An Online Deterministic Algorithm for Non-Metric Facility Leasing
Christine Markarian and Claude Fachkha
Department of Engineering and Information Technology, University of Dubai, U.A.E.
Combinatorial Optimization, Online Algorithms, Competitive Analysis, Facility Location, Leasing.
Leasing has become one of the most widely spread business models in almost all markets. The online algo-
rithmic study of leasing was initiated in 2005. Unlike classical algorithms, online algorithms are not given
the entire input sequence at once. A portion of the input sequence is revealed in each step and the online
algorithm is required to react to each step while targeting the given optimization goal against the entire input
sequence. In a leasing setting, resources are leased and expire once their lease duration is over. Many well-
known optimization problems are defined and studied in the leasing setting. In this paper, we continue the
online algorithmic study of leasing by addressing the so-called Online Non-metric Facility Leasing problem
(ONFL), the leasing variant of the non-metric Online Facility Location problem (non-metric OFL). Given a
collection of facility and client locations. Facilities can be leased using a fixed number of lease types, each
characterized by length and price. Lease types respect the economy of scale, such that longer leases cost more
but are cheaper per unit of time. In each step, a client appears. The algorithm needs to promptly connect it
to a facility that is leased at the current time step. To this end, it needs to decide which facility locations to
lease, the start of their lease, and the lease duration. Connecting a client to a facility incurs a cost equal to the
distance between the facility and the client. The goal is to minimize the total connecting and facility leasing
costs. In this work, we develop the first deterministic algorithm for ONFL and evaluate it using the notion
of competitive analysis, a worst-case performance analysis in which the solution of the online algorithm is
compared, over all instances of the given problem, to the optimal solution of the offline variant of the problem.
Facility Location problems, which ask to place facil-
ities in the best possible way to satisfy a set of con-
straints, are one of the most well-studied optimiza-
tion problems in computer science and operations re-
search (Drezner and Hamacher, 2004; Mirchandani
and Francis, 1990). These problems appear in appli-
cations for warehouses, disaster management, health-
care, public transportation, power plants, among oth-
ers (Farahani and Hekmatfar, 2009; Adeleke and
Olukanni, 2020; Sundarakani et al., 2021; Farahani
et al., 2014; Laporte et al., 2019). Their NP-hardness,
network design structure, and combinatorial nature
have attracted researchers in a variety of fields, in-
cluding approximation algorithms (Vazirani, 2001),
online algorithms (Albers and Leonardi, 1999), and
combinatorial optimization (Korte et al., 2011).
The simplest form of a Facility Location prob-
lem (Shmoys et al., 1997) consists of a collection of
facility and client locations. Each facility is associ-
ated with an opening cost and each client-facility pair
is associated with a connecting cost, which is the dis-
tance between the client and the facility. To open a
facility, the corresponding facility cost needs to be
paid. To connect a client to a facility, the correspond-
ing connecting cost needs to be paid. The aim is to
open a set of facilities and connect each client to an
open facility, while minimizing the total opening and
connecting costs. There are two known variations
of Facility Location problems: the metric, in which
distances satisfy the triangle inequality, and the non-
metric, in which distances are arbitrary. Moreover,
Facility Location problems have been studied in the
offline and online settings (Shmoys et al., 1997; Jain
et al., 2002; Charikar et al., 2001; Meyerson, 2001;
Fotakis, 2008; Alon et al., 2006). In the offline set-
ting, the algorithm is given the entire input sequence,
to which it reacts once. In the online setting, the so-
called online algorithm is given a client in each step,
and needs to react to each step by connecting each
arriving client, as soon as it arrives, to an open facil-
ity. The Facility Location problem in the online set-
ting is known as the Online Facility Location problem
(OFL), first introduced by (Meyerson, 2001) as a met-
ric variant. The goal in both settings is to minimize
Markarian, C. and Fachkha, C.
An Online Deterministic Algorithm for Non-Metric Facility Leasing.
DOI: 10.5220/0011958700003467
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2023) - Volume 1, pages 195-201
ISBN: 978-989-758-648-4; ISSN: 2184-4992
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
the total opening and connecting costs.
Online algorithms are evaluated using the notion
of competitive analysis (Borodin and El-Yaniv, 2005),
defined as follows.
Definition 1. (Competitive Analysis). Let I be the
collection of all instances of a given problem P. We
designate by C(ALG,i) the cost of an online algorithm
ALG of P on instance i I and by C(OPT,i) the cost
of an optimal offline algorithm on instance i I . ALG
has competitive ratio r or is r-competitive if, for all
instances i I , C(ALG,i) r ·C(OPT,i)+c for some
constant c independent of i.
