EuroTeQ as an Alliance to Promote European Engineering Education
Valery Vodovozov
, Zoja Raud
and Madis Lehtla
Department of Electrical Power Engineering and Mechatronics, Tallinn University of Technology,
Ehitajate tee 5, Tallinn, Estonia
Keywords: Engineering Education, Active Learning, Open Online Courses, Distance Education, Blended Learning,
Abstract: The ongoing technical progress needs in deepening the partnership of engineering educational institutions.
The EuroTeQ University Alliance, created by six leading European universities of science and technology,
represents one of the first responses to this challenge. The paper is dedicated to assessing the strengths and
weaknesses of the EuroTeQ platform. The EuroTeQ student cohort is compared here with the international
student team studied at the host university for three years and the European Erasmus+ one-semester student
team. A discipline “Robotics” of six credit points for the bachelor degree came into the focus of this study.
An active learning approach was applied as the basic educational methodology. As a result of multilateral
analysis and observations, several directions for further development of the EuroTeQ Alliance are proposed.
As the educational landscape of Europe is becoming
more and more diverse, contemporary society needs
to respond to this alteration in a timely manner.
Higher education calls for transnational university
alliances that could link the knowledge space with
research, innovation and service. These alliances aim
to increase the institutional cooperation, to deepen its
intensity, and to expand effectiveness. They have to
open the ways towards the future, to strengthen
European values, and to increase the competitiveness
and weight of higher education. To accelerate the
steps forward, the alliances are asked to support
various cooperation models, involve partners from
different types of institutions, and cover broad
geographic areas across Europe.
EuroTeQ, a union of European engineering
universities (EuroTeQ, 2022), is the flagship of such
alliances. It is designed to promote high-quality
European higher education and adopt a challenge-
based approach whereby students, faculty and
external partners could collaborate in
interdisciplinary teams to solve the big challenges
facing Europe today. The European Union considers
this alliance as part of the European Universities
initiative (European Universities initiative, 2021).
This is one of the European Commission projects
designed for three years. About five million euros has
been allocated there through Erasmus+ (Erasmus+,
2022) and two million euros through Horizon 2020
(Horizon, 2020) European educational programmes.
The EuroTeQ alliance involves six universities,
namely Technical University of Munich (TUM) in
Germany, as a coordinator, École Polytechnique
(L’X) in France, Research and entrepreneurial
Technical University of Denmark (DTU) in Kongens
Lyngby near Copenhagen, Czech Technical
University (CTU) in Prague, the Eindhoven
University of Technology (TU/e) in Netherlands, and
Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech) in
Estonia. The third-party partners from École
Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in
Switzerland and the Israeli Technion Institute of
Technology in Haifa support the alliance and
contribute to its activity. EuroTeQ has also 45
associated partners from society and industry.
Students from TUM, TU/e, DTU, L’X, CTU,
TalTech, EPFL and Technion self-enrol in EuroTeQ
targeting to receive either a certificate of achievement
or the diploma supplement upon completion and to
Vodovozov, V., Raud, Z. and Lehtla, M.
EuroTeQ as an Alliance to Promote European Engineering Education.
DOI: 10.5220/0011824900003470
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2023) - Volume 2, pages 601-607
ISBN: 978-989-758-641-5; ISSN: 2184-5026
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
experience virtual and/or physical mobility at all
levels of study. To navigate there, the student-centred
course catalogue was jointly designed and delivered
across inter-university campuses. In 2022, the
catalogue involved above 100 disciplines. The rules
for transferring obtained grades vary depending on
the institution grading systems.
In the first two years, EuroTeQ has become very
popular among the students and staff. Practically, all
well-known social media support this alliance.
EuroTeQ Engineering University page in LinkedIn
has near 800 followers. Something similar can be
observed at #euroteq in Facebook and TikTok,
@EuroTeQ in Twitter and Instagram.
EuroTeQ spring 2023 statistics is impressive. 69
students have enrolled in 95 subjects. 18 young
people chose more than one subject. 15 learners
selected subjects from different universities
simultaneously and some students chose disciplines
from the same university. Many students are currently
on a waiting list since the subjects they selected have
a limit of participants and there turned out to be more
applicants than places.
