A Literature Review of Evaluation Approaches for Cyber-Physical
Production Systems
Hector Hostos
, Oscar Avila
and Virginie Goepp
Department of Systems and Computing Engineering, School of Engineering, Universidad de los Andes, Bogota, Colombia
ICube Laboratory, INSA Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France
Keywords: Manufacturing System, Cyber-Physical Production System, Industry 4.0, Evaluation, Meta-Model.
Abstract: The role of Cyber-physical production systems (CPPSs) as Industry 4.0 enablers has raised the interest to
upgrade legacy production systems. However, manufacturers face uncertainty when assessing if the
transformation process is worth it. In this context, the aim of this study is to review the works in the existing
literature that approach the evaluation of CPPSs in a context of production systems’ transformation. To do so,
we adopted a systematic literature review process that comprises the development of a framework of six
review questions that help us to analyze and characterize the literature found. From the literature review, this
paper presents a conceptual model that aims at establishing the basis for a complete approach for CPPS
Production systems have been the core of the
manufacturing industry since the appearance of the
steam machine that set off the first industrial
revolution back in the 18
century. Later innovations
like electricity, production lines and information
technologies enabled a continuous evolution in
industry. As of today, technological breakthroughs
like cloud computing, data analytics, the Internet of
things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI) have
paved the way for the fourth industrial revolution,
also known as Industry 4.0, in which the fusion of the
physical and virtual worlds has been possible, in part,
by Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) (Kagermann et al.,
2013). When a CPS is applied to production
environments, we refer to it as a Cyber-Physical
Production System (CPPS) (Wang et al., 2015). We
conceive a CPPS according to the definition of X.
Wu, (2022) as: “A combination of technological
agents, IT agents and humans, collaborating within a
synergistic production environment to carry out
technical, decision-making, or cognitive tasks
autonomously, using the best capabilities of each kind
of agent involved”.
Nowadays, the ever-increasing business demands
like the need for customized products or the decrease
in the product lifecycles (Neugebauer et al., 2016)
drives the transition from legacy manufacturing
systems to CPPSs as a main stake for manufacturers.
However, such transition must be well-founded since
it usually implies high upfront investments for
organizations, development time and it is surrounded
by considerable uncertainty (X. Wu, 2022). Therefore,
the evaluation of the CPPSs to be implemented plays a
crucial role in the transformation context to reduce
uncertainty and mitigate risks. In this context, we
formulate the following research question: “How do
existing methods evaluate a CPPS along its lifecycle,
especially during its design?”. To answer this question,
we perform a systematic literature review on the
existing approaches to evaluate CPPSs to identify the
gaps in this research subject.
This work is structured as follows: Section 2
presents a systematic literature review of the evaluation
approaches for CPPSs. This leads us, in Section 3, to
work out a conceptual model that allows to fulfill the
gaps identified in the analysis of the literature review.
Finally, Section 4 draws some conclusions and sets out
a research agenda for the future.
The literature review followed in this work is based
on the framework proposed by vom Brocke et al.,
(2009), which consists of five phases illustrated on
Fig. 1. Likewise, each phase is explained below.
Hostos, H., Avila, O. and Goepp, V.
A Literature Review of Evaluation Approaches for Cyber-Physical Production Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0011985200003467
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2023) - Volume 2, pages 642-650
ISBN: 978-989-758-648-4; ISSN: 2184-4992
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Figure 1: BPMN illustration of the systematic literature review process followed in this work.
2.1 Definition of Review Scope
The first phase comprises 6 stages, each one is
intended to define one constituent characteristic of the
review: focus, goal, organization, perspective,
audience, and coverage. Our focus is the review of
research outcomes on CPPSs evaluation. The goal is
to describe the state of the art in the evaluation of
CPPSs. The organization is given by a framework of
six review questions to be presented further on.
The review presents different interpretations of
the literature in a neutral perspective. Regarding
the audience, this work is meant to be consulted
by specialized scholars in the field of
production/manufacturing systems. The coverage is
exhaustive, as we are covering most of the literature
about CPPSs evaluation.
