Virtual Labs as a Tool for Training Preservice Science Teachers
Fatimah Alhashem
Education Unit at the English Department, Gulf University for Science and Technology, Alaqsa Street, KuwaitCity, Kuwait
Keywords: Virtual Labs, Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Pre-Service Teachers, Training, Science Education.
Abstract: 22 pre-service teachers in the college of education pursuing Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) in science for
middle and high school were divided into experimental and controlled groups. Both were surveyed before and
after an organic chemistry lesson (Reactions of Carbonyl Compounds) and a lab session. The only difference
is that the experimental group were trained prior the lab session via virtual learning interventions. Findings
from quantitative data analysis revealed a positive significant difference in pre-service teachers’ attitudes
towards learning experiences during virtual laboratory experiments post learning interventions. The
implications of these findings project virtual laboratories as a supporting tool for experimentation in chemistry
especially in approaching 21st century of learning outcomes where issues of integrating technology into
learning is part of the teaching practices. Recommendations from these findings are discussed herein.
Chemistry is a part of science that consists of theories,
facts, concepts, and laws that are tested through a set
of experimental activities. One of the main objectives
of learning chemistry is to understand how elements
and substance are reacting to each other and how to
benefit from these reactions in everyday life (Ural,
2016). Furthermore, learning chemistry helps in
infinite branches of sciences such as medicine,
pharmacy, industry in general and many more which
makes it an essential subject in school curriculum
(Ural, 2016). K-12 curriculum consist of varied
concepts, facts and law that supports building, and
developing the potential of learners to master required
competencies in the field of chemistry. Cetin-Dindar
et. al (2018) stated that learning chemistry has
developed and requires incorporating technology too.
Technology in chemistry has developed and
enhanced the accuracy of the experiments and
reflected on development of results and
understanding too (Ali & Ullah, 2020). Therefore,
many education systems integrated use of technology
into the body of sciences in general including
chemistry (Nsabayezu,, 2022). However, using
technology requires set of standards that need to be
integrated professionally to assure best practices and
best understanding among students.
Many studies discussed virtual labs' effect and
perception on teaching and learning sciences. For
example, Peechapol (2021) conducted a study about
the effect of virtual lab simulation on chemistry
subjects. This study aimed to investigate the impact
of virtual labs on three main issues. These issues are
learning achievement, self-efficacy, and learning
Experience. The design of this study was a quasi-
experiment. The number of participants was 95 first-
year undergraduate students. The participants were
into two groups. The experimental group had 50
students, and the control group had 45 students. Both
groups had to take pre-test and post-test. The control
group used the virtual lab as a learning method. Both
groups had traditional chemistry lecturers. The study
results showed that the experimental group students
scored significantly higher than the control group in
the learning achievement test. In addition, the
students in the experimental group positively
impacted the students' self-efficacy more than the
students in the control group. Also, the students in the
experimental group had a positive experience using
the virtual lab.
1.1 Purpose of the Study
It is possible to adopt and incorporate the 21st century
skills into the school’s curriculum using virtual
Alhashem, F.
Virtual Labs as a Tool for Training Preservice Science Teachers.
DOI: 10.5220/0011848100003470
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2023) - Volume 1, pages 233-237
ISBN: 978-989-758-641-5; ISSN: 2184-5026
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
approach, by training teachers’ specific tools
pertaining the 21st century skills and distance
learning. Therefore, this study was designed to
establish in a virtual lab training for controlled group
of preservice science teachers to integrate the 21
century skills with core content and in his study the
core subject was chemistry.
The goal of the project was to provide training of
use of technology while learning about the core
subject and then explored the perspective of both
those who were trained (experimental group) and
those who did not (controlled group). The 21
skills in learning needs competent teachers that are
skilled and able to integrate technology in their
classes while teaching. Therefore, the research
question for this study was: Are there statistical
significant differences between the experimental
group (which experimented with the virtual
laboratories) and the control group when looking at
their educational and technical perceptions related to
organic chemistry lab experiment?
