Sustainability-Driven Meetings as a Way to Incorporate Sustainability
into Software Development Phases
Ana Carolina Moises de Souza
, Daniela Cruzes
and Letizia Jaccheri
Department of Computer Science, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Høgskoleringen 1, Trondheim, Norway
Software Sustainability, Social Sustainability, Sustainable Software Engineering, Agile Software
Software sustainability has been a trending topic in the last decade in academia. Studies related to software
sustainability propose models, frameworks, or practices that can be applied in the industry. But most of these
proposals are still not systematically adopted in the industry. Therefore, there is an opportunity to create
a structured meeting to support the concrete adoption of sustainability practices in software development.
This paper aims to provide an overview of these frameworks and how they can help facilitate sustainability-
driven meetings (SusDM). Seeking this, we present practical examples and a workflow to prepare the meeting
by applying the existing sustainability frameworks in SusDM. As a position paper, our hypothesis is that the
contributions of this meeting may be related to improving the knowledge of software developers on sustainable
software engineering, discovering new sustainability requirements, prioritization, and implementing software
sustainability practices.
Nowadays, Sustainability in Software Engineering is
a trending research topic, and it is contextualized from
software process, and software product perspectives
(Calero et al., 2022). From the software product
perspective (Penzenstadler et al., 2014a), proposed a
framework to analyze the software product effects in
each sustainability dimension. (Hilty and Aebischer,
2015), argued about the life cycle impact of an Infor-
mation Technology and Communication (ICT) prod-
uct, which can be reduced by improving its processes
on environmental and social dimensions. Regarding
sustainability as part of the software development pro-
cess, (Lago et al., 2015) proposes that sustainability
can be framed into software quality requirements, just
as Security and Usability disciplines.
One recurrent problem in today’s software devel-
opment projects is the deprioritization of nonfunc-
tional aspects (Tøndel et al., 2019). There is still a
lack of systematic ways to deal with aspects of the
software that encompass more than just one function-
ality. For example, in Security (Tøndel et al., 2019):
a) security is often seen as not part of strategic deci-
sions, b) security aspects have a tendency to be sacri-
ficed in favor of implementing more functionality and
c) responsibility for software security is often unclear.
This previous work proposed such meetings for secu-
rity as a way to increase and systematize the prioriti-
zation of security activities in software development
projects (Tøndel et al., 2019) (Tøndel and Cruzes,
2022). Our hypothesis is that Software Sustainabil-
ity suffers from the same challenges as security. The
relationship between these areas is described by (Pen-
zenstadler et al., 2014b) where sustainability is also
seen as a non-functional requirement.
One evidence of these challenges was studied by
(de Souza et al., 2022) that has performed a multi-case
study aiming to understand how sustainability prac-
tices were addressed in the software development area
of financial institutions. The results from the inter-
views have identified that some organizations do not
apply sustainability in software development in a sys-
tematized way. Thus, organizational practices related
to social, environmental, technical, and economic di-
mensions are found outside of the software develop-
ment scope and mainly at the organizational level.
(Calero et al., 2019) confirms through the analysis of
ten Corporate Social Responsibility reports that there
are more actions related to other areas than to soft-
Moises de Souza, A., Cruzes, D. and Jaccheri, L.
Sustainability-Driven Meetings as a Way to Incorporate Sustainability into Software Development Phases.
DOI: 10.5220/0011984700003464
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2023), pages 597-604
ISBN: 978-989-758-647-7; ISSN: 2184-4895
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
ware sustainability adoption in information technol-
ogy companies.
Aiming to improve the software sustainability
knowledge, organizational strategic view towards
software sustainability, and well-defined roles and
processes, we propose Sustainability-driven Meetings
(SusDM). SusDM is organized into two main parts:
preparation for the meeting and facilitation of the
meeting. For the preparation part, we suggest a work-
flow that will allow practitioners to identify the busi-
ness context, the end user, the internal and external
stakeholders, the Software Development Life Cycle
(SDLC) phase, and finally the steps to run the SusDM
based on the output of the previous stages. The sec-
ond part uses the existing sustainability frameworks,
which will be discussed in Section 4, to facilitate the
meetings. At the end of the SusDM, it is expected
to have a list of practices, features, and process that
reflects sustainability concerns to be mitigated by the
software under construction.
