Towards a Development of Automated Feedback and Diagnostic
Assessment System in Support of Literacy Teaching and Learning
Girts Burgmanis
, Dace Namsone
and Ilze France
Interdisciplinary Centre for Educational Innovation, University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia
Keywords: Technology-Based Assessment, Diagnostic Assessment, Literacy, Feedback.
Abstract: Literacy knowledge and skills are crucial to students to understand complexities of the modern world.
Furthermore, literacy can support and make more effective learning of discipline-specific knowledge. Literacy
as a transversal skill makes it difficult for teachers to design assessment to gather information for feedback to
facilitate literacy teaching and learning. In the last decade, technology-based assessment and automated text
scoring has given the opportunity to develop diagnostic assessment systems providing immediate feedback
enhancing students learning. This paper describes automated feedback and diagnostic assessment system in
support of literacy teaching and learning. By validating three-dimensional framework of literacy assessment
and evaluating measurement instrument quality, we provide evidence how advances in technology-based
assessment and education studies can be implemented to design an online diagnostic assessment system
providing immediate generic feedback to students and teachers.
It is indisputable that in modern world the ability to
deal with different forms of text and communicate
meaning in written form or literacy is a crucial skill
to successfully participate in the information society
and improve academic achievement. Thus, it is
important to support students who have trouble with
literacy learning as soon as possible. Although it is a
simple agenda, however to help students to recognize
and improve errors or teachers to acquire information
for interventions we need reliable and valid
assessment and effective feedback.
Educational research shows that support for
teaching and learning through diagnostic assessment
(Walters, Silva & Nikolai, 2017) as well as immediate
feedback (Hattie and Timperley, 2007) have very
high potential. With development and application of
technology-based assessment (TBA) and automated
text scoring techniques in assessment, immediate
feedback becomes more practical, less time
consuming and human bias dependent.
In the present paper, we focus on theoretical
foundation of automated feedback and diagnostic
assessment system developed by Interdisciplinary
Centre for Educational Innovation of University of
Latvia. The system is designed for diagnostic
purposes to assess students’ literacy knowledge and
skills in grade 4, 7 and 10 and provide immediate
feedback on students’ performance. In particular, we
focus on validation of three-dimensional framework
for literacy assessment and evaluation of a
measurement instrument quality.
Definition of literacy is vague and depends on the
context. In scientific literature, there is a range of
literacy definitions, from skills-based conceptions of
functional literacy to broad definitions that integrate
social, economic and political empowerment
(Lonsdale & McCurry, 2004).
The most common understanding of literacy can
be expressed as people’s ability to read and write.
This perspective on literacy is based on definition
provided by the United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) in
Burgmanis, G., Namsone, D. and France, I.
Towards a Development of Automated Feedback and Diagnostic Assessment System in Support of Literacy Teaching and Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0011858100003470
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2023) - Volume 2, pages 296-305
ISBN: 978-989-758-641-5; ISSN: 2184-5026
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
1950s, declaring that a person is functionally literate
when he/she has acquired the knowledge and skills in
reading and writing which enable them to engage
effectively in all those activities in which literacy is
normally assumed in his culture or group.
In the last two decades, through effort of the
United Nations the meaning of literacy has changed.
New definition of literacy proclaimed by ‘United
Nations Literacy Decade: education for all’ (UN,
2002) emphasizes perspective that literacy as an
individual skill is not only important for the increase
of national productivity, but also for the development
of sustainable, literate communities.
These changes in meaning of literacy reflect
changes in understanding of what is text in digital era
where traditional view of literacy as ‘reading, writing,
listening and speaking’ is extended to viewing and
representing (Ljungdahl & Prescott, 2009). Text in
new literacy studies (e.g. Mills, 2010) is understood
in a broader and more complex sense than previously
and includes not only printed or digital written text,
but also animations, movies, graphs, diagrams,
images and maps. Thus, in modern society we expect
that person with literacy skills will be proficient to
read various modes of texts and their combinations,
i.e., multimodal texts (Serafini, 2012), understand the
message of text, reflect in oral or written form on text
and its aims, and interpret various texts. This meaning
of literacy is partly used by OECD PISA, defining
reading literacy as: understanding, using, reflecting
on and engaging with written texts, in order to
achieve one’s goals, develop one’s knowledge and
potential, and participate in society (OECD, 2019).
