An Online Collaborative Biology Simulation Used by Ukrainian
Students During the 2022 Russian Invasion
Leo A. Siiman
1 a
and Yelyzaveta Halchevska
Institute of Education, University of Tartu, Jakobi 5, 51005 Tartu, Estonia
STEAMLabs, 62 Alhambra Avenue, Toronto, ON, M6R 2S6, Canada
Keywords: Distance Learning, Collaboration, Interdependence, Digital Competence, Russo-Ukrainian War.
Abstract: Although the Covid-19 pandemic disrupted learning for students worldwide, the 2022 Russian invasion of
Ukraine has more severely impacted education for Ukrainian students. This study was conducted in the
context of an educational technology master's thesis (Halchevska, 2022) at the University of Tartu, Estonia.
A master’s student with Ukrainian background contacted a biology teacher in Ukraine and offered to help
teach an online collaborative lesson about genetics and the laws of inheritance. The lesson involved using an
innovative computer simulation called the Collaborative Rabbit Genetics Lab. The learning materials were
translated into Ukrainian. A quasi-experimental research design compared whether prior experience working
with a collaborative seesaw simulation would influence outcomes later with the biology-related collaborative
simulation. Data from two classes of 9th-grade students were collected using questionnaire items related to
the perception of interdependence, an open-ended question about collaboration, and a focus group interview.
The results indicate that prior practice with a collaborative simulation somewhat enhanced perceived
collaboration the next time students worked with a similar type of interdependent task but did not affect task
performance. The findings suggest that more guidance is needed to support learners in online collaboration
when they solve interdependent tasks.
A major concern of teachers during the Covid-19
pandemic and the resulting lockdown of schools was
maintaining social contact with students during a time
of mandatory physical distancing (König et al., 2020).
Even when teachers began to use video conferencing
platforms for online lessons, many science teachers
reported that engaging students in collaborative
learning activities was a serious challenge (Rannastu-
Avalos and Siiman, 2020). It has been argued that
successful online learning requires establishing and
maintaining a condition of social presence, that is, the
ability of learners to project themselves socially and
affectively into a community (Garrison et al., 2000).
The Covid-19 pandemic experience suggests that, in
general, school teachers require more guidance and
support to promote online social interaction
The Covid-19 pandemic began in March 2020 and
led to worldwide quarantine and physical distancing
measures. Thanks to the success of mass vaccination
programmes, travel restrictions have been lifted in
most countries. However, on the morning of 24
February 2022, another event captured worldwide
attention. On that day the Russian Federation invaded
its neighbour Ukraine. Immediately, all educational
institutions were closed in Ukraine, but slowly began
to reopen online in mid-March for secondary school
students and in April for university students (Lavrysh
et al., 2022). By that time, millions of Ukrainian
refugees, mostly women and children, had left the
country in what has become the largest refugee crisis
of the 21st century (UNHCR, 2022).
Many European countries have shown an
extraordinary outpouring of support for the Ukrainian
people. Since the Russian invasion, the Ukrainian
government has been looking for and supporting
initiatives for the digitalisation of education
(Zinchenko et al., 2022). The government of Estonia
has successfully developed many digital solutions for
public services and recently signed a cooperation
Siiman, L. and Halchevska, Y.
An Online Collaborative Biology Simulation Used by Ukrainian Students During the 2022 Russian Invasion.
DOI: 10.5220/0011847300003470
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2023) - Volume 2, pages 503-510
ISBN: 978-989-758-641-5; ISSN: 2184-5026
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
agreement with Ukraine to promote a vision of digital
transformation focusing on cybersecurity and e-
governance (Ministry of Economic Affairs and
Communications, 2022). Universities in Estonia have
been active in promoting the digitalisation of
education. The University of Tartu has offered since
2017 a mostly online master’s degree programme in
educational technology taught in English
. A few
Ukrainians have completed it and in 2022 one
Ukrainian student in the programme, the second
author (Y.H.), chose as her thesis topic collaboration
with educational technologies under the supervision
of the first author (L.A.S). After the Russian invasion
of Ukraine, she decided to plan an online activity with
Ukrainian school-age students.
