Effectual Behavior and Corporate Entrepreneurship
in the Digital Age
Stefano D’Angelo, Antonio Ghezzi, Angelo Cavallo, Andrea Rangone and Luca Marchetti
Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy
Keywords: Corporate Entrepreneurship, Digital Technologies, Effectuation, Absorptive Capacity, Digital Skills.
Abstract: While most studies have viewed effectuation as a tool to manage resources in the context of new ventures,
few of them have directly investigated the effects of effectuation as a tool for Absorptive Capacity (AC) in
the context of incumbent firms. Specifically, the relationship between the usage of an effectual logic and its
impact on the knowledge and learning abilities of individuals, remains underexplored in Corporate Entrepre-
neurship (CE) context. We reframe effectuation as a concrete activity that enhances knowledge absorption
and enlarges the scope of opportunities and in turn fosters entrepreneurial actions in organizations. Hypothe-
ses are thus developed to examine the relationship between effectuation and Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO)
as well as the mediating role of AC. Moreover, as digital skills can support the learning and knowledge ab-
sorption process, digital skills are proposed as a moderator that influences the positive effects of effectuation
on AC. We test these hypotheses using the survey data from employees of an incumbent firm. The empirical
results generally support our hypotheses by showing that (i) effectuation positively influences AC, and (ii)
digital skills have a positive moderating effect on the relationship between effectuation and AC. No significant
results emerged concerning hypothesis (iii) AC mediates the relationship between effectuation and EO. These
findings contribute to our understanding of the role of effectuation in the context of CE in the digital era.
Implications for managers are also included.
Effectuation, defined as “the process that takes a set
of means as given and focuses on selecting between
possible effects that can be created with that set of
means” (Sarasvathy, 2001), has been successfully in-
troduced to and then prospered in the field of entre-
preneurship (Sarasvathy et al., 2003; Dew et al.,
2009; Scazziota et al., 2023). Most existing studies in
entrepreneurship view effectuation as an approach to
overcome resource constraints and develop busi-
nesses starting from the available means (Chandler et
al., 2011; Dew et al., 2009). Moreover, a consistent
body of research investigates effectuation in the new
venture context (Villani et al., 2018; Read et al.,
2009). Some studies examine the conditions of
whether entrepreneurs mobilize effectual principles
when they launch new ventures in emerging indus-
tries (Sarasvathy, 2001). Other studies focus on how
entrepreneurs process risks and returns in new ven-
ture development (Perry et al., 2012). Recently,
scholars have started to investigate effectuation in the
corporate context (Parker et al., 2021). However, we
still know relatively little about when and why effec-
tuation processes are employed in corporate decisions
(Johansson and McKelvie, 2012; Von Briel et al.,
2018). In addition, most empirical effectuation stud-
ies have examined effectuation as a dependent varia-
ble (Perry et al. 2012), while the consequences of us-
ing effectual reasoning remain underexplored. Fur-
ther, research concerning the effect of effectuation on
other constructs such as learning and Absorptive Ca-
pacity (AC) is limited (Scuotto et al., 2022; Müller et
al., 2021). Indeed, a growing body of literature urges
to analyze effectuation in the digital entrepreneurship
field (Nambisan, 2017; Ghezzi, 2019). In a digital en-
trepreneurial process characterized by high uncer-
tainty, effectuation process is a necessary condition
(Kraus et al., 2018). Furthermore, digital skills can
help to reduce this uncertainty and support effectua-
tion process and experimentation (Ghezzi and
Cavallo, 2020; Peart et al., 2020). Here, we reframe
effectuation as a behavior enabling and fostering en-
trepreneurial actions and learning through experi-
mentation (Wiklund and Shepherd, 2011). More spe-
cifically, we propose effectuation as an enabler for the
D’Angelo, S., Ghezzi, A., Cavallo, A., Rangone, A. and Marchetti, L.
Effectual Behavior and Corporate Entrepreneurship in the Digital Age.
DOI: 10.5220/0011827200003467
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2023) - Volume 2, pages 506-513
ISBN: 978-989-758-648-4; ISSN: 2184-4992
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
experimentation of new opportunities enabled by dig-
ital technologies. Finally, at a broad level, Corporate
Entrepreneurship (CE) literature has been dominated
by contributions at firm-level (e.g., Rauch et al.,
2009; Corbett et al., 2013; Urbano et al., 2022), while
few studies have explored the phenomenon at indi-
vidual-level or team-level dimension (Pinchot, 1985).
And more, few studies have expressly modeled the
individualsintrapreneurial behaviour in digital con-
text (Pinchot and Soltanifar et al., 2021). Specifically,
in this study, we investigate the role of experimenta-
tion and digital technologies in CE through the theo-
retical lens of effectuation (see Figure 1). More spe-
cifically, we built a model analysing the role of effec-
tuation on Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO), while
exploring the role of
(which captures, transforms,
and exploits knowledge) and digital skills that can en-
able effectuation process. The findings of this study
provide several contributions to the existing litera-
ture. First, we extend our understanding on the role of
effectuation in influencing CE. Effectuation is tradi-
tionally viewed in the literature as a behavior aimed
to overcome resource constraints (Sarasvathy, 2001).
This study, in contrast, examines the role of effectua-
tion in driving CE through generating and accumulat-
ing new knowledge. Second, this study complements
prior research by investigating the role of effectuation
in the corporate context. Prior studies primarily focus
on the context of new ventures. Third, this research
explores the role of digital skills as a moderator of the
relationship between effectuation and
, thus re-
vealing boundary conditions in the digital context
where firms can enhance the effects of effectuation.
Finally, this study offers implications for practice to
foster experimentation to innovate in organizations
while exploiting the potential of digital technologies.
Figure 1: Research framework.
2.1 Effectuation and Absorptive
The ability of a company to recognize new value and
external information, and successfully assimilate and
exploit them is known as absorptive capacity (AC)
(Cohen and Levinthal, 1990). Effectuation is largely
based on experimentation and could lead to processes
of learning by doing through trial-and-error experi-
ments which can favour AC routines (Parker et al.,
2021). Accordingly, effectuation impacts
in three
main ways: first, effectuation directly affects explor-
atory learning which is one of the three processes that
compose AC (Lane et al., 2006). Exploratory learning
is described as the key action directed by effectuation
logic to gain new knowledge and reduce uncertainty
(Cai et al., 2017). Second, according to the effectua-
tion logic, “action” reflects the experimental dimen-
sion defined by Chandler et al. (2011). Accordingly,
action is a tool for knowledge acquisition enlarging
the knowledge base (Djuricic and Bootz, 2019). Fi-
nally, companies which stimulate creativity and ex-
perimentation facilitate the effective use of AC in cre-
ating novel outcomes (Sakhdari and Burgers, 2018).
In sum, in conditions where effectual logic is applied,
will be stimulated, increasing the ability to cap-
ture new relevant knowledge and to pursue new op-
portunities. Accordingly, we propose:
H1: The use of effectual logic is positively related to
individual absorptive capacity.
2.2 Effectuation, Absorptive Capacity,
and Entrepreneurial Orientation
Corporate Entrepreneurship (CE) could be defined as
the process whereby firms pursue innovation, re-
newal, and venturing (Burgelman, 1983). It usually
implies practices as organizational rejuvenation, stra-
tegic renewal and domain redefinition (Covin and
Miles, 1999). Within CE domain, the concept of En-
trepreneurial Orientation (EO) refers to an organiza-
tional attribute reflecting how “being entrepreneur-
ial” is manifested in organizations or business units
(Covin and Slevin, 1989) through entrepreneurial ac-
tivities. As informed by literature (Martìn-Rojas et
al., 2020; Zahra et al., 2009), CE represents a positive
function of
, consisting in the recognition, assimi-
lation, and exploitation of knowledge that corporate
entrepreneurs should enhance and foster. The more
the capacity to absorb external knowledge the more
the individuals will undertake entrepreneurial actions
manifesting EO. The literature has provided evidence
about the relationship between AC and CE. It is
largely known that AC allows a company to blend
new external and internal knowledge (Lane et al.,
2006), which is an important condition for enabling
CE and foster entrepreneurial actions (Ireland et al.,
Effectual Behavior and Corporate Entrepreneurship in the Digital Age
2009). Even more, AC increases the ability to recog-
nize opportunities proactively instead of reactively
(Thorpe et al., 2005) stimulating EO. Thus, adapting
the previous considerations at individual level we hy-
H2: Individual absorptive capacity is positively re-
lated to individual entrepreneurial orientation.
Integrating H1 and H2 we propose that
AC medi-
ates the influence of effectuation on EO, hence effec-
tuation enhances
AC which in turn influences EO.
The more intensely the effectual logic is adopted by
individuals the more likely they will develop and im-
prove the ability to experiment and learn by doing. At
the same time, they can develop the ability to build
solid networks with external actors. This fosters ex-
ploratory learning (Cai et al., 2017), the recognition
of opportunities, and the possibility to grab external
knowledge improving AC. The action of effectuation
becomes a tool for knowledge acquisition (Djuricic
and Bootz, 2019). With an enlarged knowledge base
and the ability to manage and exploit such knowledge
individuals will be able to implement more entrepre-
neurial actions. Thus, we propose:
H3: Individual absorptive capacity mediates the rela-
tionship between effectuation and individual entre-
preneurial orientation.