Nevertheless, quite many challenges have been
discovered related to EuroTeQ. This study focuses on
the impact of EuroTeQ participation on engineering
students with diverse educational backgrounds, skills,
and language proficiency. The purpose is to
determine an extent of EuroTeQ effectiveness and to
identify possible ways in achieving success in
academic performance and knowledge acquisition.
To clarify the reasons for failures and dissatisfaction
of students and staff, various teams of applicants are
compared with each other during the analysis of the
past training period.
The following research questions were stated
how big is a dropdown rate of EuroTeQ
students and what are its reasons?
what forms of study mainly prefer EuroTeQ
enrolees and which of them they usually
how great are the time costs for participation
in the EuroTeQ study?
what could be concluded about the study
success of the EuroTeQ participants
compared to other students?
In the next sections of the paper, related studies
are referenced, materials and methods are explained
including students and disciplines, learning
environment and educational format. Then, the
results of the analysis are displayed followed by
discussion and conclusions.
As shown in (Wu, 2013), open cources have many
benefits for society, as they make higher education a
public good, allowing anyone to enroll and providing
an opportunity to freely communicate with other
learners and faculty on a global scale. They expand
the possibilities of instructors to experiment with
pedagogical methods and systematize data on
learners behavior, motivation, team interaction, and
student habits. According to (MOOC, 2022), online
courses ensure many affordable and flexible paths to
obtain new skills, advance career, and increase a scale
of quality competences. Millions of people around the
globe enrol in open institutions aiming to develop and
change their career.
However, despite their potential to support
education, such organisations as MOOCs and SPOCs
have serious concerns (Guo, 2017), mainly related to
dropout, since only a very small percentage of their
enrolled learners complete the study. As follows from
(Onah, 2014; Feng, 2019; Goel, 2020; Bugueño-
Córdova, 2022; Schmieden, 2022), MOOC
completion rates are very low, somewhere from 3 to
Among the reasons of the notable dropout, such
possible challenges are usually listed as:
unordered learning environment,
low digital literacy of participants,
requirements for participants to self-regulate
and set their own goals,
lack of time for course participation,
language and translation restrictions,
difficulties for instructors to control online
accessibility limitations for users, especially
for people from poor socio-economic
regions and areas with bad Internet access.
It was demonstrated in the preceding authors’
studies that the difference in the experience and skills
of learners involved in the common educational
environment becomes a source of enthusiasm for
some and discontent for others. This work extends to
the EuroTeQ platform the previous findings in
student mobility (Vodovozov, 2020), active learning
(Vodovozov, 2021) and blended methodology
(Vodovozov, 2022) taking into account new student
groups and activities.
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
3.1 Students and Disciplines
Three teams of enrolees are compared in this
research, namely the home TalTech students, the
Erasmus+ mobility students, and the EuroTeQ
students, a total of 77 participants. A discipline
“Robotics” (ATR0030) for the BSc degree of six
credit points in the European Credit Transfer and
Accumulation System (ECTS) came into the focus of
this study. English was used as a non-native
instruction language for all participants. Spring and
autumn 2022 semesters are covered together.
The home team is represented by the international
students from Georgia, Ukraine, Iran, Afghanistan,
and several African countries enrolled to complete a
full cycle of undergraduate learning in TalTech. This
cohort studies “Robotics” as a mandatory discipline
in the chosen “Integrated Engineering" specialty. On
the other side, European Erasmus+ and EuroTeQ
learners chose “Robotics” as an elective course of
their specialization. For the home and Erasmus+
students, “Robotics” represents the part of their
curricula and directly affected the results of their
educational performance. For EuroTeQ students, this
is an additional burden that does not have a direct
impact on their academic records. It is noteworthy
that trainees with various backgrounds, skills, and
levels of knowledge were united in a common
learning cohort and created a multifaceted collective,
which is fairly typical for modern engineering society
(Vodovozov, 2020).
