Digital Participation Among People Aged 50+ in Switzerland:
Insights to Course Offers and Training Experiences
Sarah Speck
, Lilo Ruther
and Sabina Misoch
Institute for Ageing Research, University of Applied Sciences Eastern Switzerland,
Rosenbergstrasse 59, St.Gallen, Switzerland
Keywords: Baby Boomer Generation, Digital Divide, Digital Participation, Digital Skills, Older Adults, Social Inclusion,
Training Needs.
Abstract: Digital skills in everyday life are inescapable, particularly if one wants to stay socially engaged in later life.
With ageing societies, it must be ensured that all, also older adults, are not behind. The digital divide has been
long dealt with, however, in this debate the heterogeneity of adults aged 50+ are largely neglected. This
research article is part of a mixed-methods study. It assesses the digital training courses currently provided
and the experiences and needs of people aged 50+ who participated in such courses. A program analysis and
individual qualitative interviews were used to extract the views and experiences of older adults, retired, or
still working, in Switzerland. The wide range of training offers, and the results of our interviews indicate that
digital participation is a relevant aspect of everyday life, so be and stay socially engaged and fosters well-
being and self-esteem. We relate the concept of digital competences and digital participation to our empirical
Today, society is being transformed by digitalization
(Tskekeris, 2018). Digitalization changes society and
the lives of individuals fundamentally. The Covid-19
pandemic showed us how important digital skills are
today, even if it is only to stay in touch and be
connected to our loved ones. Especially, the
pandemic has excluded older adults from personal
contact in society whereas the young benefited from
opportunities of modern information and
communication technologies using their smartphones
or tablets. The current Covid-19 pandemic
accelerated the process of digitalization recently
(Seifert and Charness, 2022). Despite digital
development and improvement, it must be ensured
that all citizens can develop skills necessary to
participate in daily public and social life and to access
services provided, e.g., health or banking services.
Since population ageing is on the rise, it must be
ensured that older adults are able to apply, maintain
and acquire skills with the constant digital progress.
Digital skills and competences are inescapable and
essential (European Commission, 2018; Ferrari et al.,
2013). Ferrari (2012) provides a comprehensive
definition of digital competences as
“…the set of knowledge, skills, attitudes (thus
including abilities, strategies, values and
awareness) that are required when using ICT
and digital media to perform tasks; solve
problems; communicate; manage information;
collaborate; create and share content; and build
knowledge effectively, efficiently,
appropriately, critically, creatively,
autonomously, flexibly, ethically, reflectively
for work, leisure, participation, learning,
socialising, consuming, and empowerment” (p.
Regardless of today’s progress of digitalization,
there are still vulnerable populations who have either
limited digital competences or access to various
devices. Older adults tend to have fewer digital
competences as they opt to not use the internet
compared to than younger generations who grew up
Speck, S., Ruther, L. and Misoch, S.
Digital Participation Among People Aged 50+ in Switzerland: Insights to Course Offers and Training Experiences.
DOI: 10.5220/0011851900003476
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (ICT4AWE 2023), pages 48-58
ISBN: 978-989-758-645-3; ISSN: 2184-4984
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
with the digital world. This observation of a digital
gap between the generations is called the digital
divide (Friemel, 2016), which was highly criticized
and discussed in detail of being dichotomous, not
including or considering other aspects. One key
criticism is that there is a high risk to overlooking the
group of people who – in a continuum of digital skills
are not at one end but somewhere in the middle
(Hämmerle et al., 2022). In recent years hence,
discourses shifted to more inclusive views, i.e., rather
than to focus on what is missing or who is missing out
in debates of digitalisation, it is increasingly relevant
to fill the gaps and ask how to address the divide and
seek to broaden the understanding if a digital
inclusion and approaches how to alleviate so-called
existing divides, gaps and inequalities relating to
digitalization (Reisdorf and Rhinesmith, 2020).
By talking of excluded populations within the
digitalized world, the social group older adults were
major area of interest. However, up to now, far too
little attention has been paid to people aged between
50 and 70 with only moderate digital skills have
received far less attention than the population aged
65+ who are retired and in their third part of life. Part
of this younger old group is often referred to as Baby
Boomer generation, Baby boomers or just boomers
(Oertel 2014). Now, by considering typical cohort
effects and incorporating the concept of digital
divide, we assume that the proportion of the group
with moderate digital skills is especially high among
people 50+, as most of these people have gained their
digital skills more at work than in schools or at home
(Van Dijk & Hacker, 2003; Reiner et al., 2020).
Our research project focuses therefore particularly
on persons in their second half of life who were
trained in digital skills and competencies on the job
(Prensky, 2001) and have not grown up in the world
of digitalisation. One goal of this study is to depict the
digital skills and training needs of the overlooked
social group of people aged 50+ who either are still in
professional life, close to retirement or retired. The
comparison of different cohorts shows that boomers
have different needs than older cohorts (aged 65).
We took this cut-off and research gap for our research
project about digital skills of adults aged 50+ living
in Switzerland (see Hämmerle et al. 2022). We focus
on their needs in the field of digital skills and their
experiences in digital trainings. The aim of the
research project is to a) outline an assessment of the
status quo of digital trainings, b) investigate the needs
and wishes of course participants and hereafter, c) to
provide best practice recommendations for action.
Further, this study seeks to raising awareness to the
unfortunate general assumption and assignation of
people of a certain age (or generation) to a completely
homogenous category of “older adults” or even “older
people” (see also Schumacher & Misoch 2017).
Our assumptions on digital participation of people
aged 50+ in Switzerland are based on previous studies
(cf. Stallmann 2012; Höpflinger 2015; Pauli &
Misoch, 2018; Schumacher Dimech & Misoch,
2017). We particularly focus on the issue of enabling
digital participation among people aged 50+. The
starting point of this project are two important
developments: (1) The Baby Boomer generation has
higher digital skills than older generations
(Hämmerle et al., 2022: 278) and (2) Progressive
digitalization (which was given another boost by the
Covid-19 pandemic) leads to different prerequisites
and needs for digital training and education. In
general, it can be observed that the group with hardly
any digital knowledge is increasingly shrinking. This
makes it as well more difficult to reach out to this
specific group. The transformation from having no
clue and no digital skills at all is shifting to more basic
digital knowledge mostly acquired on the job. Hence,
this development changes the needs for digital
training which need to be adjusted and enhanced for
the group with basic or little digital skills.
The research paper at hand outlines preliminary
results and focuses in two data sets from the overall
study: assessment of the current course offers
available in Switzerland and interviews with
individuals who have experience in digital course
trainings. We firstly aim at crystallizing if course
providers are adequately addressing their target group
and what digital skills and competences are offered
therein. While breaking down and illustrating
different digital competence areas of people aged
50+, we firstly map out what digital competences
currently are offered and what needs, or changes are
required for existing offered courses to meet the
needs of participants.
Secondly, we are interested in the course
experience of participants and asked about their
opinions, needs, and wishes for future courses and
their motivation linked to course participation. We
outline what motivates participants to attend digital
skill courses whether retired or still working. In doing
so, we then explore under what circumstances courses
on digital skills offered can contribute to both, digital
and social participation.
The paper closes with a discussion and
exploration on how digital participation might
support avoiding digital and social exclusion in later
Digital Participation Among People Aged 50+ in Switzerland: Insights to Course Offers and Training Experiences
Our study Digital Skills and Training Needs of 50+.
A Study Beyond the Digital Divide takes the
methodological approach of a mixed methodology
(Cresswell and Vicki, 2007; Kelle 2022) based on:
a program analysis (N = 193; Käpplinger,
2008; Nolda, 2011; Schrader and Zentner,
2010; Mayring, 2012)
a large-scale quantitative telephone survey
(CATI, N = 400; Howard, 2014),
20 qualitative semi-standardized follow-up
interviews (N = 20; Misoch, 2019), and
an online platform containing a self-
assessment test to generate long-term data
during and beyond the project duration (see
Hämmerle et al., 2020).
For the paper at hand, focus lie on the qualitative part
of the study, hence program analysis and the 20
individual interviews.
2.1 Program Analysis of 193 Courses
Program analysis is a widely tested method in adult
education (Nolda, 2011) for analysing course
offerings in the continuing education sector. The
method is a continued development of the qualitative
content analysis after Mayring (2012, 2015). With the
help of this method an inventory of further training
courses for the expansion of digital skills can be
made. Inductive and deductive category formation go
hand in hand in program analysis (Gieseke and Opelt,
2003; Käpplinger, 2008; Nolda, 2011; Schrader and
Zentner, 2010; Mayring, 2012).
We collected all relevant courses were through the
website ( The website
contains a course search tool. This official website for
vocational training in Switzerland lists training offers
from all cantons considering the different language
regions. The project team imported the relevant data
(course descriptions) then to ATLAS.ti.
The program analysis then finally consists of 193
documents of digital training offers. Low-threshold
course are not included in the sample. The 193 course
descriptions from 2020 include 118 courses from
German-speaking part, 19 from French speaking part
and 28 from Italian speaking part of Switzerland.
As the program analysis proceeds the project team
carried out a code schema and the search for anchor
D stands for document and shows the number in brackets
indicate the frequency of how many times the categories
were counted in ATLAS.ti.
examples. The coding scheme is based on the
literature of the method (Käpplinger, 2008; Schrader
and Zentner, 2010) and on categories and
subcategories that have emerged from the
development of the self-assessment questionnaire and
derived from the Digital Competence Framework.
With this analytic scheme we could make visible
which areas of competences are addressed in the
course programs and which occur rarely and are
totally neglected.
The coding scheme was built on the categories
“the degree of participation”, “the targets of the
course”, “the target group”, “the content of the
course”, “required precognition/previous
knowledge”, “the event format” “the understanding
of digitalization” and “the methods used in the
course”. Minimum and maximum contrast courses
with different target groups and course content were
selected as anchor example.
The coding plan was tested on the following
anchor examples “Android smartphone in everyday
Beginner course for seniors and senior citizens”
(D4_001), “Smartphones in everyday life
beginners” (D_46) “Deepening in the computer in
everyday life” and “Digital Marketing Specialist -
Certificate of the provider” (D_129).
It turned out that the deductive variables
“participation” and “understanding of digitalization”
as well as the teaching method could hardly be found
empirically in the course descriptions.
2.2 Individual Qualitative Interviews
We conducted in addition to the data of the program
analysis 20 qualitative semi-structured individual
interviews via telephone survey. The interviews were
conducted in cooperation with DemoSCOPE. Ten
interviewees were recruited form the quantitative
CATI study who expressed an interest in an in-depth
qualitative interview, ten were chosen out of a follow-
up recruitment. Interviewees were aged between 55
and 80 years, from almost all linguistic parts of
Switzerland (German, French, Italian), including in
total 11 male and nine female respondents.
For comprehensibility, the interview guide in
German was checked in a pre-test (n=2). Interview
data was transcribed into text data (German) which
thereafter was analysed after Mayring’s content
analysis (2012) with help of the qualitative data
analysis software ATLAS.ti. Here, we put emphasis
ICT4AWE 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
intercoder reliability which was achieved through
Ruther and Speck from the project team coding the
text data independently according to Mayring (2015).
All relevant materials (interview guidelines,
leaflets, brochures, content for discussions and
workshops) were translated into French and Italian by
IAF staff members.
Conceptually, we refer to the European Digital
Competence Framework (Ferrari et al.2013;
Carretero et al., 2017; DigComp, 2020) that identifies
five key components in digital competences: (1)
Information and data literacy (2) Communication and
collaboration (3) Digital content creation (4) Safety
and (5) Problem solving. This competence framework
we extended to a total of seven areas of competences.
The seven categories hence describe an approach to a
holistic range of digital competences. Further, we
think it is a useable tool for an overall description of
digital skills of individuals. The extended framework
of the competence areas of digital skills moreover
includes: (1) Basics and Access, (2) Search, Evaluate,
Manage and Store, (3) Communicate, Collaborate
and Participate, (4) Create and Design, (5) Protect and
Act safely, (6) Problem solving and Acting (7) and
Analyse and Reflect. We added the categories
“Basics and Access” and “Analyse and Reflect” and
differentiated the other areas by highlighting and
naming the activities that describe each section more
specifically by the skill content or competency (table
1). Increasingly, (public) services such as banking,
shopping, and buying tickets for public transport are
offered exclusively online. Using these services as an
offline service generates costs for the customer or
clients. Regarding older adults for instance, this is a
disadvantage. Older adults increasingly are left
behind when it comes to digital skills and use daily
life (Seifert and Rössel 2019: 4). To address and
discuss this issue at hand, we refer to Reisberg and
Rhinesmith’s call not to focus on what how the divide
or gaps are characterized but more on what is possible
rather than what is missing or who is missing out
(2020). This might provide a fresh approach moving
away from a deficit-based perspective to a more
asset-based perspective. This brings us one step
further to identifying potential solutions, and
alternatives to increase digital inclusion and
regarding the current situation with the Covid-19
pandemic more social inclusion. Digital inclusion is
not merely about being online or having a device
connected but as well to build and maintain skills and
confidence (Ageing Better, 2021). In addition, Seifert
et al. (2021) likewise assert that digital participation
promotes social inclusion. We hope to point out from
our findings, how active participation in digital skill
courses, thus improvement of digital skills, may
lower risks of social exclusion in society, particularly
among older adults.
4.1 Findings from the Program
The 193 documents of course descriptions provide a
wide range regarding topics and content of digital
training. All courses, once a participant registered for
it, are binding: Registration for the course is
necessary in advance and often basic digital
knowledge, i.e., access to a computer and an own
email address, are required for the participation in
digital training courses.
Box 1: Example of course description (cont.)
There are basic training courses that address a
specific target group and others with an unspecific
target group. The following is a typical example for a
D_002: Getting started with the computer for seniors
[Einstieg in den Computer-Alltag für Senioren]
Description of the offer:
- use mouse and keyboard correctly > digital device
-> Basics and Access
- create and design simple text documents
-> Create and Design.
- create a simple document repository
-> Search, evaluate, manage and storage
- save documents
-> Search, Evaluate, Manage and Storage
- print documents-
> Basics and Access
- use the internet for research etc.
> Search, Evaluate, Manage and Storage
- know important terms from everyday computer life
-> unspecific
Original: [Beschreibung des Angebots]:
- Maus und Tastatur korrekt einsetzen
- einfache Textdokumente erstellen und gestalten
- eine einfache Dokumentenablage anlegen,
- Dokumente speichern
- Dokumente ausdrucken
- das Internet für Recherchen etc. benutzen
- wichtige Begriffe aus dem Computeralltag kennen
Digital Participation Among People Aged 50+ in Switzerland: Insights to Course Offers and Training Experiences
beginner’s course: «Getting started with the
computer» [Einstieg in den Computeralltag]. The
adapted version for seniors reads as follows: «Getting
started with the computer for seniors» [Einstieg in
den Computeralltag für Senioren]. Some of the
courses offered mainly concentrate on just one device
at once, either smartphone, tablet, or computer.
Digital skills from the seven competence areas
included in this illustrative example are: (1) Basics
and Access (2) Search, Evaluate, Manage, and Store
and (4) Create and Design. A more detailed look at
one specific example illustrates what the course
contents consist of, and which digital competencies
are addressed therein (Box 1).
The last point from the description list “know
important terms from everyday computer life” is
rather unspecific. It can refer to basic concepts and
functions as well as to more complex terms. Also, it
is not clear if the last bullet point refers to an
application level or a level of reflection. The course
description of the example above then is completed
by the goals of the course as follows (Box 2):
Box 2: Example of course description (cont.)
Box 3: Example of course description (cont.)
Here, it is once again emphasized in clear terms
which skills the participants will have mastered by the
end of the course.
The sample of course descriptions include further
courses dealing with specific programs like video,
social media, and image processing. Others deal with
typical applications for traveling and other daily
businesses. Finally, job-specific continuing education
courses make up a large part of the sample. Of these,
several courses lie in digital marketing. In addition to
the target group of seniors, unemployed, migrants and
women and specific job groups are targeted.
The duration of the different courses is between a
one-day course and courses that last for several
months. The target groups of the courses vary a lot as
well and mainly address seniors as being rather on a
low level. Courses either address beginners or
advanced learners. The sample includes courses
which are only on demand. The description of these
is formulated flexible and open, adaptable to the
needs of the participants. It is striking that many
course descriptions are optional formulated and
express a flexibility of offers. This means that the
objectives of the courses are missing (8 times) or not
specifically mentioned (13 times), the level of
competence is not decidable (29 times), there is no
information about the content (16 times) or the
prerequisites are formulated flexibly (5 times).
Finally, courses for moderate training needs are
hardly to find, i.e., courses for potential participants
who have basic knowledge but are not advanced. We
can depict a high variation of courses in our sample.
However, the program analysis does not point out
whether all these listed courses took place or not.
Another interesting aspect to consider is the
requirement of previous knowledge, access, or ability
to get online and possessing the right hardware for the
course. Basic digital knowledge (access to a computer
and an own email address is a requirement for the
participation in the course offers (34 times). Problem
solving and Acting (6) and Analyse and Reflect (7)
have less occurrence in the course descriptions. The
chart (figure 1) shows the distribution of the
competences provided in the course contents and
which of the competences of the seven areas occur
together frequently.
Interestingly, low-threshold course offerings
offered at are more likely to be found
in the Italian- and French-language course
The most important result of the program analysis
is that courses for moderate offerings are hardly to be
found in Swiss adult education. The limitations of a
program analysis also become clear, as it can only
D_002: Getting started with the computer for seniors
[Einstieg in den Computer-Alltag für Senioren]
Participants gain confidence and independence in
using the PC and can use the mouse and keyboard in a
targeted manner. The participants save their
documents and know where to find them. On the
Internet they quickly find the desired information.
Original: [Ziele]:
Die Teilnehmenden gewinnen Sicherheit und
Selbständigkeit im Umgang mit dem PC und können
Maus und Tastatur gezielt nutzen.
Die Teilnehmenden speichern ihre Dokumente und
wissen, wo sie diese wiederfinden im Internet finden
sie rasch die gewünschten Informationen.
D_028: Android Basis tablet course
[Android Tablet Basis Kurs]
Prerequisites are first experience in using the device
and an established Apple ID or Google account (mail
address and password). The course takes place with
your own device.
Original: Voraussetzung sind erste Erfahrungen in der
Bedienung des Gerätes und ein eingerichtetes Apple–
ID bzw. Google–Konto (Mail–Adresse und Passwort).
Der Kurs findet mit dem eigenen Gerät statt.
ICT4AWE 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
capture the course descriptions but not the courses
actually held. However, the analysis of the course
descriptions offers important clues for the course
providers, which we can pass on to them so that they
can adapt their offers even better to the needs of
people 50+ in Switzerland.
Problem solving and
Collaborate and
Basics and access
Create and Design
Search, Evaluate,
Manage and Store
Analyse and Reflect
Figure 1: Distribution of the 7 competences in the provided
course offers.
4.2 Findings from the Qualitative
Interviews: Experiences
The set of questions that guide the qualitative part of
the study aim at identifying the expectations, needs
and motivations linked to course participation and the
experiences participants have with attended courses.
Resulting from the 20 qualitative semi-structured
interviews, course experiences were both, positive
and negative, whereas expectations, motivations and
needs varied a lot. Variations are due to current living
situation such as age and gender, personal life
situation, interest and leisure activities and
professional background and education which
influence particularly the motives of course attendees
significantly. Why attend a digital skills course?
Personal motives and motivations among the sample
varied a lot depending on their life situation. Those in
working life were mainly suggested to attend a course
by their employers as it is necessary for work.
4.2.1 External and Intrinsic Motivations
Particularly the Covid-19 pandemic forced many
people to learn new modes and channels to teach or
hold meetings despite lockdowns and social
distancing. Thus, reasons for motivations are induced
oftentimes by external factors of work environment.
The aspect of necessity does not appear among those
who are already retired. Intrinsic motivations are
paramount here: Curiousness and independency.
Private commitments and voluntary engagements in a
club or association motivated interviewees to educate
oneself and take part in courses. A 55-year-old male
participant stated that, “As member of a choir where
I am responsible for the development of a webpage, I
recently educated myself in the field of web-design”
(Interview #52). Further, during lockdown, home
office requirements and quarantine in 2020 and 2021
people searched for activities at home, compatible
with the restrictions. A 53-year-old woman
mentioned, “I wanted to make use of my new free
time during the pandemic lockdown and associated
short-time work. In my case, I wanted to get to know
new programs as my employer does not support or
offer this, hence, I took matters into my own hands”
(Interview #83)
4.2.2 Expectations Towards Digital Courses
In terms of expectations of the course, half of the
interviewees mentioned that applicability
and realization of what they have learned is of high
relevance or as one interviewee stated, “(Important is)
that I can apply 100 percent of what I have learned”
(Interview #22). The qualitative investigation
revealed that most of the interviewees could apply
everything during the course. However, at home they
often found themselves helpless and wish some
guidance (through materials from the course, videos,
or a digital coach).
Further, course participants expected the course
instructor to be competent in their respective areas
they taught. Talking about this issue a 68-yerar old
woman said, “My expectations lie in a varied design
of the course and good didactic skills of the course
instructor (…) The teacher should therefore have in-
depth "know-how", so that all questions can be
answered. The teacher must know what she or he is
talking about” (Interview 19). Another expectation or
rather wish for future courses was that course
participants should be on the same level and the
participants should fit together as a group, also
regarding the participant’s age. The composition of
the group of 68-year-old female interviewee was, “(..)
mixed in terms of age. This made it difficult to carry
Digital Participation Among People Aged 50+ in Switzerland: Insights to Course Offers and Training Experiences
out the course in general as young people always went
forward quickly. My age group was rather slow”
(Interview #16). A purposeful pre-selection of group
participants prior to the course starts or at time of
registration would be desirable, i.e., to determine the
level of knowledge of a participant to enable
homogeneous groups regarding the course level.
However, in one case, the participant thought that
mixed groups are better: “The group composition
should be mixed in terms of professional
backgrounds, gender and age in order to have exciting
interactions and to benefit from a diversity of
experiences”. While this interviewee benefited from
a mixed setting, others felt excluded, or cannot follow
the course in a faster tempo.
A general expectation for on-site courses was a
complete and working infrastructure, including good
acoustics, course spaces that are easy to find and
access, and nice environment for breaks (i.e.,
possibility to go outside).
4.2.3 Course Search: How Do I Find the
Suitable Course?
The majority of the interviewees found it easy to
search for courses. In many cases they were informed
by their personal network or read it in leaflets or
brochures that target older adults in society.
Interviewees aged under 65 years, those who are still
in working life, are mainly recommended to attend
digital skill courses by their employer. However, a
55-year-old woman found the search of courses
overwhelming as the number of provided services on
the internet are endless. She mentioned: «Simple is an
exaggeration. It is no fun. It [online search] is not
comparable to brochures. The online handling is not
intuitive, when you have to click on each and
everything. The overview is totally missing, an
overall view would be helpful and important”
(Interview #81). Overall interviewees mentioned a
confusing numbers of courses and providers and the
concomitant challenge of finding the right course
which suits their needs and at the same time is a
trustworthy and offer good-quality courses. The
woman who mentioned not being amused with online
course search added, that it particularly helped her
though to search specific websites, i.e., for digital
skill courses tailored for seniors. Often the search did
not stop on the individual online-search. Interviewees
often mentioned asking their friends, colleagues at
work or relatives for further information.
4.2.4 In Person or Remote?
The Covid-19 pandemic had an enormous impact on
how courses are taught, in presence or virtual. Three
thirds of the interviewees preferred traditional
classroom training and face-to-face learning.
Underlying reason are social exchange during breaks
and after the course, joint learning, good atmosphere
among the participants, and direct support from
course instructor. Active participation during the
course was rated higher than for the virtual courses.
Nonetheless, course participants were partially
intimidated or felt ashamed to ask Virtual courses
demand high concentration and prevent active
contribution to the course. Further, the interviewees
who attended both formats, tended to evaluate virtual
courses as poorer in quality than courses taught face-
to-face. Particularly, interviewees aged 60+ preferred
to attend the course in presence, whereas those still in
professional life preferred virtual courses, as it saves
time and costs questions in front of a group in
presence, especially when there were younger
participants around.
The variety in both, course offers in the program
analysis as well as the most diverse experiences and
motivations of older adults aged 50+, show that the
social group of “older adults” are a heterogenous
group. With the preliminary results presented in this
paper, it can be suggested that course offers need to
be customized to the requirements and wishes of
potential participants and continuously adjusted.
We found in the program analysis that a broad
range of courses and topics are offered. However, it
is difficult to reach a conclusion based on the 193
course descriptions to what extent these courses
helped the participants to increased digital
participation. The course descriptions are at times
rather unspecific. This point was as well reflected in
the individual interviews.
Only a few descriptions of courses deal explicitly
with specific everyday issues such as buying a ticket
for public transport online, using Online Banking or
using online payment (e.g., Apple Pay).
ICT4AWE 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
Table 1: Description of the categories and the associated skills that belong to each competence area.
Category Description course target
(1) Basics and Access Digital device:
- Putting into operation
- Dealing with input mode (with mouse, keyboard)
- Access digital content (e.g., Internet)
- Access various functionalities (e.g., programs, apps)
(2) Search, Evaluate,
Manage and Store
- Search for information and data in different digital environments (Google, Wikipedia,
daily newspapers online, etc.) (dealing with the Internet)
- Use and adapt search strategies
- Identify relevant sources (media literacy, being able to interpret seriousness)
- Evaluate, interpret & critically assess sources and information
- Store information & data securely, find them again
(3) Communicate,
Collaborate and
- Communicate with others using various digital capabilities (e.g., devices, programs, apps)
- Share digital content (e.g., files, links, images) with others
- Use digital tools for collaboration (e.g., to merge or collaborate on information/data)
- Actively engage and participate in society by using digital services (e.g., online services,
public transport tickets, tax declaration, sharing knowledge e.g., in social networks, online
- Recognize and apply rules of conduct (netiquette) in digital exchange and collaboration
(4) Create and Design
- Apply various formats and editing tools (e.g., word processing, image creation,
spreadsheet programs)
- Process information, content, and existing digital products (e.g., text, image, graphic
documents) and insert these into existing knowledge to create new contents
- Recognize meaning of copyright, right of use, and intellectual property, refer to sources,
and acquire rights in use
- Develop instructions for a computer system (e.g., programming)
(5) Protect and Act safely - Recognize risks and dangers in the digital environment (e.g., websites or e-mails with
fraudulent intentions (e.g., phishing mails)
- Protect content, personal data and privacy in the digital environment (e.g., do not disclose
private data online, use secure passwords and anti-virus programs)
- Set security settings and keep them up to date
- Recognize health risks and addiction risks when using digital technologies and protect
themselves and others (e.g., ergonomics, addiction risk).
(6) Problem solving and
- Solve technical problems in the operation of devices themselves
- Identify own needs and recognize the digital tools or technical solutions to problems for
this purpose
- Use different digital tools depending on the situation
- Recognize knowledge gaps in the use of digital tools and find, evaluate, and use digital
learning opportunities
- Recognize and understand functionalities and basic principles of the digital world (e.g.,
underlying algorithms)
(7) Analyse and Reflect - Recognize and critically question the design means of digital media and its effect.
- Recognize opportunities and risks of media use in different areas of life
- Recognize the importance of digital media and use them in a self-regulated manner
- Awareness that digital skills need to be regularly updated
- Assess the impact of technologies and technology use for the environment
Target group-oriented courses for seniors are
received very differently. Especially because of our
results that more and more seniors are still working
(as our interview results show), it is important to offer
specialized courses also for self-employed seniors
and not to withhold them only to individual
professional groups.
The 20 qualitative individual interviews gave
relevant insights into participants’ experiences
regarding digital skill training courses. Reasons and
Digital Participation Among People Aged 50+ in Switzerland: Insights to Course Offers and Training Experiences
motivations we found in our data for participation in
digital training are social contact and exchange and
engaging socially. These activities were not possible
during lockdowns, hence many mentioned they
enjoyed direct personal contact and that they
appreciated particularly on-site courses which are
face-to-face. Especially the breaks were mentioned to
be important as well for course participation, to even
only meet up socially with other people their age and
exchange views and experiences. This also accords
with earlier observations from Chopik (2016) who
notice the importance of the social aspect in digital
training. He emphasizes the benefits of using
technology for social connection between older
adults. The Covid-19 pandemic strengthened this
need of exchange and social contact. It seems that
participating in digital training helps older adults aged
50+ to generate contacts and social exchange. Our
preliminary findings in this research article are so far
in line with similar studies such as the
interdisciplinary multi-case study of Pihlainen et al.
(2022) which have shown that the majority of older
adults (50+) mentioned hobby, social contacts and
staying active in old age as main reasons for digital
participation and course taking.
Of course, some of the participants attended the
courses for other reasons: To learn something new to
stay independent in the foreseeable future and not
burden their adult children. However, important
reasons and intrinsic motivation were for instance, to
improve digital skills to apply these to improve club
activities. Being able to contribute actively to
something that is important for them, their hobby,
improves self-esteem and life quality. This finding is
consistent to Benvenuti et al. (2020) who found that
technology is beneficial for the quality of life and
well-being of older adults. It is encouraging to
compare our results of intrinsic motivation of
participants with those of Pihlainen et al. (2022) who
found that many are motivated by own interest to
learn something, to stay active and independent.
Therefore, digital participation per se and course
attendance is linked also to curiosity and pleasure. In
our sample we especially also found voices stating
that they wanted to use their new free time during
lockdowns meaningful.
Interviewees also mentioned that they want to stay
up to date regarding the use of digital devices but as
well society or external factors would pressure them
to engage digitally. Pihlainen et al. (2022) as well
demonstrate out of their data, that older adults feel
socially pressured to deal with modern technology or
a certain device (p. 10). Notwithstanding, the Covid-
19 pandemic forced work and school to go digital as
16 working participants in our sample mentioned they
attended digital training because of their employer
and due to Covid-19 restrictions for work and school.
In terms of expectations and experiences course
participants made our results support the idea of
adjusting course descriptions to more detailed and
explicit descriptions. It would be desirable to have
course descriptions that address target groups better,
hence group composition would as well be better. A
further wish of the interviewees was that the courses
should be easier accessible, i.e., not only advertised
online but as well printed in leaflets or newsletters or
similar. Or, how Reuter et. al (2021) claim, to include
older adults actively in the process of creating digital
contents and offers. This step would as well facilitate
the inclusion and support of older adults in digital
participation. In many ways digital participation or
knowledge and digital skills enrich social life. For
example, being able to create a website for the choir
club is an active contribution which flashes over to
self-esteem, being an important part of a social group,
and well-being in everyday life.
This study set out to assess offers of digital training
courses across Switzerland and the experiences of
course participants with regards to their needs. So far,
based on the data from the qualitative part of this
study (program analysis and interviews), we can point
out on the diversity of the group of older adults which
is stated in the manifoldness of course offers as well
as in the individual experiences made. The study has
shown that digital participation or digital skills
transition into private life, i.e., hobbies, hence also
participation or inclusion in social life.
The research paper at hand is limited to the fact
that we focused mainly on the qualitative data for this
paper as the study is still ongoing. Further, while the
qualitative results may not be representable for entire
Switzerland, it offers valuable insights of individuals
who participated in digital training and stated their
one-to-one experiences.
What we could show here is that in general
heterogeneity must be acknowledged for both, the
target group of older adults and the topics of course
trainings. Participants can only benefit from digital
training if the courses are tailored to their needs and
wishes. An “one-size-fits all” approach is also not in
favour of Pihlainen et al. (2022) who executed their
ICT4AWE 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
study for the neighbouring countries Germany,
Austria, and Finland.
Nonetheless, the investigation of course offers
showed generally that these are unfortunately not
explicitly tailored to the target groups and should be
adjusted. The preliminary data presented here
suggests that the majority of course providers need to
adjust their course offers and descriptions. For
example, not addressing the right target group limits
the opportunity of possible participants. Few course
offers were explicitly for “older adults” or retirees,
but middle-aged adults close to around 50 years are
not addressed at all. Hence, from the data already
available and the results presented here, we suggest
that course providers should
- adjust their course descriptions to more clear
and explicit descriptions;
- address the target group better to ensure
better group composition (size of group and
age mix);
- make information about courses more
accessible, i.e., not only advertised online
but as well printed on leaflets;
- offer more courses for people with moderate
training needs;
- invest in recruitment strategies for people
with little or no digital skills at all;
- offer individual training besides other course
- adjust the training offers to the latest
technical developments;
- provide material (videos, instructions) for
follow-up to the course participants.
The aim of the study Digital Skills and Training
Needs of 50+. A Study Beyond the Digital Divide is
to provide best practice recommendations for
Practitioners working with older adults and to add to
this list of suggestions in a further step. This paper
shows preliminary results towards an elaborated
recommendations product.
We thank the Advisory Board for useful inputs during
workshops of this research project. We thank the SNF
for funding this research project under the NRP77
“Digital Transformation”. Further, we want to thank
Lorella Civale and Mélodie Näf for diverse
translation work into Italian and French. Thanks also
go to Damian Hedinger, member of the IAF research
team and NFP project, for countercheck.
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