Hybrid Recommender System for Educational Resources to the Smart
University Campus Domain
Martin Hideki Mensch Maruyama
1 a
, Luan Willig Silveira
1 b
, Jos
e Palazzo M. de Oliveira
2 c
Isabela Gasparini
3 d
and Vin
ıcius Maran
1 e
Laboratory of Ubiquitous, Mobile and Applied Computing (LUMAC), Polytechnic School,
Federal University of Santa Maria, Av. Roraima, 1000, Santa Maria, Brazil
Informatics Institute, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil
Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (UDESC), Joinville, Brazil
Recommendation Systems, Smart Campus, Collaborative Filtering, Content-Based Filtering.
The development of new cutting-edge technologies in recent years and the ease of access to the internet, the
amount of data circulating on the network have been severely increasing, making it difficult to access quality
information and causing many users to waste their time looking for and filtering through data. Thus, rec-
ommendation systems appears. They are responsible for searching relevant information to the user through
mechanisms capable of recognizing the user’s possible interests and, with the use of recommendation algo-
rithms, bringing the user resources that meet their interests. Actually, recommender systems are applied in
many domains, including news, healthcare, and finance. Recently, recommender systems have been applied
in smart campus domain, which defines systems and techonologies to be applied in university campus. From
this scenario, the objective of this study is to develop a hybrid recommender system, attached to a software
architecture, to provide general educational resources to users. The prototype of the architecture was evaluated
using real item data and shown a significant accuracy in the recommendation process.
With the exponential growth of the media in recent
years, the increase in the amount of data circulating
on internet has become a problem for many areas such
as digital commerce, social networks, entertainment
sites and many platforms in many domains. An ex-
ample of domain which the ammount of data is not
integrated between different systems is in academy or
universities. The access of information that is really
of user interest is frequently difficult in academic en-
vironment. In this context, recommender systems ap-
pear as an alternative to reduce this amount of data
and make the task of searching for a particular item
simpler and faster (Chun-Mei et al., 2021).
Along with this, in recent years, the frequently
changing on the student’s profile has led to a demand
for new teaching and learning methods to better meet
the student’s needs. Thus, classic classrooms are not
the only spaces learning process (Jord
an et al., 2021)
in the students’ life. Online platforms are not limited
by space or time, in addition, having a multitude of
resources, they have become important and attractive
in recent years (Zhong et al., 2020).
However, as much as these online platforms are
convenient and have improved teaching and learn-
ing management and innovated education in general,
there still issues of getting students to receive per-
sonalized recommendations and making their learn-
ing process more efficient. Because these platforms
have a large amount of information, the time spent by
students in the searching of quality resources is still
a slow and painfully task, because, even though there
is a system that already filters data, more and more
information are constantly added. On the other hand,
in very new platforms, the small amount of data limits
the students’ learning scope (Meng and Cheng, 2021).
With the development of new technologies such
as IoT (Internet of Things), another area of research
Maruyama, M., Silveira, L., M. de Oliveira, J., Gasparini, I. and Maran, V.
Hybrid Recommender System for Educational Resources to the Smart University Campus Domain.
DOI: 10.5220/0011841900003470
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2023) - Volume 1, pages 47-56
ISBN: 978-989-758-641-5; ISSN: 2184-5026
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
that has become popular is smart campuses, or smart
university campuses. In order to adapt to students’
demands through the use of new teaching technolo-
gies, many universities realized that it was possible
to make changes within their environments using big
data analysis and, consequently, raise the quality of
the services offered, reduce their costs and improve
efficiency of the local management of people, data
and general resources (Xu et al., 2018).
Considering the presented context, the main ob-
jective of this study is to model and prototype a soft-
ware architecture that integrate recommenders of dif-
ferent types and make the recommendation of ed-
ucational resources: Courses, mini-courses, video
classes, scientific articles, lectures, events, theses,
teaching materials, e-books, among others.
The presentation of the paper is structured as fol-
lows: In Section 2 the concepts of recommender sys-
tems and intelligent campuses are presented, it also
present related research focused on these areas. In
Section 3 the proposed architecture and operation of
the recommender systems are presented. The recom-
mendation process is divided into two main filtering
techniques: collaborative filtering (CF) and content-
based filtering (CBF). In Section 4 the results ob-
tained throughout the development of the research are
presented. And, finally, in Section 5 the conclusions
of this work are presented, which summarizes the in-
formation from the entire research, as well as infor-
mation related to the future directions of the project.