Historically, assessment has multiple purposes
including, to gather relevant information about
student performance or progress, or to determine
student interests to make judgments about their
learning process. By using information from
assessment, teachers can adjust their instructional
practice according to student needs. Assessment for
students can work also as motivational force to learn.
Moreover, in recent years governments throughout
the world use assessment data acquired through
national or large-scale international testing (e.g.
Trends in International Mathematics and Science
Studies TIMSS, Progress in International Reading
Literacy Study PIRLS, and Program for
International Student Assessment PISA) to evaluate
standards of learning and to implement changes in
national educational systems (Black & Williams,
Traditionally, to meet all previously mentioned
purposes the summative assessment or assessment of
learning (Hume & Coll, 2009) is used to acquire
important data and information for decision making.
Previous studies show that this approach has limited
influence on learning experiences of students (Black
& Williams, 1998) and if improvement of learning is
paramount then the purpose of assessment should
change from assessment of learning to assessment for
learning which focuses on constructive feedback and
on developing the student’s capacity to self-assess
and reflect on his/her own learning (Holmes-Smith,
2005; Ljungdahl & Prescott, 2009).
Usability of summative assessment for
improvement of learning has several important
deficiencies, including (1) long time between test
administration and feedback, (2) limitations to use
summative test results for intervention planning
(Csapo & Molnar, 2019), (3) washback effect when
teachers may teach directly for specific test
preparation or learners adjust their learning strategies
to the announced assessment (Leber et al., 2018), (4)
harmful influence on school climate and teacher
stress (Saeki et al., 2018).
Regular and immediate feedback acquired from
test results of formative (Black & Williams, 2009)
and diagnostic assessment (Ketterlin-Geller &
Yovanoff, 2009) is most powerful tool to facilitate
learning (Hattie and Timperley, 2007). Although
formative assessment in educational studies is viewed
as the most important source of information to
support teaching and learning, however the difficulty
with effective formative assessment is that it is very
time consuming and rarely possible for busy
classroom teachers to design (Treagust, 2006). Thus,
diagnostic assessment most often is seen as a
compromise between the need of an immediate
feedback and an increased workload of teachers.
Distinction between formative and diagnostic
assessment is vague. Most studies describe diagnostic
assessment as assessment that focuses on problems,
explores possible difficulties, assesses if students are
prepared for a learning task, and measures
prerequisite knowledge (Csapo & Molnar, 2019).
Diagnostic assessment provides teachers with
valuable information on what students know or do not
know and for design of supplemental interventions
for struggling students. At the same time, students
receive feedback on their performance which
provides opportunity to monitor their own learning
(Walters, Silva & Nikolai, 2017).
Towards a Development of Automated Feedback and Diagnostic Assessment System in Support of Literacy Teaching and Learning
Previous studies show that the effectiveness of
feedback can be determined by several factors, such
as the features of the feedback, the characteristics of
the learners, and the nature of the tasks (Shute, 2008).
Feedback features in previous studies address the
timing of the feedback and the content of the
feedback. In terms of timing, feedback can be
immediate or delayed where immediate feedback is
more effective than delayed (Kulik & Fletcher, 2016),
because it can allow for a student to promptly
recognize and understand conceptual and procedural
errors (Dihoff, Brosovic & Epstein, 2003).
The content of the feedback can be two-fold and
include: (1) simple information if answer is correct or
incorrect, (2) additional information on student
performance in test in overall or in single answer.
Studies show that elaborated feedback is more
effective and can significantly facilitate learning in
classrooms (Maier et al., 2016, Lee et al., 2019).
