Optimizing Transport Network to Reduce Municipality Mobility
Irina Arhipova
, Nikolajs Bumanis
, Liga Paura
, Gundars Berzins
, Aldis Erglis
Gatis Vitols
Evija Ansonska
, Vladimirs Salajevs
and Juris Binde
Faculty of Information Technologies, Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, Liela street 2, Jelgava,
LV 3001, Latvia
Faculty of Business, Management and Economics, University of Latvia, Aspazijas bulv. 5, Riga, LV 1050, Latvia
Latvian Mobile Telephone, Ropazu street 6, Riga, LV 1039, Latvia
{gundars.berzins, aldis.erglis, evija.ansonska}@lu.lv, juris.binde@lmt.lv
Keywords: Transportation Network Optimisation, Mobility Budget, Public Transportation, Mobile Activity.
Abstract: Mobility budgets dictate the limit of CO
per capita, which is calculated based on the mode of travel and
distance. Mobility budgets are one of the final goals of the optimisation of transportation network, when the
aspects of fairness and equity are considered. The main problem arises when we focus on multiple criteria of
fairness and equity. In addition, it was observed that any drastic change in behaviour leads to inadequate initial
parametrisation, especially under the effects of COVID-19. This can also mean that optimising transportation
network according to class-to-be is most likely to cause behaviour changes in relation to the use of public
transport. The aim of this article is to define the structure of optimisation task, based on mobility budget
provided on a monthly basis. This research was based on public transportation data and mobile activity data.
The former was used to determine the usage of public transport during 2017 and 2022, while the latter
provided enough information to determine exactly how COVID-19 affected the behaviour of city districts and
provide concrete information regarding necessary re-planning measures for public transportation station
locations. In result, the optimisation solution was proposed by defining case-specific objective functions and
In the contrast of advantages brought by economic
growth, the increase in overall Greenhouse Gas
emissions (GHGE) (International Energy Agency,
2022) raises an issue of balancing the use of
technological operations versus their environmental
cost. It includes almost all fields from industrial
operations like food production (Boke Olén et al.,
2021) and waste utilisation (Yasmin et al., 2022) to
personal carbon footprint (Khanam et al., 2022).
In order to address GHGE, European Commission
of European Union (EU) adopted a series of proposals
with the main goal of achieving climate-resilient
society (European Comission, 2020). The results of
developing technologies and strategies aligning with
these proposals can already be seen with reduction of
overall GHGE in EU from 2019 to 2020 by 0.37 Gt
(European Environment Agency, 2021). While it
seems positive, during these years the COVID-19
pandemic was most active. As a result, based on
global CO
emissions (International Energy Agency,
2022) the reduction in 2020 may be a pandemic’s
post-effect dip that returned even higher in 2021.
It was found that the COVID-19 pandemic did
indeed have negative impact on CO
Arhipova, I., Bumanis, N., Paura, L., Berzins, G., Erglis, A., Vitols, G., Ansonska, E., Salajevs, V. and Binde, J.
Optimizing Transport Network to Reduce Municipality Mobility Budget.
DOI: 10.5220/0011941500003494
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business (FEMIB 2023), pages 38-47
ISBN: 978-989-758-646-0; ISSN: 2184-5891
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
(Jawadi et al., 2022; Kareinen et al., 2022; Nicolini et
al., 2022). This relates, for example, to the
enforcement of homestay, including remote work,
and reduction of leisure group sizes at early stages of
the pandemic until now when improved protection
measures are in place. The adoption of these
principles, including people wish for less exposure to
public places, led to population behaviour changes
more people switched from public transport (PT) to
personal transport for commute (Delbosc et al.,
2022), as the latter proved to be a safer and less
restrictive mode of travel during COVID-19 (Zafri et
al., 2022). This, in turn, resulted in an increase of
personal carbon footprint in mobility, and the term
“rebound effect” was introduced (Rojas et al., 2022).
