A Serious Game Development and Usability Test for Blood Phobia
Treatment - PHOBOS
João Petersen
, Vítor Carvalho
1,2 b
, João Tiago Oliveira
and Eva Oliveira
2Ai Laboratory, School of Technology, IPCA, Barcelos, Portugal
Algoritmi Research Center, University of Minho, Guimarães, Portugal
CIPsi - Psychology Research Center, School of Psychology, University of Minho, Portugal
Keywords: Serious Games, Blood-Injection-Injury Phobia, Virtual Reality, Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy, Biometric
Abstract: This paper addresses the development of the serious game PHOBOS, a virtual reality exposure therapy game
for the treatment of blood-injection-injury phobia, also known as hemophobia. The virtual reality game which
incorporates biometric sensors was upgraded from a 2018 version to perform usability tests to get the game
ready for clinical trials. With this project we expect to contribute to the development of a framework that can
be used by physiologists in the treatment of their patients with hemophobia.
Serious games have been used for treatment of
phobias, social anxiety disorder, amongst other
disorders (Li, S. et al., 2022). While about 10% of the
worldwide population suffer from a specific phobia,
there have been further improvements on the
development of VRET (Virtual Reality Exposure
Therapy) and ARET (Augmented Reality Exposure
Therapy) for its treatment (Albakri, G., et al., 2022;
Freitas, J.R.S., et al., 2021; Jiang, M., et al., 2020, Li,
S. et al., 2022). The technological evolution on game
engines, virtual reality and biometric sensors provides
new possibilities for the work as we can get more
realistic graphics with a higher framerate producing a
more immersive experience and therefore providing
the user a more focused therapy (Bond, A. et al.,
With this project we aim to improve the research
and development of VRET serious games. The game
will be combined with biometric sensors for data
acquisition that will have impact in the game
mechanics allowing to implement and control the
exposure to blood in a dynamic and player adapted
way. The aim is to develop a solid serious game for
the treatment of the blood-injection-injury phobia by
exposing the player to progressive and dynamic blood
stimuli controled by the players’ heart rate and stress
levels. The player will be taught on how to avoid
fainting by using applied tension exercises when
he/she recognises that his/her blood pressure is
getting lower (Vögele, C., et al. 2003). This game is
PHOBOS, a photorealistic serious game for VRET,
which addresses this specific issue, (Petersen, J. et al.,
2019). This project started in 2018 having reached a
demonstration version.
This paper is organized in five sections. Section 2
presents the related work which describes the work
done on the subject so far, from serious games for
VRET on disorders and phobias, to the specific-
phobia, blood-injection-injury phobia. Section 3
describes the project development section with the
funcional and non-funcional requirements sub-
section, where we highlight the features of the project
and its atributes, the storyboard sub-section which has
a description of the narrative and the example steps
the user can take on the playthrough, followed by the
hardware used sub-section. Section 4 details the
usability questionnaire section with the questions for
Petersen, J., Carvalho, V., Oliveira, J. and Oliveira, E.
A Serious Game Development and Usability Test for Blood Phobia Treatment - PHOBOS.
DOI: 10.5220/0011924900003414
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2023) - Volume 5: HEALTHINF, pages 723-728
ISBN: 978-989-758-631-6; ISSN: 2184-4305
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
usability tests that we intend to do. Finally, section 5
adresses the final remarks and future work.
Phobias are excessive or irrational fear of an object or
a situation, which can be divided in two categories,
social phobias, and specific phobias. In the case of
specific phobias, the irrational fear is caused by a
specific object or situation (Singh, J., Singh, J., 2016).
BII (Blood-injection-injury) phobia, also known as
hemophobia, is a specific phobia that is characterized
by the fear of blood, injury, and injections, interfering
with a person’s ability to function in their daily life
on more severe cases (Abado, E. et al., 2021). There
is a unique physiologic response pattern with this
phobia, which is the rise of heart rate and blood
pressure followed by the sudden fast drop which leads
to faint due to the low oxygen supply to the brain
(Vögele, C., et al. 2003).