Moreover, the study of Zhu, Liu and Lee (2020)
suggests that elaborated feedback is more effective
for learning if it is adjusted to the context of each task
(contextualized feedback). Several studies show that
content of effective and useful feedback should
include at least three components - indicate what
student know or can do at the moment of the test
(actual performance), what student need to know or
do (desirable performance) and recommendation how
to achieve desirable performance (Hattie and
Timperley, 2007, Gibss & Simpson, 2004, Wiliam,
Technological transformation of education
determines that technology-based assessment and, in
particular, formative and diagnostic assessment is
seen as a solution for support of everyday educational
process and important source of information and
feedback for students to monitor their progress.
In the last two decades, the technology-based
assessment (TBA) experienced rapid development.
Education reforms all over the world implementing
new approaches in learning, teaching and assessment
(Cheng, 2020) along with the ICT development and
rise of international comparative assessment (e.g.
PISA, TIMSS etc.) significantly contributed to the
transformation of TBA focus from examination of
factual knowledge to 21st century skills.
The OECD PISA assessment had the greatest
influence on the development of TBA by driving
TBA development in participating countries and
designing new methods and technologies in TBA.
According to Molnar and Csapo (2019) history of
TBA development had three stages. In the first stage,
computer-based tests included digitized items,
primarily prepared for paper-and-pencil assessment,
as well as automated scoring and simple feedback. In
the second stage, TBA included complex, real-life
situations, authentic tasks, interactions, dynamism,
virtual worlds, collaboration. Later stage of TBA
development included search for solutions to
elaborate support for personalized learning in the
form of guidance and feedback to learners and
teachers beyond test score.
Traditionally, technology-based assessment is
perceived as a solution for providing immediate
feedback to students. However, previous studies
show that it is not exactly true, because the scoring of
constructed response items is still complicated and
time-consuming process even when using
technologies (Gibbs & Simpson, 2005). In the last
decade, the advances in machine learning allowed to
develop and implement in technology-based
assessment automated text scoring which is useful to
handle several-sentence-long text responses.
Automated text scoring provides new possibilities
for technology-based assessment including (1) to
assess extended text responses in real-time, (2) reduce
errors and biases introduced by human, (3) to save
time, money and effort of teachers (Williamson, Xi,
& Breyer, 2012, Liu et al., 2014). Automated text
scoring works when an answer of student on
constructed response item is assigned a score on a
predetermined scale which can be established
dichotomously (0 or 1) or in multiple scoring levels
(0 to n) (Lee et al., 2019). After assigning a score to a
response, student receives immediate feedback
according to the scoring category framework or
rubric. Automated text scoring mostly is used to
assess the content of a response (Sukkarieh &
Blackmore, 2009) or quality of writing (Bridgeman,
Trapani, & Attali, 2012).
Latest findings from automated text scoring
studies show that this approach is very effective to
provide immediate formative feedback to students
and support their scientific argumentation (Lee et al.,
2019, Zhu, Liu & Lee, 2020).
Latest studies show that the best example of TBA
system for supporting personalization of learning is
online diagnostic assessment system eDia
developed by the Centre for Research on Learning
and Instruction, University of Szeged (Csapo &
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Molnar, 2019, Molnar & Csapo, 2019b). eDia system
is designed to provide regular diagnostic information
in three main domains of education - reading,
mathematics, and science, from the beginning of
schooling to the end of the 6 years of primary
education. It is an integrated assessment system
supporting assessment process, starting from item
development, test administration, automated scoring,
data analysis to feedback (Csapo & Molnar, 2019).
To provide credible feedback to support teaching and
learning, it is important to design assessment
framework which defines construct of concept what
will be measured by the tests. In simple words,
construct defines content of the assessment.
Assessment framework is crucial to develop valid and
reliable diagnostic measurement instrument for
accumulation of evidence on student reading and
writing skills and make meaningful indirect
inferences on students’ weaknesses and strengths.
To define assessment framework, we assume that
literacy is complex concept, and its learning is
multidimensional by nature. Moreover, according to
the previous studies (Molnar & Csapo, 2019) learning
and teaching in school have at least three clear goals
to develop cognitive abilities, to increase usability
of knowledge and skills in various contexts and to
transfer disciplinary knowledge important for
students to navigate their social and personal lives as
well as the world of ideas (Cuthbert, 2021).
Thus, we suggest that to support students to deal
with textual information in different contexts, novel
situations and to apply literacy knowledge and skills
for problem solving, teachers have to assess and
provide regular feedback on at least three dimensions
of literacy learning. The first dimension, which
should be assessed by diagnostic assessment, is
disciplinary knowledge grounded in various contexts
(science, history, literature etc.). The second
dimension focuses on assessing students’ skills to
apply all types of textual information (texts, images,
diagrams, maps etc.). To describe application of
literacy skills more precisely we distinguished three
categories (1) acquisition of textual information from
various sources, (2) reasoning on textual information,
(3) reflection on textual information and
communication of textual information. The third
dimension assess cognitive aspects of learning and
represents students’ progress in proficiency of
literacy using SOLO (Structure of the Observed
Learning Outcome) taxonomy (Biggs & Collis,
1982).SOLO taxonomy is directly grounded in
constructivism theory proposing that learning grows
cumulatively in stages in which the learned content is
increasingly complex (Leung, 2000). SOLO
taxonomy is useful to identify which stage student
attained and describe two aspects of learning
quantitative or how much details students know, and
qualitative or how well students put together that
detail. SOLO taxonomy include five levels:
Pre-Structural The student’s response include
bits of unconnected information and represents that
he/she does not have any kind of understanding on
Uni-Structural - The students response include
one relevant aspect of the subject or task and
represents that he/she can make simple and obvious
Multi-Structural - The student’s response
include evidence that he/she can understand several
separate aspects of the subject or task.
Relational - The student’s response include
evidence that he/she can make relations between
several aspects and demonstrates an understanding of
the topic.
Extended Abstract - The student’s response
demonstrate that he/she can make connections not
only within the given subject field, but also make
connections beyond it and transfer ideas to new areas.
Rationale to adopt SOLO taxonomy to develop
third dimension of framework over Bloom’s
taxonomy were based on focus of assessment system.
Bloom’s taxonomy is useful to develop assessment
and categorize items by what student must do in order
to demonstrate learning, however, SOLO taxonomy
enable not only to discriminate items, but also
students’ responses on items. For example, the same
item by several students can be answered in different
levels and demonstrate different understanding on
subject. In this case Bloom’s taxonomy can be used
to determine overall complexity of item, but SOLO
taxonomy to identify what students can do or
understand and what they cannot. Thus, the use of
SOLO taxonomy is crucial for diagnostic purposes,
works as structured approach to evaluate constructed
response items, and is useful for developing rubric for
automated text scoring.
Third dimension of framework is useful for
further development of automated feedback and
scoring module, because it enables not only to create
test items with various ranges of difficulty (four
SOLO levels), but also to create detailed description
Towards a Development of Automated Feedback and Diagnostic Assessment System in Support of Literacy Teaching and Learning
of students’ progress in proficiency of literacy
knowledge and skills.
The system was built in 2021 in collaboration
between the Interdisciplinary Centre for Educational
Innovation of University of Latvia and business
enterprise ‘Izglītības sistēmas’, owner of the digital
school management system ‘’ in Latvia.
Automated feedback and diagnostic assessment
system is a technology-based, learning-centred and
integrated assessment system consisting of three
modules: (1) test editing module, (2) online test
delivery module, (3) scoring module, (4) feedback
The system is designed for diagnostic purposes to
assess students’ literacy knowledge and skills in
grade 4, 7 and 10. Currently, the development of
system reached the second stage of testing when the
feedback module will be tested. In the first stage of
testing, we tested framework of literacy assessment,
item writing and test editing module, online test
delivery module and scoring module.
The items were written and saved in open source
software GeoGebra applet and linked with system’s
test editing module using applet ID generated by
GeoGebra. The rationale for the choice of GeoGebra
as item writing module was to have opportunity to
develop system further for the use of numeracy
diagnostic assessment in the future. According to
assessment framework, each item has three attributes
- proficiency level, category of application of literacy
skills and context (history, literature, science etc.).
The system contains test editing module that is
intended to verify items for further use in online test
delivery module, as well as for selection of items
from item bank and construction of diagnostic tests.
Items typically are selected by test developer (e.g.
researcher or expert) based on attributes describing
item proficiency level and category of application of
literacy skills to design test on particular context.
Students complete each diagnostic test in school
ICT classrooms. The tests can be ran by students
using computers equipped with an internet browser,
keyboard, mouse and screen. To access test, students
need to login in the system by using their ‘’
user login details. Each test can be administered by
teachers who can choose the day and time when
students have access to the test and complete it.
The system is designed for both automated and
human scoring. System included two types of
automated scoring with purpose to provide immediate
feedback. First type of automated scoring was more
traditional and designed to score multiple-choice
items. Automatic text scoring was designed to score
constructed response items. Students’ constructed
responses submitted online were randomly selected
by the system for expert scoring and then processed
by automatic text classifier trained using supervised
machine learning and automated model-building
Based on the autoscores, the students can receive
two types of feedback: (1) on the proficiency level of
literacy learning in overall, (2) on the proficiency
level of each literacy knowledge and skill application
category. Feedback consists of three descriptors
describing what student can do (actual proficiency
level), what he/she cannot do (next proficiency level)
and a recommendation for improvement how to reach
next proficiency level. An IRT model (Rasch model)
is used to establish assessment scales and five
proficiency levels not proficient, below proficient,
approaching proficient, proficient and exceed
7.1 Participants
The sample of study included 190 students from
grade 7. These students where from four Latvian
secondary schools. To ensure representative study
sample, all schools were selected based on
longitudinal performance in national level assessment
in Latvian language. All participants completed
diagnostic assessment consisting of two tests
examining literacy learning in science and history
contexts. The data collection was done by using
online assessment system.
7.2 Procedure
At the beginning of the assessment, students were
provided with instructions about the usage of the
system, and they were allowed to try it by completing
three test items. The assessment took place in the
schools’ ICT labs using the available school
infrastructure. Testing sessions were supervised by
teachers. Teachers could choose how to administer
tests of assessment, i.e., one test per day or both tests
in one day. When the students had completed each
test, they submitted their answers for automated
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
scoring. All submitted answers were autoscored.
Automated text scoring was possible, because the
automated text rater for each of 14 constructed
response items was trained prior to implementation of
the items in online test. To train automated text rater,
we collected 317 students’ responses on all 14
constructed response items prior to this study using
paper-and-pencil version of items. These responses
were scored by two experts for each test, based on
rubrics developed according to the tree-dimensional
literacy assessment framework.
7.3 Instruments
Each test was developed to be completed in 45
minutes. Science test consisted of 8 items and history
test of 15 items. All test items were developed
according to the three-dimensional framework. Thus,
each item represented attributes of all three
dimensions of literacy learning (see Table 1).
Table 1: Structure of the diagnostic assessment.
Domains of
literacy learning
and IV
Acquiring textual
S1, H1,
H6, H8
S2, H3,
H10, H11
S3, H9
H2, H4,
S4, H12
of information
S5, H13,
S6, S8,
Note: Character (context, i.e., disciplinary knowledge):
S Science; H History; Number describes item number in
All tests included both multiple choice items and
constructed response items (see Figure 1).
Figure 1: An example (history test) of multiple-choice
question intended to measure acquiring of textual
information (item 1.1. in figure) in SOLO I level and
analytical reasoning (item 1.2. in figure) in SOLO II level.
Figure 2: An example (science test) of constructed response
intended to measure Communication of information in
SOLO III level.
7.4 Analysis
In this study, to establish evidence on construct
validity, i.e. correlation between dimensions of three-
dimensional framework, the bivariate correlation was
run. To examine the set of items included in
assessment to measure numeracy learning, the Item
Response Theory (IRT) and Rasch analysis for the
Partial Credit Model (Masters, 1982) were used. For
the statistical analysis the IBM SPSS software version
26.0 and WINSTEPS version 4.6.2 (Linacre, 2015)
was used.
8.1 Validation of Three-Dimensional
Framework for Literacy
The validity of three-dimensional framework or
construct for literacy assessment was established by
bivariate correlations (see Table 2). From Table 2 it
can be seen that correlations between dimensions and
their domains are medium to high ranging from .40 to
Results show that correlations between
disciplinary knowledge domains (r = .42), proficiency
levels of literacy knowledge (r = .50 - .56) and
application of literacy knowledge (r = .46 - .51)
domains are medium.
Strongest correlations between disciplinary
knowledge domain and its proficiency levels
representing cognitive dimension are for history (r =
.72 - .89) and medium for science (r = .45 - .73).
Towards a Development of Automated Feedback and Diagnostic Assessment System in Support of Literacy Teaching and Learning
Similar correlations can be seen also between
disciplinary knowledge and application of literacy
knowledge dimensions. Stronger relationship can be
seen for history (r = .77 - .79) than for science (r = .40
- .67) domain.
Relations between domains of proficiency levels
of literacy knowledge and application of literacy
knowledge range from medium to highly medium (r
= .49 - .77). Thus, we can conclude that the
correlation values in Table 2 contribute to the
evidentiary support for the convergence of scores
representing related constructs.
Table 2: Relations between results in the three dimensions
of literacy knowledge learning.
Domains H S1 S2 S3 AI AR CI
S .42 .50 .45 .73 .40 .52 .67
H .73 .89 .72 .79 .77 .77
S1 .56 .50 .68 .65 .55
S2 .53 .76 .64 .74
S3 .49 .72 .77
AI .51.46
MR .48
Note: All correlation coefficients are significant at level
p<0.001. Disciplinary knowledge - H: history, S: science;
Application of literacy knowledge - AI: acquiring textual
information, AR: analytical reasoning, CI: communication of
information; Proficiency levels of literacy knowledge - S1:
SOLO 1, S2: SOLO 2, S3/4: SOLO 3 and SOLO4.
8.2 Evaluation of a Measurement
Instrument Quality
Rasch analysis was used to evaluate quality of
measurement instrument. To evaluate how well the
test items are defining literacy, we used Wright maps
which show difficulty of items and student’s
performance on the same linear scale.
Figure 3 show that students and items are located
at the same level of the scale, i.e., ability level of
students is equal to difficulty level of item. It means
that students have 50% chance to correctly answer the
item and diagnostic assessment discriminate low
performing and high performing students very well.
Wright map shows that diagnostic assessment
consisting of two tests include items representing all
difficulty levels or literacy learning proficiency
levels. Two improvements which can make
measurement better and close the difficulty gaps on
the line are to include (1) two very difficult items
between items H5 and S7, (2) at least one very easy
item between items S2 and H9.
Figure 3: The Wright map of the diagnostic assessment
items used in the present study.
Another approach to evaluate measurement
instrument quality is to examine how items fit to the
Rasch model (Boone, 2016). According to Boone
(2016), fit analysis determines if difficult items are
harder to answer than easy ones regardless of
student’s ability levels, and if items do not fit the
model, we can say that they measure more than one
To evaluate compliance of item to the Rasch
model, most commonly fit statistics (e.g., MNSQ
Item Outfit, MNSQ Item Infit) is used. Although
various studies share similar opinion and suggest that
evaluation of Outfit MNSQ statistic for each item is
guiding principle, however the benchmark to say that
the item misfit the model and is not useful for
measuring variable varies between 1.3 (Boone, 2016)
and 1.4 (Bond & Fox, 2013).
Table 3 shows that two items (S7 and H3)
manifest excessively high levels of outfit and can be
considered to be removed. After additional expert
analysis of items, we concluded that both items
measure not only literacy learning in context of
science and history, but also require from students to
demonstrate deep science and history knowledge and
skills. It means that both items measure more than one
variable at time. This assumption is also approved by
Point-measure correlations which show how well
items measure construct. Both items show negative
Point-measure correlation values. It means that these
items primarily do not measure literacy learning.
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Table 3: Rasch analysis: infit, outfit statistics and point
measure correlation for each diagnostic assessment item.
