Improving NLP Model Performance on Small Educational Data Sets
Using Self-Augmentation
Keith Cochran
1,2 a
, Clayton Cohn
1,2 b
and Peter Hastings
1,2 c
DePaul University, Chicago IL 60604, U.S.A.
Vanderbilt University, Nashville TN 37240, U.S.A.
Educational Texts, Natural Language Processing, BERT, Data Augmentation, Text Augmentation, Imbalanced
Data Sets.
Computer-supported education studies can perform two important roles. They can allow researchers to gather
important data about student learning processes, and they can help students learn more efficiently and effec-
tively by providing automatic immediate feedback on what the students have done so far. The evaluation of
student work required for both of these roles can be relatively easy in domains like math, where there are
clear right answers. When text is involved, however, automated evaluations become more difficult. Natu-
ral Language Processing (NLP) can provide quick evaluations of student texts. However, traditional neural
network approaches require a large amount of data to train models with enough accuracy to be useful in ana-
lyzing student responses. Typically, educational studies collect data but often only in small amounts and with
a narrow focus on a particular topic. BERT-based neural network models have revolutionized NLP because
they are pre-trained on very large corpora, developing a robust, contextualized understanding of the language.
Then they can be “fine-tuned” on a much smaller set of data for a particular task. However, these models
still need a certain base level of training data to be reasonably accurate, and that base level can exceed that
provided by educational applications, which might contain only a few dozen examples. In other areas of arti-
ficial intelligence, such as computer vision, model performance on small data sets has been improved by “data
augmentation” — adding scaled and rotated versions of the original images to the training set. This has been
attempted on textual data; however, augmenting text is much more difficult than simply scaling or rotating
images. The newly generated sentences may not be semantically similar to the original sentence, resulting in
an improperly trained model. In this paper, we examine a self-augmentation method that is straightforward
and shows great improvements in performance with different BERT-based models in two different languages
and on two different tasks which have small data sets. We also identify the limitations of the self-augmentation
In educational contexts, researchers study student rea-
soning and learning processes. Some of this research
is more basic, and focuses on testing hypotheses about
what influences learning in various contexts. Other
research is more applied, intending to produce inter-
active environments that can provide students with
immediate feedback based on their progress and help
make their learning more effective and efficient.
Some types of student data can be easily evalu-
ated computationally with simple programs. How-
ever, when student data is textual, evaluation is more
challenging. When done by hand, it can be quite
time-consuming and subjective. This negatively af-
fects basic research, requiring the researchers to
spend more time scoring student answers and less
time testing new hypotheses. For interactive learning
environments, either classroom-based or computer-
supported, manual grading of student work would
normally be done after the students have left the
classroom, delaying feedback and resulting in missed
learning opportunities while the subject is still fresh
in the students’ minds. Real-time computational eval-
uations of texts could improve student learning oppor-
tunities and facilitate the testing of learning theories.
One avenue of text-based basic research is moti-
vated by national and international literacy standards
Cochran, K., Cohn, C. and Hastings, P.
Improving NLP Model Performance on Small Educational Data Sets Using Self-Augmentation.
DOI: 10.5220/0011857200003470
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2023) - Volume 1, pages 70-78
ISBN: 978-989-758-641-5; ISSN: 2184-5026
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
(Achieve, Inc, 2013; OECD, 2021), which state that
students should learn to think critically about science-
related texts. Students should be able to deeply under-
stand scientific arguments that they have read, evalu-
ate the arguments, and produce sound written sum-
maries of their own. This connects with key soci-
etal issues beyond basic literacy, including bias, “fake
news”, and civil responsibility.
Discourse psychology researchers have posited
that reading is fundamentally influenced by the goal
of the reading (Britt et al., 2017). One way of test-
ing this theory is to ask participants to read short ar-
ticles on a topic that contain varying viewpoints, then
ask them to write what they think about that topic in
different contexts. For example, they could be asked
to do the writing in a lab or at home or to write “to
friends” or as an academic submission. Researchers
could measure the extent to which the participants
personalize their writings, express opinions, and cite
sources in different settings. Differences between the
conditions can show how the participants approach
the tasks. For example, prior research has shown that
students express themselves more personally when
they’re writing in a lab at a university vs. when they’re
doing the “same task” from home. Of particular inter-
est is the extent to which students consider different
viewpoints in different contexts or whether they fo-
cus only on a subset that may agree closely with their
prior biases.