3.2 Learning Environment
A notable feature of the approach under consideration
is that the educational landscape was organized in
such a way that the course has been composed of two
parts, namely the mandatory part and the elective
part. Bearing in mind differences in work experience,
skills and knowledge, such a division is considered
quite justified.
The first part aimed at providing students with the
necessary knowledge base and professional
experience. In general, it was mandatory to perform a
minimum number of laboratory works and computer
exercises, as well as to pass a theoretical exam.
The second part was designed to expand and
deepen this compulsory base to meet the specific
needs, habits, or requests of participants. This elective
part presumed active learning, which means that it
was focused on student’s desire to educate themselves
encouraging them to take responsibility for their own
learning (Vodovozov, 2021). All elective activities
were composed of multiple training events, such as
practices and polls in the particular topics, with
appropriate learning forms, outcomes, and durations.
All students in this educational environment could
participate online or in-person in lectures, student
presentations, and computer exercises, as well as in
practical laboratory works on real equipment. To this
aim, those who studied in the class and online were
supervised by the staff in such a way that, although to
varying degrees, but to maximize both in-person and
online knowledge understanding and acquisition.
Individually selected assessment methods served
as an integral part of this environment. The
assessment system presumed both formative and
summative forms, and learners could select one or
another possibility. The sum of bonuses received for
solving elective tasks was considered as the expected
examination grade (formative assessment). However,
instead of the bonus, participants could take a usual
written exam (summative assessment).
Table 1 demonstrates the study forms and
assessment methods applied.
Table 1: Study forms and assessment methods.
Elective stud
In-person defence
of exercises
Supervised exercises, and self-
made computer exercises
Participation in class lectures,
on-lecture discussions and fast-
Self-learning via Internet,
textbooks, and e-
Summative exam-
ased assessment
Formative bonus-based
3.3 Educational Format
Weekly lectures were delivered in class and broadcast
simultaneously via Echo™ along with slideshows
and video clips in the institutional learning
management system Moodle™, therefore home and
Erasmus+ students could choose between in-person
classes, online participation, or simply skip them.
Attendee of live classes could also participate in fast-
track polls and solve on-lecture tasks with bonus
collecting. They could also discuss possible
responses and get to know about correct solutions,
whereas the EuroTeQ team members had only two
options, namely either to attend online or to skip
EuroTeQ as an Alliance to Promote European Engineering Education
To increase the grade and to get the primary
research and publication experience, interested
students were invited to develop and demonstrate the
authored PowerPoint presentations also
broadcasted online. All such presentations are usually
included in an international workshop "Amazing
Robotics" supported by Estonia section of IEEE
education society. Before uploading, the presenters
were advised to evaluate their files themself by
summing up the points in the specially developed
grading criteria:
the presentation has a pre-recorded audio format
with pictures and text of good quality, including
a list of references and web links;
the presentation clearly focuses on the chosen
topic; the robot place in the general topology
classification is given; an application area and
examples, companies, and their models are
presented; the history of development,
perspectives, advantages, and disadvantages are
technical and technological data are given,
including payload, speed, mass, power, number
of bodies and their names, number and types of
joints, coordinate systems, sensors and
actuators, control and programming tools;
the student makes a presentation to the audience,
answers the questions, and asks the questions to
other speakers.
Since the speech themes were agreed before
presentations, the speakers fulfilled part of the exam
requirements and helped others with learning. Student
audio-files were stored in the Moodle™ repository
with the appropriate copyright attributes and open
access for all site visitors.
Lectures were accompanied by online quizzes that
students could answer at will. Each right answer
boosted the respondent’s bonus while the wrong one
reduced it. After the deadline, the answers were
automatically graded and quiz results were posted
along with the correct solutions.
Computer exercises might be produced either in
the schoolroom or independently following by in-
person defence and reporting. Exercises involved also
an elective section, which solution also brought
bonuses. Such popular and widespread software as
MATLAB™ helped students to better understand the
main topics of the discipline despite the difference in
experience and programming skills.
Laboratory practice was performed as a team
activity followed by role sharing, individual tasks,
and personal reports.
