Improving Learning Motivation for Out-of-Favour Subjects
Felix Böck
, Dieter Landes
and Yvonne Sedelmaier
1,2 c
Department of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Coburg University of Applied Sciences and Arts,
96450 Coburg, Germany
Vocational Education, SRH Wilhelm Loehe University of Applied Sciences Fuerth, 90763 Fuerth, Germany
Keywords: Enriched Learning, Micro Learning, Gamification, Motivation Enhancement, non-Major Computer Science
Students, Out-of-Favour Subjects.
Abstract: Many curricula encompass subjects that are deemed less interesting or not important by a large share of
students since they cannot perceive their true significance. It is an open question how students can be
compelled to get involved with these subjects after all. This paper presents a novel concept how this can be
accomplished. In particular, the paper argues that four important requirements must be met, namely that
learning can also be accomplished in a less formal environment than regular lectures, learning may happen
independent of physical presence at the university and whenever students see themselves fit, learning is based
on small units, and students enjoy getting involved in the matter. As a proof-of-concept, this approach has
been used in programming education for students of electrical engineering, based on sending short summaries
via WhatsApp and adding playful elements. such as quizzes. An evaluation of the proof-of-concept over two
terms provides indication of the viability and usefulness of the approach, but also highlights several
opportunities for extensions and refinements.
Occasionally, university curricula contain subjects
which are not at the centre of interest of a large share
of students. This may be due to the fact that students
view them only loosely, if at all, related to the core
subjects of their study program. For instance, many
students view non-major subjects such as, e.g.,
computer programming as foreign matter with limited
relevance in non-computer science majors such as
electrical engineering. Consequently, students
frequently lack motivation to get deeply involved in
the subject matter, resulting in poor performance.
Nevertheless, such out-of-favour subjects are
contained in the curriculum for a reason. Therefore,
students need to be coaxed into getting involved in
these subjects after all.
Thus, the research question is: “How can students
be successfully teased into getting involved in
subjects that they originally find dull?”. To answer
this research question, the paper presents a concept
that may contribute to master this challenge. This
concept rests on four core elements which are
discussed in section 2, namely that learning can also
be accomplished in a less formal environment than
regular lectures, independent of physical presence at
the university and whenever students see themselves
fit, learning is based on small units, and students
enjoy getting involved in the matter.
As a proof-of-concept, the general concept is
instantiated in the context of computer programming
in an electrical engineering study program for
freshmen students. Section 3 presents details of this
approach which has been offered twice, each across a
complete term. The success of this approach is
evaluated quantitatively and qualitatively:
quantitatively by an analysis of usage behaviours,
qualitatively by a questionnaire-based survey,
accompanied by additional interviews. The details
and the results of the evaluation are included in
section 3, along with a comparison of related work.
The paper concludes with a discussion and an
Böck, F., Landes, D. and Sedelmaier, Y.
Improving Learning Motivation for Out-of-Favour Subjects.
DOI: 10.5220/0011841400003470
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2023) - Volume 1, pages 190-200
ISBN: 978-989-758-641-5; ISSN: 2184-5026
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Making students work more intensively on subjects
that they do not like is a challenge. Students are
supposed to spend more time and effort on these
subjects, yet additional time is not feasible within the
curriculum without sacrificing other subjects.
Therefore, additional or intensified engagement
needs to take place beyond formal learning settings,
ideally embedded into normal student life. In addition,
there should be as few and simple roadblocks as
possible for getting started. This entails that
communication with the learners should use popular
channels which do not need to be newly established.
Furthermore, learning should not impose too much of
a burden on students, i.e. should happen almost
unnoticed. This implies small learning chunks that
can be accomplished without spending too much time.
Finally, students should be “rewarded” for getting
involved. Such a reward might be additional fun, e.g.
by elements with a game-like flavour.
We identified four key components of our concept
which link together in such a way that small tasks are
sent out to students over a communication channel
that they use anyway. The tasks are small enough to
be completed in a couple of minutes, wherever and
whenever students feel like it. If they master the task,
they obtain a virtual achievement.
2.1 Outside the Formal Context
Student learning does not take place only in
university, but rather in everyday life, e.g. through
exchanging information with friends or fellow
students, or searching for information. Historically,
educational institutions have been regarded as the
central place for learning, but non-formal learning
becomes increasingly popular, also with the facet of
lifelong learning (Reischmann, 1995, 2002). Thus, it
is important to create opportunities to enable learning
outside of firmly defined classroom settings.
