Understanding the Gaps in Software Engineering Education from the
Perspective of IT Leaders: A Field Study
Fernando Bona
, Rafael Chanin
, Nicolas Nascimento
and Afonso Sales
School of Technology, PUCRS, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
Software Engineering, Software Engineering Education, Skillset in Software Engineering.
Teaching software engineering is challenging as it is a field widely desired by the market, and it requires
professionals with an increasing set of skills. There are gaps in this learning process perceived both by profes-
sionals from the academia and from the industry that need to be further investigated in order to find strategies
to reconcile the expectations from both environments. In this sense, this study aims to investigate these gaps
from the perspective of Information Technology (IT) team leaders. In order to do so, we chose a qualita-
tive approach to absorb as much knowledge as possible from each interviewed leader by using a field study
methodology. Among the results obtained, we identified the appropriate profile to become an IT leader, what
IT leaders expect regarding the skills of IT novices, and how the academia and the industry could work to-
gether to build an environment that better prepares these professional, according to the view of the interviewed
Software engineering (SE) is the science field which
studies the production and management of software.
It is split in many subfields, such as software devel-
opment, requirements engineering and management,
software testing and many others. Each of these sub-
fields represents roles performed by industry profes-
sionals (Sommerville, 2011). Besides that, the teach-
ing of SE is based on the premisse of an optimal bal-
ance between theory and practice, so that students
can develop fundamental concepts and knowledge to-
gether with skills that aid in the resolution of real
world problems that the industry faces (Ouhbi and
Pombo, 2020).
There are different techniques employed by teach-
ers to optimize the teaching of IT students, given the
constant challenge presented by the industry to the
academia that demands learning that is focused on
what the industry requires (Bruegge et al., 2015). In
this scenario, complementary courses have appeared
(Nascimento et al., 2019). These courses do not fol-
low the formal structure of an undergraduate course,
and can be taken in parallel with college and focus on
specific tech and methodology that is demanded by
industry standards.
Some studies have presented indicatives that these
complementary courses
have a high relevance for
students that take them. Steglich et al. (Steglich et al.,
2020), for example, has identified a 88% course-to-
market ratio.
Therefore, the main goal of this research is to
identify the gaps between the formal teaching in the
academia and industry demands. Besides that, we
have a secondary goal, which is to understand how to
optimize the formal teaching so it can become closer
to the industry.
Given the aforementioned goals, we have set the
following research questions (RQ):
RQ1: How is this academia-industry gap in skill devel-
opment perceived by IT leaders?
RQ2: What actions and mechanisms can be adopted
by formal undergraduate programs to get closers to the
Considering the goals and questions presented, we
have performed a field study with 25 IT team leaders,
A complementary course is usually a course performed
either by the industry or industry-academia partnerships
covering emerging technologies that are being adopted by
the market and allowing students to catch up with the in-
Bona, F., Chanin, R., Nascimento, N. and Sales, A.
Understanding the Gaps in Software Engineering Education from the Perspective of IT Leaders: A Field Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0011959100003470
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2023) - Volume 2, pages 511-518
ISBN: 978-989-758-641-5; ISSN: 2184-5026
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
in which we sought to map the gap between academia
and industry from these professional’s perspectives.
Since they are used to lead novice developers when
they reach the industry, we might be able to under-
stand the process of learning that a novice developer
requires once inside a company. In this study we will
use the terms novice and newcomer interchangeably.
Among the main results obtained by this study, we
have found that IT leaders consider that professionals
that enter into the market have: i) lack of technical
deepness, ii) lack of communication, iii) lack of busi-
ness knowledge, iv) lack of time management skills,
v) lack of patience, vi) lack of resilience, and vii) lack
of pro-activity. To deal with this, leaders apply men-
torships, feedbacks and collaborative work.
In this section we depict and explore the concepts that
are important to understand this study.
2.1 Software Engineering
Software engineering can be defined in several ways;
a standard definition is a systematic collection of good
practices in the context of software development pro-
cesses (Mall, 2018). This systematization is based on
academic research, as well as in observations from the
industry (Mall, 2018).
In this sense, the goal of the field is to discuss
the cost-benefit of software development techniques.
