Hypermediation Functionalities in Digital Platforms for
Collaborative and Social Interaction
Eliza R. Oliveira
, Oksana Tymoshchuck
, Eveline R. Sacramento
, André C. Branco
Daniel Carvalho
, Luis Pedro
, Maria Antunes
, Ana Almeida
and Fernando Ramos
DigitalMedia and Interaction Research Centre, University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal
Institute of Ethnomusicology - Center for Studies in Music and Dance, University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal
Keywords: Hypermediation, Digital Platform, Mobile Application, Community-Based Innovation, Social Interaction.
Abstract: The purpose of this article is to identify how Mobile Apps/Platforms have promoted Hypermediation
Processes, establishing functionalities that enhance hypermediation. This determines how it improves
interactions and audience engagement with online media content, allowing the user to not only be a passive
spectator but also actively participate through the interaction provided by the system. Considering that the
hypermediation concept is still not widely established, a theoretical introduction is presented, aiming to define
it. To map the hypermediation traits, we conducted a systematic literature review to identify functionalities
that enhance hypermediation in current mobile apps/platforms. It comprises articles from Scopus and Web of
Science databases, published between 2016 and 2021. Further, the research strategy used keywords in English
and Spanish, and it was made in accordance with the PRISMA Statement. A total of 29 articles were analysed
to identify hypermediation functionalities that play a relevant role in fostering communication and
engagement in collaborative and social interaction contexts. Simultaneously, this article discusses how
hypermediation can be understood in the CeNTER platform scope as an example of a digital platform for
community-led initiatives. This study's results made it possible to identify the functionalities of
hypermediation that are essential to promote community initiatives and local development.
The development of mobile apps/platforms has led to
new forms of social interaction and sharing of
collaborating spaces, which promote the production,
distribution, and aggregation of information in online
environments (Stuckey & Arkell, 2006). In this sense,
apps/platforms allow the dissemination of
information through connections between individuals
with common interests, promoting the collaborative
construction of knowledge and community-based
innovation (Gunawardena et al., 2009).
In this context, Scolari (2008) proposes the
concept of "hypermediation" that seeks to broaden the
notion of mediation beyond the relationship between
subjects and the media, including the digital
environments’ new configurations, which is an
extension of the mediation presented by Martín-
Barbéro (1987). According to the author,
hypermediation does not consist of a medium but of
exchange, production, and symbolic consumption in
a technologically interconnected environment,
characterized by many subjects, media, and
languages (Scolari, 2008). Scolari (2015) still
mentions that new communication is created through
Oliveira, E., Tymoshchuck, O., Sacramento, E., Branco, A., Carvalho, D., Pedro, L., Antunes, M., Almeida, A. and Ramos, F.
Hypermediation Functionalities in Digital Platforms for Collaborative and Social Interaction.
DOI: 10.5220/0011965900003467
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2023) - Volume 2, pages 320-327
ISBN: 978-989-758-648-4; ISSN: 2184-4992
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
hypermediation, which generates innovative
connection conditions in digital media, allowing a
new use or additions to the language used, and new
social or communicative practices, in new scenarios.
Distinct works (López & Masjuan, 2019;
Martínez-Rolán, 2019) used the following definition
coined by Scolari (2008), which is generally
recognized as a set of socio-technological processes
and experiences. These authors emphasize the
transdisciplinary character of hypermediation and
highlight that hypermediation is a new condition of
communication and interaction in digital media. In
addition, some pivotal hypermediation features and
characteristics of hypermediation are digitalization,
user-generated content, multimedia, interactive user-
interface, reticularity, hypertext, prosumer, and
transmedia (Scolari, 2008, 2015).
