A Next-Generation Digital Procurement Workspace Focusing on
Information Integration, Automation, Analytics, and Sustainability
Jan-David St
1 a
, Oliver Karras
2 b
, Allard Oelen
2 c
and S
oren Auer
2 d
Robert Bosch GmbH, Stuttgart, Germany
TIB - Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology, Hannover, Germany
Supply Chain Management, Procurement, Automation, Analytics, Sustainability.
Recent events such as wars, sanctions, pandemics, and climate change have shown the importance of proper
supply network management. A key step in managing supply networks is procurement. We present an ap-
proach for realizing a next-generation procurement workspace that aims to facilitate resilience and sustain-
ability. To achieve this, the approach encompasses a novel way of information integration, automation tools
as well as analytical techniques. As a result, the procurement can be viewed from the perspective of the envi-
ronmental impact, comprising and aggregating sustainability scores along the supply chain. We suggest and
present an implementation of our approach, which is meanwhile used in a global Fortune 500 company. We
further present the results of an empirical evaluation study, where we performed in-depth interviews with the
stakeholders of the novel procurement platform to validate its adequacy, usability, and innovativeness.
Today (2023), twenty-seven years are left until the
goals of the Paris Agreement have to be reached. Fa-
cilitating resilience and sustainability in supply net-
works in procurement can contribute to accomplish-
ing the set goals. Recent events, such as wars, sanc-
tions, pandemics, and catastrophes, show even more
the crucial role of a resilient and sustainable supply
chain. Some known supply chains that were consid-
ered stable are now disrupted. Failing suppliers can-
not be used any longer and must be exchanged with
new, more stable, or environmentally friendlier ones.
Current inflation pressures procurement and supply
chain management (SCM) even more. Prices and
product quality should ideally be stable, which can
be a difficult challenge since Europe’s raw materials
and energy costs are rising (Ari et al., 2022).
At the Robert Bosch GmbH (Bosch), there is cur-
rently no central digital procurement tool that com-
bines data silos and provides valuable features in the
day-to-day work of purchasers regarding information
integration, automation, analytics, and sustainability.
Various tools are used alongside the entire procure-
ment process, which increases the complexity even
for simple tasks. Purchasers have to pull external
and internal information. Automation of simple and
low-risk tasks and analytics of various supply chain-
related data are rarely present, while sustainability is
sometimes completely lacking in existing tools.
Well-known Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
systems and specialized procurement applications
provide solutions. However, as Pek
sa and Gra-
bis (Pek
sa and Grabis, 2018) argue, customizing ERP
systems are cost and time intensive. Particularly in
the face of rapidly occurring supplier or entire supply
chain failures, rapid development and adaptation of
these critical systems is essential for driving compet-
itive advantage and improving business performance.
In addition, existing day-to-day operations involve
complex manual processes, lack collaboration, are
error-prone and time-consuming, do not provide new
insights, and do not support decision-making (Pek
and Grabis, 2018; Tarigan et al., 2021).
In this work, we propose a customized Digital
Procurement Workspace (DPW) that includes a Pro-
curement Information Space (PIS), a Procurement
Automation and Analytics Space (PAAS), and a Sus-
tainable Sourcing Space (SSS). The application and
spaces aim to facilitate a faster, more supportive, re-
silient, and sustainable procurement process. The PIS
Stütz, J., Karras, O., Oelen, A. and Auer, S.
A Next-Generation Digital Procurement Workspace Focusing on Information Integration, Automation, Analytics, and Sustainability.
DOI: 10.5220/0011845400003467
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2023) - Volume 2, pages 385-396
ISBN: 978-989-758-648-4; ISSN: 2184-4992
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
provides personalized, automatically aggregated, and
summarized purchasing- and user-relevant informa-
tion to support purchasers in their daily decisions, to
keep them up-to-date, and to allow a quick overview
of the most relevant information such as announce-
ments. The PAAS provides features to access ana-
lyzed or aggregated data. PAAS also highlights key
data and allows triggering bots to reduce human-to-
human interaction as well as to automize low-risk but
time-intensive work. While the SSS provides analyt-
ical features, it focuses entirely on environmental im-
pact, risk detection, and overall sustainability by, for
example, providing a sustainability score.
We defined overall goals so that the DPW could
solve the current problems. Based on those goals,
concrete requirements are inferred to ensure that the
required functionality is implemented. After the im-
plementation, in-depth expert interviews were con-
ducted and analyzed using Mayring’s qualitative con-
tent analysis to evaluate the developed application,
ensure that the defined goals and set requirements
were met, and discover novel use cases and bene-
fits. As the interview outcomes indicate, the three
key advantages of our approach are increased trans-
parency, efficiency, and decision-making. However,
this work outlines further dependencies and prerequi-
sites of benefits. For example, centralization is a criti-
cal prerequisite for increased transparency and collab-
oration. Based on those findings, recommendations
going beyond the presentation of the concepts and the
developed applications are provided.
Paper structure: section 2 presents related work.
In section 3, we present our approach and its imple-
mentation. We present our interview study and its re-
sults in section 4. In section 5, we interpret and dis-
cuss our findings before we conclude in section 6.
