Investigating Aha Moment Through Process Mining
Wan-Hsuan Chiang
1 a
, Usman Ahmad
2 b
, Shenghui Wang
1 c
and Faiza Allah Bukhsh
1 d
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), University of Twente,
Enschede, The Netherlands
Management Science Department, DHA Suffa University Karachi, Pakistan
Aha Moment, Process Mining, Customer Satisfaction.
Aha moment is when users realize the value of using the software product, which is a key to driving rev-
enue, mainly for B2B SaaS vendors. According to the Acquisition-Activation-Retention-Referral-Revenue
(AARRR) model, the aha moment can refer to activation, and the following customer phase is retention. This
research aims to find customers’ ”aha moment” through process mining. Since the customers in retention are
obligated to experience activation before, the research first identifies milestone actions in terms of product
features and user roles to cluster the retention customers. Evaluation is performed through the data of the
clustered customers from the time before they move to the retention phase. The event log analysis is discussed
based on multiple dimensions: product solution, time, and user roles. The research mainly applies the process
mining technique, heuristic miner, to discover the customer’s behavior patterns. Apart from marketing fun-
nels, Moreover concept of human-computer interaction is focused on event classification and data cleaning,
which is practical for cleaning UI logs. The discovered processes and aha moment can guide future product
development and value proposition re-stratigizing.
Digital e-platforms, Amazon or Airbnb, have dis-
rupted the fundamental structure of the industries
through the change in essential customer interaction
structure (Parker et al., 2016). Particularly, the digital
platforms of the business-to-consumer (B2C) sector
have already established their potential. However, in
business-to-business (B2B) digital platforms are still
work in the process. In B2B the digital platforms en-
able the smooth interaction between supply and de-
mand sides through e-infrastructure (Rix et al., 2020).
In B2B e-models, the managers face a real challenge
of customer retention (Rix et al., 2020). For instance,
in Indonesia, the customer retention rate of BIZGO
is very low and customer relationship management is
recommended to avail the opportunities in digital plat-
forms (Situmorang and Harmawan, 2022).
The role of digital marketing is increasing in the
post-pandemic era and several B2B firms have started
using digital marketing to increase customer acqui-
sition (Assal, 2022). Digital marketing enables busi-
nesses to connect with specific customers through tar-
get marketing activities (Teixeira et al., 2023). Al-
though digital marketing benefits almost every B2B
firm nevertheless, there is a dearth of literature on
this topic (Shaltoni, 2017; Pandey et al., 2020). In
fact, various businesses believe that digital platforms
work for B2C organizations only (Teixeira et al.,
2023; Lacka and Chong, 2016). However, the busi-
ness models of Cisco and IBM are considered the
success stories of the B2B digital platforms (Teix-
eira et al., 2023; Venkatesh et al., 2019). Today due
to digital media, the customers of B2B have ample
access to information of products and services and
this information aids B2B customers to make better
decisions. However, traditionally customer relation-
ship management remains a problem for B2B orga-
nizations, including online B2B firms (Teixeira et al.,
2023; Hochstein et al., 2020).
In order to cope with the challenges of customer
relationship management in B2B platforms, the con-
cept of user growth was developed by turning the
”passengers on digital website” into customers. This
practice helped the various start-ups to retain a large
number of users in a short period of time with very
low or even zero investment. Based on this practice
Chiang, W., Ahmad, U., Wang, S. and Bukhsh, F.
Investigating Aha Moment Through Process Mining.
DOI: 10.5220/0011848800003467
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2023) - Volume 1, pages 164-172
ISBN: 978-989-758-648-4; ISSN: 2184-4992
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
of increasing users, a few frameworks have gradually
formed in the market that effectively grows the users
on digital platforms. In these models, the AARRR
model is the most frequently mentioned and used
framework in user growth. AARRR is a set of in-
dicators developed by the Dave McClure, the founder
of 500 Start-ups, that refers to five stages; acquisi-
tion, activation, retention, revenue and referral (Mc-
Clure, 2022; Zhang, 2021; Lin and Chaomin, 2021).