These techniques support the process since they were
conceived by using engineering approaches (Mall,
2018). Beslmeisl et al. (Beslmeisl et al., 2016) de-
scribe the importance of scientific research in the con-
text of software engineering education, which investi-
gates methods to teach basic as well as advance con-
cepts. The software engineering domain does not fo-
cus only on the final product, but in the whole pro-
cess. Therefore, in order to deliver content that can
help professionals in their career, it is important to
oversee all aspects (Beslmeisl et al., 2016).
2.2 Software Engineering Education
Many scientific events have gathered researchers to
discuss techniques that can better help instructors in
the process of teaching software engineering (Cunha
et al., 2018). Several challenges have been presented:
i) difficulty in engaging students; ii) difficulty in or-
ganizing and executing hands on activities; iii) diffi-
culty in finding good books and articles; and iv) dif-
ficulty in finding tools to support the learning pro-
cess (Ouhbi and Pombo, 2020). To solve this, several
approaches have been tested by software engineer-
ing teachers: Flipped Classroom (Kiat and Kwong,
2014), Problem based learning (Richardson and De-
laney, 2009), Challenge based learning (Binder et al.,
2017), Project-based Learning (Souza et al., 2019),
Role Playing (Zowghi and Paryani, 2003), and Seri-
ous Games (Hainey et al., 2011).
2.3 Gaps Between Academia and
The connection between academia and industry is that
the first prepares students that will become future pro-
fessionals in the market. However, it is not uncom-
mon to find gaps in this relationship (Kumar, 2006).
This happens for a lot of reasons. One example is that
sometimes the academia is not able to keep up with
the current market needs, since it changes rapidly.
Therefore, several authors have tried to map out
the gaps between academia and industry in order to
better understand this phenomena. In this context,
Oguz e Oguz (Oguz and Oguz, 2019) have identify
the following gaps: i) the software industry is always
expanding to new areas; ii) academia does not receive
feedback from the industry; iii) software engineering
course can not keep up with the new practices in the
market; iv) courses are taught individually, as a box,
and students sometimes can not see the connection
among them; v) instructors are usually not connected
with the industry; vi) soft skills are a must in the
software engineering context; and vii) undergraduate
courses do not follow the current trends of the market.
Moreover, Oguz e Oguz (Oguz and Oguz, 2019)
investigated which abilities are most needed in the in-
dustry. In regards to hard skills the author mentioned:
i) programming; ii) database; iii) understand the soft-
ware engineering process; and iv) having work expe-
rience. When it comes to soft skills: i) being fluent in
English; ii) teamwork; iii) problem solving; iv) criti-
cal thinking; and v) communication.
3.1 Methodology
Field studies, according to (Singer et al., 2008), seek
to investigate participants in some activity and to
characterize how these participants deal with them,
understanding how they solve problems in a defined
context. Data from a field study is usually qualitative.
However, data collection can be performed through
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
observation, through questionnaires or through inter-
views to obtain data about the participants’ activities
(Singer et al., 2008).
In this study, we have decided to collect data
through interviews which were conducted remotely
due to the pandemic (Platto et al., 2020). Thus,
we have followed the recommendation proposed by
(Seaman, 2008) for semi-structured interviews; even
though a list of questions was established, we could
be open to other topics expressed by participants.
Initially, two pilot interviews were performed with
two professionals from the research field but who had
experience leading IT teams in order to improve the
quality of the data collection instrument. Data from
these interviews were not considered for the study, but
it allowed us to adjust the questions so that they could
be logically organized. Further, three senior SE re-
searchers have reviewed the protocol, each of which
with had 6, 15 and 20 years of experience in the SE
field respectively.
In a final version, the interview protocol was com-
posed by 11 questions, with 6 profile questions and 5
research-related questions. The profile (Q1-Q6) and
research (Q7-Q11) questions were:
1. What is your company size? How many employ-
ees does it have approximately?
2. For how long have you been a part of the com-
3. For how long have you been leading IT teams?
4. What technical characteristics do you consider to
be the most important to lead an IT team?
5. What behavioral characteristics do you consider
to be the most important to lead an IT team?
6. What is the frequency with which you have con-
tact with newcomers in the tech field?