2.2 Conceptualization of Topic
The definition of key terms is essential for
conceptualization of the topic to be reviewed. In our
case, 20 keywords are defined and grouped by their
meaning similarity. The first group refers to the
production systems themselves and the different
forms that could be found in the literature: CPPS,
Cyber-physical production systems, CPS, Cyber-
Physical Systems, Manufacturing Systems,
Production system. Next, 6 keywords compose the
second group that refers to evaluation and some other
related concepts: Measure, Measurement, Evaluate,
Evaluation, Assess, Assessment. The third group of
keywords implies the potential transformation of the
production system towards a target stated that can be
named in different ways: Requirement, Request,
Requisite, To-be, Target State, Required State.
Finally, the fourth group refers to the representation
of the designed production system as it could be a
model or a meta-model: Model, Meta-model.
2.3 Literature Search
Given the key terms definition and grouping, we
make use of AND / OR operators to construct a query
that comprises the relevant literature to our topic. For
this work, we employed the Scopus database and
search engine. The query assembly is shown below:
TITLE-ABS-KEY ( ( measure OR measurement
OR evaluate OR evaluation OR assess OR
assessment ) AND ( requirement OR request OR
requisite OR {to-be} OR {required state} OR
{target state} ) AND ( model OR {meta-model} )
AND ( CPPS OR "Cyber-physical production
system" OR "Cyber-physical system" OR
"production system" OR "manufacturing system") )
The operator TITLE-ABS-KEY() instructs the
search engine to look for the terms in parenthesis
within the title or the abstract or the keywords of each
of the articles that compose the database. The
operator LIMIT-TO() constrains the results to the
domains of Computer Science only. As a result, 645
articles were listed and passed through a three-stage
filtering process as follows: In the first filtering stage,
we proceeded to assign one of the following
categories to each title according to its relevance and
relationship to our research subject: related (28
articles), somewhat related (49 articles) and not
related (568 articles). Only the articles assigned to the
first and second categories passed to the next stage.
In the second filtering stage, we analyzed the abstract
of each article and selected only the ones most related
to the research subject which accounted for 15
articles. The last filtering stage consisted of
examining their section titles, tables, and figures. We
selected only 3 articles which were most related to the
research subject.
Additionally, 7 works were found by means of the
backward and forward search. The former consists of
looking for relevant articles within the references of
the articles provided by the keyword search. The
latter consists of looking for which relevant articles
cite the articles provided by the keyword search.
Backward and forward searches do not take place in
the first filtering stage since only the title is analyzed
there, not the references. As a result, from the
literature search, a total of 9 articles and one thesis
document are passed for the analysis stage. Table 1
summarizes the results of each filtering stage with
respect to the type of search performed.
A Literature Review of Evaluation Approaches for Cyber-Physical Production Systems
Table 1: Number of works from each filtering stage.
Search Type 1
Filter 2
Filter 3
Keyword Search 77 15 3
Backward Search N/A 5 3
Forward Search N/A 10 4
2.4 Analysis and Synthesis of
A framework with six review questions is proposed
to review the final set of works (see Table 2).
Table 2: Framework of review questions.
No. Review Question
In which stage of the CPPS lifecycle is the
evaluation performed?
Which criteria are used to perform the
Is the system performance improved through
iterative evaluation?
What kind of notation is used to represent the
roduction s
Does the article consider the transition from
legacy systems to CPPSs?
Does the article provide a software tool for
stems evaluation?
These questions were set up by identifying the most
relevant dimensions that characterize the evaluation
of a CPPS. The first question refers to the stage where
the evaluation occurs. This is important considering
that, for example, evaluating a production system
while it is being designed differs from evaluating a
system after it has been implemented and it is
operating. The second question examines the criteria
of the evaluation, namely, what it is being measured
and how. Given that an evaluation process expresses
the performance of a system, the third question
determines whether the results of such evaluation are
feedback and used for the sake of system
improvement. The fourth question looks into the
notation, which refers to the way that a model
formally portrays a production system. The fifth
question goes beyond CPPS evaluation as it
investigates which research works consider a
transition from a legacy system to a CPPS. Finally,
the sixth question examines which kind of software
tools have been implemented in the field of CPPS
evaluation. The analysis performed below is
summarized in Table 3.
2.4.1 In Which Stage of the CPPS Lifecycle
Is the Evaluation Performed?
A system lifecycle can be divided into three main
stages according to system engineering principles
(Kossiakoff et al., 2020): The first stage is the concept
development which formulates and defines the
system concept that best satisfies a need. The next
stage is the engineering development which takes the
system concept into hardware and software designs.