Thus, digital communication trends can provide
the ideal conditions to promote connectivity
participation producing changes in the social context
(Silva, 2017). Hypermediation processes enhance
communication and collaboration between people,
community-led initiatives, entities and provide
innovative solutions that promote the territory's
development (Carvalho et al., 202l; Branco et al.,
As part of this study, a prototype of a CeNTER
mobile app was developed, which aims to facilitate
communication and collaboration between different
agents (citizens, community-led initiatives, public
and private entities) involved in the innovation
processes of the territory (Oliveira et al.,
2022).Within the scope of this study, community-led
initiatives are defined as “(...) a group of people who
share affinities and, voluntarily, develop joint actions,
in a physical and/or virtual environment, in the
context of a territory and produce, repurpose and
share information relevant to the development of that
territory” (Silva et al., 2020 p. 48).
The project team sought to understand how
hypermediation can be applied in the context of
community-led initiatives and what functionalities
are recommended to promote these initiatives. For
this purpose, the team carried out a systematic review
to understand how apps/platforms implemented
features to promote hypermediation processes
(Oliveira et al., 2021). Moreover, this article presents
how hypermediation is included in the scope of the
CeNTER platform, providing a concrete example of
this concept
The systematic review focuses on exploring the
practical concept of “hypermediation”. It was
conducted using Scopus and Web of Science
databases, since they offer the highest coverage of
studies within the field of Social Sciences (Mongeon
& Paul-Hus, 2016). The research strategy used
keywords, both in English and Spanish and was made
in accordance with the PRISMA Statement (Liberati
et al., 2009).
To identify eligible studies, this systematic review
was conducted in the category of multidisciplinary
sciences of technologies, business, and social
sciences. Articles should be written in English and
Spanish and published in the last five years, i.e.,
between 2016 and 2021. This choice was justified
because it was intended to study the most recent
apps/platforms. The investigation was carried out
through the Scopus and Web of Science databases,
using the following keywords: ("app " OR
"application" OR "software" OR "platform" OR
"system") AND ("hypermediation" OR "mediation")
AND ("consumer" OR "producer" OR "prosumer").
Three researchers participated in this process. A total
of 4 cycles of searches were made between January
and March of 2021 (Figure 1).
Figure 1: PRISMA flow diagram of hypermediation
promoting mobile apps/platforms.
The inclusion criteria for the eligible studies were as
follows: (i) articles or book chapters (blogs, entire
books, and abstracts were excluded); (ii) being open
access articles or book chapters; (iii) being published
between 2016 and 2021; (iv) presented as original
Hypermediation Functionalities in Digital Platforms for Collaborative and Social Interaction
documents; (v) approach implementation of app
functionalities that provide and enhance
hypermediation processes; (vi) have expressions
“mobile platforms” or “applications”.
All articles that did not address the previously
mentioned keywords were excluded from this review.
This study selection proceeded as a final refinement,
to find results that make it possible to answer the
following questions: i) What mobile apps/platforms
were found in this review? ii) What types of mobile
apps/platforms were found? iii) In which fields of
activity, they were applied to? iv) What are the main
found functionalities that promote hypermediation?
v) Considering the review findings, how is the
hypermediation process reflected in the scope of the
CeNTER platform? All studies that were not
available for review or that were in duplicate were
This systematic review was made with the support
of WebQDA (https://www.webqda.net/). The data
collected from the manuscripts was organized and
summarized using different descriptors in the
The presentation of results is organized according to
the research questions addressed in the previous
section. For the systematic review, an appendix has
been published with tables and a tree of codes, which
can be found in the following URL:
From the research, 1348 potentially eligible
articles were found, with 228 results obtained in
Scopus and 1120 in the Web of Science. After
filtering the data according to the date range, subject
area, and keywords, it was possible to obtain 231
results, 130 from Scopus and 101 from Web of
Science. After removing duplicates (three articles),
results not addressing hypermediation,
apps/platforms have been discarded (162 articles),
remaining 69 articles. To conclude this refinement
process, all the results that address mediation
processes, but do not promote hypermediation, were
excluded (40 articles), obtaining 29 articles
addressing apps/platforms that can facilitate
communication, interaction, and collaboration in
contexts of community-led initiatives. The
refinement process for obtaining the mentioned
results can be seen in Figure 1.
