Transportation Infrastructure and Market and Supplier Access:
How Do They Shape Foreign Direct Investment?
Natalia Vechiu
Aix Marseille Univ., CRET-LOG, Aix-en-Provence, France
Keywords: Foreign Direct Investment, Liner Shipping Connectivity Index, Market Access, Transportation Infrastructure.
Abstract: Although the benefits of transportation infrastructure for economic and social development are generally
unquestionable, depending on the transportation mode and the economic development of countries, sometimes
transportation infrastructure does not have the expected positive impacts, or it may even hinder economic
development. In this paper, we focus on the impact of different types of transportation infrastructure on
foreign direct investments, in a close relation to the market/supplier access as an essential determinant for
FDIs and thus, a potential significant interaction term with transportation infrastructure. Based on the new
economic geography models, we attempt to distinguish between international and domestic transportation
infrastructure in destination countries and test their impact on bilateral FDI stocks, in a gravity type setting.
We take the liner shipping bilateral connectivity index as a proxy for international infrastructure and railroads
density as a proxy for the domestic one. Using a panel dataset from 2008 to 2012, we find evidence that
different transportation infrastructures have different impacts depending on the countries’ economic
development level: international infrastructure has a strong and significant positive impact on FDIs, whereas
the impact of railroads depends on destination countries’ economic development.
In over 50 years of accelerating globalization, foreign
direct investments (FDIs) have increased
dramatically, because of decreasing trading and
transportation costs, financial liberalization,
increasing market potential in developed and
developing countries etc. Between 1980 and 2020,
global inward FDIs have been multiplied by 60
reaching almost 50% (48.8%) of world GDP in 2020.
In order to attract FDIs, governments around the
world try to adopt policies based on financial
incentives, but also long-term economic development
measures such as improving communication and
transportation infrastructure. More precisely, related
to the latter, improvements and innovations in the
transportation have been associated with basically
every wave of the Schumpeterian growth model:
waterpower in the first wave, rail in the second, the
internal combustion engine in the third, aviation in the
fourth, digital networks in the fifth wave. However,
researchers have questioned the type of infrastructure
that would be the most beneficial as well as its
distributional effects. Fogel (1962, 1964) argues that
in the US, investment was misdirected towards
railroads because of government policies promoting
rail transportation and that the river networks were
much more important for economic development than
railroads. Rose, Savage, Jenkins and Fransman
(2017) summarizes several transport infrastructure
projects failing to generate the expected high
economic benefits. Among them, the Coega project
(an industrial development zone around the port of
Coega in South Africa) mainly designed to attract
FDIs has failed to deliver he expected results.
Thus, we choose to focus on the link between
transportation infrastructure and FDI, in order to
identify the type of infrastructure that would be the
most efficient in attracting FDIs, as a function of
countries’ level of development. Martin and Rogers
(1995) and Behrens, Gaigné, Ottaviano and Thisse,
2007 (2007) show that in relatively poor countries,
improving the international infrastructure may lead to
industrial companies leaving the country, whereas
improving domestic, local infrastructure may lead to
industrial companies relocating into the country. But
Vechiu, N.
Transportation Infrastructure and Market and Supplier Access: How Do They Shape Foreign Direct Investment?.
DOI: 10.5220/0011970700003494
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business (FEMIB 2023), pages 89-97
ISBN: 978-989-758-646-0; ISSN: 2184-5891
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
these main results have never been tested empirically.
Without attempting a full structural estimation of
these models, we follow Martin and Rogers (1995)
and Behrens et al. (2007) and try to disentangle the
direct and indirect effects that different types of
transportation infrastructure may have on FDIs, as a
function of countries’ economic development. We
take maritime transportation infrastructure (LSCI, the
bilateral liner shipping connectivity index) as a proxy
for international infrastructure and rail transportation
as a proxy for domestic infrastructure. Maritime
transportation allows many connections between
points in two different countries, whereas rail
transportation allows relatively less. Accordingly,
Redding and Turner (2015) show that rail appears as
the preferred mode for domestic transportation in
terms of ton-kilometres.
