A Practical Method to Plan Co-Evolution of Business and Information
Sara Nodehi
1 a
, Tim Huygh
1 b
, Laury Bollen
1 c
and Joost Visser
2 d
Information Science, Open University, Heerlen, The Netherlands
LIACS, Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands
Software Evolution, Digital Business Strategy, IT Strategy, Business-IT Alignment, Design Science.
In our fast-changing digital world, Business-IT alignment is not about reaching an end state where business
and IT are aligned but about continuously adapting both IT and business to remain aligned with each other.
Currently, managerial instruments for doing so are lacking or disconnected. We aim to provide a light-weight
and easy-to-use managerial tool for regular re-alignment and co-evolution of organisational goals and soft-
ware assets for technical and business-oriented stakeholders. Using a Design Science Research approach, we
designed our planning method by conducting exploratory interviews to establish its requirements, reviewing
pre-existing instruments, expanding upon them, and integrating them into a single planning process. As a
result, we created a 5-step method for collaboratively creating, sharing, and monitoring so-called “evolution
plans” and evaluated it in an educational pilot and through confirmatory expert interviews. Our method con-
tributes to emerging research that complements established theoretical models of business-IT alignment with
its practical operationalisation.
Information technology (IT) is a key business en-
abler. As organisations adapt their business activities
to relentless changes in the commercial, regulatory,
and technology landscape, so must they adapt the IT
assets on which those activities rely (Visser, 2019).
While strategy, rather than technology, should drive
these changes (Kane et al., 2015), the business cannot
change faster than the IT assets allow (Burden et al.,
2018). Therefore, it is crucial that desired business
changes can be translated efficiently and effectively
to changes in IT assets, which is the domain of busi-
ness/IT alignment.
The alignment of business and IT has been the ob-
ject of study for over three decades (Coltman et al.,
2015), with a focus on understanding and explain-
ing the alignment as a phenomenon (Henderson and
Venkatraman, 1999), measuring the degree to which it
has been attained, and identifying its enabling factors
(De Haes and Van Grembergen, 2009).Yet, the ‘align-
ment of IT with Business’ remains a difficult man-
agement issue (Kappelman et al., 2021). As recog-
nized by others (Karpovsky and Galliers, 2015), this
is caused in great part by the scarcity of research on
concrete operational methods that can be used to ef-
fectively establish or increase alignment.
In this paper. we describe a 5-step “evolution
planning” method to help operationalize business-IT
alignment. To develop the method, we followed a
design-science approach where an initial method was
refined and evaluated through exploratory and confir-
matory interviews and an educational pilot.
We start with related work in Section 2. We out-
line our research approach in Section 3. Section 4
lists the concrete challenges we identified and hope to
mitigate with our method. The method is described in
Section 5, and evaluated in Section 6. We conclude
with a summary and future work in Section 7.
Theoretical models have been proposed to under-
stand and explain the alignment phenomenon on the
level of entire organizations, most notably the semi-
nal Strategic Alignment Model (SAM) of Henderson
Nodehi, S., Huygh, T., Bollen, L. and Visser, J.
A Practical Method to Plan Co-Evolution of Business and Information Technology.
DOI: 10.5220/0011968000003467
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2023) - Volume 2, pages 615-622
ISBN: 978-989-758-648-4; ISSN: 2184-4992
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
and Venkatraman (1999). SAM describes interrela-
tions among four business and IT components (i.e.,
business strategy, IT strategy, business infrastructure
and processes, and IT infrastructure and processes).
Luftman (2004) has proposed to quantify business/IT
alignment through a strategic alignment maturity as-
sessment, to measure its effects on firm performance
(Luftman et al., 2008), and has attempted to identify
inhibiting and enabling factors for alignment (Luft-
man et al., 1999).
While it is valuable to understand and explain
business/IT alignment, these insights do not provide
concrete operational tools to establish or increase
alignment. An early exception is the work by Avison
et al. (2004), who have expanded on SAM with a ‘uni-
fied framework’ to assess, monitor, and modify align-
ment levels. This framework amounts to a project pri-
oritisation process, taking project proposals or reports
as input, that allows management to assign or adjust
project resources to enhance alignment. Still, Kar-
povsky and Galliers (2015) identified the lack of op-
erationalisation as an important remaining challenge
if alignment research is to have demonstrable practi-
cal relevance.
