Rethinking Certification for Higher Trust and Ethical Safeguarding
of Autonomous Systems
Dasa Kusnirakova
and Barbora Buhnova
Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
Autonomous Systems, Trust, Certification, Regulation, Ethics.
With the increasing complexity of software permeating critical domains such as autonomous driving, new
challenges are emerging in the ways the engineering of these systems needs to be rethought. Autonomous
driving is expected to continue gradually overtaking all critical driving functions, which is adding to the
complexity of the certification of autonomous driving systems. As a response, certification authorities have
already started introducing strategies for the certification of autonomous vehicles and their software. But
even with these new approaches, the certification procedures are not fully catching up with the dynamism and
unpredictability of future autonomous systems, and thus may not necessarily guarantee compliance with all
requirements imposed on these systems. In this paper, we identified a number of issues with the proposed
certification strategies, which may impact the systems substantially. For instance, we emphasize the lack of
adequate reflection on software changes occurring in constantly changing systems, or low support for systems’
cooperation needed for the management of coordinated moves. Other shortcomings concern the narrow focus
of the awarded certification by neglecting aspects such as the ethical behaviour of autonomous software sys-
tems. The contribution of this paper is threefold. First, we discuss the motivation for the need to modify the
current certification processes for autonomous driving systems. Second, we analyze current international stan-
dards used in the certification processes towards requirements derived from the requirements laid on dynamic
software ecosystems and autonomous systems themselves. Third, we outline a concept for incorporating the
missing parts into the certification procedure.
According to the most recent estimates, the major-
ity of human driving will be replaced by autonomous
vehicle (AV) technology by the year 2050 (Litman,
2022). Besides the expected benefits of increased
road safety, significant cost savings and reduced en-
ergy consumption and pollution (Dia et al., 2020), the
introduction of self-driving vehicles into public places
creates new challenges for safeguarding the mobility
ecosystem as a whole in order to ensure vehicles’ safe
operation. Therefore, alongside the quickly emerg-
ing autonomous software advancements, it is critical
to develop regulatory frameworks that would be de-
signed to adapt to the technological changes, so that
the safety risks are minimized.
Regulations inevitably have to evolve to keep up
with technological progress, more so in the face of the
increasing software intensity of autonomous-driving
systems. This has already occurred in the history
of vehicle certification methods. Initially, when ve-
hicles were made only from mechanical components
(brakes, tyres), the driving function and all decision-
making was in hands of the driver. In this case, clas-
sic certification approaches were sufficient. However,
following the introduction of ABS
and other systems
with a greater level of complexity, it became clear
that the classical approach was insufficient in assess-
ing all safety-relevant aspects because of the exten-
sive number of potential testing scenarios. As a con-
sequence, process- and functional-oriented safety au-
dits were introduced, one of which is the Annex 6 of
the UN Regulation no.79 (Publications Office of the
European Union, 2018).
Future road vehicles are expected to gradually
overtake more critical driving functions, until man-
ual driving might be fully replaced. This will shift
Anti-lock Braking System; a safety system used on
land vehicles activated in case of a skid in order to allow
the driver to maintain more control over the vehicle.
Kusnirakova, D. and Buhnova, B.
Rethinking Certification for Higher Trust and Ethical Safeguarding of Autonomous Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0011971500003464
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2023), pages 158-169
ISBN: 978-989-758-647-7; ISSN: 2184-4895
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
the focus and the responsibility from the driver to-
wards the system installed in the AV. With that, the
importance and complexity of the electronic control
systems utilized in vehicles will continue to increase.
This will also significantly increase the number of
possible scenario variations. However, the testing
phase performed in the same way as for conventional
vehicles, that is, verifying the system based on a pre-
defined set of tests, will be able to thoroughly ex-
amine only a limited subset of all safety areas and
scenarios (Kalra and Paddock, 2016). Besides that,
autonomous systems, i.e. ”systems changing their
behaviour in response to unanticipated events dur-
ing operation” (Watson and Scheidt, 2005), among
which AVs clearly belong, rely on automatic software
updates at runtime in order to adjust to specific envi-
ronment or context changes (Capilla et al., 2022), or
to improve AI components of an AV in general (Bal-
dini, 2020). Again, the traditional certification pro-
cedures are not designed to promptly deal with this
situation. They do not assume any, or at most a lim-
ited number of changes in already certified systems.
But just like software engineering does not end with
the deployment of the system, future AVs will require
novel technological as well as legal approaches for
their thorough quality control even during runtime in
order to ensure public road safety.
