Natural Language Processing Approach for Classification of Archetypes
Using Text on Business Environments
Richard Vin
ıcius Rezende Mariano
, Ana Carolina Conceic¸
ao de Jesus
, Alessandro Garcia Vieira
Jessica da Assunc¸
ao Almeida de Lima
, Giulia Zanon de Castro
and Wladmir Cardoso Brand
IRIS Research Laboratory, Department of Computer Science,
Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais (PUC Minas), Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil
Data Science Laboratory (SOLAB), S
olides S.A., Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil
People Analytics, Text Classification, Behavioral Classification, Natural Language Processing, Machine
Learning, Support Vector Machine.
Organizations increasingly offer resources to improve performance, minimize costs, and achieve better re-
sults. An organization is the individuals who work or provide services in it. Therefore, good organizational
performance directly results from the good work of its collaborators. Identifying the archetype in the business
environment can combine individuals with companies, which can improve the organizational environment and
enhance the development of the individual. A person leaves traces of his behavior in what he produces, such
as videos and texts. Some studies point to the possibility of identifying a behavioral profile from a textual
production. In this work, we seek to identify the archetype of individuals within the business environment
based on their curriculum texts. We combine the behavioral profile assessment (BPA) archetypes (Planner,
Analyst, Communicator, and Executor) with 26,636 curriculum to apply machine learning models. For this
task, we used classification and regression approaches. The main algorithm used for the approaches was the
SVM. The results suggest that the archetypes are better modeled using regression techniques, obtaining an
MSE of 4.49 in the best case. We also provide a visual explanation example to understand the model outputs.
The study of behavioral profiles, also called
archetypes, is a common practice in psychology. This
study defines a group based on behavior patterns,
communication style, and reactions to the environ-
ment and people. Understanding a person’s archetype
can help them better understand themselves and their
actions, in personal, family, and professional environ-
ments. In the professional context, companies are in-
creasingly using psychological theories and technol-
ogy to make decisions about their workforce. Identi-
fying a company’s needs and the best profile for them
is one of the main focuses of HR teams.
Having the right professionals in the right com-
panies allows for greater efficiency in the job mar-
ket. Companies can benefit by placing employ-
ees with specific behavioral profiles in demanding
tasks, hiring based on needs, assembling teams fo-
cused on a particular job, or possessing a combina-
tion of skills to achieve the result. Additionally, un-
derstanding employees’ behavior profiles helps com-
panies effectively deal with any difficulties they may
encounter, overcome problems, reduce unnecessary
turnover, and facilitate the growth of individuals and
the company.
The employee also has gains, avoiding entering
companies that do not understand their needs and fa-
cilitating entry into companies that fit. Being in the
right company creates more meaningful opportunities
for personal and professional growth.
Several behavioral classification tools have
emerged from studying psychological and behavioral
profiles. They are focused mainly on Eysenck Factors
(Eysenck and Eysenck, 1965), DISC (Marston, 1928)
and BigFive (McDougall, 1932) models, the last
being the most common. These models are widely
used in the literature to explore the classification of
psychological profiles.
Within this scope, we raise the question: “Does
an individual transmit their behavior, profile, and
archetype in their texts?” Psychology points out a cor-
relation between personality traits and linguistic level,
including acoustic parameters (Smith et al., 1975) and
lexical category (Pennebaker et al., 2003). We believe
that each person leaves their mark, writing style, and
personality in their textual production.
In this work, we will expand the studies of iden-
Mariano, R., Conceição de Jesus, A., Vieira, A., Almeida de Lima, J., Zanon de Castro, G. and Brandão, W.
Natural Language Processing Approach for Classification of Archetypes Using Text on Business Environments.
DOI: 10.5220/0011856200003467
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2023) - Volume 1, pages 501-508
ISBN: 978-989-758-648-4; ISSN: 2184-4992
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
tification and classification of the behavioral profile,
focusing on the organizational environment. More
specifically, in the Brazilian business environment.