An example of a text-based interactive research
project is the SPICE curriculum for science learn-
ing curriculum (Zhang et al., 2020). Its goal is to
strengthen students’ understanding of concepts and
processes in earth sciences. In one example lesson,
students are given a diagram that ostensibly comes
from another student. They are asked to analyze the
diagram, identifying and explaining any mistakes.
The students’ responses range from a few words
to one or two sentences. Research based on analyz-
ing these responses can shed light on the students’
depth of understanding of the relevant concepts and
processes. At a deeper level, this research also shares
the goal of shedding light on students’ abilities to per-
form causal reasoning in complex situations to inform
educational advances. More immediately, automatic
computational evaluation of the student’s answers can
be used as formative feedback, helping them to im-
prove their answers and learn more in the process.
Typically, student responses in both of these con-
texts will have a certain structure or intent, which
aligns with a grading rubric and shows the extent to
which the material has been understood. The pre-
ferred answer will contain certain concepts that can
be simple in form, such as if the answer contains a
certain keyword or not, or it can be complex, such
as showing a causal reasoning chain of information
that shows the student can put together complex con-
cepts in the correct order. If the student response lacks
that particular structure, feedback from the teacher,
or a software system, could provide meaningful in-
formation on what the student is lacking so that they
can improve their analysis of the given task on their
next try. Natural Language Processing (NLP) tech-
niques such as sentence classification show promise
in analyzing both simple and complex causal reason-
ing to help facilitate quicker feedback on student per-
formance (Hastings et al., 2014).
Traditional NLP techniques include neural net-
works that are created for a specific task, then trained
on large amounts of data in order to make the neural
model accurate enough to provide meaningful feed-
back. In the past, Recurrent Neural Networks have
been shown to be able to identify causal reasoning
chains, but they require a large amount of data to train
the model (Hughes, 2019). The model must be trained
using a certain quantity of examples of each type of
student response the grading rubric identified. This
training data is typically evaluated by a human, en-
suring the answer falls into a certain category. It is
then labeled to establish if the answer is correct or
falls into one or more sub-categories of partially cor-
rect or incorrect responses. In order for the model to
be accurate enough to be useful in analyzing student
responses, there must be a large enough quantity of
these hand-evaluated student responses to make the
model accurate enough for the given task. Unfortu-
nately, educational studies do not necessarily provide
a large amount of data to be used for NLP training —
they collect only enough data to aid the researchers in
their evaluation of the systems they are creating. Fur-
thermore, those data sets are often focused on narrow,
customized tasks so the language in them might not
correspond to general usage.
BERT-based models changed the landscape of
NLP data requirements because they come pre-trained
using very large data sets such as Wikipedia and the
BooksCorpus (Devlin et al., 2018). This gives them
robust knowledge of the words in a language and how
they are used in context. These models are then “fine-
tuned” on a specific task — that is, an additional layer
is added to the network, and the weights in this layer
are trained to perform the chosen task. This fine-
tuning requires some labeled training data from the
task, but a much smaller data set is required because
of the prior language “knowledge” already present in
the model due to the initial pre-training. What’s more,
pre-trained BERT-based models have been created in
many languages, allowing for a wide range of applica-
Improving NLP Model Performance on Small Educational Data Sets Using Self-Augmentation
tions. However, although the amount of data needed
for fine-tuning is much less, these models still need
a certain base level quantity of hand-evaluated train-
ing data for a particular task to enable the model to
perform accurate evaluations.
A traditional method used to improve model per-
formance on insufficient data in other areas of artifi-
cial intelligence, such as computer vision, is to aug-
ment the data set (Shorten and Khoshgoftaar, 2019).
