Easierphone: Participative Development of a Senior-Friendly
Smartphone Application
Sarah Speck
, Cora Pauli
, Cornelia Ursprung
, Robert Huber
Katja Antonia Rießenberger
and Sabina Misoch
Institute for Ageing Research, University of Applied Sciences of Eastern Switzerland, Rosenbergstrasse 59,
9001 St.Gallen, Switzerland
Pappy GmbH, Flüelastrasse 6, 8048 Zurich, Switzerland
Bavarian Research Center for Digital Health and Social Care, Kempten University of Applied Sciences,
Albert-Einstein-Straße 6, 87437 Kempten, Germany
Keywords: Ageing, AI, Digital Divide, Digitalization, Older Adults, Smartphone Use, Smartphone Application.
Abstract: Ageing and digitalization are two major developments of the 21st century. Particularly, smartphone ownership
increased to about over 80 % globally. Meanwhile, smartphones also gained great popularity among older
adults, nonetheless, many still show fear of contact. The multi-national project Easierphone aims at
empowering older adults and other vulnerable persons to effectively use smartphones. A senior-friendly app,
Easierphone, simplifies smartphones while replacing the common android interface with an easier-to-use one.
In addition, the Easierphone app enables two smartphones to be connected remotely to facilitate virtual
assistance. A participative design is applied to conduct tests with older adults in three different pilots, in three
different countries. Semi-structured interviews, try-out of the app, individual follow-up discussions and co-
creation workshops are conducted to collect data. The Easierphone app to date is received positively by
potential end-users. Many of the diverse functionalities of the app could be improved with feedback from test
participants. The development process is an iterative one, in between each pilot, to achieve best possible
adjustments to the app. The preliminary results indicate that fear of contact still prevails, nonetheless. The
simplified interface seems to provide a basis for older adults to use their smartphones with more confidence.
Growing numbers of older adults in society and the
parallel progress of digitalization represent two major
global developments of the 21st century. Today, the
proportion of older people is increasing fast and there
are already more people aged 60 years and older than
children younger than five (UNDESA, 2022). At the
same time, the smartphone ownership per person
increased globally to more than 83% in emerging
economies, and over 94% in advanced economies
(Pew Research Center, 2019). These two
developments are the frontrunners in Western
European countries. In the age group of 55-64 years,
an average of 60% of European Union citizens used
smartphones for private purposes. Among older
adults aged 65-74 years, usage was found to account
for about 40% (Eurostat, 2018).
In Switzerland, high use of information
communication technology (ICT) was found among
older adults (Seifert et al., 2021). A total of 69% of
older adults above 65 years are using smartphones,
and the majority of them regularly (Seifert et al.,
2020). However, far less older adults over 85 years
use smartphones regularly (25%). These numbers
highlight a so-called digital divide. It is a difference
Speck, S., Pauli, C., Ursprung, C., Huber, R., Rießenberger, K. and Misoch, S.
Easierphone: Participative Development of a Senior-Friendly Smartphone Application.
DOI: 10.5220/0011974400003476
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (ICT4AWE 2023), pages 199-207
ISBN: 978-989-758-645-3; ISSN: 2184-4984
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
in access and use of ICT among different age groups
(Francis et al., 2019). The gap exists even within the
different age groups of older adults, which once more
underlines how heterogenous this population group of
older adults is. The “grey digital divide” describes the
fact that older-old adults use ICT far less compared to
younger-old adults (Friemel, 2016; Neves & Vetere,
2019; Seifert et al., 2020).
The Covid-19 pandemic played an important role
in use of digital devices and acceleration of their
development, while at the same time showing the
importance of not leaving anyone behind. During this
time many groups were marginalized due to, e.g.,
isolation, lack of mobility, and limited social
network. Especially older adults were affected,
making them more vulnerable in our society (Seifert
& Charness, 2022). To approach this societal
challenge, older adults are being moved more into the
focus of digitalization. Additionally, the discourse
has shifted towards “what is possible” and is looking
at older adults’ digital competences rather than their
deficits. Reisdorf and Rhinesmith (2020) encourage
finding ways to alleviate the so-called digital divide
and the accompanying age-related inequalities. It
must be ensured that all citizens are included in this
progress of digitalization, particularly older adults.