As a position paper, we are planning to conduct
a focus group as an observatory study to understand
people’s reactions and perceptions during the meet-
ing (Stewart et al., 2007). Action research will com-
plement the focus group in terms of understanding
the current scenario of software sustainability in the
context of agile software development (Davison et al.,
2004). The meeting will be evaluated and improved
by collecting feedback from participants and follow-
ing up on actions taken after each SusDM session.
The paper structure is as follows. In section 2,
we provide the research background. Section 3 con-
tains an explanation of Sustainability-driven meet-
ings. Section 4 includes a discussion about software
sustainability frameworks and the possibilities of ap-
plying this meeting. Then, in section 5, we conclude
and propose future research work.
Trends in the Green and Sustainable Software re-
search field indicate a growth in publications pro-
duced each year in this area (Calero et al., 2020).
The contribution of this review reinforces the impor-
tance about sustainability research and shows the op-
portunities to make it valuable for the software de-
velopment community and society. The contribu-
tions of existing frameworks are promising to start
the conversation and awareness about sustainabil-
ity in software (Messnarz et al., 2014), (Hinai and
Chitchyan, 2016), (Ahmad et al., 2016), (Kopec et al.,
2018), (Lago, 2019), (Duboc et al., 2020), (Condori-
Fernandez et al., 2020), (Albuquerque et al., 2021).
In the review conducted by (Calero et al., 2020), the
studies were classified into knowledge areas of Soft-
ware Engineering. The results show that Software
Process demands research related to sustainability,
and the most significant research contributions were
in Software Quality studies.
In Software Sustainability, it is necessary to have
activities linked to the software development lifecy-
cle (SDLC). In agile software development, meet-
ings are vital to executing the agile software devel-
opment process. For example, SCRUM is supported
by regular events, that are goal-driven meetings such
as sprint planning, sprint review, sprint retrospectives,
and daily scrum, where each meeting has its purpose
(Schwaber and Sutherland, 2020). These meetings
have very well-defined goals, and they are structured
in terms of the role designated to run it, the timebox
of the meeting, the preparation before the meeting,
the selection of the right people involved, the defi-
nition of a goal, the follow-up actions after the meet-
ings and its assessment and reflection to improve them
(Andriyani et al., 2017). Scaled agile methods such
as Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe), propose system-
atic meetings or events to run the method and ensure
the process runs smoothly (SAFe, 2021a). The dif-
ference between not scaled and scaled methods is the
complexity, the number of people involved, the co-
ordination of distributed teams, and the strategies re-
quired to keep good enough communication between
organizational areas, people, and customers (Uludag
et al., 2021) (Dingsøyr et al., 2017) (Alzoubi and Gill,
2014). Kanban is another agile method, in which the
purpose is a continuous flow managed by lead times
and delivery of value between upstream and down-
stream areas. Feedback loops are necessary to im-
prove the flow in all areas, therefore ”Kanban defines
seven specific feedback opportunities or cadences.
Cadences are the cyclical meetings and reviews that
drive evolutionary change, and effective service de-
livery” (Anderson, 2010). On the current approaches
for agile methods, there are no meetings with the goal
of addressing software sustainability.
In the available literature about Sustainability
in Software engineering and Green and Sustainable
Software, we did not find related work to what we
suggest in this paper - sustainability-driven meetings
(SusDM). In most of the agile software development
methods mentioned (Scrum, Kanban, and SAFe), the
terms ”sustainability” and ”sustainable” are used to
sustain or enhance something without wasting re-
sources. For example, SAFe addresses Sustainabil-
ity to deliver sustainable solutions to the customer
and sustainable business agility (SAFe, 2023). In
ENASE 2023 - 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
their view, to reach Sustainability, the teams must be
able to release on demand. Thus, Sustainability re-
quires continuous delivery from the software archi-
tect’s perspective (SAFe, 2021b). On the other hand,
Kanban and Scrum are concerned with the team’s
Sustainability in terms of sustainable pace and fair
workload (Yeret, 2021). When dealing with software
engineering, Sustainability is seen as a quality re-
quirement that requires valuable systematic practices
to implement and evaluate sustainability in software
(Condori-Fernandez and Lago, 2019).