In this setting, data augmentation is done by scaling,
flipping, or otherwise modifying the existing images,
producing similar images that can make the models
more robust. Augmentation techniques have been at-
tempted on text-based data (Chen et al., 2021). How-
ever, augmenting text data is much more difficult than
simply scaling or rotating an image. When new tex-
tual data is created from existing data (i.e., student re-
sponses), the newly generated responses are not guar-
anteed to be semantically similar to the original re-
Some current augmentation techniques make
modifications from original responses by misspelling
words that have the effect of injecting noise, or by
replacing words in the response with another similar
word (Wu et al., 2022). These techniques attempt to
create new data with a low probability of changing
semantic intent. However, the possibility still exists
that the newly generated response has been altered so
much that the label associated with it, i.e., the cate-
gory it is intended to augment, is no longer applica-
ble. Using data augmentation on text in this fashion
does not guarantee that the original sentence’s seman-
tic intent remains intact. As more aggressive forms of
data augmentation are employed, for example, using a
text generator that creates a response from keywords,
more care must be exercised to ensure that seman-
tic intent has not been significantly altered. Seman-
tic similarity between responses can be measured to
some extent but is still an ongoing area of research
(Chandrasekaran and Mago, 2021).
In this paper, we examine a “self-augmentation”
method, similar to stratified sampling (Neyman,
1992), where items from the data set are replicated to
allow balancing of the different classes and provide
a comparison for other augmentation types (Cochran
et al., 2022). Bootstrapping (Xu et al., 2002) is an-
other technique, however, it requires human interven-
tion to fill in areas where the existing data is missing,
which is not practical in our application of these tech-
niques. This technique increases the training data set
using the same data set provided for a given problem
many times. Similar techniques have been applied to
computer vision with improved model performance
(Seo et al., 2021). Examining this technique will iden-
tify levels of augmentation that are appropriate and
provide a baseline measurement that can be used for
comparison when additional augmentation techniques
are studied in the future. Performance is evaluated at
each new level of augmentation to determine if it is
improving the model or degrading it.
Transformer-based NLP architectures, such as BERT
(Devlin et al., 2018), and GPT-3 (Brown et al., 2020),
are now the industry standard for modeling many
NLP tasks. BERT-based models are plentiful and
have been trained using many different corpora. Some
models are trained on general corpora, and some on
specific types of texts, e.g., medical articles. Some
models have been trained on texts from a single lan-
guage, and others on multilingual corpora. When se-
lecting a model, at a minimum, one must choose a
model which includes the words from the language
of the target task. For instance, if you are evaluat-
ing French data, the original BERT model, which was
pre-trained solely on English texts, would be useless
because it has no training on the French language. So
a language-specific model or a multilingual model is
required. For the evaluations in this paper, multilin-
gual models were chosen to compare performance on
two data sets that were in different languages, French
and English. Using the same set of models removes
one variable in the comparison of the models and how
they perform with each data set.
When comparing models using different data sets,
another variable that might affect performance is the
specific data the models were pre-trained on. The data
sets in this research focus on topics in STEM- and
argumentation-related fields. However, the domain-
specific subject matter often includes esoteric jargon
not well-represented in the canonical corpora that the
large transformer models are pre-trained on. This can
reduce performance because the task-based vocabu-
laries differ considerably from the data the model was
initially pre-trained on (Cohn, 2020).
Many educational study responses by school-age
children use informal syntax and are written more col-
loquially. This makes it difficult to match a BERT-
based model pre-trained with highly scientific data
with a student’s STEM topic because the model will
be typically trained on advanced texts related to that
particular topic. For this reason, we chose to use
less specific models that were more widely used for
sentence classification as opposed to models which
were pre-trained solely on scientific texts. Using more
generic models will be less likely to have perfor-
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
mance issues due to a mismatch between the subject
on which the students are being evaluated and the one
on which the model was pre-trained.
Data scarcity is often encountered when evaluat-
ing school essays because such studies are typically
focused narrowly on one aspect of learning or eval-
uation. This makes it difficult to train neural net-
work models to accurately differentiate the intent of
the student responses. To help with this problem,
researchers performing data classification problems
often transform the problem into a binary selection
problem (true/false, right/wrong, answer-A/answer-
B) as opposed to a multi-class problem (one involv-
ing three or more classes, e.g., answer-A/answer-
B/answer-C) which provides an increase in perfor-
mance at the cost of a more accurate conclusion. In
this study, we use data sets that have both binary and
multi-class solutions to see if augmentation levels are
affected by the type of classification encountered.
