Green Intelligent Homes: A Perspective on the Future of Smart Homes
and Their Implications
Joseph Bugeja
and Andreas Jacobsson
Internet of Things and People Research Center, Department of Computer Science and Media Technology,
Smart Home, Home Automation, Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Security, Privacy, Sustainability.
The smart home technology market is witnessing rapid growth due to the advent of more advanced, intuitive,
and affordable solutions. As the adoption of these technologies becomes more prevalent, there is a need
for research to explore potential avenues for pervasive smart living. This study aims to review the available
literature and industry studies, along with our own experiences in the field, to identify and discuss potential
future research in the smart home. We observe that the future of the smart home will likely be focused
on improving the user experience, with a greater emphasis on personalization, automation, and Artificial
intelligence (AI)-driven technologies, leading to what we call the "Green Intelligent Home". Through this
analysis, this study aims to offer insights into how the development of smart homes could shape society in the
future and the potential implications of such a development. This study concludes by suggesting a framework
for knowledge development in the smart home domain.
The smart home has become an increasingly popular
topic in recent years. For example, according to Di-
, the number of studies about smart homes
publications with the term "smart homes" in their ti-
tle and abstract – has increased from 908 publications
in 2015 to 2,366 publications in 2020. This is mainly
due to the proliferation of affordable and accessible
smart home technologies. It has also seen signifi-
cant growth in recent years, due to the development
of technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT),
sensors, smart appliances, cloud computing, as well
as digital assistants, and an increased understanding
of smart home technology’s potential impact on pri-
vacy and way of life. Smart home technology can
be seen as an extension of building automation into
the residential environment through the use of IoT
technology. The network-connected devices, which
are known as smart home devices or smart devices,
are typically interconnected to a smartphone or tablet
via technologies like Wi-Fi, Thread, or Bluetooth. A
1 [Accessed on 01-March-
typical smart home may include devices such as con-
nected video doorbells, smart speakers, and electronic
door locks (Bugeja et al., 2022). The home may refer
to a single-family house, an apartment, or other type
of living situation (Tannou et al., 2022). Meanwhile,
the emergence of various IoT-based devices, such as
those produced by global technology leaders such as
Amazon, Google, and Samsung, has driven recent de-
velopments in smart homes.
According to Fortune Business Insights
, the
global smart home market is also expected to grow
from $99.89 billion in 2021 to $380.52 billion in
2028. Also, according to Statista
, there will be
around 375.3 million smart home devices in 2024.
Smart homes are considered one of the critical en-
ablers of the shift toward smart living. Smart living
promises to increase the comfort, security, and energy
efficiency of our daily lives through digitalization and
the networking of smart devices. The popularity of
smart homes is due in part to the many potential ben-
efits that they offer.
reports/smart-home-market-101900 [Accessed on 01-
[Accessed on 01-March-2023].
Bugeja, J. and Jacobsson, A.
Green Intelligent Homes: A Perspective on the Future of Smart Homes and Their Implications.
DOI: 10.5220/0011964800003482
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2023), pages 186-193
ISBN: 978-989-758-643-9; ISSN: 2184-4976
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
For example, smart homes can save energy by au-
tomatically adjusting lighting and heating and cool-
ing settings based on user preferences. Some studies
also discuss smart homes as one of the core elements
of sustainability efforts due to their energy-efficiency-
related benefits; in fact, multiple studies emphasize
smart home technologies for achieving net-zero en-
ergy buildings (AlFaris et al., 2017). Smart homes
can also provide increased security and safety by al-
lowing users to remotely monitor their homes from
anywhere in the world. They are also seen as a key en-
abler for personalized care and independent living for
the elderly, disabled, or chronically ill (Basarir-Ozel
et al., 2022). Additionally, smart home technology
can make everyday tasks easier and more convenient
for all users, such as by allowing them to control ap-
pliances with their voice or gestures. Hence, it is a
valid assertion that smart home technology has im-
proved the intelligence and interconnectedness of our
conventional homes, thereby promoting the advance-
ment of the concept of smart living.
Despite the growing interest in smart homes, the
existing research has, to the best of our knowledge,
not yet fully explored the potential futures of the
smart home and how it is advancing the concept of
smart living. This study seeks to fill this gap by re-
viewing the scientific literature in the field of smart
homes, as well as industry studies and our own expe-
riences from years of research in the smart home field.
We identify four main characteristics for the smart
home of the future, i.e., what we refer to as the "Green
Intelligent Home". The research documented in this
paper is relevant as it can help inform stakeholders in
the smart home market and reveal opportunities and
potential implications of this rapidly developing field,
which is closely intertwined with personal life in our
homes and most private spaces. The findings of this
research can also be used to guide the development of
the smart home market and create a more sustainable
and efficient future.
For decades, visions of smart homes with advanced
technologies have been developed under various
names such as "Intelligent Home", "Smart Home",
"Interactive Home", and "Home of the Future"
(Friedewald et al., 2005). However, these early ver-
sions of smart homes were largely limited to labora-
tory experiments and could only be controlled locally
with limited user interaction (Bugeja et al., 2018).
They were not typically integrated into the everyday
objects of the home and were not connected to the In-
ternet in the widespread and pervasive way that cur-
rent smart home technology is.
According to Aldrich (Aldrich, 2003), a smart
home can be defined as "a residence equipped with
computing and information technology, which antic-
ipates and responds to the needs of the occupants,
working to promote their comfort, convenience, se-
curity and entertainment through the management of
technology within the home and connections to the
world beyond". Balta-Ozkan et al. (Balta-Ozkan
et al., 2013) define a smart home as a "residence
equipped with a high-tech network, linking sensors
and domestic devices, appliances, and features that
can be remotely monitored, accessed or controlled,
and provide services that respond to the needs of its
inhabitants". These advanced user assistance systems
help inhabitants fulfill different tasks and provide (in-
telligent) assistance. Bugeja et al. (Bugeja et al.,
2022) describe a smart home as a residence that uti-
lizes Internet-connected technologies to automate and
manage the various appliances, devices, and utilities
within the home. These technologies often harness AI
techniques, such as machine learning, in their devices
to increase their autonomy. The demand for improved
comfort, safety, energy efficiency, and health, as well
as advancements in economics, society, and technol-
ogy, drive the smart home market and contribute to
the expanding potential of these homes.
This expansion of the smart home is recognized
in earlier works, such as Solaimani et al. (Solaimani
et al., 2015) and Berry et al. (Berry et al., 2016), as a
constantly evolving field with many possibilities. So-
laimani et al. (Solaimani et al., 2015) suggest that
the term "smart living" may be a more accurate de-
scription of the expanding technology as it extends
beyond the traditional residential setting. Berry et
al. (Berry et al., 2016) describe the smart home as
a "fluid and unstable field of possibilities," emphasiz-
ing the potential for innovation and growth in vari-
ous directions. With the smart home growing outside
of the physical home and into outdoor and commu-
nal spaces, digitized bodies, and mobile devices, this
industry has an expanding spectrum of goods and ser-
vices in addition to the continuous growth of space
itself. Additionally, differences can be seen across
the market, from low-cost DIY solutions and off-the-
shelf products to high-end, architecturally designed,
fully integrated, and professionally installed homes.
As such, the concept of the smart home is no longer
just about convenience, safety, and peace of mind but
also about smart living, with the home being wher-
ever we are constantly in the service of whatever its
human owners (users) want to do.
Green Intelligent Homes: A Perspective on the Future of Smart Homes and Their Implications
This shift towards putting individuals at the center
has enabled the development of services that provide
them with a maximum range of services, such as med-
ical care, without requiring them to leave their homes.
Some industry leaders argue that the current smart
home is merely a connected home, where legacy de-
vices are upgraded with intelligence, command, and
control, but are still distant from providing truly intel-
ligent services that can anticipate and respond to the
needs of their inhabitants. An intelligent home that
focuses on providing a personalized experience to its
users is recognized as the next evolution of the smart
home. As the boundaries of the smart home expand,
so do the possibilities of what it can offer, including
the provision of new services and the merging of the
smart home with other domains such as healthcare,
education, and entertainment.
As the smart home industry continues to expand,
there is a growing need for research in this area. This
includes exploring the usage of smart home technol-
ogy in various settings, how it can be used to improve
the lifestyle and environment of users, and how it can
affect the wider society and economy. Additionally,
research is needed to understand the implications of
this technology in order to ensure that it is used re-
sponsibly and ethically. This understanding of the
implications of smart home technology is vital for re-
sponsible smart home development.
In order to investigate visions of the future smart
home, we reviewed a variety of sources, including
scientific literature, industry studies, consumer mag-
azines, newspapers, and online forums and blogs.
We also looked into actual technological products,
particularly by examining the Consumer Electron-
ics Show
, arguably the largest global technology
tradeshow showcasing various smart home technolo-
We conducted a manual, thematic analysis of
the extracted information. As a result of the the-
matic analysis, we identified four key characteristics
(themes): autonomy, personalization, connectedness,
and sustainability. These characteristics provide in-
sights into the potential avenues for the future of the
smart home and how it could revolutionize the way
we live. We refer to a smart home that exhibits all
the mentioned characteristics as the "Green Intelli-
4 [Accessed on 01-March-2023].
gent Home" (see Figure 1). The results of these in-
vestigations are presented in Section 3.1–3.4 and rep-
resent potential future scenarios for the smart home.
We also remark that the future of the smart home is
difficult to predict with certainty, as it is dependent
on a number of factors, including technological ad-
vancements, consumer demand, and industry devel-
opments. Nonetheless, industry trends and techno-
logical progress suggest those characteristics that are
likely to continue to evolve over the coming years.
3.1 Completely Autonomous Smart
Smart homes of the future will be completely au-
tonomous, able to run and manage themselves with-
out any input from their human occupants. Employ-
ing AI and IoT technologies, these homes will be able
to handle all of the mundane tasks of daily life, free-
ing up their occupants to pursue more interesting and
enjoyable activities. Recently developed AI-powered
robots that help pick up items around the house and
act as personal assistants, for example, have already
demonstrated a certain level of autonomy
. In the fu-
ture, humans will not have to think or intervene like
engineers, as they will not have to configure, update,
integrate, reboot, or manage any part of a digital-
ized home. The home will require no input from hu-
mans. Partly, this may be possible through the use of
self-sustainable sensors, which reduce maintenance
requirements (Dong et al., 2021). Also, it may be pos-
sible by using brain waves as the smart home control
mechanism, i.e., the Brain Computer Interface (BCI)
(Bennett et al., 2017). BCI technology is still at an
early stage, but there are already applications of it in
smart homes, for example, for in-home monitoring of
dementia care (Ienca et al., 2018).
Intelligent decision-making and control systems,
based on machine learning, will be able to ob-
serve, learn, adapt, predict, and respond to the needs,
lifestyles, and habits of occupants. Furthermore,
these systems will be able to proactively determine
the needs of occupants and provide services accord-
ingly that are tailored to the individual occupants.
Predictive systems that offload cognitive mundani-
ties from everyday life by determining what tasks are
likely to be done next and doing them on our behalf
are developing rapidly (Dunne et al., 2021). Even se-
curity protection and privacy measures will be further
strengthened by incorporating fully autonomous ca-
pabilities powered by machine learning, making it an
glass-of-wine [Accessed on 01-March-2023].
IoTBDS 2023 - 8th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Figure 1: A conceptual representation of the Green Intelligent Home and the main technologies enabling it. This home
combines IoT and AI to provide a completely autonomous, personalized, connected, and sustainable smart living environment
for the occupants.
increasingly vital feature in the smart homes of the
future. This enhanced convenience and comfort pro-
vided by autonomous smart homes has the potential
to greatly improve the lives of their occupants.
3.2 Completely Personalized Smart
Smart homes of the future will be able to provide their
occupants with a completely personalized experience,
tailored to their individual needs and preferences.
Through the use of innovative technologies such as
AI-based decision support systems, 3D sensors, Blue-
tooth beacons, and ultrasound signals, as well as non-
invasive methods for monitoring human state and en-
vironmental parameters, smart homes will be able to
adjust their temperature, lighting, and sound levels
to suit the occupant’s needs, as well as provide them
with tailored entertainment, optimal security, and en-
gaging informational content. The characteristics of
this type of home that are intended to promote nat-
ural and meaningful interactions between the home
and its occupants were already identified in the survey
published by Meyer et al. (Meyer and Rakotonirainy,
2003) in 2003.
Moreover, smart homes of the future may support
adjustments, perhaps through robotics, to the furni-
ture layout to perfectly suit the occupant’s needs and
moods. The alteration of the living space can also be
used to increase exposure to visual cues, helping the
residents form new habits. Indeed, interventions that
disrupt the environmental factors or cues may result
in habit changes (Verplanken and Wood, 2006). By
combining multiple input sources, smart systems will
be able to better understand and implement individ-
ual preferences, sensing who enters and exits a room
while changing the light, sounds, temperature, and
safety features accordingly. Smart homes will also
improve their ability to make context-aware decisions
for providing personalized services such as manag-
ing air quality and heating, as well as providing as-
sistance with product finding and automated billing,
with the aim of providing a much higher level of com-
fort, safety, and functionality. This may be achieved
without relying on additional appliances or plugin
features, as smart homes already have built-in tech-
nologies that support these functions
. An alternative
to the smartphone, which is currently the main device
used to communicate with smart homes, may be intel-
ligent intuitive interfaces which are embedded in ob-
jects and the environment (Dunne et al., 2021). This
would allow users to interact with their entire smart
home, at least locally, in a more natural way without
the need for a separate device in the future.
3.3 Completely Connected Smart
Smart homes of the future will be completely con-
nected, allowing for a range of communication and
data-sharing capabilities, as well as services and en-
vironmental monitoring. All of these devices and
appliances within a smart home can work together,
communicating with each other, to create a truly con-
nected home. With advancements in technology, it
is anticipated that device and service interoperability
will not be a pertitent issue, allowing for a seamless
connection between devices, services, and the user.
In line with this trend, a new royalty-free standard
for smart home devices, known as Matter
, has been
released recently with the goal of making all smart
home devices interoperable.
idtechex-9286085 [Accessed on 01-March-2023].
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Green Intelligent Homes: A Perspective on the Future of Smart Homes and Their Implications
Moreover, smart homes of the future will be bet-
ter connected with their surrounding environments.
For example, they will be able to communicate with
smart cities to provide access to services such as pub-
lic transportation, energy management, emergency re-
sponse, and environmental monitoring. This will pro-
vide homeowners with an enhanced level of safety
and convenience. Connectivity, more specifically ex-
tended networks that go beyond the boundaries of the
physical home to smart gardens, smart driveways, and
beyond smart neighbors, is possible with mesh net-
working technologies such as Amazon Sidewalk
increase the range of low-powered connected devices.
It is also likely that interconnectivity between smart
home devices and their users will be faster through
the use of new standards such as Wi-Fi 7 and as 5G
becomes more widespread. Additionally, data col-
lected from smart homes can be used to improve local
services, making life more comfortable for both in-
habitants and visitors. The data collected from smart
homes can also be used to analyze and predict pat-
terns in order to better understand the relationships
between people and their environment. Moreover,
as machine learning algorithms continue to improve,
the data collected from smart homes can be used to
generate increasingly accurate predictions and recom-
mendations that can further enhance the user expe-
rience. Furthermore, it is possible that the integra-
tion and cross-referencing of IoT data from various
devices within an individual’s home, office, and car
across platforms within Web2 and Web3 will become
increasingly prevalent
. This could lead to a truly in-
tegrated and personalized experience that adapts to
the user’s preferences and needs, both inside and out-
side the home.