The activation begins with the first happy visit of the
user which is also called as ”Aha! moment” Initially,
the term is defined as an insight that represents a sud-
den cognitive change and was adapted to product de-
velopment, indicating the time when the users realize
the value of the product (Carpenter, 2019). The fol-
lowing customer phase of activation is retention. In
this phase, businesses consider whether users contin-
uously engage with the product, and the frequency of
usage is calculated to understand the repeated behav-
iors. This repeated behavior leads to the retention of
customers and plays a vital role in customer relation-
ship management. Through process mining, we can
explore users’ repeated behavior patterns which may
lead to improvement in customer relationship man-
Software companies, especially startups, are
struggling to develop product strategies. Finding the
aha moment is the key to growth, which guide the
companies in defining strategies. The aha moment
is a set of actions the users realize the value of the
product (Stancil, 2015; Balboni, 2022). The idea is
often bound with the customer lifecycle where the
customer funnel consists of five steps: acquisition,
activation, retention, referral, and revenue (McClure,
2022; Zhang, 2021; Lin and Chaomin, 2021). The
aha moment usually associates with activation. Users
who find the value of the products are more likely to
be retained.
The objective of this paper is to study the case
of K, a B2B company with a Software-as-a-Service
(SaaS) deployment model, and investigate the ”Aha!
moment”. The study intends to use the event logs gen-
erated by clients of K to find the ”Aha! moment,
based on customers’ repeated behavior. Therefore,
the objectives of this study(OS) are as follows:
OS1 - Distinguish the repeated behavior pattern
from retained customers.
OS2 - Finding the aha moment to understand cus-
tomer’s delight.
The research sheds light on applying process min-
ing to customer lifecycle analysis. Applying process
mining techniques to discover the aha moment is an
innovative approach among previous studies. Intro-
ducing human-computer interaction to data cleaning
provides a brand-new perspective to re-organize event
logs. The results provide the business with a guideline
for future product development. The research frame-
work can be further applied to other B2B SaaS cus-
tomer analyses.
This paper first introduces the background knowl-
edge and methodology used in this research. Section
3 introduces the research questions associated with
the objective statement, as well as the framework used
in the following experiment. Section 4 demonstrates
the process models of the empirical study. We wrap-
up the paper in Section 6 and Section 7 focusing on
conclusions and future work.
2.1 The Aha! Moment
Companies, especially software service providers,
struggle to define the business strategies that cus-
tomers love, which can be referred to as the aha mo-
ment (Aha!, 2022). The Aha! moment is a set of
actions the users realize the product’s value (Stancil,
2015; Balboni, 2022). Service providers, especially
start-ups, change their product strategies dynamically
to test the product market fit or value propositions.
Discovering the aha moment guides companies to de-
velop product roadmaps based on customers’ experi-
ences rather than companies’ claims.
2.2 Process Mining
Businesses pay attention to analyzing their customers
in order to improve their products and services. How-
ever, the existing solutions cannot solve the problems
of developing product strategies in companies with-
out clear value propositions because the vendors are
still discovering.
There are many commercial analytic tools, such
as Google Analytics, Mixpanel, and Tableau, are
adopted for customer analysis. However, researchers
mentioned the limitation (Vinod et al., 2013; Terragni
and Hassani, 2018). Using these tool to analyze cus-
tomer journeys require a clear understanding of the
primary processes, which is not suitable for discover-
ing customer patterns.
Why Process Mining: Quantitative research is
powerful during the discovery phase. However, user
researchers still need to capture the primary scenar-
ios before recruiting users. However, quantitative
methodologies are often costly and time-consuming,
which is not practical for small businesses.
Investigating Aha Moment Through Process Mining
Thanks to the widely spread data-driven concept,
most companies are used to storing and leveraging
data for decision-making. Therefore, process min-
ing discovery techniques become the most sufficient
tools for discovering customer behaviors. Process
mining adopts event logs to analyze sequential pat-
terns (van der Aalst, 2016). Process discovery is part
of process mining that can build models without a
priori knowledge, making it the most powerful and
commonly-used technique in process mining research
(Zerbino et al., 2021; Guzzo et al., 2022).
Previous process mining papers, however, mainly
focus on workflow and operational management
(Corallo et al., 2020; Zerbino et al., 2021). The lim-
ited papers discovering customer behaviors mainly
focus on navigation and learning behaviors (Vinod
et al., 2013; Zaim et al., 2018; Husin and Ismail,
2021; Taub et al., 2022). None of the studies adopt
process mining to discover an aha moment for devel-
oping product strategies.
Meanwhile, process mining also shows the po-
tential to integrate with other customer research dis-
ciplines, such as customer journey mapping (Chan
et al., 2021; Bernard and Andritsos, 2017; Terragni
and Hassani, 2018; Terragni and Hassani, 2019) and
human-computer interaction (Theis and Darabi, 2019;
Else et al., 2019; Liu et al., 2018; Cerone, 2015). Pre-
vious papers show the possibility of process mining to
support analyzing customer behavior in the evidence
Figure 1: Initial Process Model (Part), Showing the Com-
plexity of Uncleaned Data.
Process Discovery Techniques: This research
applies the miners that are capable of addressing nois-
iness because the real world is full of noise, as seen
in Figure 1. Heuristic miner (Weijters et al., 2006)
and fuzzy miner (G
unther and van der Aalst, 2007) are
the most widely used miners among previous experi-
mental process mining papers (Zerbino et al., 2021;
Corallo et al., 2020). In this study, fuzzy miner is
used to produce the test models in order to consult
stakeholders due to the intuitive output process map;
heuristic miner becomes the primary algorithm be-
cause the miner takes frequency into account to cap-
ture the primary behaviors.
We use ProM Lite 1.3 to build process models;
Python and Google BigQuery to process data.
2.3 Domain Object
In this study, we adapt the fundamental concept
of human-computer interaction to restructure the UI
logs. The domain object, from the set of potential
objects of interest for the user of a given applica-
tion, forms the basis of the interaction and its purpose
(Beaudouin-Lafon, 2000). Each domain object can be
viewed as a virtual object on the software for users to
create, edit, and change attributes.
The domain object is derived from the object of
interest, which is associated with the first proposed vi-
sual interaction style, direct manipulation, to replace
the command-line interface in the 1980s. The ob-
ject of interest is a virtual representation that can be
directly manipulated (Shneiderman, 1982; Shneider-
man, 1983).
The concept of virtual objects and actions plays a
vital role in data cleaning. We adapt the concept to
reduce the number of events, preserving the semantic
meanings. More details can be seen in Section 4.2.
In order to discover the aha moment, our research
questions are as follows:
RQ1 - What are the behavior patterns of the
clients in the retention phase for B2B platforms?
RQ2 - What is the Aha! moment” of clients for
B2B platforms, leading to retention?
Figure 2: Research Plan.
Adapted from CRISP-DM (Wirth and Hipp,
2000), Figure 2 shows the research plan of this paper.
There are five steps:
Step 1 - Understanding: This step contains busi-
ness and data understanding in CRISP-DM.
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Step 2 - Initial Data Preparation: This step ex-
tracts and cleans the data from the data warehouse.
Step 3 - Retention Clustering: The retention
clustering answers RQ1as discussed in Section 4.3.
Step 4 - Discover Aha! Moment: The output
from the previous step is the input of this step to build
a process model for discovering the user activation.
Step 5 - Stakeholder Feedback: Aligned with the
evaluation phase in CRISP-DM, is the final step of
this project, discussed in Section 5.
Step 2, Step 3, and Step 4 represents the loops data
preparation and modeling. Each step contains more
than 10 small and big iterations. The following dis-
cussions only write down the big iterations.
Step 5 includes stakeholders’ views on the mod-
els. However, the involvement of the domain knowl-
edge does not limit to the final stage.
This study adopts the business context from K,
a B2B SaaS vendor providing performance tracking
service for customer support (CRM) teams. The com-
pany actively collected customer behavior data in the
past. We select the customers that installed the soft-
ware between December 27, 2021, and June 26, 2022.
The records start from December 27, 2021, to July 3,
2022. We make sure the records cover the accounts’
actions for more than a week. The accounts for inter-
nal use or uninstalled within a week are filtered out.
4.1 Dimensions
We recognize several dimensions to structure the
analysis during the business understanding phase in
Step 1. These are the main factors we consider during
the research. Besides the time dimension, the study
can be discussed under 6 scenarios, with 3 pillars and
2 role types. Each scenario has its own process model
as it has its particular behavior pattern.
4.1.1 Pillar and Domain Object
The study can be divided into 3 pillars, representing
the solutions provided by the product: quality assur-
ance, missions, and performance coaching. Each so-
lution aims to solve a particular pain point from target
customers. We also recognize the domain object as-
sociated with each pillar.
4.1.2 Role Type
The role in B2B software products for operational
needs often refers to permission, reflecting the real-
world position in the organization. In our study, the
product has 5 different roles. The lowest is the agent,
while the highest is the account owner. If we consider
performance tracking as a game requiring two parties
to interact, the roles can be classified into manager
and agent, and the former supervises the latter.
4.1.3 Time
The business customers follow the weekly operation
cycle from Monday to Sunday. Customers who have
repeated behaviors week over a week are considered
as retention, or actively using such features.
4.2 Data Cleaning
The job in this subsection is done during the data
preparation in Step 3, retention clustering. However,
since the event classification influence most reshapes
the implementation at the very beginning, this sub-
section can be viewed as part of Step 2, initial data
The diverse event naming leads to spaghetti-like
models (Figure 1). The original event logs are named
by UI components, design purpose, user actions, and
domain objects. The UI components change over time
and versions; the design purpose frequently changes
in order to test different user flows.
Therefore, we adopt the concept of domain object
as discussed in Section 2.3 to diminish the interfer-
ence of user interface and design purpose. By focus-
ing on the domain object and the actions that the user
act on, the event naming reflects the motivation be-
hind it. For instance,
event can be divided into Create Comment and
Coaching card. The latter is the associated domain
object of one of the pillars. The former reflects that
users act on the attribute Comment of the virtual ob-
We further identified the duplicated events and
nodes without semantic meanings. The number of
nodes, in the end, is reduced by 62%.
4.3 Retention Clustering
We first consult stakeholders from customer success
team about which behaviors can be recognized as re-
tained customers. The findings can be extracted in
Figure 4 that retained customers in a particular pillar
should contain milestone actions from both parties,
inspired by identifying key actions of business goals
Investigating Aha Moment Through Process Mining
for preprocessing (Peng and Cheng, 2009). In ad-
dition, the behaviors should repeat week over week,
according to the definition of retention and business
understanding. However the frequency is not clearly
identified within the business.
Figure 4: Pillar, Domain Object, Role Types, and Milestone
After the interview, we extracted 4 scenarios with
clear milestone actions. We select the users’ work-
ing days with milestone actions as cases to build the
process models.
The remaining 2 scenarios consider the domain
object as cases. The node combines action and
role type that who acts on the objects can be clearly
shown. The process models uncover the actions on
each domain object, as well as the interaction between
managers and agents. Figure 3a shows the process
model of the domain object of performance coach-
ing. The nodes highlighted in red are the actions from
managers; the nodes highlighted in green are the ac-
tions from agents. The process starts from Create by
managers and then Open by agents. Before the end,
managers Open the domain object again for review-
Based on the retention modeling, milestone ac-
tions of all scenarios are verified and recognized. Fig-
ure 5 are the dotted charts in terms of pillar. The logs
are colored by the milestone actions of both parties.
The y-axis is the business customers, and the x-axis
is week to capture the weekly patterns. The milestone
actions, however, filtered out the test actions, such as
self-creating domain objects. The companies contain-
ing the milestone actions from both role types week
over week are considered as retained customers. As
a result, three sets of retained customers are clearly
4.4 Discover Aha! Moment
This subsection addresses RQ2 what the aha moment
looks like in terms of pillar and user role? Based
on the previous retention clustering, the retained cus-
tomers are selected in terms of pillars.
The event sequences of the business customers are
sliced into two periods: activation and retention. We
select the time period before the clustered customers
start the retention patterns in order to associate the ac-
tivation period. That is, the output models start from
Installation and end at Start Retention.
Meanwhile, the events that are not ”constructive”
are filtered out to simplify the model. Such events
(a) Retention Pattern, Discussed in Section 4.3. (b) Discovering Aha Moment, Discussed in Section 4.4.
Figure 3: Example Process Models (Focus on this figure is cluster but node information).
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 5: Identify Retained Customers by Dotted Chart
(The row shows anonymous customer name).
include the visit events that occur too frequently and
the events not triggered by users. Furthermore, the
follow-up actions such as Edit, Disable, and Delete
are filtered out. Since we are capturing the primary
interest, for instance, Create, which is the prerequisite
of the follow-up actions, can represent the interest in
the models.
Figure 3b shows the retained companies using
quality assurance in activation phase. The process
highlighted with the orange circle shows the account’s
interest in the associated feature configuration; the
process with a yellow circle indicates the nodes with
the interest of team management.
The models successfully show the prerequisites
of adopting the features, including feature configura-
tions. Apart from feature settings, retained customers
of quality assurance actively modify the qualify stan-
dard and criterion; missions model shows strong in-
terest in monitoring performance since the function
is meant to provide goals for agents to improve. The
models for performance coaching contain a mixed be-
havior pattern, positioning the function as an assisted
solution among the other two features.
Abstracting the aha moment from the models
involves graphical analysis and domain knowledge.
The understanding of each event log and the relation-
ship with the primary pillar functions plays an essen-
tial role.
During the experiments, we continuously involve do-
main knowledge and stakeholders’ feedback on im-
proving the modeling. The small model adjustments
rely on authors’ work experience and domain knowl-
edge in K; the iterations in larger scale, involving the
change of dataset request feedback from sales, cus-
tomer success, and analyst team. The feedbacks can
be viewed as the evaluation of the results, which is the
last step, Step 5.