Unlike the TalTech and Erasmus+ students, the
educational format of the EuroTeQ participants had
some restrictions. Laboratory works were carried out
for them not on a regular basis, but in the form of a
special week-long laboratory session, to which they
were invited by the TalTech administration at the end
of the semester. The EuroTeQ students had the only
online lectures and broadcast live computer classes.
Supervised exercises were replaced by weekly
consultations conducted via Microsoft Teams™.
Unfortunately, as the schedules of many
universities participated in the EuroTeQ were not
agreed, it was impossible to avoid problems with
timetables of classes. It is even more disappointing
that for the same reason some EuroTeQ students
could not travel to TalTech for participation in the
laboratory session. And this is despite the fact that
traveling to another country accompanied by live
contact with the staff is the most attractive side of the
EuroTeQ project.
Figure 1 shows the enrolment and dropout rates of
students. As can be seen from these diagrams, the
EuroTeQ team makes up an insignificant part of the
group, although it attracts attention with a significant
In Fig. 2, the EuroTeQ team is compared to the
TalTech and Erasmus+ teams in terms of the chosen
forms of study.
Figure 1: Enrolment (left) and dropout (right) rates of
According to this diagram, the attitude of EuroTeQ
participants to study can be considered to some extent
different from the attitude of TalTech and Erasmus+
members. EuroTeQ learners pay less attention to such
elective activities as student presentations or
additional exercises, but they seem to be more
motivated in quizzes and web consultations.
Tal Tech
Tal Tec h
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 2: The share of students participated in elective
forms of study.
To attract attention to lectures, the students were
involved in on-lecture talks, surveys and polls
participation in which could boost the bonus amount
collected in the scope of formative assessment. Those
who took part via Internet, including EuroTeQ
students, acted as outside bystanders of these options.
Nevertheless, all students always received lecture
slides and manuals for further and deeper study the
The same applies to exercises. Students who
visited supervised classes, as a rule, followed the
directions of the trainer on how to systematically
carry out their work. They also had the opportunity to
ask questions and get help directly from instructors in
solving their issues. Oppositely, in the case of self-
completion of homeworks, these benefits were
lacking or delayed, but the strong students could
move faster and pick their own methods in task
solving. With any approach, tutorials with detailed
exercises and work instructions were always
available to everyone.
In order to understand the “cost” of elective
activities in a course designed for 156 hours (six
ECTS credits), including 64 hours of classroom
lessons, it was estimated the time spent on study by
the students participated in these events. Quizzing
time has been obtained directly from Moodle™
statistics. Exercise time was also counted by
Moodle™ as the time intervals between the start and
completion of tasks. The time spent on creating
presentations was calculated by the students
themselves. Figure 3 shows the approximated
fractions of time between different forms of elective
Figure 3: The distribution of academic hours that an
average participant devoted to elective learning.
During the data processing for Figure 3, it turned
out that the team members can be divided into three
categories, namely those who dedicated to learning
more than 70% of the nominal study time, those who
spent less than 10% of the available time, and the
leftovers. Figure 4 demonstrates such a distribution.
Figure 4: The ratios of time spent on study by an average
It is impressive here that EuroTeQ students have
spent considerable time for elective study, which,
unlike their competitors, they had to snatch from the
main classes at their universities.
Though most of students chose various options,
only a part of them received a score above 2 on a 5-
point grading system.
Figure 5 illustrates the proportion of learners who
not only tried, but also succeeded in elective
activities. Regrettably, EuroTeQ is not among the
leaders in this category.
Figure 5: The share of successful students among the
elective activity participants.
Despite the fact that the absolute majority of
learners were satisfied with the bonuses they earned
and accepted them as final grades, some had to go
through an exam in the form of a summative
EuroTeQ Erasmus+ TalTech
TalTech Erasmus+ EuroTeQ
EuroTeQ Erasmus+ TalTech
EuroTeQ as an Alliance to Promote European Engineering Education
assessment. This applies to those who did not
participate in elective study or who were not satisfied
with too low formative assessment results. Figure 6
compares the results of the formative assessment with
the final grades. Of course, all EuroTeQ students used
their bonuses because they could not attend the in-
person exams.
Figure 6: Comparison of the results of the formative
assessment with the final grades.