Supporting online collaboration requires learning
activities that prompt various collaborative
behaviours in students and monitoring their
behaviour to provide feedback when necessary. The
Programme for International Student Assessment
(PISA) developed three general competencies to
categorise collaborative behaviours expected of
school-age students for the 2015 large-scale
assessment of students’ collaborative problem-
solving skills. The three collaborative problem-
solving competencies are (OECD, 2017):
Establishing and maintaining shared
understanding (e.g., discovering the unique
knowledge and perspectives of group
Taking action to solve the problem (e.g.,
identifying and describing subtasks);
Keeping the team organised (e.g., describing
roles and providing feedback on member
The PISA assessment used different types of
collaborative problem-solving tasks to prompt
collaborative behaviours, one of which was the
jigsaw or hidden-profile task. In this type of task, each
group member is given different information, and
success with the task depends on pooling together
each member’s unique information (Aronson et al.,
1978; Stasser and Titus, 1985). No single individual
can solve this type of task on his or her own because
each collaborator has a unique and necessary part of
the information, and like solving a jigsaw puzzle,
must put the parts together before a solution is found
(i.e., seeing the bigger picture of the puzzle).
Another assessment of students’ collaborative
problem-solving skills was developed by the
Assessment and Teaching of 21st Century Skills
(ATC21S) project (Griffin and Care, 2015). The tasks
developed by ATC21S also required establishing a
condition of interdependence in which no student
could solve the problem alone. The tasks were created
for use online and involved two students working
remotely on separate computers while controlling
different aspects of a shared simulation. The students
could communicate with each other using a chat
messenger app. For example, one task involved a
simulation of a beam balance in which functionality
to place masses on the balance was divided between
the two students: i.e., one student could place masses
only on the left side and the other student only on the
right side of the balance. To explore different
combinations of masses that would still keep the
beam balanced, the two students had to work together
and coordinate their actions.
Based on the ATC21S task design to create
simulations where different collaborators have
differing control over a shared simulation, Siiman et
al. (2020) developed so-called asymmetric
simulations to support collaborative scientific
inquiry. These collaborative simulations were
designed for learning various science topics
(photosynthesis, force and balance, electric circuits,
genetics and laws of inheritance). They are also freely
available on the internet
, can be integrated into an
online digital lesson using the Go-Lab Platform
, and
translatable into different languages. The second
author decided that the Collaborative Rabbit Genetics
would be a suitable collaborative simulation to
use after contacting a Ukrainian biology teacher. The
teacher mentioned that the students had learnt this
topic, but it would be good to review it in a new and
collaborative manner. Prior research with asymmetric
simulations has suggested that it is challenging for
students the first time they encounter strongly
interdependent tasks (Rannastu et al., 2019). Thus,
the current study aimed to investigate whether
practice with a collaborative simulation task about
balancing a seesaw would influence outcomes on the
later task about rabbit genetics and the laws of
inheritance. We hypothesised that prior experience
solving an interdependent task with collaborative
simulations would benefit students later when they
collaborated again on a similar task but in a different
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Students aged 14 to 15 from two 9th-grade biology
classes at a public school in Dnipro, Ukraine
participated in this study. The class sizes were 21
(Class 1) and 28 (Class 2), but due to the ongoing war
in Ukraine, only 19 students fully participated. They
were either in Dnipro or on the outskirts and close to
the city. In case of an air raid siren in the city, the
lesson would have to stop immediately, but
fortunately for the three sessions in this study, no air
sirens rang. A quasi-experimental design was applied,
and Class 1 was assigned to the condition of gaining
prior experience with an interdependent simulation
before completing the main task. The sessions with
the students were held online using the Zoom video
conferencing software and led by the educational
technology master’s student (author Y.H.) in mid-
April 2022. Each intervention lasted 40 minutes.
Students in both classes were randomly assigned to
work in pairs. One group in Class 2 worked as a group
of three.
2.1 Materials
2.1.1 Asymmetric Collaborative Simulations
Two asymmetric collaborative simulations were used
in this study. The main simulation, the Collaborative
Rabbit Genetics Lab (see Figure 1), involves a
simulation where in version A, a student can select
black rabbits to be placed in the Parents area for
breeding offspring. In Version B, a student has
similar functionality over white rabbits. The
simulation reacts in real-time simultaneously to
changes made by either student as long as the room
number which students entered to join the simulation
is the same. Initially, both black and white rabbits
have a homozygous trait for fur colour. However, if
the two students collaborate, it is possible to discover
that two black rabbits can produce a white offspring.
