Smart Surveys: An Automatic Survey Generation and Analysis Tool
Augusto Gonzalez Bonorino
Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, California, U.S.A.
Survey Methodology, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Architecture, Natural Language Processing, Large
Language Models.
This position paper presents a proof of concept for a novel architecture designed to automate the process of
survey design and analysis. The architecture leverages the power of Python automation, Artificial Intelligence
(AI), and Large Language Models (LLMs) to streamline the survey process and provide actionable insights.
The architecture includes various key components such as data generation, survey distribution, data collection,
preprocessing, text mining, and report generation. Through two use cases in the field of education, the paper
demonstrates how the architecture can empower students and instructors to conduct accurate research and
make informed decisions. The use cases illustrate how Smart Surveys can reduce development time, flatten
the learning curve, and provide actionable insights via interactive visualizations and results from AI-generated
prompt-based tasks.
Surveys are a valuable tool for collecting data and
gaining insights into various industries, such as ed-
ucation, marketing, healthcare, and social sciences.
However, traditional survey analysis methods can be
time-consuming and resource-intensive (de Leeuw,
2013), and may not provide as comprehensive or ac-
curate insights as desired. The adoption of electronic
surveys, accelerated during the COVID-19 pandemic,
has facilitated the automation and maintenance of sur-
vey technology at scale. Moreover, Artificial intelli-
gence (AI) and Large Language Models (LLMs) have
the potential to improve electronic survey data analy-
sis by automating manual tasks and extracting custom
insights from natural language data.
The purpose of this paper is to introduce an ar-
chitecture for automatic survey generation and analy-
sis that utilizes traditional text mining techniques and
large language models to improve survey data anal-
ysis in a custom domain. Smart Surveys, is imple-
mented as a Python package, that comprises three
main parts. The first part, data generation, uses the
large language model to automatically generate rel-
evant survey questions or augment the dataset with
synthetic data from alternative sources such as so-
cial media. The second part, survey distribution and
data collection, provides functionalities to distribute
and collect the surveys via open-source APIs. Lastly,
the insights generation part, uses the text processing
modules to preprocess the text, mine text character-
istics, generate smart insights, and create a compre-
hensive report customized via prompts. The program
is designed to be flexible and modular, allowing users
to easily integrate and customize the various compo-
nents to fit their specific needs. The architecture is de-
signed to empower students, researchers, and educa-
tors to conduct accurate research and make informed
decisions with minimal technical requirements, re-
ducing development time and flattening the learning
Specifically, the objectives of this paper are to:
1. Describe the architecture, including the use of
large language models and multiple modules for
text processing.
2. Outline the steps in the pipeline, including gener-
ating surveys, distributing and collecting surveys,
preprocessing text, mining text insights, and gen-
erating smart insights and reports.
3. Provide specific examples of potential use cases
for the technology in the Education industry.
4. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of AI,
and LLMs in particular, as a tool to advance sur-
vey methodology.
The paper is divided into four sections: a review
of existing literature on AI in survey development
Gonzalez Bonorino, A.
Smart Surveys: An Automatic Survey Generation and Analysis Tool.
DOI: 10.5220/0011985400003470
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2023) - Volume 2, pages 113-119
ISBN: 978-989-758-641-5; ISSN: 2184-5026
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
and analysis, an explanation of the architecture and
components used, an examination of potential appli-
cations of Smart Surveys in Education, and a conclu-
sion that summarizes the benefits and limitations of
AI-based survey analysis methods and suggests future
research directions.
Over the last four decades survey methods have
evolved rapidly from face-to-face to paper, then
phone, and currently digital surveying approaches;
particularly in Higher Education (Moss and Hendry,
2002). The shift has primarily been stimulated by a
combination of rising costs of traditional methods and
technological innovation. De Leeuw has reviewed
survey methods published on BMS issues since 1983
(de Leeuw, 2013). Since de Leeuw’s publication, Ma-
chine Learning (ML) techniques have been increas-
ingly implemented by survey researchers in a vari-
ety of ways. Buskirk et al. (Buskirk et al., 2018)
describe how ML algorithms such as LASSO regres-
sion and Support Vector Machines (SVMs) (Cortes
and Vapnik, 1995) are being used in bias adjustment,
understanding correlates of nonresponse, tailoring the
survey experience, and other prediction or classifica-
tion tasks. Moreover, in 2020, Saputri and Lee pub-
lished a systematic review of ML techniques applied
to self-adaptive systems (Saputri and Lee, 2020) with
useful information that can be extrapolated to adap-
tive survey design. Finally, one interesting benefit
of web-based surveys is the possibility of automati-
cally augmenting the survey data with external data
sources or relevant paradata (West, 2011). Statisti-
cians Lohr and Raghunathan explore novel ways of
combining information from multiple sources (Lohr
and Raghunathan, 2017), as well as their limitations,
to improve survey analysis. This line of research has
influenced the data collection and sampling methods
implemented in the architecture presented in this pa-
In parallel, recent advancements in Natural Lan-
guage Processing (NLP) (Omar et al., 2022), pre-
trained models (Yosinski et al., 2014), and causal
Large Language Models (LLMs) (Feder et al., 2020)
uncovered new ways of extracting insights from tex-
tual data. More importantly, most of these models
are open source. This means that language models
such as OpenAI’s GPT-3 (Brown et al., 2020) and
those available in HuggingFace (Wolf et al., 2019)
hub can be incorporated into systems to parse survey
responses or aid in the questionnaire design process
in real-time at a minimal cost. Nevertheless, despite
many of the promising benefits of AI technology, and
LLMs in particular, several challenges remain.