Arguably, Enterprise Architecture (EA) frame-
works can been seen as (collections of) instruments to
achieve business/IT alignment. Specifically, EA is in-
tended to facilitate communication between business
and IT stakeholders. However, EA frameworks are
experienced as theoretical, rather than practical, and
their full implementation is often seen as inadvisable
and infeasible (Gerber et al., 2007; Evernden, 2015;
Buckl et al., 2009). Kotusev et al. (2017) confirmed
this view in a study among practitioners. Thus, EA
does not offer ready-to-use operational methods for
business/IT alignment.
In a more recent step towards the operationalisa-
tion of IT/Business alignment, Kotusev (2020) intro-
duces a decision-making pipeline with 5 phases that
are increasingly operational and detailed: positioning,
focusing, prioritizing, assessing, and implementing.
These phases are reconstructed on the basis of inter-
views with 29 IT planners, and descriptions are given
of actors, activities, and documents relevant in each
phase. Compared to this pipeline, our 5-step method
introduced below provides further operationalisation.
For operational methods that can contribute to
business/IT alignment, we can also look to compo-
nents of agile software development methodologies.
While, historically, agile methodologies were focused
on software development activities per se, the align-
ment of these activities with business needs is also
addressed, especially by frameworks for large-scale
agile development such as Large Scale Scrum (LeSS)
and the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe). For exam-
ple, SAFe offers the notions of ‘portfolio vision’ and
‘strategic themes’ that are intended to connect the ag-
ile development activities to the larger business con-
text. While these notions give high-level guidance,
an operational method specifically focused on the
joint planning of (agile) business, and IT changes is
currently lacking. Furthermore, Conboy and Carroll
(2019) found that scaled agile frameworks are rarely
fully adopted, and even partial adoption typically en-
tails ample organisation-specific customisation of the
adopted elements. Thus, scaled agile frameworks are
in practice used as toolkits from which organisations
use those elements that suit them most.
Thus, while traditional Business/IT alignment re-
search still suffers from lack of concrete operational-
isation, Enterprise Architecture and large scale Agile
software development fail to adequately fill this gap.
In our study, we have taken a design science research
approach, where the ambition is to design and eval-
uate an artifact (Hevner et al., 2004; Peffers et al.,
2007, 2006). Here, an artefact is for instance a model,
a method, a system, or any designed object that em-
bodies the solution to a problem. Within the IS field,
design science has been applied in a wide variety of
research areas, including (service-oriented) systems
development (Keith et al., 2013), information security
education, training, and compliance (Silic and Lowry,
2020), and also in the context of strategic alignment
(Bourdeau et al., 2018). In our instantiation, the arte-
fact is a planning method and our research activi-
ties followed the 6-step design science process model
of Peffers et al. (2007).
1) Problem Identification and Motivation and 2)
Definition of the Objectives for a Solution: To sharpen
our problem understanding and reach our solution ob-
jectives, we performed seven exploratory interviews
with practitioners (application context) and reviewed
relevant literature (knowledge context). For the in-
terviews, we selected people with medium to high
experience in roles on the interface of business and
IT. Given the exploratory nature of the interviews,
we aimed for a diversity of perspectives, rather than
representativeness. We invited 20 people from our
own professional network, of whom 7 were ultimately
found to be suitable and available. Two interviewees
had IT roles (Senior IT architect and DevOps engi-
neer), and 5 had more business-oriented roles (e.g.,
IT strategy consultant). The work experience of five
interviewees ranged between 4 and 6 years, while the
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
other two had about 17 years of experience.
After the interviews, transcripts were analysed
through qualitative coding, to interpret, organise, and
structure the recorded information. The results were
summarised in two main parts: challenges in organi-
sations regarding business and IT integration (prob-
lem identification), and ingredients and constraints
for possible solutions that organisations use or think
can be useful for solving these challenges (solution
objectives). Apart from the solution directions iden-
tified in the interviews, we reviewed the literature
for solution elements that could be used as building
blocks for our planning method.
3) Design and Development: We set out to design
a new planning method with several constraints in
mind. Firstly, we want the method to enable commu-
nication and collaboration between IT and business-
oriented roles. Therefore, it must be usable and un-
derstandable by a broad range of stakeholders. Sec-
ondly, we want the method to be light-weight, i.e.,
executable with relatively low effort and in a short
time-span. This allows the method to be used quickly
and often, hence doing justice to the agility that or-
ganisations currently are pursuing. Finally, we want
the method to be applicable within a wide range of
companies, which means it cannot be tied to a spe-
cific business or technology domain, or to a specific
framework for business and IT development.
The first design of the method was created by the
last author and then improved by the first author by
providing more detail to several elements, adding new
elements, and clarifying terminology. In the remain-
der of the paper, we will describe the final, improved
method and only occasionally, when relevant, refer to
the first version of the method.
4) Demonstration and 5) Evaluation: We did the
evaluation phase in two steps to confirm that our
method achieved its intended purpose. Firstly, the
(first version of the) method was piloted in an edu-
cational setting. A total of 42 students were asked to
apply the method as part of two instances (2020 and
2021) of a course on ”Managing Software Evolution”
which is part of the master program ICT in Business
and the Public Sector. The pilot served to test the un-
derstandability and feasibility of applying the method.
Secondly, we evaluated our method in semi-
structured confirmatory interviews with four of the
participants of our exploratory interviews. We pre-
pared a presentation of the method elements for these
interviews, interleaved with a worked-out example
(demonstration) that includes all elements. Each ele-
ment with accompanying example was presented dur-
ing the interview, followed by a number of structured
questions and an unstructured conversation.
The structured questions were drawn from vari-
ous technology acceptance models, focussing on de-
terminants for acceptance as found significant in a re-
view of multiple methods by Riemenschneider et al.
(2002): ease of use (is using the element free of ef-
fort?), compatibility (is using the element consistent
with current ways of working?), subjective norm (is
using the element accepted by others, such as col-
leagues, supervisors, clients?), usefulness (does us-
ing the element enhance the interviewee’s job perfor-
mance) and intention (would the interviewee use the
element when an opportunity arises?).
6) Communication: A description of the method
and the template for its deliverable have been made
available under a permissive license in an open
repository. The process of designing and validating
the method have been published in a master’s the-
sis (Nodehi, 2022) and this paper.
Exploratory interviews were held with seven experts.
Analysis of the interview transcripts through qualita-
tive coding provided us insights into challenges that
exist in organisations regarding business and IT inte-
gration, and possible solutions that organisations use
or think can be useful for solving these challenges.
Here we summarise the identified challenges.
Lack of Strategy Implementation: Many inter-
viewees reported a persistent gap between formu-
lating a (digital) strategy and the reality of strategy
implementation. After a strategy is formulated, its
execution, i.e., translation to concrete actions and
desired outcomes, is experienced as highly chal-
Autonomous IT Teams’ Culture and Domi-
nance of Business Teams: Several interviewees
indicated that some IT teams give their own ob-
jectives precedent over the cooperation with busi-
ness stakeholders and over overall organisational
goals. This can result in overly sophisticated fea-
tures or over-engineered technical solutions that
are not useful or necessary. Conversely, intervie-
wees report that business teams often want to pur-
sue short-term financial goals, constantly pushing
and asking the IT team to implement new fea-
tures and functionalities while disregarding less
urgent technical improvements. Over time, over-
ruling the IT people may cause problems and re-
sult in low-quality systems. We recognize this
phenomenon as technical debt (Li et al., 2015).
A Practical Method to Plan Co-Evolution of Business and Information Technology
Diversity of Stakeholder Expectations: While
the involvement of stakeholders is recognised as
important and has increased, several interviewees
indicated difficulties in managing and aligning the
diversity of stakeholder expectations. This may
lead to misunderstanding or even ignoring some
stakeholder viewpoints, or to adopting disjoint ob-
jectives from multiple stakeholders within a sin-
gle strategy without appropriately connecting or
merging those objectives into a shared ambition.
Lack of Digital Technology Awareness: Several
interviewees mentioned the challenge for organi-
sations to remain sufficiently updated about tech-
nological developments. The rapid pace of tech-
nological development makes it difficult to be-
come aware and gain sufficient knowledge of new
technologies as they arise, and to be able to take
timely advantage of them.
