Mapping Process Mining Techniques to Agile Software Development
Cyrine Feres
, Sonia Ayachi Ghannouchi
and Ricardo Martinho
High Institute of Management of Sousse, University of Sousse, Tunisia
INESCC - DL, ESTG, Polytechnic of Leiria, Portugal
Keywords: Process Mining, Agile Software Development Processes, Mapping.
Abstract: Agile Software Development (ASD) processes have surfaced as an effective alternative for more efficient
software project management. They concentrate on a set of informal best practices instead of a standardised
process, making it difficult to determine the degree of real implementation in an organization. Process Mining
(PM) can play a key role in such analysis by discovering the software development process model followed
in a certain set of software projects, and by analysing event logs that report the projects’ executed tasks. These
discovered processes can then be compared to standardised ASD methods such as Scrum and eXtreme
Programming (XP), and improved accordingly. Motivated by this, we present in this paper a literature review
revealing the state of the art of Process Mining and its usage in ASD processes, but under a correlation between
the three main research areas of PM (discovery, conformance, and enhancement), and the main ASD process
perspectives including organisational/team, control-flow, quality, time, cost & risk, and data. We then analyse
and discuss the results of this review quantitatively and qualitatively and prospect future opportunities for
research accordingly.
Over the last two decades, software engineers have
been constantly looking for better ways to create
high-quality software in a timely manner. The
popularity of Agile Software Development (ASD)
processes, combined with collaboration tools, has
emerged as a flexible solution to these challenges
(Erdem and Demirörs, 2017; Erdem et al, 2018).
As with other kinds of business processes, ASD
processes can be analysed from several process
perspectives. For instance, the time perspective in the
Scrum framework is reflected by sprints with a fixed
duration, daily scrum meetings, effort estimations set
in sprint planning meetings and sprint reviews and
retrospectives duration and scheduling. The
resources perspective mainly includes Developers,
the Scrum Master and the Product Owner, as well as
their assignments to tasks. The control-flow
perspective can be reflected by the sequence of
activities performed for a certain software project. In
a Scrum scenario, this could mean starting with
prioritizing the user stories in the product backlog,
picking them to the sprint backlog, developing them
and showing them to the stakeholders, while
collecting feedback and improvements for the next
Process Mining (PM) has been used successfully
in a variety of fields, including software engineering
and, particularly, ASD processes (Urrea-Contreras et
al, 2021). In this case, PM is based on event logs that
can be collected from software project management
information systems and/or other data sources, and
may include the project ID, the tasks executed, their
corresponding user stories, the assigned team
members, and their start and end timestamps, among
other data. From here, PM techniques can address
three major purposes: discovery, conformance
checking and enhancement of ASD processes. Taking
Scrum as an example, PM discovery techniques can
be used to identify important metrics such as mean
number of sprints per user story, most efficient
Feres, C., Ghannouchi, S. and Martinho, R.
Mapping Process Mining Techniques to Agile Software Development Perspectives.
DOI: 10.5220/0011850500003464
In Proceedings of the 18th Inter national Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2023), pages 428-435
ISBN: 978-989-758-647-7; ISSN: 2184-4895
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
developer per type of user story, or simply the most
common sequence of tasks performed to develop and
finish a user story. Conformance checking can elicit
deviations against a standard Scrum sequence of
events, and enhancement can be reflected by
adjusting developer assignments to certain types of
tasks, or even to help estimate user story points.
We can find in literature systematic reviews and
mappings on the usage of PM in ASD processes, such
as the ones presented in Erdem and Demirörs (2017),
Erdem et al (2018) and Arias et al (2018).
Nevertheless, it is not obvious to understand, from
these contributions, which ASD process perspectives
have been under analyses with PM, particularly for
which purpose. In this paper we perform a literature
review on the use of PM in ASD processes, but in the
form of a mapping between PM techniques and ASD
process perspectives. In this way, we intent to provide
an insight on how research has addressed the
correlation between these two fields. This means that
we’ll be matching discovery, conformance and
enhancement PM techniques with commonly
addressed ASD process perspectives such as
organisational/team, control-flow, quality, time, cost,
risk, and data.
We provide insight into how such results were
obtained by using the PRISMA method (Page et al,
2021) which consists in a set of recommended
activities on a flow diagram, towards the
development of a systematic review. Next, we present
the main results under a matrix-based heat map
(cross-reference between PM techniques and ASD
process perspectives). We then analyse these
correlations from both quantitative and qualitative
points of view. Our goal is to identify the most and
least studied correlations, as well as their specific
applications and goals, in order to uncover research
opportunities in these fields.
