Counteracting Popularity-Bias and Improving Diversity Through
Calibrated Recommendations
Andre Sacilotti
, Rodrigo F. Souza
and Marcelo G. Manzato
Mathematics and Computer Science Institute, University of S
ao Paulo, Av. Trab. Sancarlense 400, S
ao Carlos-SP, Brazil
Recommender System, Popularity Bias, Fairness, Calibration.
Calibration is one approach to dealing with unfairness and popularity bias in recommender systems. While
popularity bias can shift users towards consuming more mainstream items, unfairness can harm certain users
by not recommending items according to their preferences. However, most state-of-art works on calibration
focus only on providing fairer recommendations to users, not considering the popularity bias, which can
amplify the long tail effect. To fill the research gap, in this work, we propose a calibration approach that
aims to meet users’ interests according to different levels of the items’ popularity. In addition, the system
seeks to reduce popularity bias and increase the diversity of recommended items. The proposed method works
in a post-processing step and was evaluated through metrics that analyze aspects of fairness, popularity, and
accuracy through an offline experiment with two different datasets. The system’s efficiency was validated
and evaluated with three different recommendation algorithms, verifying which behaves better and comparing
the performance with four other state-of-the-art calibration approaches. As a result, the proposed technique
reduced popularity bias and increased diversity and fairness in the two datasets considered.
Recommender systems are part of people’s routine,
influencing decisions they make when accessing on-
line services with the suggestion of specific content
for each user. However, some of these systems have
certain limitations, such as popularity bias, in which
popular items are recommended more often than un-
popular items, entailing the long tail effect.
It is known that popularity bias in recommender
systems is a particular case of the class imbalance
problem in machine learning, which usually leads to
unfair classification (Abdollahpouri et al., 2020). Al-
though there are many definitions of fairness, a suit-
able one is the ability of recommender systems to pro-
vide consistent performance across different groups
of users (Ekstrand et al., 2018). One of the metrics
used to measure the quality of recommendations is
calibration, which measures the capability of the sys-
tem to provide users with proportions of items in their
areas of interest that are consistent with their prefer-
ences (Steck, 2018).
Hence, when a system recommends items dif-
ferently from the user’s interests, it is considered a
poorly calibrated system. When users deal with dif-
ferent levels of calibration, the system is unfair to a
group of users (Abdollahpouri et al., 2020). When
a system provides recommendations that meet users’
preferences, it is an accurate system, as it offers user
satisfaction by recommending relevant and exciting
To balance the relationship between offering a cal-
ibrated system and one that provides accurate recom-
mendations, (da Silva et al., 2021) proposed a sys-
tem that works in a post-processing stage. It was de-
signed to be independent of any recommendation al-
gorithm and focuses on divergence measures. Simi-
larly, (Steck, 2018) introduces a calibration technique
as a post-processing step to bring fairer recommen-
dations to users in a way that suits their interests.
(Geyik et al., 2019) also present a framework to re-
turn fairer recommendations, initially evaluating the
existing bias in the system concerning attributes such
as gender and age, and then applying algorithms to
reclassify the results.
Despite the promising results, these works still
suffer from popularity bias since calibration is based
on the items’ metadata (e.g., genres) and does not
Sacilotti, A., Souza, R. and Manzato, M.
Counteracting Popularity-Bias and Improving Diversity Through Calibrated Recommendations.
DOI: 10.5220/0011846000003467
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2023) - Volume 1, pages 709-720
ISBN: 978-989-758-648-4; ISSN: 2184-4992
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
consider the popularity aspect for calibration. Al-
though the literature reports works that calibrate rec-
ommendations considering the popularity bias (Yal-
cin, 2021; Lesota et al., 2021), we argue the neces-
sity of a model-agnostic calibration approach, which
could benefit from a range of high-precision recom-
mendation models available nowadays.
Based on this, we propose a system that works in
a post-processing step and is independent of recom-
mendation algorithms. For this, unlike (da Silva et al.,
2021) and (Steck, 2018), we propose a calibration ap-
proach based on the popularity of items and the pro-
portion of users’ preferences based on this aspect of
popularity. We hypothesize that this calibration pro-
vides fairer recommendations and reduces the popu-
larity bias in collaborative systems. We evaluated the
proposed method using metrics that analyze aspects
of fairness, popularity, precision and quality from an
offline experiment with the MovieLens-20M and Ya-
hoo Movies datasets. The obtained results are promis-
ing when compared to existent state-of-art baselines.
The structure for this paper is as follows. In
Section 2, we present the related work and compare
the existing approaches against our proposal. Sec-
tion 3 details the calibration framework proposed in
this work. Section 4 explains the design of the ex-
periments carried out in the research, and Section 5
presents the results obtained. Finally, in Section 6,
we conclude the work, highlighting the effectiveness
of fairer recommendations and a reduction in the pop-
ularity bias of the proposed system. In addition, we
point out some directions for future work. All source
code and datasets split to reproduce the reported re-
sults are publicly avaliable
Several state-of-the-art works present approaches to
calibrate the recommendation system to bring fairer
recommendations and avoid disfavoring less popu-
lar items. This way, (Kaya and Bridge, 2019) based
their calibration approach on (Steck, 2018)’s work, re-
placing a calibration based on items’ genres with one
based on sub-profiles of users and their interests. This
work differs from ours, as we focus on each user’s in-
terest level by popularity.
(Abdollahpouri et al., 2021) present an approach
that utilizes different levels of user interest in pop-
ularity. In particular, the authors divided users into
three preference groups, which was also adopted in
our work, although we used a different methodology
for calibration. Our system has a genre-based calibra-
tion for when users prefer less popular items so they
get more recommendations that interest them. We
compared the performance of the two systems in our
(Zhu et al., 2020) demonstrate that systems that
adopt Bayesian Personalized Ranking make unfair
recommendations, as they favor items over others.
The work then proposes a calibration model capable
of reducing unfairness; however, as opposed to our
work, item popularity is not considered.
(Beutel et al., 2019) use some metrics to assess
the fairness of recommendation systems and propose
a pairwise regularization approach to improve fair-
ness during the recommendation algorithm training
process. Although the promising results, the work
differs from ours because it is not a post-processing
step and does not analyze the level of user interest
regarding popularity. There are some other calibra-
tion approaches to reduce the impact of biases, such
as the one made by (Wang et al., 2021) to propose a
system that models the causal effect on the user rep-
resentation during item score prediction and that can
work with several recommendation algorithms. In ad-
dition, there are approaches based on optimal solu-
tions for methodologies based on heuristics (Seymen
et al., 2021), but they are out of the scope of this work.
In an approach adopted by (Yalcin and Bilge,
2021) and (Borges and Stefanidis, 2021), the sys-
tem reclassifies the recommended items penalizing
the most popular items, reducing bias and accuracy.
This approach is different from our work, as in our
study we used the popularity aspect to rank items ac-
cording to the user’s preferences.
There is also an approach that adopts Inverse
Propensity Weighting (IPW), where the impact of
popular items is reduced in the training phase through
the analysis of a cause and effect relationship to re-
duce the problem of popularity bias (Wei et al., 2021).
This method is compatible with many models, as is
our proposal, but it is applied in the training phase.
(Boratto et al., 2021) calibrate the system based on
the long tail to measure how the system treats its items
equally in this distribution, proposing a metric to min-
imize the biased correlation between the item and its
popularity. (Zhang et al., 2021) attempt to remove the
bias at the same moment recommendations are gen-
erated, unlike our approach, whose bias removal is
accomplished in a post-processing step. The perfor-
mance of these last three works (Wei et al., 2021) (Bo-
ratto et al., 2021) (Zhang et al., 2021) were compared
against our proposal and detailed in the experiments.
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: Flowchart showing our personalized method highlighting the genre calibration and our popularity calibration steps.
This section formalizes the problem we are dealing
with and the proposed solution. Figure 1 presents the
flowchart adopted in this work’s calibration proposal,
which will be more detailed in this section. In addi-
tion, we provide the Table 1, that contains the notation
used in the following sections.
Problem Statement. Suppose we have a set
of items I = {i
, i
, ..., i
}, a set of users U =
, u
, ..., u
|U |
} and a set of candidate items for each
user CI
= {i
, i
, ..., i
}, where N is the number of
items suggested by the recommender system. We
have two valuable pieces of information to know the
user’s preferences: (1) genres or metadata of items
interacted by user u; and (2) popularity of items inter-
acted by user u. Our task is to exploit users’ prefer-
ences related to popularity and genres to increase the
fairness and accuracy of recommendations and reduce
popularity bias by increasing the long tail coverage of
all users based on CI
generated by any recommenda-
tion model.
Approach. We propose the personalized calibra-
tion approach as shown in Figure 1. In particular,
our approach is divided into two methods: popular-
ity calibration (highlighted in continuous blue line in
Figure 1), which extends the genre calibration previ-
ously proposed by (Steck, 2018) (highlighted in dot-
ted red line in Figure 1); and personalized calibra-
tion (Figure 1 as a whole), which uses genre cali-
bration and popularity calibration in a unified model
to provide recommendations calibrated according to
popularity and genres.
To calibrate the recommendation list based on
the popularity of the items consumed by the user in
the past, we introduce a popularity division to group
items based on how much users access them. In ad-
dition, to provide personalized calibration based on
popularity and genres, we first group users based on
their consumption. In this way, if the user consumes
popular items below an established limit, we perform
a genre calibration; otherwise, we perform a popu-
larity calibration to meet the preference level for this
3.1 Popularity Division
The popularity division, introduced in this paper and
shown in Figure 1, is performed based on the long
tail concept in recommender systems. We propose to
divide this curve into three parts. The Head (H), with
items representing the top 20% of the total of the past
interactions. Then, we get the Tail (T) with items that
sum the less 20% of interactions. Finally, the Mid
(M) group contains items that are neither Head (H)
nor Tail (T). It is worth mentioning that this division
by percentage was chosen based on Pareto’s principle.
3.2 Grouping Users
As shown in Figure 1, our unified model switches be-
tween popularity and genre calibration. To make this
decision, it is required to group users according to
their interests in unpopular/popular items. So, we de-
fined the threshold as the mean of all ratios, which is
a value that can be easily computed on every dataset,
as shown in Equation 1:
where 1(i) is an indicator function that returns 1 if the
item i, interacted by user u, is in the H popularity cat-
egory. Finally, we assume that if the ratio of items in
the category H is lower than G
, then we should
get a recommendation list calibrated by genre; other-
wise, by popularity.
Counteracting Popularity-Bias and Improving Diversity Through Calibrated Recommendations
Table 1: Notations used in this work.
Notation Explanation
U Set of users
I Set of items
u A specific user
i A specific item
Candidate items for user u
Set of items interacted by u
(u, i) Rating user u gave to item i
(u, i) Rank position of i in the recommended list for u
λ Constant used to balance the trade-off between recommendation scores and fairness
t A popularity category
3.3 Popularity Distributions
This section describes how to calculate the distribu-
tion used to calibrate recommendation lists based on
the item’s popularity. In this work, we adapted the
formulation proposed by (Steck, 2018).
His work assumes items can have more than one
genre, which is not valid in our context, where an item
has only a level of popularity. So instead, we calculate
the sums of weights of every popularity type over the
sum of all weights.
The p(t|u) is defined as the target distribution that
was based on the popularity of the items that the user
interacted with in the past. In Equation 2 we used the
weights w
(u, i) as the explicit or implicit rating the
user u gave to the item i:
p(t|u) =
(u, i) · p(t|i)
(u, i)
where p(t|i) is defined as 1 if the item i is in the popu-
larity category t. Then to deal with the recommended
list distribution, Equation 3 defines q(t|u):
q(t|u) =
(u, i) · p(t|i)
(u, i)
In this case, we use the weights w
(u, i) as the rank
position of the item i in the reordered recommended
list to the user u.
3.4 Fairness Measure
In our context, the system is fair when it meets the
popularity proportions expected by the user. There-
fore, if the user consumes fewer popular items than
the established limit, we will perform a genre-based
calibration because, in this case, the user does not
care about the popularity of the items. If the user con-
sumes more popular items than the established limit,
we will calibrate based on popularity, respecting the
user’s level of interest in this aspect. Several metrics
assess fairness in recommender systems (Verma et al.,
2020). However, in our case, we use the Kullback-
Leibler for the same reasons pointed out by (Steck,
2018) and exploited by (da Silva et al., 2021).
The Kullback-Leibler quantifies the inequality in
the interval [0, ], where 0 means both distributions
are almost the same, and higher values indicate unfair-
ness. Also, we adopted the regularization proposed by
(Steck, 2018), which defined the α = 0.01 as a regu-
larization variable to avoid zero division when q(t|u)
goes to zero.
(pkq) =
(1 α) · q(t|u) + α · p(t|u)
Although there are other divergence metrics, like
Hellinger and Person Chi-Square, proposed by (Cha,
2007) and exploited by (da Silva et al., 2021), we use
only the Kullback-Leibler due to its simplicity.
3.5 Calibration
This section explains the final calibration process
shown in Figure 1. We call calibration refereeing as
the process to find the optimal set R
, using the max-
imum marginal relevance, as shown in Equation 5,
where D
is the fairness function. In this formula-
tion, when λ = 0, it focuses only on the recommen-
dation scores, and when λ = 1, we focus on fair items
concerning the user’s profile.
= max
(1 λ) ·
(u, i) λ · D
(p, q(CI
It is worth mentioning that such formulation
is similar to the calibration approach proposed by
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
(Steck, 2018). Consequently, although we focus on
popularity in this work, it is possible to adopt a greedy
approach to solve Equation 5, whose details can be
found in (Steck, 2018).
This section describes the steps to reproduce our com-
parisons, including dataset pre-processing, baseline
parameters, training, and evaluation methodology.
4.1 Datasets
In this study, we used two datasets from the movies
Yahoo Movies
: This dataset is a user-movie rat-
ing, where the user gives a rating from one to five
to the movies they watched. In the pre-processing
step, we only removed movies with no genres in the
metadata. Instead of binarizing the rating as done by
(Steck, 2018), we used the explicit feedback as the
weight w
(u, i) in Equation 2.
: In this dataset, similarly to
(Steck, 2018) and unlike the Yahoo Movies dataset,
we binarized the ratings by keeping interactions
whose rating was above 4. Also, due to hardware
limitations, we reduced the dataset’s size by remov-
ing movies with less than ten interactions and users
with less than 190 movies.
Table 2 summarizes important statistics about the
processed datasets. For reproducibility, we provided
the train-test split and folds used in our experiments
Table 2: Statistics of the datasets after all pre-processing
Dataset # Users # Ratings # Items
Yahoo Movies 7,642 221,367 10,825
MovieLens 20M 11,530 3,786,788 10,347
4.2 Metrics
In our experiments, we evaluated the effects of dif-
ferent calibrations in terms of precision, fairness, and
popularity bias, as detailed next:
1. Precision and Quality: In these topics, we used
the Mean Reciprocal Rank (MRR) and Mean Av-
erage Precision (MAP) metrics to measure the
rank quality of the item in the re-ranked list. MAP
and MRR range in the interval [0, 1] where higher
is better.
2. Fairness: In the fairness topic, we used a metric
proposed by (da Silva et al., 2021), called Mean
Rank Miscalibration (MRMC), which covers the
interval [0, 1], where lower is better. Initially, it
was used to compute the fairness in genres on the
recommendation list, but we also used it to calcu-
late the popularity miscalibration in our work.
3. Popularity Bias: We used the metrics long-tail
coverage (LTC) (Abdollahpouri et al., 2018) and
group average popularity (GAP) (Abdollahpouri
et al., 2019b) to measure popularity bias. The
LTC metric indicates the fraction of items that
users see in the recommendation lists and varies
in the interval [0, 1], where 0 means all recom-
mended items are the most popular and 1 means
all items recommended to a user are in the less
popular categories. Thus, the closer to 1, the
more diverse content will be recommended (Ab-
dollahpouri et al., 2018). The GAP ranges in
the interval [1, ], where negative values mean
recommendations are less popular than expected
by the users’ preferences, and positive values
mean recommendations are more popular than ex-
pected. We also adopted three divisions of user
groups, based on (Abdollahpouri et al., 2019b)
for the GAP: BlockBuster (BB) whose users’
consumption is at least 50% of the most popular
items, Niche (N) where users’ consumption is at
least 50% of the lowest popularity items and Di-
verse (D) whose users’ preferences diverge from
the other two groups.
4.3 Experiments
We executed three times the calibration process in
the experiments involving the MovieLens and Yahoo
Movies datasets. We got the mean of the values out-
putted by the metrics to guarantee the stability of the
results. Also, the train and test sets were chosen by
randomly splitting the dataset in 70/30% of interac-
tions, respectively (Abdollahpouri et al., 2019a; da
Silva et al., 2021).
The process of calibration does not depend on the
recommender system algorithm. It acts as a post-
processing step where, after the model predicts the
candidate items for a user, we apply the calibration
technique described in Equation 5 to find the best
list of items for that user. Consequently, to under-
stand how the calibration approaches perform un-
der different recommender algorithms, we used three
Counteracting Popularity-Bias and Improving Diversity Through Calibrated Recommendations
well-known models described below, based on (Steck,
2018) and (da Silva et al., 2021) works. For some
models, we used the implementation provided by
(Hug, 2020).
1. SVD++: Singular Value Decomposition exten-
sion (Koren, 2008) to work with implicit feed-
back. Similarly to (da Silva et al., 2021), we used
ne = 20 as the number of epochs, γ
= γ
= 0.005
as the learning rate for users and items, λ
= λ
0.02 as regularization constants, and f = 20 fac-
2. NMF: Non-negative Matrix Factorization pro-
posed by (Luo et al., 2014). Similarly to (da Silva
et al., 2021), we used ne = 50, γ
= γ
= 0.005,
= λ
= 0.06 and f = 15.
3. VAE: Variational Autoencoder for Collaborative
Filtering, proposed by (Liang et al., 2018). We
used Multi-VAE with annealing and optimized the
best β parameter for each dataset with 400 epochs
of training. We used the implementation made by
The experiment for each recommender system
consists of using the training data to feed the model
to learn the user’s preferences based on items inter-
acted in the past, represented as I
. After the training
step, we predict all missing ratings, and for every user,
we select the top 100 items with the highest predicted
rating, represented as CI
. We use the weight w
(u, i)
as the rating the algorithm predicted for the candidate
item. Finally, the final recommendation list R
is cre-
ated with the top 10 items given by the calibration
We analyzed three types of calibration. First is the
genre calibration, proposed by (Steck, 2018). Then,
regarding our proposal, we separately analyze the per-
formance of popularity calibration and personal-
ized calibration. Both calibrations were described
in Section 3.
For the trade-off between similarity and fair-
ness metrics, in Equation 5, we adopted the val-
ues described by (Steck, 2018), ranging from λ
[0, 0.1, 0.2, . . . , 1]. Our evaluation consists of three
recommenders, four types of calibration, and eleven
trade-off weights, resulting in 3 × 11 × 4 = 132 com-
binations of the recommendation list to be evaluated
for each dataset.
4.4 Baselines
To compare the efficiency of our proposed method re-
garding the popularity bias, we selected four state-of-
02 model collaborative filtering/multi vae deep dive.ipynb
the-art methods specialized in popularity debiasing.
To a fair comparison, we applied the same train-test
split methodology and result stability to calibration
1. PairWise: Proposed by (Boratto et al., 2021), this
method acts as an in-processing step for popu-
larity debiasing. For the Yahoo Movies dataset,
we applied epoch = 100, batch = 1024, and we
chose the best α ranging in the interval [0, 1]. For
the MovieLens dataset, we used batch = 2048 and
epoch = 20. We followed the authors’ implemen-
and obeyed all instructions.
2. MF MACR: Proposed by (Wei et al., 2021), this
method acts as a post-processing step for popular-
ity debiasing. For the Yahoo Movies dataset, we
chose the fine-tuned parameters as epoch = 100,
batch = 1024, lr = 0.01, reg = 0.01, al pha =
0.001, beta = 0.001 and c = 20. For the Movie-
lens 20M dataset, we used batch = 2048. We fol-
lowed the authors’ implementation
and obeyed
all instructions.
3. PDA: Proposed by (Zhang et al., 2021), this
method implements a new training and inference
paradigm via causal intervention for popularity
debiasing. For both datasets we used epoch =
2000, batch = 2048, lr = 0.01, reg = 0.01 and
= 0.16. We followed the authors’ imple-
and obeyed all instructions.
4. CP: Proposed by (Abdollahpouri et al., 2021),
this method implements a calibration technique
for popularity, similar to our proposed popularity
calibration, but using the Jensen-Shannon diver-
gence metric for comparing the profile and recom-
mendation distributions. We followed the authors’
method for both datasets to split the popularity
into groups and exploited the parameter λ [0, 1].
This method is compared against our proposals
using the same set of three recommender algo-
rithms (SVD++, NMF and VAE).
4.5 Statistical Analysis
Comparing the three types of calibration (genre, pop-
ularity, personalized) resulted in 33 combinations for
each metric and each experiment. Based on this, we
chose to evaluate the statistical significance with the
Wilcoxon test, as we are comparing the difference be-
tween two dependent samples that vary in terms of the
same trade-off (λ = [0, 0.1, ··· , 1]).
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 2: MRR results over the selected recommenders and three types of calibration on the Yahoo Movies dataset. The
results are statistically significant (p-value < 0.01).
Figure 3: MRMC of genres results over the selected recommenders and three types of calibration on the Yahoo Movies
However, in comparing the baselines with the per-
sonalized calibration, we have 3 combinations of re-
sults for each metric in each experiment. In addition,
we are dealing with independent samples as we are
testing the models with the trade-off parameters that
resulted in the best results. Consequently, we adopted
the Student’s t-test, which can also give more statisti-
cal power in extremely small samples (2 n 5) as
studied by (de Winter, 2013), giving more confidence
to the statistical significance.
This section presents the results of our experiments
for both datasets: Yahoo Movies and MovieLens
For both datasets, we present the results for Mean
Reciprocal Rank, Genre Mean Rank Miscalibration,
Popularity Mean Rank Miscalibration, Long Tail
Coverage, and a comparison against the baselines.
It is worth mentioning that the comparisons under a
varying number of trade-off values are accomplished
only with our proposals (Popularity Calibration and
Personalized Calibration), genre calibration and CP
(Abdollahpouri et al., 2021). For the comparison
against the other baselines, these models were set us-
ing the trade-off value that achieved the highest LTC
5.1 Yahoo Movies
5.1.1 Mean Reciprocal Rank
Figure 2 shows the results of MRR on the Yahoo
Movies dataset. We observe that for the three rec-
ommenders, at least one of our proposed methods
overcomes the CP method. We also notice that with
an increase in the trade-off (λ parameter in Equation
5), the MRR tends to achieve higher values than the
MRR obtained in a recommendation list without any
calibration (λ = 0). In particular, the SVD++ model
performed best when compared with other recom-
menders. Indeed, it benefited most from the calibra-
tion approaches, particularly our two calibration tech-
niques based on popularity.
5.1.2 Genre Mean Rank Miscalibration
Figure 3 shows the result of MRMC related to genres
on the Yahoo Movies dataset. Notably, when λ 0.1,
all methods increased the fairness related to genres,
whereas calibration by genre solely performed the
best as it was initially designed to provide fairness ac-
cording to the genres.
5.1.3 Popularity Mean Rank Miscalibration
Figure 4 shows the results of MRMC related to pop-
ularity on the Yahoo Movies dataset. Our proposed
method, Popularity Calibration, outperformed fair-
Counteracting Popularity-Bias and Improving Diversity Through Calibrated Recommendations
Figure 4: MRMC of popularity results over the selected recommenders and three types of calibration on the Yahoo Movies
dataset. The results are statistically significant (p-value < 0.01).
Figure 5: LTC results over the selected recommenders and four types of calibration on the Yahoo Movies dataset. The results
are not statistically significant.
ness associated with popularity in all recommenders,
including the CP (Abdollahpouri et al., 2021) calibra-
tion method.
5.1.4 Long Tail Coverage
Figure 5 shows the result of LTC on the Yahoo
Movies dataset. We observed that genre and personal-
ized calibrations were the best performers in increas-
ing the discovery of less popular items in all recom-
menders. It demonstrates that, although we achieved
better results on MRR, as shown in Figure 2, our per-
sonalized calibration was still able to provide diver-
sity by covering the long tail as much as genre cali-
bration. In turn, although it achieved better results on
MRR, popularity calibration performed worse on the
long tail coverage, as it does not consider the genres
for calibrating the recommendation list.
5.1.5 Baselines Comparison
Table 3 compares our proposed Personalized Calibra-
tion method against the four popular debiasing meth-
ods described in Subsection 4.4. An important aspect
is the ability of our approach to be used with any rec-
ommender model, depending on application require-
ments. NMF and SVD++ associated with our cali-
bration method achieved the best results in LTC and
MRMC of Genres and Popularity, respectively, indi-
cating better diversity and fairness.
