A Review of Blockchain Platforms Based on the Scalability, Security and
Decentralization Trilemma
Jan Werth
, Mohammad Hajian Berenjestanaki
, Hamid R. Barzegar
, Nabil El Ioini
and Claus Pahl
Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Bolzano, Italy
University of Nottingham, Malaysia
Blockchain, Distributed Ledger, DLT, Blockchain Trilemma, Blockchain Platform Comparison, Review.
As blockchains are more and more used to support information system architectures, the question of the
suitability of a blockchain technology for a particular system arises. However, given the vast amount of
existing blockchain platforms, this choice is difficult as each blockchain focuses on different aspects. The
most critical ones are scalability, security, and decentralization, which make up the blockchain trilemma. We
review a selection of the most popular blockchain platforms based on their blockchain trilemma properties and
related aspects. Then, the platforms will be analyzed on the three aspects of the blockchain trilemma.
Since peer-to-peer distributed systems emerged,
blockchains have been used to supported decen-
tralised and trusted storage needs of information
systems many fields such as Banking and Finance,
Healthcare, Government and Supply Chain Manage-
ment. A blockchain is an immutable, decentralized
ledger of transactions, where multiple transactions are
grouped into a block which is appended to the chain of
blocks. A particularity of the blockchain is that there
is no need for a central authority. Instead, blockchains
reach consensus thanks to their consensus protocol.
Each node stores a (local) copy of the blockchain,
which is considered immutable. Other benefits are
better security and enhanced privacy.
We provide a systematic analysis of selected
blockchain platforms and their consensus protocol
based on the blockchain trilemma. For the review, we
use information obtained from whitepapers, online
documentation, articles, and blogs written by devel-
opers of different platforms. However, such sources
tend to focus on the conceptual aspects of a platform
and do not reflect the current state of a blockchain
platform. Therefore, we will also look at specific an-
alytic platforms for each blockchain which track dif-
ferent aspects such as transactions per second, block
time, and the number of nodes in order to provide a
reliable assessment.
Consensus protocols form the core of blockchains
by defining the rules which dictate how a distributed
system and its parts operate and interact. In terms
of blockchain, the consensus protocol determines
how the network can reach consensus on the fu-
ture state of the blockchain. This means that most
of a blockchain’s participants have to agree on the
same state to reach consensus. The protocol defines
the rules and functionality of the blockchain and the
blockchain platform realizes the consensus protocol.
Different blockchains use different consensus proto-
cols, which are essential for the blockchain trilemma.
An evolution are Smart Contracts which are pro-
grams on a blockchain that run when certain condi-
tions are met. The outcome of the Smart Contract is
known beforehand by both parties and is executed im-
mediately without a third party.
2.1 The Trilemma and Metrics
The Blockchain Trilemma states that a blockchain can
only fulfil two of three following aspects as they con-
tradict each other: Scalability, Decentralization and
Security. It is an amplification of the blockchain scal-
ability issue - a problem arising from an increasing
number of transactions but a limited throughput in
major blockchain platforms.
Werth, J., Berenjestanaki, M., Barzegar, H., El Ioini, N. and Pahl, C.
A Review of Blockchain Platforms Based on the Scalability, Security and Decentralization Trilemma.
DOI: 10.5220/0011837200003467
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2023) - Volume 1, pages 146-155
ISBN: 978-989-758-648-4; ISSN: 2184-4992
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
2.1.1 Scalability
Scalability is one of the most important aspects of
blockchains and can be motivated by the speed at
which participants of a peer-to-peer network can
reach consensus on the state of the blockchain (Hafid
et al., 2020). Mathematically it can be represented as
the maximum block size divided by the block inter-
val (Croman et al., 2016). Solving the scalability is-
sue can be done by either increasing the block size or
decreasing the block interval. However, external fac-
tors such as computing power, bandwidth, and storage
space (Buterin, 2021) call for an internal solution to
the problem. This is where the blockchain trilemma
arises, existing solutions such as the Proof-of-Stake
(PoS) consensus protocol give up decentralization in
favor of scalability. Using only a limited number of
validators, a particular type of node allowed to cre-
ate and confirm new blocks, PoS protocols can de-
crease network communication and increase scalabil-
ity. However, Proof-of-Work (PoW) protocols do not
differentiate between different types of nodes, and ev-
eryone has the same rights.
A low transaction rate leads to a problem where
transactions can no longer be processed immediately.
Therefore, scalability refers to the ability to support
high transactional throughput while maintaining per-
formance. Croman et al. (Croman et al., 2016)
identified some key metrics to measure scalability of
blockchain platforms, such as maximum throughput,
latency, bootstrap time, and cost per confirmed trans-
action, where the first two measurements are the most
important for a user who intends to use a blockchain
without being a miner or a validator.
Maximum throughput refers to the above-
explained concept of transactions per second. La-
tency is the time it takes for a blockchain to create
a new block, append it to the blockchain, and regard
it as confirmed. It can be divided into two parts which
are the block time and the time to finality. The for-
mer refers to the time needed to create a block and
add it to the blockchain. In contrast, time to final-
ity can be once again subdivided into deterministic
and probabilistic. Deterministic means that a block is
considered final once it is appended to the blockchain.
In other words, the block is no longer changeable
once it has been published. Probabilistic refers to the
blockchains in which a block is still subject to change
once it has been added to the blockchain, i.e., due to
the network not having reached consensus on the fu-
ture state of the blockchain. Bootstrap time refers to
the time it takes to download a blockchain and con-
firm all the blocks and transactions. Costs per transac-
tion are external factors such as setup cost, hardware
cost, storage cost, and power usage.
2.1.2 Decentralisation
Decentralisation is at the core of blockchain tech-
nology, but also a bottleneck regarding scalability
and security. It describes the transfer of control and
decision-making rights from a central authority to
a distributed network. A characteristic of decen-
tralisation in blockchains is the distrust between its
participants, which is desired and required for it to
work correctly. Measuring decentralisation depends
on the type of blockchain. Generally, two types of
blockchains exist or rather two types on how de-
centralisation must be measured. One type uses the
Proof-of-Work consensus protocol, while the other
type uses Proof-of-Stake or a similar consensus pro-
tocol where the rights to create a new block are given
to the node based on staked capital (Conway, 2022b).
The decentralisation (and security) of a Proof-of-
Work blockchain depends on the network’s hash rate
and how distributed it is. A network’s hash rate is the
cumulative hash rate of all the (mining) nodes par-
ticipating in the block creation competition. There-
fore, the higher the network’s hash rate, the harder it
is to disrupt it (Conway, 2022a). Decentralisation of
a Proof-of-Stake or similar blockchain can be mea-
sured in the number of validators, the distribution of
staked capital among the validators, and the percent-
age of token supply that has been staked (Conway,
2022a). Another metric is the Initial Token Alloca-
tion. It can create unfair advantages for a group that
receives many tokens and determine the next block
and chain governance.
For Proof-of-Work and Proof-of-Stake, it is im-
portant to measure how many nodes or pools (a pool is
a group of miners which join together to increase their
chance of creating the next block) control the major-
ity of the network. The NC is defined as the mini-
mum number of nodes required to get 51% of the to-
tal capacity (either in computing power or staked cap-
ital) (Srinivasan, 2017).However, for networks with a
lower Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT), it is only re-
quired to control one-third of the network’s comput-
ing power or staked capital.
2.1.3 Security
In cybersecurity, the CIA acronym stands for con-
fidentiality, integrity, and availability. Confidential-
ity involves the tasks of keeping particular informa-
tion secret. This is done in blockchain platforms in
the form of encrypted addresses. Users can interact
with the system using public key hashes without re-
vealing their real identity. However, this only guar-
antees pseudonymity as the ledgers are public and
transactions can be traced. Once a public address is
A Review of Blockchain Platforms Based on the Scalability, Security and Decentralization Trilemma
compromised and the owner of an address is known,
blockchain platforms no longer provide confidential-
ity. Integrity refers to data’s consistency, authentic-
ity, and accuracy. It also states that data must not
be tampered with, which is achieved through the im-
mutability of the blockchains. Availability means that
the blockchain state is always available and readable.
Other security features come from the CAP theo-
rem, i.e., consistency, availability, and partition tol-
erance , and states that none of these three can be
achieved simultaneously. Zhang et al. (Zhang et al.,
2019) applied the aforementioned CAP properties to
a distributed ledger: Consistency: all nodes keep an
identical ledger with most recent updates. Availabil-
ity: any transaction generated at any time will be ac-
cepted in the ledger. Partition Tolerance: even if part
of the network fails, the network can still operate nor-
It seems that the blockchain implementation has
violated the CAP theorem by achieving not only con-
sistency but also availability and partition tolerance.
However, this is not the case as a block’s latency
plays a role in consistency. This was also identi-
fied by (Zhang et al., 2019) who state that consis-
tency is not achieved simultaneously with availabil-
ity and partition tolerance but only after a period of
time (in Bitcoin’s case the block has first to be con-
firmed before it can be considered consistent, which
takes six confirmations where one confirmation takes
10 minutes). Given this weak characteristic and the
existence of a higher-level term in the CIA triad, we
can categorize consistency as part of integrity. We
can also group availability and partition tolerance,
where the latter is a sub-category of the former, under
the denomination of availability such that we are left
with: Confidentiality, which involves the privacy of a
user, Integrity, which includes consistency, authentic-
ity, accuracy and tamper-resistance of data. Consis-
tency means that all nodes store the same state of the
blockchain, Availability means that the blockchain is
always available to be read and can accept transac-
tions at any time, Partition Tolerance means that the
blockchain works even when part of the network fails.
A blockchain platform does not only have to
fulfill the CIA properties, it also must be resistant
against numerous different types of attacks, such
as DDoS attacks, majority attacks (51% attack and
single shard attack), double spending or transaction
flooding (Zhang et al., 2019). Another measure of
security is the Nakamoto Coefficient. Furthermore,
Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) refers to the ability
of a distributed system to keep working correctly even
when a fraction of its nodes fail or act maliciously.
Blockchains reach BFT through their consensus pro-
tocols which dictate the rules. If a node is no longer
following the consensus protocols’ rules, it is a mali-
cious node that does not act in the network’s interest.
Furthermore, most of the blockchains’ attacks occur
inside the network, implying the presence of byzan-
tine nodes.
Every platform takes a different approach to the
trilemma properties. This poses a challenge for
prospective blockchain developers and users as a par-
ticular blockchain platform may not fulfil their re-
quirements, e.g., an application requires high, inter-
mittent transactional throughput, which only a few
platforms support.
3.1 Selection
The selection of platforms was made in April
2022 based on their trilemma properties, type of
blockchain, initial token allocation, Total Value
Locked (TVL), and number of miners/validators par-
ticipating in the consensus mechanism.
The most important selection criteria to ensure di-
versity among the selected blockchain platforms were
their blockchain trilemma aspects. In other words, it
was essential to include blockchains that focus on the
trilemma’s different aspects. This was done by look-
ing at different metrics which define the platform’s
scalability, decentralization, and security. The se-
lected metrics for scalability are the platform’s max-
imum transactions per second, their block time and
their time to finality. For decentralization the number
of nodes, their type and whether the number of nodes
is fixed is essential. The number of nodes, their type,
and the distribution of computing power and staked
capital is also of interest for security, as well as the
Byzantine Fault Tolerance of the network.
Another criterion which had to be considered is
the type of blockchain. To ensure that the selected
blockchains are programmable on only public per-
missionless blockchain platforms (Pahl et al., 2018),
which also support Smart Contracts, were included.
The selection resulted in 9 blockchain platforms
with one Layer 0 solution (Cosmos), one Layer 2
solution (Polygon), and one platform which was in-
cluded for its approach to the blockchain trilemma:
Harmony is already applying a method called shard-
ing to its blockchain, which Ethereum, the platform
with the most protocols and highest TVL, apply in
2023. The selection is summarized in Table 1.
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 1: Selected Blockchain Platforms.
Consensus Structure Architecture
Ethereum PoW Chain Single Chain YES
Cosmos Tendermint PoS Chain Cosmos Parachain YES
BSC PoSA Chain Cosmos Parachain YES
Avalanche SoA DAG
Solana PoH Chain Single Chain YES
Fantom LCA DAG Main Chain (Atropos) YES
Tron DPoS Chain Single Chain YES
Polygon PoS Chain Sidechains YES
Harmony FBFT Chain Sharding YES
3.2 Consensus Protocol Analysis
The different consensus protocols are summasrised in
Table 2. It includes all the consensus protocols used
by the selection of blockchain platforms and addi-
tional consensus protocols which may be necessary
to understand more complex ones. Table 2 summa-
rizes the analysis. However, given the lack of metrics,
a comparison between consensus protocols in terms
of throughput for scalability is not expedient. There-
fore, the scalability of a consensus protocol can only
be measured partially and transaction finality (latency
of a new block) is used for it. Decentralization is mea-
sured in the number of nodes a network has and secu-
rity in the network’s Byzantine Fault Tolerance.
3.3 Platform Analysis
The metrics chosen to analyze the blockchains are
generally available for all public blockchains, com-
parable and interesting for users. Table 3 includes
the current transactions per second a platform can
achieve. This shows that some platforms are not yet
fully implemented but will reach higher tps in the fu-
ture. These metrics (Croman et al., 2016) help to
compare blockchains in terms of scalability.
Current TPS: measure the average throughput of a
blockchain platform at the moment of writing, as
some platforms are not fully implemented yet or
are yet to gain more popularity.
Max TPS: states the maximum transactions per sec-
ond a blockchain can process.
Block Time: measures the time in sec it takes for a
blockchain to create a new block.
Number of Nodes: is an important metric to mea-
sure the decentralization of a blockchain. The
number will only include the nodes responsible
for block creation.
Time to Finality: is the second measure of block la-
tency. In probabilistic networks, a block is not
considered final even after it was created due to
the risk of forks and other. However, some plat-
forms in the selection offer deterministic finality,
which means that a block is final the moment it
was produced.
Table 5 offers a detailed comparison of each plat-
form’s decentralisation and includes the Nakamoto
Coefficient with the metrics (Conway, 2022a).
Number of Nodes: Reports the number of nodes
participating in the block creation process.
Type of Nodes: Different consensus protocols use
different types of nodes for block creation. How-
ever, in this selection, most platforms use valida-
tors or some sort of validators. For example, in
BSC, validators have to be approved by Binance.
Trons’ Super Representatives are also validators.
Only Ethereum does not use validators but uses
competing nodes as participate in the Proof-of-
Work consensus.
Fixed number of Nodes: States whether the number
of nodes participating in the block creation is fixed
or can scale indefinitely.
Hashrate / % of Supply Staked: Reports the net-
work’s total hash rate (for Ethereum) and the per-
centage of how much of the total token supply of
a network’s cryptocurrency is staked.
Nakamoto Coefficient: Measures how many entities
are in control of 51% or 34% (depending on
the Byzantine Fault Tolerance) of the network’s
power (either in computing power or staked capi-
Table 6 depicts the security aspect of the
blockchain platforms, with the metrics:
Byzantine Fault Tolerance: measures the threshold
of failed or adverse nodes a network can with-
A Review of Blockchain Platforms Based on the Scalability, Security and Decentralization Trilemma
Table 2: Comparison of Consensus Protocols.
Proof of Work Low Probabilistic High =50% High
Proof of Stake Low Probabilistic Medium =50% Low/Medium
Tendermint PoS Medium Deterministic Medium =33% Low/Medium
Delegated-Proof-of-Stake High Probabilistic Low =33% Low/Medium
Proof-of-Staked-Authority Medium Probabilistic Low =33% Low/Medium
Snowflake-to-Avalanche Medium/High Probabilistic Medium =50% Low/Medium
Proof-of-History High Deterministic Medium =33% Low/Medium
Fast BFT High Deterministic Medium =33% Low/Medium
Lachesis Consensus Protocol High Deterministic Medium =33% Low/Medium
Availability: is important as transactions always oc-
Anonymity: illustrates whether the blockchain of-
fers complete anonymity or pseudonymity where
a transaction can still be tracked and linked to an
Note that the Nakamoto Coefficient is also a metric
used to measure the security of a network as large en-
tities which hold a lot of the networks computational
power or staking capital could collude and take over
the network..
The metrics are used in scientific articles and
in the blockchain community to analyze the perfor-
mance of different platforms (Hafid et al., 2020). The
three trilemma aspects are:
Scalability. Defined as being able to process O(n) >
O(c) transactions
Decentralization. Defined as the system being able
to run in a scenario where each participant only
has access to O(c) resources
Security. Defined as being secure against attackers
with up to O(n) resources
3.3.1 Scalability
The maximum throughput and latency of a network
are the most decisive indicators for scalability for
users who do not actively participate in the net-
work. Therefore, the maximum throughput (how
many transactions per second a network can handle),
the block time, and time to finality are selected to
measure the scalability of a network. time to finality
will be assessed based on a network being determin-
istic or probabilistic. Block time will be rated by the
sec it takes for a network to create a new block. Lat-
ter, however, will not be used in this decision frame-
work as all the selected blockchain platforms present
a similar block time. Thus, only the maximum trans-
action per second as some presented blockchains are
not fully implemented yet and the time to finality (de-
terministic or probabilistic) will be used to measure
the scalability of the blockchain platforms.
3.3.2 Decentralization
According to Conway (Conway, 2022a), decentral-
ization of Proof-of-Work networks is measured by its
hash rate and its distribution among the participants
of the network. A Proof-of-Stake network (and sim-
ilar blockchains) is measured by the number of val-
idators, the percentage of token supply staked, and
the distribution of the token supply across its valida-
tors. Following this, we will calculate a decentraliza-
tion index for the selected Proof-of-Stake (or similar)
blockchain platforms by their average ranking for the
number of nodes, their percentage of supply staked,
and their Nakamoto Coefficient. This decentraliza-
tion index is used to determine how decentralized a
network is as the number of nodes may be mislead-
ing due to the Nakamoto Coefficient. Ethereum’s de-
centralization will be measured along with its peers
(other Proof-of-Work blockchains). A lower decen-
tralization index is favourable as it indicates that the
network is more decentralized than another.
3.3.3 Security
Security will be measured by means of the Byzantine
Fault Tolerance of a network. It is stated by Bracha
(Bracha, 1987) that an asynchronous network can not
provide safety (guarantee that all malicious nodes will
eventually agree to the new state) and liveness (abil-
ity to process transactions) if the number of malicious
nodes exceeds the BFT threshold. For networks with
a Byzantine Fault Tolerance of 33% a number of
malicious nodes between 33% and 50% can already
halt the blockchain so that it can no longer produce
new blocks. In addition, to Ethereum, Avalanche, and
Polygon, where >50% of the network needs to be ma-
licious to bring it to a stop, also BSC is considered
secure in this framework as all validators have to be
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 3: Scalability of Blockchain Platforms.
current TPS max TPS Block Time
Time to Finality
Ethereum 10 12-15 12-14 sec 60 sec
Cosmos /
10,000 per zone
˜6 sec Instant
BSC 40-60 160 ˜3 sec 75 sec
Avalanche 5-10
5,000+ per subnet
˜2 sec ˜1 second
Solana 1,500-2,500 710,000 ˜0.7 sec Instant
Fantom 10-15 300,000 ˜1 second Instant
Tron 50-200 2,000 3 sec 60 sec
Polygon 30-50
65,000 per sidechain
2.3 sec ˜2 sec
Harmony ˜10
500 per shard
2 sec Instant
Table 4: Decentralization Ranking, with NoN Number of
Nodes, HR Hashrate / % of supply staked, NC Nakamoto
Coefficient, DI Decentralization Index.
Ethereum 2 2 2 2
Cosmos 4 3 6 4.33
BSC 8 1 4 4.33
Avalanche 2 4 1 2.33
Solana 1 2 2 1.66
Fantom 6 5 8 6.33
Tron 7 6 4 5.66
Polygon 5 8 3 5.33
Harmony 3 7 7 5.66
approved by a central authority and must publish their
3.3.4 Resources and Tools
To analyse the different blockchain networks we stud-
ied whitepapers and online documentation we do
not list all individual sources of information sepa-
rately due to their large number. As those sources,
mainly focus on selected properties, such as max-
imum throughput or the functions of their consen-
sus protocol, block explorers were used to get real-
time and historical information on a blockchain.
These block explorers are mainly developed by the
blockchain foundation, reputable community mem-
bers, or former blockchain developers.
The process of analyzing the blockchain platforms
is mostly repeatable. Scalability and Security of a net-
work is measured with objective metrics. Only for de-
centralization, we compared the blockchain platforms
to one another (Conway, 2022a).
4.1 Ethereum
Ethereum was created to provide a blockchain with
a built-in Turing-complete programming language
that everyone can use to create Smart Contracts.
Since then, Ethereum has become the most popu-
lar blockchain in building decentralized applications
(DApps). This is also shown by its domination of
the Total Value Locked and the number of protocols
built across all blockchain platforms. For example,
at the time of writing, the TVL on Ethereum makes
up nearly two-thirds of the total TVL, and Ethereum
boasts just about 500 protocols built on it.
Scalability. Similar to the most well-known
blockchain - Bitcoin - Ethereum uses the PoW con-
sensus protocol. However, by decreasing the block
interval to 12 to 14 sec Ethereum is able to achieve a
higher throughput of 10 to 15 transactions per sec-
ond which, however, is not enough as daily 150,000-
200,000 transactions are pending. Due to that,
Ethereum plans to transition to a PoS consensus pro-
tocol which realizes higher throughput.After a trans-
action is processed in Ethereum, it is still not consid-
ered final as PoW is a probabilistic consensus proto-
col, but the time to finality is greatly lower than Bit-
coins due to its lower block creation time.
Decentralization. Ethereum is the second-largest
blockchain network with around 6,000 nodes which
are competing against each-other. However, three
pools control over 50% of Ethereum’s total hash rate.
Security. To fortify against attacks such as the
Denial-of-Service-Attack, Ethereum uses the gas sys-
tem. Gas fees compensate Ethereum miners for their
work in processing transactions and securing the net-
4.2 Cosmos
Cosmos is a network of many independent
blockchains which can communicate together
thanks to the inter-blockchain communication (IBC)
protocol. This allows for fast exchanges between
the different blockchains built on Cosmos. Cosmos’
objective is to create an environment that allows
multiple parallel blockchains to inter-operate while
retaining their security properties. Cosmos uses its
in-house developed Tendermint BFT consensus
A Review of Blockchain Platforms Based on the Scalability, Security and Decentralization Trilemma
Table 5: Decentralization of Blockchain Platforms.
Type of
number of
Hashrate /
% of supply
Ethereum ˜6,000 Competing No 913.74 TH/s
Cosmos 175 Validators Yes 62.23% 7
BSC 21
Yes 81.47% 8
Avalanche ˜1,250 Validators No 60.82% 52
Solana ˜2,000 Validators No 73.79% 27
Fantom 92 Validators No 47.01% 3
Tron 27
Yes 45.81% 8
Polygon 100 Validators Yes 30.89% 13
per shard
Validators Yes 42.48% 5
Ethereum is the only PoW platform, i.e, hashrate is used to measure decentraliza-
No central source exists for the Nakamoto Coefficient for some, i.e., is estimated.
Table 6: Security of Blockchain Platforms.
BFT Availability Anonymity
Ethereum 50% Transaction with low fees can become stuck (as miners re-
ceive the fee, a low fee does not offer any incentive to pro-
cess the transaction over other transactions with higher fees)
Data availability is achieved by full nodes
Cosmos 33% Validators are penalized for inavailability Pseudonymity
BSC 33% Validators are penalized for inavailability Pseudonymity
Avalanche 50% SoA can adaptably change byzantine fault tolerance for availability
Block and Transaction Data are simultaneously stored on Kyve
Solana 33% Horizontal scaling gives up network availability for scalability Pseudonymity
Fantom 33% Validators and delegators are penalized for inavailability Pseudonymity
Tron 33% Fees to prevent transaction flooding Pseudonymity
Polygon 50% Validators and delegators are penalized for inavailability
Achieves data availability by the means of an additional data layer on the
Harmony 33% Shards store only 1/n of the global state, new blocks from shards are crosslinked
to the beacon chain.
protocol. Therefore, it is also called a Layer 0 solu-
tion as it allows for multiple Layer 1 blockchains to
be built on. Following this, building a new blockchain
on Cosmos allows for future compatibility between
all blockchains on Cosmos and new blockchain
Scalability. This also means that in general Cos-
mos applies horizontal sharding to further increase
its 10,000 transactions per second per built-on
blockchain which are also called zones. However,
this number drops wrt. the number of validators a
blockchain chooses to utilize.
Decentralization. Currently, the platform is secured
by 175 validators where 7 of them possess over 33%
of the staked capital.
Security. Any
/3 coalition of voting power (staked
capital) can halt the blockchain by no longer par-
ticipating in the consensus. This may result in the
blockchain forking. Cosmos employs slashing to pre-
vent such an attack where malicious nodes are penal-
ized for not casting their vote. Additionally, to prevent
transaction flooding, Cosmos uses fees to discourage
possible attackers due to the financial cost of such an
4.3 Binance Smart Chain
The Binance Smart Chain (BSC) is the second
blockchain developed by Binance after the Binance
Chain (BC). The critical difference between these
two chains is that the BC did not support Ethereum-
based applications, while the BSC is equipped with
the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). Furthermore,
both BC and BSC are built upon Cosmos, allowing for
fast communication between the two Binance Chains.
The reasoning behind the creation of a new par-
allel blockchain to the Binance Chain is the sup-
port of Smart Contracts. As BC focused on its na-
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
tive DeFi application Binance DEX (Decentralized
Exchange), BSC aims to be more flexible and us-
able. Even though BSC is built on Cosmos SDK,
it does not use the Tendermint PoS consensus proto-
col. However, it uses the Proof-of-Staked-Authority
(PoSA) consensus protocol, which is a combination
of the Delegated-Proof-of-Stake (DPoS) and Proof-
of-Authority (PoA).
Scalability. BSC supports a rate of 40 to 60 trans-
actions per second. Given the usage of the PoSA
consensus protocol and not Cosmos’ Tendermint PoS
the maximum throughput BSC can achieve is 160.
To reach block finality BSC requires two thirds of all
validators to sign a block, which takes about 75 sec-
ond with a block time of around 3 sec.
Decentralization. In a PoSA network, there exist
only 21 validators, which take turns creating a new
block just like in a PoA network. However, the valida-
tors are selected every 24 hours based on their stakes,
where the highest-staking nodes win. The decentral-
ization of BSC due to the lower number of validating
nodes leads to improved scalability, which is visible
when looking at the TPS. Out of the 21 total valida-
tors 8 control more than
/3 of the staked capital.
Security. As PoSA also implements Slashing to
penalize Byzantine validators for most transactions
/2N+1 signatures are enough as confirmation. There-
fore, a validator is not promptly punished for being
unavailable but must remain over a certain threshold.
However, they receive less or no reward when they are
4.4 Avalanche
Contrary to other blockchains, Avalanche is not built
using the typical blockchain data structure (linked
list), but instead uses a Directed acyclic graph
(DAG) data structure to improve its scalability. To
ensure security Avalanche uses the Snowflake-to-
Avalanche (SoA) consensus protocol. The objective
of Avalanche is to cover three blockchain-related ar-
1. Building application specific blockchains
2. Building scalable decentralized apps (DApps)
3. Building digital assets with custom rules (smart
To realize points 2 and 3 above, Avalanche
supports Solidity-based smart contracts through the
Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). To further in-
crease scalability Avalanche offers three built-in
blockchains for different use cases.
X-Chain. The Exchange Chain is the main chain for
trading and creating digital smart assets.
C-Chain. The Contract Chain allows for the creation
and execution of Smart Contracts.
P-Chain. The Platform Chain is the chain which co-
ordinates validators, tracks subnets and allows the
creation of new subnets.
Scalability. Avalanche can reach thousands of
transactions (5,000+) while retaining full decentral-
ization thanks to its DAG structure. This number
scales even higher with an increase in different sub-
nets (X-Chain, C-Chain, and P-Chain). Currently,
Avalanche processes 5-10 transactions per second and
a block time of just under 2 sec. The time to finality
in Avalanche is nearly instant (up to 1 second).
Decentralization. Avalanche is secured by around
1,250 validators where 52 establish a superminority.
This high NC is reached due to a staking limit im-
posed on validators to create more diversity among
the network.
Security. Avalanche can uphold safety even when the
attacker exceeds 51% of the network’s staked capital.
However, the platform gives up liveness in exchange
for security.
4.5 Solana
Solana is a blockchain platform based on its own
consensus protocol Proof-of-Stake (PoS) realized by
Proof-of-History (PoH). Solana aims to solve the
blockchain trilemma, which they state to resolve by
achieving a maximal throughput of 710,000 trans-
actions per sec while having thousands of validators
and being byzantine fault tolerant. This performance
is achieved by combining PoS with the horizontal
scaling of PoH.
Scalability. The block creation time is also under one
second, which holds true with a current block time of
0.7 sec. In contrast, finality is achieved instantly as
Solana is deterministic.
Decentralization. Presently, Solana reaches between
1,500 and 2,500 transactions per second while be-
ing secured by nearly 2,000 validators. Out of this
2,000 validators 27 control over one third of the
staked capital.
4.6 Fantom
Fantom’s primary goal is to solve the scalability issue
of existing blockchains by introducing a new ”DAG-
based Smart Contract platform”, which is secured by
the Lachesis Consensus Algorithm (LCA). Fantom
does not only see throughput as the major problem
of the scalability issue but also time to finality - how
long it takes for a transaction to be processed and con-
A Review of Blockchain Platforms Based on the Scalability, Security and Decentralization Trilemma
Scalability. The main focus of the Opera Chain (Fan-
tom’s main chain) was to provide deterministic (ab-
solute) finality with block time of 1 to 2 sec. Given
the structure of the network, Fantom is also able to
support up to 300,000 transactions per second.
Decentralization. The drawback comes with decen-
tralization as currently (14-June-2022), only 92 val-
idators are securing the network. This is due to the
vast limits Fantom imposes for a node to be a valida-
tor, as they have to hold at least 500,000 (or around
$115,000). Fantom achieves a Nakamoto Coefficient
of 3.
Security. To prevent Sybil attacks (one entity tries
to create multiple nodes), a single computer can only
create a single node. Other attacks include Para-
site Chain, double spending, and transaction flooding.
The verification of blocks through Clotho and Atro-
pos event blocks prevents the former. If a block is not
connected to the main chain, it is deemed invalid and
is ignored. Transaction flooding is averted by impos-
ing fees.
4.7 Tron
Tron is a network built on a fork of EthereumJ and
seeks to offer a public blockchain with high through-
put, scalability, and availability. It uses the DPoS con-
sensus protocol.
Scalability. Thanks to the limited number of SRs, the
need for communication and approval is reduced, and
the Tron network can achieve a high throughput of a
maximum of 2,000 transactions per second. It also
supports Smart Contracts thanks to the Tron Virtual
Machine (TVM), which is fully compatible with the
Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). Currently, it pro-
cesses an average of 50 to 200 transactions every sec-
ond, sometimes spiking up to nearly 600 transactions
per second. After a new block is produced every 3 sec
it takes another 60 sec (19 blocks) for a new block to
be finalized.
Decentralization. The network is secured by 27 Su-
per Representatives (SR), who are elected every 6
hours from the over 6,000 nodes connected to the
Tron blockchain. Eight of them control more than
one-third of the staked capital. The intention behind
the election is to support diversity of the SRs in a way
to avoid that not always the same nodes are creating
new blocks.
Security. Transactions on Tron are not paid with their
tokens but are paid by ”bandwidth points”. Each day,
an account receives a certain amount of free band-
width points, whereas accounts with staked capital
receive more points. If an account runs out of band-
width points, tokens must be burned (destroyed) to
pay for additional points. This system is implemented
to prevent transaction flooding attacks.
4.8 Polygon
Polygon, formerly called Matic, is a Layer 2 solution
that works atop the Ethereum blockchain and tries to
solve its scalability issue. ”Matic Network strives
to solve the scalability and usability issues, while
not compromising on decentralization and leverag-
ing the existing developer community and ecosys-
tem. It is an off/side chain scaling solution for ex-
isting platforms to provide scalability and [...] user
experience” according to their whitepaper. Polygon
achieves high throughput by implementing PoS. In-
stead of sending single transactions to the Ethereum
main chain, it groups up clusters of transactions which
are then committed to Ethereum so that Ethereum can
still process what is happening. Scalability A sin-
gle sidechain can handle up to 65,000 transactions
per sec and can horizontally scale by adding more
sidechains. Presently, Polygon achieves a throughput
of 30-50 transactions per second, creating a new block
every 2.3 sec while maintaining a block confirmation
time of 2 sec.
Decentralization. Polygon has 100 validators where
13 create a superminority.
Security. Since Polygon is built on Ethereum, it
also implements the Gas system to prevent transaction
flooding and to help secure the network. Polygon also
provides Fraud Proofs where any individual can state
a transaction as fraudulent and challenge its veracity.
If the challenge is successful, the parties involved in
the fraud are penalized (slashed) and the challenger is
rewarded the slashed fund. This constitutes an incen-
tive for parties to investigate the veracity of transac-
tions and to detect frauds in the network.
4.9 Harmony
Harmony aims at high and secure throughput by di-
viding the blockchain into different shards. This is
realized by implementing a beacon chain to which all
shard chains report (beacon chain is also a shard) and
using the Fast Byzantine Fault Tolerance consensus
Scalability and Decentralization Currently, Har-
mony deploys four shards where each shard can pro-
cess up to 500 transactions per second and is secured
by 250 validators each. Five of them currently hold
over 33% of the staked capital. In the long run, Har-
mony can scale up to 2,000 shards, allowing for a the-
oretical throughput of 1 million transactions per
second. However, at the moment, the network only
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
processes around ten transactions per second. Fur-
thermore, thanks to Harmony’s FBFT consensus al-
gorithm, the block creation time is reduced to 2 sec,
and a new block is considered to be final instantly.
Security. All validators who participated in signing
a new block are rewarded a protocol-defined number
of new tokens and the transaction fees. Later exists to
protect the network from the transaction flooding at-
tack just like in other consensus protocols. The secu-
rity of the different shards and to prevent Single Shard
attacks is achieved through a combination of Verifi-
able Random Function (VRF) and Verifiable Delay
Function (VRD), where validators are randomly as-
signed and mixed among shards.
Similar to others, Harmony uses slashing to pe-
nalized dishonest validators. It is also possible for a
validator to challenge a transaction and to prove the
misbehaviour of another validator.
The decision on the right blockchain platform to
support storage and trust management in informa-
tion sytems is difficult. We compared a selection of
blockchain platforms in terms of important qualities
for information systems such as scalability, decentral-
ization, and security. The selection was made on mul-
tiple criteria, summarized as the platforms’ trilemma
properties, their type of blockchain, and their initial
token allocation.
For the analysis of each platform, we studied their
respective whitepaper and documentation and also
interacted with the platform’s community on social
media platforms such as Twitter, Reddit, and Dis-
cord. However, as such sources cover only the plat-
forms’ theoretical aspects, we also utilized websites
which track the analytics of each blockchain, so-
called blockchain explorers. The results of the analy-
sis indicated that the blockchain trilemma holds true.
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A Review of Blockchain Platforms Based on the Scalability, Security and Decentralization Trilemma