The Best of both Worlds: Social and Technical Challenges of
Creating Energy Islands
Sonja Klingert
, Michael Niederkofler
, Hermann de Meer
, Mona Bielig
Stepan Gagin
, Celina Kacperski
and Matthias Strobbe
IPVS, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
Energiekompass GmbH, Stegersbach, Austria
University of Passau, Passau, Germany
Seeburg Castle University, Seekirchen, Austria
Ghent University - imec, Ghent, Belgium
Keywords: Energy Island, Self-Sufficiency, Renewable Energy, Inter-Disciplinarity, Energy Community.
Abstract: Creating so-called “energy islands” with a high level of energetic self-sufficiency is one strategy to fight
climate crisis. To become a realistic goal, such a concept needs trans-disciplinary research that defines
promising transformation paths towards reaching this vision. The presented paper introduces a conceptual
framework that provides approaches for technical optimization across all energy vectors, socio-technical
optimization of the usage of energy demand flexibility, socio-psychological interventions, and a replication
strategy that considers all these different aspects. The focus lies on the architecture of a management system
that answers requirements also from social sciences, on engagement strategies and on defining a cross-vector,
cross-disciplinary design for flexibility in terms of demand-response schemes.
We are in the midst of a climate crisis. The impacts
will endanger the lives of millions of people around
the world, so a plethora of ideas to limit climate
change by reducing the emissions of CO2-equivalents
are currently being developed. One of the approaches
is to start from geographically delineated, inhabited
areas and develop strategies for net-zero GHG
emissions. The origin of this idea lies in the CO2
footprint concept: if people consume a lot more
energy than can be generated locally in a CO2 neutral
way, there will not be enough “space” for everybody.
If it can be shown further that such strategies are
socio-techno-economically viable, they can be
replicated elsewhere, finally creating a network of
sustainable districts, cities, or villages. This approach
results in the concept of (urban) “Energy Islands” (EI)
and has a high overlap with the concept of renewable
energy communities (REC), with REC potentially
being the organizational side of an EI. The authors of
this work define an urban EI in the following way: An
urban EI is a geographically delineated system that
is largely self-sufficient across all present energy
vectors. Given a pre-existing energy infra-structure,
this implies to maximize local generation and
optimize its distribution, and it means to optimize
demand across all energy vectors, adapting demand
profiles as necessary, both by shifting demand
temporarily and reducing it absolutely. From an
organizational and social point of view, the EI is
inhabited by people living or working there, who are
the end-users of energy. They are tied to the EI
through their energy usage patterns and directly and
indirectly by contracts. EI inhabitants can contribute
Klingert, S., Niederkofler, M., de Meer, H., Bielig, M., Gagin, S., Kacperski, C. and Strobbe, M.
The Best of both Worlds: Social and Technical Challenges of Creating Energy Islands.
DOI: 10.5220/0011974600003491
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems (SMARTGREENS 2023), pages 129-136
ISBN: 978-989-758-651-4; ISSN: 2184-4968
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
individually, in the context of collective energy
actions, and in the context of energy communities
(EC) to EI objectives.
The differentiating factor between self-
sufficiency and autarchy is the role of the EI in the
context of energy grids: if necessary, the EI draws
power from or injects into the external grid, providing
ancillary grid services. So, it can be an active part in
a cell-based system of interdependent EI cells that
together form the mesh of the future energy grid,
characterized by a high share of renewable energy
sources (REN) and partially flexible energy demand.
The electricity vector of an EI might be technically
implemented by a micro-grid with a local energy
The clear goal of this definition avoids the pitfalls
of energy efficiency objectives where, quite
regularly, efficiency gains are compensated by
increasing demand, enabled by a seemingly increased
financial or resource-based budget. Thus, this
“rebound effect” cannot emerge. From a social
viewpoint, pursuing EI objectives can take different
organizational forms: Collective energy actions are
depending on “the collective involvement of energy
consumers or prosumers” (DECIDE Consortium,
2022), and ECs are a subset thereof involving
continuous group interactions (Bielig et al., 2022).
