Labor Accidents Classification Using Machine Learning
adio da Silva Barbosa
1 a
, Yandre M. G. Costa
1 b
, Juliano H. Foleis
and Diego Bertolini
2 c
Department of Information Tchnology, State University of Maring
a — DIN/UEM, Paran
a, Brazil
DACOM, Universidade Tecnol
ogica Federal do Paran
a (UTFPR), Paran
a, Brazil
Labor Accidents, Work Accidents, Occupational Accidents, Machine Learning, Classification.
The application of artificial intelligence is increasingly growing in all public and private industry fields. In this
work, we propose applying machine learning techniques to perform work accident classification according to
Brazilian laws. The type of accident is part of the communication of occupational accidents (CAT) database
held by the National Institute of Social Security. In Brazil, that communication can come from different
sources. Because of this, some of them lack the type of work accident. This information is crucial to allow
labor authorities to understand better the circumstances surrounding the accidents and to help plan and create
more specific strategies to prevent them. In this sense, we perform data cleaning, and we use feature engi-
neering techniques to treat data from CAT database. Following, we use machine learning algorithms aiming
to perform the classification according to the type of accident. For this, we investigate a strategy to identify
the type of labor accident when this information is missing using algorithms based on trees or gradient boost-
ing trees. Preliminary results showed promising performance, where the algorithms achieved the following
weighted average F1-score for labor accident types classification: XGboost 0.94, CAtboost 0.94, Lightgbm
0.94, and Random Forest 0.91. As far as we know, work accident type classification using machine learning,
considering Brazilian labor legislation and a huge governmental dataset is addressed for the first time in this
The International Labour Organization (ILO) (ILO,
2021) estimates that around 2.39 million workers die
annually around the world due to labor-related acci-
dents. Approximately 340 million labor accidents
happen worldwide yearly, meaning a great social
and financial cost for the respective countries. In
Brazil, according to SmartLab Observatory of Occu-
pational Safety and Health of Public Labour Prosecu-
tor (MPT) (MPT, 2020), between 2018 and 2020, the
average of labor accidents reached 569,998 per year.
This shows the seriousness of the situation and how
important is to build better statistical information to
understand the problem and to propose solutions that
can be effective to deal with it.
Labor accidents may have many different causes,
most of which could be avoided (Alli, 2008). The
In this work, ‘labor accidents’, ‘work accidents’, and
‘occupational accidents’ refer to the same concept.
causes vary from insufficient protective measures in
the working environment, exhausting working sched-
ules, lack of adequate rest, and many workers being
exposed to excessive extra working hours. According
to Brazilian law number 8,213 of 1991 (PBPS, 1991),
labour accidents can be classified into three types:
Typical - represents the labor accident that occurs
while the worker performs their duties.
Displacement - represents the labor accident that
occurs while the worker is going to or leaving the
Labour Illness - all illnesses suffered by workers
caused or related to the tasks they perform while
Still, according to the same law, labor accidents
must be communicated to public authorities. This
communication is essential to help the federal govern-
ment and the Labour Inspectorate, in particular, build
more knowledge about the overall picture of work ac-
cidents in the country and how they occur. It is also
important as a prof for workers to request governmen-
tal assistance.
Barbosa, E., Costa, Y., Foleis, J. and Bertolini, D.
Labor Accidents Classification Using Machine Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0011856500003467
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2023) - Volume 1, pages 509-516
ISBN: 978-989-758-648-4; ISSN: 2184-4992
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Brazil, the labor accident is communicated
through a form known as CAT (acronym for
ao de Acidente de Trabalho”, in Por-
tuguese). It can be sent by different entities (e.g.,
people or institutions). For instance, it can be sent
by the company where the accident happened, by the
respective employee’s union, by any public authority,
or even by the worker himself or his family. The pos-
sibility of many sources sending CATs helps increase
the number of communications sent. However, it also
causes a problem of missing information. For exam-
ple, many CATs have the type of accident missing.