The last stage is the post-development stage which
covers the production, deployment, operation and
support of the system. We analyzed the literature to
assign each work within one of the stages and analyze
during which stage evaluation takes place.
With respect to this lifecycle, we found one work
that evaluates the system even before it has been
designed by assessing potential architectures on
which the CPPS can be developed (Bunte et al.,
2019). Other works evaluate the production systems
during their design which belongs, in turn, to the
engineering development stage (B. Wu, 1992; X. Wu,
2022). Orellana & Torres, (2019), evaluate the system
during its design and also during a period of 5 months
of its operation. Therefore, it is classified in both
engineering development and post-development
stages. The work of S. Lee & Ryu, (2022), proposes
to perform the evaluation over a digital twin or a
simulation of the system before it is implemented. For
the sake of classification, we consider this simulation
as one phase of the engineering development stage in
which the simulation of the system is part of its design
before going into production. Most of the literature
performs the assessment over production systems
already implemented, namely, during their operation.
For instance, Coelho et al., (2022), apply a survey of
questions on three different manufacturing plants that
are in operation to evaluate their maturity level. These
plants render their services to different industries. On
the other hand, Arjoni et al., (2018); Lins & Oliveira,
(2020), evaluate the performance of assemblies of
robotic arms just after implementation.
From this analysis, we classify the literature by
the criterion Evaluation in the lifecycle of the CPPS
in Table 3.
2.4.2 Which Criteria Are Used to Perform
the Evaluation?
All the works reviewed make use of a certain type of
criteria to evaluate their corresponding systems. We
identified that those types of criteria are qualitative
and/or quantitative. The latter is classified, in turn,
into numeric indicators, and standardized KPIs (Key
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Performance Indicators). The qualitative evaluation
describes the characteristics of the system under
evaluation in terms of natural language. For instance,
Bunte et al., (2019), assess the systems by a survey of
13 questions, each one is related to a requirement.
Some of those requirements are: does the system
learn from experiences? And does it apply the action
on the controller? Similarly, Arjoni et al., (2018),
formulates three questions to evaluate a system: is
there communication between the real machinery and
the virtualized plant? Is there communication among
machinery? and, how is the operation stability of the
new elements added to the system? Coelho et al.,
(2022), propose a framework of 42 questions grouped
into 15 categories.
Although they do not reveal the specific
questions, some of the categories are the organization
of the machines in a network, dashboard and level of
autonomy. X. Wu´s qualitative approach (X. Wu,
2022) presents a framework of 20 questions
categorized into three dimensions: technological,
informational, and organizational. Some of the
questions are: how is the connectivity of machine in
the shop floor? and how is data collected?
The quantitative evaluation is based on
mathematical modeling that provides data that can be
expressed in numbers. The sub-category numeric
indicators refers to indicators that are application-
specific, namely, a production system to be evaluated
is previously analyzed and some performance
indicators are identified and measured for such
specific system. However, those are not referred as
KPIs since they are not directly linked to a target
according to the definition of KPIs (Parmenter, 2015).
One example of this approach is presented by Khan
et al., (2020), who measure only one indicator that is
the latency in the communication between the sensors
and their supervising application when migrating an
industrial SCADA system to the cloud. Likewise,
Lins & Oliveira, (2020), measure two indicators: the
energy consumption and response time of a
manufacturing system. B. Wu, (1992), does not
suggest any specific technical indicator. However, he
considers the internal interest rate as a financial
indicator to consider when implementing a
manufacturing system. Rinker et al., (2021), only
Table 3: Literature classification after applying the framework of review questions.
Criteria Classification References
Evaluation in the
lifecycle of the
Concept Development (Bunte et al., 2019)
ngineering Development (Orellana & Torres, 2019; B. Wu, 1992; X. Wu, 2022)
(Arjoni et al., 2018; Coelho et al., 2022; Khan et al., 2020; S. Lee & Ryu,
2022; Lins & Oliveira, 2020; Orellana & Torres, 2019
Type of
Qualitative (Arjoni et al., 2018; Bunte et al., 2019; Coelho et al., 2022; X. Wu, 2022)
(Khan et al., 2020; Lins & Oliveira, 2020; B. Wu, 1992)
(S. Lee & Ryu, 2022; Orellana & Torres, 2019; Rinker et al., 2021; X.
