MoodleStories: Improving Learner Motivation Through Interactive
Visual Stories
Pedro H. Sanvido and Isabel H. Manssour
School of Technology, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
Interactive Narratives, Virtual Learning Environments, Learning Motivation, Self-Regulated Learning.
As courses ministered in online environments continue to grow in size and interest, concerns regarding poor
academic outcomes and low completion rates remain true. We have developed MoodleStories, a digital
storytelling-based solution for improving learning motivation and engagement to compensate for these short-
comings. MoodleStories was developed as an authorship tool available on the Moodle platform. We have
devised a Python programming course accompanied by an interactive and thematic comic story about the
course. Six participants were interviewed by the end of the course as a validation instrument. Following the
interview study, participants showed increased awareness of the activities that dictated story progression and
were eager to use MoodleStories in future learning contexts. We argue that MoodleStories expands the design
scope and possibilities in applying nonlinear narratives in learning contexts and thus enables the creation of
engaging experiences that promote motivation and foster active involvement with coursework.
In the last years, the growth presented by virtual learn-
ing environments (VLEs) seems to confirm their role
as one of the major players in global learning. With
their creed of open access, initiatives such as MOOCs
have garnered interest from students, as the courses
provide flexibility and learning opportunities beyond
financial and spatial barriers. Nowadays, learners
from all over the world can freely enroll in various
courses (Qu and Chen, 2015). The growing relevance
of MOOCs has also prompted discussion over vari-
ous topics, such as the benefits it provides and the
concerns expressed about those platforms. A recur-
rent discussed subject is the aspect of retention rates;
despite the high number of enrollments, only a small
proportion of the students usually manage to gradu-
ate (Onah et al., 2014).
Many authors attribute this phenomenon to the
challenges in which learners must independently
regulate their learning process. Unlike class-
room lectures that follow a pre-established sched-
ule, courses ministered in VLEs require that stu-
dents manage coursework independently. (Lajoie and
Azevedo, 2006) found that VLE students often strug-
gle with self-assessment and time management re-
garding course activities. This is emphasized by the
research suggesting that successfully graduating in
MOOC courses requires learners to be constantly self-
assessing. Else, it is common for students to fall into
patterns of failing behavior (Hew and Cheung, 2014).
Such challenges have sparked several research
that attempts to close this gap in online learning: solu-
tions that employ different mechanisms, as peer com-
parisons, goal-setting, and gamified systems, arose to
promote self-regulatory behavior and aid learners in
the achievement of their learning goals. We focus
on using digital storytelling techniques for that pur-
pose, which (Benmayor, 2008) argues is a tool that
empowers students intellectually, culturally, and cre-
atively. Other authors have verified that the applica-
tion of digital storytelling as a pedagogical tool is tied
to enhancing learner motivation and can thus improve
aspects such as retention rates in MOOCs (Chothia
et al., 2017; Thirouard et al., 2019).
One format for designing narratives is the so-
called “Choose Your Own Adventure” (CYOA) story,
in which readers can interact directly with the narra-
tive through choices that can have different outcomes
and ramifications (Korber and Shepherd, 2019).
These stories put readers in the protagonist’s shoes,
providing them with control over the story. CYOA
narratives have been previously adapted and used
in learning scenarios for improved learner motiva-
Sanvido, P. and Manssour, I.
MoodleStories: Improving Learner Motivation Through Interactive Visual Stories.
DOI: 10.5220/0011842000003470
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2023) - Volume 1, pages 201-208
ISBN: 978-989-758-641-5; ISSN: 2184-5026
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
tion and engagement (Chothia et al., 2017; Hand
and Varan, 2008). This motivated the conception of
MoodleStories, an integrated authoring tool for in-
teractive narratives in Moodle. We propose an ap-
proach to narrative interactivity that takes advantage
of learner-generated data, such as their activities and
interactions in the online environment. Interactivity
and “choice” are modeled through how learners inter-
act with coursework, such that the obtained grade in
an assignment or the resource accessed can become
the driving point for narrative branching and progres-
The stories are presented to the learner through
comic-style images displayed directly in the Moodle
interface. As the course progresses according to the
narrative, learners may receive different panels ac-
cording to the narrative pathways defined by the au-
thor. We argue that MoodleStories operates at the in-
tersection between narrative-based learning enhance-
ment and gamification, a commonly used mechanism
to promote increased participation, motivation, and
commitment in online learning (Morales et al., 2016).
To validate MoodleStories, we worked on creating
a comics-based nonlinear story and implemented it in
a self-ran programming course in Moodle. The story
puts the learner as the main character, from which
different endings can be reached based on a set of
graded activities that drive story progression. We con-
ducted interviews with the course participants to eval-
uate their learning experiences mediated by the narra-
tive. Most showed higher awareness and care when
engaging in activities that would drive story progres-
sion, and the element of novelty drove increased mo-
tivation and eagerness to engage with coursework.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. We begin by presenting some of the related lit-
erature in Section 2. We then detail the workings and
implementation process of the MoodleStories tool in
Section 3. Next, Section 4 details the online course
and interview study employed for the validation of
MoodleStories. Section 5 discusses the contributions,
limitations, and opportunities for future research. Fi-
nally, in Section 6 we conclude this work.
Many researchers have brought concepts related to
storytelling to storytelling in a variety of learning con-
texts. This section describes some of the research that
makes use of these concepts, zooming in on the appli-
cation of interactive narratives in learning. As such,
we briefly detail some of the works we considered to
be more closely related to this work.
First, (Dincelli and Chengalur-Smith, 2019) de-
veloped a visual CYOA narrative based on comics for
teaching and training in cybersecurity education. The
approach proposes a contextualized storyline for cy-
bersecurity in which learners can alter the course of
the story at specific decision points. On one occa-
sion, the readers are asked whether they would like to
read or not the updated privacy policy of an applica-
tion, which has developments and repercussions in the
story. CYOA narratives were also used for learning
in the cybersecurity fields, as (Chothia et al., 2017)
brought a CYOA narrative with many elements inside
a cybersecurity course. Learners are put in the shoes
of a new cybersecurity employee inside the story,
which needs to complete various tasks and are given
choices to progress the story. Each option can lead
to the discovery and new story developments. The
authors performed qualitative and quantitative eval-
uations, and the story’s application showed positive
results in engagement and motivation.
(Bechkoff, 2019) explores the relationship be-
tween gamification and CYOA narrative in experi-
mental research proposing an approach of a game tied
with a non-linear narrative for marketing education.
The study had students engage in a game based on
mystery riddles and interactive answers with branch-
ing paths. The work was evaluated, showing in-
creased student engagement and overall performance.
The observed literature indicates that enhanc-
ing learner motivation and engagement are some of
the prevalent reasons for implementing interactive
narrative-based approaches in educational contexts.
There are parallels to be drawn on the relationship
between learner engagement and interaction in nar-
ratives, which empowers learners with agency and
control over stories, which can incite more proac-
tive behavior. The support and promotion of proac-
tive learner behavior can positively impact learning
engagement, as it can, e.g., result in learners engag-
ing with coursework more often on their own accord.
Proactive behavior is one of the components in at-
taining higher self-regulated learning (SRL) behav-
ior (Zimmerman, 2008), which is an important factor
in achieving higher academic outcomes.
3 MoodleStories PLUGIN
MoodleStories is a plugin developed for the Moodle
learning environment, which enables the creation, de-
sign, and presentation of interactive visual narratives.
We contextualize MoodleStories as an authorship tool
for creating and viewing interactive, nonlinear visual
stories integrated with the Moodle environment. Its
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
main component is the Interactive Narrative Creator, a
tool that streamlines the process of conceiving, plan-
ning, and quickly deploying CYOA-style narratives
directly from the Moodle environment. As opposed to
having the learner interact directly with the narrative,
such as making choices from a protagonist’s point-of-
view, the approach proposed by MoodleStories mod-
els the interaction as the ways in which a learner can
interact with the course. This can include the whole
scope of activity tracking covered by the Moodle en-
vironment, enabling varied and distinct possibilities
for story progression and narrative design. What score
has a learner obtained in this test? How many posts
have they made on the forums? Was this resource
downloaded? Questions such as these can become
the driving points for story progression in CYOA nar-
ratives. This approach extends the design scope for
which CYOA narratives can be applied to learning
contexts and provides resources to promote student
engagement and motivation.
3.1 Interactive Narrative Creator
Figure 1: Main interface of the interactive narrative creator:
canvas area (a), detail menu (b), and canvas toolbar (c).
The interactive narrative creator is a tool for creat-
ing interactive visual narratives in Moodle. Figure 1
presents the main interface. Item (a) denotes the can-
vas element. The canvas functions as a “drawing
board” for designing and laying down the structure
for an interactive narrative. The narrative designer
can create story nodes and connections onto the can-
vas, drag, and interact freely with these objects. The
canvas toolbar in item (c) provides buttons for creat-
ing story nodes, connections and zooming in and out
of objects. Lastly, in item (b), we can see the detail
menu, which displays all the data attributes associated
with the selected object. It is through the detail menu
that users are expected to create and edit customizable
attributes, which lay the foundation for narrative pro-
gression, design, and deployment. Interactive visual
narratives are then conceived through the relationship
drawn by the detail menu and canvas objects.
3.1.1 The Story Node Object
Story nodes are the most fundamental elements in the
modeling of MoodleStories. They abstract the con-
cept of a continuous segment of a given narrative from
beginning to end, functioning as flexible containers
for story pathways, enabling systematic ramifications
and intersections among segments of the narrative.
The story node object carries various data attributes,
but the most important structure it carries is the set of
panels associated with it. Each story node will nec-
essarily have one or more panels. This set of panels
is expected to be part of a continuous segment of a
narrative, conveying the visual data of each panel and
the order in which they appear in the story. Again,
each of the circles-shaped objects in Figure 1 repre-
sent distinct story nodes in MoodleStories, along with
the detail menu, which displays and enables the edit-
ing of associated data. Below we list and briefly ex-
plain each data attribute associated with them:
Comic panel files: a set with one or more ordered
image files corresponding to a continuous narra-
tive segment.
Name: story node objects can be named to facili-
tate narrative planning and organization.
Color: story node objects can be customized with
different colors for color-coding organization.
Connections: narrative progression is made
through the use of connections, and subsequently,
conditionals. Section 3.1.2 explains the use of
connections in detail.
3.1.2 Connections, Conditions, and Variables
The creation of connections among story nodes is
the main mechanism behind story advancement in
MoodleStories. Connections follow a format charac-
terized by A B, with origin and target nodes com-
manding story advancements. For example, in Fig-
ure 1, we have the node Pip
Intro connected to the
nodes W1 and W2. This structure alludes to previ-
ously seen representations of CYOA narratives in lit-
erature (Chothia et al., 2017; Dincelli and Chengalur-
Smith, 2019).
MoodleStories: Improving Learner Motivation Through Interactive Visual Stories
Story progression is achieved by satisfying the
conditions contemplated by each connection originat-
ing from the current story node. While this approach
can effectively model interactivity as in-course activ-
ities, situations in which multiple conditions are sat-
isfied among different node-to-node connections must
be handled properly, as they are otherwise conflicting.
To address these issues, MoodleStories determines
the story progression based on the order in which the
connections are specified in the interface. Whenever
new connections are created, they are automatically
placed below the connections made before them. This
functions as a priority list for the order in which these
conditions must be tested for story progression.
Once the narrative structure is completed, it can
then be deployed to a suitable course. Once de-
ployed, a simple web component that allows the view-
ing of panels back and forth is displayed in the course
header. As such, every learner is presented with their
own individual view of the narrative.
4 MoodleStories VALIDATION
We evaluated the learning experience mediated by an
interactive visual narrative built in MoodleStories by
creating an online course. We collaborated with an
artist to integrate the narrative into the course, then re-
cruited participants to take part. Interviews were con-
ducted to evaluate the impact of the narrative on the
learners’ experiences. We explored the different per-
spectives, experiences, and opinions of the learners in
the interviews. In the following sections, we explain
the tasks associated with the validation process.
4.1 Population and Recruitment
Regarding the population, we had the volunteers ad-
here to inclusion and exclusion criteria. We deter-
mined the criteria based on ethical concerns, goals of
the validation, and coursework contents. Thus, the
inclusion criteria were participants who had already
taken at least one distance education course and had
little or no experience with Python programming, as
the course’s content is introductory. Experience with
VLEs was required to ensure the participants did not
have problems navigating the course’s content. Ex-
clusion criteria were participants under 18 years of
age or with physical or cognitive impairments.
Considering the qualitative character of the anal-
ysis stage of the interviews, we envisioned a limited
sample size. (Boyce and Neale, 2006) argue that a
smaller subset of respondents is suitable for in-depth
interviews, as it enables the deeper exploration of
their perspectives for a given subjective. Therefore,
we planned that the online course, and consequently
the interviews, would be conducted with a range of
four to eight participants. The recruitment process
was done through the social network site Twitter
Once the volunteers manifested interest in partici-
pating, they were reached through direct messaging.