As Jawadi et al. (Jawadi et al., 2022) point out, short-
term strategies have no significant contributing effect
and sustainable long-term solutions should be
developed instead. This includes changing the way of
perception of daily carbon footprint (Hoffmann et al.,
Carbon footprint can be related to multiple
activities and fields, while most prominent in the
effect on CO
during and after COVID-19 was
transportation (Li et al., 2021; Vélez, 2022). There
can be various approaches to manage carbon
footprint. In general, carbon footprint management is
implemented by applying carbon budgets to regions,
countries and industries. Although the debates on
fairness of allocation of these budgets is still ongoing
(Pan et al., 2022; Williges et al., 2022), the common
consensus is that equity must be supported (Hänsel et
al., 2022). In this instance, equity refers to the relative
distribution of benefits and costs. Therefore, while it
is possible to manage carbon footprint on national and
industry levels by applying government regulations to
stakeholders (Bocken & Allwood, 2012), the
individual carbon footprint management cannot be
forced (Khanam et al., 2022).
Individual carbon footprint includes mostly
choices of food, both its production and initialization,
technologies and modes of mobility. Researchers
suggest that the mode of mobility leaves the largest
impact on the carbon footprint per capita (Bhoyar et
al., 2014; Li et al., 2021). Application of mobility
budgets offers a more specific approach to travel-
related carbon footprint management. Following the
main aspect of localised carbon footprint
management, the mobility budgets are calculated and
specified according to region, objective and target
There are various ways to approach specification
of mobility budgets. For example, in study of carbon
footprint in college mobility the basis was put on
survey data and existing local policies in order define
multimodal logit model that shaped optimal
combination of mobility modes (Crotti et al., 2022).
Another study (Sánchez-Barroso et al., 2022) was
using surveys to acquire data on mobility modes of
people traveling to healthcare centres. This data was
then used to estimate GHG emissions and it was
found that managing the mobility modes does lead to
reduction of GHG emissions.
In essence, mobility budgets dictate the limit of
per capita on daily/weekly/monthly basis. The
level of CO
is thus calculated based on the mode of
travel and distance. Currently, there are no
standardized characteristics of an individual mobility
budget, even though multiple attempts have been
made to define them. Focusing on multiple aspects of
fairness and equity raises the main challenges. These
aspects include Millonig et al. (Millonig et al., 2022)
hypothesised variants to characterise mobility
budgets based on average ceiling values such as daily
distance travelled by a particular mobility mode and
specified mobility budget for Austria.
The conclusion suggests that even though it is
possible to put limits on mobility budgets, it is strictly
region-based and requires in-depth analysis of the
given region’s socio-geographic needs which makes
one-size-fits all approach impossible even in EU
Mobility budgets are not always the final goal of
transportation network optimization, however, many
such tasks are based on criteria of fairness and equity
(Caggiani et al., 2017; Lucas et al., 2019). In addition,
the fairness in terms of transportation policies is not
yet clearly defined (Randal et al., 2020).
The problem of designing an optimised
transportation system is not novel, but it has attracted
more attention in recent years (Caggiani et al., 2017).
Farahani et al. (Farahani et al., 2013) provided a
sophisticated review on transportation network
design problems almost a decade ago and concluded
that a lot of work will be required in the future to
address questions such as objective functions and
constraints, correct decision-making strategies and
multi-modality of networks. Later, an overview of
multilayer network designs was provided (Crainic et
al., 2022) by applying own classification
methodology with the focus on taxonomy. There are
various approaches to optimising a transportation
Gu et al. (Gu et al., 2018) used simulation-based
optimization to propose toll pricings that would result
in maximised network density. The last decade also
showed a switch of research and application focus
towards multi-objective optimization (MOOP) in
Optimizing Transport Network to Reduce Municipality Mobility Budget
various fields (Al-Ashhab, 2022; Ogumerem et al.,
2018; Sun et al., 2014).
Zhang et al. (Zhang et al., 2022) proposed a
network design based on hidden Markov model and
an Equilibrium Optimizer to solve a MOOP. Authors
used information about passenger paths, amount and
duration of trips to optimize public transportation
aspects minimising costs and maximising the
number of trips. The work shows good results
compared to algorithm such as Floyd-Warshall.
Wang et al. (Wang et al., 2020) proposed a model
based on Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm
II to solve MOOP of customizing bus routes in real-
time. The model aimed at achieving two goals to
minimise travel time and minimise total operating
costs. Authors used information about the travel time,
including boarding times and total travel time, and the
conditions of bus stations such as station’s
accessibility, total demand and the availability of
parking lots. The authors used demand data obtained
from local citizens. It means that particular objective
functions and constraints may vary depending on
transportation network and, therefore, they must be
defined as case-specific.
MOOP involves multiple objective functions that
are to be minimised or maximised. Compared to
single-objective optimisation problem, the best
solution cannot be determined by comparing values
of objective functions; instead, dominance must be
used as a goodness value. For example, an angle-
based constrained dominance principle (Fan et al.,
2019). The answer of MOOP is a set of solutions that
define the best trade-off between competing
objectives subjected to constraints. These constraints
are often defined by case-specific boundaries.
Considering the mobility budget as a goal for
MOOP, the objective functions should address
fairness and equity principles of travel accessibility,
mobility, variety of types of transport, social equity,
while constraints should address both mobility
aspects and GHGE in general. The result of this
MOOP is a mobility budget provided on a monthly
Therefore, the aim of this article is to define the
structure of optimization task address fairness and
equity principles of travel, based on mobility budget
provided on a monthly basis.
The remainder of this paper is organised as
follows. The next section describes procedures for
data gathering and analysis. Afterwards, the results of
public bus service data and mobile network data
analysis are presented. Finally, the aspect of mobility
fairness is chosen and objective functions criteria for
the optimisation task are selected.
As it was already mentioned, COVID-19 had a
negative impact on overall CO
emissions. In order to
determine particular MOOP parameters, the data
gathered was analysed in consideration of the said
impact. The choice of MOOP objective functions and
constraints was a prerequisite for determining
parameters of PT and selecting those affecting
mobility budgets.
Four types of data were considered: general data,
PT data, monitoring data and mobile activity data.
Aspects of transportation data can be defined as
A trip is any movement (>100m) originating
from a location where the resident has an
activity to a destination where the resident has
another activity;
Destination may be any public place;
The trip is over when the destination is reached;
The trip may be followed by another trip
(movement) to another destination.
2.1 General and Public Transportation
This data includes the following parameters for all
types of transport:
Average trip distance (km) per resident per day;
Average trip time (min) per day;
Average and maximum moving speed (km/h);
Total number and types of roads available for
PT, private vehicles and trucks per day;
Total number and types of vehicles in the city
per day.
Average trip distance and trip duration dictate the
general need for transportation (both public and
private) including the number of PT vehicles, number
and location of stations. Statistical data around these
parameters can be used to determine commute routes
in order to develop transportation hubs. Moving
speed determines the distance of travel, especially
during commute hours.
Total number and types of available roads allow
calculation of optimal routes for trucks, including city
bypass routes (for example, city of Jelgava in Latvia
has a regulation forbidding large trucks to pass
through city centre). Additionally, it serves as a data
source for PT route planning as it defines actual road
capacity, i.e., the maximum number of vehicles per
FEMIB 2023 - 5th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business
Total number and types of vehicles in the city
allow calculating the distribution between private,
freight and PT vehicles, and it can be used as one of
the parameters in multi-criteria optimisation. PT data
includes the following parameters that relate to public
service vehicles such as busses and trains:
Total number of PT vehicles on duty per day;
Total number of transportation routes;
Average fullness (%) of each PT vehicle per
Total number of trips per region;
Most active period of the day (h);
Ticket price;
Fuel price;
Use of multi-modal PT routes.
Total number of PT vehicles on duty and
corresponding total number of transportation routes
shows the usage of PT versus private vehicles.
Average fullness is one of parameters for calculating
effectiveness of transportation system. Total number
of trips determine the need to either increase or reduce
the number or PT vehicles depending on fullness
The most active period of the day, or several such
periods, define the required amount of stations and
frequency of PT lines. The ticket price versus fuel
price (including use of private vehicles) shows how
attractive PT is to residents compared to other travel
options. Multi-modal PT routes defined by the
number of different types of PT vehicles used for one
trip provide necessary information to determine if
improvements to an existing route are required and/or
a new PT route is needed and/or change towards hub-
type mobility model must be considered.
2.2 Monitoring Data
This data includes the following parameters relating
to observatory data that can serve as supportive
Number of vehicles entering and exiting the
Moving speed of vehicles within city limits;
Parking violations;
Environmental data.
This type of data is typically provided by
monitoring devices embedded in urban infrastructure:
video cameras, speed sensors, meteorological
stations, etc. Cameras may be used at city entrances
in order to register vehicles entering and exiting the
city in order to determine internal city traffic and
improve or add/remove existing entry/exit routes.
Speed sensors embedded in road surface determine
the moving speed of vehicles in order to optimise the
traffic flow (including road capacity and traffic flow
intensity). Parking violations can decrease road
capacity, thus breaking the optimised traffic flow.
Finally, the environmental parameters such as air
temperature, wind direction, wind speed, humidity
and rain/snow precipitations can affect traffic
conditions, resulting in the need to adjust traffic flow
(for example, changing the traffic light algorithm in
2.3 Mobile Activity and Data
This data includes the following parameters that
depict mobile activity, including the location and
movement, of residents:
Mobile call density in a territory;
Mobile user density in a territory;
Mobile internet usage in a territory;
Mapping of mobile base stations within a
municipal territory;
GPS coordinates for mobile base stations;
Spatial grid of 1km x 1km size;
Mapping of mobile base stations in the spatial
grid of 1km x 1km size.
In general, this data should be used together with
other types of data in order to determine such aspects
as the proximity of residents commute route to PT
stations, the type of district based on commute hours,
i.e., business or dwelling area. Based on the
availability of data, including communication and
legal agreements with local municipality, traffic
authorities, PT companies and telecommunication
companies, two types of data were selected – PT data
and mobile activity data. The data was gathered in
Jelgava City, Latvia.
Based on the legal agreement between Latvia
University of Life Sciences and Technologies and
Jelgava City Municipality, PT data was provided by
Jelgavas Autobusu Parks Ltd, the main PT service
operator in Jelgava. The provided data cover two
comparable periods February 2017 and February
2022, to demonstrate the effect of COVID-19
restrictions on the use of PT vehicles. The following
data was provided:
Number of entries and exits from a PT vehicle
at a particular bus stop, % of total number;
Difference between entries and exits at a
particular bus stop, n count;
Distance travelled per trip and per day, km;
Optimizing Transport Network to Reduce Municipality Mobility Budget
Distance travelled depending on passenger
category, % and n count;
Duration of travel per trip and per day, min;
Average duration of travel per week, min.
Mobile activity data was provided by the
telecommunication company, Latvijas Mobilais
Telefons Ltd (LMT). Mobile activity data was
selected for the same periods as for the PT data. The
data acquired was call data records that is a by-
product resulting from mobile operator network
events in Jelgava, Latvia. The location of particular
subscribers at the start of the phone call was
determined by the nearest mobile base station. Each
station is an infrastructure object that ensures mobile
connectivity. In addition, this data was consolidated
with 15-minute steps; therefore, identification of
movement of specific persons was not possible. In
addition, it was impossible to identify specific
persons; therefore, the privacy aspect was not an issue
that would require additional regulations. The
obtained data includes:
The number of unique subscribers in Jelgava
(for years 2017 and 2022), n count;
The number of unique subscribers per station
per day of the week and per hour of the day, n
Analysis of data was performed using RStudio
(Posit, PBC, version 2022.02.0) and Python (Python
Software Foundation, version 3.10.4).
As it was previously mentioned, in order to get a
statistical impact of COVID-19 on PT vehicle use, the
data from February 2017 and February 2022 were
compared. On average, there were 2.24 times more
trips on weekdays in February 2017 than in February
2022. This shows a significant difference between the
number of trips on weekdays and holidays. In
comparison, there were 2.03 times more trips on
weekdays than on weekends in 2022.
At the same time, due to the COVID-19 restriction
measures, the total number of trips in 2022 decreased
by 62.9% compared to 2017, but the general tendency
between weekdays and weekends remained the same.
The distance travelled per single passenger trip was
calculated (see Table 1).
The results show that the distance travelled does
not differ significantly between weekdays and
weekends. The average distance travelled was 4.61 km
per passenger trip in February 2017 (see Figure 1).
Table 1: The distance travelled (km) per single passenger
trip in February 2017.
Day Mean Median Std.
of trips
Weekend day 4.63 3.90 2.67 32 724
Weekday 4.61 3.83 2.67 183 139
Total 4.61 3.85 2.67 215 863
Similarly, the distance travelled per single
passenger trip was calculated for February 2022. The
results show that the travelled distance does not differ
significantly between weekdays and weekend days –
the average distance was 4.73 km per passenger trip
in February 2022 (see Table 2).
Figure 1: Average distance travelled (km) per single
passenger trip in February 2017.
In 2017 and 2022, the average observed trip
duration was up to 13 minutes and no significant
differences between years regarding trip duration was
observed. In addition, trip duration did not differ
significantly between weekdays and weekends. The
same tendencies with average distance travelled per
trip per weekday were observed for 2022.
Table 2: The distance travelled (km) per single passenger
trip in February 2022.
Day Mean Median Std.
of trips
Weekend day 4.68 4.06 2.62 13 218
Weekday 4.74 4.12 2.68 67 052
Total 4.73 4.10 2.68 80 270
However, the behaviour patterns affected
by COVID-19 show significant changes in 2022,
the travel distance decreased on weekends, while
in 2017, the travel distance increased on weekends
(see Figure 2).
distance, km
FEMIB 2023 - 5th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business
Figure 2: Average distance travelled (km) per single
passenger trip in February 2022.
Due to the introduced COVID-19 restriction
measures, an overall decrease in the number of
residents travelling by PT was expected. Analysis of
passenger turnover was performed, and it was found
that the turnover in February 2022 was 2.6 times
lower than in February 2017.
3.1 Mobile Activity Data Analysis
Mobile activity data was analysed using Principal
Component Analysis (PCA) with an aim to categorise
districts based on their economic activity. PCA was
selected to generate complex factors that have linear
correlation with original features, i.e., unique
subscribers per base station during a day and time.
As a result, two complex factors that describe
94.9% of overall data variability PC1 (65.2%) and
PC2 (29.7%) were obtained. The average values of
PCs were calculated based on weekdays in February
2017. It was concluded that PC1 has higher values on
Fridays and Sundays and lower values on other days.
Therefore, it hypothesised that the city districts
included in PC1 are residential districts, but those in
PC2 - business districts.
Upon analysing individual base stations, it was
concluded that three types of districts could be
distinguished business, residential and mixed
districts. However, only one base station (Liela iela
2) belonged to a business district others were
categorised as either mixed or residential types.
Similarly, the average values of PC1 and PC2
were calculated based on the time of the day (in
hours). On weekdays, PC1 had lower values between
00:00 and 15:00 and higher values after working
hours (15:00-22:00), while PC2 had higher values
between 00:00 and 15:00. Therefore, the previously
stated hypothesis that PC1 referred to residential
districts, but PC2 – to business districts is valid.
Based on these results and data on the total
number of subscribers per base station, there were
three groups of districts in February 2017 (see Figure
3). Only one base station (Liela iela 2) referred to a
business district category.
Analysis of data for February 2022 lead to the
conclusion that the overall division of districts have
changed due to COVID-19 restrictions, causing
increase of remote work from home. Using PCA, two
complex factors that describe 95.7% of overall data
variability PC1 (51.0%) and PC2 (44.7%) were
Instead of falling into strict categories of
residential or business type districts, every district is
now considered as partly “mixed”. Therefore, two
groups of districts may be distinguished – mixed
business districts and mixed residential districts.
Figure 3: Base station classification based on district type:
blue=residential districts, black=mixed districts, orange=
business districts, February 2017.
For example, the only business district of 2017
became one of the multiple mixed business districts
in 2022 (see Figure 4). Overall, these results show
that initial classification of districts as a parameter for
determining point of interest (POI) for further
planning of mobility budget may vary depending on
Optimisation of PT network in order to assess and
assign a correct mobility budget to each resident is
based on the notion of appropriately selected
optimisation criteria. Analysis of bus network
distance, km
Optimizing Transport Network to Reduce Municipality Mobility Budget
Figure 4: Base station classification based on district type:
blue=mixed residential districts, orange=mixed business
districts, February 2022.
operations and mobility activity data in Jelgava
provided the basis for understanding what exactly is
required to define such criteria.
3.2 Optimization Criteria for Public
Transportation Network
The primary goal of optimisation is to find a solution
that meets the needs of passengers in terms of
fairness, including the choice of PT vehicle as type of
transport, availability of such PT vehicles on the city
roads and accessibility to PT vehicle stops. Addition
of mobility budget on top of passenger needs results
in a requirement to find a solution for optimal PT
vehicle trip described by appropriate route in relation
to district classification.
The optimisation problem solutions are defined as
a mobility budget provided on a monthly basis as:
Decision space in which the individual person
can choose from different options to cut down
emissions and stay within the limit;
Indicator for authorities and transport providers
where improvements in accessibility and
transport options are needed to “unburden”
narrow budgets.
Therefore, the objective for optimising the
transportation network in Jelgava, Latvia, can be
defined as follows:
Minimise the travel distance required to access
the point of interest when using single type of
transportation, i.e., a bus.
Minimise travel duration to access the point of
interest when using multiple types of
transportation or multiple PT vehicles for a
single trip.
The objective functions are subjected to multiple
defined constraints:
Decarbonisation of a specific region (e.g. a
city), for example, reduction by 10% compared
to the previous year, divided among all
Local circumstances: accessibility and
availability of alternatives;
Social circumstances: supply and care
obligations, financial situation;
Basic functions of living: work, education,
daily needs;
Constants of human mobility, e.g. the travel
time budget (60-90 minutes per day, regardless
of the means of transport or location), and 3-4
trips per day;
Trading option for a limited part of the
emission allowances per capita (e.g. 10%).
Published research suggest that the mode of travel
leaves the largest impact on the carbon footprint per
capita. Analysis of people behaviour also show that
personal vehicles were preferred mode of mobility
during COVID-19 pandemic.
Data analysis suggests also that the behavioural
changes caused by the initial enforcement and later
encouragement of COVID-19 restriction measures
led to rapid decrease in the use of PT vehicles. In
February 2022, the total number of passenger trips
had decreased by 62.9% compared to February 2017,
leading to a dramatic decrease of overall passenger
It is interesting, however, that the intensity of PT
vehicle uses on various days of the week did not
change much in February 2017, there were 2.24
times more passenger trips on weekdays than on
weekends, but in February 2022, the same parameter
was 2.03 times more trips on weekdays compared to
At the same time, the observed travel time and
total duration per passenger did not decrease, and
remained at about 13 minutes for both periods.
Multiple researchers found similar situations in their
countries (Chang et al., 2021; Delbosc et al., 2022;
Shaer & Haghshenas, 2021; Sogbe, 2021).
FEMIB 2023 - 5th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business
It is important to mention that except of analysing
general transportation statistics, no data relating to
equity principles (Lucas et al., 2019) was observed.
This would include segregation into genders, age (for
example, more detailed than just “children”),
ethnicity and overall ability of movement. Even
though these parameters play a significant role in
optimisation and mobility budget assignments, no PT
service company would gather such data.
Regarding the classification of mobile phone base
stations, it was observed that any drastic change in
behaviour leads to inadequate initial parametrisation.
This can also mean that optimisation of transportation
network according to class-to-be is most likely to
cause behaviour changes regarding the use of PT
However, mobile activity data reveal enough
information to determine exactly how COVID-19
affected the behaviour of city districts and provide
concrete information about the necessary re-planning
measures for PT station locations.
As the modes of mobility even after the COVID-
19 pandemic shifted more to use private vehicles,
particularly cars, government institutions may need to
initiate switch from extensive use of private vehicles
to public vehicles or private vehicles which produce
less CO2. This could be done through campaigns,
providing optimized PT routes and times, offering
free tickets and other ways. Thus balancing, for
example, between reaching decarbonisation goals and
providing sustainable PT network which is used by
The research leading to these results has received
funding from the Horizon 2020 ERA-NET Cofund
Urban Accessibility and Connectivity (EN-UAC)
project “Individual Mobility Budgets as a Foundation
for Social and Ethical Carbon Reduction”
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Optimizing Transport Network to Reduce Municipality Mobility Budget