Applications that support procurement are not new:
Odoo, Precoro, and Prokuria are a few examples of
systems that provide typical procurement functional-
ity. Besides those tools and some features contained
in ERP systems, there is also an increasing rise of lit-
erature regarding SCM, public (green) procurement,
and different technologies supporting those topics.
2.1 SCM and Procurement
The majority of legacy ERP systems are heteroge-
neous systems that different software companies de-
velop. Ma and Moln
a (Ma and Moln
ar, 2019, p. 231)
mention that it is a big challenge for organizations
to develop and implement centralized and integrated
management systems based on their existing legacy
ERP systems to respond to the dynamic business envi-
ronment with agility. They suggest the usage of on-
tologies and propose an integration framework based
on ontology learning including a basic workflow (Ma
and Moln
ar, 2019). Pek
sa and Grabis (Pek
sa and Gra-
bis, 2018) reviewed existing research on the decision-
making capabilities of ERP systems. They identified
different approaches for integrating decision-making
logic for companies. Since decision-making tech-
niques should be modifiable, scalable, and portable,
they suggest decoupling decision-making logic from
ERP systems. This decoupling enables the usage of
advanced decision-making techniques. Implementing
decision-making directly into existing ERP systems is
seen as inflexible and cost-intensive, leading to com-
petitive disadvantages.
In the last years, many articles regarding SCM
and procurement are published. For example, Re-
jeb et al. (Rejeb et al., 2018) outline the potential of
new technologies like Big Data analysis, Automatiza-
tion and Robotics, IoT, and Blockchain Technology
in procurement-related work since the entire supply
chain has already and will continue to have techno-
logical shifts. Nevertheless, the article does not fo-
cus on ERP systems. However, Tarigan et al. (Tarigan
et al., 2021) investigate and show enhanced ERP’s im-
pact on firm performance through green SCM, sup-
plier integration, and internal integration. The study
suggests that a company must improve productivity,
efficiency, speed, and services to innovate and sur-
vive in the market, which results in upgrading and
adjusting the ERP system. This suggestion, in turn,
leads to customizations at the ERP systems that are
regarding Grabis (Grabis, 2019) time-consuming and
cost-intensive. Nevertheless, this study also suggests
that fit-gaps (differences between provided function-
ality of the ERP system and the company’s needs)
should be closed. As another gap, literature often in-
dicates a need to consider a supplier’s green perfor-
mance more instead of only focusing on the classi-
cal purchasing criteria. Igarashi et al. (Igarashi et al.,
2015) conceptualize the inclusion of green (in terms
of environmental- and climate-friendly) criteria into
the supplier selection process in public procurement
since purchasers tend to ignore those impacts. Includ-
ing the environmental and climate impacts in the pro-
curement process can be done when all relevant data
are gathered and provided to the corresponding pur-
chasers. To achieve that, Barrad et al. (Barrad et al.,
2020) focus in their study on emerging technologies
and concepts and their ability to improve procurement
operations. It suggests that classical Big Data ap-
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
proaches like analytics and complex event processing
can be explored and adapted to already present pro-
curement processes to help reduce costs. The work of
AlNuaimi et al. (AlNuaimi et al., 2021) also investi-
gates Big Data analytics and procurement. Their work
determines that digital procurement does not influ-
ence green digital procurement but nevertheless has a
significant impact on the Big Data analytics capabili-
ties of the company. Furthermore, Big Data analytics
as a mediator between digital procurement and envi-
ronmental digital procurement leads to a positive im-
pact on environmental digital procurement. In other
words, this work describes the impact of Big Data on
a purchaser’s decision-making process.
A further improvement in a purchaser’s perfor-
mance can be reached with more user-friendly dash-
boards. Magnus and Rudra (Magnus and Rudra,
2019) discovered a gap between theory and prac-
tice regarding the availability of a user-friendly dash-
board, where the dashboard design is based on princi-
ples of cognition. The authors claim that dashboards
can facilitate transparency and that improved dash-
boards enhance decision-making in a supply chain.
They also indicate that if the information is extracted
and displayed conducive, users have a faster overview
of needed data. It should be of interest to compa-
nies to create better applications with the goal of user-
friendliness since that will enable employees to work
more efficiently along the supply chain. Another po-
tential obstacle to enabling Big Data analytics is in-
formation silos. To break down the information silos
along the supply chain, Zhan and Tan (Zhan and Tan,
2020) propose, in their work, an integrated infrastruc-
ture in order to enhance supply chain performance.
Even though there are still obstacles left, the work of
Handfield et al. (Handfield et al., 2019) predicts ma-
jor shifts in the sourcing and supply chain technol-
ogy environment in the next years. As proposed in
some other literature, fostering collaboration between
logistics and purchasing departments responsible for
managing the supply chain makes sense. (Ilie-Zudor
et al., 2014). Hecht and Hofbauer (Hecht and Hof-
bauer, 2022) expect potentials of up to 15 percent that
are not realized in procurement, even though strate-
gic procurement decisions achieve competitive advan-
tages and guarantee a company’s success.
