Introduction to BASE Enterprise Architecture Framework for
Holistic Strategic Alignment of the Complex Enterprise
Ivka Ivas
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Keywords: Enterprise Architecture, Business Architecture, Business Strategy, Cynefin Framework, Business Capability
Model, Value Streams, Strategic Alignment, Complex Enterprise.
Abstract: There are many enterprise architecture frameworks on the market, but despite being heavily promoted with
promises of their expected benefits, in practice they have not proved to deliver expected value. The main
reason for this is IT-oriented controlled reductionist approach inapplicable for a complex enterprise. In
parallel with IT-oriented enterprise architecture business architecture was developed to support business
strategy. But, as a pure business discipline, business architecture also did not prove to deliver expected value
because, in a complex enterprise with business, which is highly dependent on IT, it is impossible to decouple
business from IT because your business is your IT. This paper will, therefore, introduce the new Business
Architecture-based Strategy-driven Enterprise architecture framework (BASE) for improving holistic
strategic alignment of the complex enterprise by supporting both formulation and implementation of the
enterprise strategy. As foundation of the BASE framework, which will be further explored in future work,
this paper will present a business architecture-based enterprise architecture model for managing the complex
enterprise, based on business architecture also providing business-adjusted IT insights, and holistic initiative
footprinting methodology which will illustrate how to leverage business architecture and proposed EA model
to properly scope strategic initiatives already early in the process.
According to Conant-Ashby Theorem, "every good
regulator of a system must contain a model of that
system" (Conant et al., 1970), meaning that our
ability to manage situation or organisation depends
directly on how good our model of that situation or
organisation is. We are, therefore, not able to manage
what we do not understand, except by luck
(Hoverstadt et al., 2013). For small companies, this
has never been an issue because it was possible for an
individual, usually the owner or head of organisation,
to be confident enough to say that he really
understands how his business works. For many
organisations this has changed. Over the years they
grew and merged, becoming more and more complex,
increasing complexity in people, processes, and IT.
So, it became extremely problematic for business
leaders to have a proper understandable model of
their business on top of all underlying business and
IT complexity. And, as mentioned before, without a
proper model we can rely only on luck. In big
organisations nowadays this often means making
business and strategic decisions based just on gut
feeling without properly understanding the scope and
the impact.
The hypothesis of this paper is that only enterprise
architecture (EA) can provide the proper model of the
complex enterprise to support the enterprise both in
formulation and implementation of the new strategies
and that EA with that model can help better estimate
and execute strategic initiatives.
Accordingly, and in follow-up to the findings and
recommendations for the future work of EA research
from the 2018 study "Business strategy modelling
based on enterprise architecture: A state of the art
review" (Kitsios and Kamariotou) the objective of
this paper is to answer the following research
RQ1. "What support can EA provide within business
strategy, and on what conception of business
architecture is this based?" (Kitsios and
Kamariotou, 2018).
RQ2. What kind of model should enterprise
architecture provide to support business strategy
in the complex enterprise?
RQ3. In the complex enterprise, how can enterprise
architecture provide decision makers with better
Ivas, I.
Introduction to BASE Enterprise Architecture Framework for Holistic Strategic Alignment of the Complex Enterprise.
DOI: 10.5220/0011853200003467
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2023) - Volume 2, pages 575-588
ISBN: 978-989-758-648-4; ISSN: 2184-4992
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
early scoping of strategic initiatives to know what
to expect later in the implementation, get better
estimates, and help avoid failed initiatives by
validating strategic direction already early in the
This paper will be used to give introduction to
Business Architecture-based Strategy-driven
Enterprise architecture framework (BASE) with first
two chapters explaining the concept and the
background for the framework. As a foundation of the
BASE framework, which will be further explored in
future work, the paper will present a business
architecture-based EA model for dealing with the
complex enterprise. The paper will than propose
holistic initiative footprinting methodology for early
scoping of strategic initiatives. Strategic initiatives
are initiatives through which an organisation
translates into action its strategic direction (plans
which need to be executed to progress towards
companies’ vision). The proposed methodology will
illustrate how to leverage business architecture and
the proposed EA model to enable early discovery of
E2E dependencies of strategic initiatives and show
how a proper early scoping can provide better
estimates on effort, timeline, and money, and help to
know what we can expect later in the implementation.
And help validate strategic direction already early in
the process to avoid failed initiatives.
Enterprise architecture with enterprise architecture
frameworks (EAF) aroused in 80s and 90s to remedy
chaotic situation caused by unplanned approach to
information technology (IT) implementations on
enterprise level (Kotusev, 2016). Although being
upgraded in the later versions with gradually
introducing "start with the business" approach, the
foundation of the most EAFs are still systems and
technology with focus on control of the enterprise IT.