In this work, our focus will be the non-metric vari-
ant in the online setting. In particular, we address the
so-called Online Non-metric Facility Leasing prob-
lem (ONFL) (Markarian and auf der Heide, 2019), in
which facilities are leased rather than purchased.
Leasing is now widely used in almost all markets.
The flexibility it offers makes it an indispensable busi-
ness model with numerous benefits (Merrill, 2020).
Lease-based applications naturally call for online al-
gorithms, since decisions about leasing are often re-
quired to be made without knowing the future in ad-
vance. Consider, for instance, the cloud computing
market, in which a third-party company leases ma-
chines from the cloud to serve its clients. The com-
pany may decide to make a yearly lease contract for a
machine and then realize that the machine was not as
useful as thought throughout the year. Making wise
decisions in regards to when to lease which resource
and for how long is modeled as complex optimiza-
tion problems. An online algorithm will make such
leasing decisions with a provable guarantee (i.e., a
competitive ratio). Without knowing the future clients
in advance, it aims to achieve the given optimiza-
tion goal. This motivates the study of facility loca-
tion problems, which commonly appear in real-world
leasing applications, in an online leasing setting.
The Online Non-metric Facility Leasing problem
(ONFL) is defined as follows.
Definition 2. (Online Non-metric Facility Leasing
or ONFL). Given a collection of facility and client
locations. Facilities can be leased using L different
lease types, each characterized by length and price.
Lease types respect the economy of scale, such that
longer leases cost more but are cheaper per unit of
time. In each step, a client appears. The algorithm
needs to immediately connect it to a facility that is
leased at the current time step. It needs to decide
which facility locations to lease, the start of their
lease, and the lease duration. Connecting a client to
a facility incurs a cost equal to the distance between
the facility and the client. The goal is to minimize the
total connecting and facility leasing costs.
ONFL is a generalization of non-metric OFL in
which there is one lease type that has infinite length.
To the best of our knowlege, the only online algo-
rithm for ONFL in the literature is randomized, with
an O(log n log m + log L log n)-competitive ratio, due
to (Markarian and auf der Heide, 2019), where n is the
number of clients, m is the number of facilities, and L
is the number of lease types. The algorithm’s design
combines a randomized rounding strategy with a mul-
tiplicative incremental technique. We believe convert-
ing the latter into a deterministic algorithm does not
seem straightforward, if possible at all.
1.1 Our Contribution
In this paper, we design the first online determin-
istic algorithm for the Online Non-metric Facility
Leasing problem (ONFL). We prove that the latter
has an O(log(m(L +
+ log log(m(L +
))-competitive ratio, where:
m is the number of facilities
L is the number of lease types
is the longest lease length
is the shortest lease length
1.2 Roadmap
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. In
Section 2, we present the lower bounds associated
with the Online Non-metric Facility Leasing prob-
lem (ONFL). In Section 3, we describe a simplified
structure for the leases that helps ease the competi-
tive analysis. In Section 4, we present an overview of
works related to ONFL. In Section 5, we give a de-
scription of our online algorithm for ONFL and show
its competitive analysis in Section 6. In Section 7, we
conclude with a discussion about the results and open
problems that arise in the context of ONFL.
The Online Non-metric Facility Leasing problem
(ONFL) generalizes the Parking Permit Problem due
to (Meyerson, 2005) and the Online Set Cover prob-
lem (OSC) due to (Alon et al., 2009). This enables
us to conclude the following lower bounds for ONFL.
Recall that L denotes the number of lease types, n the
number of clients, and m the number of facilities.
No online deterministic algorithm for ONFL can
achieve a competitive ratio smaller than (L),
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
following the deterministic lower bound for the
Parking Permit Problem (Meyerson, 2005).
No online deterministic algorithm for ONFL
can achieve a competitive ratio smaller than
logm logn
loglog m+loglog n
), following the deterministic
lower bound for the Online Set Cover problem
(OSC) (Alon et al., 2009).
A stricter bound of (logmlogn) holds for
polynomial-time randomized algorithms for OSC,
due to (Korman, 2004), assuming BPP ̸= NP.
Hence, no online polynomial-time randomized al-
gorithm for ONFL can achieve a competitive ratio
smaller than (logm log n), assuming BPP ̸= NP.
No online randomized algorithm for ONFL can
achieve a competitive ratio smaller than (logL),
following the randomized lower bound for the
Parking Permit Problem (Meyerson, 2005).
Using a simple observation, Bienkowski et al. (Bi-
enkowski et al., 2021) showed that any determinis-
tic algorithm for non-metric Online Facility Location
(non-metric OFL) that does not know the facility-
client graph with all the connections in advance can’t
achieve a competitive ratio better than m. Since
ONFL generalizes non-metric OFL, the same holds
for any deterministic algorithm for ONFL.