Our EU research project titled Easierphone starts
precisely at this point and aims to facilitate access to
digital opportunities and the possibilities offered by
smartphones for older adults. The Easierphone app is
especially developed for a less tech-savvy target
group. The project aims to simplify smartphone usage
for mainly older adults but as well for other
vulnerable people. In doing so, the app intends to
replace the common android interface with an easier-
to-use one (e.g., bigger font, better overview,
contrast), that is uniquely adaptable to the end-user’s
respective abilities. In addition, the Easierphone app
enables two smartphones to be connected remotely to
facilitate virtual assistance in the use of smartphones
(tandem). Here, the older adult’s smartphone screen
gets mirrored on the assistant´s device screen. This
assistance can be provided by close family members,
trusted neighbours, or (in)formal caregivers. A
machine learning algorithm is currently under
development, aimed to detect changes in the older
adult´s smartphone usage to determine the well-being
of the older person by analysing smartphone usage
patterns and geolocation data.
ICTs such as smartphones play an important role as
older adults strive for an independent and self-
determined life in their own homes, while still
wanting to feel safe and socially connected (Hedtke-
Becker et al., 2012; Marek & Rantz, 2000; Pani-
Harreman et al., 2021). These ICTs were proven to
provide access to social resources and to enhance
seniors’ quality of life (Francis et al., 2019).
Generally, smartphones are becoming the primary
access point for social interactions, information, and
services in our society (Castells, 2011; Seifert &
Rössel, 2019). Hence, to sustain a self-determined life
nowadays, older adults are increasingly confronted
with the demands of digitalization (Seifert et al.,
2021), particularly smartphones. Being able to use
smartphone functionalities has the potential to
considerably lower older adults' vulnerability and
increase their social connectedness to family, peers,
and formal support networks (Fernández-Ardèvol et
al., 2019). However, many senior users are unable to
fully utilize modern smartphones due to their
complexity (Awan et al., 2021).
Possessing a smartphone does not necessarily
equate to actually using the device. Older adults may
find it difficult to use modern smartphones. For the
heterogeneous group of older adults, however, classic
"senior phones" are not a satisfactory alternative. The
distinctive design, which greatly differs from a
conventional smartphone, as well as the reduction of
functionalities to mainly provide assistance
functionalities (e.g., emergency calls, localization)
can have a patronizing, stigmatizing, and
discriminating effect (Unterstell, 2007). At the same
time, the label "senior phone" evokes resistance from
an older user group as they do not perceive
themselves as a homogeneous group and do not want
to be addressed as “old” or “seniors” (Rößing, 2007).
The attitude of older adults towards digital
services is mainly predicted by their interest in
technology, as well as knowledge, and willingness to
use it (Seifert & Charness, 2022; Siren & Knudsen,
2017). Some older adults are limited in their use due
to health issues and face barriers (e.g., complexity,
accessibility, security concerns, high effort to learn
new technology, or cognitive decline) which can
further limit their access (Darvishy et al., 2021;
Seifert et al., 2020; Seifert et al., 2021). A digital
divide between the young and old generation does not
only exist for the use of smartphones, but as well
ICT4AWE 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
regarding digital literacy in general (i.e., access to,
and understanding of information from smartphones;
Wang et al., 2011). Digital literacy is especially
relevant for the use of services enabling a self-
determined life, such as e-health services, e-
government, or gathering of information (Tsai et al.,
2017). The lower digital literacy among older adults
can be a problem, as smartphones have evolved to
becoming the main enabler of social communication,
and other instrumental tasks required to fully
participate and function in modern society (Blažič &
Blažič, 2020). Various factors such as personal
characteristics (e.g., age, health, gender), socio-
economic and facilitating conditions (e.g., education,
expectations of social network), engagement with
ICT and digital literacy, as well as smartphone-
related beliefs and attitudes have been found to
predict older adults’ smartphone acceptance (Chen,
K. & Chan, A. H., 2014; Guo et al., 2013; Ma et al.,
2016; Petrovčič et al., 2018; Piper et al., 2016; Xue et
al., 2012; Zhou et al., 2013).
With these challenges in mind, the Easierphone
app is not only trying to simplify a smartphone’s
surface for easier handling, but to find and provide a
way for older adults to keep up with the times, for
example, by having a fashionable smartphone without
being stigmatized for using a clumsy “senior phone”.