It makes it difficult for the labor authorities to under-
stand the accidents fully.
As it is difficult to deal with the consequences of
work accidents, prevention is crucial because it can
avoid all related suffering and financial costs. Be-
yond reducing the risks of damage to the worker’s
health, which is by far the most important one, pre-
vention also allows the companies’ activities to keep
going without interruptions. Another reason is that
avoiding accidents from happening prevents the com-
panies from suffering sanctions from the govern-
ment, whether it becomes evident that the accident
was caused because the company failed to regard the
safety and security measures instated by law. There-
fore, it is crucial to have all information, especially
the type of accident, to understand the whole picture
and move straight toward building better strategies
and concrete actions to minimize labor accidents.
Machine Learning (ML) is an area of artificial in-
telligence that allows computers to learn from data
(Abu-Mostafa et al., 2012). It is part of an inter-
disciplinary scientific field that combines computer
science, data science, and statistics through complex
data analysis, searching for patterns in the data. There
are four types of ML algorithms(Burkov, 2019): Su-
pervised, semi-supervised, unsupervised, and rein-
Supervised learning algorithms perform predic-
tion or classification for new data samples based on
knowledge obtained from examples previously pre-
sented to the algorithm in the training phase. These
algorithms can improve themselves as much data are
analyzed over time, and more predictions and clas-
sifications are made. This happens because the al-
gorithms feed themselves with information about the
process to help correct their own mistakes. In this
work, the hypothesis is that ML can use data related
to labor accidents to classify the types of labor acci-
dents. Therefore, this work proposes to use Machine
Learning to create a model that uses supervised learn-
ing algorithms to predict the missing type of accident
in the CATs. It can help the Brazilian labor inspec-
torate improve its service to the general public. Thus,
the following research question (RQ) is raised in this
scenario: Is it possible to apply ML algorithms to
classify the types of labor accidents using the CAT
database as input data?
The remaining of this paper is organized as fol-
lows: Section 2 presents some works in any way close
to this one available in the literature. Section 3 de-
scribes the Machine Learning techniques that support
the development of this research. Section 4 introduces
the CAT database and the study design. Section 5
presents results and discussions. And finally, we de-
scribe concluding remarks and future works.
(Di Noia et al., 2020) used machine learning strate-
gies in the context of work accidents, predicting oc-
cupational disease risks using computational intelli-
gence and pattern recognition techniques. They used
real data about the worker and the workplace from the
Italian Health Authority (ASL). Three machine learn-
ing algorithms were experimented: K-means, Support
Vector Machines, and K-Nearest Neighbors. In sum-
mary, the authors obtained encouraging results using
artificial intelligence approaches to create an alterna-
tive for occupational disease risk prediction.
(Shkanov, 2019) investigated Multiclass Classi-
fiers for Processing Archives of Accidents in Man-
ufacturing. This work compared the best techniques
for preprocessing labor accident data. The data com-
prised 1,600 acts from the archive of accidents in
Russia’s metallurgy industry. Each act of accident
is presented in free textual form and includes three
parts: Event description, analysis of reasons, and rec-
ommendations. They chose and made adjustments
to the best classification methods for these data and
used two classifiers to group 19 classes related to the
causes of accidents and another to group 39 classes
of recommendations. The preprocessing was per-
formed in three steps: text normalization, filtering,
and parametrization. They used the following algo-
rithms in the classification phase: Logistic Regres-
sion, Naive Bayes, Random Forest e Gradient Boast-
ing. The results classifying the reasons for accidents
showed an accuracy of 79% for Random Forest, 82%
for Gradient Boosting, and 84% for Logistic Regres-
sion. In comparison, the results for classifying the
recommendations showed an accuracy of 63% for
Random Forest, 64% for Gradient Boosting, and 66%
for Logistic regression.