This section presents the main concepts related to the
proposed software architecture and presents a set of
related work, with the main differences regarding this
2.1 Recommender Systems
With the popularization of the internet in the early
90s, the number of active users became extremely
high, while the information circulating through it also
grew exponentially every day, causing an overcrowd-
ing of data in websites, social networks and browsers,
making it difficult for users to access relevant infor-
mation (Meng and Cheng, 2021). Likewise, there was
also great potential on the part of companies to use the
internet as a means of selling products and publiciz-
ing their work, which would attract even more new
users (Cho et al., 2007).
The problem of the massive amount of data on
the internet makes the search for specific information
an extremely slow and time-consuming task, in ad-
dition, linguistic variability and the use of different
types of languages as well as expressions, slang and
words with more meanings in documents and web-
sites makes it even more difficult for the user to search
for what he/she is really interested in (Benfares et al.,
An example of this can be the comparison be-
tween social networks and scientific articles, where
even though the informal language used in a conver-
sation between two users addresses the same topic of
an article, it will not have the information transmit-
ted in the same way or its quality probably it will be
much inferior to the language of the study, impair-
ing its understanding. From this scenario, alternatives
arise to get around the problem of large amounts of
data on the network, which may be the use of artifi-
cial intelligence, automated learning systems or, also,
recommendation systems (Benfares et al., 2017).
The term and concept of recommender systems
was first introduced in the 1990s by Jussi Karlgren
(Karlgren, 1990). Recommender systems are respon-
sible for making predictions about the preferences of
a given user over a massive amount of data by cal-
culating the similarity between items, users and the
applicant’s interests. These systems look for affinities
between information in order to identify possible data
to be recommended (Mrhar and Abik, 2019). These
systems have a wide variety of applications and can
appear on sales sites, news, food (Wang et al., 2021),
music (Zhao et al., 2019), social networks, movies
and series (Benfares et al., 2017), services, jobs (Zhou
et al., 2019), tourism (Hu et al., 2017) and also plat-
forms aimed at the academic field ((Samin and Azim,
2019), (Uddin et al., 2021)).
It also happens that with the advancement of the
internet and its increasingly wide use in new technolo-
gies, recommendation systems evolve together and
constantly with it due to the fact that new fronts and
study trends emerge with the objective of optimizing
the use of these systems or creating new applications
for them (Dennouni et al., 2018). Initially, for ex-
ample, recommendation systems were focused on ser-
vices and products (e-commerce), later on social net-
works and user contextual information (geographical
location, social relationships, tastes, etc.) and, finally,
the union with technologies such as IoT (Internet of
Things) and LBS (Location Based Systems) in mo-
bile applications (Dennouni et al., 2018).
Each recommender uses a recommendation tech-
nique to make the best options for items for each
user based on their interactions with other items,
purchases, watched movies, games, profiles of other
users, accessed courses, etc. types of food, places
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
visited, among other parameters. There are several
filtering techniques used to reach a small number of
resources with a very high probability of being rele-
vant to the user, these techniques include algorithms
and programming libraries that together make up the
recommendation system. Among the most famous are
collaborative, content-based and hybrid filtering.
Collaborative filtering takes into account informa-
tion from users with similar interests to filter items
an et al., 2021). For example in a sales web-
site, when a purchase is about to be made, a tab with
the ”other users also bought:” message and then the
related products are displayed, that is, the system rec-
ommends to the user other items that would possibly
be of his interest taking into account what he is buy-
ing and what other users, who have also interacted
with the same product, are interested in.
Content-based filtering aims to recommend re-
sources taking into account the description and pa-
rameters of the items themselves and similar to the
user’s interests (Mrhar and Abik, 2019). In a video
platform, for example, when the user accesses a cer-
tain video, it is also offered to him a series of other
contents with themes similar to the one being repro-
duced. When accessing a video about cake recipes, a
possible item to be recommended would be a pudding
recipe, as both fit into the categories recipe, cooking,
sweets, for example.
Finally, hybrid filtering is the union of two or more
filtering techniques (Jord
an et al., 2021), so that the
advantages and applications of one are able to cover
the disadvantages of the other, causing a variation in
the type of item that is being presented to the user and
not always maintaining the same pattern.