To do so, it is necessary to generate a second
generation of black rabbits bred with white rabbits so
that the offspring will have a heterozygous trait for
Figure 1: Screenshots of the Collaborative Rabbit Genetics Lab: Version A (Top row) and Version B (Bottom row). The
sequence of images from left to right show potential actions students might take in the simulation.
An Online Collaborative Biology Simulation Used by Ukrainian Students During the 2022 Russian Invasion
Figure 2: Screenshots of the Collaborative Seesaw Lab:
Version A (Top) and Version B (Bottom). It was used with
the group of students (Class 1) who received prior
experience using a collaborative simulation before working
with the rabbit genetics simulation.
fur colour. Then each student saves one of these black
offspring into a box provided in the simulation.
Finally, when the students reset the simulation so that
new parents can be selected, they select the two
heterozygous black rabbits they saved and discover
that some offspring may now be white in colour.
Besides the main collaborative simulation, we
used the Collaborative Seesaw Lab (see Figure 2)
with Class 1 to provide them with prior experience
solving an online interdependent task. This
simulation involves a seesaw where users can place
masses only on the left side (Version A) or only on
the right side (Version B) of the seesaw. Students do
not see the masses or positions of masses on the
opposite side. They can only see whether the seesaw
is tilted or balanced. A box provided in the simulation
allows the students to share masses back and forth
with each other. Initially, all of the masses are
provided in Version A of the simulation.
2.1.2 The Go-Lab Learning Environment
To collect data and easily translate the learning
materials into Ukrainian, we used the Go-Lab
learning environment (T. De Jong, Soteriou, and
Gillet, 2014). In Go-Lab (, we
could embed the simulations and collect responses
from students to the task questions. Figure 3 shows
how the collaborative rabbit genetics task appeared in
the Go-Lab learning environment.
Figure 3: Screenshot of version B of the collaborative rabbit genetics activity after translation into Ukrainian as it appeared
in the Go-Lab learning environment on a desktop or laptop computer screen. Note the chat messenger to the right.
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
In the main task involving rabbit genetics, we asked
three questions:
Q1. Name all the dependent (Version A) /
independent (Version B) variables in this
computer simulation.
Q2. In this computer simulation, it is possible for
black rabbits to give birth to a white offspring.
Discover how to do this and then explain how.
Q3. Explain what characteristics two white
(Version A) / black (Version B) rabbits in this
simulation should have so that there is an equal
probability (50%) of giving birth to an
offspring with floppy ears or an offspring with
straight ears.
The first question was scored correct if students
identified fur colour of the offspring as the dependent
variable and parent fur colour or genotype as the
dependent variable. The second question was scored
correct if students discovered that the parents they
have initial access to have dominant (genotype = AA)
or recessive (genotype = aa) fur colour traits, whereas
it is necessary to mate two heterozygous black rabbits
(genotype = Aa) in order to have the possibility of
having a white offspring. The third question was
scored correct if the students identified that mating a
rabbit with recessive genotype for ear shape
(genotype = bb) and a heterozygous rabbit (genotype
= Bb) would result in a probability of about 50% for
the offspring to have straight ears.
For the seesaw task, which was meant to be
practice for the students in Class 1 to get familiar with
a jigsaw or hidden-profile type of task, we asked only
one question:
Can the seesaw be balanced using a total of 3
objects (Version A) / 2 objects (Version B) on
the seesaw? If so, then describe exactly how.
Note that questions were not always the same for both
students. This was done deliberately so that students
would have to clearly communicate what the goals of
their collaboration should be.
The way students could communicate in Go-Lab
was via a chat messenger app and the sending of text
messages. This mode of communication follows the
example of collaborative problem-solving tasks
designed by ATC21S. It has the advantage of
presenting a history of everything that has been
written. However, it is usually slower than oral
communication and lacks the subtle opportunities to
convey emotions using non-verbal signals.
2.2 Measures
Both task performance and collaboration were
assessed in this study. The main task involving rabbit
genetics consisted of the three questions mentioned
above that could be objectively graded. To measure
students’ collaboration, several indicators were used.
Table 1 shows five survey items related to
interdependence that were asked of students after they
had completed the rabbit genetics task. The
collaborative simulation was designed to instil a
condition of interdependence between the two
students and therefore perception of interdependence
was judged to be important for this collaborative
Table 1: Survey items.
Statement or question
My partner was dependent on me for
information and advice.
I was dependent on my partner for information
and advice.
We agreed on what we wanted to achieve.
When my partner succeeded, this had a positive
impact on me.
What do you think is most important for
successful collaboration?
Note. Items Q1 to Q4 were responded to on a Likert scale with
the options: 1 = Strongly disagree, 2 = Disagree, 3 = Neutral, 4
= Agree, 5 = Strongly agree. Items 5 was open-ended question.
Two items measuring perceived task
interdependence (Q1 & Q2) and two items measuring
outcome interdependence (Q3 & Q4) were adapted
from the the Team Learning Beliefs & Behaviors
Questionnaire (Van den Bossche et al., 2006). An
open-ended question (Q5) was used as the fifth
survey item to allow students to answer in their own
words what is most important for successful
A focus group interview with each class
separately was also used to gather data about the
intervention. It was guided by the question: “What
did you learn from this collaborative experience?”.
Table 2 presents the performance results of the
collaborative rabbit genetics task for both classes.
This performance score is the result of grading the
three questions for this task (e.g., Q1. Identify the
dependent/independent variables in this simulation).
As can be seen, both classes performed poorly
answering the task questions, with responses to the
third question barely receiving any credit.
An Online Collaborative Biology Simulation Used by Ukrainian Students During the 2022 Russian Invasion
Table 2: Average performance scores (in percentage) for
the three questions on the collaborative rabbit genetics task.
Class 1 (n=10)
Class 2 (n=9)
The post-task focus group interview offers
possible reasons for the poor task performance. A
lack of time to solve all three questions was expressed
by students in both classes. But perhaps more
importantly, the inconvenience of communicating
continuously with a chat messenger app may have
slowed down progress. In the interview, one student
said, “I was using Telegram because it is more
comfortable for me to focus on the task.” Then
another student said “I also used Telegram because
me and my partner were using voice messages to save
some time. Well, it is faster to say something rather
than type it.” Telegram is a social media app for
instant messaging, voice, and video messaging that is
popular in Ukraine. A third student summed up the
general opinion by saying, “If we had a chance to
speak to each other it would save us time.” The
additional time needed to communicate with a chat
messenger may explain why many students did not
perform well on the third task question. In addition to
a lack of time, students commented that the task was
challenging: “It took some time to try it out, to try to
move the rabbits around to listen to [the]
explanation of the lesson and to register it was
challenging, “the task with rabbits is more
complicated than the seesaw one.
Table 3 shows means and standard deviation
values from the survey items measuring perceived
interdependence. Compared to Class 2, the students
in Class 1 reported higher perceived interdependence
on all four of the items, but only item Q1 was found
to be statistically significant.
The generally positive responses towards
perception of interdependence with the collaborative
rabbit genetics task was echoed in the focus group
interview. Students said, “I learned how to work in
Table 3: Mean and standard deviation values (in
parentheses) for survey items Q1 to Q4.
Class 1 (n=10)
Class 2 (n=9)
3.8 (0.8)
2.7 (1.3)
3.9 (1.1)
3.1 (1.4)
3.9 (0.9)
3.3 (1.7)
4.4 (0.7)
3.9 (0.8)
p < .05. Two-sample independent t-test.
Table 4 shows student responses to the survey
question Q5: “What do you think is most important
for successful collaboration?”. The responses to item
Q5 show that many students perceive successful
collaboration to be the result of effective
communication and understanding. The collaborative
rabbit genetics task certainly presented them with a
type of problem where effective communication was
essential for success. According to the three
dimensions unique to collaborative problem-solving
in the PISA framework, effective communication as
expressed by the students could be best categorised
under the dimension Establishing and maintaining
shared understanding. The PISA dimension Taking
action to solve the problem was expressed by students
Table 4: Responses by students to survey item Q5: “What
do you think is most important for successful
Class 1 (n=10)
Class 2 (n=9)
A friendly way of talk,
and to be a good
listener, and to
understand the question
we work on.
Quickly find
solutions to
questions, the ability
to hear different
points of view.
Both people need to
listen, understand the
topic and look for the
answers quickly.
They listen to each
other and
understand why they
want from us.
We need to save time in
order to finish the
cooperation quickly.
Friendship forever
like in fairy tales,
team spirit.