Literature reviews provide a strong outline of the
research direction. The comparison of literature re-
views regarding green procurement done by us (St
et al., 2023) using the Open Research Knowledge
Graph (ORKG) shows the relevance of the topic for
both the private and the public sectors. Significantly,
the findings of the compared articles indicate the
consideration of user behavior and suggest a critical
analysis of the current priority for monetary factors
versus sustainability while purchasing. The arti-
cles of S
onnichsen and Clement (S
onnichsen and
Clement, 2020) and Adjei-Bamfo et al. (Adjei-Bamfo
et al., 2019) indicate missing literature and a lack
of research on the investigated topic. Appolloni et
al.(Appolloni et al., 2014), on the other hand, indicate
that an increase in literature is recognizable. Since
Appolloni et al. (Appolloni et al., 2014) considered
only the private sector until 2013 and the other two
articles only the public sector until 2017 and 2018,
it shows either a decrease regarding the topic, the
different handling of the corresponding sector done
by researchers, or a subjective view on the amount
of published articles. Nevertheless, the work of
Masudin et al. (Masudin et al., 2022) presents a
peak and further increase of literature regarding
green procurement for both the private and the public
sectors in 2018. Considering the indicated increase
in literature and the more emerging awareness of
society for sustainability, research will probably
continue focusing even more on green procurement.
To the best of our knowledge, procurement re-
search mainly focuses on public procurement, while
the focus on supply chain-related topics often com-
bines topics of ERP systems, their integration, and
their impact. Researchers often publish studies re-
garding the impact of new technologies, especially
Big Data, in procurement and SCM. At the same time,
researchers often combine Big Data with work that
fosters green and sustainable supply chains.
In summary, it seems like current research lacks in
defining requirements for digital procurement appli-
cations, conceptually describing such an application
at all, as well as in evaluating novel and innovative ap-
plications in industrial settings. This is why our work
introduces requirements that outline and summarize
the set goals. We further present concepts based
on the specified requirements. Current research, for
example, the work of AlNuaimi et al., Grabis, and
Tarigan et al., also influenced the motivation, con-
cepts, and implementation. Evaluating the developed
application with in-depth expert interviews and the
resulting suggestions and interpretations enrich this
work further. In the end, the developed DPW should
be comparable to other procurement applications and
ERP systems. Thus a similar comparison as done by
Gomez Llanez et al. (Gomez Llanez et al., 2020) can
be achieved. Gomez Llanez et al. (Gomez Llanez
et al., 2020) compared the ERP systems Odoo and
Openbravo while describing the tools in general, their
features, and technical details.
A Next-Generation Digital Procurement Workspace Focusing on Information Integration, Automation, Analytics, and Sustainability
2.2 Procurement and ERP Systems
Different software applications support purchasers
already during the procurement process. Precoro,
Odoo, and Prokuria are such well-known and estab-
lished applications. In the following, we briefly in-
troduce these applications to give an overview on the
current state of procurement applications.
goal for its purchasing tool is to enable
transparency and collaboration while eliminating dis-
order from the procurement process. Therefore, the
tool focuses on procurement and is meant for the pur-
chasing department of a small to medium-sized com-
pany. Since the first step of the procurement process is
the Request of Quotation (RfQ) the applications entry
point is the RfQ-related view. There, a section of the
created RfQs and all relevant information and actions,
like exporting, filtering, searching, and expanding, are
provided. As soon as an RfQ is approved or rejected,
a notification as an email is triggered. Through this
email, the notified user can directly access the next
step of the procurement process, where a user can ei-
ther place a purchase order or create a Request for
Proposals. One prominent feature of Precocor is the
creation of customized charts, e.g., to show the pur-
chase order based on the supplier or the department.
is considered an ERP system, but pro-
vides features to support a company’s procurement
processes. When selecting the purchasing view, all
relevant details and actions like filtering, grouping,
searching, and assigning tasks of created RfQs are
displayed. Creating further RfQs and bills is possi-
ble, which can then be downloaded as PDFs or shared
directly with colleagues. In general, Odoo provides
fewer features to support the procurement process.
However, as an ERP system, it also covers other busi-
ness areas like human resources or marketing that are
irrelevant to this work (Gomez Llanez et al., 2020).
Another procurement application that allows the
management of RfQs and suppliers is Prokuria
. In
comparison to the other applications, it also provides
features regarding auctions. Starting the application
leads to a customizable dashboard view that displays
different kinds of customizable and interactable so-
called widgets, like a table that shows only the cur-
rently active RfQs or a table containing all suppliers.
Prokuria provides different kinds of detailed views,
for example, for suppliers and events that contain
RfQs and auctions. Since suppliers can directly place
bids on open and active RfQs, they automatically get a
notification via email if they are selected. Purchasers
can compare the suppliers’ bids in a comparison view
that offers visual representation in the form of a chart,
where a scoring system is provided. A report can be
viewed and downloaded to analyze the entire gener-
ated data. Another prominent feature is the possibil-
ity of allowing communication between suppliers and
purchasers based on the internal message system.