With these studies, we raise the following hypothesis.
Hypothesis: Psychological and behavioral profiles
within the organizational environment can be iden-
tified from textual productions.
To evaluate this hypothesis, we will combine two
main Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques,
vector representation of texts and characteristics ex-
traction. Together, they bring much information about
the text, which can be studied, understood, and used
to construct a classification model. We aim to build
this model and apply it in a behavioral assessment
aimed at the corporate environment. For this work, we
chose to use a Behavioral Profiler Assessment (BPA),
built with a direct focus on the organizational envi-
ronment. Since this tool focuses on Brazilian busi-
ness culture, we chose to use texts in Portuguese ex-
tracted from the curriculum. These resumes are di-
verse and have been collected from multiple compa-
nies and people from different places. The main con-
tributions of this work are:
We propose a methodology for building a behav-
ioral profile prediction model using textual data
from candidates’ CVs;
We provide an explainability analysis of the
model outputs, helping to understand the textual
patterns of different behavioral profiles.
This work is divided as follows. Section 2 defines
the background to understanding this research. In
Section 3, we present the related works. The method-
ology is described in the Section 4 and Section 5 dis-
plays the experiments and results. Finally, Section 6
concludes our work and presents the future works.
2.1 People Analytics
People Analytics refers to collecting, organizing, and
utilizing people’s data, usually in a business environ-
ment, to help people management. This methodol-
ogy has become increasingly present with HR teams
adopting new technologies (Raguvir and Babu, 2020).
The main focus is identifying behavior information
that may be used to track conduct, performance, and
results. The applications of People Analytics are di-
verse. In the business context, its primary focus is to
increase efficiency and productivity, reduce conflicts,
and create a better work environment.
2.2 Behavioral Study
Human behavior is something of great fascination for
humanity. Across different times, places, and cul-
tures, people have attempted to categorize individuals
based on their characteristics and behavior into dis-
tinct groups. These groups are commonly referred
to as the behavioral profile or archetype. By under-
standing the profilers, we can better understand how
a person fits into society, their potential strengths and
weaknesses, and the impact they can have.
The number of behavioral profiles grouped
throughout history varied mainly between four/ ve
personalities. For example, the prophet Ezekiel saw
humans as four personalities (lion, ox, man, eagle),
while the Greeks linked human behavior to the four
elements of nature (fire, water, air, earth). Hip-
pocrates, the father of Western medicine, proposes
that the human temperament is directly related to the
balance of the essential bodily fluids (blood, black
bile, yellow bile, and phlegm), refer to happy, somber,
enthusiastic, and calm temperaments, respectively.
The relationship between human behavior and na-
ture with elements of nature and body parts is also
found in Chinese culture. Each element is associated
with a specific personality type and represented by an
organ in the body: water represents the kidney, wood
the liver, fire the heart, earth the pancreas, and metal
represents the lung. This concept is based on Tradi-
tional Chinese Medicine.
The psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung brings one
of the most well-known classifications of individu-
als into four groups: feeling, sensation, intuition,
and thinking (Jung and Hull, 1971). In the early
20th century, American psychologist William Moul-
ton Marston created the DISC methodology, which
outlines four main behavioral types: dominance (con-
trol, power, and assertiveness), influence (commu-
nication and social relationships), stability (patience
and persistence), and caution (organization and struc-
ture) (Marston, 1928). Additionally, McDougall pro-
posed the BigFive model in the 20th century, which
defines five main factors influencing personality: neu-
roticism, extroversion, pleasantness, conscientious-
ness, and openness to experience (McDougall, 1932).
Despite the multiple approaches to studying hu-
man behavior, dating from different times and cul-
tures, we can observe a relationship between them and
a constant common desire to understand each other.
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Several studies focus on the recognition of personality
based on the BigFive model. One of the pioneers is
(Pennebaker and King, 1999), with a focus on analyz-
ing the reliability of its feature extraction techniques.