Lack of Central Coordination: Several inter-
viewees mentioned a lack of central organisation,
ensuring coherence and a certain level of control
over the multitude of projects and initiatives that
are being considered or conducted throughout the
organisation. Lack of coordination leads to mis-
communication, delays, and redundant activities.
Lack of Situation Analysis: Before starting new
projects organisations must look at the present
state of their business within the marketplace.
Though most organisations understand the neces-
sity, many are unable to perform such situation
analyses in sufficient depth and at the right time.
Need for Structural Changes: Some well-
known frameworks and models such as SAFe and
“the Spotify model” exist to remove the gaps be-
tween business and IT teams. But implementing
these models and frameworks is not an easy task
and requires structural changes in organisations.
Problems Defining a Clear, Focused, Shared
Goal: The importance of goal setting is evident to
every organisation. Organisations not only need
to set goals, but they also need to align individ-
ual goals to team goals and team goals to organ-
isational goals. Differences in goal definition be-
tween individuals and teams may cause conflicts
in some organisations and prevent them from im-
Problems in Strategy Formulation: Organisa-
tions must formulate their strategy correctly to
achieve their goals and measure their level of at-
tainability. Since the world is changing rapidly
and emerging technologies are being entered into
the market faster than ever before, it is hard for
some organisations to adapt their strategy for-
mulation to the dynamic changes in the market,
which prevents them from being sustainable in the
market competition.
Apart from the above-mentioned challenges, in-
terviewees mentioned some possible solution direc-
tions for some of them, such as centralised strategy
formulation, defining organisation-wide KPIs, pro-
viding training for employees to increase their aware-
ness, and translating strategic objectives to team-
specific targets. Some of these suggested solution di-
rections served as input for our method design.
Before designing our method, we reviewed existing
instruments, concepts, and techniques that may be
usable as components for our method. The existing
methods that we reused include: stakeholder analy-
sis (Kennon et al., 2009), SWOT and TOWS anal-
ysis (Weihrich, 1982), gap analysis (Marra et al.,
2017), design moves (Woodard et al., 2013), risk
management (Ahmed et al., 2007), roadmap (Kostoff
and Schaller, 2001) and logframe (Sartorius, 1991) .
Since these individual instruments are valuable and
well-known, our design approach has been to inte-
grate them into a coherent planning method.
Our planning method consists of a 5-step planning
process, conducted by a planning team through vari-
ous interactions with relevant stakeholders, leading to
a deliverable, called an evolution plan. An overview
of the process and the resulting deliverable are shown
in Figure 1. The evolution plan is created incremen-
tally in the first three steps of the process, then vali-
dated in the fourth and disseminated in the final step.
This plan typically takes the form of a set of presen-
tation slides, or a written report.
5.1 Planning Team
To lead the planning effort, a small team of about 2-4
members is formed. This team is tasked with driving
the planning process, interacting with various stake-
holders, and delivering the final evolution plan. The
planning team members must be able to bridge busi-
ness and IT and have good interpersonal, analytical,
and communication skills. Product owners, product
managers, business analysts, and IT strategy consul-
tants are typically well-suited for this role.
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: The planning method. An Evolution Plan is created, validated, and disseminated in a 5-step process (left). The
deliverable (center) consists of various components (right), as illustrated with labels and questions.
5.2 Step 1: Set Ambition
In the first step of the planning process, the ambition
of the evolution needs to be set. The planning team
first assesses the current situation through interviews,
document review, and possibly technical inspection of
current systems and processes to derive the ambition.
This leads to a succinct description of the current sit-
uation in organisational terms (e.g., key stakeholders,
cost and revenue of current services, competitive po-
sition, regulatory concerns) and technical terms (e.g.,
system architecture, technical debt, quality of devel-
opment and deployment processes).
Secondly, the team conducts a SWOT (and pos-
sibly TOWS) analysis in collaboration with se-
lected stakeholders to clearly identify and describe
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, and
their interconnections. Typically, the SWOT is cre-
ated through short workshops, which are initiated by
reflection on the described situation. Thirdly, a list of
(strategic) goals is drafted, where each goal relates to
elements of the SWOT, and is linked to specific ben-
efits for specific stakeholders. Also, for each goal,
the gap with the current situation is analysed. This
is done by describing the gaps, categorising them as
performance gap, profit gap, market gap, etc., and list-
ing possible solution directions. Finally, (a selection
of) the goals are summarised into a single ambition
statement. The ambition statement should preferably
be a single sentence, formulated to be understand-
able to all stakeholders. Also, the ambition should be
quantified (measurable) and time-bound. The defined
horizon for the ambition will typically be between 12
and 18 months, depending on what is appropriate in a
given organisational context.
5.3 Step 2: Define Evolution Steps
In the second step, the planning team defines a (lim-
ited) set of course-grained evolution steps from the
current situation to a to-be situation that fulfills the
overall ambition. These evolution steps take the form
of design moves in the sense of “discrete strategic ac-
tions that enlarge, reduce, or modify a firm’s stock
of [digital artifact] designs” (Woodard et al., 2013).
To define design moves, the team may reflect upon
the gap analysis and possible solution directions for
each gap. Examples of design moves are adding a
new functional module to a software system, adding
an interface, separating out core functionality into a
reusable library, exposing configuration parameters to
users, deployment onto a new infrastructure, or re-
moving support for little-used export/import formats.
A design move is given a short name for future
reference, and is defined by a concise description and
a number of attributes. Its strategic intent explains
its rationale in relation to the ambition and/or the for-
mulated goals. Its measure of success is a quantitative
A Practical Method to Plan Co-Evolution of Business and Information Technology
‘definition of done’, i.e., a criterion or metric that clar-
ifies what constitutes successful completion of the de-
sign move. Also, a design move is decomposed into a
set of actions that can be assigned to specific roles or
teams. A cost estimation, is given of required effort
and possibly other resources (e.g., purchase of a soft-
ware licence) or inputs (e.g., agreement with a busi-
ness partner). Finally, risks and mitigations discuss
adverse events that may impede the completion of the
design move with an estimate of their likelihood and
possible mitigating actions.
The responsibility for defining the design moves
lies with the planning team, who must do so on the
basis of input from stakeholders. This is a design ac-
tivity that is best conducted in an interactive or itera-
tive fashion, where design moves are drafted on ini-
tial input, then presented for discussion and review,
adjusted based on feedback, until a satisfactory set of
design moves has emerged. Care must be taken to de-
fine design moves at a course level of abstraction. A
good heuristic is about 3-7 design moves, where each
design move comes with up to 5 associated actions.
5.4 Step 3: Compose the Evolution Plan
The third step of the evolution planning process is
to compose the complete evolution plan out of the
elements that have been defined so far. From the
various design moves and their constitutive actions,
a roadmap is derived, where evolution steps are put
onto a timeline. The items on the roadmap can be the
design moves themselves, their constituting actions,
or a combination of these. Building a timeline starts
with analysing dependencies between roadmap items.
These dependencies then determine whether items
can occur simultaneously, or must be executed con-
secutively. Also, required effort and resource avail-
ability are taken into account to determine the place
of each item on the timeline.
Optionally, the roadmap can be supported with
two additional overviews: (i) a risk mitigation matrix,
where risks and the effects of mitigating actions on
their impact and likelihood are displayed in a matrix,
and (ii) a benefit mapping that shows for each design
move and/or action which stakeholders are benefited
and which carry responsibility for their realisation.
Once the roadmap has been defined, all elements of
the evolution plan are in place and supplemented with
a (single-slide) executive summary.
5.5 Step 4: Validate the Evolution Plan
In the fourth step of the evolution planning process,
the evolution plan is distributed and/or presented to
various stakeholders for review, validation, and pos-
sible adjustment. This wide-loop explicit validation
step comes on top of any tight-loop validation activ-
ities carried out throughout the earlier steps. In case
validation leads to uncovering fundamental problems
in the plan, the process needs to return to the start.
Otherwise, minor imperfections can be ironed out be-
fore proceeding.
5.6 Step 5: Facilitate Initiation and
The last step of the planning process is to set the evo-
lution plan in motion. The planning team delivers the
final report of the plan to the decision-making unit
(DMU), followed by a presentation and a discussion
of the plan with the DMU. This allows the DMU to
approve the plan and commit to its execution, typi-
cally by initiating a dedicated project or program, or
requesting the plan to be merged into ongoing trans-
formation activities. Optionally, a logframe is con-
structed to facilitate monitoring of progress, results,
and benefits during the execution of the plan.
To support the evolution planning process, we
have created a number of supporting resources, avail-
able under CC-BY-SA licence
, such as a multi-tab
spreadsheet that supports incremental data collection,
a template report which includes presentation guide-
lines and instructions on how to instantiate the tem-
plate, an example report of a fictional case and a man-
ual explaining how to conduct the evolution planning
process and use the various resources throughout.
The planning method that we propose addresses
a number of the alignment challenges mentioned in
Section 4. Lack of strategy implementation is ad-
dressed by the explicit linking of proposed design
moves and actions to the overall ambition, and by
specifying benefits for each stakeholder, motivating
their involvement. Autonomous IT teams and the
dominance of business teams are addressed by the
collaborative nature of the planning process, where a
cross-functional planning team helps to balance both
sides. The diversity of stakeholder expectations is
managed through stakeholder analysis and the map-
ping of benefits to stakeholders. Shared evolution
plans improve central coordination. Lack of situa-
tional analysis is counteracted through analysis of the
current situation supported by stakeholder and SWOT
analysis. Using the planning method does not rely
on the implementation of a comprehensive framework
that requires structural organisational changes. The
formulation of a shared ambition in an evolution plan
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
establishes a clear, focused, and shared goal. Finally,
evolution plans help with strategy formulation in a dy-
namic environment, as the method is light-weight and
can be conducted rapidly and frequently.
We first evaluated understandability and feasibility to
apply our planning method by piloting it in an educa-
tional setting. Some optional elements of the method
were not included in the pilot, such as TOWS analy-
sis, stakeholder analysis, and gap analysis. A rubric
was used to grade the evolution plans delivered by
the students, covering the correct application of each
method element, internal consistency of the entire
evolution plan, and presentation clarity. According to
our observations, students quickly understood and ap-
plied the method in a limited time with good results,
which supports its understandability and feasibility.
Secondly, during confirmatory expert interviews,
we presented and demonstrated all the method ele-
ments to the interviewees, and their qualitative and
quantitative feedback was collected based on the tech-
nology acceptance criteria mention in Section 3.
According to our observations, interviewees per-
ceived most elements such as SWOT, TOWS, the
stakeholder analysis, risk mitigation matrix, and the
executive summary as easy to use. They found the
ambition and roadmap less easy to use, and the mon-
itoring element (logframe) somewhat difficult to use.
Most of the elements were found compatible
with interviewees’ current working styles, and inter-
viewees thought other people in their organisations
would also accept using them (subjective norm). In
general, they thought that the ambition element would
not be accepted in their organisations. Possibly, stat-
ing an ambition in a concise and high-level manner
is feared to be too confronting in complex corporate
environments. A tactic by employees or consultants
in these environments may be to lay low and not state
the ambitions quite as unitary, but rather state multiple
goals such that multiple stakeholders can recognise
their own ambition in the list. Given the challenges
enumerated in Section 4, we however posit that crisp
ambition setting is a key success factor for alignment.
Although interviewees mentioned that most ele-
ments directly would improve their performance (use-
fulness), they thought that some elements such as am-
bition, stakeholder benefits, and monitoring matrix
would not make them more effective. They expressed
mostly strong intention to use all elements except am-
bition and monitoring.
In short, while the education pilot demonstrated
the feasibility of our method, the confirmatory inter-
views provided indications that the overall method
is deemed to be useful, though some elements (e.g.,
monitoring matrix) are considered hard to use or not
very compatible with current ways of work, and other
elements having low usability (e.g., ambition). Fur-
ther evaluation is needed to follow up on these results.
We designed and evaluated a concrete lightweight
operational method for planning the co-evolution of
business and information technology, with the aim
of bringing the Business/IT alignment field forward
from abstract, macro-level insights to pushing for-
ward the micro-foundations of the field. We have ini-
tiated the evaluation of our method, now however still
limited to an educational pilot and expert interviews.
The interviews were limited in the role and number
of interviewees, lack of internationalization, and gen-
der bias. Therefore, further evaluation is required to
capture a broader range of perspectives. Currently,
we are setting up case studies in various organisations
to evaluate the method’s applicability in the field, to
shed a light on the actual effects of using the method,
where the question arises whether businesses or busi-
ness units that employ the method can achieve im-
proved alignment, as measured e.g., by the strategic
alignment maturity model of Luftman (2004).
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