7. When newcomers arrive, what skills do they usu-
ally have and that are extremely important to the
working environment?
8. When newcomers arrive, what skills do they usu-
ally lack and that are extremely important to the
working environment?
9. Regarding these skills that newcomers usually
lack, how do they usually deal with this and what
are the most assertive strategies?
10. Can you identify mechanics in the academia that
aid newcomers to outperform others in the work-
ing environment?
11. How do you consider that the formal teaching can
aid these professionals to arrive better prepared?
In total, 40 IT leaders were invited, by conve-
nience, to participate in the study, with 25 of these
leaders actually participating. To identify the amount
of participants in the study, we have used the concept
of saturation presented by (Creswell, 1998) which
consists in performing a set of interviews and assess
them until new data is not obtained anymore. Initially,
we have performed 10 interviews and did not reach-
ing saturation. After that, we performed 10 more in-
terviews, still not reaching saturation. Next, we per-
formed 10 more interviews and, once we had ana-
lyzed 25 participants data points, we realized that the
last five did not add any new evidence (reached satu-
ration) and only deepened already-mapped topics.
These interviews were recorded, always with the
authorization from the participants. However, these
audio files were only used for the transcription of
each interview, preserving the identity and privacy of
them. The interviews lasted between 20 and 40 min-
utes, with an average time of 28 minutes.
Data analysis was performed according to
(Bardin, 2004), in which we have analyzed the con-
tent of the answers, grouped them by opinion agree-
ment of the participants, taking note of the disagree-
ments when they occurred and extracting as much in-
formation as possible from the interviews’s transcrip-
tions to answers the selected questions. After that,
we created categories for the extracted information,
allowing for a categorization of the answers through
the participants’s point of view.
3.2 Participants Profile Questions
The profile questions were proposed in order to char-
acterize the IT leaders that participated in this study.
The first questions (with their respective answers) can
be found in Table 1. ID identifies the participants.
To sum up, 13 leaders worked in big size compa-
nies, 7 in medium size companies and 5 in small com-
panies. The number of workers varied from 3 (which
is a startup) up to multinational companies with over
400,000 employees. Moreover, we interviewed pro-
fessionals with only one year as a leader as well as
others with up to 23 years as IT leaders.
Participants also characterized what they believe
to be the most important abilities in a IT leader. This
information is presented in Figure 1. As it can be no-
ticed, we group these abilities into for subgroups:
Technical Knowledge of Utilized Technology: IT
leaders usually do not act as programmers, but they
need to know how the technology works and need to
know how to guide the team about these technologies.
Management and Leadership Capacity: It is ex-
pected from a leader, beyond technical knowledge, a
proper usage of management and leadership skills to
keep the commitments that the company demands.
Understanding the Gaps in Software Engineering Education from the Perspective of IT Leaders: A Field Study
Table 1: IT leaders professional profile.
Number of
Years of
Year Leading
L1 Big 10.000 9 years 9 years
L2 Big 1.500 1 month 8 years
L3 Small 40 7 years 20 years
L4 Medium 200 1 year 10 years
L5 Big 28.000 3 months 15 years
L6 Big 3.100 3 months 8 years
L7 Big 6.000 2 years 7 years
L8 Medium 300 5 months 4 years
L9 Big 10.000 3 years 6 years
L10 Big 6.000 3 years 1 year
L11 Medium 500 3 months 5 years
L12 Medium 110 7 months 4 years
L13 Big 34.000 1 year 4 years
L14 Medium 120 3 years 20 years
L15 Big 1.500 10 years 6 years
L16 Medium 50.000 2 years 14 years
L17 Small 70 5 months 7 years
L18 Big 400.000 21 years 18 years
L19 Small 3 5 years 5 years
L20 Small 18 5 years 4 years
L21 Medium 300 4 years 9 years
L22 Big 3.000 7 years 6 months
L23 Big 1.500 2 months 2 years
L24 Small 4 1 year 9 years
L25 Big 4.000 31 years 23 years
Team Formation Knowhow: IT leaders need to use
the profile of team members, knowing the characteris-
tics and skills that each member possesses in order to
design teams where members complement each other.