3.4 Completely Sustainable Smart
Smart homes of the future will be completely sustain-
able. With advances in technology, such as renew-
able energy sources, automated systems, and smart
appliances, these homes can produce their own en-
ergy, reduce their energy consumption, and manage
their waste. Focusing on sustainability, the Univer-
sity of Suffolk has recently unveiled a smart home that
aims to produce as little carbon footprint as possible
while still being a home that can be comfortably lived
introducing-amazon-sidewalk [Accessed on 01-March-
home-iot [Accessed on 01-March-2023].
Future smart homes will be able to generate their
own energy from renewable sources, such as solar,
wind, and geothermal, to reduce their reliance on util-
ities, and potentially eliminate the need for an exter-
nal power grid. Automated systems, like building-
integrated photovoltaics and solar thermal panels, will
be able to regulate the energy production and needs
of the home. Smart appliances will be able to intel-
ligently adjust their energy use according to the en-
ergy needs of the home. This may be possible as
the smart home devices will be better equipped to re-
spond to signals received from the energy provider.
This type of home will leverage also low-power con-
suming IoT, also known as Green IoT (Thilakarathne
et al., 2022), to help mitigate the climate crisis in the
forthcoming years. Additionally, novel self-powered
human-machine interfaces (Dong et al., 2021) capa-
ble of producing electrical signals upon external stim-
uli, such as body motion, may be integrated. Energy
harvesting from nearby connected devices, for exam-
ple, through radio frequency signals, may lead to po-
tentially battery-free solutions in the future. Finally,
smart homes will also be able to produce and recycle
their own waste, eliminating the need to transport it to
external waste disposal sites. Alternatively, it may be
possible to have autonomous drones or vessels auto-
matically collect and dispose of garbage and debris in
order to keep the surrounding area clean
Smart homes greatly impact our lives, work, and so-
cial interactions. However, it is crucial to address
potential societal concerns and implications. Table
1 links each Green Intelligent Home characteristic to
relevant concerns.
4.1 Privacy and Security
As smart home technology becomes increasingly con-
nected to external networks and more automated, it
also becomes more vulnerable to cyber attacks, rais-
ing concerns about the potential for misuse or abuse
of personal data (Iten et al., 2021). For instance, if an
adversary gains access to certain smart home devices
unveils-home-future-martlesham-bt-park [Accessed on
vessel [Accessed on 01-March-2023].
IoTBDS 2023 - 8th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Table 1: Summary of the characteristics of the Green Intelligent Home alongside the main concern being affected by each. The
symbol: indicates that the concern impacts the characteristic; G# indicates that the concern may impact the characteristic;
and # indicates that the concern is unlikely to impact the characteristic.
Smart home
Privacy and secu-
Energy consump-
Manipulation and
inequality risks
Lack of self-
Autonomous G# G# G#
Personalized # G# G#
Connected G# G# #
Sustainable # # #
or services, they can potentially track the residents’
location, activities, and whether they are home or not.
Smart home devices may also collect sensitive data,
such as health-related data collected from biosensors,
making them vulnerable to breaches if proper security
measures are not in place. Moreover, as the number of
connected devices in a household increases, the attack
surface also grows, making it more challenging to se-
cure the home network. The increasing automation
and connectivity of smart home technology make it
increasingly challenging to protect ourselves and our
data from potential threats. Smart home technology
could be used for surveillance or intelligence gather-
ing without the residents’ knowledge, like with smart
speakers that always tend to listen for voice com-
mands. Such uses of technology could have conse-
quences for civil liberties and freedom of speech and
expression. These issues could become even more
pressing as devices become integrated with sophisti-
cated language models like ChatGPT. The seriousness
and extent of smart home attacks can be understood,
for example, in the context of a US household, which
is expected to have an average of 20 connected de-
vices by 2025
Companies can assure customers that their data
is safe by offering reduced insurance premiums, sub-
scription rates, or other forms of sponsorship. There
are also existing standards and regulations, such as
ETSI EN 303 645, the Security Evaluation Standard
for IoT Platforms, ISO/IEC 27402, and others that fo-
cus on the security and privacy of consumer IoT de-
vices. Another potential solution to these concerns is
the use of the Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT),
which represents the convergence of AI and IoT (Tan
et al., 2022). By embedding AI directly into the de-
vices that we use daily, the AIoT offers a new way to
deliver AI that can help protect data and ensure that
it is only shared when necessary, thereby enhancing
both security and privacy. This evolution may also
lead to smart home devices with autoimmunity, allow-
ing them to automatically prevent and contain certain
security attack vectors. To prevent misuse or abuse
06152020 [Accessed on 01-March-2023].
of AIoT technology, responsible smart home devel-
opment and the implementation of measures to ensure
data protection and privacy are crucial, including the
use of AI to monitor and secure smart home systems
and devices and the implementation of strict data pri-
vacy policies and practices.
4.2 Energy Consumption
Additionally, even though smart homes could help
reduce energy consumption by automating energy-
saving tasks, they could also lead to an increase in
energy consumption as more devices are connected
and require more power to run. This could lead to
a strain on the energy grid, resulting in power out-
ages and other issues. It could also result in higher
electricity bills, longer wait times for repairs, and an
increased risk of blackouts. This scenario could then
lead to a decrease in the quality of life for many peo-
ple, particularly those with low income, as the cost
of energy becomes a greater burden on their budget.
Additionally, if energy costs continue to rise due to
increasing demand or the limited availability of fossil-
based fuels, they could have an adverse impact on the
environment, leading to higher levels of air pollution
and a greater risk of global climate change.
The incorporation of AIoT in smart home tech-
nology allows for the transition from an "always lis-
tening" version to an "always ready" version. This
means that sensors will only be in use when needed,
reducing the continuous demand for electricity. This
may also reduce the effect known as standby power,
where connected devices continue to use electricity
when they are not in use. Another benefit of the
AIoT is that it enables more efficient data transmis-
sion through the compression of large amounts of
data into smaller packets, requiring less energy for
sending. These features enhance the functionality
of smart homes and also decrease the energy needed
for their operation. The use of low-power protocols
such as Thread improves energy efficiency even fur-
ther. Therefore, responsible smart home development
must prioritize energy efficiency in order to ensure the
sustainable and environmentally-conscious use of this
Green Intelligent Homes: A Perspective on the Future of Smart Homes and Their Implications
technology. By implementing AIoT, smart homes can
effectively reduce their energy consumption through
more efficient energy usage and data transmission.
4.3 Manipulation of People and
Inequality Risks
There are concerns that smart home technology could
be used as a vector to manipulate people’s behavior
by sending targeted marketing messages or other in-
centives to users in order to encourage certain behav-
iors or target certain goals, such as political or com-
mercial objectives. For example, a refrigerator LCD
display could be used as an advertising platform by
technology providers. This could be used to incen-
tivize the residents to buy certain products or even
sway their opinions on political or social issues. It
can also occur more subtly in the form of customer
reward schemes or loyalty programs that offer resi-
dents discounts on, for example, their home insurance
if they enroll in such schemes. This data can be used
to create profiles of individuals that could then be sold
to third parties without the user’s knowledge or con-
sent, further adding to the potential for manipulation
and exploitation. Additionally, there is a risk of in-
creasing inequality as the technology becomes more
expensive and out of reach for some people, poten-
tially widening the gap of inequality between those
who can afford smart home technology and those who
cannot. The high cost (e.g., initial price, subscription
cost) for buying and using smart homes was identified
in a recent study by Basarir-Ozel et al. (Basarir-Ozel
et al., 2022) as the most prevalent inhibitor of their
adoption. This means that those with access to this
technology may be able to enjoy a more comfortable
lifestyle than those without, creating a divide in soci-
It is suggested that smart home technology be sub-
ject to ethical and responsible regulations, given that
the regulatory landscape for smart home technology
and IoT is still in its early stages and varies across
different countries and regions. In this regard, the Eu-
ropean Union’s General Data Protection Regulation
serves as an example of how laws and regulations can
be used to ensure that companies are transparent in
their use of data collected by IoT devices and smart
home technology. Additionally, industry best prac-
tices should be established to ensure that companies
are using the technology responsibly and ethically so
as not to coerce, deceive, or manipulate people. A
framework that comprises measures to enhance re-
sponsible smart home development could be enacted
to ensure that smart home technology is used ethi-
cally and transparently and does not contribute to the
widening of existing inequalities or the creation of
new ones.
4.4 Lack of Self-sufficiency
The increased reliance on technology, particularly
the further the smart home is advancing to become
more autonomous, could lead to a decrease in self-
sufficiency. This is as people, in general, become in-
creasingly dependent on technology to do their tasks
for them. This could lead to a decrease in problem-
solving skills, critical thinking, and creativity as peo-
ple become less able to think for themselves without
relying on their devices. This could leave people vul-
nerable in the event of a power outage, cyber attack,
or malfunctioning technology. A practical example
of this in the context of the smart home could be a
user who has forgotten how to manually adjust the
thermostat settings due to habituation, leading to a
sense of learned helplessness regarding their capacity
to control the thermostat. To mitigate this effect, the
user may have to take the time and effort to re-learn
how to adjust the thermostat manually as opposed to
relying on the device. The lack of self-sufficiency
could also lead to increased feelings of helplessness
and isolation as people become unable to do even sim-
ple tasks without the help of their technology (Sriram
et al., 2020). Increased dependence on technology
could lead to a decrease in the ability to be indepen-
dent, which could have a negative impact on our soci-
ety. It can also lead to some consumers, particularly
those who are unprepared for technology, developing
a psychological state of mind characterized by anxi-
ety (Mani and Chouk, 2018).
To reduce the risk of decreased self-sufficiency, it
is suggested to incorporate education and training into
the use of smart home technology. This could include
actively teaching users how to perform basic tasks
manually, so they do not become completely reliant
on the technology. Additionally, it is recommended
to encourage users to think critically and creatively
when using their devices rather than simply relying
on technology to do the work for them. Furthermore,
it is essential to provide users with the necessary re-
sources to troubleshoot and fix their devices, such as
information and assistance from the AI or online com-
munities, so they can become more self-sufficient, es-
pecially in the event of malfunctioning technology.
IoTBDS 2023 - 8th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
The smart home is a rapidly evolving technology that
has the potential to revolutionize the way we live.
In this study, we provided an account of how smart
homes can shape society in the future by describing
four scenarios that are emerging in the smart home
market and leading to what we coin the "Green Intel-
ligent Home", and the potential concerns and implica-
tions that they could bring. These four scenarios in-
clude increasing autonomy, personalization, connect-
edness, and sustainability in the smart home market.
One of the limitations of this study is the lack
of empirical data to support our claims. Future re-
search could address this by conducting large-scale
surveys, case studies, and experiments to validate our
hypotheses. Additionally, the potential benefits and
risks associated with the scenarios described in this
study could change as technology evolves. Nonethe-
less, this study contributes to the ongoing discourse
on the future of smart homes and the potential impli-
cations of their widespread adoption.
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tions, including privacy concerns and abuse, as well
as legal and ethical considerations. Further research
can enhance our understanding of smart home im-
plications and inform future decisions regarding the
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Green Intelligent Homes: A Perspective on the Future of Smart Homes and Their Implications