Sustainability-driven meetings aim to introduce the
topic to be discussed systematically and reflect in
each phase of software development. Figure 1 shows
an example of the possible workflow of how the
SusDM can be initiated in the software development
As mentioned before, the Sustainability-driven
meeting was inspired by (Tøndel et al., 2019) (Tøndel
and Cruzes, 2022). The authors proposed regular
security meetings in three different companies con-
ducted through action research and case study. The
goals were to make security visible and tangible,
reach key stakeholders, and ensure ongoing security
prioritization. Along with these goals, a set of rec-
ommended strategies were combined based on the
software security literature. In this context, it was
possible to identify what influences the adoption of
security meetings regarding driving force, visibility,
motivation, room to manoeuvre and process match.
An example of the positive effects of this meeting
is ”As meeting participants gained more competence
and confidence on security, they improved their abil-
ity to act as a driving force for security. Moreover,
this study has shown that specific security meeting
has increased the security tasks because the team had
dedicated time to discuss them, without impact to the
project delivery date. The main difference between
the Security Intention meeting (Tøndel and Cruzes,
2022) and the SusDM is about the preparation work-
flow required before SusDM starts (Figure 1). This
is because software sustainability is still an emerg-
ing topic in the industry and therefore requires guided
instruction on how to adopt it in the SDLC (Calero
et al., 2019).
It is essential to be prepared before the meeting
starts, which will take some time in the first place.
However, the following meetings will probably not
require much effort in preparation.
The workflow starts on the 01-Discovering stage,
which is divided into two steps. The first step in this
stage is Business Domain, which aims to identify the
business context. This context is usually the purpose
of the software. For example, if the software is devel-
oped to manage blood donations, the business context
might be Health. The discovery of business context to
address sustainability concerns allows us to refine bet-
ter and create features that will positively impact so-
ciety. Thus, sustainability is very context-dependent
(Miller, 2012). The second step of 01-Dicovering
stage is to identify who will benefit from the soft-
ware and to whom the software is intended to be used,
which means the end-user of the software. In this
case, the software development area could use tech-
niques from the user experience field to help with this
discovery. We selected some examples of user expe-
riences techniques listed in Figure 1: Personal Maps
(Team, 2022), Ecosystem Map (UX-republic, 2022),
Empathy Map (Brown, 2018), and User Journey Map
(Bradley et al., 2021). We argue that user-centered
designing contributes to social sustainability and the
transfer ability to human values once the designers’
and researchers’ responsibility is ”to think more con-
siderately and diversely toward individuals’ varied”
(Bradley et al., 2021).
The next stage is 02-Stakeholders Map which
is divided into two steps. The first one is the Inter-
nal mapping of the stakeholders inside the organiza-
tions, which plays a significant role during software
development. The internal stakeholders are respon-
sible for creating the product backlog, management,
organization operations, and strategies. These peo-
ple are essential to contribute to the strategic vision
of Sustainability and its short or long-term benefits
for the product and organization. They also have the
power to influence the adoption of Sustainability by
developers and operational levels. We believe soft-
ware developers are important internal stakeholders
because their technical views can drive the decisions.
External stakeholders are people who have fundamen-
tal knowledge about sustainability, know the regula-
tions or by-laws related to this area, and share ex-
periences in other areas that are not related to soft-
ware development. For example, an external stake-
holder can provide an overview of how to operate a
non-organizational institution that fights hunger and
The 03-SDLC stage is to situate the software un-
der construction in which phase of the Software De-
velopment Life Cycle is happening. The software de-
velopment process could help identify SDLC phases
independently of agile or traditional methods. The
difference will be the number of interactions needed
Sustainability-Driven Meetings as a Way to Incorporate Sustainability into Software Development Phases
Figure 1: The Sustainability-driven meeting workflow.
and the project’s planned schedule. In both ap-
proaches, we see room to accommodate the SusDMs.
For example, suppose the team is using SCRUM, and
the goal of the meeting is to identify sustainability
features. In that case, SusDM can be accommodated
at the backlog refinement meeting to prepare for the
sprint. Of course, at this point, the previous stages
were done. Given their importance and intention, the
discovery and stakeholder map outputs are required in
the SDLC stage.