2.2 Brain-Friendly Learning Elements
Several memory theories exist in psychology
(Atkinson and Shiffrin, 1968; Baddeley, 1998, 2002).
One of them, Cognitive Load Theory (Sweller, 1988),
states that learner’s working (or short-term) memory
has a limited capacity. Sweller explains three types of
cognitive load: intrinsic (how complex the task is),
extraneous (distractions that increase load), and
germane (linking new information with what is
already stored in long-term memory). The last aspect
is in line with newer learning theories such as
constructivism (Arnold and Siebert, 1999;
Braslavsky, 2001; Glasersfeld, 2001). An information
overload reduces the effectiveness of teaching.
Following Cognitive Load Theory, learning should
therefore happen in small learning units, so-called
micro learning elements.
2.3 Motivational Components
Self-determination theory (Deci and Ryan, 1985)
distinguishes different types of motivation. The most
familiar distinction is between intrinsic motivation,
which refers to doing something because it is
inherently interesting or enjoyable, and extrinsic
motivation, which refers to doing something because
it leads to a separable outcome” (Ryan and Deci,
2000, p. 55). Lecturers of non-major subjects cannot
rely on intrinsic motivation to promote learning and
therefore need to know how to stimulate different
types of extrinsic motivation, e.g. by giving
incentives as a downstream reward for successful
implementation. Incentives are divided into
immaterial (e.g. approval or title) and material
incentives. These incentives should ideally boost
intrinsic motivation as well.
In order to transform passive media consumption
(Spitzer, 2012) into an active one, learning elements
should be enriched with incentives. The goal is to
introduce students to a learning offer that they use
voluntarily and intrinsically motivated. To foster
voluntary participation and active engagement, a
comprehensive incentive mechanism is proposed
which combines intrinsic and extrinsic motivators.
2.4 Digital Learning Environment
The most important criterion is the migration of the
learning content into the everyday life of students. For
this, the content needs to be included in a less formal
scope directly in the everyday routine without much
additional effort, using an appropriate medium.
Consequently, a suitable solution is subject to
several constraints: the learning environment must be
a digital one so that it can be used independently of
time and place. In addition, it already has to be an
existing component of the student’s daily life.
For the proof-of-concept, computer programming for
non-computer science majors (in our case: electrical
engineering) was chosen. In that context, the four
core elements of the concept need to be made more
Improving Learning Motivation for Out-of-Favour Subjects
concrete for students enrolled in these compulsory
courses. Frequently, non-major computer science
students are less motivated in the subjects than
students who only take the subjects voluntarily or
study computer science as a major.
Our surveys of the last terms indicate that many
students come directly from secondary school
(academic high school or higher secondary vocational
school) without previous practise. Also, our students
are non-major computer science students, which do
not have programming as their actual study goal, but
electrical or automation engineering, renewable
energies, and similar goals. This often means that
intrinsic motivation to learn programming is rather
limited. Yet, with digitalization software takes over
more and more central functions and programming
turns into a cross-sectional discipline, also for non-
In order to learn programming, it is important to
bring in continuity. Contact-hours devoted to learning
programming at universities are continuously
decreasing. To ensure continuity, learning
possibilities outside the classroom are required since
classes are already filled with theoretical issues. In
addition to continuity, practise is essential for being
able to apply the newly learned concepts.
Furthermore, motivation and time are correlated since
a lack of intrinsic motivation comes along with
devoting leisure time to other things than
programming. Thus, the question is: How to involve
students in programming outside the university in
order to increase motivation for the matter?
In our electrical engineering programs,
programming is a compulsory non-major subject in
the first terms with a workload of 8 out of 210 ECTS
points, split over two consecutive terms.
Programming has four contact hours per week which
encompass 2 hours lecture and 2 hours of lab
exercises. At the beginning There is quite a lot of time
between the classes, during which students tend to
forget part of the material that has not yet been
consolidated. Therefore, a short daily repetition on a
medium that is already widely used seems to be a
good start.
Most students are so-called “digital natives”
(Prensky, 2001), i.e. they have already grown up with
news services, messengers, and social media. This
implies that eLearning offers should be expanded
continuously by making use of novel technology and
digital tools. Spitzer also points to a shortened
attention span of young people (Spitzer, 2007, 2012),
which needs to be taken into account. Therefore,
learning materials need to be distributed over smaller
learning units. The incentive for students to focus on
a new, largely unknown (learning) offer can be
achieved through playful elements such as quizzes
(Hamari et al., 2014; Muntean, 2011). Young adults
typically are inclined to play which can be exploited
for motivating students to continue learning.
3.1 Research Design
The study was conducted twice in an iterative fashion,
i.e. some modifications due to findings in the first run
were already incorporated in the second iteration. In
particular, one year after the first run, the same project
was repeated with a new cohort of students based on
revised texts, occasionally accompanied by digital
media such as (animated) images or short videos. The
quiz component was also revised and the quiz
questions were expanded and doubled in total number,
allowing student to obtain more comprehensive
The research design is composed of several
components. The objective usage data and their
analysis form the basis. On the subjective level, the
same questionnaire is used at the beginning and end
of the term (in two waves), where students were
requested to rate statements using a five-point Likert
scale. The questionnaires were supported by
qualitative interviews.
3.2 Methodical Approach
A messenger service was used to send out regular
summaries of the currently taught content, as a
repetition of what had been learned, outside the
lecture. The content to be learned was summarized
with varying degrees of detail and at varying lengths.
These summaries were initially sent on the day of the
lecture, then experimentally at different times of day
throughout the week in order to determine the
interaction rate. In addition to purely informative
messages, students should be stimulated to interact to
a larger extent and get involved with the material also
beyond formal classes. Therefore, questions and
quizzes were used to address the students’ natural
play instinct. A (knowledge/transfer) question about
the previously read content was asked. Students
answer the question voluntarily. Answers were
checked for validity by a bot and the result reflected
back to the students as a message. The result check is
based on deposited rules policy with affiliation to the
corresponding question. The quiz components
consisted of purely textual questions, small tasks and
multiple-choice questions with predefined answer
options. These short quiz tasks and summaries were
designed in such a way that they could be solved or
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
internalized in just a few minutes and are therefore a
good filler for time gaps. The format thus corresponds
to small, easily digestible learning snacks. The
procedure just described is based on the three theories
of enriched learning, micro learning (Hug et al., 2006),
and gamification (Deterding et al., 2011a), which are
described in the following sections. The last
subchapter shows the importance of an already used
communication channel to be able to include the
learning elements into the daily life of the students.
3.2.1 Enriched Learning
The term informal learning is not used uniformly in
literature, let alone that there is consensus of what
actually constitutes informal learning. Therefore, in
this paper, the approach used is called enriched
learning and defined subsequently.
Enriched learning builds upon formal learning,
i.e. within an organised structure. In this particular
case, formal learning is extended in terms of
flexibility (independent of place and time) and
manner of implementation, lower commitment, and
lower time and financial effort (Knowles, 1950). This
approach should make it possible for students to learn
in an organised framing, but in a less formal scope,
outside the university directly embedded in everyday
routines. In summary, enriched learning is defined as
targeted formal learning with a fixed and organized
curriculum, which, however, is characterized by
flexibility in terms of place and time, and low
commitment, and low time expenditure.
3.2.2 Micro Learning
To ensure that learning remains possible at any time
and regardless of location, the methodology of
microlearning (Hug et al., 2006) was applied and the
messages were sent in microcontent format. Micro
learning divides the learning context into so-called
micro content (Hug, 2005), i.e. many small learning
units which are absorbed more easily and processed
faster and easier by the brain. The content and the
understanding to be conveyed is usually checked at
the end of the small learning units by answering
questions, e.g. in the form of a quiz. Learners decide
where and when to learn. Time, content, curriculum,
form, process, learning preference, and mediality are
the dimensions of micro learning (Hug, 2005). They
can be adjusted individually to learning situations.
The idea of micro learning is in line with Cognitive
Load Theory (Miller, 1956; Sweller, 1988).
Nowadays short attention span of young people
(Spitzer, 2012) is a further reason for dividing the
content into smaller learning units, which ideally do
not exceed the attention span. This phenomenon is
also evident in teaching and research, where people
are increasingly turning to micro learning (Leong et
al., 2021).
3.2.3 Gamification
Gamification in learning settings aims at improving
students’ motivation and engagement. Additional
small gamification elements such as rankings or
badges for outstanding achievements can often
suffice as impulses to make tasks more interesting
(Hamari et al., 2014; Muntean, 2011). Deterding et al.
provided a definition and classification of the term
gamification which essentially characterizes
gamification as “the use of game design elements in
non-game contexts” (Deterding et al., 2011a, 2011b).
Traditionally, educational institutions usually
motivate their students already. For the correct
fulfilment of specifications and the associated
completion of tasks, students are usually awarded
points. Students are thus rewarded with more points
for desired behaviour and punished for undesired
behaviour. In this point system, badges are awarded
similar to grades whenever certain thresholds are
reached, such as “mastered the module very well”. If
the performance at the end of the term is sufficient,
the student can advance to the next higher term, or to
stay in the jargon of games: Advance to the next level.
Programming was promoted by gamification
elements like quizzes which create incentives. The
play instinct of students is addressed with
gamification to continue learning.
A pre-study (Figure 1) at the start of winter term
2019 shows that more than 2/3 of our students can be
motivated better with gamification elements (first bar
from left). The next question was aimed at the explicit
desire that playful elements are consistently present
in the lecture-accompanying eLearning course
(second bar from left) and that these are then also used
(third bar from left). At the end of the term, more than
90% of the participating students reported that they
had used the additional offers with gamification
elements in the lecture-accompanying eLearning
3.2.4 WhatsApp
Based on observations in class and several interviews
with volunteers, possibilities to repeat course content
beyond university confines in their daily business
were identified. It turned out that most surveyed
students shared a habit of using social networks and
messenger services. These results are also consistent
with data we analysed in winter term 2018/2019.
Improving Learning Motivation for Out-of-Favour Subjects
Figure 1: Pre-study extract (winter term 2019/20).
These data indicate that almost 90% of all young
people and young adults surveyed actively use social
networks (Statistisches Bundesamt, 2022) and social
networks play a role in their private lives
(McDonald’s, 2017). The youngsters among the
approximately 42.8 million users of social networks
in Germany (Statista, 2019) spend an average of
around 214 minutes a day in social networks (mpfs,
2021). Closer examination and review of the
requirements revealed WhatsApp as a widespread
messenger service, which a large part of the students
already use on a daily basis.
Over 98% of teenagers actively use WhatsApp
every day (Faktenkontor, 2022). In another survey,
92% of the young people surveyed stated that they
used WhatsApp several times a day (elbdudler, 2018).
Thus, the most important decision was made for the
medium and at the same time the problem to install
an external application especially for the study was
overcome - WhatsApp is already installed on their
mobile devices anyway. A messenger service was
selected because it combines all the
requirements, such as time- and location-independent
learning, and can be included in everyday life through
the familiar environment - and is thus a perfect
complement to the classic classroom lecture. A
messenger service like WhatsApp, however, also
imposes some constraints with respect to the length
of the messages: messages need to be short enough,
but not too short to avoid losing essential aspects.
3.3 Current State of Research
WhatsApp is a messenger service developed to
communicate with family and friends which is used
to send text messages as well as short voice
recordings, pictures, or videos. In February 2020,
WhatsApp reached two billion monthly active users
(TechCrunch, 2020). Yet, by 2020, only one study
applied WhatsApp in higher education in Europe
(Venter, 2021): Existing studies do not integrate
WhatsApp in a didactic concept, even if a lecturer
uses WhatsApp in a course (Al-Omary et al., 2015) or
WhatsApp is used to give feedback to students
(Sugianto et al., 2021). WhatsApp is often used to
organize courses (Alabsi and Alghamdi, 2019) or for
improving communication between students and
lecturers (Najafi and Tridane, 2015) or with peers
(Albers et al., 2017; Jackson, 2019), for collaboration
within classrooms (Venter, 2021), but usually not as
a didactical element within a complex learning setting.
Quizzes in education follow a similar line. Some
studies exist, but either the research focusses on
technical aspects (e.g. Balog-Crisan et al., 2009;
ElYamany and Yousef, 2013; Gordillo et al., 2015),
or the research highlights quizzes as a single learning
element without embedding them in an overall
didactic concept (e.g.: Cavadas et al., 2017; Cicirello,
2009; Pollard, 2006). Only few studies contain an
overall didactical setting (Gamulin and Gamulin,
3.4 Observations, Experiences,
Evaluation and Results
The research shows that there is no published
approach to date that combines the four key
components described earlier. As described in the
research design, the study was conducted twice. For
this purpose, the uninterpreted observations were
written down, the collected data (usage data, survey
questionnaires and interviews) were evaluated and
finally analysed, interpreted, and discussed.
3.4.1 Observations and Experiences
After the introduction of the messenger service at the
beginning of winter term 2018/19, the number of
registrations increased rapidly to a total number of
n > 100. After an initial euphoria the demand and the
perceived interaction decreased until it stagnated with
a fixed number of users towards the fifth lecture
week. Often the questions that were sent with the
summary were overlooked and not answered,
especially if the question was in the middle of the
summary. Since this question often got lost in the
summary without getting the desired attention, the
question was sent as a separate message after a short
time, initially directly after the summary, later at
different times. Students often asked questions in
WhatsApp that were not covered by the bot’s rules for
technical reasons and were not compatible with the
instructor for time reasons.
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
These questions can roughly be categorized into
three categories. The first category was from the
beginning of the term until about the third week of the
term, when the questions were all about
organizational things like lecture times, lecture
rooms, and similar issues. Towards the end of the
term, the questions had a similar background and
focused almost exclusively on the upcoming final
examination and its formalities. The interesting
category for the lecturer was chronologically between
the third and the penultimate week of lectures, there
were isolated questions about the content of the last
lecture and a few questions about the lab exercises.
These could be the basis for deepening in the next
practice hours. During the weekly repetition at the
beginning of the lecture, many students also picked
up their mobile phones, probably to solve the question
asked by the lecturer with the help of the summary
from the messenger service.
In the second run in winter term 2019/2020, the
number of participants increased rapidly at the
beginning of the term and flattened out around the
third week of the term. Over the term, more than
100 active students used and interacted with the
service. The phenomenon from the first run with the
extracurricular questions to the chatbot at the
beginning and especially towards the end of the term
was observed again, despite several hints from the
lecturer to the students, although not to the full extent.
3.4.2 Evaluation
The basics of the evaluation from winter term
2018/19 are based on two waves of questionnaires
with all students present (Figure 2). The first wave
was carried out after the introductory session with
references to the topics to be covered and the
description of the messenger service. More than
90 students participated, but only 64 students
completed the questionnaire. The second wave was
distributed in the last lecture hour with a response of
approximately 70 copies including 45 complete ones.
Only complete responses were included in the
evaluation and the resulting outcomes. In addition to
the idea of sending summaries and quizzes via the
WhatsApp medium, the survey also asked whether
this feature was useful in the area of learning support
and repetition. In addition, it should be evaluated
which incentive is decisive for the use of this offer.
The desired length at the beginning of the term was
also asked at the end with the actual length of the
summaries. In addition to the motivation to use this
service, the current usage statistics were also
compared. Volunteers (n = 5) were invited to a
personal interview after completing the examination
at the end of the term and this was subsequently
evaluated. The number of active users over the whole
term was always above 85 students.
Also, in the winter term one year later, the same
questionnaire was distributed in two waves at the
beginning and at the end of the term. The first wave
of the questionnaire was administered during the third
week of classes and was designed to capture initial
impressions and assumptions. More than
120 students participated, 87 students fully
completed the questionnaire. The second wave was
distributed during the penultimate hour of lectures
and had a response of approximately 90 copies
including 59 complete ones. Only fully complete
responses were included in the analysis and resulting
findings. Figure 3 shows a relevant excerpt of the
evaluation of the survey questionnaires for the winter
term 2019/20. The questionnaires were supported and
evaluated by means of voluntary, qualitative
interviews at the beginning (n = 10) and at the end of
the term (n = 7). The number of active users was
always above 105 students throughout the term.
In both diagrams (Figure 2 and Figure 3), the
darker bars reflect the expectations at the beginning
of the respective term (1
survey wave) and the
lighter bar at the end of the term then reflects the self-
reflective feedback (2
survey wave). The first
question tried to find out whether WhatsApp is
suitable for the project of sending short summaries
and quizzes to students. The second question was
related to the specific length of the individual
messages and summaries: Is the targeted average
length of the messages appropriate or not? After the
question of format, the third question assessed the
content of the summaries, i.e. has the content of the
summary been very helpful and understandable from
the student’s point of view? Following this, the fourth
question is to provide legitimacy to the quiz questions
at the end of each summary. The fifth question is for
self-reflection on whether, from the student’s point of
view, the WhatsApp service is or was a meaningful
and useful feature in learning support and revision.
From this, the sixth question can be derived, whether
students would like to continue using the WhatsApp
service in the future. The last (seventh) question is a
hypothetical one. Extension of the rule-based bot with
an “artificial intelligence” so that all questions from
the student side that are not directly mapped can also
be answered automatically. Both the free-text
questions in the surveys and the follow-up interviews
were used to validate previous results. For example,
the seventh question was justified by the fact that a
possible feeling of shame can be very profound
Improving Learning Motivation for Out-of-Favour Subjects
among first-term students and therefore they often do
not dare to ask the lecturer. A digital learning
assistant could provide a remedy here. All seven
questions highlight the high readiness of use and its
conviction from the student’s perspective. The
relative statement across the two different cohorts
also shows a similarly high significance.
3.4.3 Results and Discussion
The reactions of the students in both trials after the
announcement and introduction of the service were
very positive in the first attempt (before their self-
test) and had an encouragement of almost 100%
without any headwind. Also, the resume at both ends
of the terms were uniformly positive with a few
suggestions for expansion. Even after evaluations of
the interviews and surveys, students issued no
negative opinions of the about the offer. Students’
opinions on the difficulty and number of quiz
questions varied greatly from “exactly right” to “too
few and too simple, please more to puzzle over”.
Messages sent at different times in a familiar
medium were actively used by over 50% of the
students in the course (n = 85 respectively n = 105).
Active use refers to regular interaction (mostly
answers) with questions from students over the course
of an entire term. In surveys and interviews across
both terms, the participants stated that 70% consider
the possibility to offer a very useful service and more
than 80% consider the service as useful for learning
support and repetition. During the term, it became
apparent that the time and length of the sent messages
plays a vital role with respect to response rates. The
longer the message was or the later it was sent, the
less interaction there was. Occasionally there were
answers on the following day (approximately 20% of
all answers). The highest interaction is from Monday
to Friday between 7 pm and 10 pm with an active
participation of nearly 77%. The time slots 6 pm till
8 pm on the weekend (Saturday/Sunday and holidays)
achieve a similarly high quota. The length per
message should not exceed 1.600 characters, as
WhatsApp will then hide this with the note: read more
(status submission of the paper). This additional click
on ‘read more’ and scrolling length makes users shy
away from reading the text. Over the term and after
evaluation of surveys and interviews, it is apparent
that the summaries must be sent out promptly after
the lecture, in order to receive the necessary attention.
Furthermore, questions must be sent individually and
not together with the summary, otherwise they are
easily overlooked. Students highly appreciate proper
formatting and structure of the message, e.g. bold
headlines, enough read-friendly paragraphs, or source
code in italics. The use of emojis to make the text
more structured and to enable faster entry points
when reading was also considered useful throughout.
Several times the combination of learning content and
modern techniques was praised as well as the
automatic memory in a trusted environment, so that
the learning material is not forgotten from one class
to the next. A change of the mobile device can be seen
as a critical point because previous messages are lost.
In case of a loss or change of mobile phone, it is
desirable to obtain all previous summaries and
questions again on a new device, so that a learning
gap can be avoided.
In conclusion, the second round of the project also
showed that students would like to see the expansion
of such digital learning assistants and also directly
substantiate this with ideas. The most common
request was an adaptation of the learning content.
Thus, most students wished for adaptive summaries
on a continuum between “short and concise
overview” to “somewhat more sophisticated and
detailed summaries”. The same also applies to the
quizzes, which, according to multiple statements
from students, would have liked to have “tough
brainteasers which require specialist knowledge”.
These points can be incorporated very well as
requirements for future implementations.
Students reported that they used the summaries
and questions as “perfect exam preparation”
(Pseudonymised student). The success in the written
exam cannot be justified exclusively by the usage of
the messaging service, but the statistics show that
basics and theory can be conveyed very well via a
messenger service and that students have achieved
better results on average with the use of the method.
Figure 2: Survey extract (winter term 2018/19).
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 3: Survey extract (winter term 2019/20).
The added value for students was large (according
to the student statements), at least for basic chapter
and theory, while the (time) effort was very low.
However, the students also stated that they did not
consider this offer useful for all subjects.
For the research question posed at the beginning,
this means that this approach constitutes a possible
way to improve learning motivation for out-of-favour
subjects to less motivated students in an entertaining
way outside of lecture and to increase their interest in
the long run. Yet, the approach has not yet exploited
its full potential, and the students’ wishes should be
incorporated in the further planned cycles for a
comprehensive and widely accepted offer of digital
learning assistance.
The aim of this project was to increase the interest and
thus also the motivation of students in subjects that
are rather unpopular. To this end, a concept was
presented and developed based on four core elements,
namely that learning is also possible in a less formal
environment than in regular lectures, independent of
physical presence at the university and whenever
students see fit, that learning is based on small units
and that students enjoy engaging with the material. In
the concrete implementation of the proof-of-concept
of this concept, this meant short learning units in
microlearning style outside the university (enriched
learning) in familiar surroundings and already used
medium (WhatsApp) with gamification elements,
such as quizzes, as motivation drivers. The micro
learning approach was chosen as the basis in order to
divide the learning material into small brain-friendly
parts, which can be quickly understood. In addition,
students need to take very little time to read
summaries or answer short quiz questions, so that the
small learning unit can be “hidden” in everyday life.
The added value on the student side is clearly visible
after only a few messages. For instructors, effort is
limited after initial creation of the material, i.e.
summaries, quizzes etc. The latter incurs considerable
effort, but the material can simply be reused in future
issues of the course. The initial creation of the
summaries and questions in the quiz pool takes time,
but they can all be reused in the following terms
without problems. These short summaries and the
questions from the quiz pool were sent via a widely
distributed message service (WhatsApp), which is
installed on the majority of students’ smartphones and
creates a familiar environment.
This approach can be recommended for the same
target group, since both the acceptance among the
students is very high, as well as the improvement of
the activation to deal (intentionally) with the content
of computer science is increasing. As well-
intentioned advice from the students’ side, it should
be mentioned that the offer should be offered on a
purely voluntary basis and that important information
should also be disseminated over other channels.
The Novelty Effect, which describes a bias for
newer technologies (Clark and Sugrue, 1988), cannot
be completely disregarded. Although the proof-of-
concept involved repeating the project with different
cohorts, individually it was something completely
new in their studies. Therefore, it remains to be seen
whether the demonstrated effect is reduced due to the
novelty effect, or remains constant. Therefore, it must
also be examined whether long-term repeatability and
transferability to other courses is possible. We were
able to show that with the help of WhatsApp and a
suitable didactic concept - in which individual
assessment units are not planned too large and the
completion time is a maximum of 2 to 3 minutes -
students could be more motivated for less enthusiastic
subjects with gamification elements. This is proven
by the evaluation of the objective usage data as well
as the evaluation of the survey questionnaires and
qualitative interviews.
Future work might address expanding textual
summaries permanently by short learning videos or
audio recordings on a regular basis. Voice memos are
becoming more popular and sent more often than text,
according to feedback from our students. However, a
possible down-side could be that voice messages
cannot always be listened to immediately in direct
comparison to text and could therefore remain
unanswered for a longer period of time. Other
frequently mentioned requests from students are the
use of the channel for organizational topics, such as
Improving Learning Motivation for Out-of-Favour Subjects
room changes and appointments, more concrete
examples on the topics and summaries and a few
difficult puzzle tasks to clear up. Also, students
(approximately 55% of all students) would care for
answers to individual questions through this channel,
but this will probably take a lot of time as long as this
cannot be covered by an automated bot with
“artificial intelligence”. During the evaluation of the
communication between the students and the lecturer,
the appeal and the personalization were very often
noticed. Basically, the content should be in the
foreground of the methodology, but the unidirectional
communication can be extended to a more
bidirectional communication by personifying the
messenger service. As soon as the bot with “artificial
intelligence” receives a name and also a profile
picture, the impersonal message of a system would
become the personal learning consultation, which one
would rather ask for advice than a thing. Ideally, the
bot as a digital learning companion would select the
same answers or better ones as a lecturer, so that,
according to the Turing Test (Russell and Norvig,
2016), no difference is discernible for the learner.
This work is partly funded by the German Ministry of
Education and Research (Bundesministerium für
Bildung und Forschung) under grants 01PL17022A
and 16DHBKI090.
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