Also, individual behaviour changes are an option –
which concept to apply where and when is part of the
set of social challenges of creating and operating EIs.
To start such a transition this endeavour requires
a truly trans-disciplinary approach: energy flows
must be optimized cross-sectorally, based on data
science and ICT communication, the technical
approach must make economic sense and be legally
feasible, and most of all, it must not only be accepted
but truly supported by the inhabitants. Thus, every
system aimed at achieving such goals has to build
upon a fruitful interconnection of the different
disciplines: ICT, energy physics, law, psychology
and sociology as well as business economics. This
insight is the foundation of the EU H2020 project
RENergetic that considers all these issues, while
putting the island inhabitants into the centre of
activities. These basic requirements result in the
following actionable tasks:
Technical optimization of supply across all
available energy carriers, here: heat, electricity,
and electric mobility
Socio-technical optimization of the usage of
energy demand flexibility across all available
energy carriers, to adapt demand to currently
available energy supply
Socio-psychological interventions, including
incentives, for reduction of energy demand
when overall yearly demand exceeds overall
yearly supply
To achieve a real-world impact, replication
needs to be integrated into modelling.
These tasks are reflected in the sections of the
presented paper: related work is discussed in section
2. Section 3 deals with the creation of an EI from a
trans-disciplinary viewpoint, i.e., engaging EI
inhabitants, optimizing supply, managing demand
temporarily, and finally reducing demand. Section 4
presents a replication framework, and section 5 draws
conclusions for future work.
The term EI has been mostly used in the context of
real islands that have a severe challenge of being off-
grid and aim to decrease their dependency from fossil
fuels (e.g (Droege, 2012; Riva Sanseverino et al.,
2014)). The idea of urban EIs has entered into the
discussion only recently, mainly in the context of a
case study of the University of Genua (Bracco et al.,
2018), however, without defining the term “urban
energy island”. The technical, and partially also
business, challenges have been mainly dealt with in
the context of “positive energy districts” (e.g. (Monti
et al., 2017)) or “multi energy districts” (review in
(Martinez Cesena et al., 2020)). An operating
perspective is given within discussions about energy
management systems. Energy management systems
in modern buildings control installed equipment and
are often used for energy optimization. Combining
such systems with IoT concepts makes it possible to
use data from the sensors for data analytics and
forecasting. Generation units can also exchange
information through ICT architecture, which enables
provision of ancillary services in the electricity grid
(Stocker et al., 2022). As a result, optimization
algorithms can be applied to balance both supply of
distributed renewable energy resources and energy
consumption of smart build-ings, taking into account
uncertainty of the sources (Saatloo et al., 2022).
Disjunct from this is the discussion about energy
communities, which is often characterized by the
analysis of drivers and barriers from a governmental,
legal, or behavioural points of view (e.g. (Bauwens &
SMARTGREENS 2023 - 12th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems
Devine-Wright, 2018; Walker, 2008)). There are
hardly any works that try to reconcile the challenges
of geographically defined EIs and socio-
economically defined EC, arriving at a holis-tic
framework for creating and operating an EI.
An exception is presented by Bukovszki et al. 2020
(Bukovszki et al., 2020) who identify so-called
progression-factors (i.e. desired characteristics) of EC
and match them with building energy modelling
decision support tools. However, also in this work, the
operation of an EI is not treated nor the required change
of energy related behaviour of the inhabitants, contrary
to the trans-disciplinary methodology in the work
presented here. This approach requires understanding
how to motivate people to both engage in the EI and
change their behaviour, not only once but by adopting
new habits. This is done best through a collective lens:
evidence shows that participatory and community-
based approaches in the diffusion of renewable energy
technologies promote broader acceptance and support
innovation (Berka & Creamer, 2018).
Intrinsic motivation to engage and change
behaviour is required. One way is to leverage the
social identity model for pro-environmental actions
(SIMPEA; (Fritsche et al., 2018)), which describes
the relevance of social identity related factors (e.g.
social identification, collective emotions, social
norms) for pro-environmental decision-making and
collective action. Meta-analyses (Schulte et al., 2020;
Udall et al., 2021) demonstrated strong links between
social identification both on individual and group
level and intentions for pro-environmental behavior.
Using inherent demand side flexibility can be one
reason for behaviour change. For decades, demand
response (DR), i.e. the planned activation of demand
side flexibility, has been discussed from strictly
disciplinary points of view: either technically, as e.g.
optimizing transformer load curves or minimizing the
usage of reserve energy, for various different use
cases be it electric vehicles (Klingert & Lee, 2022;
Sadeghianpourhamami et al., 2018), data centres
(Basmadjian et al., 2018), or any electrical load
(Subramanian et al., 2013). Or it has been viewed
from a behavioural viewpoint: While there are many
studies which investigate shifting electricity usage
(e.g. (Kacperski et al., 2022; Laura M. Andersen et
al., 2017)), DR acceptance in heating is less
researched. This is critical, as flexibility for shifting
behavior in heating seems less acceptable than for
electricity usage (Spence et al., 2015), although
heating accounts for the majority of energy usage in
Europe. Therefore, a unifying DR model, merging the
views of different disciplines, automation levels and
energy vectors, is missing.
As mentioned, creating EIs needs the technical
concertation and optimization, and socio-economic
support of the affected inhabitants.
3.1 Involving EI Inhabitants
The question is - how can the local population be
incentivized beyond simple acceptance to participate,
take responsibility, and actively contribute and invest
in community energy actions? In order to define an
involvement strategy for the RENergetic project, we
build on literature from psychology and sociology for
collective pro-environmental actions (SIMPEA,
(Fritsche et al., 2018)), technology acceptance (e.g.
UTAUT/UTAUT2, (Venkatesh et al., 2003)),
behaviour change (e.g. COM-B, (Michie et al.,
2011)), and trust (Mayer et al., 1995). Two additional
sources of information are a) to investigate
involvement strategies in different types of collective
actions, such as human rights movements or protests
and b) to analyse success stories in related areas as
positive energy districts or real islands (e.g. (Droege,
2012). For example, for the Samsø EI, “soft topics,
such as the political and socio-cultural context,
planning processes, communication and local
ownership" have been named to have been the keys
to its success (Sperling, 2017).
The goal is to develop and test a toolbox approach
(Figure 1) to integrate the social aspects of EIs within
the technical framework, building on well-established
theories from psychology and sociology (level 1). As
evidence shows that there is no “one-size-fits-all” tool
to bring about social change (Hewitt et al., 2019), on
level 2 a context analysis needs to be carried out,
analysing the “situational context”, i.e. environmental
or technical constraints, motivations and needs of
stakeholders, and defining the required level of
involvement. For the latter different methods and
tools are tested and evaluated through randomized
controlled trials whenever feasible.
Communication and collaboration instruments in
the RENergetic pilot activities are selected based on
three main guidelines:
Consideration of the local social identity and, if
possible, build on it (Fritsche et al., 2018)
Trustworthiness, i.e. transparency and
consistency, in order to show good-will and
assure the ability to implement communicated
plans (Mayer et al., 1995)
The Best of both Worlds: Social and Technical Challenges of Creating Energy Islands
Usage of general and local social norms for
communication, to encourage connection with
the social environment (Perlaviciute, 2022).
Figure 1: The RENergetic Toolbox.
3.2 Matching Supply and Demand
The main challenge of an EI is to “make ends meet”
regarding energy at all points in time. There are a lot
of examples of districts claiming to be “climate
neutral” or “energy positive”, in terms of producing
more energy than is consumed locally during some
period of time. But, they are still dependent on the
national grid or on fuel deliveries as they consume
energy at different times than they produce it. This is
already a very big step forward – however, it is still
only half-way towards the overall goal of being self-
sustained and additionally delivering ancillary ser-
vices to an external grid. In order to achieve this
overall goal, energy supply needs to be optimized,
supply and demand need to match at all times, and
finally, if demand in general exceeds supply, beyond
mere efficiency, energy demand needs to be reduced.