This implies a reductionist approach to the enterprise,
treating it as a static enterprise-level IT system,
whereas EAFs tend to break the enterprise down into
its component parts, applying the theory that the parts
must be understood to improve the whole (Bloomberg,
2014). According to McDowall (2019) this approach
is not well-suited for the enterprise architecture in
modern, agile organizations and the main reason why
traditional EAFs do not deliver practical value
(Kotusev,2021). Instead, McDowall (2019) proposes
approaching an enterprise as a complex adaptive
system (CAS). CAS is a system without a central
management that consists of multiple interconnected
agents whose mutual interaction causes emergent
system behaviour as adjustments to its environment.
Examples of such systems are flock of birds or ant
colony. Behaviour of CAS cannot be explained by
understanding its components, but only by
understanding system as a whole, i.e., holistically.
Unlike centralised, controlled and reductionist system
approach of traditional EAFs, McDowall´s EA, with
enterprise treated as a CAS, better fits to complex,
modern, agile organizations because it focuses on
business needs and supporting system development
by setting clear goals and leaving implementation
details to the team. Kotusev (2018) proposes a similar
approach comparing EA practice to city planning.
Both organisations and cities cannot be perfectly
planned in every detail, both are evolving without
definite final state and are limited by their current
However, a CAS system is defined as a system
without central management which is the premise that
cannot apply to a modern enterprise. This is because
success or failure of a modern enterprise cannot
depend solely on how well it fits or not to its
environment because it also highly depends on its
central strategic management. Therefore, along with
the premise of the need for adaptability, holistic
optimization, and goal-oriented management that fits
to the CAS approach, this paper also aims to
emphasize the importance of the centralized strategic
management as the main anchor of the complex
enterprise execution. Next chapter will elaborate on
the notion complex enterprise which fits to this
2.1 Complex Enterprise
In 1999 Dave Snowden created Cynefin framework
for aiding leaders in decision making. Framework
was initially developed in the context of knowledge
management and organisational strategy. Cynefin
offers decision makers "sense of place" from which
they can assess their perceptions, understand the
behaviour, and properly respond applying techniques
applicable for the situational decision-making
domain they are in. Cynefin is based on the notion
that "humans use patterns to establish order in the
world and make sense of things in complex situations"
(O'Connorand and Lepmets, 2015). Framework
therefore offers five situational domains defined by
cause-and-effect relationships (as shown in figure 1).
Clear and complicated domains are ordered, meaning
that there exists a relationship between cause and
effect which makes it applicable for the reductionist
approach. Clear (simple, obvious in the previous
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
versions) domain is domain of best practices with
clear and obvious cause-and-effect relationships.
Complicated domain is domain of experts where
those relationships exist but not obvious and require
analysis. Left part of the framework includes
unordered complex and chaotic domains where a
reductionist approach is not applicable. Complex
domain is the realm of "unknown unknowns" where
right answers do not exist, and cause-and-effect
relationship can only be deducted in retrospect.
Decision model for this domain is probe, sense,
respond, meaning that leaders must act to discover
and gradually develop stable emergent patterns that
can emerge by conducting easy-to-fail experiments.
This is the domain of agile practices.
Figure 1: Cynefin framework (Snowden and Boone, 2007).
In a chaotic domain, without a cause-and-effect
relationship whatsoever, the first task of leaders is to
act urgently to stabilise the situation and then find a
way to move the situation to the complex domain.
The domain in the centre is confusion (called
disorder in the earlier versions). In confusion it is not
clear which domains apply so the situation needs to
be broken down into previous domains and then apply
appropriate decision model for each domain
(Snowden and Boone, 2007).
This paper is written for a complex enterprise,
which is what most big organizations nowadays are.
Enterprise complexity is caused by a variety of
factors. Only in IT increasing complexity is a natural
consequence of the software evolution. By Lehman´s
"Increasing Complexity" law, as software evolves its
complexity naturally increases unless work is done to
prevent and reduce it (Lehman, 1980). And
undertaking any actions to prevent this has rarely
been a case, neither in the past or today. Other reasons
for IT complexity are non-planned approach to IT
implementation (no architecture) or unsuccessful
consolidation projects motivated by complexity
reduction, but often ending-up with more complexity
(e.g., adding the new target system together with a
integration system for syncing its data flows with old
unsuccessfully phased-out systems). And this is just
IT. Big source of complexity is also on business side
with its complex, non-standardized processes,
complex product portfolio, people turnover with
"silent knowledge" loss and business-IT
misalignment. And with mergers and acquisitions
(M&A) this all gets multiplied with proper
consolidations never happening.