The first leasing problem studied from the perspec-
tive of online algorithms was introduced by Meyer-
son (Meyerson, 2005), and was known as the Parking
Permit problem. The latter is a simple yet algorithmi-
cally rich problem, defined as follows: On each day,
the algorithm is told if it is raining or not. If it is rain-
ing, the algorithm must provide a valid permit for the
day, selected from L different permit or lease types,
each with a duration and price. The algorithm only
knows whether it is raining or not on the same day. A
longer permit costs more but is less expensive per day.
For example, it would be cheaper to buy a weekly per-
mit for a rainy week than to buy seven daily permits,
one for each day. The online algorithm needs to min-
imize the total permit costs while covering all rainy
In order to make the competitive analysis easier,
Meyerson (Meyerson, 2005) used a simplified form of
the lease structure known as the Interval model (The-
orem 2.2 in (Meyerson, 2005)), defined as follows.
Lengths of leases are powers of two.
No leases of the same type overlap with one an-
By using this structure, he showed that only a
factor of 4 is lost in the competitive ratio. For the
Parking Permit problem, he developed determinis-
tic and randomized algorithms, with competitive ra-
tios of O(L) and O(log L), respectively, where L is
the number of lease types. He also proved matching
lower bounds for both. This structure was used in the
majority of leasing problems that were studied after-
word (Abshoff et al., 2016; Li et al., 2018; Nagarajan
and Williamson, 2013). In this work, we assume the
same lease structure for the Online Non-metric Facil-
ity Leasing problem (ONFL).
Alon et al. (Alon et al., 2006) developed an online
randomized algorithm for the non-metric Online Fa-
cility Location problem (non-metric OFL), with com-
petitive ratio O(log m log n), where m is the number
of facilities and n is the number of clients. Their al-
gorithm is based on first relaxing the problem to its
fractional variant and solving the latter using a multi-
plicative update approach, and then using randomized
rounding to compute a feasible integral solution.
A reduction from non-metric Facility Location
to Set Cover, that does not induce an exponential
increase in the input size, was given by Kolen et
al. (Kolen and Tamir, 1984). This reduction ac-
companied with doubling techniques and the deter-
ministic algorithm for the Online Set Cover prob-
lem due to (Alon et al., 2009), yields a deterministic
solution for non-metric OFL, with competitive ratio
O((logn + log m) · (log n + loglog m)).
Recently, Bienkowski et al. (Bienkowski et al.,
2021) improved this ratio by designing an online de-
terministic algorithm for non-metric OFL, with com-
petitive ratio O(logm·(log n+loglogm)). Their algo-
rithm is based on fractional relaxation of the problem
with clustered facilities and a combination of dual fit-
ting and multiplicative weight-update approaches.
Other extensions of non-metric OFL were later
introduced in the context of service installation
costs (Markarian and Khallouf, 2021) and service
quality costs (Markarian, 2022).
Since the introduction of the leasing setting
by Meyerson (Meyerson, 2005), many optimization
problems (Bienkowski et al., 2017; De Lima et al.,
2018; Markarian and Kassar, 2022; Markarian, 2021;
Markarian and Khallouf, 2021; Markarian and Kas-
sar, 2020; Markarian, 2015), including Facility Lo-
cation problems (Nagarajan and Williamson, 2013;
An Online Deterministic Algorithm for Non-Metric Facility Leasing
Figure 1: Client-pair Formulation.
Kling et al., 2012; Markarian and auf der Heide, 2019;
Abshoff et al., 2016), were studied in this setting.
Our online algorithm for ONFL makes use of the on-
line deterministic algorithm due to (Bienkowski et al.,
2021) for the non-metric Online Facility Location
problem. Their polynomial-time algorithm is based
on dual fitting and multiplicative weight update ap-
proaches. It is up to log log-factor optimal and has an
O(logm · (log n + log log m))-competitive ratio, where
m is the number of facilities and n is the number of
Given an instance I of ONFL, we transform it into
an instance I
of non-metric OFL as follows.
1. The clients of I
will be formed as follows:
If the given instance I comprises of one lease type
L = 1 that has an infinite length, then I would
be exactly an instance of non-metric OFL. Thus,
we just run the deterministic algorithm of (Bi-
enkowski et al., 2021) for non-metric OFL on I.
Otherwise, given client j of instance I. For each
time step t of instance I, we construct client ( j,t).
We do this for all clients of instance I. The clients
constructed will form the clients of instance I
We refer the reader to Figure 1 for an example.
We let N be the collection of all these clients.