Another related work uses the Random Forest
model to predict occupational accidents at construc-
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
tion sites in Korea. In this work, (Kang and Ryu,
2019) analyzed the question of labor accidents in the
Korean construction industry. The data is composed
from Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency
(KOSHA). The KOSHAs dataset includes 9,796 ac-
cident reports in construction sites from 2008 to 2014.
They have 55 input variables such as age, occupa-
tion injury, occupational accident, and others. The
occupation accident types were classified into nine
classes and set up as output values. They also gath-
ered weather data from Korea Meteorological Agency
(KMA) to include, in the accident dataset, temper-
ature, humidity, wind speed, and precipitation. Ini-
tially, they generated and analyzed derived variables
comparing the occurrence of accidents against tem-
perature, season, and wind chill changes. They used
the technique of determining feature importance that
permits creating a ranking of features regarding their
contribution to the overall result of the model. To
classify the types of labor accidents, they used the
Random Forest CART (Classification and Regression
Tree) algorithm that resulted in an accuracy of ap-
proximately 71%.
arez S
anchez et al., 2011) investigated the pre-
diction of work-related accidents according to work-
ing conditions using the Support Vector Machines
classifier. The database was composed of the re-
sponses to a 78 variables questionnaire applied to a
total of 11,054 workers in Spain, carried out between
December 2006 and April 2007. The target was to de-
termine if a worker has suffered or not an accident in
the last year. Then, they employed SPPCA (Semi-
parametric principal component analysis) to reduce
the dimensions of the feature vectors. The algorithm
MARS (Multivariate adaptive regression splines) was
evaluated, and it was able to reduce the number of
features from 78 to 18. The features pointed with the
most significant importance by MARS were used as
input to feed the SVM classifier. Hence, based on
work conditions, they were able to classify the work-
ers that suffered and those that did not suffer occupa-
tional accidents in twelve months with an accuracy of
In (Su
arez S
anchez et al., 2016), the authors ap-
plied K-Nearest Neighbor to classify workers accord-
ing to their risk of musculoskeletal disorders. In
that work, they dealt with the binary classification of
workers developing or not musculoskeletal disorders
caused by occupational tasks during work. The input
database was composed of the responses to a 78 vari-
ables questionnaire applied to a total of 11,054 work-
ers in Spain, carried out between December 2006 and
April 2007.
(Sarkar et al., 2019) dealt with the prediction
of occupational accidents and extracting decision-
making rules from labor accident data. The database
had 3308 incident records and 16 features (15 cate-
gorical and one textual). The dataset generated af-
ter a preprocessing step had 1500 instances and 13
attributes. The authors used SVM and ANN (Artifi-
cial Neural Network) to perform classification. For
parameters optimization, they used GA (genetic al-
gorithm) and PSO (particle swarm optimization) al-
gorithms to reach the model’s higher accuracy and
robustness. The SVM algorithm achieved a higher
performance with higher accuracy and robustness.
Hence, a set of nine rules were extracted to iden-
tify the root causes of wounds, circumstances where
workers were barely hit, and property damage. To
achieve these results, they used data from a steel plant.
In this section, we briefly describe Gradient Boosting
Trees (GBT) algorithms, used for the development of
the experiments presented in this work.
In this work, we deal with tabular data as inputs
for the models. The literature shows that GBT is
among the most used methods for modeling discrete
or tabular data (Feng et al., 2018). (Shkanov, 2019)
also corroborates that, as GBT was also successfully
used in that work.
As pointed by (Freund and R, 1997), Gradi-
ent Boosting algorithms combine weak learners into
strong learners in an iterative way. The objective of
gradient boosting is to find an approximation function
F(x) that can map instances of x to their output values,
by minimizing a given loss function for a specific set
of training data T D = (x
, y
. It makes global con-
vergence of the algorithm by following the direction
of the negative gradient. The Gradient boosting builds
an additive approximation of F(x) as a weighted sum
of functions as shown in Equation 1.