This all puts most of the typical enterprises in the
complex domain of Cynefin framework where known
reductionist rules do not apply. Meaning that´s
impossible to understand the enterprise by
understanding its parts. It´s also impossible to know
all the details, because enterprise is too big,
interconnectable, too changing and it wouldn´t even
make sense because it´s a complex system. But it´s
possible and mandatory to have a high-level
understanding of the enterprise business to be able to
manage it (because you cannot manage what you
cannot understand, except by luck). How to achieve
this with proposed EA model will be elaborated later
in text.
Furthermore, a way to deal with enterprise
complexity is to approach the enterprise holistically,
i.e., viewing, understanding, and optimising
enterprise, not as a collection of its parts, but as a
whole. This fits to CAS holistic optimisation
approach with accepting adaptability and goal-
oriented management. But, unlike CAS, also with a
central strategic management. Because complex
enterprise doesn´t just evolve, it´s also driven by good
strategy which is essential for the long-term business
success of the company. (Rumelt, 2022) defines
strategy as an exercise of power which presumes the
use of power of company's leaders "to make part of
the systems do things they would not do if left to
The definition of the complex enterprise is,
therefore, an enterprise composed of highly
interconnected, interacting, and changing parts that
must be driven by business strategy and managed
holistically with a high-level understanding of the
enterprise business to succeed and excel in the rapidly
changing market.
How to deal with a complex enterprise, including
the role of EA, will be described below.
2.2 Ensuring Holistic Optimisation
The main focus of the lean management is to optimize
value delivery by identifying and eliminating waste in
the process (Womack and Jones, 1996). The value
Introduction to BASE Enterprise Architecture Framework for Holistic Strategic Alignment of the Complex Enterprise
which enterprise provides to its customers through its
digital services or products is its primary purpose. To
effectively optimize enterprise value delivery, there
should be a shared consciousness of this sense of
purpose and a common understanding of holistic
value delivery (McChrystal et al., 2015). This
includes all the steps a company must undertake to
deliver a product or service starting from sales to
billing. Figure 11 from the case study below shows
example of the holistic delivery of a company from
the payment industry which holistic value delivery
consists of the following steps: sell card acceptance,
onboard customer, enable transaction acceptance,
process payment transactions, settle merchant,
provide reports, bill merchant and support merchant.
In a complex enterprise, it is extremely important
to holistically optimize enterprise delivery and avoid
local optimization, as waste at one level can be
important at another (Alahyari et al., 2019). This is
not obvious in the large organizations because they
are often organized in organizational silos.
Organizational silos refer to business departments
which operate undependably pursuing department
goals instead of company goals. This often leads to
local optimizations that optimise only part of the
organization ignoring upstream and downstream
effects, which doesn’t necessarily improve the overall
delivery of the customer value (Skelton and Pais,
2019). To change this, it is important to build team-
like collaboration across silos, and to achieve this,
someone must raise awareness of the purpose of the
business and try to ensure that things are always
covered holistically, both from business and IT world.
2.3 Business Architecture
In parallel with enterprise architecture, business
architecture (BA) was developed to support strategic
and business planning of the enterprise. Business
architecture represents a holistic business blueprint of
the enterprise that provides a common understanding
of the enterprise, with the goal to holistically optimize
enterprise value delivery and support business
strategy (Simon and Schmidt, 2015). However,
business architecture is only about business
architecting of the enterprise, meaning that it ignores
IT insights in supporting strategy and managing the
enterprise. But, in a complex enterprise, with business
which is highly dependent on IT, it´s impossible to
decouple business decisions and strategy from IT
because your business is your IT, and your business
highly depends on what´s possible in your IT.
Therefore, business architecture also did not prove to
deliver the expected value.
The purpose of this paper is therefore to propose a
business architecture-based enterprise architecture
framework which is capable of effectively supporting
strategy both with business and IT insights.
How this can be achieved will be explained below.
Figure 2: The role of EA in strategic alignment.
Rumelt (Rumelt, 2012) defines good strategy as "a
coherent mix of policies and actions to address
significant challenges". Kernel of every good strategy
consists of three elements: diagnosis (diagnosing
current situation and formulating the challenges),
guiding policy (defining overarching approach for
solving the challenges), and coherent action (defining
a comprehensive cohesive plan to reach the goal). In
other words, a good strategy must be formulated with
a proper diagnosis and implemented first by setting
guiding policy and then by executing coherent action.
Enterprise ability to successfully formulate and
implement good strategy is called strategic
alignment. According to Aldea et al. (2018), strategic
alignment is achieved when enterprise strategy is
formulated taking into account the supporting
structure of the company and when the operational
objectives and actions are implemented in accordance
with the overall strategy. The latter includes
appropriate design that supports that implementation.
Authors propose the use of EA to improve strategic
alignment of the enterprise by support in both
formulation and implementation of the new
strategies. Accordingly, the purpose of proposed
BASE enterprise architecture framework is to
improve holistic strategic alignment of the complex
enterprise by supporting both strategy formulation
and strategy implementation through implementation
of composable architecture (figure 2).
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
3.1 Supporting Strategy Formulation
In many organizations EA still shares the fate of many
other businesses that aspire to be taken seriously and
listened to by those leading the enterprise. However,
in reality, a legitimate role that EA might or should
have in strategic decision process (or strategy
formulation) is limited to advising on opportunities
and limitations of new technologies. Since only this
fits the traditional EA, to the discipline perceived as
IT-specific. Which again is a type of support which
can easily be avoided. And, in reality, often is. It´s
therefore not surprising that EA rarely has any role in
strategy formulation, but typically only in its
implementation. A different picture emerges when
looked from the management science perspective
which calls for an apprehensible model of the
complex enterprise. According to Hoverstadt et al.
(2013), a complex enterprise calls for a core "big
picture" model of the organization and its operating
environment, which should both help business
leaders to understand how their business works and
provide them relevant information for decision
making. A need for a tool to deal with enterprise
complexity had already been recognized as a serious
business problem by a survey of 1,400 Global CEOs
in 2005 where 77% assessed complexity as a high
priority, 91% said they need special tools for it where
only 5% claimed they have such a tool. According to
Hoverstadt et al., only EA discipline can solve this
problem by providing a proper EA model to support
decision makers both in strategy formulation and
strategy implementation. This paper will, therefore,
present an EA model which can provide needed
inputs about enterprise business for senior
management to help them ensure that "strategy is
developed while considering supporting structure"
(Aldea et al., 2018) of the company, including both
business and IT. Proposed EA model will provide a
common language and enterprise-unified reference
for all enterprise discussions and relevant inputs to
decide where in enterprise makes sense to invest
financial resources and validate strategic direction.
This paper will demonstrate how EA, with use of
proposed EA model and business architecture, can
support strategy by early scoping of strategic
initiatives which can help validate strategic direction
already early in the process and help avoid failed
initiatives. How to further leverage the proposed EA
model and BASE framework for strategy formulation
will be explored in future work.
3.2 Strategy Implementation with
Composable Enterprise
Service composability design principle of service-
oriented architecture (SOA) encourages the design of
services that can be reused in multiple solutions
where services themselves consist of composable
services (Magedanz et al., 2008). Composable
enterprise is an approach to enterprise design that
embraces API economy and service composability
embedding adaptability into design to help enterprise
adapt to rapidly changing market demands and plan
for uncertain futures. A composable enterprise is
expected to deliver its products and services through
assembly and combination of pluggable, scalable, and
replaceable components. Business capabilities
(packaged business capabilities in composable
enterprise terminology) represent abilities that an
enterprise possess or plans to build embedded in
people, processes, and technology. Business
capability model represents set of all enterprise
capabilities (figure 5). Following service
composability principle, packaged business
capabilities (PBC) themselves consist of composable
reusable PBCs or services on lower system levels.
According to Bhatnagar (2022) composable
enterprise is the latest generation of service-oriented
architecture which leverages the latest technology
(cloud, microservices and REST) in combination with
such a service design which includes business
architecture, technologies, and thinking. This means
that service composability should also be applied by
the business and applied on both enterprise and
system design level. This presumes design of all
enterprise components with joint holistic
understanding of the enterprise business and its
strategy direction. This approach is different from
widely applied domain-driven design (DDD)
approach which encourages splitting problem and
solution domain and thus separating business and IT
perspectives (Evans, 2003). By DDD, problem
domain belongs to business which is in charge of
business domains and subdomains (business
capabilities in DDD terminology). IT is expected to
separately deal with problem solution in its IT
solution domain. Which means that IT has
responsibility to design modular solutions applying
service composability solely from the IT perspective
(often with composability and reusability considered
just inside a specific IT ecosystem). In contrast to this
approach, the purpose of the BASE framework is to
bring business and IT together with service
composability applied on the whole enterprise level,
starting with business capabilities. To achieve this,
Introduction to BASE Enterprise Architecture Framework for Holistic Strategic Alignment of the Complex Enterprise
there should be a shared consciousness of the purpose
of the enterprise and a joint understanding of the
enterprise's business.
Future work will elaborate on this idea by
providing a methodology for building composable
Proposed EA model should support strategic
alignment of the enterprise by providing abstraction
and simplification of the enterprise complexity
understandable by both strategic decision makers,
business, and IT (figure 3). This chapter will
elaborate on how this can be achieved.
Figure 3: Dealing with enterprise complexity.
4.1 Metamodel
The proposed EA model is based on the ArchiMate
standard. ArchiMate is an open and independent
enterprise architecture modelling language that
integrates business processes, information flows,
organizational structures, information systems, and
technical infrastructure (The Open Group, 2022).
Figure 4 shows the metamodel of the proposed EA
framework with definitions of the elements provided
in table 1. The proposed EA model has two variants.
Figure 4: Metamodel of the proposed EA model.
Table 1: Definitions of the EA model elements.
Element Definition
Enterprise abilities for
delivering value embedded in
people, process, technology, and
Business capabilities are
divided into core, supporting,
and generic or enterprise
capabilities (Leonard, 1995).
Collection of E2E activities that
create an overall result for the
customer (stakeholder or end-
Business services are different
implementations of the same
usiness capability.
Person with business ownership
for business application or
usiness service.
Application known as a separate
application from the business
perspective, irrelevant of its
implementation structure.
Outcome Represents some expected end
Stakeholder Person, team, or organization
with an interest in the outcome
Value Something customer is willing
to pay for.
In the base version business capability is decomposed
to business services which then decompose to
business applications. In simplified version value
streams and business capabilities are directly
decomposed to underlying business applications
The future work will extend the model to support
implementation of the composable enterprise.
The EA model currently consists only of the static
elements. The proposed EA model might be extended
in the future with the rest of ArchiMate´s strategy and
motivation elements to support modelling strategy.
Next chapter will elaborate on the main building
blocks of the proposed EA model.
4.2 Main Building Blocks
The main building blocks of the proposed EA model
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Business capability model (BCM) the centre
of the model providing a common language and
enterprise-unified business reference point for
all enterprise discussions.
Value streams simplified and generalized
high-level business processes providing
understanding on how business works or should
Business-adjusted IT insights - providing high-
level IT insights understandable by business.
These building blocks are described in detail below.
4.2.1 Business Capability Model (BCM)
In many organisations exists the gap between strategy
formulation and its implementation by business
processes and information systems supporting them
(Keller, 2015). The purpose of the proposed EA
model is to support both strategy formulation and
implementation. To achieve this, EA model must
bridge the gap between business and IT providing a
common language and an enterprise-unified
reference point for both decision makers, business,
and IT. This can be achieved with business capability
model (BCM). BCM represents a high-level view of
the enterprise through collection of its business
capabilities and their relationships. A business
capability is a particular ability that a business may
possess or exchange, embedded in people, processes,
technology, and information, serving to achieve a
specific purpose or an outcome (Homann, 2006). A
business capability defines what a business does
without communicating or exposing where, why, or
how (Ulrich and Rosen, 2014). BCM represents a
strategic view of the enterprise, providing a stable,
overarching view of what the enterprise does and
what is important to the business (Swindell, 2014). As
such BCM serves as a central business-oriented
starting point of the proposed EA model. A thorough
methodology for defining BCM together with the rest
of the proposed EA model will be provided in the
future work. Figure 5 shows the real industry example
of an BCM.
4.2.2 Value Streams
In lean management value represents something, the
customer is willing to pay for. While BCM defines
what an enterprise does, value streams depict how
enterprise delivers value to its customers. Value
stream is a collection of end-to-end activities, or steps
that an enterprise must undertake to deliver its value.
Every step in the value stream adds an incremental
value to the overall value delivered to the customer.
Representing a simplified and generalized high-level
metamodel of the underling business processes, value
streams enable common high-level understanding of
the business processes outside technology context or
any "how" details. Due to their simple notation
consisting only of value stream stage and flow
relationship, value streams enforce simplified
thinking. When used together with business
capabilities (figure 13 in the use case below) they are
an excellent technique for brainstorming and design
of enterprise high-level business processes without
Figure 5 Real industry example of business capability model (BCM).
Introduction to BASE Enterprise Architecture Framework for Holistic Strategic Alignment of the Complex Enterprise
entangling with unnecessary system, process, or
technology details. This will be demonstrated in the
case study below.
4.2.3 Business-Adjusted IT Insights
As computing has become a core part of every
industry and businesses highly dependent on their IT,
software implementation is often the largest part of
any investment. And also, the main reason why these
investments often fail. A common reason for this is
the fact that decision makers very easily fall into so-
called optimism bias due to a lack of information
about the state of IT. Optimism bias refers to a
tendency of overestimating the likelihood of
experiencing positive events and underestimating the
likelihood of negative events (Kahneman, 2011).
Optimism bias is about ignoring, underestimating, or
inventing the work needed on something you do not
understand and hoping for the best, even when that
something is the core of your business (as IT is). This
again leads to the Conant-Ashby theorem, which
states that we are unable to cope with something we
do not understand, except by luck. Optimism bias is
nothing unusual, it´s just a pure human nature to deal
with a complex situation. It's not easy to understand
IT because it's cumbersome and complex, IT people
speak a different, incomprehensible language, and
there's simply no understandable IT information
available to support decision-making. To change this,
proposed EA model must provide decision makers IT
insights which are understandable to them. As
elaborated above, the center of proposed EA model is
BCM, which, as collection of enterprise business
capabilities, provides common language and starting
business reference point for both business and IT. In
the proposed model, each business capability from
BCM is then decomposed to high-level business-
adjusted IT perspective providing just enough
accuracy needed. IT entities used in the model for
providing IT insights are business application and
business service (definitions in table 1 above).
Decomposition of business capabilities to business
services is a great tool for identifying IT
harmonization potentials. E.g., figure 6 shows an
example of the base model decomposition where four
different business applications realize the Billing &
Invoicing business capability. Figure 7 shows
simplified model decomposition used by high level
presentation purposes (demonstrated later). Since
managers sometimes also want to drill down and have
details at hand as required, model also supports
simple flow relationships between business
applications (figure 8). The knowledge graph-based
EA tool Ardoq with its component Discover provides
ability for the end-users to dynamically explore the
model and ad-hoc drill down from the selected
business application in figure 6 or 7 to its IT system
landscape in figure 8. This will be further elaborated
in the future work in the paper on methodology for
defining the EA model.
Figure 6: Business capability decomposition (base model).
Figure 7: Business capability decomposition (simplified
Figure 8: IT business application landscape.
Figure 9 Holistic initiative footprinting methodology
This chapter will introduce holistic initiative
footprinting methodology to illustrate how to
leverage the proposed EA model and business
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
architecture to properly scope strategic initiatives
already early in the process. The purpose of the
methodology is to enable early discovering of the
E2E dependencies of strategic initiatives to already
early in the process provide proper estimates on the
scope, time and money and reveal what to expect later
in the implementation.
The methodology uses heatmapping and
storytelling techniques. Heatmapping is a technique
for colouring model with using hot and cold colours
to draw attention. Technique is usually used for
capability management to support business leaders to
decide where in the enterprise to best invest financial
resources (Keller, 2015). Storytelling technique is
about using stories to engage the audience. Denning
(2006) recommends applying storytelling as strategic
business narrative technique in huge organisations.
As shown in figure 9 Holistic initiative footprinting
methodology consists of the following steps:
1. Explain the background (the why and the scope):
explain why we want to start the initiative, what
is the background, planned scope and what we
as a company want to gain from this initiative.
2. Explain which customer problem we are
understand which customer problems we are
solving, illustrate customer value stream (how
does value stream look like from the customer´s
point of view) and mark with red (the hottest
colour) the steps of the customer value stream
affected by this initiative.
3. Explain what we need to do to solve customer
understand what we need to do to solve customer
problems with applying storytelling technique.
Storytelling to explain holistic impact and the
scope of the initiative should start with
visualising holistic value delivery with building
the narrative by gradually providing more
information and gradually providing IT insights
from the business perspective.
This can be achieved by the following steps:
3.1. Start with the holistic value delivery and
mark affected value stream steps to understand
what´s holistically effected (start with using red
for marking the affected steps).
3.2. Gradually provide information about
business capabilities needed for delivering the
value and then gradually provide information
about underlying systems, i.e., business
applications (mark affected with agreed
heatmapping colouring).
3.3. Gradually drill down to a separate value
stream stage (e.g., onboarding) and visualise its
value stream with business capabilities as
building blocks for delivering the value. To
document this step brainstorming with the
business owner should take place to design and
visualise the target high-level process, or
document the existing.
3.4. Gradually provide information about the
system landscape applying agreed heatmapping
colouring. If needed show system capability
decomposition (which capabilities a system has
or is planned to have in the future).
4. Apply system capability gap analysis (if needed)
following the steps:
4.1. Identify target system capability
4.2. Identify source system capability
4.3. Map target system planned future
capability decomposition.
4.4. Identify capability gaps in the source
system by comparing its capability
decomposition to target system planned
capability decomposition.
5. Summarize and propose recommendations.
Prerequisite of applying this methodology is to have
some high-quality version of the EA model.
Methodology should be executed by conducting
interviews and performing brainstorming with the
relevant business and IT stakeholders. The scoped
initiative should preferably be delivered as a
PowerPoint (or similar) document with animation
capabilities for building the narrative (storytelling).
This section will demonstrate the usage of the
proposed EA model for applying holistic initiative
footprintig methodology on invented use case.
Figure 10 Customer value stream (step 3.1).
The EA tools chosen for performing case study are
Archi and Ardoq. Archi will be used for static
visualisations to visualise customer´s value delivery
and holistic work needed to execute initiative (steps 2
and 3). Ardoq, as a knowledge graph-based EA tool,
will be used to support interactive visual analysis in
step 4 (system capability gap analysis). Initiative will
Introduction to BASE Enterprise Architecture Framework for Holistic Strategic Alignment of the Complex Enterprise
be delivered as PowerPoint document with animation
used for storytelling.