As mentioned above, one frequent solution to mit-
igate data scarcity issues is data augmentation. Data
sets encountered in student essays are not only small
but are often imbalanced as well. Imbalanced data is
defined as the situation where one class of answers
is dominant for a given question, such as the case
where most students get that particular question right
or most get it wrong. It is rare that all possible labels
corresponding to the conclusion of the evaluation are
equally represented across the data set. Often, there
may be only a few or even no cases where an example
of one answer type is given in the data. This makes
it difficult to train a model to look for a specific label
if there are only a handful of examples in the data
there is simply not enough data for the model to learn
from. To overcome the data scarcity and imbalance
issues, larger, more balanced data sets are needed to
improve model performance on the original small and
imbalanced data sets. Since such situations are fre-
quent in educational contexts, a method for augment-
ing small text-based data sets is needed to artificially
create a larger training data set from a smaller one.
Textual data augmentation methods include such
techniques as adding noise in the form of substitu-
tion or deletion of words or characters (Wei and Zou,
2019), performing “back translation” where data is
translated into another language and then translated
back to the original language, producing alternate re-
sponses based on the original response, and using
BERT’s masking feature to substitute words. But each
of these runs the risk of generating an alternate ver-
sion of the text that is different in meaning and would
therefore have a different label. In order to reduce or
remove the chances of the generated responses having
a label mismatch, self-augmentation is exclusively ex-
plored in this paper to work toward establishing a
baseline for augmentation so that more radical or ag-
gressive types of augmentation can be compared to
this baseline.
In this paper, we examine the benefits of textual
self-augmentation for evaluating student responses in
two different educational contexts in two different
languages. The data sets are relatively small (less
than 100 responses per question or concept) and ex-
hibit varying degrees of imbalance. Recent research
on text augmentation found balancing the data set im-
perative when augmenting small data sets as leaving
the data set unbalanced caused instability in model
performance. (Cochran et al., 2022). Since the ulti-
mate goal is to provide appropriate, timely feedback
to students, teachers, and researchers, accurate mod-
els are required so that the feedback can be trusted.
Toward that goal, we formulate three research ques-
RQ 1. Is self-augmentation of a balanced data set
sufficient to improve the classification of student an-
Hypothesis H1 is that the technique of in-
creasing the amount of data on a balanced data set will
improve classification accuracy by ensuring at least a
minimal number of training examples for each label
RQ 2. Does the BERT-based model variant affect per-
formance when the data sets are augmented and bal-
anced? Our hypothesis H2 is that the BERT model
used for sentence classification will have some perfor-
mance differences, but will not significantly change in
performance when using data augmentation.
RQ 3. Does self-augmentation have a limit where
performance drops, or does it stabilize with additional
augmentation? H3 proposes that self-augmentation
would benefit the model performance at first but then
would tend to overfit because it is being constantly
trained on the same information, and performance
would degrade with additional augmentation beyond
that point. Previous work has shown similar results.
The two data sets analyzed in this paper were pro-
vided from different studies and are referred to herein
as Task 1 and Task 2. Task 1 was done as part of
the SPICE (Science Projects Integrating Computation
How good is good enough? In this paper, we are ar-
bitrarily choosing an F
score of 0.9 or above, under the
assumption that that would allow a system to provide feed-
back that is usually correct. Appropriate language can be
used to indicate some level of uncertainty in the evaluation,
e.g., “It looks like . . . ”.
Improving NLP Model Performance on Small Educational Data Sets Using Self-Augmentation
and Engineering). This data set contained responses
to three questions. These were further divided into
six different concepts because some of the questions
requested multiple answers. The data originates from
-grade students and is in English and contained 95
responses by students in the United States. The av-
erage length of the student responses was about 15
words. This research curriculum focused on rain wa-
ter runoff and measured if the student could formulate
a mental model of how runoff worked based on the re-
sponses given. Each of the six concepts for this task
has a binary label indicating if the concept was correct
or incorrect in the response. The responses to the six
concepts were imbalanced to varying degrees with the
data label quantities shown in Table 1. The majority
label quantity is shown in bold.
Table 1: Task 1 Student Response Data Split per Question.
Concept Incorrect Correct
1 10 85
2a 25 70
2b 64 31
3a 44 51
3b 73 22
3c 57 38
In Task 2, French university students were given
a social psychology article describing links between
personal aggression and the playing of violent video
games. The participants were asked to read the arti-
cle and then write a message to friends (in the “per-
sonal” condition) or colleagues (in the “academic”
which summarized the connections made
in the article. We evaluated one question of interest to
the researchers here, which is whether or not the stu-
dent’s text expressed an opinion about the presence of
a link between aggression and violent video games.
This data set contained 40 responses with an aver-
age length of about 90 words. The data label quanti-
ties are shown in Table 2. Since there was only one
question, the possible outcomes are listed with their
label, description, and quantities for each label in the
data set. The majority label quantity, which is “No
Opinion”, is shown in bold.
Table 2: Task 2 Student Response Data Split for the One
Label Definition Quantity
0 No Opinion 32
1 Link Exists 3
2 No Link Exists 2
4 Partial Link Exists 3
We do not further examine the differences between the
conditions here.
4.1 Augmentation
The data sets were augmented by replicating the pro-
vided data to create an augmented data pool. Previous
studies have indicated that a balanced data set is rec-
ommended prior to data augmentation (Cochran et al.,
2022). Therefore, the data sets were first balanced and
evaluated. In order to balance the data set, the lowest
minority label quantity was used for each label in that
particular data set. We define this as an augmentation
amount of 0x. For example, in task 1, concept 1, there
were 10 incorrect answers. To obtain the augmenta-
tion amount of 0x and maintain a balanced data set,
the correct answers were reduced to match the level
of the incorrect numbers. So, 75 of the 85 correct re-
sponses were removed so the data set only contained
10 correct and 10 incorrect student responses.
The amount of data used for augmentation above
0x was determined by measuring of the majority label
quantity in each data set, and augmenting the minority
labels enough to match the majority label. This cre-
ated a 1x level of data augmentation. In a multi-class
data set, each label that was not the majority label was
augmented to equal the quantity of the majority label.
Performance was measured as the augmentation level
was increased up to 34x by adding more data from the
augmented pool and balancing the training data set so
that all labels had equal representation.
Augmented data was only used for training, not
for testing the models. For each question or concept,
a separate BERT model was fine-tuned for classifi-
cation on the training data by adding a single feed-
forward layer. We used the micro-F
metric as the
performance measurement.
In all experiments, the models were trained and
evaluated 10 times, with each training iteration using
a different seed (a Fibonacci series starting at 5) for
the random number generator, which partitions the
training and testing instances. During training, the
train/test split was 80/20. Batch size, learning rate,
and other parameters were tuned to provide the best
performance for the given data set but fit within the
recommendations of the original BERT fine-tuning
suggestions (Devlin et al., 2018).
4.2 Models
Since these two data sets are in different languages,
a fair comparison between them was established by
using multi-lingual BERT-based models. Four multi-
lingual BERT-based models were chosen that can per-
form sentence classification. These four models were
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
fine-tuned separately for each data set using the meth-
ods described by (Devlin et al., 2018) in order to pro-
vide a comparison of the self-augmentation method.
For Task 1, six separate models were created for each
of the 6 concepts using binary classification: either
right or wrong. For Task 2, a single multi-class model
was trained. Since both tasks together needed seven
models, and there were four base models used in
testing, this resulted in 28 models being trained and
The BERT-based models used in this research are
all from the Hugging Face library
, and are shown
in Table 3. They were chosen because they could
perform both French and English sentence classifi-
cation. Each model was pre-trained for a specific
purpose. The ambeRoad (model A”) is trained us-
ing the Microsoft MS Marco corpus. This train-
ing data set contains approximately 400M tuples of
a query, relevant and non-relevant passages. Model
A has been used in various works (Schumann et al.,
2022; Litschko et al., 2022; Vikraman, 2022) and is
owned by amberSearch (previously ambeRoad) a
private, German NLP enterprise. The cross-encoder
(model “C”) was pre-trained on the MMARCO cor-
pus which is a machine-translated version of MS
MARCO using Google Translate to translate it to 14
languages (Reimers and Gurevych, 2020). The Mi-
crosoft (model “M”) generalizes deep self-attention
distillation by using self-attention relation distillation
for task-agnostic compression of pre-trained Trans-
formers (Wang et al., 2020). Model M has also been
used in various works (Verma et al., 2022; Nguyen
et al., 2022). Finally, the nlptown (model “N”) is a
multilingual uncased model fine-tuned for sentiment
analysis on product reviews in six languages: English,
Dutch, German, French, Spanish, and Italian. It pre-
dicts the review’s sentiment as a number of stars (be-
tween 1 and 5) and is intended for direct use as a sen-
timent analysis model for product reviews. Model N
is owned by a private enterprise, NLP town, and is
referenced in several works (S¸as¸maz and Tek, 2021;
Nugumanova et al., 2022; Casa
n et al., 2022). Models
were prioritized based on their prevalence in research
and widespread adoption on HuggingFace.