Further, older adults should also benefit from the
various apps and functionalities that modern
smartphones entail. The Easierphone app aims to
address the challenges older adults face when using
their smartphones in daily life, to facilitate the usage
of fashionable devices and dispel some older adults'
fears in using modern digital devices. Further, the
project intends to provide an opportunity for older
adults to keep in touch with their friends and family
more easily, and simultaneously to get support for
their smartphone usage most easy.
Pappy GmbH (project initiator), University of Geneva,
and University of Applied Sciences of Eastern
Switzerland (IAF)
Almende, MOB Drechtsteden B.V. Internos
ASM - Market Research and Analysis Center
The development of the Easierphone app is based on the
ethical guidelines of the European Assisted Active Living
3.1 Easierphone: A Multi-National
Easierphone is a research project embedded within
the European Assisted Active Living (AAL) funding
programme which aims to create better quality of life
for older adults, fostering cooperation between
research and industry. The duration of the entire
project spans 30 months, starting in April 2021 and is
expected to finish September 2023. The project
consists of six project partners from Switzerland
, the
, and Poland
. Easierphone is not only
designed for older adults, but also with older adults
by using participatory design methods.
To ensure good progress in developing the app, it
is tested continuously during three sequential project
phases (pilot 1, 2 and 3) in usability tests with
potential end-users (seniors, relatives). In pilot 1, the
assistance functionality for tandem use was neither
developed nor used. Pilot 1 aimed to get familiar with
the app and to collect general information about
smartphone use and challenges in daily life of older
adults. Pilot 2 mainly tests the assistance functionality
of Easierphone, a tandem functionality which is used
together with an assisting person. In addition, an
artificial intelligence module (AI module, which
consists of activity tracking, i.e., pedometer and daily
routes taken) is planned to be integrated. Here,
questions regarding privacy, data protection and
ethics (as seen from the perspective of the
participants) are of central interest
, as transparency
is of utmost relevance for end-users of Easierphone.
During the testing, we meticulously explain to
participants what the app tracks, how the tracking can
be turned off, and how the participants themselves
have control over various functionalities.
For this position paper, we focus on the cases of
pilot 1 and 2 in Switzerland. Each team involved in
end-user testing is responsible for their own data
collection in its respective country. So far, the team
of the Institute for Ageing Research (IAF) has
completed pilot 1 and is currently in the process of
pilot 2. In each pilot, the IAF team execute interviews
(AAL) funding programme. From an ethical point of
view, the use of new technologies is acceptable if they do
not conflict with the integrity interests of the users, e.g.,
do not restrict self-determination and safety, and the
dignity of the users is preserved (Remmers (2019)).
Easierphone: Participative Development of a Senior-Friendly Smartphone Application
with three individual participants and seven tandems
resulting in a total of 30 tests in Switzerland. The
individual participant, as well as the main participant
of the tandem must be at least 65 years old. The age
of the tandem assistantsis less relevant. Most
participants who were selected for testing are people
who do not feel confident using their smartphones.
The end-user tests include a try-out of the already
implemented and developed functionalities of the
current version of Easierphone.
3.2 Applied Methods
Data collection is based on semi-structured guideline
interviews, testing the app in real life conditions with
the support of the researchers, follow-up discussions
in between the different sessions, and consecutive co-
creation workshops. Each pilot includes interviews
along with a try-out of the app. A full pilot’s
procedure follows this process: Each field test is
based on three dates with face-to-face interviews
(Misoch, 2019). In the case of Easierphone, the first
meeting with the participant(s) intends to install the
app together with the researchers on the participants’
private smartphones. A first impression of the app is
surveyed and additional information about the
participants’ general smartphone use is collected.
During the tests, participants are asked what
additional functionalities could be useful for them to
implement. The project’s approach is based on a user-
centred design (Tullis & Albert, 2013), where the app
is being tested in a real-life setting over several weeks
to allow the participants the opportunity to get to
know the app and to assess it comprehensively in an
everyday setting. This enables a deeper insight into
their actual user needs. In addition to assessing user
needs (e.g., which functionalities of the application
were used, and which ones were missing), the focus
lies on questions of usability (e.g., what problems
arise during use), as well as acceptance (e.g., which
framework conditions are central to acceptance).
The second meeting focuses on the challenges that
came up in between the first and second testing
regarding usability and further needs from the user
concerning the app. In the third meeting, testing
focuses again on questions regarding usability,
pending needs, as well as opinions on the AI modules.
As the study aims to gain a broader understanding
of older adults’ smartphone use, the researchers were
taking side notes on specific observations of
smartphone usage or challenges that came up during
A tandem composes an older adult and her/his adult child,
grandchild, other relatives or trustworthy friends and
testing (e.g., language and font size settings).
Alongside the interviews, paper and pen journaling
(done by participants) to write down challenges or
questions while using the app in absence of the
researchers was applied. The diary entries or
questions of the participants were then discussed in
the following meetings. Drawing on the experience
already gained, the feedbacks from participants, and
lessons learned from previous pilots, the app can be
further developed by programmers according to
specific needs and suggestions for improvement.
All interviews are audio recorded. For pilot 1, the
interviews conducted were protocolized and
anonymized by IAF staff. For the ongoing pilot 2, the
interviews are fully transcribed and anonymized with
the support of student assistants at IAF. Afterwards,
all text data are translated to English by IAF staff and
shared with the entire Easierphone project team to
ensure transparency of information. The coding,
categorization and prioritization are done in an
iterative technology development process where the
IAF and Pappy GmbH are working together.
To enrich the collected data from the interviews,
co-creation workshops are held following each pilot
with volunteer participants. In the co-creation
sessions selected issues from the tests are discussed
in more detail to improve future developments of the
Easierphone app. The inclusion of potential end-users
in a participative manner along the process, creates a
more tangible project for all sides, participants,
caretakers, as well as researchers, and developers
(Greenhalgh et al., 2016).
This section first describes the results from pilot 1,
starting with end-users’ fears and concerns, followed
by the main findings of pilot 1. Next, preliminary
findings from pilot 2 are outlined. In preparation for
improvement of the app, the interview protocols
(containing the most relevant issues to discuss) of
each pilot are transferred to a table. Potential
solutions for the problems that came up during the
tests are then suggested by programmers and Pappy
GmbH. These issues are divided into the following
main categories: i) General Issues, ii) On-boarding,
iii) Phone & Contacts, iv) Messages, v) Camera &
Images, vi) Web & Alarm Clock & Magnifier, vii)
Emergency, viii) Settings, ix) 3
party apps, and x)
ICT4AWE 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
Purchase. A few examples of these categories and
issues are shown under 4.2.
4.1 End-Users’ Fears and Concerns
The great heterogeneity among the participants
mirrors their habits and skills in handling their
smartphones. This also applies to other apps they use:
While some use their smartphone only for calls, one
person of the sample even uses it for e-banking. In
general, smartphones are mainly used for
communication and information search, in some
cases for purchasing tickets for public transport.
Among the participants, communication is an
important driver for buying and using a smartphone.
Further, security concerns appeared to be an
important topic for the participants. Most participants
say that they always carry their smartphone with them
when they are outdoors, so they can notify someone
in case of an emergency.
The following list summarizes the most common
fears and concerns that crystallized from the
Multitude of preinstalled apps are confusing
users, or make it difficult to orientate and find
relevant apps;
Issues with or lack of knowledge on how to
personalize the home screen, or arranging apps
as needed (sometimes due to fear of accidentally
deleting relevant apps);
Difficulty downloading and installing apps;
Difficulty sending pictures from the gallery;
Issues with differing logic of various apps (e.g.,
sending a message via e-mail app, compared to
WhatsApp, or SMS app);
Lack of practice with functionalities or rarely
used apps;
Fear of deleting important content or impairing
the functioning of the device (e.g., due to
clicking the wrong button), hindering trial and
error use of the smartphone or apps;
Inexperienced and insecure users are
overwhelmed by constant changes in digital
Feeling like a burden and therefore holding back
on asking social contacts for help.
4.2 Main Findings and Suggested
Adjustments from Pilot 1
Most of our participants liked the fact that the
Easierphone home screen is much clearer and easier
to read compared to the standard home screen of their
Android smartphone. They particularly favoured the
appearance of the icons arranged one below the other.
The size of the icons and the larger font in general
were also found to be positive. After the installation
of the Easierphone app, "Contacts", "Phone" and
"SMS" functionalities were automatically
synchronized, i.e., all corresponding content was
imported into Easierphone. This was rated very
positively by our participants. The opportunity to
have an emergency functionality was considered very
Table 1: Extract of the Table of Categories and Related Issues from Pilot 1.
Category Issue Issue description
General issues
Contact app icon
In the case of the “Contacts” tile, one participant would rather have a
symbol that looks like the usual contact apps (e.g., icon with a head
instead of icon with an address book)
Phone & contacts
Difficult to delete
It is unclear how to delete a contact due to the scrolling.
Accept phone call
Participants are used to tap the button instead of “swipe” motion to
accept a call
Accept phone call
Participants prefer a bigger icon size for the phone call receiver.
Participants are used to the colours red and green instead of the ones
used in the app
Contact same as phone
Some participants were confused that a Contact and a Phone icon
exist, as they thought it was the same thing
Updating contacts
outside of Easierphone
Participants noticed that updating contacts in the original contact app
outside of Easierphone it is not synchronized
Contact app naming
The "Contacts" tile naming (instead of e.g., “Address Book”) was
confusing for some participants
Easierphone: Participative Development of a Senior-Friendly Smartphone Application
Based on these feedbacks and inputs from the
participants, Pappy GmbH created a table based on
the raw data, which was then used as a foundation to
prioritize the issues and aligned all with the entire
team. A few issues have already been implemented in
the new version of the Easierphone app for testing in
pilot 2. Two examples of issues that have been
improved after the first testing are: a) WhatsApp, the
most frequently used app by the participants, is now
already integrated in Easierphone by default and does
not have to be added manually, and b) emergency
calls can now be triggered with one click. In the first
version, the emergency call required several clicks
which was considered too cumbersome by the
Referring to the main categories under section 4,
a few are illustrated in table 1. The main categories
were further subdivided into subcategories
concerning specific issues. For example, the category
of iii) Phone & Contacts was further split into, e.g.,
“accept phone call”, “contact same as phone” to
crystallize the problem and describe it more precisely
(see column “Issue description” of table 1). The
summarizing and categorizing of the diverse issues
helped to gain an overview and to find solutions to
improve the app.
4.3 Preliminary Findings from Pilot 2
As in pilot 1, participants like the idea, that navigation
on the smartphone is simplified by Easierphone app
as all significant apps are merged into one app and are
shown below each other on the Easierphone home
screen. Some were very pleased that they can see all
their apps sorted alphabetically when clicking on the
functionality “open other apps”. Most of the
participants are not aware that they could arrange
apps on their usual home screen to find them easier,
and that the alphabetically ordered list of all their apps
could be accessed via system settings anyway.
Through the testing process, participants
discovered new possibilities how they can use their
smartphones. This further shows the importance of an
initial instruction of the app (via a researcher, or
guided instruction by the app itself). At first glance,
most participants regard the app as easy to use, but
they still need instructions for all basic steps. Some
participants mentioned that the Easierphone app
would be most helpful for “newbies” who are only
starting to use a smartphone. If usage patterns with
the conventional home screen and conventional apps
are already present, the switch to Easierphone may be
irritating to some extent (e.g., because icons may look
The meaning and use behind an integrated AI
module (providing a pedometer, recording mobility
patterns and apps being used) was not yet clear to
most the participants who have been interviewed so
far. However, we found that a few participants
already use a fitness tracker or a smartwatch (which
were not connected to their smartphones).
Explanation for this was, they would benefit more
from a tracking system they wear on the body while
being at home because their smartphones are placed
on a table or shelf, not tracking or recording anything.
The app installation process is largely determined
by the Android system requirements. Here,
Easierphone attempts to make the process as simple
as possible while complying to Android guidelines
(e.g., asking for various permissions directly on the
device). Our participants agreed to give all
permissions, but some were irritated by the quantity
of permissions they had to give during the installation
process. Asked about their feelings regarding online
privacy, most of them reply they have nothing to hide
anyway. Some participants reported that they
generally do not read the terms of use or privacy
settings in the digital world carefully. Nonetheless,
they still agree to them, so they are able to use an app
or a digital service. Another reason mentioned, was
that they are unwilling to invest too much time in
reading the terms of use, even though they think, they
should read the terms of use carefully.
This study sets out to empower older adults to
effectively use a smartphone through a simple, clear
home screen and easy-to-use app for Android
smartphones. With the Easierphone app, the main
user can be remotely supported with the tandem
functionality which is simultaneously installed and
used by a family member, trusted friend, or
neighbour. Easierphone is conceived as an open and
expandable platform with the primary user’s screen
mirrored on the secondary user's device in the tandem
So far, pilot 1 is completed and pilot 2 underway
with data collection. For an interim conclusion we can
state that Easierphone app is appealing to older
adults, providing an easy-to-use surface on their
smartphones. Overall, it was possible to get very
critical, detailed and thus helpful feedback from the
test participants in pilot 1. It was possible to integrate
many of their wishes and improvement inputs in the
further development of following versions of the app.
Simplifying smartphone usage and offering support
ICT4AWE 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
(remotely via a tandem option) was identified to be a
clear need of the participants.
Overall, participants appreciated the idea of a
simplification of using their smartphones very much.
The field tests over longer time periods shed light on
many interesting usability topics raised by the
participants. Nonetheless, the heterogeneity of the
participants in our study with a relatively small
sample size (N = 30) is high. There is great diversity
in usage habits and skills in handling smartphones.
While some of them try to solve problems by
themselves and as independently as possible, others
were found to be highly dependent on assistance
(tandem) and showed little self-confidence in
handling their devices. When it comes to support and
help with smartphone use, family, friends, and stores
of telecommunications providers play an important
role for older adults. Within this continuous
development the voices of older people must be heard
to understand their needs and overcome usability and
accessibility barriers. This inclusion refers to the goal
of overcoming the digital divide (Wang et al., 2011).
A clear limitation of this study is the relatively
small sample size (N = 30). Nonetheless, the aim of
the tests is not at all to be representative but mainly to
test through the app with end-users, find bugs in the
current versions of the app and to include further
wishes expressed by the participants. Unfortunately,
apart from Swiss-German participants, no potential
participants from another language region of
Switzerland were included. We strive for a balanced
participation of men and women, however, in pilot 1
only two men could be recruited as main testers of
Easierphone. In the current pilot 2, gender
distribution at this point of time is about fifty-fifty.
Furthermore, according to the socio-demographic
data, most of the participants are of higher
economical and educational background, as is often
the case with older adults volunteering to participate
in studies in general.
Another observation made by the IAF team is the
lack of well-established accessibility guidelines,
which could have been used already in the early
design stages of the Easierphone app. A range of
accessibility guidelines have been developed to
address the needs of vulnerable users (e.g., Web
Content Accessibility Guidelines; W3C, 2005)
Recommendations have been developed also for
smartphones and mobile apps (e.g., Darvishy et al.,
2021; Darvishy & Hutter, 2017). We believe these
should be considered in future development and
improvements of the Easierphone app to make it
more accessible, and attractive to end-users.
Regarding the issue of privacy and data
protection, participants conveyed feelings of
ambiguity. Participants showed a differentiation of
what they think they should (read terms of use
carefully) and what they actually do (just accept to
continue). This is an interesting observation we could
make during the tests and can be subsumed as privacy
paradox (Zeissig et al., 2017): Users know regarding
privacy they should be careful in the digital world, but
they resign to complexity of it and choose the easy
way The privacy paradox will be more thoroughly
examined in pilot 2 and 3. Currently it is being
discussed in the Easierphone project team if a
hardware solution (smartphones with Easierphone
pre-installed) might be a simpler way to set up and
bypass terms of use for an end-user as all permissions
could be set up by the programmers. However, this
option was not (yet) implemented for the current
Continued efforts are made by the Easierphone
project team to make smartphones more accessible to
older adults and other vulnerable people in our
society. As soon as Easierphone app finds a more
widespread use, a quantitative survey to further
improve the app could be conducted. Nonetheless, the
great heterogeneity of end-users needs to be kept in
mind for further development.
We thank the European AAL Programme for funding
this research project. We could not have undertaken
this journey without the older participants and their
tandem partners, whom we would like to extend our
sincere thanks for their openness, interest, and
valuable time in all interviews. Special thanks go to
Jana Friebe and Claudio Capaul for their transcription
work during pilot 2.
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