(x) = F
+ p
(x) (1)
In this case, p
is the weight of the m
(x) . These functions are the models of the ensem-
ble (i.e. decision trees), and the approximation is con-
structed iteratively. As stated in (Zhou, 2012), ensem-
ble learning is a technique that tries to construct a set
of learners and combine them by boosting weak learn-
ers that are just slightly better than random. The en-
sembled learner has better generalization ability and
can make very accurate predictions.
GBT algorithms are based on trees and, as ex-
plained, use some methods that try to create a ro-
Labor Accidents Classification Using Machine Learning
bust predictor based on the combination of less effi-
cient ones (Yuichiro, 2012; James et al., 2013; Kubat,
2017). These methods are well known as committees.
When considering the result of the committee of al-
gorithms, the prediction tends to compensate for the
individual errors of each predictor (Kubat, 2017). The
first adaptative boosting algorithm proposed in the lit-
erature was AdaBoost (Freund, 1997). Since this mo-
ment, they evolved up to the arrival of Gradient boost-
ing algorithms (Bentejac, 2020).
GBT produces models sequentially in a form of
a linear combination of decision trees, working in
an infinite dimensional optimization problem (Biau,
2019). Boosting is an ensemble strategy that works
by dividing the training data and using each part to
train different models or one model with different se-
tups. Then the results are combined together using
majority vote (Daoud, 2019). They use a stage-wise
approach and the loss function to avoid overfitting.
It happens by training learners based on minimizing
the differential loss function of a weak learner using a
gradient descent optimization process.
Concerning the GBT algorithms, in this work,
we experiment and compare the results of XGboost,
Lightgbm, and CATboost. Each one of them holds
some peculiarities that will be explored below as ex-
plained by (Daoud, 2019).
XGboost was developed by (Chen and Guestrin,
2016) as a scalable machine learning system. It differ-
entiates itself, mainly from the other gradient boost-
ing, because it adds a new term to the loss function to
deal with overfitting.
According to (Ke, 2017), Lightgbm uses XGBoost
as a baseline, but executes the classification problem
through the combined application of the following
two techniques:
Gradient-based One-Side Sampling - The model
omits the majority of examples where the Gradi-
ent weight is expected to be smaller, helping going
into branches with more importance for the infor-
mation gain.
Exclusive Feature Bundling - Reduces features
sparsity by bundling them together and reducing
their total number, helping decrease training time.
As stated in (Prokhorenkova, 2019), Catboost in-
troduces two new functions, one for handling categor-
ical features and the other is an ordered permutation-
driven boosting. It handles the issue of exponential
feature combination growth by using a greedy method
at every new split of the current tree.
The growing development, utilization, and flexi-
bility of ML puts this technique in a good position to
solve the specific problem of this work. In the case of
this research, machine Learning supervised classifica-
tion algorithms will be used to determine the types of
labor accidents that are missing in the available CATs.
Among a great number of algorithms, GBT shows
in the literature a good performance using data with
the same characteristics as the CAT’s data. As an ex-
ample, we can cite (Shkanov, 2019), in which Gradi-
ent Boosting and Linear Regression obtained the best
performances when compared to Random Forest and
ıve Bayes.
This section introduces the main characteristics of the
dataset used for developing this work. In addition, we
also describe the methodological design of the pro-
posed solution.
4.1 CAT Database
In this section, we describe the fields selected to com-
pose the CAT database and some details to help un-
derstand its particularities and usefulness in the de-
velopment of this work. As part of the work, we se-
lected the attributes to compose the database also tak-
ing into account tax secrecy concerns. In addition,
we have discarded some columns, originally present
in the data, in which we noticed too many null or spu-
rious values. The database produced contains 76,017
instances and a total of 30 attributes. This data was
collected from 2019 to 2022.
Table 1 shows the fields of the CAT database used
in the experiments described here. As we can see,
the data basically contains relevant information asso-
ciated with the accident occurrences.
4.2 Study Design
In this section, we describe the study design flow, ac-
cording to the steps shown in Figure 1, which start
from selecting the data to be used as input for the clas-
sification model, followed by the classification phase,
and final results.