4.3 Baseline Evaluation
For each concept or question, we created two dif-
ferent baseline models without augmentation. The
a priori model simply chose the majority classifica-
tion for each concept. In other words, this model is
purely statistical there is no machine learning in-
volved. For our unaugmented baseline model, we ap-
plied BERT in a prototypical way, without data aug-
mentation, but the data set was balanced in that each
label had equal representation. We performed this by
getting the count of the least represented label and re-
ducing the quantity of the other labels in the data set
to match that label, previously defined as 0x augmen-
tation. This removed the possibility of data imbalance
affecting the baseline measurement.
4.4 Augmentation Approach
The self-augmentation technique is an oversampling
method using multiple copies of each instance in the
data set for augmentation. To augment the data con-
sistently, the majority label quantity in Table 4 and
Table 5 became the majority quantity of reference
for that particular data set. For example, in Table 4,
concept C1 has a majority of the answers as correct
(89%). Since responses were graded as either right or
wrong, this means there were 85 correct answers and
10 incorrect answers. Therefore, the majority quan-
tity of reference for concept C1 is 85. Augmenting
the incorrect answers so that the quantity equals 85
(adding 75 incorrect responses) balanced the data set
is referred to as 1x augmentation. We balanced each
data set in this manner by augmenting the minority la-
bel(s) to equal the quantity of the majority label for 1x
augmentation. The data sets maintained an equal bal-
ance across all possible values and were augmented
in multiples of the majority quantity using multiples
3x, 5x, 8x, 13x, 21x, and 34x.
The results from Task 1 are presented in Table 4, and
the results from Task 2 are in Table 5. Each row cor-
responds to a question or concept. The baseline re-
sults are shown in the middle columns. The maximum
for each model along with the data augmen-
tation level where that maximum occurred is shown in
the right columns. Bolded values show the maximum
performance for each question/concept for each data
Figure 1 illustrates how the level of data aug-
mentation affects performance for Task 1. Each line
shows the performance with a different model. The x-
axis shows the amount of augmentation applied from
0x to 34x. The models corresponding to the codes in
the legend are listed in Table 3. As augmentation in-
creases, there is a maximum performance achieved at
different augmentation levels which depended on not
only the concept but was also a function of the base
model used. Each of the models appeared to peak
Improving NLP Model Performance on Small Educational Data Sets Using Self-Augmentation
Table 3: BERT-based models used in this research.
Letter Designation Hugging Face Model
C cross-encoder/mmarco-mMiniLMv2-L12-H384-v1
M microsoft/Multilingual-MiniLM-L12-H384
A amberoad/bert-multilingual-passage-reranking-msmarco
N nlptown/bert-base-multilingual-uncased-sentiment
Table 4: Task 1 Performance (micro-F
) of Baseline vs All Augmented Models.
% Baseline Max Performance
Concept Correct a priori Unaug. F
Aug. Level Model
C1 89 0.940 0.563 0.837 3x N
C2a 73 0.850 0.795 0.995 13x N
C2b 33 0.670 0.658 0.921 3x N
C3a 54 0.700 0.779 0.789 3x N
C3b 23 0.770 0.784 0.968 5x N
C3c 40 0.600 0.784 0.889 13x N
early, then drop off. For Task 1, the NLPTown model
seemed to perform well across all questions and con-
cepts whereas the Microsoft model performed poorly.
Figure 1: Task 1 Model Performance as a Function of Aug-
mentation Level for All Models.
Figure 2 illustrates how the level of data augmen-
tation affects performance for Task 2. In this task,
where the student texts were considerably longer than
in Task 1, (recall that the average length of student re-
sponses was 90 words for Task 2, but only 15 words
for Task 1) the performance of most models continued
to increase or only diminished slightly with increas-
ing levels of augmentation. For Task 2, the Microsoft
model appeared to outperform all other models, and
the NLPTown model had the worst performance.