A comparison of the presented results shows a clear
distinction in learning outcomes and study
approaches between students belonging to different
teams. The best results are achieved by Erasmus+
students, which cannot be said about EuroTeQ
participants. The same applies to a completion rate.
It can be assumed that the first reason for this lies
in the students' goals.
There is no doubt that the main objective of the
average TalTech student is to get the highest
examination grade, as a successful completion of the
BCs degree is a prerequisite for building his/her
career, in particular, for admission to a MSc and then
PhD degree or choosing a prestigious profession. To
achieve this goal, most TalTech students voluntarily
turn to elective activities regardless of their specialty,
form of study and mental abilities, since all the
options offered are of great importance for refund and
open up many ways to achieve maximal grades. In
this regard, Erasmus+ students who have come to
TalTech for one or two semesters from leading
European universities have a better chance for
success, as they can fully devote themselves to their
studies without being distracted by family and side
earnings. As for the EuroTeQ learners, this is an
additional workload for them, which does not directly
affect their current BSc degree and, if it bears fruit,
then only in the future.
In this regard, much depends on the abilities and
working capacity of the EuroTeQ students. First,
unlike the rest of the participants in their group, they
have to study mainly in absentia, without direct
contact with teachers, and search for a lot of
information online. Second, they get into a new
educational environment in which they must adapt
quickly. Third, they should find extra time to learn
along with their mandatory institutional and
traditional domestic duties. Fourth, they have to
combine the schedule of their university with the
timetable of TalTech that, as a rule, do not coincide.
There are also problems with an alien
qualification system. The European Qualifications
Framework (EQF), created as a joint knowledge base
for educational institutions, faces a number of
challenges. A study (Pappa, 2021) conducted within
the EuroTeQ project framework revealed many
differences in the implementation of EQF in the
educational programs of six universities. Based on
these findings, some implications and proposals for
the comparability of national engineering education
systems are currently being discussed.
As a result, a high dropout rate and low academic
performance become the same EuroTeQ challenges
that MOOC and SPOC suffer from. On the other side,
EuroTeQ has every reason and enough tools to
minimize these issues.
1. The six leading European universities represent
a fairly small and very powerful union capable
of studies organizing at the highest possible
2. Also, there should not be a big problem with the
coordination of timetables.
3. Students are encouraged to consult with their
home universities on how to achieve recognition
of the facts presented in the EuroTeQ course
4. As all students are different and not all of them
require elective study, a home university could
conduct preliminary consultations and selection
among those wishing to receive additional
5. It would be useful to improve the advertising
campaign. Applicants should be provided with
information about the courses with a clear
indication of the assessment system, dropout
rate, laboratory works and classes, as well as
with videos, photos, etc. Virtual Open Days
could bring invaluable help in this process.
6. It is promising to introduce various types of
questionnaires and application forms for pre-
7. It is also a need in establishing a delay between
pre-enrolment and real enrolment, which would
help the applicant to evaluate the upcoming
TalTech Erasmus+ EuroTeQ
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
amount of work, the learning environment, the
quality of teaching, and other factors before
making a final decision on admission.
The EuroTeQ University Alliance is a good example
of an in-depth partnership of engineering educational
institutions. The analysis carried out in this study
revealed some strengths and weaknesses of this
platform. The EuroTeQ student team was compared
with foreign students studied at TalTech for three
years and European Erasmus+ one-semester team of
students. As a result, several directions for further
development of EuroTeQ are proposed. Among them,
a need in consulting students on the course catalogue
usage is shown. Coordination of timetables is offered.
Every home university could conduct preliminary
consultations and selection among those wishing to
receive additional education. It is demonstrated the
usefulness of improving the advertising campaign
aiming to provide applicants with information about
the courses, assessment system, average dropout
rates, laboratory works and classes, virtual Open
Days, etc. Finally, it is promising to introduce
questionnaires and application forms for pre-
registration. It is also offered establishing a delay
between the pre-enrolment and the real enrolment.
This work was supported by the Estonian Research
Council project VERT20061 сo-funded by the
Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
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EuroTeQ as an Alliance to Promote European Engineering Education