2.2 Smart Campus
The word smart, over the last few years, has accompa-
nied the development of new technologies and is used
in multiple terms of applications such as smart sys-
tems, smartphones, smart homes, smart energy, smart
manufacturing, smart buildings, smart cities, among
others (Zhang et al., 2022).
In addition, there are several definitions for ”in-
telligent”, which can be the ability to make adap-
tations in response to changing circumstances; abil-
ity to demonstrate intelligence; ability of a system
to convert input data into an action (Imbar et al.,
2020). Smart can also be understood as an acronym
with the following meanings: Self-directed (schools
with cloud-based infrastructure), Motivated (strength-
ening teachers’ skills), Adaptive (encouraging online
classes), Resource (development and use of digital
teaching materials ) and Technology (global reach of
information) (Imbar et al., 2020).
This means that the tools used in education must
be smart for both students and teachers, that their in-
terests in class are shared equally and that teaching re-
sources are made available through technologies that
use cloud services, developing and enriching knowl-
edge. provided by these systems (Imbar et al., 2020).
Smart campus can be described in different ways
depending on the author, but all concepts are valid
and similar. A universal definition for ”smart cam-
pus” (Chagnon-Lessard et al., 2021) was not found,
however several authors present the following defini-
tions for smart campuses, according to some of them:
(Du et al., 2016): Smart Campus is the integration
of all kinds of application service systems, creat-
ing a living environment with intelligent learning
and teaching, which is suitable for: management,
teaching, scientific research and health, and is also
based on IoT;
(Zhang et al., 2022): Smart Campus is the de-
ployment of advanced information and commu-
nication technologies (ICT) to increase the effec-
tiveness and efficiency of campus activities;
(Xu et al., 2018): Smart Campus is the new direc-
tion of information education. Social networks,
cloud computing, big data, mobile technology,
IoT and other technologies serve as support for
educational informatization, which provide new
ideas for the study of education technologies. The
development of information technologies reflects,
mainly, in the development of the understanding
of this information in universities;
(da N
obrega et al., 2022): Smart Campus
is a higher education institute that creates an
ecosystem through information and communica-
tion technologies (ICT) to achieve sustainabil-
ity using an adaptive and collaborative learning
model to promote a better user experience.
According to (Imbar et al., 2020), a university
can only be called intelligent if it manages to use
its knowledge for study, resolve conflicts of interest
between users (students, professors, employees, em-
ployees), and use the intelligence and skills of the
public to contribute to system development. Based
on the definitions presented, it is possible to say that a
smart campus is a university environment capable of
providing its users with tools, services and resources
that aim to resolve their conflicts of interest, through
cutting-edge technologies such as IoT and smart ob-
jects. A list of key characteristics of an intelligent
campus was definey by (Abualnaaj et al., 2020):
Hybrid Recommender System for Educational Resources to the Smart University Campus Domain
Smart Card or e-Card: Access to classrooms,
laboratories, dormitories, library; digital wallet
payments; data storage control.
Smart Classrooms: Virtual reality; interactive
and collaborative platforms; remote teaching and
learning; collaborative research.
Energy Management: Sustainable and smart en-
ergy management systems; use of renewable ener-
gies; smart lighting; electric vehicle charging sys-
Adaptative Learning: Personalized teaching
methods; specific supplementary courses and dis-
ciplines; computerized fitting tests; educational
resource recommender systems.
Smart Transportation: Smart parking; tracking
of vehicles used on campus; smart navigation.
Security and Safety: Intelligent security and pro-
tection systems.
Optimization and Analytics Data Center;
Smart Facilities Services: Sports centers, li-
braries, restaurants, shops; campus social media.
2.3 Related Work
This section brings an overview of similar works that
fit into the areas of recommender systems and in-
telligent campuses, highlighting the types of recom-
mended items and the filtering techniques used in
each one.
(Ibrahim et al., 2019) proposed a framework
aimed at the academic area that aims to recommend
undergraduate and graduate courses (masters, doc-
torates, among others) for students in general. In
his hybrid system, he chooses to use collaborative
and content-based filtering along with ontology for
extracting and integrating information from multiple
(Kong et al., 2017) bring in study a model of
collaborator recommendation system, that is, re-
searchers with similar research interests so that other
researchers can be active and help to develop other
scientific works. The model is based on collabora-
tive filtering, content-based filtering and another type
known as social network-based, creating a hybrid
(Mrhar and Abik, 2019), in turn, proposes a rec-
ommendation system for online course platforms that
can make personalized recommendations based on
each user’s profile. The author makes use of content-
based filtering and deep learning to improve the accu-
racy of the algorithm.