The paper is structured as follows: brief
overviews of ASD processes and PM are given in
section 2. The research method is presented in section
3, and our matrix-based analysis is illustrated in
section 4, including quantitative and qualitative
descriptions of the analysed research works. Finally,
in section 5 we discuss the results and present future
research perspectives on these themes.
In this section, we first provide an overview of ASD
processes and their different perspectives. Then we
highlight the main techniques used in PM and their
2.1 Agile Software Development
Agile Software Development (ASD) processes are
becoming more popular in the information systems
field. Nowadays, a significant proportion of software
organizations develop software that uses ASD
processes (Garousi et al, 2015). ASD processes allow
project managers and workers to conform to
constantly changing contexts while not imposing
rigid control. ASD projects are typically established
by small teams over a shorter period of iterations
(Beck et al, 2001). Customers are frequently delivered
working software to test during the ASD process. As
a result, there is a high probability that changes will
occur throughout the development process, and can
even be decided at late stages of development to
ensure customer satisfaction (Marquez et al, 2018).
The Manifesto for ASD processes recommends
stakeholders to motivate agile teams, guarantees
coordination and communication among teams and
customers, and holds meetings to effectively and
efficiently transmit information between themselves
(Beck et al, 2001).
ASD processes can also be considered as a
conjunction of process elements from several
perspectives. For instance, the organizational/team
perspective can deal with team members and their
assignments to tasks.
The control-flow perspective is concerned in
identifying the tasks executed and their
corresponding sequences, while the time perspective
can refer to the duration of events such as tasks,
sprints and meetings. The quality perspective can
address the quality of a software release measured
through, for example, customer satisfaction
assessment. Other commonly referred perspectives
include cost, risk and data, which can be reflected in
business values assigned to user stories, prioritising
user stories that are more uncertain and under-
defined, and managing documentation of the software
product, respectively.
2.2 Process Mining
Process Mining (PM) emerged in the last decade with
several research studies that have been carried out,
and the trend is impressive. PM is a process
management research field that analyses business
processes using event logs as the starting point. It
must include a minimum of three elements that
describe the execution of activities: an identifier of
the case for a certain activity executed (for instance,
the software project to which it belongs), a label for
Mapping Process Mining Techniques to Agile Software Development Perspectives
the name of the activity and its (start time) timestamp
(Urrea-Contreras et al, 2021). Other information that
can be part of an event log includes resources used to
initiate or operate the activity (e.g.: operators/team
member(s), roles, materials, equipment), cost, risk,
quality, and data produced.
The aim of PM is to discover, monitor, and
improve real processes (rather than assumed
processes) by extracting data from readily available
event logs in today's information systems and data
sources (van der Aalst, 2016). These types of mining
can be focused on several process perspectives such
as time, control-flow, resources and case perspectives
(van der Aalst, 2016). PM is useful for several
reasons, namely (Van der Aalst, 2012):
Provides insight into organisational business
Enables the organisation's business processes
to be tested (whether processes are executed
according to the rules and within
Helps in optimising and enhancing business
processes and performance;
Allows for the evaluation and improved
decision-making for running cases in a
certain business process.
These business processes can be diverse in their
domain and evidently include ASD processes as well.
In this section, we illustrate how we used the
PRISMA statement
method to perform a literature
review on the correlation of PM and ASD processes.
3.1 PRISMA Statement
Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews
and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) (Page et al, 2021)
consists of a series of checks on a flow diagram (as
illustrated in Figure 1), considering essential items for
the development of a systematic review. Briefly, it
foresees the definition of search strings and the choice
of the research sources, the adoption of selection
criteria unfolding the results of the search, and then
the extraction of the different limitations of the
related research works. Figure 1 shows the summary
of results obtained from the application of the
PRISMA statement to our domains of knowledge.
Regarding the databases considered for the
search, ten were selected as data sources to collect
and obtain the largest number of studies. These
included: Springer Link, IEEE Xplore, Google
Scholar, Science Direct, Web of Science, Base
Search, Research Gate, Scopus, Scinapse, and For searching these databases, we
considered the following search string: “Process
mining” AND “Agile Software Development” OR
“Process mining” AND “Agile Software” OR
“Process mining” AND “Agile Software Lifecycle”
OR “Process mining” AND “Scrum” OR “Process
mining” AND “Extreme Programming” OR “Process
Mining Perspectives” AND “Agile Software
Development” OR “Process Mining” AND
“Software Engineering” OR “Process Mining” AND
“Business Process”. After collecting and counting the
results, we divided the study selection process into
two stages: 1) search results were evaluated by
reading the title and abstract. The main criterion in
this stage was the inclusion of words and context
regarding PM and ASD processes; and 2) the
remaining results were filtered, based on the
following inclusion criteria:
Scope related to PM in the context of ASD;
Full text is available;
Written in English;
Published between 2009 and 2022.
Before the selection process was completed, the
references of the selected papers were checked to find
related papers and to increase the size of the result set.
Information from all papers was gathered in the
form of an Excel file, resulting in 4444 papers + 4
duplicates (removed in the Screening section of
PRISMA). The resulting papers were firstly screened
based on the title (where we excluded 3315), and then
by keywords and abstract (excluded 1129 more)
resulting in 18 papers for a full-text reading. In the
next section we provide details on these final results,
considering their mapping onto ASD process
perspectives and PM techniques.
In this section, we begin by describing and
exemplifying the benefits PM can bring to ASD
processes, then we analyse the final 18 results from
our PRISMA method.
ENASE 2023 - 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Figure 1: Literature review results found and filtered according to the PRISMA statement.
4.1 PM in ASD Processes
Process Mining offers tools for discovering agile
processes used by agile teams to clarify an
organization's reality, and can also be used to improve
the process quality during agile software
development processes (Erdem and Demirörs, 2017).
Currently, ASD processes/frameworks’ best
practices such as those represented by Scrum
Behavior Driven Development (BDD)
, or eXtreme
Programming (XP)
are commonly built into software
project life cycle management tools to assist teams in
carrying out their software projects. From here, event
logs on the execution of these projects can be
registered and later collected to be fed into Process
Mining algorithms. These can then output several
results, which include performance graphs illustrating
control-flow and time-related values, common teams
and their collaborations, or even frequency graphs to
account for rework, cost, risk, and other quality
attributes. As a side contribution of this paper, we
present in Figure 2 a concrete illustration of how results
from PM can help ASD processes. For this, we also
present the well-known Scrum framework, decorated
with some examples of results originated from the
application of PM techniques, as well as the decisions
they can support to enhance the Scrum ASD process.
In this Figure, the main Scrum concepts are associated
with examples of tuples in the following form:
Records identified from:
Databases (n = 10)
Registers (n = 4448)
Records removed before screening:
Duplicate records removed (n=4)
Records marked as ineligible by
automation tools (n =0)
Records removed for other reasons
(n =0)
Records screened
(n =4444)
Records excluded
(n =3315)
Reports sought for retrieval
(n =1129)
Reports not retrieved
(n =1111)
Reports assessed for eligibility
(n =18)
Reports excluded:
Reason 1 (n = Lack of information
about our research area)
Reason 2 (n = Articles are about
software repositories)
Studies included in review
(n =3)
Reports of included studies
(n =15)
Identification of studies via databases and registers
Mapping Process Mining Techniques to Agile Software Development Perspectives
Figure 2: PM applied to the Scrum framework.
<Result obtained from PM>: <decision that can
be supported by this result>
For instance, for the Product Backlog, we can
measure the mean deviation between estimated effort
and real effort for certain types of User Stories (tuple
number 1 in Figure 2) so that we can estimate how
much effort should be considered for similar User
Stories. For tuple 2, we can obtain from PM the mean
business value for a certain type of User Stories, to
have a reference value for future ones.
For the Sprint Planning Meeting, we can consider
the waiting time between similar activities in past
projects (for instance, through a performance graph
from PM), as well as the best sequencing performance
between activities and best performance team for
certain activities (tuples 3, 4 and 5), so that we can
plan the next sprint accordingly.
For Daily Scrum Meetings (tuple 6), we can use,
for instance, Multi-perspective PM techniques
(Mannhardt et al, 2015) to retrieve the most efficient
schedule for daily meetings, based on past projects’
data (time of day and comparative amount of work
done further).
For the Product Increment, we can measure the
most cost-effective test policies, so that we can decide
which kind of tests we should favour (tuple 7). Also,
we can mine through PM the best performance
sequencing of product increments in similar software
projects, to better decide the next product increment
(tuple 8).
Tuples 9 and 10 are related to the Sprint review
event of Scrum. Similarly, we can measure the
number of user stories that surpassed one sprint till
concluded, to assess the most suitable sprint duration
for similar projects (tuple 9).
This can be done, for instance, by using the
Heuristics Miner from PM (Weijters et al, 2006),
considering the sprint ID as the case identifier, and
evaluating user stories that appear in more than one
sprint. We can also determine the best timing for
sprint reviews, based on this result, in conjunction
with data relative to the week day/time of each sprint
review event. This also applies in tuples 12 and 13 for
Sprint retrospective events, in order to derive the time
and kind of these meetings. Here, we can also use, for
instance, the Inductive Visual Miner algorithm
(Weijters et al, 2006) to analyse conformance and
deviations from a standard Scrum process, to infer the
changes in the process needed for a particular project
(tuple 11).
4.2 Quantitative Analysis
In Table 1, we present these 18 research works in the
form of a grey-shaded heat map, where darker cells
represent more papers addressing a certain mapping
of PM technique versus ASD process perspective. We
can conclude that most of these works are focused on
the organisational/team and control-flow
perspectives of ASD process, and with a higher
frequency on the application of PM discovery
techniques (10 and 14 research works, respectively).
The second most addressed correlations are those
related to the quality and time perspectives, again
with higher incidence on the application of discovery
PM techniques (8 and 4 works, respectively). Less
ENASE 2023 - 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
referred correlations include the ones from the cost &
risk and data perspectives, with 2 research works per
correlation cell. In the following section, we provide
deeper details on the exact contributions for each of
these research works by PM techniques.
4.3 Qualitative Analysis
The most commonly application of PM to ASD is
process discovery, with the purpose of uncovering the
really accomplished processes in organisations.
Agile team activities can be collected to discover
what is going on and how it is going on. Process
discovery will be beneficial in extracting the steps
taken by agile teams, required inputs to improvement,
intermediate outputs developed within iterations, and
roles that have evolved during development. This is
advocated in the research works referred in the
discovery – organisational/team correlation from
Table 1. Caldeira and Abreu (2016) and Shani et al,
(2019) focus on discovering the time perspectives
which means the time spent on each activity, which
activity is causing a bottleneck, what activity is done
the most on a particular time, and if exists a particular
moment where activities are slower to get done. This
can indicate inefficiencies in the ASD process model,
particularly in the early stages of software
development. Activities that cause bottlenecks can be
identified immediately with the event log streamed to
the system. This will accelerate the entire
development process, allowing software products to
be delivered to customers more quickly.
Rubin et al. (2014b) discovered that the different
interpretations of agile method rules by teams in an
organization may result in interoperability issues
between the organisation's projects. The works of
Akman and Demirörs (2009) and Aalst (2015) focus
on discovering the control-flow of the software
process. This is achieved by analysing the order of
activities and highlighting the most frequent activity
paths in software development, as well as analysing
how each task/activity follows each other in an event
log and inferring a possible model for the behaviour
captured in the observed process.
Caldeira et al. (2019) and Fauzi and Andreswari
(2022) discuss that ASD perspectives such as
organisational/team performance, time, and control-
flow can reflect on the cost and risk of ASD
processes. Urrea-Contreras et al. (2021) advocate,
through a systematic literature review, that PM
techniques are important for software development
processes’ management. The results illustrate a
research gap in the successful execution of the case
and time process perspectives. The systematic
mapping study of Arias et al (2018) proves that PM
discovery techniques (namely, performance analysis)
were used in three different studies. To diagnose
performance issues, a process model is discovered,
and time information is annotated for this type of
analysis. Lemos et al. (2011) explore the
conformance checking of the formal software
development process defined by a company and
evaluate the application of PM for making such work
less costly and more effective. The authors focused at
the control-flow perspective in the presented
conformance analysis. Rubin et al. (2014a) also
correlate PM and ASD. This work describes a
bottom-up approach for analyzing user and system
runtime behaviour and improving software by using
event logs (e.g., trace data) from a software system.
They are concerned with development processes, but
focused on the enhancement of software functionality
through the use of PM techniques in an agile manner.
Motivated by the lack, to the best of our knowledge,
of a systematic mapping/literature review correlating
the two fields of ADS processes and PM, we used the
PRISMA statement to perform a literature review.
We identified 18 resulting research works, being the
majority published within the last decade.
In Figure 1 we illustrated through Scrum how PM
techniques can serve decision makers on the
improvement of ASD process. We then correlated
PM techniques with ASD process perspectives
through a heat map (Table 1), to provide a better
structured global analysis, as well as to identify most
and least addressed research themes. From here, we
can conclude that, within these research works, PM
techniques applied are mostly related with discovery
of the organisational/team and control-flow ASD
process perspectives. Also, we can observe a
significant difference between these correlations and
the ones concerning the cost & risk and data
perspectives. Even for the time perspective, less than
¼ of the research works check for the application of
any PM technique.
Mapping Process Mining Techniques to Agile Software Development Perspectives
Table 1: Correlation of Process Mining with Agile Software Development Process Perspectives.
Agile Software Development Process Perspectives
Organisational /Team Control-Flow Quality
& Risk
Erdem and Demirörs
(2017), Marquez et
al. (2018), Caldeira et
al. (2019), Fauzi and
Andreswari (2022),
Rubin et al. (2014b),
Urrea-Contreras et al.
(2021), Caldeira and
e Abreu (2016),
Erdemet et al. (2018),
Zayed and Farid
(2016), Arias et al.
Rubin et al. (2014a),
Erdem and Demirörs
(2017), Akman and
Demirörs (2009),
Marquez et al. (2018),
Caldeira et al. (2019),
Aalst (2015), Fauzi
and Andreswari (2022),
Rubin et al. (2014b),
Keithand Vega (2017),
Urrea-Contreras et al.
Caldeira and e Abreu
(2016), Zayed and
Farid (2016), Arias et
al. (2018), Lemos et al.
Rubin et al.
Erdem and
Marquez et
al. (2018),
Caldeira et al.
(2019), Rubin
et al. (2014b),
Vega (2017),
Shani et al.
Lemos et al.
et al.
et al.
and e
Shani et
al. (2019)
Caldeira et
al. (2019),
Fauzi and
Sebu and
Zayed and
Marquez et al.
(2018), Caldeira et al.
(2019), Fauzi and
Andreswari (2022),
Ardimento et al.
(2019), Caldeira and
e Abreu (2016),
Erdemet et al. (2018)
Rubin et al. (2014a),
Marquez et al. (2018),
Caldeira et al. (2019),
Aalst (2015), Fauzi and
Andreswari (2022),
Rubin et al. (2014b),
Caldeira and e Abreu
(2016), Lemos et al.
Rubin et al.
Caldeira et al.
(2019), Rubin
et al. (2014b),
Shani et al.
Lemos et al.
et al.
and e
Shani et
al. (2019)
Caldeira et
al. (2019),
Fauzi and
Sebu and
and Farid
Marquez et al.
(2018), Fauzi and
Andreswari (2022),
Ardimento et al.
(2019), Rubin et al.
Caldeira and e Abreu
(2016), Erdemet et al.
Rubin et al. (2014a),
Marquez et al. (2018),
Aalst (2015), Fauzi and
Andreswari (2022),
Rubin et al. (2014b),
Keithand Vega (2017),
Caldeira and e Abreu
Rubin et al.
Rubin et al.
Vega (2017),
Shani et al.
et al.
and e
Shani et
al. (2019)
Fauzi and
Sebu and
Qualitatively, we can observe that the majority of
these research studies aim to demonstrate that PM can
be a useful tool to improve the implementation of
ASD process perspectives, namely:
Organisational/team: Enhancing the
process model with organisational structures
that combine social network analysis,
mapping resource behaviours, user
collaboration, and role analysis;
Control-flow: Defining a method for
examining how each task/activity follows
the next in an event log and deducing a
possible model for the behaviour recorded in
the observable process;
Quality: Addressing software quality as one
of the main goals of ASD process to obtain
a high level of customer satisfaction, which
can be affected by time, team performance,
and cost of the project;
Time: Concerning the frequency of events
and their timing and used them to predict
remaining and analysing the processing time
or duration of an activity;
Cost & risk: Associating costs and risks
mainly to planning activities, which can also
be highly affected by scope, time, and
quality during the project;
Data: representing all the information
consumed and produced during one release
of a software product in ASD process.
Taking these considerations into account, this
paper can be used as a reference and brief guide for
ENASE 2023 - 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
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