The challenges of the AV certification go even be-
yond the safety of autonomous ecosystems. Stud-
ies have shown that trust plays an essential role in
the adoption of automated systems (Cioroaica et al.,
2019), from both the societal (people are willing to
accept and use the systems) as well as technological
(interactions between communicating systems during
runtime are trustworthy) point of view (Sagar et al.,
2022). However, continual technological progress of
AV exceeding the boundaries of previously defined
safety requirements hinders trust formation in these
systems (Cioroaica et al., 2020), and certification,
generally perceived as a trust-building mechanism, is
failing to provide sufficient legal guarantees in its cur-
rent state. It is, therefore, necessary to adapt the cer-
tification methods to the envisioned technological ad-
vancements and facilitate the adoption process of AV
into society.
In this paper, we first explore the necessity to
improve the present certification methods for au-
tonomous driving systems, and second, we evalu-
ate recently published standards against the identified
requirements for future autonomous systems. Tak-
ing into consideration the expertise from social com-
puting as well as the characteristics of dynamic au-
tonomous ecosystems in which such systems oper-
ate, we outline a concept for incorporating the miss-
ing parts into the certification procedure. To this end,
we formulate the requirements for the future certifi-
cation procedures of autonomous systems, select rel-
evant standards and evaluate them against the defined
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 presents related work in the field of certification
of autonomous driving systems. Section 3 lists the
characteristics and specifies the certification context
for autonomous systems, based on which we define
the requirements for standards used for the certifica-
tion of future autonomous systems. In Section 4, we
describe the research methodology and select certi-
fication standards for evaluation. Section 5 presents
the evaluation results. In Section 6, we outline the
suggestions for improvements, needed for the stan-
dards to reflect the specifics of future autonomous
The question of the suitability of the current vehicle
certification processes for the future has already been
to some extent discussed in the literature. However,
to the best of our knowledge, no paper has yet high-
lighted the importance of balancing both trust and
ethics in the process of certifying autonomous sys-
Bonnin (2018) has pointed out that certification
changes are needed. But their criticism of the stan-
dards was mainly directed towards the insufficient re-
flection of the technological advancement in the con-
nected software development processes. The article
does not cover specific characteristics of autonomous
vehicles and the ecosystems in which they operate.
Other criticisms of certification procedures were de-
tected, too. In (Burzio et al., 2018), which asks for
modifications from the standpoint of cyber-security.
But the most often addressed certification problems
are those related to the safety of AVs, as presented in
(Zhao et al., 2022) or (Cummings, 2019). The last
mentioned paper specifically criticizes possibly lower
vehicle safety unless software upgrades are taken into
account in the certification process.
Naturally, the identified shortcomings and criti-
cism of the currently used certification procedures
sparked the development of suggestions for improve-
ments. In (International Organization of Motor Ve-
hicle Manufacturers (OICA), 2019), GRVA
Working Party preparing draft regulations, guidance
documents and interpretation documents for adoption by
the parent body
Rethinking Certification for Higher Trust and Ethical Safeguarding of Autonomous Systems
working under United Nations Economic Commis-
sion for Europe (UNECE) in collaboration with ex-
perts of the International Organization of Motor Ve-
hicle Manufacturers (OICA) presented a new way of
validating autonomous vehicles for the purpose of
certification based on a multi-pillar approach consist-
ing of a scenario catalog. Bakirtzis et al. (2022) pro-
posed dynamic certification built on modelling and
testing, which are constantly intertwined during the
system’s life cycle. Besides that, a verifiably-correct
dynamic self-certification framework for autonomous
systems is discussed in (Fisher et al., 2018), while Dia
et al. (2021) introduced the concept of a certification
framework for autonomous driving systems based on
the Turing test. Digital certificates are proposed to be
used in combination with trust and reputation policies
for ensuring safety and detection of hijacking vehi-
cles in (Garc
no et al., 2019). All of the at-
tempts partially cover the shortcomings of static certi-
fication, however, the debate regarding certification is
grounded solely in the context of safety and security
and lacks to consider other aspects, such as ethics and
trust of AVs.