Treatment methods for the treatment of BII
phobia include cognitive therapy with graded
desensitization, in vivo and imaginal exposure, and a
combination of exposure therapy with relaxation
(Vögele, C., et al. 2003). The most used treatment for
this phobia is exposure therapy with applied tension,
consisting of exposing the patient to the phobic
stimuli followed by applied tension exercises
(Hellström, K., et al., 1996; Öst, L., et al., 1991,). The
applied tension exercise is composed by tensing their
major body muscles when they detect a drop in blood
pressure (Hellström, K., et al., 1996; Öst, L., et al.,
1991; Vögele, C., et al. 2003).
The advances of virtual reality paved the way for
VRET for the treatment of phobias, allowing a more
controlled environment and exposure to the phobia
(Krzystanek, M., et al., 2021) like the in vivo
exposure therapy. There are ongoing studies on
VRET, such as the virtual environment for treating
multiple types of phobias by VRET on a handheld
virtual reality headset (Jashwanth, K., et al., 2020),
and the case study for one session treatment of BII
phobia which suggests improvements in their fears
(Jiang, M., et al., 2020). Following these trends, we
consider that the development of a VR game with
interactable objects, movement, immersion, and an
adequate storyboard that measures biometric signals
can improve the treatment of patients with
hemophobia and be a better alternative to the virtual
reality experiences done so far.
3.1 Functional and Non-Functional
The game will be a 3D virtual reality single-player
first-person game, where the player, as the user who
will play the game, will be allowed to move freely
through the game scenario with the rigid body of the
VR set which the player controls. There will be
collisions between the VR rigid body and game
objects, that could be static, interactive, and movable
objects. The sensor must register data with its ECG
(Electrocardiography) data acquisition for future
dynamic control over the phobic stimuli. There will
be spatial sound objects placed on specific objects to
increase immersion, for instance, the sound of the air
conditioners when the player gets near them. The
game will have mechanics to unlock doors, to solve
puzzles made of paintings, or to grab and inspect
objects. And the game must have blood objects for
phobic stimuli, distributed gradually over the various
rooms of the scene for gradual exposure.
For the non-functional requirements, the main
requirement is that the player feels that the blood is
realistic enough to trigger the phobia, followed by the
immersion, so that the player can be fully committed
to the exposure therapy. The game must have medium
to high frames per second, preferably above 30, the
sensor must have a continuous connection to the
computer, the area for the VR system must be
unobstructed to reduce the possibility of accidents.
3.2 Storyboard
To create a narrative that included blood it was
selected, amongst other studied possibilities, a crime
scene due to its probable blood/agressive character.
We priviledge this option instead of others studied in
the process for its logical creation of an environment
that will likely show a blood exposure situation which
will create a more immersive and even a surprise
effect to the player.
The player is a police officer who is called to go
to the game scene, a penthouse, because the
neighbours reported screamings after a stranger
entered the house.
The player exits the elevator, and arrives in the
entryway of the house where he/she has to find a spare
key hidden in one of the plant vases. In this area there
is no blood stimuli, and is a place where the player
can get aquainted with the controllers.
The player opens the now unlocked door and
he/she sees an interactable landline phone on a
WHC 2023 - Special Session on Wearable HealthCare
cabinet with a voice message to his/her right, the
living room in his/her front, two doors to his/her left
and one to his/her right behind a bar counter. If the
player chooses he/she can interact with the phone to
hear the message and then enter the living room,
Figure 1, exploring it and finding a broken glass, a
small bloodstain on the carpet and a mobile phone
between the couch and the center table. The level of
phobic stimuli on this room is very low having only
the small blood-stain. The player can interact with
paintings on the left side of the room which drop
another key that unlocks the next room.
Figure 1: Phobos’ living room.
As the player opens the door to the bedroom
he/she is met with bloodied sheets, in the bed in front
of him/her and a bloodied handprint on the sliding
door of the closet to the right.
From here the player can open another door to the
left which opens the bathroom where he/she is
exposed to a bloodied mirror, soap and sink. There is
also a key in this room that unlocks the last room, the
kitchen which is the door behind the bar in the living
This last room is the one with the highest exposure
to blood as there is a bloodied knife and blood drag
marks on the ground that lead to the dispenser,
although it is unusually clean.