At the time of contact, the volunteers were handed
the consent form for participating in the study, and
upon agreement, the participants were considered to
be included in the research. The recruitment process
lasted eight days, from which we obtained eight vol-
unteers. Each participant engaged with coursework
asynchronously, with course completion ranging from
8 to 41 days. In total, 6 out of the 8 participants com-
pleted the course.
4.2 Online Course Details
Since MoodleStories was designed to deploy stories
in contexts of distance education ministered in Moo-
dle, it was necessary to create a suitable scenario
for conducting this validation. For this, we first fol-
lowed the protocol of the Ethics and Research Com-
Then, we planned and formulated the course
contents, including lectures, graded activities, and ex-
ercises. To reduce the time consumption associated
with these tasks, we used the Moodle collection of
open courses available for download. It is necessary
to select a course subject within our skillsets to exer-
cise the instructor role, as the learners may require as-
sistance with coursework. Thus, we found the course
“Python for Beginners 1 - Python Language Basics”
in the Moodle Course Directory
suitable. The ma-
terials were uploaded to our own Moodle instance by
using the “Import Course”
function and then trans-
lated and adapted to Brazilian Portuguese.
4.3 Projected Story
We sought to evaluate the impact and repercussions
of an interactive story projected with MoodleStories
in an online course setting. Thus, we formulated an
interactive narrative in MoodleStories. We count on
the collaboration of the graphic designer and illus-
trator Alexandria Troup to bring about the illustra-
tions comic panels of the projected narrative. The
Documentation available at http://plataformabrasil. with the CAAE number
4 courses
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
concepts associated with MoodleStories, the tool it-
self, and the online course contents were introduced
and explained to the illustrator. The creation of the
story was a joint effort that involved conceptualizing
the narrative, drawing the panels, and structuring the
narrative in MoodleStories. Given our scenario, mo-
tivations, and objectives, we worked from within the
following constraints when designing the story:
The CYOA narrative pathways should be fairly
simple to understand, ensuring participants unfa-
miliar with MoodleStories or CYOA-style narra-
tives can understand the story’s progression and
the story-wise implications regarding the results
obtained in coursework activities.
The story must match the course contents, i.e., it
needs to be related to the Python programming
language, and the concepts throughout the course
must appear in the story to reinforce the relation-
ship between the story and the course’s activities.
Game-like systems should be incorporated into
the interactive narrative to address the enhance-
ment of learner motivation.
Thus, we created the comic story “The Adventures
of Pip in the World of Python”. The story puts the
learner as our protagonist, Pip. Pip’s friend, Panda, is
taken away by the evil Python snake. Pip goes on a
journey through the world of Python to rescue Panda.
Our three characters are named after Python themes:
Pip as a reference to the package manager
; Pandas
being a popular data analysis library
; Python being
the snake character itself. The choice of introducing
Python themes to the story was made to familiarize
learners with concepts surrounding the subject and
reinforce the relationship between the story and the
The story’s progression is centered around Pip ad-
vancing through the world of Python and conquering
different enemies. The comic panels draw inspiration
from video games, as the classic platforming video
game Super Mario Bros. played a role in the visual
presentation of the comics. The story plays on the
abstraction of each course lesson corresponding to a
new stage, which is done by matching the enemy de-
sign to the subjects of the scheduled lesson. For ex-
ample, when the next lesson is integer data types, Pip
faces number-shaped enemies. This dynamic involv-
ing game-like stages is presented by the panels de-
picted in Figures 2, 3, and 4.
The interactivity of the story is drawn by the re-
lationship between the learner’s performance in the
Figure 2: Introductory comic panel for a given lesson.
course and each lesson’s contents, which correspond
to each “level” in the story. Each unit is followed by
a graded quiz, the results of which will determine the
success of the story (good, average, failure). Figure 3
shows varying degrees of success for the panels cor-
responding to a given course unit. This nods to the
idea of bringing game-like constructs into the inter-
active story. Different outcomes are possible, such
as Pip obtaining a moderate level of success but be-
ing unable to collect the coins, or Pip being unable to
reach the proposed goal. For every course unit, pan-
els will inform the learners of their current level of
Figure 3: Panel depicting success to clear a lesson module.
The measured success in each level directly influ-
ences the story’s outcome, which serves as the pri-
mary motivation for the learner to reach a good end-
ing for the story. In the story, Pip sets out on a quest
to save Panda, whose outcome is determined by the
overall grading in the course. Positive learning out-
comes are closed with the happy ending, in which
Pip successfully saves Panda as depicted in Figure 4.
When the learner fails to achieve the expected grades,
Pip is defeated by the snake and fails to save Panda.
MoodleStories: Improving Learner Motivation Through Interactive Visual Stories
Figure 4: One of the possible story endings, in which Pip
defeats the snake and saves their friend.
4.4 Interview Study
We interviewed each learner who participated in the
study to explore their perspectives, experiences, and
thoughts. (Boyce and Neale, 2006) remark that in-
depth interviews are “useful when you want detailed
information about a person’s thoughts and behaviors
or want to explore new issues in depth”. We elabo-
rated a semi-structured questionnaire to guide the in-
terview process as a qualitative data collection instru-
ment. The questions do not target any aspects related
to coursework content and are self-contained to the
interactions and experiences faced by learners medi-
ated by the interactive narrative. The questions were
open-ended to encourage learners to elaborate on their
thoughts and to capture the participant’s profile.
Following course completion, we scheduled the
interviews with the participants. Each was inter-
viewed without interruption, following the same en-
vironment: face-to-face online conversations through
video-conference software for 20 to 45 minutes. The
participants were reminded of several aspects out-
lined in the consent form, such as the interview au-
dio recording. The interviews were conducted with a
semi-structured script of 15 questions organized into
two parts, six questions for capturing the participant’s
profiles and nine to evaluate the impact of the interac-
tive visual narrative on their learning experiences.
4.4.1 Participants Profile
All participants stayed in the range of 20 to 31 years
old and had at least finished high school. They were
either enrolled in undergraduate programs at the mo-
ment of the interview or had concluded undergradu-
ate. None of the participants were currently enrolled
in graduate programs or had planned to enroll in them.
Questions about their experience with distance
learning revealed interesting points regarding the par-
ticipants. For the most part, participants were already
familiar with the Moodle platform. Some participants
had experiences with failing or giving up on online
courses, for which each had attributed different rea-
sons for the failure, such as lack of time, interest, pres-
sure, and coursework beyond the level of understand-
ing. A handful of participants had also not failed an
online course, and some spontaneously expressed that
they had only come in contact with distance learning
from within the context of their institutions, having
little or no experience with broader MOOC scenarios.
4.4.2 Learning Experience with MoodleStories
The second segment of the interview covered issues
related to MoodleStories to capture overall thoughts
surrounding motivation and engagement, possible
problems, and impact on their learning experiences.
As specified by (Boyce and Neale, 2006), we looked
for patterns and themes among the participants while
paying attention to answers given spontaneously or
with enthusiasm to explore the many different per-
spectives provided throughout the interview process.
Five out of six participants experienced “The
Adventures of Pip in the World of Python” and
MoodleStories positively. When asked about the ef-
fect of the story on their learning, they reported emo-
tional involvement, which led to increased effort in
quiz activities. Participants expressed desire to save
the Panda character, demonstrating the story’s posi-
tive impact on their course experience. However, par-
ticipants were more engaged only in activities that im-
mediately impacted the story. Other activities, such
as posting questions in forums and paying more at-
tention to the lectures were not mentioned. The pat-
terns observed reveal that learners showed emotion
and involvement when presented with the story ob-
jective, hinting at the importance of having common
goals learners can work towards narrative-wise. Fur-
thermore, learners demonstrated awareness and com-
prehension of the primary mechanism for moving
the story forward, the interaction with coursework.
However, the observed higher engagement was se-
lective concerning the activities contemplated as nar-
rative pathways. While these findings hint at the
MoodleStories approach to interaction in the narra-
tives positively fostering higher engagement, it also
highlights caveats in narrative design for this ap-
proach to be explored.
When asked about motivation, four participants
described how the presence of the story affected how
they engaged with the course. One participant said
that novelty kept them more interested and motivated
to engage with coursework. As the comic panels
were added incrementally following activity comple-
tion, they expressed eagerness to engage and progress
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
more quickly with the coursework to visualize the
new comic panels sooner. The narrative granted a
game-like element to the online course, which cor-
roborates with some viewpoints found in research that
argue interactive narratives bring an element of gami-
fication to the courses (Chothia et al., 2017).
Regarding the approach used for narrative inter-
activity, all participants understood the mechanism.
However, a few concerns were voiced throughout the
interview. While the means for story progression
were described as “easy to understand”, further in-
quiring showed the mechanism was not quite as clear
as intended. Two participants claimed to rely on fo-
rum explanations and previous direct messaging to
understand how to interact and progress in the story,
as just the initial story prompt does not immediately
clarify how to interact with the story. This suggests
a need for a tutorial or explanatory notes to support
understanding the workings behind each narrative.
All participants considered the presented comic
to be of appropriate length for the course size. The
narrative was designed with the course contents in
mind, and the panels provided direct feedback to the
learners, informing them of the next activity. None
of the learners thought that the comic panels were
distracting or intrusive in the Moodle environment.
Two mentioned that the comic stories were short and
did not feature significant amounts of reading. These
findings seem to reaffirm some arguments made by
(McCloud, 2006) regarding comics, as they enabled
quick reading and fast identification with readers.
The participants reacted positively to the presence
of MoodleStories and would consider enrolling in
other courses employing interactive narratives. Three
remarked that they wished other online courses would
employ “fun” teaching metholodogies. Two partici-
pants were enthusiastic about implementing such nar-
ratives in future courses. One significant takeaway
was that learners could interact and understand the
mechanism for story progression, albeit with guid-
ance, which validates one of the fundamental and
novel elements of MoodleStories.
This section discusses our main contributions and the
limitations of the proposed solutions and analysis and
enumerates the opportunities for future research.
5.1 Contributions
The conduction of research process has covered in-
teractive storytelling for motivation and engagement.
We summarize our research contributions in the de-
velopment of MoodleStories, and its validation with
“The Adventures of Pip in the World of Python” in an
online Python course.
MoodleStories presents a new way to create and
integrate interactive visual narratives in online Moo-
dle courses. We argue that the approach proposed
to interactivity should enable instructors to create
engaging learning experiences that foster motivation
and positive engagement with coursework. Integrat-
ing “The Adventures of Pip in the World of Python”
in an online programming course has allowed us to
look at the repercussions created by the interactive
narrative among six participants. The participants
showed emotional involvement with the story and
higher awareness when performing activities that di-
rectly impacted the narrative. The analysis of the in-
terviews also revealed some caveats in narrative de-
sign for MoodleStories, as participants commented,
e.g., on factors of narrative length and story prompts
as motivators. In this context, MoodleStories also
presents research opportunities in creating and in-
corporating these narratives. Next, we acknowledge
some of the limitations in this work and expand on
the possibilities for future work.
5.2 Limitations and Future Work
In its current form, MoodleStories enables the plan-
ning and projecting of interactive narratives with
functionalities offered by the node elements, path-
ways, and environment conditionals. However, it
does not eliminate the need for artistic skills to con-
ceive a narrative, which may often lie outside the
skills expected of an education professional. This lim-
itation may restrict the applicability of MoodleSto-
ries due to logistical and financial hurdles. We see
two ways going forward with MoodleStories. First
is the elaboration and integration of a collaborative
comic story repository through which users could up-
load and share their creations, enabling other users to
download this creation and adjust the node configu-
ration, pathways, and conditions to suit their online
course. However, for broad adoption, the contents of
the uploaded stories would have to be in large part
“generic” (e.g., non-course specific), and there are
significant challenges regarding organic growth of the
repository. Another possible way forward is imple-
menting a panel-creation interface with pre-made 3D
assets to streamline the tasks of panel creation. This
approach could be effective to lower the hurdle of the
skill necessary to create comic panels. Both proposed
approaches present feasible opportunities for the ad-
vancement of the MoodleStories tool.
MoodleStories: Improving Learner Motivation Through Interactive Visual Stories
Lastly, MoodleStories could benefit from a larger-
scale quantative evaluation. MoodleStories could be
implemented for a subset of learners in a real-world
online course scenario while another group contin-
ues to operate without it. This experiment would en-
able us to compare the performance of both groups in
various aspects, such as academic achievement, time
spent, and amount of community interactions. Fur-
ther estimating the impact of MoodleStories on learn-
ing outcomes, student engagement, and learning mo-
tivation is an important step toward its broader appli-
cability and adoption in real-world scenarios. These
evaluations are to come in future work.
As online courses continue to grow in relevance and
interest, so does the demand for solutions that mit-
igate or improve certain aspects of online learning.
The research on SRL-based implementations contem-
plates a wide scope of learning’s cognitive, behav-
ioral, motivational, and emotional aspects. We use
interactive storytelling to develop MoodleStories, an
integrated tool for creating and viewing interactive,
nonlinear stories in Moodle. Our approach using ac-
tivity tracking data provided by the VLE brings the
question of learner engagement to the forefront and
presents opportunities to expand the design scope in
incorporating narratives in online courses. Through
the validation process, we could verify how learn-
ers reacted and interacted with the story in an online
course environment. This process helped reveal im-
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