This means that hardware
technological resources were not associated with
better RE quality. On the other hand, proposition P6
(tools) had a strong correlation with FR elicitation.
This result is in line with the work by Serçe et al.
(2011), who argue that the success and effectiveness
of geographically distributed teams are more
sensitive to the ability of team members to use these
tools and technology to collaborate. In other words,
our findings suggest that the ability to use
collaboration tools improves the quality of RE in
virtual DCS projects.
5.2 Research Limitations
The research limitations were assessed according to
(Yin, 2010). We identified and safeguarded against
three limitations at least, as follows.
Data Collection Process: we considered the
research bias in the observations or interpretation of
team members’ data; for this limitation, the
researcher was an expert in its area, which decreased
that bias.
Generalization of Results: we highlight that it is
not possible to generalize our results, given this is a
single-shot case study. Anyhow, case studies support
other future research, in this case, the knowledge of
the factors that influence the quality of RE.
Data Analysis: Data were collected through
interactions conducted by the researcher. But at least
one other researcher supported the interpretation of
the participants’ results to avoid any biased from the
observation process. Lastly, to avoid participants’
negative selves-influence, inter or intra-group, all
results were assessed against plagiarism, and
participants were stimulated to do fair play.
The objective of this research was to analyse the
interaction of IS teams working remotely in
collaborative software development (RCSD)
projects. For this objective, we conducted a case
study with 59 participants divided into 11 teams. In
Research Objectives. Recovering that the main
objective of this research was to analyse the factors
that influence RCSD within virtual project teams. The
first specific objective was to identify factors that
influence RE in virtual DCS projects with an agile
approach. We identified six factors that were
categorized into three dimensions. The specific
objective was to analyse the influence these factors
apply to the requirements quality. In this research
context, three of six factors had a positive association
with the quality of RE: skills [in software
Remote and Collaborative Software Development Projects: A Requirements Elicitation Exploratory Study
development], techniques [of software development],
and tools [adequate selection and usage of].
Practical and Theoretical Contribution. This
research contributes to the RCSD practices in remote,
virtual, and/or distant working environments. We
present RE success factors in this research context.
Particularly, the team’s most relevant aspect was
‘skills. By using the most appropriate process, the
teams that were able to select and use the most
appropriate were also able to successfully elucidate
and implement software requirements. The research
aims to contribute to the project management and
software engineering theoretical bases. For future
research, we plan to investigate the gap in hybrid
Alflen, N. C., Prado, E. P., & Grotta, A. (2020). A Model for
Evaluating Requirements Elicitation
Techniques in
Software Development Projects. In ICEIS (2) (pp. 242-
Alexa, L., & Avasilcai, S. (2018). The requirement
elicitation process of designing a collaborative
environment - the case. MATEC Web of
Conferences. doi: 10.1051/matecconf/201818404010
Babar, A., Bunker, D., & Gill, A. (2018). Investigating the
relationship between business analysts’ competency
and requirements elicitation: A thematic-analysis
approach. Communications of the Association for
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