A tree of codes of the hypermediation categories
was created in Appendix 1 from the research
questions. The following subsections show the main
findings transcribed from the researched table and
summarized for this review (Appendix 2). Those
articles fundamentally address apps/platforms that
have functionalities to promote hypermediation.
3.1 Mobile Apps/Platforms with
Hypermediation Functions
In the first phase of the analysis, all mobile
apps/platforms that appear in the selected papers were
identified. The objective of this phase was to identify
in which apps/platforms the phenomenon of
hypermediation occurs, considering the definition of
the term by Scolari (2015). Table 1 shows the names
of the apps and platforms found and the number of
selected articles mentioning each. According to Table
1, 49 results were found in 29 articles. Thus, some
articles addressed more than one app/platform.
Facebook (mentioned in 10 articles, i.e., n=10),
Twitter (n=7), WeChat (n=5), WeiBo (n=4), and
Amazon (n=4) were the most frequently mentioned
apps/platforms in the selected articles. These
apps/platforms are mentioned frequently due to their
popularity, with an emphasis on social media.
Table 1: Names of mobile apps/platforms and number of
occurrences among the articles.
Application/Platform name
Amazon 4
Weibo 4
Google/ Google Play
Apple/ iTunes
Others (38)*
*= AlertaBlu, Bestcreativity, Bird, BlaBlaCars, Blue Bikers,
DianPing, Dodgeball, eBay, Fitbit, Gopillar, Grindr, GrubHub,
Happn, Home Away, Hulu, JD, Lyft, ODR, Onde tem tiroteio
(OTT), PCW, QQ, Rent the Runway, Seamless, Shout, Spotify,
Starbytes, Swarm, Taobao, Tinder, TripAdvisor, Turo, Twago,
Uber, WeWork, Witao, Xiaozhu, Yik Yak, and Zoopa.
Kim (2019) addresses the rapid growth of users of
social media around the world, with two-thirds or
more adult internet users or smartphone owners using
social networking websites. The same author also
reinforces the popularity of social media through the
facilitation of the consumption, production, and
sharing of information, which grew in user-generated
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
digital content, and led to an increase in digital
prosumers, i.e., users who simultaneously produce
and consume digital content. Pan (2020) mentions
that many governments have integrated social media
accounts to interact with the population, even in
China (WeChat, Weibo). In the remaining findings,
38 apps/platforms were found, each mentioned by
only one article. These less frequently mentioned
apps/platforms present different functions and
utilities than the most frequent findings, such as
Facebook or Twitter. This can be seen, for example,
in the study by Rise et al. (2019), which addresses
platforms such as Zoopa, Twago, Starbytes,
Bestcreativity, and Gopillar, which are used only for
crowdsourcing, allowing the connection among
people with the specific skills.
The papers helped to identify apps/platforms with
hypermediation functionalities that play a relevant
role in fostering communication and engagement in
collaborative and social interaction contexts. For
instance, platforms such as Facebook, Youtube,
Instagram, and Twitter provide means for
communities to articulate and exchange ideas to
promote local events and services, fostering the
process of territorially based innovation
(Drakopoulou, 2017; Kim, 2019). Other platforms
(e.g., Airbnb, Weibo, Uber, eBay, and Amazon) boost
property and services advertising, helping to promote
tourism and the economy in various locations (Levy
& Gvili, 2020; Morewedge et al., 2021).
3.2 Classification of Mobile
Apps/Platforms with
Hypermediation Functions
The research team identified eight app/platform
types: i) marketplace for e-commerce websites or
sales between consumers; ii) SNS for social network
websites that incorporate hypermediation functions;
iii) message service for apps/platforms that provide
exchange messages for users as the leading service,
but also with other additional services; iv)
apps/platforms for research purposes with tailor-
made software; v) apps/platforms of streaming
services that offer on-demand online content; vi)
customer opinion sites with word-of-mouth via
consumer-opinion (identified seven times); vii)
crowdsourcing as sourcing for goods or services; and
viii) territorial customization for apps/platforms
(Bezerra, 2017; Xie, 2021; Yin, 2020).
Table 2 presents the app/platform classification,
13 articles focus on social network sites, nine are
related to customer opinion sites, seven studies talk
about marketplaces, another four focus on message
services, and four papers are about streaming
services. The greatest number of social network
occurrences, as Scolari (2015) said, demonstrates a
profound mutation process since the diffusion of the
WWW, with the explosive combination of social
networks and mobile devices, as well as the
emergence of new cultural production/consumption
practices. Mobile apps/platforms regarding
crowdsourcing, territorial customization, and
research purposes have been less reported.
Table 2: Classification of mobile apps/platforms and
number of occurrences.
lication/Platform classification QTY
Social network sites 13
Customer o
inion sites 9
Marketplace 7
Message services 4
Streaming services 4
ed for research
oses 1
Territorial customization a
3.3 Fields of Activities of Mobile
Considering the types of apps/platforms found, it is
important to understand in which activity fields they
are applied (Table 3). Some articles highlighted
Marketing platforms that facilitate sharing
information among small shoppers, thereby
generating electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM),
which drives social commerce online (Levy & Gvili,
2020; Pan, 2020).
Table 3: Activity fields and the number of occurrences.
Politics 6
Entrepreneurship / Business 6
Health and Well-
Culture 1
Smart Cities 1
In the Entrepreneurship/Business field, for
example, the authors Li and Wang (2020) discuss the
relevance of trust mechanisms in the sharing
economy, like the peer‐to‐peer accommodation
models used by Airbnb and Xiaozh. Hu et al. (2018)
presented how online vendors and consumers are
learning from each other, and how online reviews,
prices, and sales interact among each other.
Hypermediation Functionalities in Digital Platforms for Collaborative and Social Interaction
3.4 Main Functionalities in Mobile
Table 4 presents the apps' hypermediation
functionalities implemented, as well as how many
selected articles mentioned each functionality. It is
highlighted that the users of these apps/platforms
mainly resort to functionalities that promote the
creation and sharing of content (n=14). Those
functionalities work as visible stimuli to users that act
as content generators, consumers, i.e., prosumers.
Another functionality that also had several
occurrences was the possibility to post or comment
on a topic in social apps/platforms (n=12 incidences),
also highlighting the act of repost, so the user shares
content from the creation of others. From the set of
functionalities, the ones with the fewest occurrences
were the voting polls, the number of views/users, and
the algorithms for grouping content (n=2) which,
despite their relevance for quantifying and valuing
contents (e.g., a video is popular if it has many
''views''), were not identified as the most cited. Thus,
these hypermediation functionalities allow people to
effectively connect, determining matchings based on
objective criteria, like the interests or the participants'
Table 4: Functionalities found in mobile apps/platforms and
number of occurrences.
Functionalities in mobile apps/platforms QTY
Create and share content
from a content creator or b
someone else
/comment 12
Scoring/rating (inc. number of likes/retweets) 10
Recommendations/suggestions 9
Collaboration functions - Social groups,
events, etc
Chat 6
Review 4
Algorithm to filter and display information
according to the users’ preferences
Algorithm to group content (e.g., hashtag) 2
Number of views/users 2
Polls 2
* 1
*Others: each one of the 9 functionalities were mentioned in only
one article: Form, wizard, or other filling process; "order by"
function; third-party promotion (e.g., avatar creation and slogan
insertion); ease of use to write a message; micro target messages to
specific individuals; filtering content to reach non attentive
audiences; display of tracked/motivational information; profile
creation notification and bookmarking.
Furthermore, hypermediation functionalities
facilitate the processes of exchange of
information/resources and collaborative construction
of new knowledge, being pivotal for the promotion of
innovation processes.
These functionalities have also
the potential to boost commercial exchanges as, for
instance, improving direct/indirect communication,
providing product/services recommendations,
collaboration with the creation of events/initiatives,
and allowing the sharing of those experiences (Li &
Wang, 2020; Mathmann et al., 2017). The
functionalities constitute more concrete
implementations of the hypermediation concept
defined by Scolari (2008), playing a relevant role in
promoting communication, participation, and
collaboration in community initiatives.
This systematic review sought to find studies
exploring the functionalities that promote
hypermediation through apps/platforms that play a
relevant role in fostering communication and
engagement in collaborative and social interaction
contexts. Furthermore, this review allowed us to
understand that recent articles have been studying
concrete and specific hypermediation functionalities,
such as Sharing content, Scoring/rating, or Algorithm
to group content (e.g., hashtag). The presence of
several features common among the different
apps/platforms confirms the transversal and
transdisciplinary character of the hypermediation
process coined by Scolari. Some examples of these
similar features are Networks/Reticularity,
Multimedia, Hypertext, and User-generated content,
among others (Scolari, 2015).
Moreover, hypermediation functionalities are
often used in recent apps/platforms, such as Airbnb,
Uber, and Lyft, which present characteristics that
allow users’ involvement in the creation, sharing,
evaluation of content, and presence in voting pools.
In this sense, the users experience immediate and
personalized responses, which is determinant to
provide them to feel emotionally connected, resulting
in a higher social presence in the online environment
(Tang & Hew, 2019).
Therefore, the functionalities identified in
apps/platforms constitute implementations of
Scolari's hypermediation functionalities. For
instance, the Prosumer functionality, proposed by
Scolari (2008), is related with creating and sharing
content, identified on some apps/platforms (Kim,
2019; Drakopoulou, 2017; Yin, 2020; Morewedge et
al., 2021). In this case, the user actively participates
in the creation of texts, consumption, and production
sharing. Although not mentioned by Scolari, these
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
functionalities play an important role in
hypermediation, as they contribute to a complex
network of social processes of production, exchange,
and consumption. Additionally, the high incidence of
articles that mention recommendation algorithms,
which are widely used by apps/platforms that
recommend content according to the user’s
preferences, reveal that the evolution of digital
technologies provides an increasing availability of
functionalities used as hypermediation enhancers
(Yin, 2020; Bezerra, 2017).
This review was crucial to expand our knowledge
about the concept of hypermediation, enabling the
verification that hypermedia is ubiquitous in people's
lives daily. Hypermediation contributes decisively to
interpersonal communication and the construction of
social relationships, as it is the key factor through
which language exchanges and constructions take
place, through different media and in a network
format, fostering new realities in several areas of life
(López & Masjuan, 2019). Mobile apps/platforms
that use functionalities that enhance hypermediation
have an impact on the development of local
economies, to also promote community initiatives.
Furthermore, apps/platforms on the scope of the
sharing economy mobile (Airbnb, Uber, Lyft, etc.)
benefit themselves with several hypermediation
functionalities, such as user comments and feedback
between apps/platforms or inside social networks
(Morewedge et al., 2021), showing how intensive is
the use of hypermediation on the consumer market.
This study also clarified the intense and increased
use of hypermediation functionalities in current
apps/platforms, mostly used to enhance human-
machine interaction and make their relationship easy,
useful, and valuable for human beings. The synthesis
of all the information obtained in this study allowed
us to understand that hypermediation functionalities
facilitate the sharing of information and resources;
increase the visibility of initiatives and entities;
promote interaction, cooperation, and collaboration
among different users. Therefore, hypermediation has
the potential to promote networks that benefit
populations' involvement and innovation processes in
society, contributing to a region's innovation.
Figure 2 presents some examples of the CeNTER
mobile app interface. Its main screen has a grid with
six primary tabs: Initiatives, Events, Entities,
Volunteers, Resources, and Highlights, which act as
starting points to the app. When opening a tab, the
user finds the information in a carousel mode, with
cards representing the different content units.
These cards have essential information (e.g.,
image, date and time, location) and can be
manipulated with gestures such as swiping (e.g., to
discard or to save as favorites). Furthermore, the
interface footer includes other feature options, such
as profile, ideas, saved, notifications, and new content
creation. The first image refers to the main screens of
the prototype, with the event tab being expanded and
presenting the options to see the location on the map,
add a new event and search for a particular event. The
CeNTER app prototype presents an organized
modular structure based on local development agents
and on initiatives that carry out specific activities,
interconnected by hypermediation dynamics.
In the CeNTER app context, hypermediation
functionalities provide the app with dynamic
elements, for example, sending useful notifications to
its users that encourage its utilization, boosting a
greater interaction with the platform.
Figure 2: Screen samples of the
CeNTER prototype app:
(a) main screen, (b) map screen with a notification banner,
and (c) screen suggesting the creation of an initiative based
on an idea (from left to right).
Notifications are constituted by messages, alerts, and
warnings sent by the app to its users considering their
interests and option settings (Figure 2). Further,
proactive parameters are also encouraged, such as the
“Ideas” section, which proposes the birth and
publications of innovative ideas for local community
development. The option to create and share the
users’ contents, not only in the CeNTER app, but also
among different social networks, consolidates the
prosumer proposal identified as one of the
hypermediation features by Scolari (2008, 2015).
Recommendations are sent by the app to its users
and can be content-based (implicitly captured by user
clicks, by user profile configuration, etc.) or
Hypermediation Functionalities in Digital Platforms for Collaborative and Social Interaction
collaboration-based (explicitly captured by user
feedback scoring or rating, etc.). Recommendations
and suggestions are determined by Algorithms, as
well as the users’ preferences are based on the
analysis of the entities/users’ profile, and history of
participation in similar events. Such hypermediation
functionalities may occur proactively, providing
suggestions on participation in events nearby the user
location. Other hypermediation functionalities
presented are collaboration, content creation and
sharing, and scoring/rating functions.
These can
promote the generation of networks among different
users. In addition, hypermediation functionalities
related to the prosumer category will encourage
people to share their content/ideas, evaluate their
experiences participating in an event, evaluate
volunteers' work, etc.
In addition, the CeNTER app does not seek to
replace existing digital platforms but to facilitate easy
connection with them. For example, the app will
allow the users to share their initiatives and events on
social networks, such as Facebook, Instagram, and
other existing apps, through an internal link that
enables the association among different networks to
foster and facilitate the prosumer actions and sharing
processes. to promote interactions among local
development agents, facilitate communication and
collaboration, benefit from existing mediation
strategies and encourage joint creation of new ideas
and activities. Finally, the wrap up of the CeNTER
apps' hypermediation functionalities allow us to
identify that this platform can promote a network,
social interaction, exchange and consumption
processes that take place in an environment
characterized by a large number of social actors,
media technologies and technological languages.
These functionalities properly match the
hypermediations’ definition and the characteristics
presented by Scolari, consolidating the term and the
hypermediation process at the CeNTER project.
This study's development allowed the project team to
design a proposal for a set of features that must be
present in implementing the CeNTER app to foster
the hypermediation process. It is essential to mention
that the researchers had the specific focus on
hypermediation functions that are crucial to promote
community-led initiatives, encourage interactions,
and involve new agents in the innovation process of
the territory. The project team hopes that these
features will allow the CeNTER app to take a
proactive role in streamlining innovation processes in
the territory.
We can identify some limitations that can
stimulate future work. The review used only two
databases to retrieve potential eligible studies
Scopus and Web of Science, which may have omitted
relevant research. Another limitation concerns the
time interval. In this study, articles before 2016 were
excluded, which reduced the number of achieved
functionalities. This choice was justified because it
was intended to study the most recent apps/platforms.
We hope this paper provides a better understanding
of the strategic potential of hypermedia's
functionalities for developing digital solutions aimed
at community-based initiatives.
This work is financially supported by national funds
through FCT Foundation for Science and
Technology, I.P., under the project
UIDB/05460/2020 and the Research Program
“CeNTER” (CENTRO-01-0145-FEDER-000002),
funded by Programa Operacional Regional do Centro
(CENTRO 2020), PT2020.
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An appendix has been published with tables and
categories trees of codes, which can be found in the
following URL: https://zenodo.org/record/754500
Hypermediation Functionalities in Digital Platforms for Collaborative and Social Interaction