Firstly, we analyzed the CAT database to better
understand the overall quality of the data. In this
stage, the aim was to determine if the data had miss-
ing, null, or spurious values that could affect the mod-
els results. Therefore, we performed data cleaning to
eliminate those values from the database to preserve
the data integrity. In this direction, we eliminated
blanks and dots in some column names.
The next stage was to perform feature engineer-
ing. Firstly, we executed feature transformation by
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: Graphical Abstract - Study Design Flow.
calculating the age of each worker using their date of
birth. As the database had some categorical values,
we executed the encoding method to transform all cat-
egorical columns into numeric ones. This method cre-
ates a new column for every different value a specific
categorical column holds and attributes the value 1 to
After performing feature engineering, based on
expert knowledge, to define the data composition, we
have chosen some of the most used and promising
classifiers algorithms described in the ML literature
to deal with tabular data. The comparison between
these different algorithms in the task investigated here
is one of the main objectives of this work.
The classification algorithms selected for this
work are based on gradient boosting trees. They were
chosen based on the literature considering the dom-
inant method for modeling discrete or tabular data
(Feng et al., 2018).
In the following step, we observed the feature im-
portance built in XGBoost. The importance is calcu-
lated by the amount that each feature split point im-
proves the performance, weighted by the number of
observations the node is responsible for. This cre-
ates a ranking that informs how much each feature
improves the overall results. Figure 2 shows the Top-
10 features that most contribute to the results.
An important step for improving the boosting-
based tree algorithms results is finding the best set
of hyperparameters. For this, we performed 5-fold
Figure 2: Top-10 Feature Importance.
cross-validation. It works by exhaustively searching
subsets of hyperparameters space of the targeted al-
gorithm to find the best combination that can improve
the outcome. For the algorithms used in this work, we
describe in Table 2 the hyperparameters found using
The next stage was conducted by applying those
hyperparameters to tune the machine learning algo-
rithms to perform the classification of the type of acci-
dent. Therefore, all algorithms were set up with their
respective hyperparameters in order to perform the
classification. The final stage was to plot a confusion
matrix for each one of the algorithms and compare the
results of them, demonstrating which one performed
After the hyperparameters were set up for each al-
gorithm, the classification task was performed. The
training and test subset were defined as 80-20, re-
spectively. Table 3 shows the number of accidents per
type. As we can see, the data is imbalanced.
These experiments aimed to improve the initial
classification to achieve better and more robust re-
sults. Furthermore, the aim is also to compare differ-
ent classifiers’ performance and demonstrate which
achieves the best results. Therefore, all classifiers re-
ceived the same data to make it possible to compare
their results.
We used some metrics to analyse the performance
of the models. Among them we used macro-averaged
F1 score (or macro F1 score). It is computed using the
arithmetic mean (aka unweighted mean) of all the per-
class F1 scores where all classes are treated equally
regardless of their support values. Another metric is
weighted-averaged F1 score where the calculation is
done via mean of all per-class F1 scores while con-
sidering each class’s support. This Support refers to
the number of actual occurrences of the class in the
dataset while the ‘weight’ refers to the proportion of
each class’s support relative to the sum of all support
Labor Accidents Classification Using Machine Learning
Table 1: CAT Database.
# Field Description
1 Accident’s Date Date of the accident
2 Accident’s estate
Estate code of the acci-
3 CBO Employee occupation
4 Employer’s CNAE Employer’s activity code
5 Contrator’s CNAE Contractor’s activity
6 SEX Employee’s gender
7 CID-10 International disease
8 Date of birth Employee’s Date of birth
9 CAT’s type Type of CAT
10 Employer’s city Employer´s city
11 Employer’s Estate
Employer’s estate code
12 Employee marital
Employee marital status
13 Pensioner’s Activity Pensioner’s Activity
14 Pensioner’s benefit
Pensioner’s benefit value
15 Pensioner’s city Pensioner’s city
16 Pensioner’s state
Pensioner’s state code
17 Accident local type Accident local type
18 Part of the body hit Part of the body hit
19 Agent responsible Agent responsible for the
20 Accident’s situation Situation that cause the
21 Nature of the injury Nature of the injuries
22 Retirement indicator Retirement indicator
23 Leave Indicator Leave Indicator
24 Police complaint in-
Police complaint indica-
25 Hospitalization indi-
Hospitalization indicator
26 Lack of CAT indica-
Lack of CAT indicator
27 CAT issuance indica-
CAT issuance indicator
28 CAT issuance delay
CAT issuance delay indi-
29 Medical leave solici-
tation indicator
Medical leave solicita-
tion indicator
30 Death indicator Death indicator
values. The first above mentioned metric is affected
by the fact that CAT´s database is unbalanced while
the second metric is not affected.
In the first experiment, we used CatBoost Classi-
fier. As done for the experiment previously shown,
this model had also to be trained, It was performed
with 5-fold cross-validation and hyperparameters set
up accordingly with grid-search execution. The hy-
perparameters were set up as follows: CATBoost -
learningrate: 0.2, maxdepth: 5, nestimators: 300.
CatBoost works similarly to XGBoost. In this
case, iterations or estimators control the maximum
number of trees that the model will have and the depth
parameter represents how big the tree is. Table 4
shows the results, the first part of the table shows the
classification rates obtained with different metrics for
each class, while the second part of the table shows
the overall performance.
Another algorithm experimented was LightGbm
Classifier. As performed in the previous experimen-
tation, this model had also to be trained. Again, it
was performed with 5-fold cross-validation and the
parameters were tuned accordingly with grid-search.
The parameters were setup as follows: boostingtype’:
’gbdt’, colsamplebytree: 0.65, ’learningrate’: 0.01,
nestimators: 8, numclass: 3, numleaves: 6, objec-
tive: multiclass, regalpha’: 1, reglambda: 1, seed:
500, subsample: 0.7.
LightGbm works, in general, similarly as the pre-
vious algorithms. But, performing a Leaf-wise tree
growth. In this case, iterations or estimators control
the maximum number of trees that the model will
have and the depth parameter represents how big the
tree is.
Table 5 shows the results for this model. The first
part of the table shows the classification metrics for
each class while the second part of the table shows
the overall performance.
The following algorithm experimented was Ran-
dom Forest Classifier. As occurred in the previous
experimentation, this model had also to be trained and
its parameters tuned accordingly with grid-search.
The parameters were set up as follows:
Random Forest algorithm also works with a num-
ber of decision trees working ensembled as a com-
mittee. The fundamental concept of this model is
that the trees are relatively uncorrelated, and conse-
quently, the trees may correct the errors each other.
Table 6 shows the results for the model. The first
part of the table shows the classification metrics for
each class while the second part of the table shows
the overall performance.
The last experimentation used XGBoost Classi-
fier, where the best results were achieved. The algo-
rithm was run with 5-fold cross-validation and tuned
with the hyperparameters that resulted from grid-
search execution. The better hyperparameters found
were: Subsample: 0.5; Num classes: 3, nestimators:
100, maxdepth: 6, learningrate: 0.2, colsamplebytree:
0.5, colsamplebylevel: 0.5.
XGBoost works by creating and adding trees
level-wise (Daoud, 2019; Chen and Guestrin, 2016) to
the model sequentially, in order to correct the residual
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 2: Hyperparameters.
XGBOOST CATBoost Lightgbm Random Forest
subsample: 0.5 nestimators: 300 subsample: 0.7 nestimators:200
numclass: 3 maxdepth: 5 numclass: 3 maxfeatures: 7
nestimators: 100 learningrate: 0.2 nestimators: 8 minsamples leaf: 1
maxdepth: 6 boostingtype’: gbdt minsamples split: 2
learningrate: 0.2 learningrate’: 0.01 njobs: 1
colsamplebytree: 0.5 colsamplebytree: 0.65
colsamplebylevel: 0.5 numleaves: 6
objective: multiclass
regalpha’: 1
reglambda: 1
seed: 500
subsample: 0.7
Table 3: CAT - Work Accidents per TYPE.
Typical Displacement Illness
63,602 10,788 1,627
Table 4: CatBoost Classifier results.
Class Precision Recall F1-score
0 - Illness 0.96 0.97 0.97
1 - Displacement 0.89 0.68 0.77
2 - Typical 0.81 0.80 0.81
Macro avg 0.89 0.82 0.85
Weighted avg 0.94 0.94 0.94
Table 5: LightGBm Classifier results.
Class Precision Recall F1-score
0 - Illness 0.96 0.97 0.97
1 - Displacement 0.90 0.66 0.76
2 - Typical 0.84 0.82 0.83
Macro avg 0.90 0.82 0.85
Weighted avg 0.94 0.94 0.94
Table 6: Random Forest Classifier results.
Class Precision Recall F1-score
0 - Illness 0.92 0.98 0.95
1 - Displacement 0.97 0.50 0.66
2 - Typical 0.84 0.58 0.68
Macro avg 0.91 0.68 0.76
Weighted avg 0.91 0.91 0.91
errors in the predictions from the existing sequence of
trees. As the trees grow, the learning rate or shrinkage
factor represents how fast the model will learn, mean-
ing how many corrections will be made for each new
tree added. The parameter n estimators stands for the
number of estimators or iterations and represents the
total number of trees that the model will have and the
depth parameter represents how high is the tree.
As shown in Table 7, the XGBoost algorithm pre-
sented the best overall performance. Thus, we also
present in Figure 3 the confusion matrix obtained us-
ing it. The first part of Table 7 shows the rates ob-
Figure 3: XGBOOST Confusion Matrix.
tained with different classification metrics for each
class while the second part of the table shows the
overall performance.
Table 7: XGBoost Classifier results.
Class Precision Recall F1-score
0 - Illness 0.96 0.97 0.97
1 - Displacement 0.89 0.76 0.82
2 - Typical 0.83 0.82 0.83
Macro avg 0.90 0.85 0.87
Weighted avg 0.94 0.95 0.94
Finally, taking into account the results obtained,
we can conclude that the RQ raised in the introduction
was positively answered.
The drama of occupational accidents victims work-
ers causes a negative impact on companies’ activities
and on the whole of Brazil’s economy as well. It also
means a greater expenditure of public funds. Hence,
there is a huge urgency to search for alternatives to
support the creation of preventive actions to reduce
Labor Accidents Classification Using Machine Learning
the occurrence of occupational accidents.
Although the initiatives from companies aiming at
reducing work accidents can be extremely useful, the
Brazilian labor inspectorate is definitely the institu-
tion capable of proposing alternatives that can be used
in the entire country and across all industries.
In this case, machine learning presents itself as a
tool that, applied across the communication of labor
accidents, has the capacity to automatically classify
the types of labor accidents in cases this information
is missing. This classification can help the labor in-
spectorate to create educational and fiscal actions to
reduce the problem. However, It is important to notice
that this is a very complex problem and several initia-
tives has to be implemented simultaneously to have
a wider impact. Therefore, the initiative proposed in
this research can be one of them.
Experiments accomplished on the CAT database
showed that XGBoost achieved the best performance
for the classification of labor accident type, obtaining
0.87 of Macro avg F1-score, and 0.94 of Weighted
avg F1-score.
Future research could focus on other aspects of
work accidents. There are many possibilities where
machine learning can be used, for instance, to predict
work illness and work accidents with fatal outcomes.
It is clear that this subject is very important and the
development of new researches are welcome to con-
tribute to reducing labor accidents and, therefore, to
help create a safer environment for workers across in-
dustries and across the globe.
This research has been partly supported by the Brazil-
ian agencies National Council for Scientific and Tech-
nological Development (CNPq) and Brazilian Labor
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