After conducting interviews and performing
brainstorming with stakeholders to collect all the
information needed, EA delivered the following.
6.1 Performing Holistic Initiative
Step 1: Explain the Background (the why and the
A company is considering launching an initiative to
optimize and digitize its sales, onboarding, and
customer support business processes for
small and medium-sized customers. These processes
are currently covered by two customer relationship
(CRM) systems legacy CRM system and target CRM
system which causes a lot of redundant and manual
paperwork with unacceptable long customer
onboarding lead time. Additionally, total cost of
ownership for both CRM systems is very high (huge
licence and operating cost). Goal of this initiative is
therefore to leverage target CRM system for all
needed sales, onboarding and customer service
capabilities and phase-out legacy CRM system.
Business case was already done on initiative
estimating budget needed and timeline of one year to
complete the whole project.
Step 2: Explain which customer problem we are
As shown in figure 10, this initiative aims to speed up
process of enabling card acceptance in the merchant´s
store, help customer (merchant) to get better support
for his card acceptance issues, and reporting on his
transactions via customer portal.
Step 3: Explain what we need to do to solve customer
In step 3.1 enterprise E2E value delivery is visualised
with marking value stream steps affected by this
initiative. As figure 11 shows, this initiative is aiming
to optimise sales, onboarding, and customer service
(support merchant).
In step 3.2 deeper analysis is performed also with
mapped business capabilities (figure 12).
Besides sales, onboarding and customer service,
holistic visualisation also reveals the need to build
integration with payment capture, payment gateway
and core transaction processing business capabilities.
These integration dependencies are marked yellow.
Holistic delivery also reveals dependencies to
business capabilities currently covered by separate
initiatives: data repository and reporting and billing
& invoicing (marked orange). In the near future this
initiative will also need to cover adjustments and
integration with new systems build by these
initiatives. Holistic value delivery process in figure
12 also visualises the need for a new business process
orchestration capability to enable order orchestration
and integration between business capabilities in the
Figure 11 Holistic value stream with affected steps marked (step 3.2).
Figure 12 Holistic value stream with business capabilities realising it with heatmapping (step 3.2).
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
figure. In the past company had bad experience with
enterprise service bus (ESB) systems (single point of
failure, high cost of licence and maintenance,
complexity, need for ESB-vendor specific skills,
etc.). EA therefore suggest a lightweight business
orchestration tool also supporting BPMN standard to
improve business-IT alignment and incident
management (BPMN is already heavily used in the
company by business analysts). Business process
orchestration business capability is marked pink.
Gray colour is used to mark not affected capabilities
and value stream steps.
This is not visualised, but step 3.2. also provides
information on which IT systems (business
applications) are realising shown business
capabilities (by applying simplified version of the EA
model). PowerPoint animation capability is used to
gradually provide information on these IT systems
(again to build the narrative by storytelling).
In step 3.3 onboarding value stream is decomposed to
lower value stream level visualising wished to be
onboarding process (figure 13) since some business
processes need to be optimised before undertaking
digitalisation. This step is the result of brainstorming
of enterprise architect with business stakeholders.
Figure 13 should be announced by marking with red
2.Onboard customer in figure 11 (storytelling).
In step 3.4. as is IT system landscape is shown
containing applications announced in step 3.2.
Figure 14 shows two CRM systems (as a result of the
previous unsuccessful consolidation initiative).
Target CRM system is currently supporting sales
capabilities with legacy CRM system supporting both
sales, onboarding, and customer service capabilities.
System landscape also shows legacy portal system
(already announced in step 3.2) which is also high
priority due to the planned enhancement of self-
service and reporting capabilities. There is, as well,
CRM integration system in place used just for
synchronizing data flows between two CRM systems.
This is also the result of the previous initiative with
high licence and operating cost and would need to be
phased out. The same agreed heatmapping is used to
mark systems with which we would need to integrate
now (in yellow) and in the near future (in orange).
Step 4: Appy System Consolidation Capability Gap
Figure 13 Onboarding to-be (step 3.3).
Figure 14 IT system landscape (step 3.4).
Introduction to BASE Enterprise Architecture Framework for Holistic Strategic Alignment of the Complex Enterprise
Since the initiative aims to phase out the legacy CRM
system and migrate its functionalities to the target
CRM system, this step includes the analysis of the
capability gaps between the two systems. For this step
the base version of the model is used (figure 4).
Graph-based EA tool Ardoq is used to generate
visualizations in figure 15-18.
Step 4.1: Figure 15 visualises which capabilities
currently realises target CRM system.
Figure 15: Target CRM system as is (step 4.1).
Step 4.2: Figure 16 visualises which capabilities
currently realises legacy CRM system.
Figure 16: Legacy system as is capabilities (step 4.2).
Step 4.3: Figure 17 shows capabilities planned to be
implemented in the future on target CRM system.
Figure 17: Target CRM system to be (step 4.3).
Step 4.4: Figure 18 visualises which capabilities from
the legacy CRM system are not considered (marked
red). As showed in the figure those are: marketing
campaigns, commission management and bill &
invoice generation. These three capabilities should be
addressed to phase-out legacy CRM system as
Figure 18: Capability gap (step 4.4).
Step 5: Summarize and propose recommendations.
Besides planned optimisation of sales, customer
service and onboarding business capabilities,
initiative should also cover the following:
New integrations with business capabilities
payment capture, payment gateway and core
transaction processing.
There are dependencies to ongoing separate,
stream initiatives covering data repository and
reporting and billing & invoicing business
capabilities which will mean adjustments and
new integrations in near future.
Onboarding business process needs to be
optimised as visualised in figure 13 before
undertaking digitalisation.
To phase-out the legacy CRM system, business
capabilities marketing campaigns, commission
management and bill & invoice generation
should be addressed.
New business process orchestration system
should be set up to orchestrate CRM orders and
provide integrations with other systems. EA
recommendation is to use a lightweight business
process management tool based on BPMN
standard to improve business-IT alignment and
incident management.
6.2 Case Study Conclusion
In the use case above, business case was created
without any IT insights and gave unrealistic timeline
and cost estimation. The case study has revealed that
money, timeline, and scope for realising this initiative
is much bigger than initially estimated. There are new
integrations to be built, dependencies to separate
initiatives that will require work in the near future,
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
some business processes have to be optimised before
undertaking digitalisation and three more capabilities
need to be taken into consideration to phase out
legacy CRM system. Taking all presenting into
consideration, business leaders might even decide to
deprioritise this initiative and give priority to some
other less complex and less costly one.
This case study has shown how is possible, by
leveraging EA model and business architecture, to
make early discovery of all E2E dependencies and
ensure that all the steps of the holistic delivery are
taken into consideration during scoping process. This
kind of early holistic scoping can help us better
validate strategic direction early in the process to
avoid failed initiatives. Since the results of this
analysis can help better estimate effort, timeline,
money, and impact of the initiative, it should, ideally,
be used as input for the business case.
The advantages of this methodology are manifold.
It first offers to business leaders holistic business and
IT inputs needed for decision making. Then it enables
business-IT alignment since the document is readable
by both business and IT and can be used both as input
for the business case and as a starting point for the
implementation. The advantage of methodology is
also in enabling visualisations together with
storytelling which gradually conveys information and
provides clarification on the work needed in a way
that demystifies IT world to business. And the last,
but not least important, advantage of methodology is
also that it offers visual technique for brainstorming
on the business process and the work needed using
just business architecture elements (value streams and
business capability model).
As an introduction to the BASE enterprise
architecture framework, this paper has proposed the
EA model for dealing with complex enterprise and
holistic initiative footprinting methodology for early
scoping of strategic initiatives that uses the proposed
EA model and business architecture.
Paper has answered research questions as follows:
RQ1. "What support can EA provide within business
strategy, and on what conception of business
architecture is this based?"
Answer: Proposed BASE enterprise architecture
framework can provide support in improving holistic
strategic alignment of the complex enterprise by
supporting both strategy formulation and strategy
implementation. That support should always start
from business architecture with value streams
emphasising importance of holistic value delivery
and BCM providing common language and unified
enterprise-wide reference points for all enterprise
RQ2. What kind of model should enterprise
architecture provide to support business strategy in
the complex enterprise?
Answer: The business-architecture EA model
proposed in this paper aims to solve the problem with
managing a complex enterprise by providing a
simplification and abstraction of the enterprise that
encompasses both business and IT insights serving as
a common ground for both high-level understanding
of the enterprise business and business-IT alignment.
RQ3. In the complex enterprise, how can enterprise
architecture provide decision makers with better early
scoping of strategic initiatives to know what to expect
later in the implementation, get better estimates, and
help avoid failed initiatives by validating strategic
direction already early in the process?
The proposed holistic initiative footprinting
methodology has demonstrated how EA, by
leveraging business architecture and the proposed EA
model, can enable early holistic scoping of strategic
initiatives ensuring that all the steps of the holistic
delivery are taken into consideration. This can
already early in the process reveal what to expect later
in the implementation, provide inputs for better
estimates and help decision makers avoid failed
initiatives by early validating strategic direction.
Future work will focus on extending BASE
framework, first with a thorough methodology for
building the proposed EA model and then with a
methodology for implementing the composable
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