Even though trust and ethics are in general fre-
quently debated issues in the context of self-driving
cars, the literature presents these concepts more
in connection with privacy preservation (Lai et al.,
2021), or general calls for adjusting the software de-
velopment standards and best practices (Kwan et al.,
2021a; Myklebust et al., 2020) for building soft-
ware with social responsibility. Considering trust and
ethics directly within the certification process itself
does not seem to be covered yet. To this end, if we are
to trust the systems that make important decisions for
us not only in the area of safety, but also in ethics, we
must ensure that these aspects are also considered at
the stage of vehicle certification providing legal guar-
Responsible system certification can be hardly
achieved when performed both in isolation from the
environment in which the system operates, and with-
out taking into account the characteristics of the sys-
tem under consideration. AVs are considered cyber-
physical systems (CPSs), i.e. ”smart networked sys-
tems with embedded sensors, processors and actua-
tors that are designed to sense and interact with the
physical world” (Greer et al., 2019). Therefore, the
characteristics of CPSs can aid with the identification
of the characteristics of AVs needed for thorough cer-
The aim of this section is to cover the key char-
acteristics of autonomous CPSs as well as the whole
surrounding ecosystems, and specify the certifica-
tion context based on which we then define the re-
quirements for certification standards for future au-
tonomous systems.
3.1 Autonomous Cyber-Physical
The characteristics of autonomous systems need to be
considered when determining requirements for certi-
fication frameworks for driving systems. Weyns et al.
(2021) defines key principles for future CPS engineer-
ing principles, from which the characteristics of fu-
ture autonomous systems can be derived. The follow-
ing principles are listed: (1) crossing boundaries re-
lated to close contact between social-, physical-, and
cyber-spaces; (2) leveraging the humans and their in-
tegration in the design and operation processes in-
stead of treating them only as users of a system;
(3) on-the-fly coalitions as a way of addressing com-
plex problems through forming multi-agent systems;
(4) dynamically assured resilience to withstand uncer-
tainty, context changes or any other disruptions and
continue in service provision; (5) learn novel tasks,
that is, utilizing knowledge from the past effectively
to deal with novel situations.
3.2 Dynamic Software Ecosystems
Besides that, the ecosystem in which the autonomous
system operates must also be considered. The ecosys-
tem identifies its surroundings and entities communi-
cating with the system, specifies the relationships be-
tween them as well as determines the system context,
that is, the system’s main meaning and ways of use.
Capilla et al. (2022) defined ecosystems formed
by software autonomous systems as ecosystems sup-
porting dynamic, smart, and autonomous features
which are required by modern software systems. In
particular, the following features need to be taken
into consideration when designing certification suit-
able for autonomous systems: (1) automation un-
derstood as automated self-adaptation of the ecosys-
tem on context changes during runtime; (2) autonomy
meaning there is no longer any human monitoring of
the systems inside the ecosystem; (3) dynamic goal
evaluation as intelligent adaptation to dynamic needs
with the intention to achieve the proposed and explic-
itly defined goals; (4) automated trust management as
ENASE 2023 - 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Figure 1: Key certification standards’ aspects on future autonomous systems.
a crucial concept driving decision-making
; and (5)
architecture implications as the ecosystem’s dynamic
nature, driven by the constant (dis-)connecting nodes,
impacts the architecture of the ecosystem.
3.3 Ethical Aspects
In case of human-operated vehicles, the drivers them-
selves are responsible for applying the basic rules of
safety and morality when driving. However, integrat-
ing autonomous systems into ecosystems shared with
humans shifts the ethical aspects of driving on the sys-
tem. And when humans are not in charge anymore,
the system must bear a certain moral obligation in-
Examples of such circumstances include the well-
known trolley problem (Nyholm and Smids, 2016), in
which a collision is irreversible and any action that is
made results in a tragedy. Other examples where ethi-
cal aspects are applied concern an exhibition of altru-
istic behaviour (e.g., informing other road members
about a danger they cannot yet see, such as a person
crossing the street on the red light), or a demonstra-
tion of solidarity with surrounding entities (e.g., trans-
parency in terms of notifying other drivers of one’s
change in speed or direction before doing so, in order
to maintain smooth traffic and avoid dangerous situa-
Thus besides the primary requirements on au-
tonomous systems, which is assuring safety and se-
curity (Ors and Carlson, 2019), ethical considerations
might govern the gray space where it becomes clear
that some level of harm might happen anyway, or an
action can be done to help the overall ecosystem, al-
though such action is not required by law.