In RENergetic, the technical support of EI activities
is provided by the RENergetic platform serving the
abovementioned functionalities for heating and
electricity (including EV) domains. To integrate these
functionalities, it is proposed to use the service-
oriented architecture shown in Figure 2. Each service
is a software element that performs a specific
functionality, for example forecasting, optimizing,
DR services for heating. A service might interact with
other services, the data storage and the interactive
platform. The API and Access Management service
is responsible for orchestrating the operation of all
other services. It also provides an API for com-
municating with external systems. Most services are
implemented using Java Spring Boot framework,
although each service could utilize a different
software stack. For example, forecasting and
optimization services utilize Kubeflow platform.
Services are managed by WSO2 software, and the
API follows OpenAPI specifications in order to
ensure compatibility with other systems. The user
management service relies on the Keycloack software
and is used to control access of users to the different
parts of the system. The service architecture allows
the system to be flexible. It is important because not
all EIs have necessary data or systems required for the
operation of all services. In case some functionality is
not needed, the corresponding service could be
excluded from installation. The service-oriented
architecture also simplifies future system extensions.
For instance, if optimization in an additional domain
is required, a new service for that can be developed.
The RENergetic Platform provides an API for
communicating with the EI systems using the Data
Acquisition service which is based on Apache NiFi
software to ingest data from EI devices supporting
different protocols. The data from EI sensors and
meters, as well as forecasts and other types of time-
dependent data are stored in time series database
inside RENergetic platform. Metadata, user related
data and connections between different assets are
stored in relational database. Utilization of two
different databases provides an efficient way of
storing and accessing different kinds of the data.
Figure 2: An Energy Island Architectural Framework.
SMARTGREENS 2023 - 12th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems
In RENergetic, the PostgreSQL and InfluxDB are
chosen as relational data storage and time series
storage, respectively. All services are defined in line
with the requirements of the social-science work
3.2.1 Energy Supply Optimization
With the transition of the energy system, the different
sectors are becoming ever increasingly coupled.
While this all being similarly true for heating,
electricity and mobility, the significance of electricity
as the connecting link between the different sectors
deserves particular attention, as evidenced by
phenomena such as e-mobility, heat-pumps based
heating systems or combined heat and power plants.
Therefore, an overarching global optimization across
sectors is key to overall sustainability. At the same
time, each sector requires specific optimization due to
its particularities. Consequently, results an iterative
multi-layer optimization architecture. As an example,
let us assume a shortage in natural gas both for
electricity and heat imposing restrictions both on
electricity and on heat consumption. At the same
time, electricity may be an energy source of heat via
heat pumps or pure resistance driven heat production,
resulting in a complex interaction pattern for global
optimization on the supply side within a “web of
An optimization of supply-and-demand matching
in the context of EIs is particularly challenging for the
electricity domain, as matching has to be done
instantaneously with very limited storage or buffering
capacity and due to the dynamic nature of AC
electricity. It is performed in two forms, proactively
and reactively. By approaching 100 % renewable
supply, one of the key questions becomes to identify
and procure the sources of flexibility that can best be
exploited for the “matchmaking”. This key question
is arguably challenging in the context of EI with
limited expansion and resources in order to achieve a
maximum level of self-sustainability. Arguably the
most promising resources of flexibility are due to
demand-side management within the web of energy,
resulting in strategies for the adaptation of both heat
and electricity demand as a main focus of the
RENergetic project. In contrast, a procurement of
flexibility resources usable for reactive compensation
of imperfect predictions seems harder to be found on
the load side but rather on the supply side. Therefore,
it was decided to investigate these supply side
resources prototypically and selectively in a labora-
tory setting based on smart converters with power
electronic interfaces to the grid in order to provide
ancillary services to the EI and, possibly, to the
preceding grid as well. By means of droop curves, the
potential of grid supporting actions via power supply
adaptations are investigated and feasibility is
investigated in terms of technical, social and
regulatory conditions in various pilot studies. While
the main focus being here on primary reserves
provisioning, preliminary studies on grid forming for
voltage control of EIs are also performed. For the
sake of complexity and effort, other EI specific
ancillary services such as protection, inertia or
harmonic filtering, and are left for future studies.
3.2.2 Demand Response
Optimization is almost entirely a technical challenge
whereas sufficiency is almost entirely a behavioural
issue (e.g., buying more efficient products or
reducing the consumption of energy services).
Contrary to that, DR in many cases requires a
complex interconnection of data science, adaptation
algorithms, communication and behavioural
reactions of the end-users if it is supposed to be
tapped to its full potential. This implies a trans-
disciplinary approach. Traditional DR concepts as
e.g. the European Commission’s DR definition
(European Commission, 2013) have two major
drawbacks in the context of urban EIs: 1) They relate
only to electricity, which is derived from the history
of DR that originates in electricity grid quality issues.
For other energy vectors such as heat, this idea has
not yet been fully explored. 2) DR has until recently
only been discussed in the context of different, but
unconnected electricity use cases such as resident
DR, data center DR or EV DR, missing an
overarching conceptual approach.
Therefore, in this work we extend the concept in two
ways: comprising all available energy vectors,
targeting both energy end-users and managers as
intermediate users and interconnecting use cases.
This requires a conceptual model that positions and
connects these different issues. Due to the overall
guiding principle of replication this should be done in
a way that it can be instantiated into different use
cases that are configurable for different EI projects.
An overarching model for DR needs to contain the
following main design elements to allow for a full
exploitation of its potential (Figure 3):
Automated vs. manual DR: This describes the
trade-off between automation that relieves
people from the burden of taking active
decisions but at the same time limits end-users’
autarky in decision making. Automated DR
implies communication and actuation of pre-
defined steering points for power in-/decrease.
The Best of both Worlds: Social and Technical Challenges of Creating Energy Islands
End-users are not actively involved in the
implementation of each adaptation process, but
to increase technology acceptance, they should
be invited to configure the system at the start of
the adaptation period (e.g. a contract period).
Automated DR is driven by technology (data
science, algorithms) and gives the control to a
central operator so that it comes with a high
level of certainty of the flexibility harvest.
Manual DR, on the other hand, requires end-
users as e.g. home owners, tenants or EI energy
managers to actively manipulate their power
consumption upon being requested to do so.
For the operator requesting flexibility, manual
DR implies a lower level of certainty of the
flexibility harvest.
Trigger: Depending on the use case and energy
vector, a trigger needs to be defined that starts
a DR event, which implies the existence of a
trigger metric and a threshold. This metric
might be used to differentiate between
automated and manual DR.
Use Case: This is the context in which DR is
applied, e.g. residential electricity con-
sumption, bulk charging of EV fleets or the
heating of a building complex. The use case
characteristics include the main flow of actions,
the corresponding stakeholders, business
model as well as the legal framework of the DR
End-user rights and duties: Mirroring
automated vs. manual DR, end-users rights and
duties can be manifold, be it periodical
configurations or over-riding rights for au-
tomated DR vs. information or capacity rights
for the case of manual DR.
Business and legal issues: The higher the level
of duties and responsibility for either side, the
higher the share of the system-wide benefit
they will want to have. Depending on the data
available and on the different options of end-
users to participate in a DR program, incentives
might be created. These might be financial or
non-financial, as e.g. CO2 reduction
information or a planned community event.
To our knowledge this is the first model of its
kind, that integrates behavioural, technical, business
and legal aspects into a concept of DR.