After finishing all the previous stages, we can run
the Sustainability-Driven Meeting 04-SusDM. It con-
sists of three steps, defining meeting goals, selecting
sustainability frameworks, documenting, and work-
ing on the actions. The SDLC phase is an input to
determine the meeting goals and, therefore, to estab-
lish the sustainability framework. Examples of meet-
ing goals and sustainability frameworks are discussed
The Sustainability-driven meetings are flexible to
be adopted by any business domain and at any phase
of software development. We list some examples of
the different purposes of this meeting: Software Re-
quirements: Derive software features that will con-
tribute to society in one or more sustainability dimen-
Software Design. Identify sustainability approaches
that can be designed or avoided in the software before
its development.
Software Architecture. Decide which software ar-
chitecture approaches will contribute to sustainability.
Software Construction. Identify the efficiency, re-
sponse time, and use of software resources in order to
reduce the environmental impacts of its use or devel-
Software Testing. Identify actors from the society
that could test and validate the sustainability features.
List the sustainability metrics reached by software us-
Software Development Process. Reflect on the im-
provement of software development and whether it is
sustainable or not to keep from the organization, prod-
uct, and team perspective.
Once the meeting goal is defined, we can combine
the existing sustainability frameworks into the meet-
ing and the software development. The sustainability
frameworks are discussed in section 4 based on an on-
going systematic literature review.
The last step is to document the meeting results,
which means all the notes taken during the meeting
should find their way into any tools used for track-
ing. The meeting output could be: a) the results and
next steps of the discussion, and b) framework us-
age/feedback for further reference. The meeting out-
come can be related to its goals as well. For example,
if the goal were to discover new sustainability features
of the software, then the outcome would be a list of
these features and, perhaps, a detailed user story.
As recommended by (Tøndel et al., 2019), the
meeting participants can evaluate the meeting out-
comes. In our case, it is also valuable to assess the
SusDM as well, so we adapted some of the grades
Great: We are doing great during the meeting and
the goal will be reached, no further improvement
is needed.
Good: We know we could be better, but we are
fairly satisfied with the current practice. We hope
to reach the goal.
Somewhat: We are doing some things, the goal
seems ok, but we really should improve the
Sustainability-driven meeting.
ENASE 2023 - 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Lacking: We are doing close to nothing during the
meeting and are far from realizing the goal pro-
posed in the meeting.
We identified through an ongoing Systematic Litera-
ture Review that Software Requirements are the most
explored software development life cycle phase in
terms of suggesting models or frameworks. From the
software engineering perspective, we have selected
the frameworks proposed in the literature that has
shown evidence of their applications and could be a
tool for the SusDM facilitation to achieve its goals as
described in Table 1.
4.1 Software Requirements
Software requirements activities explicitly provide
conditions to achieve sustainable software from both
perspectives: product and process (Calero et al.,
2022). The proposed frameworks in the studies se-
lected provide instructions for their usage by the
software development teams allowing us to recom-
mend them as a tool to facilitate Sustainability-driven
meetings ((Hinai and Chitchyan, 2016), (Condori-
Fernandez and Lago, 2019), (Duboc et al., 2020),(Al-
buquerque et al., 2021)).
Generic requirements identification was proposed
by (Hinai and Chitchyan, 2016) based on core soci-
etal values, such as equality and fairness, which are
connected with social sustainability goals. The au-
thor analyzes six sample studies and creates equity
value patterns from them. The patterns created and
how they were interpreted provide insights into so-
cial sustainability. During the SusDM, it can facili-
tate the identification of requirements related to so-
cial sustainability and work ”as an enabler for these
concerns to be integrated into the SE (software engi-
neering) practice” (Hinai and Chitchyan, 2016).
(Condori-Fernandez and Lago, 2019) proposed a
software Sustainability-Quality Model(SQM) to sup-
port software engineers in identifying relevant qual-
ity attributes, such as integrity, user error protection,
learnability, interoperability, modifiability, adaptabil-
ity, capacity, and co-existence. These qualities were
categorized into a sustainability dimension, making it
easy to connect with real sustainability issues. This
model could facilitate addressing non-functional sus-
tainability requirements and evaluating them based on
the identified quality attributes.
Table 1: Mapping the existing sustainability tools to facili-
tate SusDM by SDLC.
SDLC/Sustainability Tool Dimension
- Software Requirements:
Values patterns for social sustain-
ability requirements. (Hinai and
Chitchyan, 2016)
Software Sustainability Quality
Model (SQM) (Condori-Fernandez
and Lago, 2019)
Soc., Env.,
Tech., Eco.
Sustainability Awareness Framework
and Diagram (SusAF and SusAD)
(Duboc et al., 2020)
Soc., Env.,
Eco., Ind.
Sustainability Requirements catalog
(Albuquerque et al., 2021)
Soc., Tech.
- Software Design:
Software Sustainability Assessment
Framework (SAF). Sustainability
Quality Model (SQ model) and the
Architectural Decision Map (DM)
(Lago, 2019) (Condori-Fernandez
et al., 2020)
Soc., Env.,
Tech., Eco.
- Software Architecture:
Architectural Decision Map (DM)
(Lago, 2019) (Condori-Fernandez
et al., 2020)
Soc., Env.,
Tech., Eco.
- Software Construction:
Characteristics and Sub-
Characteristics of Software Sus-
tainability Evaluation (Ahmad et al.,
Env., Soc.,
- Software Testing:
Support for Participant Involvement
in Rapid and Agile software devel-
opment Lab (SPIRAL) user involve-
ment scheme (Kopec et al., 2018)
- Software Process Improvement:
Mapping between Software Pro-
cess Improvement (SPI) and Social
Responsibility issues based on
ISO26000 Evaluation. (Messnarz
et al., 2014)
Sustainability-Driven Meetings as a Way to Incorporate Sustainability into Software Development Phases
The sustainability Awareness Framework (SusAF)
aims to raise awareness of the sustainability effects of
software. It is a question-based framework to guide
the discussion with stakeholders (Duboc et al., 2020).
As part of software requirements, it can engage the
stakeholders in software sustainability concerns. The
results of its discussion can be represented in a Sus-
tainability Awareness Diagram (SusAD), a visualiza-
tion tool used to highlight the chains of effects (Duboc
et al., 2020). During the SusDM, these frameworks
can help in the discovery phase of software require-
ments and visualize each effect.
The implementation and measure of non-
functional requirements are not trivial, as studies
regarding this topic confirm (Albuquerque et al.,
2021). The challenges seen by the experts are related
to technical skills, tooling, testing, and metrics
related to non-functional requirements. Aiming to
facilitate this meeting, a sustainability catalog can
be used by the people involved in implementing this
software (Albuquerque et al., 2021). This catalog
will also help identify the relationship between the
non-functional requirements and how they affect each
other, neither positively nor negatively. It will clarify
the sustainability concerns and who contributes to
enabling sustainability in the software (Albuquerque
et al., 2021).
4.2 Software Design and Software
Social-technical decisions regarding the software
structure are made during the software design phase.
In this case, the software design can also address
the sustainability dimensions, such as social, en-
vironmental, and economic. We suggest that a
Sustainability-driven meeting can help with the dis-
cussion regarding sustainability concerns and help to
decide which path to go towards Sustainable software.
In this case, both tools can be combined as pro-
posed by (Condori-Fernandez et al., 2020) (Lago,
2019). First, a tool to create awareness about the as-
pects of each sustainability dimension based on the
domain and software goal. Second, the decision maps
can be elaborated to allow software designers to de-
cide the most critical aspect to implement in their soft-
ware. The benefit of the decision maps is extended to
Software Architecture (Lago, 2019).
4.3 Software Construction
During the Software Construction, one checkpoint
can be made to assess whether the software’s effi-
ciency, response time, and resource utilization aim
to reduce the environmental impacts related to its us-
age or development. (Ahmad et al., 2016) proposed a
way to evaluate the sustainability of the software un-
der development based on goal-oriented approaches.