2.3 The Moderating Role of Digital
Incumbent firms face the rapid progress of digital
technologies and the consequently increased pace of
innovation and dynamicity of the markets. Effectua-
tion can be considered as an experimentally driven
approach aiming at reducing uncertainty in such com-
plex environments characterized by the pervasiveness
of digital technologies. Individuals’ ability to manage
and exploit digital technologies can help organiza-
tions to better understand the possibilities offered by
digital technologies (Autio et al., 2017). Digital skills,
defined as the ability to develop and use ICT to par-
ticipate in an environment increasingly dominated by
electronically enabled information and the ability to
synthesize this information into effective and relevant
knowledge (Van Laar et al., 2017), can be helpful to
create and reshape the ways resources are used and
enlarge the set of solutions to solve problems. Specif-
ically, we argue that digital skills positively moderate
the relationship between effectuation and
AC for sev-
eral reasons. First, they can support exchange of in-
formation (both external and internal) thereby im-
proving AC (Rehman et al., 2020). Second, digital
skills can act as enablers for knowledge management
(Joshi et al., 2019). Third, digital skills could even
empower effectuation, by enabling a variety of possi-
bilities that represent a significant increase in the
number of possible means available for effectuation
(Leong et al., 2016). Accordingly, we propose:
H4: Digital skills positively moderates the relation-
ship between effectuation and individual absorptive
3.1 Sample and Data Collection
We test these hypotheses using the survey data from
an incumbent firm operating in the sector of energy
and gas. The survey was issued to a total of 300 indi-
viduals with a final number of 79 responses (26.3%
of response rate with 60 valid answers for a final per-
centage of 20% of valid answers). The questionnaire
included all the necessary scales to measure the dif-
ferent variables of the model, and each scale was se-
lected after detailed research aiming at checking its
validity and reliability through the literature (Chan-
dler et al., 2011; Bolton and Lane, 2012; van Laar et
al., 2017). The variables of interest in this study are:
(1) effectuation, (2) individual entrepreneurial orien-
tation, (3) digital skills, (4) individual absorptive ca-
pacity. Each scale is composed by different sub-at-
tributes. Specifically:
EFFECTUATION: Experimentation, Flexibility, Af-
fordable Loss, Precommitments.
tiveness, Risk-Taking, Proactiveness.
DIGITAL SKILLS: Communication, Information
Management, Collaboration, Creativity, Problem
Solving, Critical Thinking.
ABSORPTIVE CAPACITY: Recognition, Assimila-
tion, Transformation, Exploitation.
3.2 Reliability and Construct Validity
After data acquisition and cleaning it was necessary
to perform some preliminary analysis to guarantee the
validity of subsequent results. A first important step
consisted into checking for non-response bias. The
non-response bias refers to the possibility that people
who did not respond to the survey are very different
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
from people who responded creating potential prob-
lems for the significance of the sample. Therefore, it
was important to test the eventual difference through
a t-test. In this case, the non-response bias was tested
by comparing two sub-samples: early respondents
and late respondents (Borg and Tuten, 2016). In a T-
test, the null hypothesis can be expressed as: 𝐻0: 𝜇1
= 𝜇2 (i.e., the two samples’ means are equal). To per-
form the T-test, however, the assumption of homoge-
neity of variance (i.e., both groups have the same var-
iance), needs to be tested. There were no significant
results underlining differences between the means of
the two respondents’ groups, so it could be possible
to move forward without additional considerations.
Then, besides the quality check of the sample, it was
necessary to test the reliability and validity of the con-
structs, and as indicator for the reliability, Cronbach’s
alpha was used (Table 1).
Table 1: Cronbach's Alphas of the different scales.
The value of the different alphas of the scales
showed values above the threshold of 0.7 (Cronbach,
1951), confirming their reliability. To validate the dif-
ferent scales, it has been performed a factor analysis,
and since all the constructs were taken from the liter-
ature it was sufficient to check them through confirm-
atory factor analysis to understand if there was corre-
spondence among the conceptual scales and the real
data. However, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA)
works better with larger sample and being the sample
used for this study smaller than the level considered
sufficient for CFA, traditional indicators revealed a
lower level with respect to the standard ones. The av-
erage variance extracted (AVE) for all the variables,
hence, was extracted analysing the factor loadings of
exploratory factor analysis, revealing for each factor
a sufficient percentage of variance explained.
