Emerging Technologies as Enabler of Sustainable Business Model
Innovation: Evidence from Space Tech New Ventures
Jacopo Manotti, Antonio Ghezzi, Andrea Rangone and Raffaello Balocco
Politecnico di Milano, Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering,
Via Lambruschini 4B, 20156 Milan, Italy
Keywords: Business Model Innovation, Space Technologies, Emerging Technology, Sustainable Development Goals,
Space Economy, Business Model, Lean Startup.
Abstract: The growing humanitarian and environmental challenges our planet and society are facing today made the
United Nations ratify the so-called 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which encapsulates 17
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with the aim of promoting social, environmental, and economic
objectives. For commercial companies, embarking into sustainability is not an easy task, because of different
tensions between profit and impact that make it difficult to fully align the commercial activities with the
sustainability ones within the company’s business model. By mean of a multiple-case study analyzing 11
startups in the New Space Economy domain, this research sheds light on the use of the emerging satellite
technology as enabler of sustainable business model innovation, adopting a technology-perspective in the
mitigation of the so-called transaction obstacles to sustainability, making it clear how emerging technologies’
features may represent a solution to embed SDGs in firms’ business model.
In 2015 the United Nations ratified the so-called 2030
Agenda for Sustainable Development, encapsulating
17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) aiming at
promoting social, environmental, and economic
objectives. The SDGs has been welcomed on a global
scale as a framework to be adopted by any
organization pursuing sustainability (Saito et al.,
2017; Mio et al., 2020). Anyway, when it comes to
commercial companies, embarking into sustainability
is not an easy task, because of different tensions
between profit and impact that make it difficult to
fully align the commercial activities with the
sustainability ones within the company’s business
model (BM) – intended as the firm’s realized strategy
in terms of value creation, delivery, and capture
mechanisms (Teece, 2010). In this context,
technology may play a fundamental role in
dampening these contrasts for both startups and well-
established companies (Foss and Saebi, 2017). More
specifically, new space technologies are drawing
attention of researchers and practitioners as an
unconventional though powerful means to foster the
attainment of SDGs (Balogh et al., 2018): however,
the relationship between these unconventional
sources of innovation and the process of sustainable
business model innovation is yet to be explored. An
exploratory multiple case study was performed on
eleven companies where new space technologies
constituted the driver of sustainable business model
innovation, with a specific focus on how new space
technologies enable to embed SDGs in the business
model components. Our study proposes a model of
new space technologies levers for sustainable
business model innovation. Our findings reveal that
new space technologies’ features – namely
Performance, Ubiquity, and Conveniencecan act as
levers for the innovation of the different business
model value mechanisms. Such innovation may
become core for overcoming the transaction obstacles
(i.e., Unwillingness to Pay, Difficulty of Access,
Inability to Pay) generally faced by for-profit
companies pursuing sustainable objectives, thus
allowing them to embed SDGs in their business
model without giving up profit. The contribution of
our study is two-fold. First, it aims at filling the
theoretical gap between business model innovation
for sustainability and emerging technologies. To this
extent, we shed light on the possibility to go beyond
the consideration of technology diffusion features,
showing how the their inner characteristics may
Manotti, J., Ghezzi, A., Rangone, A. and Balocco, R.
Emerging Technologies as Enabler of Sustainable Business Model Innovation: Evidence from Space Tech New Ventures.
DOI: 10.5220/0011828300003467
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2023) - Volume 2, pages 546-552
ISBN: 978-989-758-648-4; ISSN: 2184-4992
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
enable sustainable business model innovation.
Second, the study adopts a technology-perspective
towards sustainability, highlighting the association
between the transaction obstacles to sustainability
and the technology features that may represent a
solution to mitigate them, allowing firms which adopt
such technology to implement a sustainable business
model innovation.
In the last two decades, scholars have started to
introduce the business model (BM) as a substitute
concept for strategy-execution, given its boundary-
spanning and holistic nature which at the same time
privileges the decision-maker perspective (Lanzolla
and Markides, 2020; Bigelow and Barney, 2020).