An example of defining the goal of software sustain-
ability evaluation for an environmental dimension is
(Ahmad et al., 2016) : ”Purposes: To evaluate the
utilized resources behavior of computer systems dur-
ing testing or operation in order to improve it. Per-
spectives: Examine the input-output resource utiliza-
tion from the user, developer, maintainers, and SQA
point of view. Environmental: the following context
of quality of use of resources towards environmental
impacts. During the SusDM, the list of characteris-
tics and sub-characteristics can be verified in the soft-
ware construction phase. If not implemented, it can
be turned into actions and backlog items to be deliv-
ered in the sprint, for example.
4.4 Software Testing
User participation in co-design software was studied
by (Kopec et al., 2018) focusing on old adults, but
it also can be generalized to other groups of people.
The intention of SPIRAL (Support for Participant In-
volvement in Rapid and Agile software development
Lab) is to develop a co-design approach that engages
the end-user participation in the phases of defining an
idea, analyzing, designing, prototyping, and testing
(Kopec et al., 2018). The contribution of this study
is a set of design steps to include people and promote
participatory software development of a product.
In software testing, having the actual end-users
test the Software is essential to guarantee its func-
tional requirements. Once the user is involved, much
information can be collected to enhance the software
product. In the SPIRAL proposal, ”the least advanced
users may participate in the idea generation and test-
ing phases, more advanced can join the design and
analysis stages, whereas the most advanced can take
part in the full development cycle as experts” (Kopec
et al., 2018).
4.5 Software Process Improvement
Social Responsibility concerns can be part of Soft-
ware Process Improvement (SPI) principles (Mess-
narz et al., 2014). The mapping between the ISO
26000 - Social Responsibility and SPI Manifesto was
created to demonstrate how they are connected. The
SPI manifesto can be used in SusDM to reflect what
needs to be improved in the software development
process toward social responsibility.
One of the SPI principles is ”create a learning or-
ENASE 2023 - 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
ganization, which is about facilitating learning and
sharing experiences. Influenced by this principle, the
SusDM meeting opens the door to learning about soft-
ware sustainability. The contribution of (Messnarz
et al., 2014) is to serve as a checklist where the in-
ternal and external stakeholders can help to assess
whether these principles and social responsibilities
are addressed.
This section discussed in which moment of soft-
ware development the meeting can be addressed,
which frameworks can be used as facilitating tools
to promote the discussion, and the argument why use
each of them. The software development team can
decide when it is the moment to add this meeting. We
aim to apply this meeting in action research design to
understand how software development companies can
adopt SusDM.
In this paper, we argued that a Sustainability-driven
meeting is a practical way to address sustainability
concerns, create sustainability awareness and realis-
tically adopt sustainability during the software de-
velopment by using existing evidenced sustainability
frameworks. Throughout the paper, we discussed the
meeting workflow considering the stages of discover-
ing, mapping stakeholders, identifying SDLC phases,
and running the SusDM.
The main idea is to hold this meeting in agile soft-
ware development teams following the focus group
research method (Stewart et al., 2007). We want to
observe the participants’ engagement and interactions
during the application of the sustainability framework
chosen for their context based on steps 01, 02 and 03
of the preparation for the SusDM. We plan to con-
duct this research with the action research method,
as we want to understand the problem, propose solu-
tions collaboratively, and run feedback loops (Davi-
son et al., 2004). In the end, we want to assess
how valuable these meetings are for developers and
how knowledge about software sustainability has im-
proved after starting these meetings.
While other approaches focus mainly on general
sustainability awareness or specific phases of soft-
ware development (Calero et al., 2022), the SusDM
is proposed to be added at any phase of software de-
velopment. The SusDM gives the software develop-
ment team flexibility regarding when it needs to exe-
cute and which tools can be used to reach the meeting
goal. The meeting can be assessed to find value in
rerunning it or improving it for the next rounds.
The meeting proposed in this paper combines ex-
isting sustainability frameworks into software devel-
opment phases to facilitate the meeting and increase
the prioritization of sustainability. In addition, it pro-
vides examples of SusDM goals that can be addressed
during software development and how they should be
initiated in the organization, as stated in the workflow
section. Further work will explore how SusDM can
be adopted in software development companies. We
expect to validate the suggestion, collect feedback and
improve it to be operational in any software develop-
ment context.
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ENASE 2023 - 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering