Encouraging Errors Through Gradual Feedback to Improve
Vocabulary Learning
Lukas Ansteeg
, Ton Dijkstra
and Frank Leoné
Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Radboud University Nijmegen, Nijmegen, Netherlands
Keywords: Error Commission, Feedback, Orthographic Similarity, Representational Similarity, Word Learning.
Abstract: Making errors that are related to the correct answer can aid the learning of vocabulary. Encouraging error
commission may improve learning outcomes and provide insight into latent learning processes. We
investigate the possibility of eliciting useful errors through the use of orthographic similarity-based feedback.
We find that error commissions fully replace non-answers during a learning task and largely replace them
during post-tests. Participants receiving similarity-based feedback seem to better consolidate orthographic
knowledge over a one-week delay. The committed errors provide evidence for gradual learning of sublexical
elements and for theories holding that specificity of representations increases during learning. Gradual
feedback shows to also have motivational benefits. These findings suggest promising insights for classroom
and digital vocabulary instruction.
When learning a new word in a second language, we
usually need multiple attempts and make errors along
the way before fully knowing the new word. Can
those errors give us more insight into how new words
are learned? And if so, can this insight help us
organize learning in a better way? Evidence suggests
that under some circumstances producing errors can
help with learning a new word (Metcalfe, 2017). This
requires feedback from a teacher or learning software
that helps us to correct errors and stimulate learning.
In this study, we will investigate whether feedback
can encourage learners to commit more errors when
they would otherwise give no response at all, and
whether this in turn improves performance. We also
consider if learning occurs spontaneously or
gradually, and whether error commission can
improve learner models for intelligent tutoring
systems. Setting the stage for our experiment, we will
first look at how words are internally represented,
then at how errors made by learners can expose these
latent representations and, finally, how feedback is
used to correct these errors and strengthen the correct
1.1 Errors and Internal
How words are learned is an ongoing subject of
debate. We do know that knowledge of vocabulary is
not binary; a word is not simply unknown or known
to the learner (Laufer & Goldstein, 2004; Palmberg,
1987). Several theories have suggested, for example,
that knowledge of a new word has to be consolidated
to be remembered in the long term (Bakker et al.,
2014), that the likelihood of remembering a learned
word can be modeled as a function of intervals
between learning episodes (Settles & Meeder, 2016),
and that words might be known receptively but not
freely produced by the learner (Laufer, 1998; Laufer
& Paribakht, 1998). These are not competing
accounts of how learning occurs but largely
complementary theories, the number of which
illustrates the complexity of the learning process.
Lexical items, or words, in turn are not indivisible
units. In fact, it is debatable where to draw the line of
what constitutes ‘one unit’ (Bogaards, 2001; Brown
et al., 2022). For simplicity, we will define a word as
a form-meaning unit consisting of a single
orthographic form and a linked semantic part for the
Ansteeg, L., Dijkstra, T. and Leoné, F.
Encouraging Errors Through Gradual Feedback to Improve Vocabulary Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0011975100003470
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2023) - Volume 1, pages 79-91
ISBN: 978-989-758-641-5; ISSN: 2184-5026
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
purposes of this study, disregarding phonology, word
families, and morphological properties. In terms of
orthography, words are further made up of sublexical
elements such as letters. In order to learn a new word,
the learner must internalize and connect all these
aspects. What they know, or think they know, of a
word is considered their mental representation. It is
sometimes also referred to as the latent
representation, since we can usually only indirectly
assess the internal state of a student by their behavior.
A student learning Finnish who when asked to
complete the word ‘taiv_s’ correctly responds with
‘taivas’, but is unable to explain the meaning of the
word or provide a translation equivalent, cannot be
said to have fully learned the word. Nevertheless,
they clearly have knowledge of the orthographic form
and thus partial knowledge of the word.
As a gradual measure of how well a learner knows
the orthographic form of a new word, one could
measure how similar the correct word form and their
best guess for the word are. If two students are
learning that the Finnish word form for ‘air’ is
‘taivas’, the student guessing ‘taivos’ can be said to
have better learned the orthographic form than a
student guessing ‘taippu’, even though both are
incorrect. In this case, their representations of the
word can be said to be underspecified (Janssen et al.,
2015). A useful tool to express this is in terms of
Levenshtein distance (Levenshtein & Others, 1966),
a metric assessing the similarity of two-word strings
(e.g. Schepens et al., 2012).
Several models of lexical usage and learning
account for the multiple modalities of words
(semantic, phonological, orthographic) (i.e., Dijkstra
& van Heuven, 2002); an attempt to explain the
interplay between modalities and underspecified
representations during learning is made by the
ontogenesis model (Bordag et al., 2022). These
theories suggest that learning a word is the process of
internalizing all the constituent parts that make up the
correct and complete representation of the word, and
that this process can be gradual rather than all at once.
This has important implications for education,
because a gradual, stepwise process of word learning
may imply that learners can partially know words and
only need to focus on other parts of the words to
complete their learning.
Although psycholinguistic models show mental
lexical representations to be complex, and
educational research assumes word learning to be
incremental and gradual (de Groot, 1995; Groot,
2000), little research has been done about the degree
to which second language lexical representations are
formed spontaneously or gradually in the sense of
their constituent parts. We will be referring to gradual
learning as piecemeal, part-by-part learning of
representations in which not just memory is
strengthened or consolidated over time, but the
representation itself becomes more clearly defined. In
this gradual process, representations are sharpened
from vague and overlapping to clearly defined and
distinct (Baxter et al., 2021; Davis & Gaskell, 2009;
De Grauwe et al., 2014), also referred to as lexical
specificity (Janssen et al. 2015).
Knowing how well learners know any given word
is important for tracking their overall progress. This
allows teachers or digital learning software to give the
learners appropriate feedback, make better decisions
about further learning activities, and to motivate
learners by making their progress visible (Hooshyar
et al. 2020). However, the latent representations of
newly learned words within a learner’s mental
lexicon are by definition hidden from us. We can only
measure their knowledge via responses to learning
tasks and tests. When learners are not encouraged to
respond in tasks where they do not know the answer,
information about their knowledge is binary; they
either know or do not know. When learners are
allowed or even encouraged to make errors, on the
other hand, we can gather information about why they
may have made a particular error and thus estimate
flaws in their developing internal representations.
Encouraging error commission may thus increase the
ability to model learner knowledge by revealing
information about partially learned words, for
example, by revealing whether some letters or
syllables of the item are already known. This is one
of the hypotheses we intend to test in this paper, but
in order to do so, we must find a way to encourage
learners to commit more errors. As our ultimate goal
is to improve language learning, we will first look at
the role of errors on learning, since inducing errors in
participants at the detriment to their learning would
defeat the purpose.
1.2 Errors and Learning
Learning tasks for new words can be errorless or
errorful. Listening to a native speaker or reading
vocabulary from a word list is inherently errorless, as
learners are exposed only to the correct L2. In
contrast, a learner may make errors when producing
new words, for instance during retrieval practice.
When deciding whether allowing learners to produce
errors is conducive to learning, there are two possible
approaches. First, errors could be minimized, because
only exposure to or production of correct responses
will strengthen the representation of the correct word.
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Second, errors could be encouraged, because they
allow learners to reflect upon and correct their
assumptions, thus paying additional attention and
cognitive effort to the word. Both approaches have
evidence in support of them. Some situations favor
errorless learning, given that error production is likely
to consolidate the erroneous response (Wilson et al.,
1994). In others, error generation has been shown to
be beneficial to learning if errors are followed by
corrective feedback (Kornell et al., 2009, 2015). One
example of effective errorful learning is retrieval
practice, which is the attempt of reproduction of
something learned and thereby strengthening existing
representations (Karpicke, 2017). Evidence from
Potts et al. (2019) suggests a beneficial effect of
‘guessing’ on vocabulary retrieval.
A crucial requirement of useful errors seems to be
that a committed error and the correct response need
to be related; random guessing does not lead to better
learning outcomes (Metcalfe, 2017). In this paper, we
will therefore refer to incorrect responses as error
commission rather than guesses, so when talking
about errorful learning or encouraging errors, we
refer to encouraging participants to express their
erroneous assumption instead of not responding at all.
The literature on learning from errors is largely
based on semantically related words. However, the
same benefit of error commission might be present
when errors are orthographically related. Similarity of
committed errors to the correct response may be useful
for the same reasons that contrasting orthographically
similar words is beneficial for word learning (Baxter
et al., 2021). Not only do the error and correct
response share underlying sublexical features and thus
may have overlapping representations, but the
corrective feedback may highlight differences
between the current representation and the correct one,
allowing the learner to adjust their assumptions.
Orthographic neighbors, that is words that are spelled
similarly, are often confused by learners, but can also
build on each other and thus be learned more easily
when the learner consciously distinguishes them (van
Heuven et al., 1998). While erroneous responses
during word learning can be random misspellings of
the correct response, they can also be based on
confusion with other similarly spelled words. Form-
focused retrieval practice should thus generate
orthographically related errors.
Retrieval practice with corrective feedback thus
satisfies our requirements: It generates learner errors
and is an effective learning strategy. The literature
suggests that related errors might increase learning
outcomes, so we will test our second hypothesis: that
an increase in error commission results in better
learning outcomes. Maximizing error commission
may thus benefit the learner both in the short term by
increasing learning gains and in the long term by
allowing teachers or learning software to better adjust
future learning tasks. This only leaves a mechanism
for increasing error commission. Given that
corrective feedback is inherently needed for retrieval
practice, we want to investigate whether the type of
feedback given can encourage the production of
useful errors.
1.3 Errors and Feedback
We are interested in whether the form of corrective
feedback to learner errors can be manipulated to
increase error commission.
The first step to encouraging error commission
would be to make them less discouraging. Creating an
environment where making errors is not penalized
formally or socially is crucial for language teachers
(Young, 1991). While social inhibition might play
less of a role in learning software, users are still
influenced by the affective nature of the feedback
they receive (Moridis & Economides, 2008). Making
errors can inherently be frustrating even when they
are not penalized (Heimbeck et al., 2003; Tulis &
Ainley, 2011). A positive response to incorrect
answers, praising either the attempt or the parts of the
answer that were correct even if the whole was not,
can result in an overall more positive experience for
the learner (Talmi, 2013). Thus, corrective feedback
to errors should be positive and focus on the learning
value of the error or the achievement of the attempt,
rather than on the negative aspects.
Extrinsic rewards are simple and effective in
guiding user behavior in learning software (Filsecker
& Hickey, 2014; Gooch et al., 2016). In a scored
learning task, simply rewarding points for any given
response is likely to encourage users to commit a
response regardless of whether they know the answer
or not. Our goal is to increase error commission
without loss of learning gain. A partial score for
incorrect answers and full score for correct answers
should lead to participants learning words while
discouraging non-responses when the learner is
unsure about the answer. A study by Abraham et al.
(2019) has shown a positive impact of rewards during
retrieval practice with semantically related prompts.
Because errorful learning is most conducive to
learning when errors are related to the learning target,
we can go even further and specifically encourage
‘useful’ errors. If the learning of underlying
representations is gradual, given responses during
learning should gradually approach the correct
Encouraging Errors Through Gradual Feedback to Improve Vocabulary Learning
answer. As we expect learning gains from errors
based on their orthographic similarity to the correct
answer, we can reward participants with points
proportional to how similar their error was to the
correct answer.
Highlighting a partially correct answer as
partially correct may also help the learner pinpoint
where they went wrong, rather than invalidating their
entire response. Even on a single word level, such
gradual feedback could account for a range of
‘correctness’ rather than a binary correct / incorrect
response. This leads us to our final hypothesis, that
gradual feedback can increase error commission.
1.4 Current Experiment
In the present study, we test the effect of gradual
feedback on learner behavior and task performance.
We conducted a word learning experiment with
Finnish as the target language as it conforms to the
same script as known by our native Dutch
participants, but shares no common origin with Dutch
words. We thus avoid the effects of cross-linguistic
We will test three hypotheses. First, we expect
gradual feedback to result in more error commission
(as opposed to non-submission) than binary feedback.
We test this by explicitly showing the participants
how close they are orthographically to the correct
answer by measure of Levenshtein distance and
rewarding them partial points for partially correct
responses. We expect this to encourage error
commission in situations where learners would
otherwise commit no response. We compare this
gradual feedback condition to a binary feedback
condition in which participants are only informed
whether their response is correct or incorrect.
Second, we anticipate that participants in the
gradual feedback condition will score higher on a
post-test and delayed post-test. Assuming that the
erroneous responses elicited by gradual feedback will
be similar in orthography to the correct response, we
expect this to increase the number of learned words
as measured by the post-tests.
Third, we predict that words are learned gradually
rather than abruptly, accompanied by a gradually
decreasing Levenshtein distance of given answers to
the correct answer over learning blocks. We expect
the learning of underlying representations to be
gradual in both conditions, but anticipate to find more
evidence of gradual learning in the gradual feedback
condition through increased error commission.
2.1 Participants
Eighty-one participants completed two online word
learning sessions. All participants were native
speakers of Dutch recruited through the Radboud
University SONA participant system and
compensated with study credits or 17.50 euros for
participation. Participants gave informed consent in
accordance with guidelines of the Radboud
University Social Sciences Ethics Committee
The data of one participant were excluded from
further analysis for failing to learn a single word.
Therefore, in total 80 native Dutch speakers (67
female, mean age: 22.1 years) were included in the
analysis. There were 41 participants in the binary
condition and 39 in the gradual condition.
Figure 1: (a) Experimental design and schedule of the two sessions. (b) An example learning block task (b) and the feedback
a participant receives in the (c) binary or (d) gradual condition. For (b) to (d) only the center of the screen is shown; the screen
also includes a point total and instructions button.
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
2.2 Materials
Participants took part in the online experiments on
laptops or PCs with a screen of at least 13" diagonally,
using trackpad or mouse to interact with the
experiment. Thirty Finnish proper nouns and
adjectives were selected for which both the Finnish
word and the Dutch translation equivalent were
between 5 and 8 letters long. Half of the Finnish
words have one or multiple orthographic neighbors,
as defined by a Levenshtein distance of up to 2, within
the set. Words including letters not found in Dutch
were excluded. For the word list and more details on
item selection see the appendix.
2.3 Procedure
The experiment consisted of an online learning
session and a one-week delayed post-test. Participants
were assigned to one of two presentation conditions:
Binary feedback or gradual feedback, resulting in a
mixed 2x2 design. In the learning session,
participants were first familiarized with 30 Finnish
words by seeing them together with their Dutch
translation for 10 seconds per word. They then
completed 6 blocks of word learning through a L1 to
L2 translation typing task followed by corrective
feedback. Participants had unlimited time for
translations, and saw the feedback for 8 seconds.
Each block contained every word once in an order
pseudo-randomized for each participant. When given
corrective feedback, participants received points for
their answer. In both conditions, 100 points were
given for a correct response. In the binary condition,
0 points were rewarded for incorrect responses. In the
gradual condition, participants could receive points
even for incorrect responses, depending on how close
their response was to the correct response in terms of
normalized Levenshtein distance, where P are the
received points, lev is Levenshtein distance, len is
word length, A is the given answer and T the target
P = 100– 100 ∗
Points were added up throughout each block and
shown at the end of each block in comparison to the
previous block’s score to highlight improvement. The
learning session ended with an L1 to L2 recall test in
the format of the learning task, but without corrective
feedback, and an L2 to L1 recognition typing task.
While the L1 to L2 offline translation task (recall)
tests learners’ productive knowledge of the word, the
L2 to L1 offline translation task (recognition) tests the
receptive knowledge of the word. The order is chosen
to minimize testing effects, under the assumption that
most words that are known productively would be
known receptively in any case (Laufer & Paribakht,
The delayed post-test took place one week
(between 144 and 192 hours after completion of the
learning session) and consisted of the same recall and
recognition tests. It was followed by a short
questionnaire collecting age, gender, educational
status, language background, and the participant’s
perceived enjoyment of the learning task on a scale
from 1 to 7. Participants then completed a digit span
task to assess verbal memory capacity according to
the method described by Woods et al. (2011). The
digit span task is used to account for inter-individual
variability in word learning capacities. In the first
round of this task, participants saw 14 series of
numbers digit by digit, and were then asked to
reproduce the number. On success the length of the
series increases by one, whereas two failures reduce
the length by one. In the second round, they are asked
to reproduce the series in reverse.
We will first explain the variables used in the linear
mixed models we apply to answer our hypotheses
about error commissions and learning outcomes and
then elaborate on how we coded for gradual learning.
Table 1: Word learning examples from experiment participants.
le Wor
Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Block 4 Block 5 Block 6 Max Im
ola huo
ios vo
ola 0.286
B kasvot kasvot kasvot kasvot kasvot kasvot kasvot 1
C kaava - - - kaava kaava kaava 1
D osuma - - - esema osuma osuma 0.6
E var
o - - - vol
Encouraging Errors Through Gradual Feedback to Improve Vocabulary Learning
Figure 2: (a) The distribution of all trial-to-trial changes in similarity of given answers to correct answers from one learning
block to the next. (b) The single highest trial-to-trial change for each word that was correctly answered in the final block by
a participant. The green bars below the x-axis exemplify the interpretation of these values: For 0.33, at least two more equal
or smaller learning steps must have occurred; for 0.5 at least one more; for 0.8 at least one additional small step; and for 1 the
word was learned within a single trial. Note that for histograms (a) and (b) each pair of binary and gradual condition bars
represent one bin range together. Though we split the data by condition, this graph is not meant to highlight a particular
difference between the conditions, but rather to visualize the general distribution of results.
3.1 Error Commission and Learning
We tested our hypotheses about error commission and
learning outcomes using linear mixed models
(LMMs) based on guidelines by Meteyard and Davies
(2020). Analyses were run using the lme4 package in
R (Bates et al., 2014) with the logit link (binomial)
function given the binomial nature of the data on the
trial level (correct or incorrect). We included in
analyses all variables relevant to our hypotheses:
As outcome variables, we use the binary variable
error commission to denote whether an incorrect
answer was given (as opposed to none) to answer our
first hypothesis. Models for our second hypothesis
use the binary outcome result: correct or incorrect.
The fixed effects used include condition and digit
span score. We also include time, which in the case
of learning trials denotes the block from 1 to 6, and
for post-test denotes immediate or delayed.
Separate models were run for learning outcomes
(result) for the recall and recognition tests rather than
including test type as a variable, as we consider them
to make different task demands in regard to word
3.2 Gradual Learning
Testing our hypothesis that word learning is gradual
is less straightforward than our other two hypotheses.
We hypothesize that latent word learning is always
gradual, that each exposure to the new word and each
attempted production strengthens and specifies the
mental representation of this word. Of course, this
latent learning process is not readily accessible to us
in behavioral tasks (Preacher et al., 2008); all we see
is the best guess a participant has at the time of a
production task, if they are confident enough to
attempt an answer in the first place. We have devised
the following measure for word learning trajectories
of participants based on their improvements from
block to block in terms of Levenshtein distance to the
correct answer.
For each word that a participant learned, we
recorded the maximum improvement between any
two blocks in Levenshtein distance, considering the
word to have been learned gradually if this value is
low and spontaneously if the value is high. Given that
we wish to show that learning is gradual, we biased
this measure toward spontaneous learning, so that no
ambiguous cases could be falsely counted as implying
gradual learning.
Table 1 shows example learning trajectories from
our data. Example A is an ideal example of gradual
learning. In the first block, the given answer is barely
related to the correct answer. In each following block
(2, 3, and 4), the answer improves slightly compared
to the previous block, with block 4 showing the first
correct answer. Because the three steps between the
first four blocks each correspond to a 0.286
improvement in Levenshtein distance to the correct
answer, we interpret this as three incremental learning
On the other hand, we have B as a clear example
of spontaneous learning: The participant answered
correctly from the start, having learned the word
during familiarization, and makes no mistakes
thereafter. Example C shows a word that is abruptly
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 3: The mean correct, incorrect, and non-responses for each learning block on the left, and each post-test on the right.
For each task, the left bar represents the binary condition and the right bar the gradual condition.
known after several non-commissions. It could be
interpreted to have been gradually learned internally
by a participant who was not confident to commit an
answer until they were sure they knew it, or as
spontaneously learned between block 3 and 4. Both
cases are counted as spontaneous learning.
However, most observed cases are less clear cut,
such as D and E, where after several non-
commissions the participants makes an erroneous
response and then the correct one. In our analysis we
count D as gradually learned, with a step of 0.4 and
0.6, but E as spontaneously learned with steps of 0.2
and 0.8. Although both cases could be argued to
involve at least two gradual learning steps, we do not
count case E as gradual learning to exclude the chance
that random guesses or mere orthotactic or statistical
knowledge are responsible for the 0.2 improvement
(cf. Storkel et al., 2006).
This table of examples leaves out many edge
cases that occur during learning, such as words that
were almost learned, where the final response is only
a slight misspelling of the correct answer, or words
that were learned, then briefly forgotten, then
answered correctly again. Given that we want to test
our hypothesis of gradual learning, we chose our
analysis to attribute any ambiguous cases to count
against our hypothesis. We thus chose to reduce the
data by counting only the highest single improvement
for each learned word for each participant, which
entails that all other trial-by-trial changes for that
word were equal or smaller (seen below shown in the
change from Figure 2a to 2b). Counting all trial-to-
trial changes would introduce the theoretical
possibility that a word that was spontaneously learned
in the last block would be counted as gradually
learned due to small detected ‘improvements’ which
are actually the result of random guessing in early
blocks. As seen by the negative values in figure 2,
participants also frequently show small regressions.
While this observation is not theoretically opposed to
learning being gradual, it could be interpreted as
participants simply guessing randomly, with some
answers being closer or further away from the correct
answer by chance.
We selected a threshold of 0.75 as the maximum
for gradual learning to be generous towards the
hypothesis that spontaneous learning occurred. Even
the largest trial-to-trial improvement under this
threshold will be at least two letters off from the target
word, requiring one or more additional steps until the
word is fully correct. Cases like example E, where the
participant first guessed ‘volga’ and then, correctly,
‘varjo’, are still counted as spontaneous, even though
some evidence of a gradual step between can be seen.
The 41 binary condition participants and 39 gradual
condition participants did not significantly differ in
age, educational achievement, or verbal memory as
shown by an insignificant t-test on the results of the
digit span task.
The gradual condition was found to be more
motivating overall. On a Likert scale from 1 to 7,
participants in the gradual condition reported a mean
enjoyment of 5.36 (SD = 1.10), compared to a mean
enjoyment of 4.34 (SD = 1.24) in the binary condition
(t(78) = 3.83, p = .0003). A free text prompt asking
about the task mirrored this result, with most
participants in the gradual condition reporting
enjoying the gradual feedback, though some also
reported finding it confusing.
4.1 Error Commission
As our first hypothesis, we proposed that gradual
feedback leads to higher willingness to commit errors
Encouraging Errors Through Gradual Feedback to Improve Vocabulary Learning
Figure 4: Violin plot of correct responses by condition during learning trials (left) and tests (right). The white dot shows the
mean; the distribution of participant scores is shown by the violin shape.
in learning tasks, in contrast to skipping to the next
item without committing an answer. Figure 3 leaves
little doubt about whether the gradual condition
encourages more error commission: In the binary
condition, non-commissions and error-commissions
are roughly even across all blocks; however, in the
gradual condition subjects committed significantly
more errors already in the first block, and non-
commissions are practically non-existent by the last
block. This difference carries over even into the post-
tests, where error commission was no longer
encouraged by instructions or point rewards.
We tested our hypothesis with three linear mixed
models of error commission vs non-commission
between conditions for all trials without a correct
answer. For a complete output of the analysis, please
see the appendix. All three models used the following
result ~ time ∗ condition  digit span
We trained this model separately with data from
the learning blocks, the recall test, and the recognition
test. During learning blocks we see a strong positive
effect of the gradual condition on error commission
(beta=2.00, p<.001). There is a significant main effect
of time (beta=.26, p<.001) and a positive interaction
with condition (beta=0.25, p<0.001). This indicates
that error commission increased over time for both
conditions, but did so more sharply for gradual
feedback participants.
The gradual condition also resulted in
significantly more error commissions in the recall
tests (beta=2.13, p<0.001), both immediate and one-
week delayed. Error commission decreased as a main
effect of time (beta=-.98, p<.001). For the recognition
test, participants write down L1 words, testing their
associative knowledge, which may not be affected by
the form focused gradual feedback. Though we
expected no difference in error commission here, we
find a nearly significant effect of condition
(beta=1.23, p=.064) and a barely significant
interaction between time and condition (beta=.65,
4.2 Learning and Test Performance
Our second hypothesis was that committing more
errors would lead to an overall better learning
outcome. As can be seen in figure 4, participants
varied highly in their performance. During the first
block of learning trials following familiarization, the
median correct responses were 1 out of 30, although
a few participants had already learned several words
from familiarization (M = 1.81, SD = 2.09). By the
sixth and final round of learning trials, participants
had learned on average 19.52 words (SD = 8.18).
Although the median seems to have diverged by
block 6, there is no significant difference in
performance between the binary condition (M =
19.24, SD = 8.43) and the gradual condition (M =
19.82, SD = 7.91).
For immediate and delayed post-tests,
performance was similarly diverse as seen on the
right side of figure 4. The mean performance is higher
for the gradual feedback condition across all four
tests, and particularly for the delayed tests. However,
individual variance was high, so poorly and well
performing subjects are found in either condition. We
ran one linear mixed model each for the recall and
recognition tests:
result ~ time ∗ condition  digit span
Performance in the digit span task accounted for
much of the individual differences in word learning
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
performance for recall (beta=.40, p=.011) and
recognition (beta=.39, p=.015). As expected for any
learning task, performance dropped over time for
recall (beta=-2.68, p<.001) and recognition (beta=-
1.16, p<.001). Neither for recall nor for recognition
was the condition a significant main effect. However,
in the recall test a significant positive interaction
effect with time arose (beta=0.34, p=0.037), implying
that gradual condition participants did better in the
one-week delayed test compared to the immediate
post-test than binary condition participants.
4.3 Gradual Learning
Our third hypothesis is that words are learned
gradually rather than abruptly. Although we split the
plots in figure 5b by condition, we are also interested
in the combined distribution, as our hypothesis states
that word learning is gradual in general and not solely
elicited by the gradual feedback condition. We
consider the existence of words learned solely in steps
of 0.75 and lower (left side of 5b) as evidence for
gradual learning, while words above the threshold
may be said to have been learned ‘spontaneously’
from one trial to another.
While the thresholded data answers whether
gradual learning occurs in general, a comparison
between conditions on the non-thresholded data seen
in figure 2b reveals the effect of the manipulation on
the presence of gradual learning steps. The average
largest trial-to-trial improvement in the gradual
condition (M = 0.743, SD = 0.207) was significantly
lower than in the binary condition (M = 0.788, SD =
0.207): t(1560) = -4.240, p < 0.001). This could be
interpreted as either learning being more gradual
when gradual feedback is given, or, as we will argue
in the discussion, as finding more evidence of
underlying gradual learning progress through the
increase in error-commissions.
We will discuss the results in the order of our three
hypotheses: First, we set out to answer whether
gradual feedback increases error commission. We
found a strong effect, not just in the learning task
itself, but even in one-week delayed tests where no
incentives for error commission were given. Second,
we asked whether gradual feedback results in better
learning outcomes. We found an interaction with time
but no significant main effect. Third, we sought to
answer whether words are learned gradually and
whether we can see this reflected in the error
commissions. Our data provides evidence in support
of this view. At the end of the paper, we will reflect
on the relevance for both education practice and
follow-up research.
5.1 Does Gradual Feedback Increase
Error Commission?
As our first hypothesis, we predicted that gradual
feedback would increase error commission. We did
indeed obtain clear evidence in support of this view.
The gradual feedback condition elicited strongly
increased error commission from the first learning
trial to the delayed post-test. Given that there was a
large difference in error commissions already in the
first learning block, even just mentioning point
rewards for partially correct answers seems to affect
task behavior. A habit of committing errors when
unsure of the correct answer might already start to
build up throughout the first block, as each trial
allocates partial points for committed errors.
Although participants in neither condition were
penalized for failed attempts, the instructions
including rewards for incorrect answers may have
created an even clearer experience of a penalty-free
environment and thus have led to higher engagement
as described by Young (1991).
Throughout the learning blocks, the gradual
feedback strengthens this habit to attempt to answer
even if unsure. Error commission in the gradual
condition increases steeply until participants virtually
never omit their answer by the final block. This is in
line with the observation of Abraham et al. (2019) for
semantic similarity-based rewards and shows that
rewarding based on orthographic similarity can
produce the same incentive for error commission.
Given that producing a partially correct word while
learning vocabulary is a frequent occurrence, this
creates a simple and effective mechanism for
encouraging error commission.
Given that the post-test is very similar to the
learning task aside from the lack of feedback, it is
perhaps not too surprising that this habit to commit
errors continues into the post-test, even though it is
no longer explicitly encouraged and in no way
rewarded. The observation that participants of the
gradual condition still are much more likely to
commit errors in the one-week-delayed post-test,
however, suggests that at least a medium-term habit
was formed during the short learning phase. It may
create a long-term habit if learners internalize the
intrinsic value of retrieval and error commission
(Lally & Gardner, 2013). It would be interesting to
investigate whether this effect would translate to
Encouraging Errors Through Gradual Feedback to Improve Vocabulary Learning
Figure 5: (a) The distribution of similarity (1 - Levenshtein distance) of given answers to correct answers, per learning block
and split by condition. Instantaneous learning would be reflected by items only at the ends of the distribution, with completely
unknown words at similarity 0 being replaced by fully known words at similarity 1 from block to block. Gradual learning is
reflected by items 'trickling up’ from unknown to partially known before settling at fully learned. (b) The distribution from
figure 2 is split into two bins by the threshold of 0.75. Words below the threshold are considered learned gradually, and words
above potentially learned spontaneously.
different learning tasks done by the same subject and
whether a binary feedback task would ‘reset’ the
learner to their original unwillingness to risk errors.
In the present study we only measured the
responses themselves. Other studies have explicitly
measured participants’ confidence in their answers
for each trial (e.g., Butler et al., 2011; Butterfield &
Mangels, 2003). We omitted such a measure to retain
the flow of the learning phase and restrict its duration,
but a follow-up experiment including such a metric
would shine more light into the decision making
behind responses and non-responses. An interesting
question, for example, is whether increased
confidence to commit answers even when uncertain,
might result in occasional correct responses where a
less confident participant might omit their equally
correct guess.
5.2 Does Increased Error Commission
Result in Better Learning
In our second hypothesis, we predicted that error
commission would intrinsically aid learning by
encouraging active retrieval practice. We assumed
that if the gradual feedback would elicit more error
commission, it would also result in higher test scores.
Numerically this does seem to be the case, with
gradual feedback condition participants on average
scoring two words better on the delayed production,
and three words higher on the delayed recognition
test. While those effects exceeded our expectations,
unfortunately so did the extreme variance between
participants, which leaves us with insufficient power
to detect a significant effect. A replication in a more
controlled environment than our online experiment,
or a within-participant manipulation, may be able to
confirm the seemingly high difference.
The significant interaction effect between the
gradual condition and time reveals that gradual
condition participants show a smaller decrease in
learned words over the one-week period between
sessions. This was only found in the form-focused
recall test, but not in the recognition test. This may be
the result of gradual feedback leading to different
learning strategies or learning effects which are more
consistently consolidated after time. This would be in
line with findings by Baxter et al. (2021) that
orthographic contrasting can lead to better long-term
retention. It is also in line with the known
phenomenon of competition between orthographic or
phonological neighbors only occurring after
consolidation (sleep) (Bakker et al., 2014), if we
assume that the form-focused feedback of the gradual
learning condition makes learners focus more
explicitly on the orthographic form.
5.3 Are Words Learned Gradually?
The tests regarding our third hypothesis show that at
least about half of all words were learned in multiple,
gradual steps rather than at once. While latent
learning may well be even more granular than
observed (Daw & Courville, 2008), this leaves little
doubt that word representations can be learned
partially. Words were not just learned ‘gradually’ in
the sense of certainty about the answer, but stepwise
on a sublexical level. The data therefore adds
evidence that vocabulary is not just stored in
constituent parts which overlap between similar
words, as suggested by models such as BIA+
(Dijkstra & van Heuven, 2002), but also that these
parts are learned piecewise as suggested by the
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
ontogenesis model (Bordag et al., 2022). Our data
strongly supports the theory that word learning relies
on complex internal representations that are learned
and better specified gradually with each exposure or
Participants in the gradual feedback condition,
who were more willing to commit errors, showed
more gradual learning between blocks than
participants who received binary feedback as seen in
the significantly lower maximum trial-to-trial
improvement. It is not possible to discern from our
design whether this means they learned more
gradually, or whether we simply gained more insight
into their internal process even though the underlying
process is equally gradual. It is possible that the
process of explicitly rewarding partial answers and
focusing on partial overlap during feedback could
lead learners to adopt a different learning strategy that
results in more gradual learning than usual. We
surmise, however, that this difference is largely
driven by the latter, meaning that the manipulation
exposes information about incomplete latent
representations that are present in all learners but
usually hidden.
As information about the learner’s progress with
individual words is relevant for intelligent tutoring
systems, stimulating learners to commit mistakes
helps to gain an insight into these granular steps
(Amaral & Meurers, 2007; Cook & Payne, 2002).
Levenshtein distance proves a useful tool for
measuring the overall distance in similarity from the
learner’s representation to the target word. Our study
employed a very simplistic mechanism to address the
representational distance between error and target
word in order to maintain parity between the
experimental conditions. For educational purposes,
learning tools could go further and address
specifically the parts of the word that were not learned
correctly, for example, by highlighting letter overlap,
or contrasting the error with other similar words with
which the user might have confused the correct
5.4 Insights for Learning and Teaching
Perhaps the most straightforwardly applicable
outcome of this research for practice lies outside the
three core hypotheses, namely in the motivational
boost of gradual feedback reported by participants.
The more positive feedback to partially correct
answers was mentioned in the post-experiment
questionnaire as ‘encouraging’ and by some as
‘useful for reflection’, resulting in a better enjoyment
of the learning task. Although this is true for most
participants, some found the partial feedback more
confusing, so a personalized approach is probably
best. An increase in motivation likely results in more
attention and higher willingness to extend cognitive
effort on word learning and thus improves learning
outcomes in the short and long term.
Gradual feedback is easy to implement in digital
learning applications. Where most teachers in person-
to-person language learning environments are
probably already intuitively inclined to praise nearly-
correct answers and to point out exactly where the
learner went wrong, hopefully this research can help
computer-assisted learning to provide the same
benefit. Error generation increases insight into the
learners internal understanding and thus allows for a
more targeted education method.
An increase in enjoyment of learning tasks is a
goal of gamification, which is increasingly common
in learning applications (Dehghanzadeh et al., 2021).
However, many extrinsic motivators used such as
points, badges, and leaderboards often work only in
the short term and see a decline in effect over time
(Toda et al., 2018). Effective and integrated design of
such devices is required to achieve long-term gains.
Similarity-based feedback can easily be integrated in
gamification applications and allows for all-
important alignment of educational and game
mechanics (Lim et al., 2015). Our finding of possible
habit formation based on instructions and type of
feedback might represent a more long-lasting effect
than an otherwise simple point system. A similar
distance-based feedback mechanic can also easily be
translated to other domains where a similarity
measure can be defined.
Gradual feedback participants committed answers
much more frequently than control during learning,
immediate post-test, and even in the one-week
delayed post-test. This increase in error-commission
may have also led to overall learning gains, though
we could not confirm a significant main effect of the
gradual condition. Gradual feedback participants did
better over time, suggesting that the gradual
feedback helped better consolidate orthographic
representations. Across both conditions, word
learning was shown to be gradual, in that participants
often learn parts of the word in several steps before
having fully learned the word. With the increased
error commission due to gradual feedback, this
gradual shaping of the word representation can be
followed online, allowing for more tailored feedback
Encouraging Errors Through Gradual Feedback to Improve Vocabulary Learning
in both digital and non-digital vocabulary learning.
The presentation of gradual feedback was also
perceived as motivating and improved enjoyment of
the learning task. Hence, gradual Levenshtein-based
feedback promises to be a useful addition to digital
word learning applications.
We would like to thank Peta Baxter, Randi Goertz,
and Josh Ring for their feedback and help in
designing this study.
This project was funded by the Netherlands
Initiative for Education Research of the Dutch
Research council under grant 405.17300.048.
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All stimuli and data used in this experiment, the code
used for data collection and analysis, as well as more
detailed reports of the generalized linear models used
in this paper can be found on the Donders Repository:
Encouraging Errors Through Gradual Feedback to Improve Vocabulary Learning