The presented applications claim to work well in
small to medium-sized companies and only if the en-
tire procurement process is done inside the applica-
tion. Customized features can not be easily added
and developed, and a further dependency arises as a
company. Bosch is a company with distributed de-
partments and already existing solutions for various
business cases. For this reason, a transfer to such an
application does not make sense. Furthermore, the
presented solutions miss general features or possibili-
ties for customizations regarding information integra-
tion, analytics, and automation mainly because some
of the company’s data is deeply embedded in a tech-
nological ecosystem. Additionally, aspects of sustain-
ability are not taken into account at all. For this rea-
son, among others, this work presents a proposal that
solves the mentioned problems.
Requirements are a prerequisite to building an appli-
cation. Therefore, we first introduce the goals fol-
lowed by the application’s requirements. The actual
implementation of the containing spaces is described
as a result of the goals and the concrete requirements.
Thus the application can be evaluated and validated
based on the set requirements.
3.1 Requirements
Among other things, requirements specify and con-
straints the functionality of an application. Therefore
requirements are of value for other managers or de-
velopers who also want to adapt the concepts of this
work to their implementation or existing system. An-
other advantage is that stakeholders can easily verify
requirements, and a further evaluation of the system
can provide meaningful new insights (Glinz, 2007).
An application usually reflects a vision and there-
fore has some goals. Five domain experts in the pur-
chasing and business development field have been in-
terviewed to figure out the goals of the DPW. They
are all employed at Bosch and responsible for the
management and/or development of digital products.
Through the interpretation of these interviews, the vi-
sions of the applications could be built, which signif-
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
icantly reflect the following goals.
1. Enabling digitalization and acceleration of digital
processes that were previously not digital or only
partially digital.
2. Display aggregated data and allow interaction
with them.
3. Allow parallel work and collaboration between
colleagues and also departments.
4. Create knowledge transfer in terms of trans-
parency between departments and colleagues.
Since those goals are difficult to verify, more con-
crete requirements are inferred. The requirements
were specified following the template for require-
ments by The SOPHISTs (TheSophists, 2016) and are
summarized in the sequel:
1. The DPW shall be able to show user-relevant data,
information (clustered, aggregated, and summa-
rized news), and tasks.
2. The DPW shall be able to show aggregated data
that are not only maintained by the user’s depart-
3. The DPW shall be able to allow collaboration with
all colleagues that uses the application.
4. The DPW shall be able to allow working on pro-
cesses that were not digital before.
5. The DPW shall be able to provide analytical eval-
uations in the form of calculations as well as
through visual representations.
6. The DPW shall be able to provide clustered as
well as searchable and filterable data.
7. The DPW shall be able to be personalized for ev-
ery user.
8. The DPW shall be able to break down the supply
chain for all relevant products.
9. The DPW shall be able to offer potential new in-
sights based on analyzed data.
10. The DPW shall be able to automate low-risk pro-
3.2 Implementation
We implemented the requirements in an application
that includes three main concepts: Procurement In-
formation Space, Procurement Analytics and Automa-
tion Space, and Sustainable Sourcing Space. To en-
able these three spaces, the application consists of
multiple import jobs that fetch data from different
data silos. Those silos can also be from other depart-
ments and are not only maintained by the purchasing
department. The imported raw data is aggregated, an-
alyzed, and interpreted before being stored in a single
database. In this way, we can fetch data faster, and
reduce the number of on-the-fly calculations.
The User Interface (UI) handles user logins via
Single-Sign-On and then allows the fetching of user-
relevant, supplier-relevant, and/or material group
relevant data. This way, the separation of concerns
is granted. Other views are, for example, the news
feed and the admin dashboard.
Besides the main features contained and described
in the corresponding spaces, more minor features will
only be mentioned and not described in detail. Those
are, for example, filtering and searching of data, sup-
pliers, material groups, and users, favoring news, sup-
pliers, and links, downloading tables, and showing
context help for new hires. It is possible to adjust the
application’s layout in widget sizes and positions to
allow a personalized view. Additionally, users can
switch between the user-, team
-, and alias-view
Some widgets can be seen in Figure 1 and Figure 2.
Figure 3, on the other hand, shows the implemented
features of each space, the different views, and the
minor functionalities in a five-pillar model.
Figure 1: Overview of open auctions of a purchaser and the
total purchase order volumes in Euro.
A material group, e.g., screws and springs, categorizes
materials with the same attributes.
The team-view also shows data from team members.
The alias-view allows seeing data from other users.
A Next-Generation Digital Procurement Workspace Focusing on Information Integration, Automation, Analytics, and Sustainability
Figure 2: Overview of total purchase order volumes (top),
and all RfQs related to the selected supplier (bottom).
3.2.1 Procurement Information Space
The Procurement Information Space provides all
needed information regarding news, the latest posts,
community updates, and announcements. It repre-
sents a central point of information gathering and
aims to keep users up-to-date and well-educated in
their profession. Various structured and unstructured
data sources are accessed to automatically collect, ag-
gregate, and summarize their content to provide all
the user- and purchasing-relevant information. Af-
ter an automatic summarization, the information is
clustered and provided in natural language to a user.