Item Measure
S1 .58 1.10 0.97 .29
S2 -1.31 .97 .89 .32
S3 -.71 .91 .89 .41
S4 .87 1.08 1.04 .43
S5 .65 .65 .69 .33
S6 .51 .94 .93 .54
S7 2.30 1.07 1.66 -.07
S8 1.32 .96 1.02 .28
H1 -.42 .99 .98 .29
H2 -1.01 1.01 .99 .24
H3 1.23 1.14 1.34 -.03
H4 -1.23 .97 .92 .31
H5 1.60 .92 .87 .44
H6 -1.90 .98 .95 .24
H7 -1.10 .99 .98 .26
H8 -.08 1.09 1.09 .13
H9 -1.71 1.03 1.08 .16
H10 -.13 1.14 1.12 .39
H11 -.47 1.21 1.21 .43
H12 -.16 1.20 1.17 .46
H13 .58 .72 .73 .36
H14 .40 .85 .93 .48
H15 .18 1.07 1.07 .53
Note: PMC – Point Measure Correlation
Considering rapid development of TBA and demand
from education sector, where, at the beginning of 21
century, the learning paradigm has changed to
student-centred learning and learning of transversal
skills, we need to make teaching, learning and
assessment more effective and personalized.
To support literacy teaching and learning, we
developed an automated text scoring enabled
diagnostic assessment system which can provide
feedback to students, as well as to teachers
immediately after completing a test. Our system at
this stage provide literacy diagnostic assessment
consisting of two tests (history and science) to assess
students’ literacy learning.
In this paper, we provide evidence that literacy
learning can be validly described in three-dimensions
of learning: disciplinary knowledge, application of
literacy knowledge and skills, and proficiency level,
which all are related constructs. Rasch analysis
confirmed that literacy assessment consisting of two
tests is appropriate to measure students’ literacy
learning. Developing items for literacy assessment in
future, it is important to verify that items measure
primarily literacy learning, not disciplinary
Finally, we can conclude that system can be used
to support students’ personalized learning and
teachers’ instructional decisions in literacy teaching
and learning. However, we should admit that
automated feedback and diagnostic assessment
system developed by experts and researchers could
create several challenges for teachers to use it for
intervention planning. Teachers are not always
adequately prepared and capable to use student
achievement data in meaningful way to improve
student learning in the classroom and improve overall
student achievement (Dunlap & Piro, 2016, Lockton,
Weddle & Datnow, 2020). This is not functional
weakness of system, but may have significant impact
on implementation of system. Thus, in
implementation phase we have to plan and provide
professional development programmes to teachers to
increase their (1) data and assessment literacy; (2)
familiarity with system.
Furthermore, at this phase of system testing show
that usability of system and reliability of data
provided by system directly depends not only on
students’ digital skills in general, but also on their
familiarity with GeoGebra environment integrated in
online test delivery module. GeoGebra environment
for younger students can be challenging and create
situation that diagnostic assessment could measure
domains out of the scope of three-dimensional
framework (e.g., digital skills, ingenuity). In this
study we familiarize participants with system offering
to them complete three test items before they
performed the main test. However, this solution have
to be studied further to understand – does completion
of few training items in training environment of
system prior diagnostic test could be enough for
students to demonstrate their best performance
including younger students (e.g. grade 4) and to
introduce them with the GeoGebra environment.In
the future, we plan to design and carry out several
new studies where literacy diagnostic assessment will
be supplemented with tests from other disciplines to
provide more detailed view on students’ literacy
learning. Moreover, we plan to carry out study where
the effect of feedback on literacy learning provided
by system will be empirically tested.
Towards a Development of Automated Feedback and Diagnostic Assessment System in Support of Literacy Teaching and Learning
The research was supported by the European
Regional Development Fund’s project ‘IT-based
support system prototype for providing feedback and
improve student performance in literacy and
numeracy acquisition’, Project No.
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Towards a Development of Automated Feedback and Diagnostic Assessment System in Support of Literacy Teaching and Learning