To communicate with
each other and respect
each other.
Ability to listen,
understand and
To communicate and
keep the friendly way of
Team spirit and
willingness to work.
To communicate in a
way so that we save
The ability to
negotiate quickly.
Friendly way of talk and
quick respond.
An easy transfer of
To discuss and
To listen to my partner.
Understanding quickly.
in statements like “Quickly find solutions to
questions”, “look for the answers quickly”. The third
dimension, Keeping the team organised, was
expressed by students in the sense of acting friendly.
They said, “keep the friendly way of talk”,
“friendship”, “team spirit”. Thus, all three
dimensions were partly expressed by students in their
short answer responses to what they think is most
important for successful collaboration.
Looking again at the task assignment, we realise
that guidance for certain parts would have alleviated
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
the time pressure students felt. Lazonder and
Harmsen (2016), in a comprehensive meta-analysis,
found that guidance is pivotal to successful inquiry-
based learning. For the first question on the
collaborative rabbit genetics task, we could have
prompted students with text such as Make sure to
work collaboratively since your collaborator may
have information in their simulation that you are
missing. Students do not expect to have missing or
different information on collaborative tasks. In fact,
during the interview, one student said, “We were
surprised when our questions for the [task] were
different … usually it happens when there’s a typo, so
we tell this to our teachers. But I understand now that
it is meant to be like that.” When under time
constraints, then providing guidance for students to
quickly realise that information is missing or different
seems reasonable. Additional guidance could lower
the complexity of the task by providing hints about
how to perform a certain action or scaffolds to explain
more demanding parts of an action.
In this study we measured collaboration using
self-report data from students. Future research should
explore ways of combining such data with other
indicators of collaboration, such as process data, to
get a richer picture of the multiple interacting
elements involved in collaboration. Triangulating
analysis approaches may offer improved validity
when assessing the collaborative problem-solving
construct (Pöysä-Tarhonen et al., 2022). Ultimately,
a practical assessment instrument for teachers should
be developed so that students’ collaboration skills can
be measured and appropriate feedback given about
the strengths and weaknesses of their collaboration
Collaboration is a complex construct that is not
easily operationalised. Ercikan and Oliveri (2016)
make a case for going beyond traditional
psychometric analyses of assessment instruments and
looking closely at the behaviour and thinking of
subjects during real-life learning contexts. This study
investigated online student collaboration during a
difficult time for the Ukrainian participants.
Nevertheless, the students expressed positive aspects
when describing successful collaboration and offered
constructive remarks for improving this activity.
Their responses to the survey item “What do you
think is most important for successful collaboration?”
mentioned friendship several times and showed their
awareness of dealing with people in a friendly way to
get along better. The context of this study during the
2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine makes it unique.
More data from other contexts would help to identify
the potential of online collaborative simulations in
developing students’ collaboration skills and in
suggesting ways of validly assessing those skills.
The aim of this study was for Ukrainian students to
participate in an online collaborative activity and
investigate whether prior experience with a
collaborative simulation benefits students later when
they use a similar simulation again. We found that
students’ collaboration, as measured by perceived
interdependence questionnaire items, was higher for
the prior experience group. However, students’ task
performance did not differ significantly depending on
whether they received prior experience or not, and
was on average poor. A post-task interview revealed
that a barrier to effective communication was
designing the task with a chat messenger app.
Students preferred to communicate orally. In
addition, the biology task related to rabbit genetics
was challenging and would have benefited from
additional guidance for students.
Although interdependent collaborative tasks may
be challenging for students, educators need to support
students in developing collaboration skills to solve
such tasks. The European Digital Competence
Framework for Citizens (Vuorikari et al., 2022)
provides a common understanding of digital
competence and specifically identifies one
competence area as Communication and
Collaboration. Young people need to become
proficient at using digital technologies to solve
complex problems collaboratively. Furthermore,
teachers and educational researchers require
evidence-based guidance to create and use well-
designed digital collaborative activities while
monitoring or measuring the development of
students’ collaboration skills. More evidence is
needed to ensure collaborative activities and tools for
measuring collaboration skills are reliable and valid.
The authors would like to thank the cooperation and
resilience of the Ukrainian students and their teacher
who participated in this study.
An Online Collaborative Biology Simulation Used by Ukrainian Students During the 2022 Russian Invasion
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CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education