Even though there can be different data sources with
nearly the same content, those are considered and
handled the same way to ensure the validity of the
information so the PIS can act like a single point of
truth. Data sources for news, posts, community up-
dates, announcements, and drop-off points to other
tools are configurable and provide even more infor-
mation. While interacting with the features of the
PIS (for example, the news feed), the information
gets more and more personalized but also considers
purchasing-relevant news based on team members’
suggestions and reading history. The PIS aims to im-
prove decision-making and time-saving as new infor-
mation could lead to better and faster decisions.
3.2.2 Procurement Analytics and Automation
The PAAS allows users to access, analyze and interact
with procurement-relevant data like open RfQs, auc-
tions, and many more. All that data is divided into
three focus groups:
1. User-relevant data like open RfQs, auctions, and
contracts of the logged-in user
2. Supplier-relevant data like RfQs, auctions, and
contracts belonging to the selected supplier
3. Material group-relevant data like RfQs and auc-
tions for the selected material groups
The structured data is mainly displayed in a table
view, as can be seen in Figure 1 (widget names “Total
Purchase Order Volume” and “Supplier Auctions”),
but for a faster overview of some widgets, a chart view
is the default view, as can be seen in Figure 2 (“Total
Purchase Order Volume” and “Supplier RfQs”). The
chart view naturally cannot provide the same richness
of details as the table view, but highlights the most
important values, like statuses. In contrast, the ta-
ble view additionally provides further interaction. In
this way, procurement-relevant data is updatable from
the responsible user. Besides a graphical summariza-
tion of procurement-relevant data, users can also trig-
ger procurement-relevant bots in trivial and/or low-
risk tasks and processes. Those aim, for example, to
reduce human-to-human interaction regarding nego-
tiating low-risk volumes of materials. Another use
case is the bundling of RfQs across different depart-
ments. Using these and other bots saves time and
money since actual work is automatized and volumes
measured in Euro are optimized. Other features of
the PAAS support the decision-making of purchasers
since they provide, for example, a supplier rating
based on different well-maintained characteristics, a
forecasting of purchasing volumes, and a material
group share that indicates the share of each supplier
for the selected material groups. Improving trans-
parency is achieved by breaking down complex cross-
department processes while highlighting the current
state of the processes and the actual task logged-in
users have to fulfill.
3.2.3 Sustainable Sourcing Space
Transparency regarding environmental and risk im-
pact, as well as fostering a sustainable supply chain,
is the main subject of the SSS. Therefore, this space
monitors the environmental and climate impacts of
actual materials, products, and suppliers. In this way,
purchasers can directly see the impact of their sourc-
ing decision. The SSS automatically gathers informa-
tion and data on suppliers and their products from in-
ternal and external sources to calculate a transparent
so-called sustainable score. As a result, we can re-
duce manual research of purchasers and supply chain
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
information related
Action Plan Measures
My Suppliers
performance related
action related
Material Group
information related
Top Parent MG Share
performance related
action related
Negotiation Bot
Bundling Bot
User Management | Role Management | Feature Handling | Alias Function | Panel Personalization | Context Help | Excel Export |
Search | Filter | Charts | Notifications
User View Team View Alias View
Sustainable Sourcing
information related
Environmental Impact
Sustainable Score
External Product Chain
action related
Bundling Bot
Community Updates
information related
Company Share
General Information
Supplier Hierachy
performance related
Financial Ratings
action related
Negotiation Bot
Figure 3: This figure illustrates the Digital Procurement Workspace. The left pillar represents the PIS, the three in the middle
the PAAS, and the right one the SSS. The top indicates the different views. The bottom lists all fundamental functionalities.
experts. This sustainable score can trigger alerts since
a potential risk in the supply is detected or suggests
materials or products from different, more sustain-
able suppliers. Generally, the sustainable score ex-
ists in four stages but concentrates either on Corpo-
rate Carbon Footprint (CCF) or Product Carbon Foot-
print (PCF). The first stage is the monetary CCF ap-
proach. In this approach, the CO2 emissions are ob-
tained based on the responsible revenue of a sup-
plier. For example, if the Anonymous Company is
responsible for 10% of a supplier’s revenue, it also
obtains 10% of its CO2 emissions. The second CCF
approach is based on the determined CO2 emissions
for different sectors done by a third party. So exter-
nal databases are accessed to retrieve data about the
CO2 emissions if, e.g., steal-related products are pur-
chased from a specific supplier. The third approach
is also based on third parties and external databases.
There, the determined emissions for specific products
are taken from such databases. In this third stage, the
PCF is calculated, which also applies to the last stage.
There, the actual emissions measured by the supplier
are communicated and taken for further CO2 emis-
sions reporting. In general, there is a focus only on
CO2 emissions. Other environmental- and climate-
relevant values are represented in CO2 equivalents.
As a result of the sustainable score and the entire SSS,
the supply chain should be more resilient, less prone
to stoppages, and more environment-friendly. This
way, the goals for the overall purchasing strategy can
be achieved more quickly, and the time for finding
a fitting supplier is reduced. Additionally, the emis-
sions of current products can be reduced, the com-
pany’s reputation can be increased, and, as Valbuena
and Mandojana (Valbuena-Hernandez and Ortiz-de
Mandojana, 2022) describe, effective and sustainable
strategic partnerships can be achieved.