The authors propose a tool called LIWC. (Oberlander
and Nowson, 2006; Nowson and Oberlander, 2007)
used n-gram techniques, specifically bi-grams and tri-
grams, along with binary and multi–class classifica-
tion to measure accuracy based on the BigFive model.
They chose to work with only 4 out of 5 BigFive pro-
files, leaving the Openness profile aside.
Following this line, using the BigFive, several
approaches are made through a binary classification
technique (Argamon et al., 2005; Mairesse et al.,
2007; Sumner et al., 2012; Park et al., 2014; Ma-
jumder et al., 2017; Santos et al., 2017; Vu et al.,
2017; dos Santos and Paraboni, 2019). In most cases,
accuracy is used as a metric for evaluation. (Argamon
et al., 2005) uses f1-score in conjunction with accu-
racy and uses a Grammar Parser as an attribute of its
data. Argamon focused his experiments on Neuroti-
cism and Extraversion personalities, applying binary
classifiers. (Mairesse et al., 2007) extracts attributes
from feature extraction, and in addition to binary clas-
sification, it also uses ranking and regression tech-
niques. Their ranking results ranged between 56%
and 63% on written text data and 61% on spoken data.
(Majumder et al., 2017) uses word embeddings in
addition to feature extraction, using CNN networks
for its binary classification. Its biggest result was
in the openness profile with 62.7% accuracy. Ap-
proaches using Word-net and SentiWordNet are ex-
plored by (Vu et al., 2017), they used data extracted
from social networks and obtained best results in 3 of
the 5 profiles in relation to Majumder’s work. (San-
tos et al., 2017) and (dos Santos and Paraboni, 2019)
also evaluate feature extraction using the f1-score as
a metric. The authors evaluate the BigFive model by
applying NLP techniques such as Bag of Words and
SkipGram, building 6 different textual datasets.
Others techniques is also explore in literature,
such as the use of regression (Gill et al., 2009), (Gol-
beck et al., 2011), (Karanatsiou et al., 2022), us-
ing three or more classes in their models. (Karanat-
siou et al., 2022) combines Bag–of–words with Post-
tagging and emotion extraction in its models, using
RMSE and MAE as metrics, to calculate the error of
the regressor models. Other personality models are
also used in the literature for automatic recognition.
Like the Eysenck Factors (Gill and Oberlander, 2002),
the MBTI typology (Luyckx and Daelemans, 2008),
and the DISC model (Pereira, 2021).
Although some papers follow other ways, we can
notice a great concentration on using of the BigFive
model as a personality cataloging techniques and a
preference for dividing the problem into minors bi-
nary classification Despite this, we can see an evolu-
tion in the research area (Eisenack et al., 2021).
4.1 Behavioral Profile Assessment
The behavioral mapping tool used as the basis for
creating the dataset for this work is a built based
on 8 methodologies for mapping behavioral profiles,
with methodologies from different times and places.
The methodology divides the profiles into 4 (Analyst,
Communicator, Executor, and Planner) and delivers a
percentage referring to each profile, where the sum of
the percentages is equal to 100. Thus, an individual
with a certain archetype is considered, if the percent-
age referring to that archetype is equal to or greater
than 25%. An example can be seen in Figure 1, the
individual is considered a Communicator Executor,
since he has both archetypes above 25%, being Ex-
ecutor his main archetype. The BPA approach allows
for the possibility of various combinations and levels,
which makes each personality unique. A brief expla-
nation of each BPA archetype is described below.
- Analyst: Detailed, rigid and calm. With dis-
creet and observant behavior, they are very detail-
oriented, but have a lot of focus, intelligence and
perfectionism. They have ease with the field of
the arts, but they charge a lot, they are skilled with
detailed tasks or risk management.
- Communicator: They are outgoing, talkative and
active. They adapt easily, have ease in commu-
nication, like jobs that involve movement and au-
tonomy. They work best as a team, are festive,
lively and relaxed, are imaginative and artistic.