Recall RQ 1 which asked whether the performance
could be improved with an augmented and balanced
data set. Table 4 and Table 5 show that data aug-
Figure 2: Task 2 Model Performance as a Function of Aug-
mentation Level for All Models. The x-axis shows the
amount of augmentation applied from 0x to 34x.
mentation does improve classification performance in
all cases except for on Task 1’s Concept C1 which
is so unbalanced that the best performer is the a pri-
ori baseline of simply guessing the student response
was always correct. All the other results show im-
provement over every model’s unaugmented base-
line. Model performance where the micro-F
score is
above 0.9 is ideal, but there are two instances where
this level of performance could not be achieved. This
indicates that self-augmentation may not be enough
to fine-tune a model for all contexts, and additional
augmentation techniques will be required in order to
generalize a procedure for textual data augmentation.
H1 states that the effect of a balanced data set and
larger amounts of data improve classification accu-
racy. Our results show that balancing and augmen-
tation improves performance. In Task 1, Concept 1,
there was such a high percentage of majority label
quantities (>90%), that guessing the majority label
every time outperformed any model used in our ex-
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Table 5: Task 2 Performance (micro-F
) Baseline vs All Augmented Models.
% Baseline Max Performance
Question No Opinion a priori Unaug. F
Aug. Level Model
1 80 0.850 0.309 0.994 34x M
periment. Therefore, H1 was almost completely con-
firmed. The only exception was for concept 1, where
the majority label represented over 90% of the given
RQ 2 asks if the chosen BERT model affects per-
formance when the data sets are augmented and bal-
anced. H2 predicted that the BERT model used would
not significantly affect performance. Figures 1 and
2 reveal that performance does vary based on the
BERT model. These empirical observations show
that the N model (nlptown/bert-base-multilingual-
uncased-sentiment) performed the best for Task 1, and
the M Model (Microsoft) performed the best for Task
2. No clear winner was evident in which model to
choose because the winning model in each study was
the worst performer in the other study. Thus, H2
was not supported, which means the model chosen
for the particular task is important, and experimenting
with more than one model is imperative for a given
data set. Several factors were different across the two
tasks. The languages were different, the length of the
responses was different, and the age of the students
was different in each data set, all potentially causing
performance changes between the two tasks.
RQ 3 speculated that the level of augmenta-
tion might either drop off or stabilize model perfor-
mance. Model performance did reach a maximum,
then drop off with additional augmentation for Task
1. This shows that there is a limit to how much self-
augmentation can be applied before the model levels
off and begins to degrade in performance. This degra-
dation in performance is likely due to the over-fitting
of the model as the data used to train the model is be-
ing repeated, and the model is not generalizing, but
specializing classification outcomes that are specific
to the given data set. Task 2 had two models continue
to increase even at the highest level of augmentation
tested, but the results were approaching a micro-F
of 1.0, so additional augmentation could not possi-
bly improve performance beyond that limit. For these
results, H3 was mostly supported with the exception
of two models in Task 2 that continued to increase at
maximum augmentation.
Using self-augmentation to increase the data quan-
tity from student responses in two different studies,
in two different languages (French and English), then
training seven different models and measuring perfor-
mance, we found that a balanced and augmented data
set improved performance over an unaugmented data
set. Binary classification peaked in performance with
less augmentation but degraded as the model began to
overfit. The highest level of augmentation for a binary
classification task was 13x. Multi-class classification
on the other hand was able to handle higher levels of
self-augmentation, making all models tested stabilize
and achieve high performance over the unaugmented
model. Multi-class classification models in our exper-
iment did not degrade significantly as we continued to
add augmentation up to 34 times the initial majority
label quantities.
Since the ideal performance was not achieved by self-
augmentation alone in all cases, further analysis will
be performed using additional augmentation methods.
This might allow sentence similarity variance so the
models can tolerate additional augmentation before
overfitting. Our hypothesis is that this will aid the
model training so that it does not begin to degrade so
quickly, and a micro-F
performance of greater than
0.9 can be consistently achieved. More experimenta-
tion will be performed comparing binary and multi-
class classification to see if there are general guide-
lines that can be established for both types of classifi-
cation. This may also determine if augmentation lev-
els tolerated by a model are a function of the number
of classes in the data set. A comparison of language-
specific models versus multi-lingual models needs to
be performed to determine if performance is affected
by matching language type to the specific model or if
a more generic model suffices.
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CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education