Defined as the system of activities that a focal firm
and its core partners perform in order to create and
capture value, it has been highlighted how it may
serve as “locus of innovation” itself, meaning a
potential source of competitive advantage beyond the
most traditional product and process innovation, thus
coining the term “business model innovation” (BMI)
(Amit and Zott, 2020). Defined as the “non-trivial”
modification of one or more activities performed by
the firm, as well as the potential mechanisms linking
them, Foss and Saebi (2017) point out how relevant
streams of research to further develop are represented
by the use of technologies to enable BMI, as
potentially with a sustainable-oriented purpose.
Within literature, a sustainable business model
innovation is defined as introduction of sustainable
value inside the business model by incorporating
economic, social or environmental benefits in its
components (Geissdoerfer et al., 2018; Ueda et al.,
2009; Evans et al., 2017; Shakeel et al., 2020). Santos
and colleagues (2015) identified three transaction
obstacles preventing sustainable projects to come to
light, related to low perception of value embedded in
the product or service offered, which leads to the
unwillingness to pay of customers, especially when
targeting individuals feeling the day-to-day pressure
of poverty or those who are excluded and
disadvantaged (Nicholls & Dees, 2015). A second
problem found is that sustainable products and
services are over expensive (Davies & Chambers,
2018), hence potential customers who would greatly
benefit from them (Seelos & Mair, 2005), cannot
afford their prices, due to their inability to pay (Santos
et al., 2015). Finally, the difficulty of access
represents a third major obstacle (Santos et al., 2015)
since the attention must shift from targeting
mainstream customers towards targeting niches of
sustainable customers (Davies & Chambers, 2018)
who usually live in remote or rural villages that are
difficult to reach due to their location (Santos et al.,
Despite the claimed potential in the role of
technology as potential enabler of sustainability, very
few papers open-up the inner characteristics of the
technology itself, meaning looking at the inner
characteristics enabling the creation of the
innovation, taking instead a more high-level
perspective. From the development of the Internet,
new technologies are constantly emerging and taking
their space in the firms’ daily activities, possibly
representing significant game-changers which
deserve the necessity to be finer explored (Rotolo et
al., 2015). Very often, new ventures take the role of
explorer of new and emerging technologies to create
innovative business models (Foss and Saebi, 2017).
The theoretical background at the intersection of
business model innovation, emerging technologies
and sustainability, led us to formulate the following
research objective: how do new ventures may
leverage the inner characteristics of an emerging
technology as vehicle to achieve sustainable business
model innovation?
Since the topic of sustainable development has not
yet been studied by researchers when referring to
space technologies and firms’ business model, we
proceed by applying a qualitative approach (Gartner
& Birley, 2002). In particular, the decision was to
conduct an exploratory multiple case study (Yin,
1984; Eisenhardt, 1989; Eisenhardt & Graebner,
2007), which suits research questions responding to a
“why” or “how”, when the investigator does not have
control over events and when the focus is on
contemporary events (Yin, 1984) – all characteristics
complying to our research objective. In particular, a
multiple case study approach has been chosen
because the literature has recognized that it is more
robust compared to a single one (Yin, 1984), and it
allows to obtain generalized results, enabling
comparisons among different manifestations of the
phenomenon (Meredith, 1998; Eisenhardt &
Graebner, 2007).
Emerging Technologies as Enabler of Sustainable Business Model Innovation: Evidence from Space Tech New Ventures
3.1 Case Sampling
One of the most recent emerged technologies is
represented by satellite technology (Pelton, 2019),
recognized as potential drivers o foster sustainable
growth for successfully implementing the 2030
Agenda (Balogh et al., 2017; Pelton, 2019). This
opportunity is witnessed by more and more startups, ,
which see in space a possible area of business, driving
the so-called “New Space” phenomenon (Dos Santos
Paulino, 2020; Denis et al., 2020).
The selection have leveraged two main sources:
an original database of space-based startups
containing more than 500 companies, and LinkedIn
through which it has been possible to attend different
online events and get in contact with some of these
ventures. Firstly, following Balogh et al. (2017)’s
classification on how space technologies can support
the 2030 Agenda, it was chosen to consider only
startups with a contribution to the SDGs achievement.
Second, following the definition of emerging
technology proposed by Rotolo et al. (2015), we
select satellite technologies in the fields of
communication and earth observation. Particularly,
the authors stated that to be considered “emerging” a
technology must respect five key attributes: novelty,
relatively fast growth, coherence, prominent impact,
uncertainty, and ambiguity. It has been noticed that,
while novelty, relatively fast growth and coherence
are fully satisfied by all types of space technologies,
when coming to the radical novelty and prominent
impact characteristics communication and earth
observation satellites are more representative than
navigation systems. Indeed, the former allow to
provide services that are unique and with an
increasing value and have a high impact in terms of
socio-economic benefits and number of industries
affected. In contrast, the latter are more redundant and
do not enable new and innovative applications
(Pelton, 2019). Consequently, only startups
leveraging either Earth observation or
communication satellites were included in the final
sample. At the end of the three main steps, a final
skimming was performed in order to ensure the
heterogeneity dimension, hence for each startup sub-
criteria like the headquarter site, kinds of SDGs
addressed, founding year and maturity stage (linked
to the total financing raised) were considered. An
overview of the cases and the informants’ role is
provided in Table 1.
3.2 Data Collection and Analysis
This research started with a lack of theoretical
background, and it was not possible to identify the
theory to which the findings could be connected to a
priori (Eisenhardt, 1989; Bansal & Corley, 2012). For
furthering empirical evidence, several interviews
with founders and C-levels have been conducted
(Meredith et al., 1989). The informants were
considered knowledgeable agents able to provide
evidence concerning their thoughts and intentions
(Gioia et al., 2013, p.17). The researchers collected
the data without influencing with their believing and
knowledge the information gathered, and this
approach led to the unveiling of new observations,
rather than focusing on existing knowledge (Gioia et
al., 2013). Ultimately an “analytic generalization
(Yin, 1984, p. 31) has been conducted to combine
existing theories with the empirical evidence gathered
from case studies. In order to provide evidence on the
statements resulting from the qualitative research
process and to increase the robustness of the results
obtained (Eisenhardt, 1989), primary and secondary
sources of information were used and combined to
ensure the so-called data triangulation. The primary
dataset mainly consisted of in-depth, semi-structured
interviews carried out with informants from the
companies. A predefined number of questions have
been used by the interviewers to start the interviews
and to explore focal issues identified during the study
objective phase. Nevertheless, there was a relevant
level of flexibility that enabled the exploration of new
concepts holistically emerging during the open and
unrestricted discussion (Yin, 1984). The focus was on
understanding how space technologies characteristics
can have an impact on each startup’s business model
in a way that fosters SDGs. Once analyzed every
single case, a cross-case comparison between the
different startups was performed in order to highlight
and describe points of similarity and points of
difference, being able to the identify the most relevant
variables to address the research objectives. Each
case has been studied by adopting the open coding
practice from Grounded Theory methodology (Glaser
& Strauss, 1967; Strauss & Corbin, 1998). Hence
both informants’ word (in vivo codes) and codes
constructed on it by the analyzers have been used to
develop an inductive coding tree to describe the
themes investigated. This is a holistic approach to the
inductive concept that provides rigor to qualitative
research (Gioia et al., 2013).
Following the methodology proposed by Clark et
al. (2010), codes belonging to the different cases have
been iteratively compared to aggregate them in first-
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
order concepts. Afterwards, to ensure a higher level
of abstraction, first-order concepts have been further
grouped into second-order categories. A comparison
of the eleven cases in terms of first-order concepts,
second-order categories and overarching dimensions
was performed in order to identify similarities and
diverging patterns. This allowed to obtain novel
findings by analyzing the available data (Eisenhardt,
1989) and consequently, to inductively generate an
empirical model regarding how emerging
technologies can enable startups to achieve
sustainable business model innovation.
Table 1: Overview of the Cases.
Startup Space Technology
Informant Role
Co-Founder &
B Earth Observation CEO & Chairman
C Satellite
Co-Founder &
D Earth Observation
Co-Founder &
E Earth Observation
F Earth Observation
Co-Founder &
Co-Founder &
H Earth Observation
Vice President,
Sales & Marketing
I Earth Observation
J Earth Observation
Co-Founder &
L Earth Observation
Co-Founder &
4.1 Space Technologies’ Performance
as a Solution to the Unwillingness
to Pay
Several startups such as F, I, H, J, and L, declared that
their business has the objective of solving the
problem of low-quality products or services in their
sector. For example, H’s VP Marketing and Sales
explained: “if you start trading emission credits, you
need to be able to have accurate measurements of
these, because otherwise the whole system does not
have as much integrity. [...] the measurement
methods and the technologies that were being used
were not accurate. They were not easy to use.”. From
the analysis it has emerged that the consequence of
such low-quality information is the loss of trust from
the clients, as explained by J’s Co-Founder: “most
farmers who have been in touch with weather forecast
[…] don't trust it because it was not good quality”.
Therefore, the startup took a couple of years of
research to build a system that could overperform the
standard global weather forecast models, with the
main scope of building up the trust of their customers,
who “once they have started using the service […]
tend to stay on. And that I think is the best evidence
that service is useful for the farmers” (Co-Founder of
J). This concept of the lack of trust in services that are
not accurate has been reiterated also by L’s CEO,
who, when talking about the incumbent technology,
affirmed “it was very prone to error, and as a result
of that companies were not necessarily trusting
carbon credits, and in parallel, forest owners and
project developers were having a hard time certifying
it”. Also in this case, they “use the satellite data to
bring more transparency and trust to the relationship,
but also to help the relationship happen”.
Therefore, from the interviews it has emerged that
with rough estimates and prone to error data, it is very
difficult to provide valuable services and it is even
more difficult to convince the customer of the value
of the offer, leading to their Unwillingness to Pay. In
this context, the innovation provided by space
technologies’ performance seem to be a valuable
solution. Indeed, it seems that space-based services
are more reliable and trustfulness and for this reason,
it is easier for end users to recognize the value
embedded in the offer, also when it comes to services
that aim to provide positive impacts on the society,
the economy, or the environment.
4.2 Space Technologies’ Ubiquity as a
Solution to the Difficulty of Access
In other cases, the main problem addressed by the
startups resulted to be the difficulty of reaching
remote areas. For example, when talking about the
characteristics of space technologies that are key for
their business, E’s Co-Founder affirmed: “I think the
first one is ubiquity. So, the problem for smallholder
farmers is that they are in very remote places. Usually
in places where there are not real infrastructures”.
Hence, satellites’ ubiquity is fundamental to their aim
of addressing smallholder farmers excluded from
traditional insurance services, because it offers a valid
Emerging Technologies as Enabler of Sustainable Business Model Innovation: Evidence from Space Tech New Ventures
solution to the issue of remote places lacking all the
technological equipment. Along the lines of this is the
example provided by G. Their mission is to “bring
connectivity in rural or remote places” (CEO of G),
where it is not accessible “either because
infrastructure did not exist, or existing solutions were
prohibitively expensive” thanks to their proprietary
satellites’ coverage. Moreover, J’s Co-Founder
affirmed to solve the problem that “in Africa there
are not many ground-based weather observations”,
by “using satellite derived products [...]because we
have access to these sorts of derived products in areas
where you don't have ground observations”.
Therefore, this demonstrates that the capability of
satellites of reaching every part of the world can be
leveraged to overcome the Difficulty of Access
transaction obstacle that traditional companies face
when targeting remote areas, especially with impact-
oriented objectives.
4.3 Space Technologies’ Low-Cost as a
Solution to the Inability to Pay
The last problem – or market opportunity – emerged
as tackled by the startups in the sample is represented
by the high prices of the competitors. The CEO of G,
about their customers affirmed: “They also do not
typically have large operating budgets to spend”.
Hence, they are “committed to supporting these types
of organizations and the work they do by giving them
access to the type of communication network they
need, at an affordable price.” Similarly, in the case
of E, thanks to the fact that they use freely available
data and thus have low costs, they can serve those
microinsurance organizations that work with poor
farmers in developing countries, which are
traditionally excluded by insurance because too
expensive for their low incomes. On this line is also
the example provided by H, indeed for what concerns
the traditional competitors providing emission
monitoring services, “the measurement methods and
the technologies that were being used were also very
costly”, whereas their technology “allows them to do
that, but to do that at the lowest possible cost” (Vice
President Sales and Marketing of H). Thanks to the
low-cost of the data, also J is able to provide a service
that costs only “two euros cents per SMS […] If they
want to receive every day for a whole year it would
be 7€ per year” which represents a “very low cost
compared to, for example, the price for other inputs
like fertilizer, or pesticides. Something like 1 or 2%
of the cost of that. (Co-Founder of J).
Hence, it emerges that having a business model
with a value capture mechanism able of lowering the
final price of a product or service may allow many
people traditionally excluded to be targeted as
customers. Therefore, space technologies can be
adopted to overcome the Inability to Pay of some
potential customers, traditional obstacle encountered
by commercial companies exploring sustainability
There is a common understanding that enterprises
must have an active role in attaining sustainability,
yet pursuing a dual orientation is complex due to
tensions and contrasts between profit and impact
(Pache & Santos, 2013; Doherty et al., 2014; DiVito
& Bohnsack, 2017; Tykkyläinen & Ritala, 2021).
These conflicts generally arise due to a series of
obstacles and barriers to sustainability, which have
been explored within academia and empirically
emerged by the results of this study (Santos et al.,
The empirical model we derived sheds light about
how the inner characteristics of an emerging
technology can act as levers for the innovation of the
business model in sustainable terms. Specifically, we
show how they enter the business model in the value
creation component as originally conceived by Amit
and Zott (2001), enabling three sustainable business
model innovation mechanisms:
Sustainable Value Propositions Innovation
through the mitigation of the unwillingness to
pay transaction obstacle, acting as a “sniper”
since the high performance of those
technologies provide valuable and reliable
services, by catching up opportunities that were
not addressed before and, most importantly, to
establish a relationship with customers based on
trust and transparency.
Sustainable Value Delivery Innovation through
the mitigation of the difficult to access
transaction obstacle, acting as a “trojan horse”
since the ubiquity feature of the technology
allows to include customer segments previously
excluded from the provision of the service due
to their remote location.
Sustainable Value Capture Innovation through
the migration of the inability to pay transaction
obstacle, acting as a “piggy bank” given the
low-cost nature of space technologies, both in
terms of satellites and space data, which may
permit to significantly reduce the costs and,
most importantly, to shift the cost savings on to
customers by decreasing the price of the service.
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
We thus advance the literature on sustainable
business model innovation providing one of the first
insights opening the black box of emerging
technologies’ features, beyond the ones
characterizing their diffusion (Rotolo et al., 2015).
Specifically, the features of high performance, low-
cost, and ubiquity may serve not only as a driver of
diffusion of the technology, but also drivers to
achieve sustainable business model innovation. These
inner characteristics allows emerging technologies to
work as transaction obstacles mitigation’s
mechanisms, thus driving innovation in the firm’
system of activities beyond the creation of value, but
carrying out successful and sustainable value
proposition, value delivery, and value capture
Drawing on the increasing attention of both scholars
and practitioner towards the sustainability issues, as
well as the role that private firms should play in
achieving socio-environmental goals, this paper
offers original insights from a business model
perspective. Specifically, we highlight how the inner
characteristics of an emerging technology may serve
as enabler of sustainable business model innovation
(SBMI), through the mitigation of transaction
obstacles to sustainability that often represent the
main hurdle in achieving no-profit oriented
objectives. Further studies may develop this line of
investigation looking at how other kinds of emerging
technologies may represent other sources of SBMI, as
well as how established firms with their articulated
organizational structure leverage them to achieve
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