One of the first steps of the data analysis was to in-
vestigate existing relations among all the variables,
studying the correlation matrix. Looking at the varia-
bles analysed, it is possible to notice a relevant corre-
lation between
AC and digital skills and between ef-
fectuation and AC. These results encourage the
assumption made for the first hypothesis and the last
one. The results are shown in Table 2.
Table 2: Correlations' matrix.
The results of the regression analysis are reported
in Table 3. To develop the empirical model, it was
adopted the statistical technique of multiple hierar-
chical regression (Cohen and Cohen, 1983). The re-
gression starts from an initial model containing only
the control variables and for each following step an
independent variable is added according to specific
criteria and a new model is generated. To draw the
conclusions the variation of 𝑅
and the level of sig-
nificance are analysed for each model. In the first two
models reported it is possible to see Individual Ab-
sorptive Capacity used as dependent variable to test
its relationship with effectuation, according to the
first hypothesis. In model 2 the variable of effectua-
tion is added, and the results show that the variable
has a great significance (p<0.01) and 𝑅
variation is
significant too (0.287). This allows to conclude that
the first hypothesis (H1) is supported: effectuation
positively impacts absorptive capacity of individuals.
Then it was immediately tested the role of digital
skills, introduced in model 3. The increase of 𝑅
consistent (0.133) and the significance is high
(p<0.001). Finally, it is tested the interaction of effec-
tuation and digital skills, the product of the two con-
structs is added in model 4, furtherly increasing 𝑅
even if with a lower impact and significance level re-
spect to the previous steps of the model. These results
bring evidence to support the last hypothesis (H4).
The second half of the mathematical framework
shows the models designed to study the impact on the
dependent variable of EO. Here, data do not enable to
confirm the second and the third hypotheses as for H1
and H4. In model 7 is shown the impact of effectua-
tion on EO as a direct effect, 𝑅
increase sensibly
(0.045) but, even if 𝑅
across all the different models
has an increase, the “delta” remains too small to con-
firm H2 and H3, even more the levels of significance
Items Alpha
Entrepreneurial Orientation
10 0.817
Bolton D.L. & Lane
M.D. (2012)
D igital Skills
59 0 .965 Van Laar et al. (2018)
Lowik et al. (2012)
Chandler et al. (2011)
Individual Absorptive Capacity
(12 of effectuation)
0.85 (Afford. Loss);
0.70 (Flexibility);
0.62 (Precommit.)
MEANS.D. 12 34567891011
GENDER 0.4333 0.49 1
AGE 41.38 9.18 -0.177 1
TENURE 9.86 9.8 -.332** .659** 1
PO SIT IO N 1.15 0.48 .289* -0.075 -0.099 1
ST UDY_TITLE 1.9 1.10 .358** -0.191 -0.242 0.061 1
FAMILYBACKGROUND 0.1833 0.39 .281* 0.174 0.046 -0.149 0.004 1
EN TREP_EXP 0.1167 0.32 .311* .287* -0.197 0.103 -0.014 0.23 1
EFFECTUATION 3.83 1.01 -0.175 0.145 0.012 0.019 -0.002 -0.13 0.02 1
EN T REPRENEURIAL O RIEN T ATION 3.39 0.97 0.063 0.076 -0.061 0.128 0.026 0.097 -0.017 0.165 1
DIGIT AL SKILLS 3.34 1.05 .372** -0.183 -.383** 0.205 .314* 0.06 0.185 .378** .268* 1
ABSORPTIVE CAPACITY 3.81 0.99 -0.021 0.095 -0.104 0.046 0.097 0.034 -0.018 .577** 0.198 .563** 1
** The correlation has significance at the level 0.01 (two tales).
* The correlation has significance at the level 0.05 (two tales).
Effectual Behavior and Corporate Entrepreneurship in the Digital Age
are not satisfactory. Mediation, however, has been
checked accordingly to the criteria explicitly indi-
cated in the literature (Baron and Kenny, 1986).
Table 3: Quantitative results of the regression models.
This study investigates how effectuation impacts CE
in incumbent firms, through individuals’ absorptive
capacity and digital skills. First, this study sheds light
on role of effectual behaviour to improve learning ca-
pabilities and exploit knowledge in organizations
(H1: Effectuation is positively related to individual
absorptive capacity). Experiential learning in this way
can be stimulated (Cai et al., 2017) and consequently
even absorptive capacity, with clear positive conse-
quences on opportunities. Results show a significant
increase of prediction of individual AC (𝛥𝑅
p<0.001) providing strong empirical information.
Second, our study sheds lights on the enabling role of
digital skills which characterise the last hypothesis
(H4: Digital skills positively moderates the relation-
ship between effectuation and individual absorptive
capacity). Given the same effectuation level, an
higher level of digital skills could help individuals to
recognise and absorb more knowledge and exploit it
through new opportunities. All these considerations
find an empirical boost in the last hypothesis of the
model, which results show a significant increase in
the prediction of AC (𝑅
= 0.53 overall and Δ𝑅
0.133, p<0.001) after the inclusion of effectuation and
digital skills. Finally, we observed that the hypothe-
sis H2 (H2: Individual absorptive capacity is posi-
tively related to EO), has not been confirmed by the
data gathered. However, the conceptual model devel-
oped provides further insights on the impact that a
good knowledge system within the firm has on entre-
preneurial opportunities. As evidenced in the litera-
ture, CE is often defined as a positive function of AC
(Zhara et al., 2009; Martìn-Rojas et al., 2020), since
recognition, assimilation, and exploitation of
knowledge foster individuals to undertake more en-
trepreneurial actions (Ireland et al., 2009). The same
is recognised for EO, stressing even the importance
of AC in developing EO in dynamic environments
(Ruiz-Ortega et al., 2023). All these insights sustain
the model developed here, and the results obtained
provide a stepping-stone for future research. These
results emerged may be useful for future research on
CE in the digital era.
6.1 Theoretical Contributions
Our findings contribute to the existing literature in
fourth aspects. First, the findings extend our under-
standing of the role that effectuation plays in enhanc-
ing entrepreneurship in incumbent organizations.
(Perry et al., 2012). Second, we uncover the link be-
tween effectuation and
AC (H1). Few studies have in-
vestigated the impact of effectuation on knowledge
and learning capabilities so far (Malsch and Guieu,
2019). In this study, we reframe effectuation as a be-
havioral theory that can enhance both external and in-
ternal absorption of knowledge with consequent en-
largement of the opportunity set to be seized with en-
trepreneurial actions. Third, we analyze the impact of
effectuation on CE mediated by
AC (H3). We shed
light on the role of effectuation and, in turn, experi-
mentation in supporting CE activities, which is a topic
that deserves further studies (Hampel et al., 2020).
Fourth, we consider the enabling role of digital skills
that update different, but related, research fields, i.e.,
experimentation and corporate entrepreneurship. This
work is one of the first empirical studies in the emerg-
ing area of digital corporate entrepreneurship (D’An-
gelo et al., 2021; Arvidsson and Mønsted, 2018).
6.2 Implications for Practice
Our study has two potential practical implications.
First, managers of large corporations could leverage
effectual logic that can benefit entire organizations.
This could be realized by looking at effectuation’s
principles and applying them in corporate routines. A
Dependent Variable
Absorptive Capacit y En treprene urial O rient ation
0 . 5 6 2 ***
R squared
0.114 0.401 0.534 0.553 0.062 0.098 0.103 0.106
R sq adj
-0.005 0.307 0.45 0. 462 -0,041 -0,044 -0.033 -0. 055
R squared
0.114 0.287 0.133 0.02 0.062 0.04 0. 005 0.003
*p<0.05; **p<0.01;***p<0.001; Standard errors in parentesis
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
full comprehension by the top and middle manage-
ment of effectual mechanisms could bring beneficial
effects to the whole organization since a widespread
acceptance of the use of flexibility, risk-taking ap-
proach, and adoption of external knowledge should
be fostered with top-down approaches. The possibil-
ity to monitor effectuation process represents further
value for companies since it exists the possibility to
translate effectual logic in concrete experimentation
methods such as the lean startup approach (Harms
and Schwery, 2020; Ries, 2011). Second, this work
offers insights concerning investment decisions and
the promotion of digital technologies usage within
companies. In other words, digital technologies in-
crease the set of means available for employees and
managers, adding further resources for the effectua-
tion process. Even more, digital skills are an enabler
AC (Roberts, 2015) in incumbent organizations.
Thus, educating the corporate workforce through dig-
ital skills may help organizations experiment and ac-
celerate learning processes in organizations.
6.3 Future Research Developments
Overall, this research focuses on effectuation theory,
but future studies could investigate other interesting
and related theories such as bricolage theory (Backer
and Nelson, 2005) and exaptation theory (Dew et al.,
2004) in similar empirical contexts. In particular, ex-
aptation is suggested by Welter et al. (2016) to be at
the intersection between bricolage and effectuation
thus providing a new perspective to look at the entre-
preneurship field in the digital age.
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Effectual Behavior and Corporate Entrepreneurship in the Digital Age