The idea of implementation of ethical principles
the overarching ecosystem goal derives from the
achievement of tactical goals on lower levels and collab-
oration, which is needed to fulfill the main goal, relies on
trust guarantees in such dynamic and hard-to-predict envi-
in autonomous driving elaborates even further on one
of the requirements for a CPS, in particular leverag-
ing the humans. When ethical standards are applied,
people are no longer seen as just users but as equal
members of the ecosystem with individual needs and
The research generally agrees on the fact that ap-
plying ethical norms is crucial for trust formation in
autonomous systems (Kwan et al., 2021b; Wang et al.,
2022; Gerdes, 2020). In human society, ethical di-
versity is observed, which necessitates the possibility
to adjust the moral setting of a system according to
one’s individual preferences within a personal ethi-
cal framework. However, a personal ethical frame-
work with no regulation is insufficient as it would
lead to numerous ethical dilemmas. A preferred ethi-
cal model should therefore reflect public rational eth-
ical inclinations while at the same time provide users
with limited freedom to adjust the particular ethical
setting according to their personal preferences (Wang
et al., 2022). The contribution to the discussion re-
garding the form and way of the implementation of
specific ethical principles in autonomous systems is
out of the scope of this paper, though. Instead, as this
paper deals with the readiness of current certification
standards for autonomous vehicles, we focus on the
examination of whether individual standards take into
account ethical issues regarding the driving task.
To identify the gaps within the certification proce-
dures of autonomous systems, the requirements on
these systems need to be defined and a set of stan-
dards for evaluation needs to be established. We de-
rive the requirements based on the characteristics of
autonomous systems as well as based on the char-
acteristics in which such systems operate. We draw
the knowledge from literature devoted to the study
of autonomous systems in dynamic software ecosys-
Rethinking Certification for Higher Trust and Ethical Safeguarding of Autonomous Systems
tems. As for the standards selection, we have selected
standards published or re-confirmed within the last
seven years (2016-2022) in various fields of the au-
tomotive domain from international organizations for
standardization and evaluated their readiness for fully
autonomous driving. The steps are more thoroughly
described below.
4.1 Requirements Selection
The characteristics of the dynamic software ecosys-
tems, in which autonomous systems operate, as well
as the systems themselves, presented in Section 3,
lead to the need for the shift from staticity towards
a more dynamic approach. By staticity, we mean the
certification standards that shall no longer be static in
terms of:
1. time, that a vehicle is granted a certificate based
on its status at a single time point, typically at the
moment of production,
2. context, that the certificate is granted based on
pre-defined and finite set of tests,
3. collaboration, that the standard neither supports
dynamic creation of coalitions nor considers com-
munication with other entities in the environment,
4. static tools used within the certification process,
such as documentation examination, model report
assessment or visual inspection.
As we believe future certification standards should
be revised to reflect the ecosystems’ dynamicity, we
suggest the shift the aforementioned static character-
istics into their dynamic version, towards which we
evaluate the selected standards to check their readi-
ness for autonomous systems. We refer specifically to
the dynamicity in the following aspects:
1. time, that the standard is able to deal with dynamic
system changes, e.g. caused by a software update,
2. context, that the standard suggests using tools to
thoroughly verify the systems’ functionality in
dynamic context, such as unforseen and upre-
dictable situations,
3. collaboration, that the standard supports dynamic
creation of multi-agent systems to enable opti-
mization and solving of complex problems more
efficiently, e.g. through on-the-fly coalitions,
4. tools, to check whether the tools used to verify
the systems’ compliance with the standard are dy-
For the analysis of the selected standards, in addi-
tion to the dynamic characteristics, we also consider
5. ethics, meaning whether ethical issues are explic-
itly discussed or taken into account within the
cases addressed in the particular standard under
The selected key certification standards aspects on
future autonomous systems are visualized in Figure 1.
4.2 Standards Selection
The documents for evaluation were chosen in the fol-
lowing manner. First, we seached for standards is-
sued or re-confirmed in the last seven years (2016-
2022) by international organizations for standardiza-
tion (ASAM, ISO, ITU, SAE, UNECE). We focused
on standards published for light-duty vehicles (pas-
senger cars) in the domain of on-road automated driv-
ing, regarding software requirements specification,
software updates, testing, validation and verification,
or guidance for automated driving in general.
From this search, we identified 27 relevant docu-
ments. However, not all of the selected items could
be analyzed. In addition to documents publicly un-
available at the time of writing of this paper (e.g.
ISO/AWI TS 5083 being under development), we also
omitted documents defining only the taxonomy and
terminology, exchange format or language specifica-
tions (ASAM standards), and documents not directly
related to automated driving systems (e.g. audit and
other control activities guidelines, such as in ISO/PAS
5112). The final list of standards selected for evalua-
tion is in Table 1.
After the selection of relevant documents, we per-
formed an evaluation of the standards’ suitability for
fully autonomous driving against the requirements
defined in Section 4.2. Most of the selected stan-
dards are concerned with safety, which is understood
in terms of a) functional and system specification,
b) identification of triggering events, c) reduction of
safety risk, and d) validation and verification of the
system’s functionality (see Figure 2).
The evaluation results are presented in Table 2,
the standards are sorted according to their identifier in
alphabetical order. The evaluation results in each of
the reviewed aspects are discussed in a more detailed
manner in the following paragraphs, with providing
the evaluation summary at the end of this section.
ENASE 2023 - 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Figure 2: Elements of safety of the intended functionality defined by the standard ISO 21448 (Heicon Global Engineering
GmbH, 2020).
5.1 Time Dynamicity
Only seven of the reviewed documents show readi-
ness for the dynamicity in the time context. That is,
these standards include measures for the case when
there are additional updates of an already certified
system, and do not require re-execution of the whole
certification process conducted by an authority. Typ-
ically, these standards provide guidelines for creating
the necessary documentation of changes, performing
thorough testing, and arranging on-road monitoring
for verifying that the update has not disrupted the in-
tended functionality of the vehicle (UL 4600).
The rest of the standards do not provide any infor-
mation regarding software updates (e.g. ISO 15037,
ISO 22735). This makes it unclear how to proceed in
case changes in the software are needed, such as en-
suring recognition of a new type of traffic sign, and
whether the awarded certificate becomes invalid after
an update in the already certified software.
5.2 Context Dynamicity
Unlike all other categories, dynamicity within the
context category seem to be relatively well addressed.
In terms of system verification, most of the standards
require performing simulation tests with unforseen
and upredictable situations to thoroughly verify the
systems’ safety or security in the development phase
of an autonomous vehicle system. Some standards,
such as ISO 21448, provide detailed guidance on ver-
ifying the system’s performance in unknown scenar-
ios. Public road testing is also widely used in the
reviewed documents as a testing method in the final
stages of the development process. However, tech-
niques and requirements for public road-testing rules
differ over countries, and a global regulatory frame-
work for public road AV testing is yet to be devel-
oped (Abu Bakar et al., 2022).
Standards not supporting context dynamicity,
which are missing a check mark in the table, usu-
ally rely on the verification of systems’ functionality
based only on predefined set of tests (ISO 11270, SAE
J3018), or the information about testing tools is miss-
ing due to the standard’s focus area (ISO/TS 5255).
5.3 Collaboration Dynamicity
As for the collaboration dynamicity, standards
ISO/DIS 26262 and ISO 21448 provide a compre-
hensive specification and design of communication
between vehicle and other entities within the sur-
rounding ecosysystem. Besides that, ISO/SAE 21434
incorporates distributed cybersecurity activities, as-
signing cybersecurity responsibilities between mul-
tiple parties. Because these three standards explic-
Rethinking Certification for Higher Trust and Ethical Safeguarding of Autonomous Systems
Table 1: List of standards selected for evaluation.
No. Standard ID Name Field
1 ISO 11270
Intelligent transport systems -
Lane keeping assistance systems (LKAS) —
Performance requirements and test procedures
2 ISO 15037 series
Road vehicles — Vehicle dynamics test methods
3 ISO 21448
Road vehicles — Safety of the intended functionality
4 ISO 22735
Road vehicles — Test method to evaluate
the performance of lane-keeping assistance systems
5 ISO 22737
Intelligent transport systems —
Low-speed automated driving (LSAD) systems for
predefined routes — Performance requirements,
system requirements and performance test procedures
6 ISO/DIS 26262 series
Road vehicles — Functional safety
7 ISO/SAE 21434
Road vehicles — Cybersecurity engineering
8 ISO/TR 21959 series
Road vehicles — Human performance and state
in the context of automated driving
Human factor
9 ISO/TR 4804
Road vehicles — Safety and cybersecurity for
automated driving systems —
Design, verification and validation
10 ISO/TS 5255 series
Intelligent transport systems —
Low-speed automated driving system (LSADS) service
11 SAE J2945
On-Board System Requirements for
V2V Safety Communications
12 SAE J3048
Driver-Vehicle Interface Considerations
for Lane Keeping Assistance Systems
13 SAE J3061
Cybersecurity Guidebook for
Cyber-Physical Vehicle Systems
14 UL 4600
Standard for Safety for the
Evaluation of Autonomous Products
Table 2: Evaluation of certification standards. The numbers of standards match with the list of standards defined in Table 1.
No. Time dynamicity Context dynamicity Collaboration dynamicity Tools dynamicity Ethics
1 - - - X -
2 - X - - -
3 X X X X X
4 - X - - -
5 - X - - -
6 X X X X -
7 X X X X -
8 - X - - X
9 X X
unclear collaboration
form and purpose
10 - -
unclear collaboration
form and purpose
- -
11 X -
unclear collaboration
form and purpose
12 - -
unclear collaboration
form and purpose
- -
13 X X - X -
14 X X
unclear collaboration
form and purpose
itly address the possibility of collaboration of multi-
ple agents within the ecosystem, they were marked as
fully supportive towards dynamic collaboration.
However, even though the dynamic creation of
coalitions is covered by these documents, we still see
an opportunity for improvement. We notice that none
of the reviewed standards considers any form of trust
management when collaborating with other entities.
Since the entities might have malicious intentions,
naively trusting any entity willing to collaborate poses
a serious security risk to the operation of the entire
ENASE 2023 - 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
In the UL 4600, ISO/TR 4804, ISO/TS 5255, SAE
J2945 and SAE J3048 standards, terms like ”depen-
dencies between items”, ”vehicle to vehicle commu-
nication”, or ”arrays of systems implementing other
vehicle level functions” have been found. Thus, the
possibility of vehicle communication with other enti-
ties within their surrounding environment is at least
partially addressed. However, it is unclear (1) how
and in which directions the communication is carried,
and (2) whether joint strategy creation is possible. Be-
cause of that, these standards were marked as provid-
ing only a partial support. All other standards do not
seem to directly support collaboration dynamicity at
all, or just to a negligible extent.
5.4 Tools Dynamicity
More than a half of the evaluated documents enable
using of dynamic tools for checking the system’s
compliance with a given standard. Such a check of
compliance typically includes on-site testing or exe-
cution of further system’s verification and validation
measures. Even in the cases where dynamic tools are
present, a large part of the compliance checks is still
performed by static tools, such as manual inspection
of documentation, processes and procedures. Stan-
dards which are not identified as supportive towards
the use of dynamic tools in the assessment table em-
ploy only static tools for compliance checks.
5.5 Ethics
The series of ISO/TR 21959 standards is devoted to
ethics in a large extent. Except for the ethical consid-
erations, the standards also present the best practices
in the field of societal trust formation. In particular,
they establish guidelines for a better acceptance of au-
tonomous vehicles based on the analysis of various
human factors having an impact on perception and
trust formation towards autonomous systems within
the automotive domain.
But ethical considerations do not appear to be gen-
erally taken into account by the assessed standards,
though. Four standards in the Safety& Assurance
area refer to the need of absence of unreasonable risk,
which is defined as a risk that is ”unacceptable in a
certain context according to valid societal moral con-
cepts” (ISO 21448:2022, en). Other moral aspects do
not seem to be addressed, and we find the absence of
consideration of moral aspects particularly problem-
atic. We are convinced that autonomous systems such
as autonomous vehicles, which have direct responsi-
bility for human lives, bear moral obligation.
The ethics of AI systems in general is a topic that
is currently frequently debated, and the authorities
are working on complex market regulation strategies.
The activities of the European Commission may serve
as an illustration. Starting with the publication ”Pol-
icy and Investment Recommendations for Trustworthy
Artificial Intelligence” (High-Level Expert Group on
Artificial Intelligence (AI HLEG), 2019), the Euro-
pean Commission laid the foundations of AI regula-
tion in the European Union, covering the fundamen-
tal questions on the border of law and ethics. Since
then, multiple documents discussing ethics have been
published, but many concerns and questions are still
Since ethics is a complex issue, it is possible that
the authors of standards in the field of autonomous
driving are awaiting the central regulatory bodies’ fur-
ther recommendations and will adjust the documents
once the direction in which the regulation will evolve
is clear. In any case, autonomous systems cannot be
developed without ensuring human and societal needs
are taken into consideration during the systems’ op-
eration. We are convinced that even on a technical
level, it is necessary to establish mechanisms which
can control the observance of ethical principles, and
which can be followed up after further guidelines are
published by the central authorities.
5.6 Evaluation Summary
To sum up, the evaluation results are diverse. While
some of the standards show clear insufficient pre-
paredness to reflect the dynamicity of future au-
tonomous systems and ecosystems in which they
operate (e.g. ISO 22735, ISO 22737, or SAE
J3018), other standards show signs of readiness for
autonomous driving after meeting all (ISO 21448) or
a vast majority (ISO/TR 4804, UL 4600) of the speci-
fied requirements. Yet, there is room for improvement
even in this case.
Namely, in all the analyzed standards, we iden-
tified the absence of considering the creation of dy-
namic coalitions as well as the absence of trust man-
agement in standards with support towards coalition
dynamicity as one of the most urgent deficiencies
from the evaluated aspects. Besides that, we undoubt-
edly see shortcomings in the field of ethics, too. We
observe that most of the standards are narrowly fo-
cused, usually towards safety, while neglecting ethi-
cal aspects, which are often directly related.
Rethinking Certification for Higher Trust and Ethical Safeguarding of Autonomous Systems
Given the presented evaluation and a relatively long
process of preparation and approval of standards,
which typically takes three years from the initial pro-
posal to its final publication according to ISO
, it is
not surprising that standards do not fully reflect the
advancement in dynamic autonomous systems. Sev-
eral shortcomings in the field of ethics were identified,
too. Yet, there are mechanisms that could help the
standards better support the dynamicity of the soft-
ware ecosystems and the future autonomous cyber-
physical systems, while reflecting the moral setting
of the society as well.
In this section, we outline ve suggested direc-
tions that could lead to a better fit of the standards
with the requirements of future dynamic autonomous
systems and ecosystems, including an advanced as-
surance of ethical awareness.
6.1 Real-Time Validation of a
Certificate and Its Properties
Traditional certificates, whose purpose is to provide
certain guarantees about the quality of the certified
system, are granted at a specific point in time, usu-
ally at the time of production of the certified system.
However, in a dynamic and ever-changing environ-
ment, such a certificate may not keep its validity over
time; instead, its validity may change depending on
the context or deteriorate over time.
The certification schemes for dynamic au-
tonomous systems shall account for some form of
identification or quantification of the certificate dete-
rioration, in order to address the issue of time dynam-
icity. In other words, in a dynamic environment, it is
necessary to constantly re-check the certificate’s va-
lidity and decide to what extent the certificate and its
guarantees can be trusted.
For better illustration of the need for the imple-
mentation of real-time certificate validation, consider
a scenario where an AV has a valid certificate (valid
in the traditional meaning of the certification concept)
but its behavior is suspicious, raising the possibility
that the vehicle has malicious intentions. Other ve-
hicles will be able to react to such a situation more
effectively if there are mechanisms for evaluating sus-
picious manners that deviate from the expected, typi-
cal behavior. In this case, the real-time validity check
would show that the vehicle was not certified to han-
dle this specific situation, or that the certificate is out-
dated because vehicle’s software has not been updated
on a version fixing critical bugs that allow attackers to
hack the vehicle.
6.2 Certificate Combined with Vehicle’s
The examination of certification standards revealed
certain flaws, which might lead to a false sense of se-
curity. As discussed above, there may be situations
in which the vehicle is certified, yet its safe operation
is impaired (e.g. after a faulty software update that is
not detected by static tools used to check the system’s
compliance with a standard). A possible solution to
this issue could be linking the certificate to the vehi-
cle’s reputation.
In dynamic ecosystems, deciding who to trust be-
comes a challenging task. As studied in the disci-
plines of trust, reputation is used as one of the tools
for trust-building. Reputation can be defined as the
overall quality of an entity derived from the judge-
ments by other entities in the underlying network,
which is globally visible to all members of the network
(Jøsang, 2007), and when such information is propa-
gated through the network of connected entities, it can
have a substantial effect on decision-making. Besides
that, by providing information allowing distinction
between trustworthy and untrustworthy nodes, repu-
tation can also help in dealing with observable misbe-
havior (Srinivasan et al., 2008) and minimizing dam-
age in case of an insider attack (Li and Song, 2016).
This concept may be particularly useful for ad-
dressing the time dynamicity problem within certi-
fication. Same as people gain reputation by having
their actions evaluated by their peers, an entity’s rep-
utation in a smart ecosystem is dependent on how it
behaves and interacts with others (Buhnova, 2023).
Moreover, a collection of experience during runtime
feeding updates of the score of trustworthiness could
also be used to promote or demote the certificate’s va-
Tying the certificate to the vehicle’s reputation
could help other entities respond to changes in a dy-
namic environment in an even more flexible man-
ner. Demonstrated on a hypothetical scenario, a ve-
hicle would be less trusted if its reputation reported
by other vehicles declined despite having a valid cer-
tificate, caused by other vehicles reporting its sudden
suspicious behavior (indicating a software bug or an
attack). In case of a serious reputation drop, the ve-
hicle’s certificate could be temporarily or completely
revoked to prevent further damage.
ENASE 2023 - 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
6.3 Extension of the Certificate’s Status
to a Scale
Another alternative, which is partly related to the link-
age of the certificate to the concept of reputation dis-
cussed above, is to redefine the concept of certifica-
tion in terms of the range of potential values it can ac-
quire. The traditional view on a certificate nowadays
treats it as a binary value (valid/invalid, or granted/not
granted certificate). Such a perception might be un-
necessarily restricting.
Instead, we suggest rethinking the concept and
considering it rather a scale to better represent the cur-
rent certification status of the system installed in the
vehicle or other autonomous system. Indeed, there are
multiple ways to interpret this newly proposed con-
cept. To mention some of the possible meanings, the
scale might represent e.g. the number of software up-
dates installed in the system, or the amount of time
elapsed since the last official verification of the sys-
tem’s compliance with a particular standard. The ex-
act interpretation of the certification scale is up for
further research and discussion.
6.4 Considering Certificate’s
Context-Dependant Validity
The implementation of trust management appears to
be necessary even in addressing the context and coali-
tion dynamism issue. During runtime, evaluating the
acceptable level of trust, or eventually the vulnerabil-
ity risks, is strongly context-dependent.
Consider two AVs initializing mutual communi-
cation in two scenarios. In scenario A, the AVs’ in-
tention is to exchange a batch of weather-related data
and then stop any further interaction. In scenario B,
the entities eshablish a connection with the purpose of
creating a vehicle platoon in order to reduce fuel con-
sumption due to lower air resistance. However, close
collaboration needed for vehicle platoon formation in
Scenario B raises more serious trust concerns about
the safety of riding in such close proximity compared
to the situation of exchanging data in Scenario A.
And even if a vehicle may be certified in correctly
handling interaction with other vehicles in some con-
texts, its behavior may not be verified or guaranteed in
the other contexts. Therefore, before engaging in any
interaction, it is the system’s responsibility to verify
whether the awarded certificate, as well as the other
party, can be trusted in the given context.
6.5 Certificates Combined with Ethical
Evaluating the safety of products or their environ-
mental footprint before they are allowed to enter the
market is nowadays a common practice. But the re-
view of current standards in this paper has shown
that ethical aspects are still not frequently considered.
Technology development has to be ethically super-
vised, though. Otherwise, intelligent systems devel-
oped with the intention to help can easily turn to harm
or disadvantage certain groups of people.
Our idea to address the certification gap regard-
ing the ethics of autonomous systems is to assess the
ethics of an autonomous system in the same way as
safety or environmental aspects. In particular, we sug-
gest combining certification with Ethical Digital Iden-
tities (EDI), a concept introduced by Cioroaica et al.
(2022). Derived from the concept of Digital Identities
(Windley, 2005), EDI serve as the basis for safeguard-
ing the evolution of intelligent safety-critical systems
in terms of ethics.
In this paper, we evaluated the readiness of current
certification standards for future autonomous driving
systems. We analyzed the characteristics of both au-
tonomous systems and the dynamic software ecosys-
tems in which they operate, from which we derived
a set of requirements, namely Time Dynamicity, Con-
text Dynamicity, Collaboration Dynamicity, Tools Dy-
namicity, and Ethics, which we then used to assess the
The results demonstrate that the present stan-
dards are not entirely ready for the expansion of au-
tonomous driving systems, and also assisted us in
identifying their primary shortcomings. One of the
most serious deficiencies is referring to the Collab-
oration Dynamicity aspect. We criticize mainly the
lack of support for the creation of dynamic coali-
tions among standards, as well as the complete ab-
sence of any kind of trust management strategies for
establishing communication with other entities. An-
other shortcoming concerns neglecting ethical aspects
in the standards’ focus.
In order to address the identified gaps, we out-
lined a concept for the improvement of certification
standards. We present five ideas for rethinking the
certification that we believe will help move the dis-
cussion towards a complete solution of the identified
problems, so that standardization for autonomous sys-
tems (not only those in the automotive domain) will
Rethinking Certification for Higher Trust and Ethical Safeguarding of Autonomous Systems
better fit the requirements of future dynamic systems
and ecosystems with ethical awareness, which can be
trusted. The presented ideas are subject for further
research and will be elaborated on in our future work.
This research was supported by ERDF ”Cy-
berSecurity, CyberCrime and Critical Informa-
tion Infrastructures Center of Excellence” (No.
CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16 019/0000822).
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