We conducted several interviews to evaluate the de-
veloped application. The interviews aimed to analyze
whether the requirements and overall goals were ful-
filled, and the expected benefits were obtained.
4.1 Study Design
To verify that the introduced requirements are cor-
rectly implemented in the application, qualitative and
quantitative analysis in the form of expert interviews
has been done. The interviews were held after the
launch of the first version of the DPW. The experts
have been asked about their experiences a purchaser
makes while interacting with the developed applica-
tion that contains the described concepts. First, they
A Next-Generation Digital Procurement Workspace Focusing on Information Integration, Automation, Analytics, and Sustainability
are asked about the benefits of each concept. Then
the interview changed to a quantitative manner, and
the experts could choose between different predefined
answers regarding the time savings for each concept.
The same has then been done regarding decision-
making support. After that, the interviews changed
again to a qualitative manner to summarize the main
benefits of the application and to give the experts a
chance to say anything about the DPW the interviewer
had not asked for.
4.2 Sample
In total, ten experts were interviewed. Two of them
are women, and eight are men. The experts are all
employed at Bosch and have different job roles like
product owner, department lead, sustainability expert,
junior and senior purchaser, and innovation manager.
The interview showed that most experts could answer
mostly without any counter questions. Nine of the
ten interviews were valid, and all interviewees had
the same interviewer and the same interview style,
and all interviews were conducted online, while nine
were held in German and one in English. One inter-
view could not be considered since the interviewee
struggled with answering the questions and wanted to
avoid the interview in general.
4.3 Data Analyses
The interview transcripts were, according to Mayring
(Mayring, 2000), answer-by-answer summarized, an-
alyzed, and further categorized. This way, various
categories have been found. Using Mayrings meth-
ods, the summarization continues until statements can
be generalized and further clustered so that categories
can be combined (Mayring, 2000). As a result, each
category is defined by a definition statement. To com-
pare the categories in their importance, they have
been counted. The description of the complete cod-
ing scheme is beyond the scope of this paper, but the
emerging categories are presented in the results sec-
tion. The quantitative part of the interview is han-
dled differently. The answers to each question regard-
ing time-saving and support in decision-making are
counted and presented in the next subsection.
4.4 Results
In total, eleven categories describing a DPW’s bene-
fits are found. They are listed and further described
in Table 1 and published in their raw data on Zen-
odo (St
utz et al., 2022). During the interviews, some
experts mentioned several shortcomings and risks.
Since we have not explicitly asked for shortcomings
or disadvantages, those are further discussed and in-
terpreted in section 5.
Figure 4: Number of answers regarding time saving.
Figure 5: Number of answers regarding support.
For the three concepts, the weighting and occa-
sionally the benefits as a whole differ. The PIS mainly
increases the purchasing experience regarding scout-
ing new suppliers and day-to-day workflows, result-
ing in increased efficiency, which five of the inter-
viewed experts noted. Increased efficiency for a pur-
chaser means more suppliers can be contracted man-
ually and with better preparation which, based on the
experts, leads to better results in Euro.
On the other hand, seven of the experts noted that
PAAS mainly leads to optimization, while six experts
see increased efficiency in, for example, sourcing, ne-
gotiation, and contracting. However, it also provides
increased transparency and leads to time savings for
purchasers. Transparency is seen as the SSS’s main
benefit, which eight of the experts noted. However,
the space also increases decision-making and adher-
ence and further development to the central purchas-
ing strategy. Some benefits of the single spaces had
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 1: Overview of categories mentioned across all three spaces, with definitions and examples.
Category Frequency Definition Example Requirement
Transparency 14 Statement that indicates an
increase in transparency
“If we want to achieve a certain target, in terms
of CO2 footprint, then of course that relates to the
entire supply chain.
2, 8, 9
Efficiency 11 Statement that efficiency
in time and the financial
outcome is increased.
“You can organize activities in a more targeted
manner and thus work more efficiently, of course,
and you can also improve processes and then lower
9 Statement that the process
of decision-making is im-
proved and better deci-
sions are made.
“It brings together decision-relevant information
quickly and compactly so that the buyer makes
the right decisions or is supported in the decision-
making process.
Centralization 8 Statement that information
and tasks can be worked in
one central application.
“You have personalized information in one place
without system and media discontinuities.
1, 2, 3
Optimization 8 Statement that the appli-
cation optimizes the work-
flow of purchasers.
“Now you see: where I haven’t had a price change
for a long time, how have my raw material prices
developed, is this a good time to negotiate, or a bad
time to negotiate.
1, 2, 5, 6, 9,
Strategy 7 Statement that the com-
pany or department-wide
strategy is adapted or ad-
hered to.
“If I also have a real conflict of goals as a result and
I notice the effects on my subgoals more strongly,
then I probably decide differently.
3, 9
Time-saving 7 Statement that actual time
is saved.
“If the buyer today somehow has to do a lot of re-
curring, i.e. relatively monotonous, tasks that add
zero value, this naturally ties up capacity that is
now freed up.
4, 10
Personalization 5 Statement that the applica-
tion provides personalized
information and is still fur-
ther adjustable.
“You have the information straight to you, they are
Tailor-Made for you.
1, 7
Insights 4 Statement that new in-
sights are gained.