Consequently, the main value added of our study
is to test for the impact of different types of
transportation infrastructure on FDIs, in a gravity
panel type setting, as well as for interaction effects
between transportation infrastructure and recipient
countries’ level of economic development. To our
knowledge, the bilateral LSCI has never been tested
before as a determinant of bilateral FDIs. We also
deal with the market and supplier access issue put
forward by NEG models. The market access, also
called market potential, is a major FDI determinant,
which has usually been proxied by GDP or measures
based on GDP and distance. We follow Redding and
Venables (2004) and consider a more comprehensive
measure of market as well as supplier access based on
countries’ capacity to export and import and their
proximity to world markets.
Finally, our paper is structured as follows: after a
review of the theoretical and empirical literature in
section 2, section 3 describes the empirical model
with its theoretical background as well as the data and
methodology; in section 4, we present and discuss the
results, while section 5 concludes.
Research on the macro- or microeconomic links
between transportation infrastructure and FDI is
scarce. However, given that it deals with trade costs
which commonly also include transportation costs,
some theoretical insights can be drawn from the NEG
and the international trade literature. Especially,
footloose capital models (Martin & Rogers, 1995;
Baldwin, Forslid, Martin, Ottaviano, & Robert-
Nicoud, 2003) allow us to draw some conclusions on
the link between trade/transportation costs and
international capital flows. One of the most important
conclusions of those models is that in the presence of
capital mobility, decreasing trade costs trigger the
agglomeration of economic activity in locations with
the biggest markets, with capital tending to relocate
to locations with the highest reward. Martin and
Rogers (1995) focus on the impact of different types
of transportation infrastructure on industry location.
They show that poor countries with good domestic
infrastructure attract foreign firms, whereas those
improving their international transportation
infrastructure encourage firms to leave the country.
On the other hand, the multinational firms literature
refines the analysis by taking into account the
different motives for companies to invest abroad.
More precisely, Markusen (1995) and Markusen and
Venables (1998) explain how relatively high trade
costs foster rather horizontal FDI, whereas Fujita and
Thisse (2006) explain how decreasing trade costs
foster vertical FDIs between developed and
developing countries. Empirical research on
transportation infrastructure and FDI is even scarcer
than the theoretical one. There is ample evidence on
the importance of transportation (especially
infrastructure) for economic development and
location of economic activity, but mostly at national
and regional level within countries, with no
consideration for FDIs.
Among the few notable contributions dealing with
transportation infrastructure and FDI, Hong (2007)
focuses on logistics firms, Castellani, Lavoratori and
Scalera (2021) focus on R&D and HQ activites,
Yeaple (2003) and Hanson, Mataloni, and Slaughter
(2005) deal with the importance of freight costs,
whereas Blyde and Molina (2015) analyse the impact
of a logistics index on FDIs and Shahbaz, Mateev,
Abosedra, Nasir and Jiao (2021) focus on FDI
determinants, including transportation infrastructure,
in France. Chen et al. (2023) show a positive impact
of infrastructure on FDI, but they deal mostly with
communications, not transportation infrastructure.
Saidi et al. (2020) show a positive impact of
transportation infrastructure on FDI attractiveness,
but they only focus on road transportation.
3.1 Theoretical Background
Our empirical analysis is based on the NEG and
international trade literature. More precisely, we refer
to NEG models (Krugman, 1991; Baldwin et al.,
2003; Venables, 1996; Fujita & Thisse, 2006),
FEMIB 2023 - 5th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business
assuming monopolistic competition in the production
of industrial goods and capital mobility, as well as on
those of the multinational activity literature
(Markusen, 1995; Markusen & Maskus, 2002;
Markusen & Venables, 1998; Fujita & Thisse, 2006).
Regarding FDI determinants and to the extent that
"regions" in NEG models may also represent
"countries" in the real world, we get three major
conclusions from these models:
when trade/transportation costs are
exogenous/endogenous, FDIs are attracted to
countries with high/low market potential or
market/supplier access
in poor countries, domestic transportation
infrastructure has a positive impact on FDIs
in poor countries, international transportation
infrastructure has a negative impact on FDIs.
Consequently, we have two main research
1. How is international transportation
infrastructure impacting FDI decisions as
opposed to domestic transportation
2. To the extent that the market/supplier access can
be viewed as a proxy for countries' economic
development level, how do market/supplier
access and transportation infrastructure shape
FDI decisions, in rich as opposed to poor
In this regard, we define the following baseline
gravity equations:
= MA
+ MA
+ IntTRinfr
+ Control
= SA
+ SA
+ IntTRinfr
+ Control
where subscripts i, j and t define home country, host
country and time, respectively, OFDI represents
bilateral outward FDIs, MA represents the market
access, SA represents the supplier access, IntTRinfr
is our measure of international transportation
infrastructure, DomTRinfr is our measure of domestic
transportation infrastructure and Control is a vector of
control variables considering different aspects of host
countries' global competitiveness.
3.2 Data and Methodology
We conduct our study on a heterogeneous panel of
outward bilateral FDI stocks, including a wide variety
of developing and developed countries. Due to data
availability for our main variables, we focus on the
2008-2012 period. Regarding the links with outward
FDs, our main variables of interest are the market
access and transportation infrastructure, but we also
consider time fixed effects and several destination
country specific variables, to control for different
aspects of host countries global competitiveness, such
as availability of human capital, governance,
macroeconomic environment.
We choose bilateral outward FDI stocks as our
dependent variable rather than inward FDI, given that
the location decision comes from origin countries not
destination ones. Also, the literature on outward FDI
determinants is a lot scarcer than the one on inward
FDI determinants and it deals especially with cross
section data (mostly BRICS countries) rather than
panel data (Chou, Chen & Mai, 2011; Zhang & Daly,
2011; Wang, Hong, Kafouros & Boateng, 2012;
Anwar & Mughal, 2012). Regarding the market and
supplier access, we follow Redding and Venables
(2004) and compute these measures. Interestingly,
this measure of market/supplier access allows
considering at the same time countries’ market size,
their integration into world markets, trade costs as
well as unobserved heterogeneity via home and host
country fixed effects. As a proxy for international
transportation infrastructure, we take maritime
transportation. As a proxy for domestic transportation
infrastructure, we take rail transportation. If maritime
transportation appears as an obvious choice for
international transportation, Redding and Turner
(2015) shows that, in a rather heterogeneous sample
of developed and developing countries, rail appears
as the preferred mode for domestic transportation in
terms of ton kilometres. Also, in Europe, over the
period 2007-2016, around 55% of the rail freight is
national freight, with countries like the United
Kingdom, Turkey or Portugal approaching even 80 to
90% (author’s calculation based on Eurostat data).
For maritime transportation, we use UNCTAD’s
bilateral index for liner shipping connectivity (LSCI).
This very interesting measure of maritime
transportation includes 5 components, considering
the transportation capacity as well as the competition
on services connecting two countries. Finally, we add
control variables considering host countries’ global
competitiveness in terms of human capital,
governance, macroeconomic environment. Table 1
summarizes variables, data and sources.
Consequently, our equations to be estimated become:
= MA
+ MA
= SA
+ SA
Transportation Infrastructure and Market and Supplier Access: How Do They Shape Foreign Direct Investment?
Table 1: Data and sources.