Wu, 2022)
Improvement of
the system
through iterative
terative improvement (Orellana & Torres, 2019)
on-iterative improvement
(Arjoni et al., 2018; Bunte et al., 2019; Coelho et al., 2022; Khan et al.,
2020; S. Lee & Ryu, 2022; Lins & Oliveira, 2020; Rinker et al., 2021; B.
Wu, 1992; X. Wu, 2022)
Type of notation
to represent the
(Arjoni et al., 2018; Bunte et al., 2019; Khan et al., 2020; S. Lee & Ryu,
2022; Lins & Oliveira, 2020; Orellana & Torres, 2019
ML (X. Wu, 2022)
ML (Rinker et al., 2021)
Upgrade from
legacy systems
(Arjoni et al., 2018; Khan et al., 2020; S. Lee & Ryu, 2022; Lins &
Oliveira, 2020; Orellana & Torres, 2019; B. Wu, 1992; X. Wu, 2022)
o (Bunte et al., 2019; Coelho et al., 2022)
Software tool
odeling tool (Rinker et al., 2021)
Simulation tool (Ferrer et al., 2018)
Custom tool (J. H. Lee et al., 2018)
A Literature Review of Evaluation Approaches for Cyber-Physical Production Systems
measure the time as an indicator of performance of a
graphical user interface that they develop to model
production systems. Regarding the standardized
KPIs, X. Wu, (2022), makes use of 26 KPI that come
from the ISO22400 standard (International
Organization for Standardization, 2014). The KPIs
are calculated from a set of supporting data which are
directly measured in the production system. Orellana
& Torres, (2019), also make use of ISO22400. In the
case study that they develop, they select 8 specific
KPIs. S. Lee & Ryu, (2022) use another kind of KPIs
that are oriented to sustainability and are stated in the
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI, 2016).
From this analysis, we classify the literature by
the criterion Type of evaluation criteria in Table 3.
2.4.3 Is the System Performance Improved
Through Iterative Evaluation?
From the literature reviewed, we found three works
that include iteration at least in one point of its
process. We examine below if the iteration in such
works is linked to their corresponding evaluation
Orellana & Torres, (2019), introduce a 4-phase
maturity framework for Industry 4.0: the first one
refers to isolated digital applications. In the second
one, the enterprise is capable of integrating and
digitizing its machinery, applications and processes.
In the third phase, both suppliers and partners are
digitally integrated by a common and central
architecture. The fourth phase refers to a factory
100% digital. They propose an 8-step iterative
procedure to transit from phase 1 to phase 2. Within
the reviewed articles, this is the only work that
integrates the evaluation step into the iterative process
which allows the manufacturing system to improve its
performance continuously.
The proposal of X. Wu, (2022), consists of the
following steps: modeling, transformation, and
evaluation of the system. Although the modeling and
transformation steps imply iterations, the evaluation
step only happens once in the process, and it is not
linked to the transformation step that takes place
previously. S. Lee & Ryu, (2022), enhance an
existing production system by adding reconfigurable
capabilities. They propose three subprocesses that
must be carried out sequentially. Evaluation takes
place in the third step. Once the three subprocesses
have run, the derived solution is passed through
simulations. If simulation succeeds, then the new
model is configured in the real facilities. Therefore,
no explicit iteration is proposed.
From this analysis, we classify the literature by
the criterion Improvement of the system performance
through iterative evaluation in Table 3.
2.4.4 What Kind of Notation Is Used to
Represent the Production System?
Most of the articles make use of an ad-hoc notation to
represent the production systems, like it is the case of
(S. Lee & Ryu, 2022). This means that no standard
was followed when portraying a representation of the
systems. Nevertheless, two works use standardized
modeling languages. Rinker et al., (2021) make use
of AutomationML (AML) as an XML-based
standardized data exchange format for the storage and
exchange of modeling hierarchical structures
common to production systems. Likewise, the
metamodel that X. Wu, (2022), proposes to
instantiate is expressed in UML class diagrams.
Therefore, these two aforementioned works represent
the exceptions in terms of the use of a notation for
systems representation. From this analysis, we
classify the literature by the criterion Type of notation
to represent the system in Table 3.
2.4.5 Does the Article Consider the
Transition from Legacy Systems to
Upgrading legacy systems instead of investing in
brand-new systems from scratch represents huge
benefits for organizations (di Carlo et al., 2021).
Therefore, upgrading proposals were frequently
found in the literature.
One of the articles´ case study tackles the
modernization of an assembly line with more than 47
years of operation (Orellana & Torres, 2019). Arjoni
et al., (2018), propose some retrofit techniques at
machinery level to allow old automation and
mechatronic components such as robotic arms and
CNC machines to be adapted to advanced
manufacturing features like communication,
intelligence and sensing capabilities with low
implementation costs. Lins & Oliveira, (2020),
propose a process for upgrading equipment based on
the widely used architecture RAMI 4.0. It comprises
defining the requirements, components, and
technologies necessary to retrofit the industrial
equipment. Khan et al., (2020), take a legacy
industrial SCADA system which operate entirely
local and deploy part of its information systems to the
cloud by implementing secure communication links.
X. Wu, (2022) exhibits a case study of implementing
RFID technology to enable autonomy in a simulated
assembly line. Thus, the products could communicate
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
with workstations to decide their next operation.
S. Lee & Ryu, (2022), do not explicitly propose a case
study of a transformation method from a legacy
system into a CPPS. Instead, they propose how to
upgrade a legacy architecture of a CPPS into a self-
reconfigurable one. Finally, B. Wu, (1992), proposes
a methodology that helps a manufacturing system
designer to decide which aspects of advanced
manufacturing technology are required and how they
should be integrated in a legacy system.
From this analysis, we classify the literature by
the criterion Upgrade from legacy system proposed in
Table 3.
2.4.6 Does the Article Provide a Software
Tool for Systems Evaluation?
From the articles analyzed, it was very uncommon to
find a software implementation, however, some
related developments were found. For example, in the
field of modeling tools, Rinker et al., (2021) coded a
prototype that graphically models production systems
whose components belong to different disciplines of
science, for instance, electrical, mechanical or
biological components. As a simulation tool devised
to serve any type of manufacturing application, Ferrer
et al., (2018) developed the FASTory Simulator
platform. In the field of custom software
implementations, J. H. Lee et al., (2018), showcase a
CPPS dashboard that supports the prediction and
operation control of a plant in the metal casting
industry. Although the aforementioned tools are
related to the field of manufacturing systems, they do
not explicitly address the evaluation of such systems.
From this analysis, we classify the literature by
the criterion Software tool implemented in Table 3.
2.5 Gap Analysis
Once the framework of review questions has been
answered in its entirety, it is time to recall the research
question posed: “How do existing methods evaluate a
CPPS along its lifecycle, especially during its design?”.
Thanks to the characterization of the subject performed
with the framework, we are able to identify how well
this problem is addressed by existing propositions from
different perspectives as follows:
The literature showed that the evaluation of CPPSs
can be performed at any given stage of their lifecycle.
However, most of the works focus on the operation
stage (post-development) underestimating the design
stage (engineering development). It is furthermore
necessary to address the focus on the analysis and
design stages since the tuning and changes over the
system are less expensive at those points.
Most of the reviewed works opted for a
quantitative evaluation. This reveals the advantage
that quantitative evaluations have over qualitative
ones in terms of accuracy and objectivity. However,
among the quantitative approaches that relied on
KPIs, very few works were found to set target values
for them. Therefore, it is convenient to set target
values for each KPI considered.
The fact that only one work utilizes the evaluation
results to iteratively improve the production system,
reveals an important gap in the review. Iteration-
based evaluation would bring the benefits of feedback
since the early stages of the system lifecycle. It is
essential for future developments on this subject to
encourage the system improvement by iterating on
the evaluation results.
We can affirm to the best of our knowledge that,
as of today, no software tool has been implemented to
aid the model-based evaluation of CPPSs. The
development of a software tool would be particularly
useful for the researchers working on the CPPS
evaluation subject.
Given that the comprehensive analysis and
synthesis on evaluation of CPPSs have been
performed, we see the need to organize all the concepts
reviewed so far in a formal manner. Consequently, in
the following section we introduce a conceptual model
for the evaluation of CPPSs as a preliminary approach
to develop a solution that bridges the gaps previously
identified in the literature review.
3.1 Model Description
Figure 2 shows a meta-model that is composed by
object classes that represent the concepts and
relationships that must be considered for further
developments on this subject. The description of the
meta-model is as follows:
A Production_system is identified by its name. It is
represented in a Model by instantiating a Meta-model.