2. The facilities of I
will be formed as follows:
Each facility of instance I can be leased with L
lease types. Given facility i of instance I. We de-
note facility i of lease length l and lease start t by
a triplet, (i,t,l). These triplets will form the facil-
ities of instance I
. We refer the reader to Figure 2
for an example. We let M be the collection of all
these facilities.
3. The facility-client connecting costs will be
formed as follows:
Given client ( j,t
) N of instance I
. For each
triplet (i,t, l) M of instance I
, we set the con-
Figure 2: Facility-triplet Formulation.
Figure 3: Connecting Costs.
necting cost between ( j,t
) and (i,t,l) to infinity
if t
̸∈ [t + l] or otherwise, equal to the connecting
cost between j and i as per instance I. We refer
the reader to Figure 3 for an example.
The clients, facilities, and connecting costs of in-
stance I
will be formed before the arrival of the first
client of instance I. Upon the arrival of a new client
j of instance I at time step t, the algorithm will con-
sider the client ( j,t) corresponding to j and time step
t as an input to the algorithm for non-metric OFL. All
the other pairs corresponding to j and the future time
steps will be ignored.
Running the online deterministic algorithm
of (Bienkowski et al., 2021) for non-metric
OFL on I
would yield to a feasible solution for I.
Whenever ALG
opens a facility (i,t,l) M ,
we immediately purchase the corresponding lease
for that facility. Whenever ALG
connects a pair
( j,t) N to a facility (i,t,l) M , we also do the
same and pay the corresponding connecting cost.
Notice that, for a client arriving at time step t, the
algorithm will never connect it to a facility whose
lease does not cover time step t, since the connecting
cost would be infinity as per our construction.
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Following the simplified lease structure defined ear-
lier, we divide the timeline into intervals of length
. We fix any of these intervals, I , and evaluate
the performance of the algorithm over this interval.
As per the simplified lease structure, all leases on this
interval have a start time and end time within this in-
terval. This means that the optimal leases too. Hence,
by proving the competitive ratio of the algorithm over
this interval, we can conclude the competitive ratio of
the algorithm over the entire timeline.
Since in each time step a single client arrives, we
have in total l
clients of instance I appearing on the
interval I . According to the formation of our clients
of I
described earlier, we construct for each of these
clients, (l
clients of instance I
. Therefore,
we have that |N | = (l
As for the facilities, we show next an upper bound
on the cardinality of M following the formation
of facilities of I
described earlier. We order the
lease types in increasing order of length, denoted as
}, such that l
> l
for 1 j L 1.
We can now upper bound |M | as follows:
|M | m · (
As per the simplified lease structure, lease lengths
s are increasing and powers of two. Hence, the sum
above can be upper bounded by the sum of a geomet-
ric series with ratio 1/2. Thus, we have that:
L + l
L + l
1 (1/2)
Since L 1, we have:
L + l
1 (1/2)
L +
2 L
Therefore, |M | m·(L+
), where l
= l
is the
shortest lease length and l
= l
is the longest lease
Since the algorithm for non-metric Online Facility
Location which we run on instance I
is O(log M ·
(logN + log logM ))-competitive, the theorem below
Theorem 1. There is an online O(log(m(L +
+ loglog(m(L +
))-competitive de-
terministic algorithm for the Online Non-metric Fa-
cility Leasing problem, where m is the number of fa-
cilities, L is the number of lease types, l
is the
longest lease length, and l
is the shortest lease
We have presented in this paper the first determinis-
tic online algorithm for ONFL, with competitive ratio
depending on the parameters l
and l
. It would
be useful to achieve a competitive ratio that does not
depend on these parameters or prove a lower bound in
terms of these parameters.
We believe the design structure of our algorithm
for ONFL could be extended to other leasing prob-
lems for which there is no deterministic algorithm
in the literature. Even more interesting would be to
achieve a similar structure for a generalized transfor-
mation between the leasing and non-leasing variations
of any network design problem.
Considering other adverserial models, such as uni-
form distribution (as in (Meyerson, 2001; Kaplan
et al., 2023)), for the input sequence that would proba-
bly be less harsh on the algorithm is always worth the
investigation. Given that both leasing and Facility Lo-
cation scenarios appear as sub-problems in many real-
world applications, these investigations could play a
vital role in closing the gap between the theoretical
results and the practical world.
Finally, incremental (Arulselvan et al., 2015; Dai
and Zeng, 2010; Div
eki and Imreh, 2011; Fotakis,
2006; Fotakis, 2011). and dynamic algorithms (Cy-
gan et al., 2018; Feldkord and Meyer auf der Heide,
2018; Fotakis et al., 2021) have been used to address
many online Facility Location variants in the metric
setting. It would be interesting to design such algo-
rithms in the non-metric setting too.
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An Online Deterministic Algorithm for Non-Metric Facility Leasing