“Purchasers don’t really know 80 to 90 percent of
their suppliers. This means that if there is potential
there, you have to actively point it out to them.
Collaboration 3 Statement that the collab-
oration and communica-
tion of employees are in-
“Today, this is used not only for purchasing, but
also for other areas such as logistics, sales, and
production, so that everyone can talk directly to
each other.
Informed 3 Statement that employees
are in general better in-
“This also ensures that everybody is at the same
level of information.
only a few mentions. Nevertheless, some of them are
highlighted as the main benefit of an application that
contains such concepts. This fact applies especially to
the collaboration aspect. While the respective spaces
miss basic features regarding collaboration, experts
mentioned collaboration as one of the main benefits
of the application. In general, the main benefits are in-
creased transparency and time saving, better decision-
making, an increased collaboration of purchasers and
departments, and a higher purchasing experience in
day-to-day work through personalizing the entire ap-
plication containing the three spaces.
The quantitative part of the interview focused on
decision-making and time-saving since those two can
be seen as the main advantages of business infor-
mation systems and are also mentioned as the main
goals of the domain experts interviewed while set-
ting up the application requirements (Mes
s et al.,
2021). During the evaluating expert interviews, the
participants were asked if the respective space (PIS,
PAAS, SSS) does not save time, saves some time,
or saves much time. The same was done regard-
ing decision-making, while the predefined answers
were no support in decision-making, some support
in decision-making, and much support in decision-
making. As the evaluation in Figure 4 and Figure 5
shows, most time-saving can be achieved by imple-
menting a feature-rich PAAS. Based on the experts,
decision-making is supported almost equally while
implementing a PAAS and SSS. Nevertheless, PIS is
considered in both categories as some support.
A Next-Generation Digital Procurement Workspace Focusing on Information Integration, Automation, Analytics, and Sustainability
One of the goals of this work is to evaluate the appli-
cation against the set requirements. The expert inter-
views were designed to verify the requirements.
5.1 Verification of the Set Requirements
All requirements introduced in subsection 3.1 are ful-
filled due to the implementing of the concepts.
User-relevant information is displayed via the PIS,
and tasks can be assigned inside the PAAS. The ex-
perts also mentioned as a benefit that due to these
spaces, users are more informed, and the workflow
is considered more optimized. Thus, the first require-
ment is fulfilled. Assigning tasks to others and com-
menting on processes or RfQs leads to increased and
optimized collaboration. This was indicated by the
experts directly and is seen as an overall benefit of
the developed application while fulfilling requirement
three. On the other hand, requirements one and seven
are fulfilled by favoring suppliers, selecting the news,
and adjusting the application’s layout. That leads to
time savings and a personalizable application. Fur-
thermore, the implementation of the PAAS provides
the interaction (filtering, searching, adjusting) of ag-
gregated data from different data sources. Those data
sources are partially maintained by different depart-
ments. The aggregated and analyzed data allows fur-
ther evaluations and visual representations. Accord-
ing to the experts, this results in an optimized appli-
cation that improves decision-making, increases effi-
ciency, and saves time. Thus requirements one, two,
five, six, nine, and ten are fulfilled. In some cases,
processes that were not digital before are automatable
using bots. Besides, some triggerable bots can also
automate low-risk processes and thus reduce human-
to-human interaction. Those bots save time and are
responsible for fulfilling requirements four and ten.
The SSS offers to break down the supply chain and
provides further insights regarding the sustainability,
risk, and environmental impact of single materials and
products. According to the experts, that leads to in-
creased transparency and new insights, fulfilling re-
quirements two, eight, and nine. Furthermore, the
increased transparency and the new insights can also
lead to strategy adjustments, which can directly re-
flect carbon emissions.
Among others, most business information systems
have the goal of reducing costs and time (Mes
et al., 2021). Either while saving time for employees
or improving decision-making so the company can
reach a better result in Euros. By implementing the in-
troduced concepts, the DPW saves time and improves
decision-making. Besides a company’s performance,
climate change and the goal of reaching the set goals
of the Paris Agreement for 2050 are additionally rele-
vant. Since the experts mentioned that the enrollment
of the DPW improves the company’s performance but
also fosters procurement regarding sustainability and
resilience, the overall goals can be seen as achieved,
even though not all relations of the found benefits and
the created requirements are described here in detail.
5.2 General Findings
Besides verifying the set requirements, other mean-
ingful new insights are found, like dependencies of
benefits, some risks of the application, and sugges-
tions for potential enablers of such a DPW.
In general, it is recommended to focus more on
the PAAS and SSS. Figure 4 shows that according to
the interviewed experts, the most time can be saved
by implementing the PAAS concept, while SSS could
become more and more relevant in the future. On the
other hand, Figure 5 shows that SSS leads to better
decision-making. Due to the increased impact of pur-
chasers’ daily business regarding sustainability and
the environment and studies that have already shown
that green digital procurement applications foster Big
Data analysis competencies, it is recommended to set
fundamentals for SSS early in development (AlNu-
aimi et al., 2021). Concretely it is recommended to
start with centralizing information and allow as well
as support personalization features from the begin-
ning of development since they influence time-saving
and decision-making and are independent of other
categories. After centralizing and during the develop-
ment of new features, keep in mind that the new fea-
tures should either improve or support transparency
(e.g., showing the supplier’s responsible), collabora-
tion (allowing assigning tasks), or optimization (ag-
gregate data). As a result, new insights should occur,
and the possibility to adapt the purchasing strategy
based on the new insights is given. To sum it up, if
done right, a centralized and personalizable applica-
tion leads to the mentioned time-saving, higher effi-
ciency, and improved decision-making but enables, in
general, all other benefits presented in Table 1.