- Executor: Active, dynamic and competitive. Not
afraid to take risks and face challenges. They have
leadership characteristics, are self-confident, have
autonomy and independence. Their Reasoning
tends to be more logical and deductive, they ap-
preciate challenges and obstacles, tend to execute
before thinking.
- Planner: Calm and prudent. They like routine,
and to act with common sense, following norms
and rules. Generally introverted, but easy to get
along with. They are patient and observant, act
with tranquility and discipline.
Natural Language Processing Approach for Classification of Archetypes Using Text on Business Environments
Figure 1: BPA report.
4.2 The Dataset
The dataset used in this work is a private base, ex-
tracted from the BPA tool. This base consists of
26636 instances. Each instance consists of a text writ-
ten by an individual, the respective percentages refer-
ring to each archetype of that individual, and the for-
mation of their final profile. The classes composition
of the dataset is divided as follows, 38.5% have the
Analyst profile above or equal to 25%. 50.81% have
the Communicator profile, 58.67% Executor, and fi-
nally, 51.96% have the Planner profile. Remember-
ing that each individual can have 1 to 3 profiles, it is
enough that their percentage in that profile is above
or equal to 25%. The complete composition of the
dataset following the number of instances for each
possible combination can be seen in Table 1, where
A means Analyst, C refers to Communicator, E to Ex-
ecutor, and finally, P means Planner.
Table 1: Distribution of Archetypes.
Main Analyst Main Communicator
A 478 C 974
AC 245 CA 297
AE 686 CE 3274
AP 2461 CP 1247
ACE 30 CAE 27
ACP 75 CAP 53
AEC 37 CEA 46
AEP 243 CEP 326
APC 120 CPA 93
APE 300 CPE 238
Main Executor Main Planner
E 1671 P 882
EA 1004 PA 2731
EC 3963 PC 1165
EP 1122 PE 876
EAC 63 PAC 164
EAP 171 PAE 209
ECA 91 PCA 139
ECP 299 PCE 162
EPA 185 PEA 188
EPC 182 PEC 114
4.3 Features
4.3.1 Text-Vector
There are several ways to represent the text through
vectors of words, which will then be used to train a
learning model. From basic TF-IDF to more complex
techniques like word embeddings.
After tested some techniques, we chose the one
that performed best, tokenization. In this representa-
tion, each word in every base has its representation
in number, so each text has its vector representation
of numbers in a unique way, then we apply a pad se-
quence that leaves all vectors with the same size.
Preprocessing: To work with vectors of words, it is
first necessary to clear this data to facilitate represen-
tation, and also facilitate classification learning. It is
necessary to be very careful with the pre-processing
because pre-processing will not always help to solve a
problem. So it is necessary to do several experiments,
adding and removing to see how the model performs.
The pre-processing done in this work are: Remove
special characters, punctuation and accentuation; Re-
move stopwords, the words the most common in a
language; Lower all text; Lemmatization and stem-
ming. Grouping the inflected forms of a word so that
they can be analyzed as a single item.
4.3.2 Characteristics Extraction
Extracting the characteristics of a text allows greater
exploration of what is being said by the the writer.
The idea is to go beyond the text and obtain informa-
tion about its composition. For this, we use a post-tag
tool as an aid. With this tool, we will extract the num-
ber of times the text has each grammatical class.
To level the data, we will also extract the num-
ber of words per texts. Doing the proportion of each
grammatical class in relation to the total number of
words, then obtaining the percentage of representa-
tion of that grammatical class in the texts.
The Post-tagger tool used in this work is open-
source and available on Github
. The tool was pre-
trained to handle sentences in Portuguese and reaches
up to 92.2% accuracy when tagging texts. In the end,
the features consists of the number of words per text
plus the following parts of speech: adjective, adverb,
article, conjunction, interjection, noun, proper noun,
number, participle, pronoun, preposition, and verb.
With a total of 14 features.
4.4 Approaches
4.4.1 Multi–Class Classification Approach
By viewing the problem as a multi–class problem
each instance can have from 1 to 4 classes. The most
common being having 2 of the 4 classes, which oc-
curs 72.21% of the times in the dataset, while 14.45%
have only one class and 13.34% have 3 classes.
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Although the instance is multi–classes as a result
of an individual being able to possess more than one
archetype, the highest percentage archetype can be
considered its “main archetype”. Following this rea-
soning, the multi–class approach consists of training
the learning algorithm based on the main archetype
and using the output probabilities to verify the perfor-
mance of the classifier. To analyze this classification,
we divided the problem into 4 scenarios of analyse,
so that it is possible to observe different aspects of the
behavior and performance of the classification.
Analyse 1 (A1): Hit only the Main Archetype. If
the highest probability in the classifier output is equiv-
alent to the Main Archetype of the instance.
Analyse 2 (A2): Main Archetype Probability
above 25%. If the output probability of the Main
Archetype classifier is equal to or above 25% it is a
hit, even if there is another archetype with a higher
output probability.
Analyse 3 (A3): If any probability of the classifier
equal to or above 25% is equivalent to some archetype
of the individual. In this scenario, the highest proba-
bility of the classifier, or the highest percentage of the
instance archetype, does not matter.
Analyse 4 (A4): Each archetype is considered a
hit or miss. This analyse brings more reliability to the
result. The classifier probability of each archetype is
compared with the percentage of each archetype of
the instance. That is, for each instance we have a total
of 4 hits or misses. The hit is considered when the
classifier percentage is equal to or above 25% and the
instance has that archetype, but also when the clas-
sifier percentage is below 25% and the instance does
not have that archetype.
It is worth remembering that the BPA tool that
defines the individual’s profile, uses the threshold of
25% to define the individual’s archetypes, and there-
fore, we decided to use this threshold in our scenarios
for the experiment.
4.4.2 Binary Classification Approach
The binary classification allows us to divide the prob-
lem into four smaller problems. Assigning each task
to a different classifier, and each classifier working on
the prediction of a single archetype. The idea with this
approach is to achieve 3 main goals. i) The ability to
compare performance with other works, since many
papers in the literature used binary classification by
profile. ii)Analyze the performance of machine learn-
ing methods in the simplified classification, which al-
lows better adjustment of parameters and metrics to
solve the problem. iii) It allows a better analysis of
the decision making of the algorithms, which will al-
low us a greater explainability of the models.
We chose to use accuracy and f1–score for evalu-
ation metrics. Below is an explanation of each metric.
a. Accuracy: Expresses the number of model hits in
relation to the total number of samples.
b. F1–score: The average of accuracy with the num-
ber of hits per number of predictions by class.
The algorithms that we will use in this classifica-
tion, in both evaluation of the grammatical features
extracted with post-tagger, and the word vector fea-
tures, is the SVM. The SVM algorithm is widely used
in the literature, and fits our problem. It is simple and
efficient, especially in classifying binary problems.
4.4.3 Regression Approach
Regression algorithms allow us to use continuous data
for training and prediction. This approach allows us
to work directly with the percentages passed by the
BPA. In that case, we will also build four different
regressors, one for each archetype. These regressors
will be made using the SVM algorithm.
In this approach, what matters is the difference be-
tween the right answer and what was predicted, that
is, the error. We then chose two techniques for er-
ror calculation, and both metrics calculate the dis-
tance between actual values and predictions. The first
is RMSE (root mean squared error) squares the dis-
tance for each instance before calculating the average,
this metric suffers from data where there are many
outliers. The second is MAE (mean absolut error),
that calculates exactly the average of the distances be-
tween actual values and predictions. For both error
metrics, the smaller the value, better is the results.
4.5 Interpretability
The goal of interpretability is to understand the rea-
sons that made a machine learning algorithm makes
a decision. Machine learning algorithms tend to be,
in general, a “black box”. Where in the end, we
only extract some metrics such as accuracy and f1–
score, without understanding the reasons behind the
predictions. In simpler classifiers, we can come to
understand the path taken by the algorithm, such as
in the case of decision trees. But in more complex
cases, such as neural networks, the path is foggy, due
to a large number of parameters, which can be thou-
sands or even millions, understanding cannot be done
quickly, which prevents quick decision-making.
To help solve this problem, interpretability tech-
niques can be used. In this context, we have LIME,
a method of local surrogate models. The objective of
this model is to approximate the results of the black
Natural Language Processing Approach for Classification of Archetypes Using Text on Business Environments
box models, however, focused on local training, thus
being able to explain individual predictions.
5.1 Multi–Class Classification Report
This multi–class classification approach allows us an
initial overview in the analysis of the problem. We use
the SVM algorithm, the evaluation metrics are defined
in section 4.4.1, and the results can be seen in Table
2. We can notice that the A1 and A2 analyzes are
limited, since we are considering only one archetype
in the evaluation, and the individual has a little of each
archetype. The A3 assessment is positive, but it is
not very reliable, its metrics tend to be correct even
if randomly. The A4 is a good metric to evaluate, as
it considers the hit and error in the four archetypes,
getting closer to the reality delivered by the BPA.
Table 2: Multi–class Classification report.
A1 A2 A3 A4
Hit 0.33 0.54 0.79 0.55
The challenge of this approach is that although
one archetype stands out over the others, the individ-
ual has a little of each archetype, even having more
than one dominant profile. Thinking about it, we took
the path of making a binary classification, which al-
lows an analysis of each profile separately.
5.2 Binary Classification Results
We then have four classifiers, each focused on clas-
sifying one of the archetypes in the database. In
this way, we generated four datasets derived from the
main dataset, considering that some instances have
more than one archetype, some data can be repeated,
but this does not affect the models, since the clas-
sifiers are independent. We apply data balancing to
each of these four datasets as needed. For example,
we have more executors than non-executors, so we
decrease the number of executors in the base.
We apply the svm algorithm to classify both sets
of features. The metrics used was accuracy and f1–
score, the results can be seen in Table 3.
Experiments with text vectors were better than
Post-tagger, in all aspects. The SVM algorithm com-
bine with Text vector representation brought accuracy
above or equal to 63% for all 4 archetypes, standing
out mainly with Planners, with an accuracy of 65%.
The Post-tagger approach showed little relevant re-
sults in terms of accuracy and f1–score. We believe
Table 3: Binary Classification report.
Text Vector Pos-tagger
Accuracy f–score Accuracy f–score
P 0.65 0.62 0.53 0.52
A 0.63 0.63 0.51 0.51
C 0.63 0.60 0.51 0.51
E 0.63 0.63 0.52 0.52
Figure 2: Real sample LIME report.
that a possible combination of both techniques, text
vector and post-tagger, can bring considerable im-
provements in the construction of a model.
5.2.1 Explainability
In this section, we provide the local explainability
some sample texts. First, we searched the BPA for
the main words that describe each profile, these words
can be seen in table 4.
Table 4: Archetypes main description words.
Planner Analyst Communicator Executor
Calm Calm Active Active
Observer Observer Extrovert Competitive
Disciplined Disciplined Speakers Leader
Quiet Discreet Communicative Determined
Introverts Organized Independence Independence
Routine Transparent Sociable Persistent
Reliable Honest Empathic Logical
Patients Detail Persuasive Self-confident
Righteous Perfectionists Optimistic Intuitive
Flexible Thoughtful charismatic Disposed
Let’s then explore some samples of local explain-
ability, more specifically, two examples. One sam-
ple extracted directly from the dataset, and another
text created by us seeking to explore the model’s de-
cisions. In this analysis we will use the binary mod-
els of Executor classification. First, we analyzing the
sample taken from the dataset, we apply LIME expli-
cability as we can see in Figure 2, the full text will not
be displayed for privacy reasons.
The explanation of the figure shows the local ex-
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 3: Example sample LIME report.
plainability of a curriculum text. On the right, we
have the features that have a positive correlation with
the output of the analyzed class, and on the left a neg-
ative correlation. For example, the word “executive”
is the word that has the highest correlation with the
class to be predicted. While the words “young” and
“agility” are the main words with opposite correlation
to the analyzed class.
Now we will apply the local explainability to a
text created by us, just for research purposes, the re-
sult can be see in Figure 3. And the text follows.
I’m 23 years old, graduated in Computer Science
and have experience in software development. I’m
looking for a job where I can demonstrate my qual-
ities, take risks and face challenges. I am an inde-
pendent person, able to solve problems under pres-
sure and in a practical way. Relationships with co–
workers in previous companies were mainly based
on competitiveness. Among my main qualities, I
am trusting, proactive, persistent and have leader-
ship skills, I like to do my tasks fast and efficient.
I would say that my main defect is to be inflexible
in my ideals.
We can notice that in Table 4, words like “ac-
tive” and “leader” are used to describe the Execu-
tor archetype, as well as in Figure 3 that words like
“fast” and “leadership” has a positive correlation with
the class. However, some words like “efficient” were
negatively correlated with the Executor profile. These
variations occur because each person is formed by the
4 archetypes. Therefore, we decided to explore other
approach to archetype inference, using regression.
5.3 Regression Report
Regression experiments were done with the SVM al-
gorithm for each of the four archetypes, then extract-
ing the error, the error metrics used were RMSE and
MAE. The lower the value of these metrics, the more
efficient the model is. The results obtained can be
seen in table 5, we note that the MAE metric has bet-
ter results than the RMSE, which points to the ex-
istence of some outliers that generate an increase in
the RMSE. The results obtained are positive and show
that the prediction is close to the true label. The Re-
gression obtained better results when compared to the
classification approach.
Table 5: Error Regression report.
Planner 5.98 4.49
Analyst 7.02 5.24
Communicator 7.06 5.36
Executor 7.05 5.24
Exploring behavioral profiles is a relevant task to
generate improvements in the People Analytics area.
Placing the right people in the right companies brings
more efficiency and harmony.
In the present paper, we proposed approaches to
identify the archetype from textual productions auto-
matically. In particular, we proposed using a database
with a new methodology focused on the business area,
precisely the Brazilian business scenario.
Our experiments showed potential in the classifi-
cation of archetypes. We use two representations type
of features, direct use of the text, transforming it into
a vector, and information extraction from the text, in
this case, the distribution of grammatical classes.
First, make a multi–class approach, trying to pre-
dict all profiles with a single model, depending on
how we evaluate this approach, the results are inter-
esting, but below expectations. We then proceeded
to a binary approach, building a model for each
archetype. This approach proved to be better, mainly
in the combination of SVM with text vector, obtain-
ing accuracy and f1–score at least 63% for all profiles,
with emphasis on planner with an accuracy of 65%.
Still, in this binary approach, we apply interpretabil-
ity techniques, to explore the decisions made by the
models, and bring more transparency to the problem.
The last approach was using regression to identify
the archetypes and calculating the error through two
metrics, RMSE and MAE, emphasizing the planner
with an RMSE of 5.98 and an MAE of only 4.49.
When it comes to applications, we believe that this
type of behavioral analysis from texts can add to the
selection of people by companies. But it is still early
to say that it can replace other selection processes, the
Natural Language Processing Approach for Classification of Archetypes Using Text on Business Environments
human factor is still very important and cannot be re-
moved. The idea is to give one more tool option to be
used, which allows more possibilities to find the best
match between company and the candidate.
In future work, we intend to expand our features,
increase the number of characteristics extracted, and
explore new vector text representation to improve
our results. Furthermore, regression techniques show
more promise than classification techniques, so we
want to explore this type of model further.
The present work was carried out with the support
of S
olides S.A. The authors thank the partial support
of the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais
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