There are no bodies so that the exposure is not to
heavy and also not to break immersion because of the
technical dificulties of creating a good photo-realistic
3d model. The main focus is the gradual exposure of
the player to its phobia and it should be followed by
a physician for any questions about the phobia or
about the AT exercise, which if the player should let
physician know if he/she is about to faint, so theres
less risk of injury if the exercise doesn’t work.
3.3 Hardware Used
For the HMD (Head Mounted Display) it was
selected the HTC Vive, Figure 2, due to the graphic
processing power with the 1080x1200 Dual
AMOLED 3.6” screens supporting more realistic
graphics with higher frames per second.
Figure 2: Playthrough with HTC Vive.
The computer has a Nvidia
RTX 2080
8gb GDDR6, 32gb RAM (Random Access Memory),
Core™ i7-8750H CPU (Central Processing
Unit) @ 2.20GHz and the windows 11 OS (Operating
System). The use of headphones while playing the
game for the spatial sound design is recommended,
although the use of the computer embedded speakers
also work.
For the sensors, it was selected the PLUX
Biosignals BITalino ®evolution Board Kit, due to its
capabilities and performance versus the standards
(Batista, D., et al., 2019), where for the moment we
are only using the ECG sensor as seen in Figure 3, but
the board has the capability of performing the
following data acquisitions opening the possibility of
multi-modal signal acquisition (da Silva, H. P., et al.,
2014) for more accurate measures of the phobias’
reaction, EMG (Electromyography), EDA
(Electrodermal Activity), EEG
(Electroencephalography), ACC (Accelerometer) &
LUX (Light) sensors.
After some more testing it was possible to find
that the placement of the ECG sensor in the wrist was
causing unnecessary noise and that it provided more
accurate readings when placing the sensor on the
chest of the player because of the muscles activated
during gameplay.
A Serious Game Development and Usability Test for Blood Phobia Treatment - PHOBOS
Figure 3: First location of the ECG sensor.
To gather results, usability tests will be driven
followed by self-report questionnaires after multiple
relevant questionnaires on user engagement and
experience satisfaction combined with some
questions that we consider relevant. The main
questionnaire studied was the questionnaire of a
similar virtual reality project for HRC (Heart-Rate
Controlled) interaction game, (Houzangbe, S., et al.,
2020), the UES (User Engagement Scale) (Wiebe, E.
N., et al., 2014) and GUESS (Game User Experience
Satisfaction Scale) (Phan, M. H., et al., 2016).
The self-report questionnaires are subdivided in
four categories.
The first category, as seen in table 1, is
information about the user who did the test, for
demographic segmentation. This information is
relevant because it’s the baseline to make the
necessary adjustments in the game, from the
information shown to the player, be it more technical
or more common written, to minor tweaks in game
mechanics to improve the playability and usability of
the game.
The second category, as seen in table 2, gathers
information about the previous experience of the user
with playing digital games, and VR games. This
follow-up of the baseline will inform us if some of the
difficulties found in the game were due to the lack of
experience, or the opposite, if the game is in a state of
usability that even a person without prior experience
can easily learn to play.
The third category, as seen in table 3, gathers
information about the equipment, both the sensor and
the VR set. This information will lead us to adapt the
hardware used depending on the answers, we might
change to a wireless HMD or even one with less
The fourth and final category, as seen in table 4,
gathers information about the gameplay, in this
category the usability of the game, the intuitiveness
of the game mechanics, the visibility of the objects
and features by the user are measured as well as the
discomfort, if any, felt whilst playing the game.
This questionnaire will allow us to assess the
scope of the player, the friendliness of the sensor, the
comfortability of the virtual reality head mounted
device and the usability factors of the game.
The usability tests are of the upmost importance,
as they provide feedback to improve the game to a
state where the players will feel comfortable and
natural in the virtual environment. They will also aid
us in fixing motion sickness related issues, which are
very common in virtual reality games but are not
acceptable for phobia treatment since they are an
external factor that the patients shouldn’t have to
experience for their treatment.
Table 1: Demographic segmentation questions of the
usability test questionnaire.
Question Possible answer(s)
What is your
Female; Male; Prefer not to
disclose; Other.
Choose your
age from the
<15; 15-20; 21-30; 31-40; 41-50;
51-60; >60.
What are your
Under four years of scholarity; Pre-
school; Middle school; Highschool;
Bachelor; Master; PhD; Prefer not
to disclose.
Table 2: Users’ previous experience questions of the
usability test questionnaire.
Question Possible answer(s)
Do you usually play
digital games?
Yes; No.
Have you ever played a
Virtual Reality game
efore this one?
Yes; No.
WHC 2023 - Special Session on Wearable HealthCare
Table 3: Equipment questions of the usability test
Question Possible answer(s)
Did you find the sensors’
placement invasive?
Likert scale 1-7
1- Strongly Disagree
Did the sensors’
placement obstruct your
Likert scale 1-7
1- Strongly Disagree
Did you find the virtual
reality gear
Likert scale 1-7
1- Strongly Disagree
If you felt any discomfort
using the virtual reality
gear, choose from the
following answers those
that a
Due to the weight;
Due to the cables;
Due to the lenses;
Due to the controllers;
Table 4: Gameplay questions of the usability test
Question Possible answer(s)
Did you find the controls of
the game to be
Likert scale 1-7
1- Strongly Disagree
7 – Strongly Agree
Did you always know how
to achieve the
objectives/goals of the
Likert scale 1-7
1- Strongly Disagree
7 – Strongly Agree
Did you find the blood
exposure difference evident
etween the various rooms?
Likert scale 1-7
1- Strongly Disagree
Did you feel the game gave
you enough freedom to act
how you want?
Likert scale 1-7
1- Strongly Disagree
7 – Strongly Agree
Did you feel that the game’s
audio (e.g., sound effects,
music) enhanced your game
Likert scale 1-7
1- Strongly Disagree
7 – Strongly Agree
Did you think the game was
visually appealing?
Likert scale 1-7
1- Strongly Disagree
When you were playing the
game, you lost track of the
world around you?
Likert scale 1-7
1- Strongly Disagree
7 – Strongly Agree
Did you feel frustrated
playing the game?
Likert scale 1-7
1- Strongly Disagree
Did you feel like you were
able to interact with the
environment the way you
Likert scale 1-7
1- Strongly Disagree
7 – Strongly Agree
Did you find that the
environement was
responsible to the actions
that you initiated (or
erformed)? (UES)
Likert scale 1-7
1- Strongly Disagree
7 – Strongly Agree
Did you find the puzzle on
the painting in the living
Yes; No.
Did you find the mobile
phone on the ground in the
living room?
Yes; No.
Did you interact with the
Yes; No.
Did you feel motion
sickness during the
gameplay session?
Likert scale 1-7
1- Strongly Disagree
If you felt motion sickness,
choose the reason from the
following answers.
Due to the graphics;
Due to the movements’
Due to the movement
Would you play this game
again once it’s fully
Likert scale 1-7
1- Strongly Disagree
This paper addresses the development of the serious
game PHOBOS, a virtual reality exposure therapy
game for the treatment of blood-injection-injury
phobia, also known as hemophobia, providing the
necessary tools with the safe virtual environment to
overcome the phobia and prevent fainting. The
project started in 2018 and in this paper, we present
the updated version of the game and project progress.
We’ve upgraded the game engine, replaced the
deprecated plugins, and reworked from the ground up
some of the game features to make use of the latest
technology. The game is still in development, close to
the alpha phase to do the usability tests. Although
there are more studies on VRET, ARET and serious
games for phobias and disorders, there is still much
research to be done on BII phobia, that motivates us
to go deeper into this subject.
As future work we intend to do the usability tests,
followed with an iteration of the development
supported by the feedback gathered, making the
adjustments necessary to be able to do clinical trials
to see the viability of the games’ VRET. We also aim
to continue to improve the development of the game
once it reaches the alpha phase as well as the sensor
interplay for it to reach a minimum viable product
A Serious Game Development and Usability Test for Blood Phobia Treatment - PHOBOS
stage, where it can be recognized as a viable option
for the treatment of BII phobia.
This paper was funded by national funds (PIDDAC),
through the FCT Fundação para a Ciência e
Tecnologia and FCT/MCTES under the scope of the
projects UIDB/05549/2020, UIDP/05549/2020,
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WHC 2023 - Special Session on Wearable HealthCare