(Xiao et al., 2018) finally, brings a personalized
recommendation system based on the interests and
history of each user to recommend them didactic ma-
terials and resources necessary for their learning. This
system makes use of content-based and collaborative
Table 1: Studies and characteristics of your recommenda-
tion systems.
Studies Recommended
(Ibrahim et al.,
and postgraduate
based filtering,
filtering, Collab-
orative filtering
(Kong et al.,
Collaborating re-
Collaborative fil-
tering, Content-
based filtering,
Social network-
based filtering
(Mrhar and
Abik, 2019)
Online courses Content-based
filtering, Deep
(Xiao et al.,
Didactic materi-
als for learning
Collaborative fil-
tering, Content-
based filtering
This research Educational re-
sources (courses,
video lessons,
teaching mate-
rials, e-books,
lectures, events,
scientific articles,
theses, similar
user profiles,
other educational
Collaborative fil-
tering, Content-
based filtering
Based on these and other studies in these areas,
this work aims to develop a platform that would not be
limited to recommending just a few types of items, but
a variety of them, covering both the items discussed
above and many others. Table 1 presents the types of
resources recommended in each study and the tech-
niques used for data processing.
In this section we present the definition of the pro-
posed software architecture and the definition of the
recommendation strategies applied to it.
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
3.1 The SmartC Software Architecture
The SmartC platform is designed to be a software ar-
chitecture, modeled in a set of services, to provide the
main structures to use different recommender systems
for different types of items. The services and layers of
the architecture were defined specially for the smart
campus domain (presented in Figure 1).
The architecture can be divided into three sections
each responsible for a part of the SmartC system’s op-
eration: the access environment, the recommendation
management environment, and the persistence layer
(da Silva Lopes et al., 2022). In the access environ-
ment, it is the part accessible to users, it is where rec-
ommendations are presented, users can interact with
resources, direct themselves to other university por-
tals, inform their interests, for example, all through
devices such as cell phones. or computer.
In the recommendation management environment
or development environment, only developers have
access to it, because here are all the codes and func-
tions of the system and where new codes are added
or edited and corrected. This environment is also
where the entire process of personalized recommen-
dation for each user takes place, where their informa-
tion is collected and processed and then requests are
sent to the database so that the data obtained can be
worked on by the recommendation algorithms.
Finally, in the resistance layer we have the
database, responsible for storing all system informa-
tion in tables, that is, descriptions of resources, inter-
ests of each user, interacted items, history of recom-
mendations, evaluations, for example, are all saved
in this section and which, when requested, are sent
to the development management environment to start
the filtering and recommendation process.
The recommendation algorithm, in turn, devel-
oped on the platform, aims to recommend to users,
in a personalized way, educational resources based on
topics of interest that the user must inform when ac-
cessing the system. It is a hybrid system because it
has two types of filtering: content-based filtering and
collaborative filtering. Because these two types are
available, it was decided to switch between the fil-
ters every time the user requests new recommenda-
tions, making new resources recommended each time
the system is called and avoiding a certain limitation.
what the user can access. As such, each filter and its
use is explained in the following sections.
3.2 Content-Based Recommender
In algorithms that use content-based filtering (CBF),
items will be recommended based on the user’s inter-
ests (Thannimalai and Zhang, 2021). This type of fil-
tering also searches for items that are similar to each
other, that is, based on the description of a given re-
source, the system will look for other resources with
similar characteristics to be recommended. In addi-
tion, because this type of filtering depends only on the
user’s interests and the characteristics of the items, it
is already capable of making good recommendations
right from the start without the need for a prior in-
formation base, and it is also very volatile because if
the user’s interests change, the recommendations will
also change (Eliyas and Ranjana, 2022).
For example, on movies and series website, whose
system uses the CBF, recommendations will be made
based on the content that the user has most watched
or watched recently. In terms of security and privacy,
CBF does not require, for example, that the user share
his interests or have to make them public, it is enough
for him to access the contents of the system and his
preference information is already processed and prop-
erly stored (Thannimalai and Zhang, 2021).