The DPW generally provides more features than
the presented competitors from subsection 2.2. Espe-
cially SSS- and PIS-related features are entirely miss-
ing in those applications. While introduced function-
ality of PAAS also lacks in those applications. The
found benefits of the DPW are also not transmittable
to the earlier described applications. Moreover, it is
doubtful that the found and introduced benefits can
also be achieved in those applications. Therefore, im-
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 6: Influences of the different categories. The arrow
direction indicates the influence direction.
plementing a customized DPW is a good solution.
5.3 Dependencies and Risks
While evaluating the results, we discovered some de-
pendencies of the found benefits presented in Table 1.
In fact, some benefits act as a prerequisite for oth-
ers. For example, Centralization is considered and
also actually mentioned as the prerequisite for en-
abling Transparency and Collaboration. That, on the
other hand, leads to new insights, which further leads
then to improved decision-making and time-saving.
Another example, according to the experts, is that
personalization regarding news, blog posts, and an-
nouncements lead to more up-to-date users, resulting
in better decisions. All of those dependencies are out-
lined and contextualized in Figure 6.
While centralization is considered a prerequisite
for most other benefits, as seen in Figure 6, it is also
mentioned as a risk for the company since a central
application could lead to a single point of failure. Be-
sides that, increased feature richness could lead to
complex maintenance, which results in higher costs
that purchasers must balance with a more efficient
procurement. Nevertheless, initial high costs and the
maintenance for developing applications and new fea-
tures inside the application are generally known is-
sues in service-oriented software applications.
Due to too many powerless features with a poor
User Experience (UX), users could start to work less
efficiently or, worst case, avoid the application. To
prevent unsatisfied users, it is helpful to educate them,
either with software or through personal training. An-
other suggestion is to allow user inputs as early as
possible because if that is not the case, users must
use different additional tools for updating data, which
leads to decreased user acceptance and satisfaction.
5.4 Future Work
The evaluation of the developed application focuses
mainly on the benefits for the company itself and its
positive impact on the users. Future work should also
consider the disadvantages of such an application.
Even though centralization and the lack of proper UX
are mentioned, experts can deliver even more possible
disadvantages if they are specifically asked for them.
Today the entire application does not use a knowl-
edge graph architecture. Currently, all the data is im-
ported from different sources and stored in a central
database. Ma and Moln
ar (Ma and Moln
ar, 2019)
suggest using ontologies and a knowledge graph be-
cause that is considered an effective technology to
integrate data from multiple heterogeneous sources.
Therefore, future work should use a knowledge graph
as the underlying technology while implementing the
presented concepts and features. Even if an appli-
cation implements the presented features based on
knowledge graphs (or any other underlying technol-
ogy), there is still a risk left. Poor UX could lead
to unsatisfied users, and as Magnus and Rudra (Mag-
nus and Rudra, 2019) claim, dashboards built based
on principles of cognition enhance decision-making
in a supply chain. Therefore, future work should fo-
cus more on UX-related topics.
Due to the urge to accomplish carbon neutrality, wars,
sanctions, the pandemic, and catastrophes, sustain-
able SCM has become even more important for com-
panies. As a global Fortune 500 company, we have
developed an application that encompasses a novel
way of information integration, automation tools as
well as analytical techniques. All developed fea-
tures can be categorized into one of the three intro-
duced concepts - the Procurement Information Space,
the Procurement Analytics and Automation Space,
and the Sustainable Sourcing Space. In-depth ex-
pert interviews were conducted to verify that the im-
plemented spaces perform as expected. The results
of the interviews show that the set requirements are
met. Besides that, the interviews revealed increased
time-saving and support in decision-making, espe-
cially due to the Procurement Analytics and Automa-
tion Space and the Sustainable Sourcing Space. In-
creased transparency, efficiency, and decision-making
support are mentioned most as a benefit, but they may
not be the most important ones. This work encour-
ages other purchasing departments to build their own
DPW and provides valuable suggestions on what con-
A Next-Generation Digital Procurement Workspace Focusing on Information Integration, Automation, Analytics, and Sustainability
cepts and features a DPW should implement. Exist-
ing applications can also profit from this work since
new concepts are presented, and the evaluation of
the benefits could lead to strategy adjustments. Such
strategy adjustments could then influence procure-
ment regarding a more sustainable, resilient, and more
carbon-reduced supply chain so that a Digital Pro-
curement Workspace can help reach the goals of the
Paris Agreement in the next twenty-seven years.
We thank all participants from the Robert Bosch
GmbH who were, in whatever case, involved with the
Digital Procurement Workspace and this work.
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