As explained in Section 4.2, the GAP metric in-
dicates how much the recommendation average pop-
ularity increases or decreases based on the users’ pro-
file. So, when GAP = 0, the system balances the
items’ popularity and the user profile. Still, when
GAP > 0, it indicates the system is recommending
more popular movies than expected, in other words,
increasing the popularity bias in the system.
Analyzing the GAP for the BlockBuster (BB)
and Diverse (D) groups, we note that PDA is the only
one that recommended more popular items than ex-
pected (popularity bias). On the other hand, the other
methods, including ours, recommended less popular
movies. For users who like unpopular items (the
Niche (N) group), PDA and PairWise recommended
too many popular items, whereas the other methods,
including ours, suggested less popular items to these
Regarding MAP and MRR, we acknowledge the
better results of PairWise and PDA against all our
combinations. However, these methods were respon-
sible to recommend the most biased and unfair pop-
ular items, in particular for the Niche group of users.
Our methods, on the other hand, were capable to rec-
ommend items calibrated by popularity and genres,
resulting in fairer suggestions.
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 3: Comparison of our proposed Personalized Calibration against baselines in the Yahoo Movies dataset. The results
of comparing our proposed methods with other methods are statistically significant. (LTC: p-value < 0.01; MRMC Genre:
p-value < 0.01; GAPBB: p-value < 0.01; GAPN: p-value < 0.05; GAPD: p-value < 0.01).
Algorithm MAP MRR MRMC Genre MRMC Pop. LTC GAP
MF MACR (Wei et al., 2021) 0.01 0.02 0.35 0.40 0.13 -0.93 -0.57 -0.86
PairWise (Boratto et al., 2021) 0.04 0.09 0.50 0.33 0.14 -0.66 1.33 -0.36
PDA (Zhang et al., 2021) 0.16 0.35 0.43 0.29 0.12 0.09 2.7 1.13
SVD++ + CP (λ = 0.9) (Abdollahpouri et al., 2021) 0.016 0.042 0.48 0.22 0.05 -0.768 -0.174 -0.546
NMF + CP (λ = 0.1) (Abdollahpouri et al., 2021) 0.004 0.011 0.51 0.31 0.21 -0.937 -0.708 -0.860
VAE + CP (λ = 0.2) (Abdollahpouri et al., 2021) 0.001 0.001 0.48 0.46 0.10 -0.988 -0.863 -0.972
SVD++ + Personalized (λ = 0.8) 0.028 0.073 0.26 0.19 0.06 -0.749 -0.188 -0.611
NMF + Personalized (λ = 0.8) 0.006 0.018 0.31 0.38 0.27 -0.927 -0.718 -0.899
VAE + Personalized (λ = 1) 0.001 0.003 0.30 0.35 0.11 -0.956 -0.803 -0.941
Figure 6: MRR results over the selected recommenders and three types of calibration on the MovieLens 20M dataset. The
results are statistically significant (p-value < 0.01).
5.2 MovieLens 20M
5.2.1 Mean Reciprocal Rank
Figure 6 shows the comparison of MRR. Our method
achieves a lower but competitive MRR increase ac-
cording to the trade-off values. This behavior was
expected, as our methods propose increasing fairness
and reducing popularity bias.
5.2.2 Genre Mean Rank Miscalibration
Figure 7 shows the comparison of MRMC related to
genres. Our methods could not achieve the best values
compared to genre calibration. However, they were
still able to increase fairness in genres compared to
the CP method.
5.2.3 Popularity Mean Rank Miscalibration
Figure 8 shows the MRMC results related to popular-
ity. Our proposed methods increased the popularity
fairness in NMF and VAE, whereas CP achieved the
best fairness with the SVD++ model.
5.2.4 Long Tail Coverage
Figure 9 shows the results of LTC on the MovieLens
20M dataset. It is possible to note a significant in-
crease of SVD++ associated with Personalized Cali-
bration compared to genre calibration. For the other
models, there was no statistical significance. Simi-
lar to what occurred in the Yahoo Movies dataset for
this metric, although we obtained very similar results
as the genre calibration, we notice our method also
achieved the best results in MRR, counteracting the
inverse relationship between diversity and precision
(Landin et al., 2018).
5.2.5 Baselines Comparison
Table 4 compares our proposed Personalized Cali-
bration method against the four state-of-the-art pop-
ularity debiasing methods described in Subsection
4.4. SVD++ and NMF associated with our calibration
method achieved the best results in MRMC of Gen-
res and Popularity, indicating better fairness of gen-
res and popularity; SVD++, in particular, obtained the
highest LTC, indicating better discovery of unpopular
items. Regarding MAP and MRR, PDA achieved the
best results than competitors, but at the cost of sug-
gesting popular items regardless of the users’ prefer-
Analyzing the GAP, NMF+CP (Abdollahpouri
et al., 2021) and the proposed NMF+Personalized
were the combinations that provided the fairest
recommendations according to each group of user
Counteracting Popularity-Bias and Improving Diversity Through Calibrated Recommendations
Figure 7: MRMC of genres results over the selected recommenders and three types of calibration on the MovieLens 20M
Figure 8: MRMC of popularity results over the selected recommenders and three types of calibration on the MovieLens 20M
dataset. The results are statistically significant (p-value <0.01).
Figure 9: LTC results over the selected recommenders and three types of calibration on the MovieLens 20M dataset. The
results are not statistically significant.
Table 4: Comparison of our proposed method with baseline methods in MovieLens 20M dataset. The results comparing our
proposed methods with other methods are statistically significant. (LTC: p-value < 0.10; GAPBB: p-value < 0.01; GAPN:
p-value < 0.05; GAPD: p-value < 0.01), except comparing with MF MACR where the LTC result is not significant.
Algorithm MAP MRR MRMC Genre MRMC Pop. LTC GAP
MF MACR (Wei et al., 2021) 0.01 0.02 0.35 0.40 0.13 -0.930 -0.570 -0.860
PairWise (Boratto et al., 2021) 0.04 0.09 0.50 0.33 0.14 -0.660 1.330 -0.360
PDA (Zhang et al., 2021) 0.16 0.35 0.43 0.29 0.12 0.090 2.700 1.130
SVD++ + CP (λ = 0.9) (Abdollahpouri et al., 2021) 0.001 0.002 0.56 0.68 0.35 -0.991 -0.976 -0.987
NMF + CP (λ = 0.1) (Abdollahpouri et al., 2021) 0.084 0.213 0.51 0.11 0.01 -0.136 0.145 -0.118
VAE + CP (λ = 1) (Abdollahpouri et al., 2021) 0.072 0.181 0.58 0.13 0.20 0.425 0.401 0.587
SVD++ + Personalized (λ = 0.9) 0.001 0.002 0.41 0.69 0.42 -0.992 -0.970 -0.985
NMF + Personalized (λ = 0.9) 0.077 0.195 0.35 0.11 0.01 -0.171 0.238 -0.212
VAE + Personalized (λ = 0.1) 0.079 0.196 0.47 0.35 0.14 0.850 1.553 1.386
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
(GAP close to zero). However, although NMF+CP
was able to achieve higher MAP and MRR than our
proposal, we obtained higher MRMC Genre, indicat-
ing that our method can provide genre and popularity
calibration at the same time
In this paper, we proposed a personalized calibra-
tion technique, which uses popularity and genre cali-
brations in a switch-based approach to provide fairer
recommendations to users according to their inter-
ests. Our main contribution is the possibility to
calibrate recommendations generated by any recom-
mender model, whose choice could be according to
application requirements.
We showed that the calibration of items based on
the popularity aspect is a way to improve a recom-
mendation system to bring fairer recommendations to
users to meet their preferences and reduce the impact
of popularity bias in the system. We presented a cal-
ibration approach that works in the post-processing
step and is independent of any recommendation algo-
Our experiments showed that our proposal could
reduce the popularity bias, recommending less popu-
lar items by covering the long tail and consequently
increasing diversity and fairness related to genres
and popularity in recommendations. Although we
achieved better results in precision against genre cal-
ibration, other methods provided more accurate rec-
ommendations, but at the cost of higher popularity
In future work, we plan to analyze the effect of
our calibration with other recommendation models,
particularly considering the aspects of precision and
popularity bias. We will also conduct online experi-
ments to verify the performance of the proposed cal-
ibration system with real users. In addition, we plan
to evaluate our approaches with other metadata and
different contexts.
The authors would like to thank the financial support
from FAPESP, process number 2022/07016-9.
In this comparison, we selected the λ 6= 0 with the
highest LTC value.
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