In this study, the developed algorithm makes use
of CBF works as follows: initially, the interests in-
formed to the system by the user are stored in ta-
bles that relate the user to each of these topics and,
from this relationship, all the resources that contain
any of these topics are listed; once listed, if they have
not yet gone through this process, any and all text
present in the parameters of each resource is trans-
formed into a string and goes through a textual filter-
ing technique known as bag-of-words, which removes
from a text all possible keywords (relevant words) and
counts each one, creating a list of words and their
appearances in the text which, in turn, is added as a
resource parameter; after that, this same process is
applied to the list of resources already favorited by
the user, so that a calculation of similarity between
the textual content of each resource with the other is
performed using cosine similarity; finally, the 25 re-
sources that are most similar to the user’s favorites list
are recommended to the user.
3.3 Collaborative Recommender
Collaborative filtering (CF) is the most successful and
used technology in the area of recommender systems,
its recommendation techniques have a wide range of
applications in the most diverse sectors such as digital
commerce (e-commerce) and social networks (Chen
et al., 2018). The main idea of a recommendation al-
gorithm that uses CF is to recommend items that are
possibly of interest to the user based on their relation-
ships with other users and/or relationships between
(Zheng et al., 2020) items. This type of system is
Hybrid Recommender System for Educational Resources to the Smart University Campus Domain
Figure 1: SmartC software architecture definition.
based on evaluation matrices where each user informs
how relevant a given resource is for him or her, how
much he or she liked or disliked a certain recommen-
dation and the methods used act directly by process-
ing and computing the information from these ma-
trices to generate new recommendations (Valdiviezo-
Diaz et al., 2019).
However, systems with FC may have impasses
due to problems such as big data, information spar-
sity and cold-start, which severely affect the quality
and accuracy of recommendations (Chen et al., 2018).
Therefore, it is customary to make integrated use of
other technologies and filtering techniques such as,
for example, clustering, Singular Value Decomposi-
tion (SVD), Probability Matrix Factorization (PMF),
recommendation with social trust ensemble (RSTE),
Social rating Matrix Factorization (SocialMF), to
work around these problems (Chen et al., 2018).
CF can be divided into two types of approaches:
model-based and memory-based (Valdiviezo-Diaz
et al., 2019). In a model-based approach, a model
is created from data and then recommendations are
made such that user ratings for certain items are mod-
eled with a set of factors that represent characteristics
of those users and items.
The most popular type of implementation of this
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
approach is Matrix Factorization (MF), in addition,
this method has achieved better results in terms of
performance and accuracy. On the other hand, in the
memory-based approach, the information to be rec-
ommended is obtained directly from the (Valdiviezo-
Diaz et al., 2019) evaluation matrices. And al-
gorithms that use this approach can be further di-
vided into two types: user-based collaborative fil-
tering (user-based CF) and item-based collaborative
filtering (item-based CF) (Thannimalai and Zhang,
- User-based CF: makes comparisons between
users with similar preferences based on ratings made
on the same items.
- Item-based CF: Creates a list of items similar to
what the user has previously interacted with or rated.
In this study, the developed algorithm that makes
use of the CF in the following way: in the same way as
the CBF, the user informs the system of his interests;
from that, the system will look for other users who
have the same interests and will create a list for each
one; then, a sum of the topics of both users is made
and, for each common interest, 1 is added to the to-
tal; finally, the algorithm separates the resources that
would be recommended to the most similar users in a
list, shuffles it and returns it to the requesting user.
It is also important to point out that none of these
filters, both CBF and CF, will fulfill its role if the user
does not previously inform the system of his interests.
More specifically, for CBF, if the user has not favor-
ited any resource so far, the recommendations made
to him will be based only on his interests.
The platform was prototyped using the following
technologies: Angular framework for frontend appli-
cation, Python, Flask, Scikit and Surprise! libraries
for backend appplication and PostgreSQL database.
This section presents the evaluation process of the
prototyped architecture, the list of resources available
in the system and the process of evaluating the accu-
racy of the recommender system based on collabora-
tive and content-based filtering. Figure 2 presents an
example of the UI that shows to user how a recom-
mendation is presented and how the user can interact
with this recommendation. The users can: (i) Visual-
ize the item, (ii) Mark the item to be removed of the
recommended set to the user, (iii) Mark the item as
favorite and (iv) Evaluate the item in a Lickert scale
(from one to five). All the interactions of the user
with the items are recorded and analyzed by the rec-
ommenders of the software architecture.
4.1 Case-Based Scenario
From focus of the project, a survey of possible
resources to be used in the recommendation sys-
tem was carried out. A search was carried out
for items within the scope of Federal University of
Santa Maria
, on items such as scientific articles,
professors/supervisors, university courses, disciplines
offered, mini-courses, technical courses and video
lessons. The items were identified and crawlers were
developed to import the metadata of the items to the
recommender system.
Currently, the dataset is composed of 189 top-
ics of interest and educational resources that cover,
mainly, the study areas of the Cachoeira do Sul cam-
pus (Architecture and Urbanism, Electrical Engineer-
ing, Mechanical Engineering, Agricultural Engineer-
ing and Transport and Logistics Engineering). Table
2 shows the number of topics of interest and resources
divided by category, which today make up the dataset.
Table 2: Educational resources used in the evaluation pro-
Item Category Number of items
Graduate program work 165
Professor 135
Minicourse 78
MsC. Dissertation 26
Research Project 14
Graduate Dissertation 9
Research paper 4
Extension Project 2
General Information Report 2
PhD. Thesis 1
Media publication 1
Total 437
4.2 Results and Discussion
To assess the accuracy of the recommendation algo-
rithm, fictitious users and educational resources were
created. Being the educational resources (total of 10
resources) related to a topic, as shown in Table 3.
A random number of users (between 20 and 100)
was created for each topic of individual interest and
a random number of users (also between 20 and 100)
related to two topics of interest simultaneously. Table
4 shows the number of users interested in each topic
or group of topics.
It can be seen in Table 4 that groups of users
were purposely created with a common interest in En-
gineering and one of the four topics: Art, Science,
Mathematics and Music.
Hybrid Recommender System for Educational Resources to the Smart University Campus Domain
Figure 2: Example of the interface of a recommended item, with the explanation of the possible interactions (in portuguese).
Table 3: Educational Resources.
Id Topic
0 Engineering
1 Math
2 Science
3 Art
4 Music
5 Sports
6 History
7 Geography
8 Literature
9 Philosophy
Through this, it is clear that there is a relation-
ship between users who are interested in engineering
and users who are interested in mathematics, science,
art and music. Therefore, it is expected that the al-
gorithm will be able to identify this relationship and
recommend these educational resources to users with
an interest in engineering only.
Table 5 presents the result of the recommenda-
Table 4: Interest topics.
Interest Topics Number of Users
Art 49
Art, Engineering 77
Science 76
Science, Engineering 55
Engineering 81
Engineering, Math 73
Engineering, Music 94
Sports 90
Philosophy 40
Geography 52
History 66
Literature 38
Math 56
Music 46
tion system based on collaborative filtering, where the
topic column represents the recommended resource in
descending order for a user with an interest in engi-
neering alone.
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Table 5: Prediction of the evaluations.
user id topic
0 Engineering
0 Art
0 Music
0 Science
0 Math
0 Sports
0 Philosophy
0 History
0 Literature
0 Geography
It can be seen in Table 5 that the resource with the
best prediction of interest for user 0 was art, followed
by music, science and mathematics, that is, the algo-
rithm proved to be capable of identifying the proba-
ble interests of a user with an interest in engineering
The introduction of state-of-the-art technologies on
university campuses in order to make intelligent cam-
pus an efficient way to develop and improve the ser-
vices and resources offered by the university, making
its users able to fully achieve their goals. The applica-
tion presented in this study aims to serve as a tool for
the development of an intelligent campus, by recom-
mending educational resources to users based on their
interests, making use of multiple filtering techniques
and libraries in its algorithm. The results of the sys-
tem evaluation demonstrate that the algorithm is able
to make accurate predictions about possible interests
of a user, even if he has informed few or even just one
topic of interest.
As future objectives, it is intended to implement a
resource evaluation system in the algorithm and make
the generated recommendations also take this param-
eter into account. With this, it is expected that the
accuracy of the SmartC system will be even greater
and that the recommended resources will please even
more the tastes of the users.
This research is supported by CNPq/MCTI/FNDCT
18/2021 grant n. 405973/2021-7 and CAPES -
Financing Code 001. The research by Jos
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CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education