Figure 1: Most important abilities according to the partici-
Communication: Leaders need to be be understood
by the team, transmitting information clearly or being
transparent whenever possible.
Behavioral skills are expressed in Figure 2, where
12 codes have emerged after summarization:
Active Listening: IT leaders must listen to their
teams and gather information even when performing
other task within the project.
Communication: Communication between the
leader and his/her team needs to be transparent, and
everyone must try to understand each other.
Empathy: In some situations it is recommended to
exercise empathy within the team, trying to put your-
self in someone else’s shoes.
Resilience: A leader must persist until it finds a vi-
Figure 2: IT leaders most important behavioral characteris-
able alternative. Since the leader is usually the most
experience person in the team, he/she needs to set an
Leadership: Not everyone is naturally prepare to be-
come a leader. Most of the times It is necessary to
develop this ability throughout the process.
Flexibility: A leader must be flexible, knowing how
to talk to the team members and, in some cases, give
in to the team members’ needs.
Adaptable: Projects constantly change and so must
the leader and team be able to cope with these
Technical Support: In many cases, the leader is the
most experienced person in the team, even in the tech-
nical aspect. So, in difficult situations, the leader
needs to guide the learning process to solve these sit-
Collaboration: The leader is part of the team and as
such should collaborate and try to ease internal team
Concern for People: The leader must worry with the
well-being of his/her team members, ensuring they
are comfortable with their roles as this could some-
times depend on the execution of projects.
Knowing How to Provide Feedbacks: The leader,
given in many cases possesses the most experience,
can and should support the professional development
of team members, utilizing feedback to point the good
points and the improvement opportunities.
The interviewed leaders were also questioned
about when they were used interact with IT newcom-
ers/novices (Figure 3), where 3 codes were identified:
Figure 3: Leaders’s interaction with IT newcomers.
Little: Does not possess frequent contact with IT
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Often: Does not have daily contact, but often interact
with IT newcomers.
Daily: Interacts with IT newcomers everyday.
As such, the leader profile tends to be diverse, pos-
sessing this characteristics in common, according to
the answers to this question, but with some particular
ways leader handle their teams.
3.3 Field Study Research Questions
Participants also provided their opinions regarding
skills that newcomers have when joining and IT team.
The skills that they use to have when they arrive in
this team is expressed in Figure 4, where in this ques-
tion 6 codes emerged after summarization:
Figure 4: Skills newcomers usually have.
Desire to Learn: Newcomers usually arrive in com-
panies with a desire to learn with industry profession-
Knowledge Base: The newcomer needs to have a
base knowledge, even just programming logic, to be
able to trained on the more complex technologies be-
ing used by the team.
Curiosity: The newcomer usually questions team
members about the usage of certain technologies.
New Ideas: When newcomers arrive from Academia,
they usually have seen new technological tendencies
and sometimes bring new options for the development
Sharing: Newcomers usually have an open mind to
knowledge sharing, besides, they benefit widely with
knowledge shared by others.
Honesty: A person that is just arriving is usually care-
ful when commenting their limitations or difficulties,
generating issues, but that can be avoided with dialogs
and honesty with their team colleagues.
The skills that newcomers usually do not pos-
sess are expressed in Figure 5, where 9 codes have
emerged in this question after summarization:
Lack of Technical Depth: Newcomers, as the name
suggests, arrive with limited knowledge. This is un-
derstandable, and they evolve as they participate more
in projects.
Lack of Communication: Some newcomers are shy.
However, it is vital to communicate to avoid misun-
Figure 5: Skills newcomers usually do not possess.
Lack of Business Knowledge: Newcomers tend to
think of IT projects just the in term of technical as-
pects, but not in regards to the business.
Lack of Sense of Time: Another issue with newcom-
ers is related to tasks estimations. Newcomers tend to
underestimate the difficulty of the tasks.
Impatience: IT leader have reported that newcomers
try to deliver tasks as fast as they can without paying
attention to the quality of their work.
Lack of Resilience: IT leaders pointed out that new-
comers give up very quickly when they face a harder
Lack of Proactivity: According to the IT leader,
newcomers could be more proactive and take more
Lack of Flexibility: Sometimes newcomers do not
understand the company structure and feel frustrated
when something can not be done their way.
Lack of Self Confidence: In some situations, new-
comers do not fell comfortable to take responsibility
since they do not know if they can deliver the given
In order to support newcomers, IT leaders came up
with a few strategies that are presented in Figure 6.
Figure 6: Strategies to help newcomers.
Mentoring: In this process, more experienced team
members are selected to partner with newcomers.
Feedback: More experienced team members can pro-
vide feedback to newcomers so they can improve their
learning process.
Collaborative Work: When working is pairs or in
groups, newcomers can develop their abilities faster
since they can learn from others.
IT leaders also mentioned what they believe to be
effective in the classroom context in order to put stu-
Understanding the Gaps in Software Engineering Education from the Perspective of IT Leaders: A Field Study
dents more connected to the market (see Figure 7).
We identify 10 itens:
Figure 7: Academia mechanisms to connect students to the
Specific Disciplines: Some disciplines are specific
to get students close to the industry, making learning
closer to the professional reality.
Internship: An effective mechanism is internship, as
it inserts the student in the industry. However, the
Academia is dependent on the local industry to open
this positions.
Labor Market: Some leaders believe that students
only learn when they enter the labor market.
Disbelief in the Mechanisms: Some IT leaders do
not believe in the Academia mechanisms, considering
all of them inefficient to some degree to support the
Knowledge Base: Some leaders point that the ole of
the Academia should continue to be just provide basic
knowledge and allowing that the industry to perfect
the professional.
Hackathons: Events such as hackathons have a po-
tential to approximate the student of real scenarios
and to create some networking with industry profes-
Practical Labs: Some universities offer practical labs
in which students take on roles in IT teams, as it is the
case of the AGES (Experimental Software Agency)
from PUCRS (Yamaguti et al., 2017).
Research: Academia engaging the student to re-
search the industry and its roes to support students’
decision-making for what to enter.
Complementary Courses: Some programs offered
by the industry in partnership with the Academia in
which students are taught members of both institu-
tions (Steglich et al., 2020).
Group Work: In some ways, group work when well-
structured help in the development of soft skills that
are important for the IT labor market.
Leaders also explain the ways in which formal
study could support students to reach the market bet-
ter prepared (Figure 8). Regarding ways in which
Academia can support students, 9 codes were iden-
Figure 8: Graduation course strategies to support students.
Students Market Insertion: The Academia needs to
seek more partnerships with the industry so that to-
gether they can insert students directly in IT industry
Courses Modernization: Some courses are obsolete
with the reality being presented by the market, given
that the tech fields have a high update frequency of
their techniques, methods in which the Academia usu-
ally struggles to keep up with.
Business Needs: Students usually possess a decent
technical notion in contrast to business notion. These
students need to be equally prepared to understand
the business ecosystem in which the product he/she
builds are inserted.
Market Professionals: The addition of some market
professionals as teachers tends to develop some skills
before the student joins the job market.
More Soft skills: Some courses emphasis too much
the technical aspect, with space to add more disci-
plines that bring personal and professional develop-
ment to students through soft skills.
Practical Classes: Practical classes are usually sim-
ulations of what the students may find in the market,
if well-implemented.
Knowledge Base: Academia usually prepares stu-
dents by providing the technical base so that profes-
sionals can join the market.
Training Courses: In some specific technologies that
are interesting to the student, it can be a good ex-
perience to join a training course (Nascimento et al.,
2019) about a specific technology.
Bring in Market Professionals: Reducing the dis-
tance between Academia and Industry in which mem-
bers of both parts have an open dialog seeking to re-
duce these gaps.
As such, through these obtained results, it is pos-
sible to understand the position IT leaders have in
which they have demands for IT newcomers/novices
and try to support them on the other hand, thus, de-
veloping the necessary skills to perform in their com-
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
QP1. How Is this Academia-Industry Gap in Skill
Development Perceived by IT Leaders? First of
all, we have decided to understand what the indus-
try has demanded from these IT novices, in which the
IT leaders invited to this study recognize that novice
professionals have positive characteristics such as a
willingness to learn and a specific knowledge base,
but they do not have some skills that would be im-
portant to develop for a professional in a way to work
in the IT market, such as: technical depth, communi-
cation, business knowledge, sense of time, patience,
resilience, pro-activity, among other skills.
The industry has strategies to overcome these
gaps, such as mentorship programs, feedbacks and
collaborative work that put pace in the novice pro-
fessional to understand the logic that the industry de-
mands. However, in order to overcome this gap there
are also initiatives recognized by the academy, such as
internship programs, specific disciplines/courses and
approaches to the job market for students to try to
learn their professional assignments in immersive en-
vironments of industry, but which still demand con-
siderable efforts from both academia and industry.
IT leaders recommend some strategies such
as putting students into the market, modernizing
courses, teaching about business needs, classes with
market professors, soft skills training, practical
classes, focusing on knowledge bases, and training
courses and complementary training. These strategies
were properly debated by the IT professors, who re-
ported that have their respective interests in bringing
students closer to the market, but that in some cases
there has been little receptiveness on the part of the in-
dustry, especially when looking for projects that have
some financial support that motivates their students.
QP2. What Action and Mechanisms Can Be
Adopted by Formal 88 Undergraduate Programs
to Get Closers to the Industry? Updating courses
is a process that takes a consider period of time,
since it demands legal procedures with the Ministry
of Education, in addition to the fact that technolo-
gies are constantly changed in the industry. Teach-
ing about business aspects and soft skills are consid-
ered important by teachers, but have seen with some
“strangeness” by students and some teachers, who
think that this knowledge seems to “blur” what is re-
ally the core of Computing. As a result, teachers tend
not to focus on specific technologies but on knowl-
edge bases that reconcile their activities for the devel-
opment of soft skills and business knowledge.
Finally, the courses offer certain practical sub-
jects, including some optional ones in which students
can explore themselves into specific topics, but teach-
ers recognize that formal education cannot be specific
to the needs of all companies in the industry.
Therefore, complementary education (i.e., a
course performed by partnerships between industry
and academia, and sometimes only by the industry)
becomes an alternative that can be stimulated by both
academia and industry to mitigate this gap between
formal education and the demands from the industry,
where these courses are offered in different ways and
focused on specific technologies that may represent a
demand from the industry.
The results found by a field study can sometimes be
limited to the interviewees’ perspective. Even though
we sought to reduce the impacts generated by biases
through the opinion of more than one leader, there
were somewhat divergent opinions on specific topics
in this research. An example of this is how many
mechanisms currently exist in the academy for the
student formation to the market (where the most part
of the leaders believe in these mechanisms), but three
of them have do not believe in effectiveness as ex-
pressed in Figure 7. Moreover, it was sought through
writing to present and elect the results in the most
transparent way as possible to protect the understand-
ing of the data as well as the terms or expressions that
can be understood as ambiguity by the readers.
The gaps in the training of IT professionals are chal-
lenges for both academia and industry, and common
solutions cannot fully resolve this distance that both
have between them. In this way, it is essential to
provide ways to reduce these gaps, where comple-
mentary training courses can be a promising solution:
they are relatively faster courses than formal educa-
tion and focused on a technology or methodology that
is highly demanded by the Industry.
Dialogue between academia and industry is fun-
damental, especially when designing projects such as
complementary training courses, which are focused
on the needs of the industry in a way that tradi-
tional/formal training courses cannot due to several
factors, leading in this case to the formal education
not being able to handle all technologies and method-
ologies in the way that the industry wants.
Understanding the Gaps in Software Engineering Education from the Perspective of IT Leaders: A Field Study
Complementary training courses do not replace
the need for formal courses, but tend to explorer
deeper into topics that are seen more superficially in
the academy, offering more opportunities for practice
and increasing students’ opportunities to enter the job
market. Industry professionals who have taken these
courses consider that the impact of additional training
courses have been extremely beneficial for their pro-
fessional careers, and IT leaders recognize that the ad-
dition of mechanisms by the academy tends to reduce
the gaps in professional training in IT novices.
As future work, we intend to conduct a study
with the participation of teachers of formal education
(e.g., undergraduate courses), professors of comple-
mentary training courses and members of the indus-
try in search of the preparation of a model that can be
used by both in the reduction of gaps in professional
training between academia and industry.
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