3.2.3 Reducing Energy Demand
One major problem when engaging people in energy
related pro-environmental behavior is the rebound
effect (Sorrell et al., 2009), which reflects a negative
behavioral spillover where one pro-environmental
behavior decreases the likelihood of other pro-
environmental behaviors (Truelove et al., 2014).
Figure 3: A Trans-disciplinary Framework for DR.
The RENergetic approach, integrating both
technical and social aspects, particularly targets to
counteract this effect, going beyond technical
optimization and efficiency measures to reach a
positive spillover, i.e. the activation of further pro-
environmental behaviors based on a first one. A meta-
analysis (Truelove et al., 2014) showed that the two
main aspects which account for positive spillover are
consistency and identity. Thereby, building on the
SIMPEA model and fostering a high level of
behavioral involvements, our approach aims to build
a foundation for the development of a social identity
related to the EI, which can then reinforce social
norms and positive behavioral spillover instead of
rebound effect. Collective pro-environmental
activities can foster a social identity which activates
social norms in further group situations.
Replicable results are a key goal of innovation efforts
and one focus of the RENergetic approach. In a sense,
the RENergetic pilot actions are designed as the first
replications of the developed solutions, following the
core principle of the replication package of providing
general solutions to be applied in specific contexts. In
a first step towards developing a replication
methodology a definition of “replicability” in the
RENergetic context is needed. To this end,
reproducibility and replicability need to be
distinguished. Reproducibility means that results can
be reproduced by a different team using the original
team’s tools or software artifacts. Whereas
replicability means that results can be replicated by a
different team using their own tools or software
artifacts.In the RENergetic project a variety of
SMARTGREENS 2023 - 12th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems
solutions will be developed and provided via the
RENergetic platform. These are designed to be
reproducible, that is the software developed by
RENergetic is to be taken as is and utilized by other
teams to reproduce the intended results. However,
these software modules need a certain context in
order to be able to function as desired. This context,
which is the sum of all technical, infrastructural,
social, economic, and legal framework conditions is
highly specific and not easily (or even impossible to
be) reproduced in another site. Following from that
the framework conditions, the context in which the
RENergetic modules are operable, will need to be
replicated by any follower site that intends to utilize
the RENergetic solutions.
Figure 4: An Illustration of an EI Transformation Pathway.
For the replication methodology the concept of
the “Transformation Pathway” (Figure 4) has been
developed, which is the sum of all interventions that
carried out to achieve the sustainability goals of a
given EI. It is important to note that this does not only
include technical interventions, but also all social,
behavioural, and economic actions that are needed to
accompany the base technical solutions.
As all these provided solutions need the correct
technical, social, legal and economic context in order
to be meaningfully deployed, the RENergetic
replication package does provide a methodological
toolset to replicate this needed context -
infrastructure, social, legal and economic – in order
to successfully reproduce the results from the
RENergetic pilot sites. To build on already
established concepts, the framework provided with
the SGAM methodology was chosen as basis for the
replication methodology which makes use of all five
layers of the SGAM model. This approach allows for
a standardized comparison of different approaches,
paradigms, and viewpoints. The SGAM methodology
is not only applied to the electric but also to the heat
domain, resulting in multi-energy vector SGAM
reference models of the RENergetic solutions.
As a summary, it could be shown that the RENergetic
approach to defining a socio-technical framework for
an EI operation merges the expertise from the
respective disciplines in an over-arching way:
specifically with regards to DR, behaviour change,
incentives, communication guidelines, and
constructing RENergetic DR services in the platform
are tightly integrated. Next steps will be mainly the
refinement of the first drafts to global optimization,
as well as socio-technical DR designs for the main
RENergetic use cases, i.e. EV DR, heat DR and
electricity DR, based on both data availability and
results from first ongoing user experiments. This will
be done in-line with the requirements from the
RENergetic replication package, both for ICT and
social science components.
Supported by EU H2020 RENergetic (#957845)
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SMARTGREENS 2023 - 12th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems