An Experience in the Factors That Promote Immersion in
Systems for the Metaverse
Jose Carlos Duarte
1,2 a
, Leonardo Marques
1,2 b
Bruno Gadelha
1,2 c
and Tayana Conte
1,2 d
Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM), Manaus, Amazonas, 69067-005, Brazil
USES Research Group, Institute of Computing (IComp), Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil
Metaverse, Immersion, Interaction, User Experience,, Metaverse Plataform.
As UX becomes important in future digital technologies, Immersion is considered an essential UX aspect in
emerging technologies, including Metaverse. Big tech companies have been interested in Metaverse platforms
and services. Because the Metaverse has only recently begun to be studied, We are still on the way to exploring
it, although its concept has been proposed for more than 30 years. We present an investigation into the factors
that promote Immersion in Metaverse platforms using We promote an immersive experience on
the platform and then conduct a focus group to capture participants’ perceptions. We performed
a qualitative analysis to identify the factors that most contributed to the Immersion in the experience. Our
findings provide implications for how the Metaverse platforms should be designed and what factors should be
emphasized to promote a good user experience in terms of Immersion.
Since mid-2021, the Metaverse has been gaining
increasing prominence, and large technology com-
panies are interested in platforms and services for
the Metaverse (Lee and Kim, 2022). The 2022
Gartner Hype Cycle (Gartner, 2022) showcased the
top emerging technologies for technology innovation.
Among the top themes addressed was the evolution
and expansion of immersive experiences, mainly re-
garding the Metaverse. According to the organizers,
the Metaverse tends to evolve over the next ten years.
Currently, the platforms designed for the Meta-
verse are differentiated mainly by immersion and re-
alism (Shin, 2019). In addition, they support an eas-
ier communication and interaction process between
people and people and between people and comput-
ers (Lee and Kim, 2022).
Many platforms for Metaverse are Virtual En-
vironments (VE) that try to replicate reality on
digital devices, such as the platform. has different forms of communication
(audio, video, and avatar), allowing users to create
avatars of themselves and change the virtual envi-
ronment around them (McClure and Williams, 2021).
These features contribute to the system providing
more Immersion, improving the user experience.
As User eXperience (UX) becomes essential in fu-
ture digital technologies, Immersion plays a key role
in the design and development of emerging digital
technologies (Shin, 2019). Immersion determines the
degree to which the user feels teleported to an alter-
nate synthetic world (Teng, 2010)
This paper presents factors that promote Immer-
sion in systems for the Metaverse. We performed an
empirical study using the platform and
its interactive features, providing the participants with
interactive environments and creating some enigmas
to be solved. We aimed to provide a Metaverse expe-
rience and then discuss it in a Focus Group later.
The results show that the characteristics of the platform, differentiating it from other
online meeting and conference tools, collaborated
to promote a greater sense of Immersion. Based
on a qualitative analysis, we present how partici-
pants’ perceptions of the immersive experience at the support our findings.
Duarte, J., Marques, L., Gadelha, B. and Conte, T.
An Experience in the Factors That Promote Immersion in Systems for the Metaverse.
DOI: 10.5220/0011849000003467
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2023) - Volume 2, pages 304-311
ISBN: 978-989-758-648-4; ISSN: 2184-4992
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
2.1 Metaverse
The Metaverse is a rapidly expanding term. Since
2021, big tech companies have been interested in
Metaverse platforms and services (Lee and Kim,
2022). The term “Metaverse” was first introduced
by Neal Stephenson in his science fiction book Snow
Crash in 1992. Since then, it has continued to be an
idea that is constantly changing (Ning et al., 2021).
Through a survey of the literature, Lee and Kim
(2022) combined prior studies’ conceptions of the
Metaverse, defining the Metaverse as “the permanent
and immersive mixed reality world (including the vir-
tual world as the parallel world of the real world or
the real world of data being augmented) where people
and people, people and objects can interact, collab-
orate and live synchronously under the limitation of
time and space, using avatar, Immersion support de-
vices, platform and infrastructure”. We adhere to this
definition in our work.
is an online video conferencing plat-
form that supports conversations and business in a vir-
tual space. also tries to replicate reality
on digital devices, seeking to build a Metaverse with
more human virtual interactions (Figure 1).
Each user on receives an avatar that
can freely move around the environment. It is pos-
sible to use the camera, and microphone, in addi-
tion to the chat, to communicate with all participants.
When two users are close, Gather enables them to
hear each other’s voices and lowers the pitch when
they are away. Several interaction objects, meeting
rooms, individual silence booths, communication tu-
toring rooms, pet spaces, and game rooms can be built
(, 2022).
According to Acceleration Studies Foundation
(ASF) (Smart et al., 2007) the can be
considered a Metaverse of type Mirror world - a type
of simulation of the external world that refers to a vir-
tual “reflection” model of the real.
2.3 UX in Immersive Interactions
Immersion is mentioned as a key aspect to be attained
in digital systems, virtual reality and games (bases of
Metaverse) (Shin, 2019). Immersion determines the
Figure 1: environments.
degree that the user feels that she is cognitively tele-
ported to an alternative, synthetic world. For Teng
(2010) this degree is expressed in terms of engage-
ment, engrossment, and total Immersion.
According to Brown and Cairns (2004), the first
stage of Immersion is Engagement. This is the low-
est level of involvement and occur before any other
level. The lower the barriers to entering this level,
the more the user invests time, effort, and attention.
From engagement, the user may be able to become
further involved and become engrossed. According to
the Cambridge Dictionary
, engrossment is a feeling
of great interest that makes a person give something
all of his attention. That is, “great interest” and “give
all attention” indicate a deeper level of engagement.
Finally, total Immersion is presence. Presence
refers to the extent to which two people interacting
via a technological medium and feel as if they are to-
gether. (Shin, 2019). The concept of presence has
been investigated along with Flow. People in the Flow
shift into a common mode of experience when they
have become absorbed in their activity (Shin, 2019).
Therefore, since we intend to identify factors that pro-
mote Immersion in systems for the Metaverse, we dis-
cuss UX considering the concepts presented in this
subsection in our results.
2.4 Related Work
Lee and Kim (2022) present a case study to verify
user acceptance of the “Ifland” Metaverse platform
using the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of
Technology. The results indicate that the platform’s
performance expectation, effort expectancy, and so-
cial influence significantly increased satisfaction, us-
age intent, purchase intent, and word-of-mouth (Lee
and Kim, 2022). The results provide implications on
how to design and what factors to prioritize in plat-
forms for the Metaverse to increase user acceptance.
As with the study by Lee and Kim (2022), our
study is also a pioneer in investigating users’ percep-
tions in the Metaverse. Both studies contribute to how
the Metaverse should be designed, taking into account
An Experience in the Factors That Promote Immersion in Systems for the Metaverse
UX factors such as acceptance and ease of use or the
qualities of Immersion in Metaverse platform design.
McClure and Williams (2021) present a study that
aims to investigate the practical utility of
in the context of a UK university with rural students
who are unaware of this technology. The objective
was to determine students’ and educators’ perceptions
regarding the tool’s effectiveness in distance educa-
tion. The findings demonstrated that is a
valuable and well-liked tool for students and educa-
tors that can promote distance learning communities,
supplement face-to-face synchronous meetings, and
offer personalized and customized learning.
Latulipe and Jaeger (2022) conducted a study
comparing students’ experience of collaborative
learning in synchronous classes of Computer Science.
Results show students’ preferences for
due to its support for peer socialization, sense of
place, agency, engagement, and fluid interactions.
We conducted the study with 33 computer science
undergraduate and graduate students at Federal Uni-
versity fo Amazonas, 11 women and 22 men Special
Topics in Human-Computer Interaction class. Partici-
pants should access the platform and ex-
perience the platform’s interactive features. The goal
was to provide a Metaverse experience further evalu-
ated and discussed in a Focus Group.
3.1 Preparation
The study consisted of using and exploring the platform, in that we planned a gamified
activity. Each group had to access a specific room
on the platform and carry out the established tasks.
The gamified activity we planned involved unraveling
a mysterious enigma. To do that, two groups disputed
each enigma (except moment 4, which involved three
groups - see Figure 2), and the group that unraveled
the mystery first won the challenge.
We elaborated four enigmas based on a search in
gray literature as shown in the Figure 2. The level
of difficulty is the same for all enigmas.We created
four different rooms on the platform. We hid the clues
using the platform’s features so that the participant
had to explore the environment in search of clues.
To contextualize the subjects, we presented story-
telling regarding the enigma and the task each group
should perform. We aimed to provide all the instruc-
tions necessary to perform the activity. We present
these instructions in the following:
Mission - You are a group of private investigators
hired to unravel a mysterious crime. For this, it is nec-
essary to find clues and identify the killer. Your group
will be placed in a virtual setting, which may be an
office, a shopping center, or anything else. The clues
are scattered all over the place. Your team must find
all the clues and together find the killer. However, re-
member, you are not the only group of investigators.
In the same environment, another group is also trying
to find clues and unravel the same mystery as you.
So it is a contest between teams of investigators. The
team that first solves the mystery wins.
Access the Platform - We will send the link to the
room by email to the groups. You will need to provide
your email address to log in, enter your name, and if
you would like, personalize your avatar. Tou need to
provide access to your microphone and camera. After
that, you can use the platform.
Solving - in the platform, there will be a special and
interactive item (a supercomputer), which a group
member must access and inform their answer. When
submitting, we will inform you if it is correct or not.
3.2 Execution
We split the participants into nine groups with 3 to 4
members. We distributed the groups according to the
number of rooms with enigmas. There were four ap-
plication moments, one for each room with enigmas,
as shown in Figure 2. In each room, in addition to the
teams, a monitor was present, observing and solving
doubts. The monitor was only in the final room (the
room where the team should go to report their answer
to the enigma). There was no interference in the exe-
cution of the activity. The monitor support was only
for technical issues that could happen.
Upon unraveling the enigma, all group members
should inform the answer, validating their participa-
tion. We considered only the group’s first response
time to determine the team’s resolution moment.
Figure 2: Distribution of enigmas by groups.
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
From focus group data, we performed the qualita-
tive analysis using some steps of the Grounded The-
ory coding process (Corbin and Strauss, 2014): open
coding (phase 1) and axial coding (phase 2). We car-
ried out both steps using Atlas.TI
qualitative analysis
support tool. In the analysis process, we created codes
related to the group’s comments (open coding). Then,
we grouped the codes according to their properties,
forming concepts representing categories and subcat-
egories. These codes were related to each other (axial
coding). The open and axial coding phases were suf-
ficient to understand the students’ perceptions. We
asked for permission to record the discussion.
4.1 Aspects That Promote Immersion
on the
Immersion is one of the main aspects to consider in
understanding if a specific experience in the Meta-
verse is pleasant for users. In our analysis, the pro-
motion of Immersion in is caused by the
factors represented in the network provided in Figure
3. Two points are central: User-Platform Interaction
and User-User Interaction. Both aspects have their
characteristics and sub-characteristics.
User-Platform Interaction refers mainly to how
users used the platform’s features, as was the rela-
tionship and exploration with the virtual environment.
The use is directly related to the Platform Charac-
teristics, which encompasses the Design and Setting
process, the Environment and Avatars Customization,
and the Familiarity of with other plat-
forms. Finally, it also refers to the Gameplay dynam-
ics used in our study, which aggregates the tasks users
should do on the platform.
User-User Interaction refers to how users inter-
act and communicate on the platform. The interac-
tion and communication occurred mainly due to the
dynamics of Proximity Chat and the use of Avatars.
These factors led to a process of Socialization and
Interactivity between users and provided a compati-
bility relationship with the Real World. Below, we’ll
discuss how we arrived at each of these factors using
user insights gained through Focus Groups.
4.2 User-User Interaction Aspects
User-User Interaction happened due to two subfac-
tors: the use of avatars and the proximity chat dynam-
ics. We describe these factors in more detail below.
Avatar: The avatar is a graphical representation of
the user’s character. It is not a playable character but
focuses on how players engage and act as agents in a
fictional world (Klevjer, 2022). One of the main fea-
tures of Gather is the creation of avatars because they
trigger some aspects (how the interaction) to provide
the users with Immersion. The avatar allows people
to move freely in and out of interactive environments.
Furthermore, they allow conversations with other par-
ticipants and explore galleries of digital objects such
as videos and sound files.
The participants considered the idea of being rep-
resented by an avatar inside the platform positive, as
it allows a sense of identity: ... when I was inside
it seemed like my doll (avatar) was speaking”. In ad-
dition, the participants indicated that they preferred
using Avatar, showing that an avatar is a good self-
representation in Metaverse systems. If there is an
avatar in this Metaverse, I will want it, most people
at least, will want to be known by their Avatar and
not their video in the real world”.
The preference for interaction through the avatar
shows a positive aspect of the experience. The partici-
pants liked the different sensations that the avatar pro-
vided for interaction. First, the awareness of knowing
that communication was through avatars made the ex-
perience more attractive: Just thinking that a (sic)
little person there who is moving is a person. For me,
that makes it really cool” and Not being other peo-
ple for a while is good”, referring to the fact that s/he
feels like s/he is interacting with the avatars and not
with other people. In addition, aspects corresponding
to reality pleased the participants during the experi-
ence: What I liked most about the interaction was
being able to move fast, run fast, find the enigmas and
manage to find the other partner quickly to being able
to talk about the track”.
We noticed other aspects related to Immersion in
the participants’ reports. For example, the Presence,
which refers to the real feeling of being close to peo-
ple and/or in the same place, even if mediated by
some technology (see subsection 2.3), was quite no-
ticed during the experience: There was even a funny
situation where we, the dolls (avatars), were at a ta-
ble talking. We debated who the murderer was, and
there were people from another team”. Furthermore,
another aspect we noted was Flow, which is related to
the loss of the notion of being in a Metaverse or some-
thing parallel to reality: I really liked the experience,
because of this feeling of running... I felt a lot. Even
my heart raced. It felt like I was really running.
Proximity Chat. One of’s features is
the ability for users to communicate with one another
while their respective avatars are close to one another
An Experience in the Factors That Promote Immersion in Systems for the Metaverse
Figure 3: Immersion Factors Network.
on the website. The fact that communication is only
possible when the avatars are close or in the same
“room” within the Gather is a characteristic that refers
to reality, to the way communication happens in the
“real world. Without avatars, this communication dy-
namic would be the same as on any other platform.
Participants found the idea of communication
“to imitate” reality interesting.As they move further
apart, the tone of voice decreases, reflecting what hap-
pens in reality. This idea is reinforced in the report of
some participants: I found (interesting) that the chat
tried to imitate reality because when we got closer, we
talked, and the fact that they moved away also dimin-
ished [voice volume]”. In addition, communication
being similar to reality causes the illusion that the par-
ticipant is interacting in the real world. This feeling
is positive for Metaverse platforms, where often the
main goal is really to cause the illusion that the per-
son is in the “real world”. Such illusion contributes
positively to Immersion in the Metaverse reaching the
level of Presence when people feel together to the
point of feeling like they are in the real world: On
the platform, you are obliged to get closer to the per-
son to speak, which theoretically gives you the illusion
that you are in a real environment”.
We noted that the similarity with reality was one
of the main characteristics pointed out by the partici-
pants for the proximity chat to promote Immersion in
their experience: “... for those (people) outside (of the
conversation), it works as if you were approaching a
group at a table in a public space, and then you stop
talking”. In the view of the participants, Immersion
was understood as this close relationship with what
happens in reality: ... I literally invaded the conver-
sation of others. This is very immersive”.
As we pointed out in Avatar’s analysis, the prox-
imity chat was also a feature in which we noticed
important aspects of Immersion. For instance, we
identified the Presence in the participants’ reports.
They felt so close to reality that they felt together
in, to the point of “forgetting” that they
needed to be together to communicate: About having
to be close to talking - we started talking and forgot
that we had to be close, then suddenly - ”Wow, we
have to go back to be able to talk to the person”. An-
alyzing this quotation, the moment when the partici-
pants felt so immersed in the happened
when they reached Presence and Flow, the latter char-
acterized here by the fact that the participant ”forgets
that he had to be close”.
Interestingly, the level of Immersion in this expe-
rience occurred as the platform promoted other as-
pects, such as Presence and Flow. Besides provid-
ing features that bring the experience in the Meta-
verse closer to reality, it is necessary to investigate
whether such features manage to involve users to the
point that they reach levels of experience that allow
achieving the necessary Immersion to make the expe-
rience pleasant. Promoting the Presence, Flow, and
consequently, Immersion is what makes the feature
interesting: It was really cool, this proximity chat
I also found very interesting” and because there is
a component that this tool has that the MMO (Mas-
sively Multiplayer Online) do not have, that broke a
glass inside my head, the proximity chat”.
Therefore, we noted that both the Avatar and the
Proximity Chat were features that brought innovation
to the platform and allowed participants to reach dif-
ferent levels of Immersion during the experience. We
identified the levels of Immersion through the sensa-
tion of Presence and Flow at different times. These
levels of Immersion are why the experience was per-
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
ceived as very close to the real world and how people
interact outside the Metaverse (see Figure 3). In addi-
tion, both features also allowed socialization and in-
teractivity between people within the platform. In the
following subsection, we will present aspects of user
interaction directly with the platform that
also enabled the promotion of Immersion.
4.3 User-Platform Interaction Aspects
The platform features established user-Platform Inter-
action with some of its exclusive features and Game-
play Dynamics that promote Immersion.
Platform Techinical Features. have of
features for videoconferencing, such as screen shar-
ing, and some differentiated features. The avatars and
proximity chat are the resources that provide com-
munication and interaction between users. It also
has some exclusive features. For instance, Private
Spaces permit a meeting within the main conference
to those in the same place. Interactive objects (Em-
bedded Objects) allow video streams, images, and in-
teractive websites to be embedded in any object in the space so that users can interact.
The first level of Immersion is Engagement, de-
scribed as the user’s initial interactions with the ex-
perience they are participating. Therefore, the plat-
form’s characteristics must be pleasant for the user
from the beginning of the experience to encourage
user engagement. In this sense, the main aspects that
caught the participants’ attention were the customiza-
tion of the environment and avatars, the design and
setting, and the familiarity with other tools.
One of the factors that characterize the systems
for the Metaverse is the ambiance of the spaces. For
example, the “murder at school” enigma, which takes
place in a school, needed an environment close to the
characteristics of a school to make the experience of
solving the enigma on the platform more immersive.
The ambiance ensured approval from the users: “I
also liked the customization of the space. Ours, for
example, was a school and had a meeting room. We
would gather in the meeting room and talk: now ev-
eryone is going to explore, but let us meet in the meet-
ing room in five minutes”.
In addition to the ambiance, the user must be able
to interact and, as is typical of experiences in the
Metaverse, represent himself in various ways: “One
of the things that I liked the most at first was the cus-
tomization of the stick figures. It had a lot of cool op-
tions. Including, after I found out I had a wheelchair,
I had fun with the wheelchair (laughs)”. Customiza-
tion and ambiance can be considered fundamental to
provide a high-quality immersive experience: “The
fact that it is a customizable, interactive, amazing en-
vironment, and the proximity microphone too. That
was the turning point for me”.
The customization of the environment was a posi-
tive factor. However, it does not exclude that a Meta-
verse platform must be attractive to the user in terms
of design from the beginning. The user’s first contact
with the platform needs to be positive, as this will in-
fluence the desire to use it: “For me it was something
that blew my mind when I got there, I was very inter-
ested in this platform.. The freedom of customiza-
tion of the avatars promoted interest among the par-
ticipants, thus, a greater engagement to explore.
According to the participants, a metaverse plat-
form needs to provide a balance between simplicity
and sophistication. Simplicity is not a negative factor
as long as the platform delivers what it proposes with
high quality and in a simple way, providing different
elements to interact: “The setting is beautiful, I found
the game beautiful like that, even though it’s simple”.
One participant concluded that the sum of the plat-
form’s characteristics was the determining factor for
him/her to consider the experience positive: “Any-
way, I think it was an exciting experience, even with
my reservations, (referring to some points of Immer-
sion break, like the external pop up) it was an exciting
experience this simulation of the work environment
for us to solve the enigmas there was really cool”.
Another key feature identified for Immersion is fa-
miliarity with other platforms. Several times, partici-
pants pointed out that Gather resembled other games
and immersive experience: “I think the interaction I
liked the most is because the game is very similar to
an RPG, a game that we are already used to”.
Gameplay. Gameplay happens during the player-
game interaction, and this interaction aims to provide
a motivating, entertaining experience for the player.
(Nacke et al., 2010). Involves practicality of use, such
as commands, controls, and Storytelling. Gameplay
is affected by two factors: the features of the platform
and the established dynamics. In our study, dynamics
refers to Enigmas, which involve the arrangement of
clues and the relationship with the environment.
Making good use of the platform’s features in-
terferes with the experience and the quality of the
enigmas, consequently affecting the Gameplay. For
instance, making a good relationship between the
proposed enigmas and the elements available on the
platform can cause positive experiences in users, as
pointed out by a participant in the “Murder at school”
enigma: ’“I found it very interesting and when I found
tombs. I opened the tomb. In front of the small school,
I found the victims. I found it super funny”. Using
platform elements as an inherent part of storytelling
An Experience in the Factors That Promote Immersion in Systems for the Metaverse
is essential for increasing Immersion, as reported by
another participant: textit“At some point, I thought I
was going to die (laughs). When I went to test it, I
saw some cars. When I started playing, I thought a
car would appear and kill me at some point, and the
other team would win. I had that feeling all the time”.
In addition, since the platform has many different
features, some participants created expectations. Us-
ing few resources frustrated users, as they expected
a much more interactive environment, regardless of
the arrangements and tracks. One of the participants
pointed out that s/he saw a vast potential in the plat-
form that could be better explored: “I found it a little
easy, although I got wrong the enigma. However, I
found the enigmas too static. I saw a big potential to
make creative enigmas in that platform”.
A specific aspect of that participants
reported was the fact that some interactive features led
to an external link. Participants suggested that to be
more immersive (i.e., not break Immersion), the plat-
form could embed all the interactive elements within
itself. In this sense, the users do not experience a
broken experience: “Many things we had to answer
could be part of the platform itself instead of opening
a pop-up. I think it could have an internal poll within
the game itself”. Other participants agreed, indicating
that the experience would be more immersive.
The aspects presented above of low Immersion
level are directly related to how the Gameplay was
developed, how the interactions were established,
and related to the enigma storytelling. The strategy
adopted to encourage using and provide a good ex-
perience on the part of the participants is an essential
aspect when talking about Metaverse.
In this study, we adopted an enigma-based strat-
egy, which the teams should unravel. Naturally, a
crucial factor that occurred during the experience was
the competition. The study’s purpose was for users to
explore the platform. However, the competition was
very present, and this caused some negative points.
Factors such as the rush to solve the enigma prevented
participants from focusing more on the
experience and better exploring the environment we
created: “What participant so-and-so said, which
there was no time to explore, I think because we com-
peted, this rush stuff. Just trying to find the clues did
not give me time to focus”.
The element of competition is closely related to
digital games. Considering that the participants in our
study were undergraduate computing students, the fa-
miliarity with these games is high. Therefore, when
faced with the points described above about the break
in Immersion caused by the competition, some par-
ticipants reported several suggestions that would help
improve the experience. For instance, they indicate
the existence of a moderator who could help with par-
ticular parts of the platform, making interaction easier
for users in addition to moderation, they indicated us-
ing mini-games can help improve Immersion.
We can see that the purpose of using a platform for
the Metaverse needs to be very clear. Clarity prevents
a reversal of objectives and differentiates what is a
conference, a workspace, a game. All these software
tend to follow the same path towards Immersion.
We seek to understand in our research, from the
user’s perspective, which aspects promote Immersion
or how the Immersion aspects could be on the plat-
forms for the Metaverse. Thus, we used,
which aims to be part of the Metaverse ecosystem,
and is currently an up-and-coming tool.
A Metaverse of the type Mirror world, as
Gather.Town, has a lot of potential because it some-
how depicts the real world as though it were reflecting
in a mirror. That is why it is important to consider the
Immersion aspects. Through the liveiness and clarity
perceived by users, the increase in perceived realism
triggers the feeling of being there, representing Pres-
ence, which means total Immersion. These aspects
increase user satisfaction (Shin, 2019).
In our study, we identified two central factors that
collaborate to stimulate Immersion: user-user and
user-platform interactions. The first one is mainly
characterized by the features that provide
communication: avatars, and proximity chat. These
two factors contribute to socialization and interactiv-
ity between participants, in addition to providing a
relationship with the real world, which is precisely
one of the main characteristics of platforms for the
Mirror world type of Metaverse. The avatar was one
of the most commented aspects by the participants
during the Focus Group, proving to be one of the
main aspects of the experience, being preferable to
the video. Proximity chat is a consequence of using
avatars. Combining the avatar with proximity chat
was the main stimulus for the Presence and Flow.
The user-platform interaction is mainly charac-
terized by the’s features. We highlight
the customization, whether of the environment or the
avatars, in addition to the platform design and envi-
ronment. Familiarity with other tools is an essential
factor for quick and easy acceptance. The Gameplay
dynamic established for the environment’s utilization
is crucial in producing a positive experience.
Many platforms for online meetings, conferences,
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
or online classes create static environments for large
groups (McClure and Williams, 2021). Platforms like stand out for presenting features that pro-
vide a more vivid sense of Immersion, promoting a
more satisfying experience for users.
This research contributes to understanding the
participants’ experiences regarding Immersion within
a platform for the mirror world-type Metaverse. Ad-
ditionally, our findings served as a means of dissemi-
nating information regarding the use of
and provided a basis for future studies on various
facets of Immersion in Metaverse systems.
This paper presents an empirical study to verify fac-
tors promoting immersion in the Metaverse. We use
the as the basis for the immersive experi-
ences promoted to the participants. In our study, par-
ticipants accessed the and experienced
its interactive features. After users’ immersive inter-
actions on the platform, we conducted a Focus Group
session for a deeper discussion about their experi-
ences. We transcribed participants’ statements dur-
ing the focus group and performed a qualitative analy-
sis to identify factors that promote Immersion in plat-
forms designed for the Metaverse.
Our results showed that most participants re-
ported several positive aspects of the
experience. The sense of Immersion perceived in in our study was a direct consequence of
a set of factors involving the proximity chat, avatars,
and the design and ambiance of the platform. Our
study showed that participants felt socially connected
while using Interaction features helped
participants feel like they were in a real environment.
We hope our results stimulate interest in further
research on different Metaverse platforms to investi-
gate more immersion factors. We intend to replicate
this study on other platforms similar to the Gather.tow
proposal to compare the results obtained and promote
further discussions concerning the Metaverse.
We thank all the participants in the empirical study
and USES Research Group members for their sup-
port. The present work is the result of the Research
and Development (R&D) project 001/2020, signed
with Federal University of Amazonas and FAEPI,
Brazil, which has funding from Samsung, using re-
sources from the Informatics Law for the Western
Amazon (Federal Law No 8.387/1991), and its dis-
closure is in accordance with article 39 of Decree No.
10.521/2020. Also supported by CAPES - Financing
Code 001, CNPq process 314174/2020-6, FAPEAM
process 062.00150/2020, and grant #2020/05191-2
ao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP).
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An Experience in the Factors That Promote Immersion in Systems for the Metaverse