In order to answer the research question, the research
was divided into the design phase which consisted of
the following:
Choosing the chemistry lesson that is being taught
in the university chemistry course curriculum, part of
high school curriculum, and has a virtual experiment
in the platform that matches the curriculum. The
lesson was Reactions of Carbonyl Compounds. The
carbonyl group (C=O) is a foundation of plentiful
significant reactions in organic chemistry; mostly a
result of the separation of the carbon-oxygen bond
because of the relative high electronegativity of the
oxygen atom. The experiment consisted of
Benzaldehyde-2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazone which is a
substituted hydrazine compound commonly used to
test for aldehydes and ketones in the Brady's test. The
instruments of the study consisted of the virtual lab
software that has an Arabicized of different
disciplines of science experiment. The research team
used school textbook to select the appropriate
chemistry lesson and matched it with the chemistry
lessons in the college level. Next, the research team
preserved a chemistry lab to conduct the experiment
for both controlled and experimental groups
In terms of the survey, students’ perspective based
were tested pre and post the whole procedure based
on the statements (that were developed by the team)
in table 1 and 2 below. The survey has two sections.
The first section focuses on students' perspectives
about the educational aspect related to lab
experiences. In this section, there are 13 items related
to the educational aspect. The second section focuses
on students' perspectives on the technical aspects of
lab experiences. In this section, there are ten items
related to the technical aspect. Finally, experts have
validated the instruments. Those experts majored in
science education and educational technology.
Table 1 shows the MANOVA tests for group, time
and for interaction of group and time. The MANOVA
tests for group (Pillai’s trace=0.104; Wilk’s
Lambda=.896; Hotelling’s trace=.116, Roy's
Largest Root = 0.116; F=2.890; p-values for all four
tests=o.o65), time (Pillai’s trace=0.082; Wilk’s
Lambda=0.918; Hotelling’s trace=0.089, Roy's
Largest Root = 0.089; F=2.219; p-values for all four
tests=0.119) and group*time (Pillai’s trace=0.034;
Wilk’s Lambda=0.966; Hotelling’s trace=0.035,
Roy's Largest Root = 0.035; F=0.869; p-values for
all four tests=0.425) were all not significant.
Table 1: Multivariate tests use the MANOVA test, used
Pillai's Trace, Wilks Lambda, Hotelling's Trace, and Roy's
Largest Root analysis at a significance level of 5% (α =
0.05) for students’ scores in both tests A and B.
value F df1 df2 p
Group Pillai's Trace 0.104 2.890 2 50 0.065
Wilks' Lambda 0.896 2.890 2 50 0.065
0.116 2.890 2 50 0.065
Roy's Largest
0.116 2.890 2 50 0.065
Time Pillai's Trace 0.082 2.219 2 50 0.119
Wilks' Lambda 0.918 2.219 2 50 0.119
0.089 2.219 2 50 0.119
Roy's Largest
0.089 2.219 2 50 0.119
Pillai's Trace 0.034 0.869 2 50 0.425
Wilks' Lambda 0.966 0.869 2 50 0.425
0.035 0.869 2 50 0.425
Roy's Largest
0.035 0.869 2 50 0.425
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
The results of follow-up tests for the main effect
of group and time and for interaction effect of
group*time are reported in Table 2. The results of
follow up test shows that the scores of the students in
test A differ significantly in control and experiment
condition (p=0.028). Additionally, a significant
difference in students score was also observed in pre
and posttest (p = 0.046).
Table 2: Univariate tests of between-subjects effects of
students scores between group levels and time levels.
Sum of
F p
Group PartAOverall 0.502 1 0.502 5.108 0.028
PartBOverall 0.809 1 0.809 3.375 0.072
Time PartAOverall 0.019 1 0.019 0.188 0.666
PartBOverall 1.003 1 1.003 4.184 0.046
PartAOverall 0.160 1 0.160 1.631 0.207
PartBOverall 0.016 1 0.016 0.068 0.796
Residuals PartAOverall 5.016 51 0.098
PartBOverall 12.224 51 0.240
Estimate Independent Mean Difference for Part A
and B test scores
A significant difference was observed in the
students’ scores of in test A under experimental and
control condition (t = 2.264, df = 53, and p-value =
0.028). The mean score of students under experiment
condition (mean =3.734) was high as compared to the
mean score of students belong to control group (mean
=3.542) (Table 3).
Table 3: Compare Two Means of students’ scores between
group levels for part A test scores.
95 % CI
Condition M Lower Upper S N
Experiment 3.734 3.644 3.825 0.247 30
Control 3.542 3.391 3.694 0.378 25
Difference 0.192 0.022 0.362 0.313 55
Note: CIs are at the 95 % level. This comparison
was made on unpaired data. Equal variance was
assumed. s in the row for the difference is the pooled
standard deviation. Also, u
= 0.60 95% CI [0.07,
1.19] Note that the standardized effect size is
dunbiased because the denominator used was
SDpooled which had a value of 0.313 The
standardized effect size has been corrected for
bias.The bias-corrected version of Cohen's d is
sometimes also (confusingly) called Hedges' g. The
decision for this hypothesis is there is significant
differences between group level regarding overall
scores for test A(t = 2.264, df = 53, and p-value =
In this study, a Multivariate analysis of variance
(MANOVA) was applied in order to investigate the
perspective of preservice science teachers about the
use of virtual lab for chemistry lessons as a tool of
training. The study consisted to two groups
(controlled and experimental). The controlled group
were lectured and did the chemistry lab while the
controlled were lectured, practiced virtually then
conducted the experiment in the actual lab. The
results of this study indicated that, virtual labs
enhanced the experimental preservice teachers to
have higher responses in terms of the education
aspects, this is in line with the findings of Mutlu and
Acar Şeşen (2016) who concluded that students were
more engaged via virtual labs and help in supporting
in real labs context. This means virtual labs have very
important effects on real experiments and could be a
useful tool of practice prior an actual lab. It was also
observed that the level of interactive and engagement
was higher for the experimental group during
conducting the lab compared to control group.
Next, the statistical results of this study showed
that score of students are high in experiment group as
compared to the control group. Additionally, the
finding shows that student’ scores more in posttest as
compared to pretest. This was due to students' active
participation in learning through discussions and to
complete the tasks via Praxilab. This outcome was in
line with Falode (2018) who exposed that the use of
virtual lab improved students' conceptual
understanding and it was reflected on their
achievement. Also, the results indicated that students
were significantly towards the educational aspect in
control and experiment condition (p=0.028) where
experimental group had more exposure to different
educational method (virtual lab) compared to the
controlled one. Both groups however did not show
any significant different towards the technical aspects
of the experiments. Thus, it could be said that the
effect of virtual lab related to their perspective on the
Virtual Labs as a Tool for Training Preservice Science Teachers
technical aspects of the chemistry lab was not
different for both groups.
Many research expressed positive results towards
using technology in education and that the students
are engage in the use of virtual labs helped both
teachers and students together ((Cetin-Dindar et. Al,
(2018); Nsabayezu,, (2022).).
Also, conducting experiments come across many
obstacles such as costs, lack of time and shortage of
supplies (Ali & Ullah, 2020). Applying technology
via virtual labs could be an option for solving the long
lasting problem of aiding students in science in
general and in chemistry in specific for better lab
performance. Based on the data analysis and
discussion above, it could be concluded that: the
application of Praxilab is able to effectively enhance
students’ learning experiences but may require more
investigations to know more about enhancing
students’ technical aspects.
5.1 Recommendation
The study made the following recommendations:
It is evident that, virtual lab is effective in
improving preservice teachers’ learning
experiences in chemistry. Therefore,
educators should use this teaching tool to
facilitate their science teaching.
Preservice programs should incorporate
educational technology into their curriculum
for practicing during their years of studying so
that they can embrace the skills of the teaching
model for effective implementation of the in
teaching biology.
Preservice teachers should be exposed to
virtual lab experiences prior reaching their
student teaching level and be familiarized
using it in their future classrooms.
Virtual labs should be suggested for some
chemistry content areas in the curriculum
especially very difficult concepts or those that
are risky to be implemented in classrooms.
This research was funded by Gulf University for
Science and Technology via internal seed grant Case
253127 in year 2022.
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