In order to represent the Model, a Notation must be
adopted. The Notation could be AD-HOC for each
specific system or it could be STANDARDIZED. As
we are considering the transformation of production
systems, two child classes can be inherited from the
class Model: Legacy_System_Model and
CPPS_Model. The latter refers to the upgraded system
after a transformation sequence has been applied.
A Literature Review of Evaluation Approaches for Cyber-Physical Production Systems
Figure 2: Meta-model for the evaluation of CPPSs.
Likewise, the Production_system is developed
through an associated Lifecycle which, in turn, is
composed of one or more stages represented by the
class Stage. The Production_system is also able to be
evaluated. Such Evaluation is represented by a class
that has two attributes. The first one defines the type
of evaluation which is represented by the literals
enumeration EvaluationType. The second attribute
determines whether the evaluation is iterative or not
by means of a boolean value. Evaluation is associated
with the class Stage because, it may be applied to
every stage of the production system lifecycle.
The evaluation procedure can be broken down in
several steps by means of the class Step. One step may
use indicators to measure the performance of a
production system. The class Indicator contains the
attribute formula, which is the mathematical
representation of the indicator. One kind of indicator
is the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) which differs
to a regular indicator in the fact that it is linked to a
target value and may belong to an industry standard.
Therefore, the class KPI extends the class Indicator
and adds the attributes target and standard.
3.2 Discussion
The value of the conceptual model introduced above
lies in how it can be used to address the review
questions in a way that no other proposition did. We
discuss below the case for each one of the review
questions. Regarding the first question, in which stage
of the CPPS lifecycle is the evaluation performed?
The conceptual model associates the evaluation of the
system with any of its lifecycle stages, which means
that a system could be evaluated even before it is
designed (Bunte et al., 2019) and/or during its
operation (Khan et al., 2020). On the contrary, the
reviewed works focus on one specific stage. With
regard to the second question, which criteria are used
to perform the evaluation? The conceptual model
considers not only a qualitative approach but also a
quantitative one with the possibility of using basic
numeric indicators or standardized KPIs. This
represents a step forward in comparison to existing
works in terms of exploiting the use of KPIs.
Standardized KPIs, may be used to compare the
performance of two or more production systems in the
same industry. With respect to the third question, is
the system performance improved through iterative
evaluation? The model includes a boolean attribute
called iterative in the class Evaluation that determines
if the performance of the system improves by iterating
on the evaluation. A true value would mean that the
evaluation results are feedback for system
improvement, like the work of Orellana & Torres,
(2019). Concerning the fourth question, what kind of
notation is used to represent the production system?
The conceptual model includes the class Notation
which is linked to the class Model, meaning that every
single model should have a notation defined as
proposed by Rinker et al., (2021). Respecting the fifth
question, does the article consider the transition from
legacy systems to CPPSs? The conceptual model
suggests two classes called Legacy_System_Model
and the CPPS_Model which extend the class Model
and enable any system to be upgraded unlike some
works reviewed (Bunte et al., 2019; Coelho et al.,
2022). Regarding the sixth question, does the article
provide a software tool for systems evaluation? The
conceptual model, in its entirety, sets the foundation
for the construction of a software tool that allows to
evaluate a CPPS in an intuitive manner.
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
This paper presents a literature review that identifies
and analyzes research works in the domain of CPPSs
evaluation by employing a framework of six review
questions. A conceptual model was proposed to fill the
gaps identified by the analysis of the literature. A
comprehensive discussion was given to show how the
conceptual model differs from existing propositions
and sets out a path towards an enhanced evaluation
method for CPPSs.
Concerning the research method, the review scope
defined in the first section allowed us to have the
review clearly characterized from the beginning. This
is typically a challenging task since literature reviews
can serve a wide range of very different purposes.
Although the number of articles found by the search
query was initially high, the final number of articles
reviewed was low. This means that the filtering
strategy helped to identify the relevant works hidden
within a large set of results. Likewise, the backward
and forward search helped to expand the final set of
articles. However, it is a matter for further
developments to formulate an enhanced query that
leads to a larger quantity of results.
As future work, the conceptual model can be used
as a base to propose a complete approach of CPPSs
evaluation that considers, for instance, the
improvement of the system by means of an iterative
evaluation method and the use of a custom set of
standardized KPIs. It could also be linked with
existing metamodel proposals like X. Wu, (2022). In
addition, the approach may propose a different
evaluation procedure for each stage of the lifecycle.
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ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems