GNSS Monitoring of Geodynamics in the Region Around Sofia and
South-Western Bulgaria
Nikolay Dimitrov
and Anton Ivanov
National Institute of Geophysics Geodesy and Geography, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
Keywords: GNSS, Crustal Movements, Horizontal Velocity, Crustal Strain.
Abstract: For more than 25 years, the monitoring of geodynamic processes with modern GNSS technology in the region
of Sofia and Southwestern Bulgaria continues. To investigate modern crustal motions in the area, Global
Positioning System (GPS) data obtained between 1996 and 2022 are analyzed to obtain the velocity field for
southwestern Bulgaria. For this period, monitoring covered 28 stations. The active strain in the region is also
estimated from analysis of the results for velocity solutions. Some correlation between modern earth crust
movements, seismic events and tectonic structures is established. The obtained results in a general way
confirm previously data, but with much better accuracy and details at local level. The results can be used for
a detailed geodynamic and geological study of the active fault structures in the area.
The area around Sofia and Southwestern Bulgaria is
characterized by a large number of active geological
fault structures, and the presence of tectonic and
seismic activity predetermines the development of
dangerous geodynamic processes. These processes
have the greatest impact on the changes
(deformations) of the geodetic networks built
specifically for their study. Using GNSS technology
for estimating natural destructive processes provides
specific quantitative values of recent crustal
movements. The area of interest of this study is
limited to the north by the southern slopes of Stara
Planina, to the south to the border of Bulgaria with
Greece, to the west - the western border of Bulgaria
and to the east - the beginning of the Upper Thracian
Plain (Fig. 1). The historical review of earthquake
activity shows that a significant number of strong
earthquakes have been recorded in the Sofia area. The
above shows the social importance of the studied
territory and the need to obtain geodetic data on its
current geodynamic activity in order to assess the
geological hazard. The main goal of the geodynamic
monitoring is to clarify the geodynamic setting of the
region and behavior of suggested active faults.
For more than 25 years, the monitoring of
geodynamic processes with modern GNSS
technology in the region of Sofia and Southwestern
Bulgaria continues. In order to study the modern
crustal movements in 1996, a geodynamic network
was built in the area around Sofia, covering SW
Bulgaria. The network is designed for high-precision
GNSS measurements, determination of coordinates
and velocities of points, calculation of active stress in
the area and long-term monitoring geodynamic
processes. The points are stabilized so that the grid
covers the main tectonic structures in the area. The
first GPS measurements of the Sofia Geodynamic
Network were made in 1996. GPS measurement of all
points of the network with processing and analysis of
the results first been performed only in two epochs
1997 and 2000 (Kotzev et al., 2001, Kotzev et al.,
2006). A new comprehensive measurement of the
geodynamic network was accomplished in the
summer of 2020 (Dimitrov and Nakov, 2020,
Dimitrov and Nakov, 2022). A new campaign was
performed in the summer of 2021. Three additional
points were measured – BELM, SATO and LOZ2
(Fig. 1). Point BELM was measured previously in
1997 and 2020, point SATO was measured in 1996
and 2003. Because the original point LOZE was
Dimitrov, N. and Ivanov, A.
GNSS Monitoring of Geodynamics in the Region Around Sofia and South-Western Bulgaria.
DOI: 10.5220/0011840400003473
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management (GISTAM 2023), pages 144-149
ISBN: 978-989-758-649-1; ISSN: 2184-500X
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
destroyed after the measurements in 2000, in 2021 we
measured the duplicating point LOZ2, which was
measured in 1997 but with shorter period of
observation. In this reason the obtained result for
velocity of this point has greater error, but still is
reliable (Dimitrov and Nakov, 2021). In the summer
of 2022, we measured the next epoch at 9 network
points. These points now have at least four
measurement epochs over a period of 25 years. The
epochs of all GPS measurements included in this
study are shown in Table 1.
The measurements were processed/reprocessed in a
two-step procedure using the GAMIT/GLOBK
software v10.71 (Herring et al., 2015, Herring et al.,
2018) to ensure the quality and homogeneity of the
solutions. In the first step, loosely constrained
estimates of station coordinates, Earth orientation,
orbital parameters, and atmospheric zenith delays
were determined using GAMIT. Major models and
parameters used in GAMIT GPS data processing are
given in Table 2.
Table 1: Epochs of GPS measurements.
Point Year of measurements number
BANK * * * * 4
BELI * * * 3
BELM * * * 3
BERK * * * * 4
BOGS * * * * * 5
BOSN * * * * 5
BUHO * * * 3
CARV * * * * * 5
DELA * * * * * 5
DOB1 * * * * * * 6
DSEC * * * 3
FROL * * * 3
GURM * * 2
KRAL * * * * * * 6
LOZ2 * * 2
MALC * * * * 4
MECH * * 2
MUHO * * * 3
PADA * * * 3
PLA1 * * * * * * * * 9
SATO * * * 3
SLI1 * * * 3
SOFI * * * * * * * * * * * 11
VERI * * * * 4
VETR * * * * 4
VITI * * * 3
VLAD * * * * 4
ZEME * * * * 4
GNSS Monitoring of Geodynamics in the Region Around Sofia and South-Western Bulgaria
Table 2: Major models and parameters used in GAMIT
GPS data processing.
In the second step, a global Kalman filter was applied
using GLOBK, to the combined, loosely constrained
solutions and associated covariances in order to
estimate a consistent set of station coordinates and
velocities. Six parameter transformation was
estimated by minimizing the horizontal velocities of
10 globally distributed IGS stations with respect to
the IGS14 realization of the ITRF2014 reference
frame (Altamimi et al., 2016). In the region is located
the IGS station Class A – SOFI which is included in
the estimation and analysis. The obtained results for
the velocities of the point from geodynamic network
are shown in Fig. 1.
In the analysis we examined the time series for all
of the stations, removing obvious outliers and further
Figure 1: Horizontal GPS velocity with respect to Eurasian plate with 95% confidence. Slim lines show suggested active
faults in the area. The topography is shown from green to brown – lower to higher elevation. The elevation of the highest
peaks in the area is given in meters.
Cutoff angle and data
10º, depending on the elevation angle
Data sampling and
data weighting
30 s for data editing, and 120 s for parameter
Antenna phase center
IGS ANTEX files to correct absolute PCVs of
satellite and receiver
Ionospheric refraction Iono-free linear combination
VMF1 for dry delay and parameter estimation in
2-hour intervals for wet delays.
Troposphere horizontal gradients in 24-hour
interval are estimated.
Atmospheric tidal loading corrections VMF1.
Ocean tide
FES2004 model [12] with correction for the
center-of-mass motion
Solid Earth tide, pole
Models recommended by IERS Conventions
Troposphere refraction
GISTAM 2023 - 9th International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management
downweighting those for which the normalized root-
mean-square (nrms) was greater than 0,7. Four of
these time series are shown in Fig. 2. It should be
noted that unlike full velocity solution, the time series
do not account rigorously for all correlations.
For this study all measurements were reprocessed
with the GAMIT/GLOBK software, to obtain loosely
constrained daily solutions saved in SINEX (Solution
Independence Exchange format). For estimation of
strain rate, the QOCA software (https://qoca. is used to model site displacements,
which involve all the campaign sites. We use
velocities adjustment in strain rate analysis.
Coseismic jumps and post-seismic deformations are
removed in the time series. Principal strain axes of the
horizontal strain rate tensors are estimated over the
Delaunay triangles (Fig. 3).
Figure 2: Long-term repeatabilitie of the horizontal station
The present-day geodynamics of the area as well as
the entire territory of South-West Bulgaria is defined
by the neotectonic extensional processes in the South
Bulgarian Extensional Region (Burchfiel et al.,
2000), part of the broad East-Mediterranean – Balkan
Extensional system. Presently, based on geological
data the extension is suggested to be in a general N-S
direction, which results in tectonic structures with
general trend NW-SE to E W (Dimitrov and Nakov,
2020). For a period of more than 25 years the
monitoring has covered 28 stations. They have been
measured in different years and in different number
of campaigns (Table 1). Despite the different number
of measurements, the obtained results are quite
GNSS Monitoring of Geodynamics in the Region Around Sofia and South-Western Bulgaria
Figure 3: Topography (brown elevated areas, green low lands) and suggested active faults with black lines (Barrier et al.,
2004) with principal axes of the horizontal strain rate tensor with blue arrows.
homogeneous in the different deposits of the studied
territory and show clear uniform trends. In this
regard, the velocities of stations PLA1 and SOF1 with
the largest number of measurements, which suggests
very high reliability, do not differ significantly from
the surrounding stations.
Recently obtained velocities are extremely
reliable because theirs 3σ errors are very small. All
velocities are in southern direction. All velocities
clearly exceed 1.5 - 2 mm/y reaching up to 3 - 4
mm/y. They are in the limits of 1.5 mm/year up to
slightly over 3 mm/year, almost reaching 4 mm/year
(stations DOB1, SATO). The velocities of the stations
tend to increase from north to south, passing through
an intermediate locality, clearly increasing in the
southernmost part of the country.
This velocity field motivates N-S expressed extension
with increasing rates from North to South. The
difference in the velocity rates tends to change along
geologically suggested active fault zones. This result
point to the significance of the GPS monitoring for
the identification and evaluation of active faults.
The newly acquired velocities from three campaigns
1997, 2000, 2020, 2021 years, complemented with
the new results from 2022 confirm that the general
tendency of movement of the stations in the region of
Central West Bulgaria is in the south direction with
respect to stable Eurasia. The velocities tend to
increase from north to south. This pattern is in
GISTAM 2023 - 9th International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management
agreement with the extensive movement of southern
Bulgaria and northern Greece.
The results obtained for the strain rate show that
the strain field is not uniform in direction and
intensity. In the area located to the north of the Sub-
Balkan fault (north of Sofia graben) dominates the
compression strain. However, the limited number of
stations may require further observations for more
accurate results. The intermediate area is
characterized by the NW-SE trend of the strain with
dominating extension. The southernmost area is
characterized by a general NNW – SSE (almost N-S)
direction of the extensional strain and higher values
compared to the northern area.
The newly obtained results in a general way
confirm previous data, but with much better accuracy
and details at local level and can be used for a detailed
geodynamic and geological study of the area. Further
extension of geodynamic network will provide new
details on the geodynamics of the area.
This study was supported by National Science Fund,
Bulgaria, Project "Monitoring of geodynamic
processes in the area of Sofia". Contract No KП-06-
H 34/1.
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GNSS Monitoring of Geodynamics in the Region Around Sofia and South-Western Bulgaria