Variable Data Source
OFDI Bilateral outward FDI UNCTAD (US$ millions, stocks)
MA/SA Market/Supplier Access Author’s calculation (index)
LSCI Bilateral liner shipping connectivity UNCTAD (index)
RAIL Rail lines density World Bank (total route-km/km
Control variables in host countries
SEC Secondary enrollment World Bank (units)
CORRUPT Corruption Index Transparency International (index)
UNEMP Unemployment rate World Bank (% of total labour force)
(a) (b)
Figure 1: Transportation infrastructure and the market access (2015, log scale): (a) LSCI; (b) Rail lines density.
We follow a two-step analysis. In a first step,
given that there is no database for the market and the
supplier access for our time span, we are concerned
with their computation. Consequently, we follow
Redding and Venables (2004) and compute the
market and supplier access for all the countries in our
sample, between 2008 and 2012, with improved
econometric treatment allowing to take into account
the heteroskedasticity of bilateral trade flows,
traditionally used for this kind of computation. In a
second step, we use non-parametrical as well as
different parametrical estimators for gravity
equations, given that our dependent variable is the
bilateral outward FDIs. As one can already see in
Figure 1, the market access seems to be rather
positively related to the transportation infrastructure,
especially when it comes to the maritime
One can notice the case of Belgium, Netherlands,
Hong Kong or Singapore, small economies, but with
very high market access, given their high openness
and integration into the world economy, whereas
China and the US show high market access especially
thanks to their very important domestic markets. Just
as transportation infrastructure, countries with high
market access also receive relatively higher FDI
stocks (Figure 2).
Studies on FDIs and the market access as defined
above are basically inexistent. Fugazza and Trentini
(2014) discuss the impact of the market access on
different types of FDIs, but their measure of the
market access is based on tariffs, which could be
assimilated to a de jure measure. Our measure of
market access is a rather de facto one, given that it is
based on actual trade flows between countries.
Figure 2: Market access and FDI (2015, log scale).
FEMIB 2023 - 5th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business
Vechiu and Makhlouf (2014) use Mayer’s (2009)
real market potential, a similar variable, but analyse
its impact on EU countries’ sectorial specialization in
production not on FDIs. Hering and Paillacar (2016)
and Fally, Paillacar and Terra (2010) compute this
measure of market access but use it to discuss
migration and wages respectively. Finally, Candau
and Dienesch (2017) compute and use this measure
of market access to discuss multinational companies’
location decision via count models (number of
foreign affiliates) instead of FDIs. To our knowledge,
the only notable contribution on the link between this
de facto measure of market access and FDIs is Vechiu
3.3 The Non-Parametric Assessment
and Parametric Estimation
In a preliminary analysis, we proceed to a non-
parametric analysis of our main variables of interest:
bilateral outward FDIs (OFDI), the market and
supplier access (MA and SA) of destination countries
and the transportation infrastructure of destination
countries (LSCI and RAIL). The Kendall’s rank
correlation (results available on request) shows us
positive statistically significant connections between
all our variables, with the international component of
transportation infrastructure (LSCI) relatively more
correlated with FDIs than the domestic one (RAIL).
Regardless of the development level of host
countries, lower transportation costs between home
and host countries as well as within host countries do
attract FDIs, especially when it comes to international
transportation. This also suggests evidence for export
platform FDIs, with home countries seeking to serve
third markets, including their own, from foreign
Before proceeding to the parametric estimations,
summary statistics and density analysis (results
available on request) show two main problems related
to our dependent variable: overdispersion and
heteroskedasticity. These are current problems
related to bilateral FDI data, which require quite
specific econometric treatment. As stated by Silva
and Tenreyro (2006, 2008), the heteroskedasticity
inherent to gravity equations could be dealt with by
using the Poisson Pseudo Maximum Likelihood
(Poisson PML) estimator.
The latter remains consistent even in the presence
of overdispersion when the dependent variable is
continuous. Furthermore, Head and Mayer (2014)
suggest using OLS, as well as Poisson and Gamma
PML as robustness checks. Also, economists are
often concerned with endogeneity coming from
reverse causality (here, especially market access and
infrastructure variables endogeneity) as well as the
omitted variables bias.
In gravity equations, reverse causality should not
be a significant problem, given that the dependent
variable is bilateral, while the independent ones are
not (Naughton, 2014; Head & Mayer, 2014): for
instance, FDI coming from one partner country
should not have a significant impact on the market
access of a country. However, as a robustness check
allowing to solve the problem of potential
endogeneity of the market access and the
infrastructure variables, we also run all our
regressions by replacing the variables with their
lagged variables (first lag). Finally, we tackle the
problem of omitted variables bias by considering
several control variables, while our MA and SA
variables also take into account origin and destination
country fixed effects. Time fixed effects are also
included in all our regressions to control especially
for the 2008-2009 global crisis. We follow Head and
Mayer (2014) and use the three suggested estimators
for comparison and robustness checks.
4.1 Direct Effects
Table 2 reports results for the estimation of (3), using
OLS, PPML and GPML. The results for the
estimation of (4) are available on request. Our results
remain rather robust regardless of the method used,
with the remark that all estimators perform globally
better with the market access than the supplier access.
PPML and GPML estimates are highly similar,
suggesting that indeed heteroskedasticity is a problem
and OLS estimates are unreliable. Transportation
infrastructure variables perform very differently, with
the bilateral maritime index having a very strong
positive impact on OFDIs, whereas the rail
transportation impact is mostly non-significant. The
impact of the bilateral LSCI is very strong and very
significant as compared to most other variables,
confirming the previous non-parametric results and
especially in estimations taking into account the
supplier access. Consequently, multinational
companies seek foreign locations with high market
potential and goods access to suppliers, as well as
good connections to the home market: foreign
locations are more attractive if they allow exporting
back to the home market relatively cheaper and at the
same time supplying more easily foreign affiliates
Transportation Infrastructure and Market and Supplier Access: How Do They Shape Foreign Direct Investment?
Table 2: Transportation infrastructure, market access and FDI.
Dependent variable OFDI
0.998*** 1.243*** 0.946***
(-0.113) (-0.14) (-0.11)
0.485** 1.336*** 0.520**
(-0.199) (-0.237) (-0.202)
2.321*** 1.815*** 1.822***
(-0.273) (-0.274) (-0.238)
-0.036 -0.269*** -0.016
(-0.068) (-0.068) (-0.072)
0.445*** -0.063 0.244***
(-0.068) (-0.091) (-0.062)
-0.057 0.186 0.123
(-0.101) (-0.122) (-0.098)
1.949*** 1.544*** 1.678***
(-0.236) (-0.239) (-0.196)
Constant -0.315 7.474*** 3.830***
(-1.368) (-1.563) (-1.052)
Time fixed effects yes yes yes
Obs 1,355 1,458 1,458
Robust standard errors in parentheses
*** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1
with home inputs. Corruption also stands out as a
powerful FDI determinant, with multinationals being
attracted to foreign location with low corruption
levels, as already highlighted in the literature (Candau
& Dienesch 2017; Vechiu 2018).
We are however concerned with the possible
endogeneity of some variables especially the
market/supplier access and the bilateral LSCI,
therefore we replicate the estimations by replacing all
independent variables with their first lag. Results do
not change significantly and are available on request.
4.2 Indirect Effects
As emphasized by Martin and Rogers (1995), the
impact of transportation infrastructure on FDIs might
depend on countries’ level of richness. Consequently,
we re-run all our regressions by integrating
interaction terms between transportation
infrastructure variables and the market/supplier
access (we add LnLSCI
× LnMA
.and LnRAIL
in (3) and then, LnLSCI
× LnSA
and LnRAIL
× LnSA
in (4)). We take the market/supplier access
as a proxy for countries’ level of richness, given that
they are highly correlated (Redding & Venables,
2004; Mayer, 2009). Results for the regressions
taking into account the market and the supplier access
are available on request. Following the same
reasoning as in sub-section 4.1, estimations have been
run replacing all covariates with their first lag. Results
are also available on request.
Estimations allow highlighting some interesting
findings, namely regarding rail transportation
infrastructure, which becomes highly significant both
independently and via the interaction term.
Interpreting railroads in host countries as a
detrimental factor for outward FDIs is rather
counterintuitive, but however, the interaction term
does support Martin and Rogers’ (1995) view. While
estimation results allow reading the statistical
significance of the estimated coefficients, they are
less straightforward to interpret. Consequently,
Figure 3 presents the predictive margins for high and
low MA/SA in host countries. More precisely, in rich
host countries (high MA/SA), improving a poor rail
infrastructure has a negative impact on FDIs getting
in the country. Then, as the rail infrastructure
improves, its impact becomes null. On the other hand,
in poor countries (low MA/SA), rail infrastructure has
a positive impact on FDIs getting in the country. The
impact is very small for poor rail infrastructure, but it
becomes higher and higher, as rail infrastructure
improves. Accordingly, improving local
infrastructure in poor countries is a way to attract
FEMIB 2023 - 5th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business
(a) (b)
Figure 3: The impact of rail infrastructure on bilateral OFDIs, as a function of destination countries’: (a) MA; (b) SA.
FDIs, as suggested by Martin and Rogers (1995).
However, regarding their conclusion that improving
international infrastructure might lead to capital
leaving poor countries, we find limited proof:
maritime transportation might have a positive impact
on FDIs getting in countries with low SA, but a
negative one in countries with high SA. Thus,
improving access to foreign suppliers becomes a
substitute for the low SA, consequently reassuring
and attracting foreign investors.
The importance of transportation infrastructure and
transportation services for economic development
has already been highlighted in theoretical as well as
empirical research. Transportation supports mobility,
thus contributing to economic growth and shaping
location decisions of consumers as well as
companies. However, if and how it impacts FDI
decisions has been less analysed.
This paper fills this gap by showing how different
types of transportation infrastructure affect FDI
decisions. Based on the conclusions of NEG models,
we have shown that transportation infrastructure has
different impacts on FDI depending on its
international versus domestic reach as well as on
countries’ economic development. If maritime
infrastructure is shown to have a strong significant
impact regardless of countries’ economic
development, rail transportation seems to be more
beneficial to poor countries than to rich ones.
Consequently, especially on developing and
poorer countries, public policies regarding
transportation should focus on infrastructure
designed to improve access and mobility first of all
on a national and local level and then, more
sophisticated infrastructure that allows a better
connection with global markets.
Finally, this work opens up perspectives for future
research, in order to better understand the linkages
between transportation infrastructure, FDI and
market/supplier access. More recent and more
detailed data (sectorial FDI, other types of
transportation infrastructure) would help define more
precise policy recommendations.
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Albania, Algeria, Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina,
Australia, Bahrein, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belgium, Belize, Benin,
Bermudas, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Cabo Verde, Cambodia,
Canada, Chili, China, Colombia, Comores, Costa Rica, Côte
FEMIB 2023 - 5th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business
d'Ivoire, Croatia, Cyprus, Democratic Republic of the Congo,
Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador,
Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Estonia, Fidji, Finland, France, French
Polynesia, Gabon, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Guatemala,
Guinea, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia,
Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Island, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan,
Kenya, Kuwait, Latvia, Lebanon, Liberia, Lithuania, Madagascar,
Malaysia, Malta, Marshall Islands, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexico,
Moldova, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia,
Netherlands, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Nigeria,
Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Peru,
Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Republic of the Congo,
Romania, Russia, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Samoa, Saudi Arabia,
Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Slovenia, Solomon
Islands, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, Suriname,
Sweden, Syria, Tanzania, Thailand, Togo, Trinidad and Tobago,
Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom,
Unites States, Uruguay, Vanuatu, Venezuela, Vietnam, Yemen
Transportation Infrastructure and Market and Supplier Access: How Do They Shape Foreign Direct Investment?