Half of the stakeholders with business and strat-
egy mindsets involves in the evaluation or consult-
ing. Employees with the functions of marketing,
sales, customer support, product planning, and anal-
ysis are selected because they have the potential to
get in touch with customers. In the whole project, the
colleague from the customer support team in the case
company is highly involved due to their deep under-
standing of customer behavior.
The results reflect the primary paths which are rea-
sonable for stakeholders. The behavior patterns meet
the company’s understanding of customers. The iden-
tified frequent behaviors, creating teams, even met the
product development strategy at the same time, veri-
fying the company’s observation of customers. How-
ever, the project failed to discuss the interaction be-
tween pillars, which was the current focus of the com-
pany at that time. The gap might due to the fact
that the business strategy changes rapidly during the
project conducted.
The representation is another factor that many re-
searchers ignored. The process map from fuzzy miner
is intuitive but not simple enough, due to the fact that
the algorithm does not consider frequency to simplify
the model. However, heuristic miner does not guar-
antee an understandable model. While applying all-
tasks-connected heuristic, the models become more
explainable, verifying the statement that many depen-
dency relations can be hidden without records (Wei-
jters and Ribeiro, 2011).
It is also important to know the stakeholders’ re-
sponsibility. It is natural that people only focus on
what they are responsible for and care of. For in-
stance, in this case, the opinions of stakeholders who
focus on customer relationships are more valid than
Investigating Aha Moment Through Process Mining
the reviews from the sales team.
This study applies process mining to discover cus-
tomer behavior on retention and activation, which is
a brand-new field that no previous researchers have
done. The involvement of customer funnel (McClure,
2022) provides a framework to analyze customers, es-
pecially for software industries. Companies can eas-
ily adapt the framework to their customer journey to
discover more processes.
Understanding how customers experience the
value of the product is the key to growth. Discov-
ering the aha moment provides companies with a
new approach to defining a bottom-up and evidence-
based value proposition, which is more accurate than
a top-down approach. During the discovery phase,
decision-makers in the business are able to develop
better business strategies and product roadmaps. This
insights can help develop a better onboarding flow, re-
ducing the churn rate at the beginning.
The integration of human-computer interaction to
process mining is also another newly discovered field.
Adopting the concept of domain object to classify the
event logs is a practical method to clean the data be-
cause it reduces 62% of the nodes in this research.
The concept transforms the event logs into actual in-
centives. This approach is especially suitable for
cleaning weblog and UI logs because these logs are
usually noisy and dynamically changing.
Although structuring the research by-product so-
lutions is a practical framework, it failed to discover
the interaction between each pillar since, in general,
the users act on the same platform. The result shows
that one of the pillars is the supportive function of the
other two, and the retained customers of this pillar
have more proportion of old installations, which is out
of scope in this research. It would be interesting to see
the interaction between these pillars.
During the business understanding, we structure the
research into pillars and role type, with 6 scenarios.
Meanwhile, time is also taken into account as it plays
an important role on identifying repeated patterns.
Inspired by the domain object concept, the domain
object in terms of pillar, and associated milestone ac-
tions by role type are recognized. Furthermore, the
same concept is used to reduce the event nodes and
the data size by diminishing the interference of dy-
namically changed user interfaces.
After data cleaning, we address RQ1 to cluster re-
tained accounts. Customers with repeated milestone
actions from each role type over three weeks are iden-
tified as retained accounts in terms of pillar. Sce-
narios with pre-recognized milestone actions are veri-
fied; scenarios missing milestone actions are modeled
by the domain object to capture the actions from both
We further slice the event sequences into activa-
tion and retention from retention clusters to address
RQ2. The logs before the accounts start retention
are added as an input to build the models. Based on
the graphical analysis and the involvement of domain
knowledge, a set of actions and the motivations be-
hind them are recognized.
This research framework can be applied to B2B
SaaS industry to analyze their customers. The study
can also apply to a bigger dataset because the event
classification can minimize the number of nodes.
However, the data cleaning itself requires a lot of
manual work, which should be re-consider in the fu-
ture for scalability.
Some of the limitations should be noted. This
project stopped at the discovery phase but failed to ap-
ply the findings to real business contexts. The evalua-
tion only relies on domain knowledge and stakehold-
ers’ eye. The limitation is due to the time limitation
and project scale. It would be interesting to see the
following influence on the product and the possible
process enhancement.
The research only focuses on the specific time pe-
riod and customer phases. We do not discuss the en-
tire customer lifecycle, from acquisition to revenue.
We only focus on the newly installed customers and
do not discuss the longer customer relationship. It
could be interesting to discover the aha moment not
only from the retention but also from the revenue
phase. Meanwhile, applying process mining to other
customer phases remains a gap in the research field.
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