Language Models are commonly expanded along
three dimensions: model size, dataset size, and/or
computational power. Surprisingly, scaling language
models passed a threshold triggers unpredictable
emergent abilities. That is, abilities that were not
present in the smaller versions of the model but
emerged after a critical scale was crossed. Amidst the
rising popularity of GPT-like models, Wei et al. define
the concept of emergent abilities of LLMs and explore
methods to study and evaluate such emergence (Wei
et al., 2022). But, with emergent benefits, we should
also expect emergent risks. Ethical bias, privacy,
trustworthiness, explainability, and toxicity are press-
ing issues in Artificial Intelligence. Weidinger et al.
propose (Weidinger et al., 2021) six risk areas to fos-
ter responsible innovation across industries. Finally,
if the quality of emergence continues to hold at new
record scales in the coming years there exists the pos-
sibility that unknown, unpredictable, behaviors may
emerge. Hendrycks et al. identify four ”emerging
safety challenges” in machine learning (Hendrycks
et al., 2021): robustness, monitoring, alignment, and
systemic safety.
The architecture for automatic survey generation and
analysis uses the Python programming language to
implement a large language model and multiple mod-
ules for text processing, question generation, recom-
mendations for improving the survey questionnaire,
generating custom prompt-based insights, and a full
report that aggregates the various insights generated
automatically. It consists of 3 main parts, illustrated
in Figure 1.
The first part of the Smart Surveys architecture,
”Question and Data Generation”, enables researchers
to efficiently generate relevant survey questions based
on a given set of prompts or topics, or upload exist-
ing questions from a database or file. This functional-
ity can be particularly beneficial for researchers who
have limited experience with survey methodology or
software, as it allows them to quickly and easily gen-
erate a set of appropriate and relevant survey ques-
tions. Additionally, the user has the flexibility to edit
and customize the generated or uploaded questions to
ensure they align with the specific research goals and
industry requirements. The edited and customized
questions are then stored in a database for easy ac-
cess and further use throughout the survey design and
analysis process.
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 1: Smart Surveys Architecture.
The second part of the architecture, ”Survey Dis-
tribution and Data Collection”, is currently under de-
velopment. This component will facilitate the distri-
bution of the generated and edited questions through
various channels such as email, social media, or a
link. It will also allow for integration with popu-
lar survey distribution APIs or accept an input file
containing a list of emails for survey distribution.
The ability to integrate with popular survey software,
using their python APIs, provides centralized con-
trol and streamlined data collection from multiple
sources. Additionally, it will include features such as
automated response tracking, enabling users to effi-
ciently monitor and analyze survey progress. This de-
sign promotes broader utility by enabling integration
with commonly used survey software. However, this
is an optional component, as users can choose to man-
age their survey distribution independently and sim-
ply leverage the insights functionalities provided by
the architecture.
The third part, ”Text Mining and Insight Gener-
ation”, focuses on cleaning and preprocessing col-
lected survey data to remove bias and grammatical er-
rors, and enhance the accuracy of the text mining pro-
cess. The user can select from a range of text mining
techniques, such as sentiment analysis, named entity
recognition, and topic modeling, to extract insights
from the cleaned data. The Smart Surveys architec-
ture also enables users to use a large language model
to generate custom insights or utilize the default fea-
tures provided. To aid in analysis, most features are
enhanced with visualization methods, such as interac-
tive bigram networks and keyword count histograms.
A full report is generated to aggregate survey data and
insights for a comprehensive understanding of the sur-
vey data.
The technology stack used to develop the Smart
Surveys architecture leverages stable, open-source re-
sources that are easily scalable and maintainable with
minimal additional cost. The use of open-source
models promotes transparency and fosters collabora-
tion and community-driven development, leading to
faster innovation and a wider range of applications
for the architecture. Furthermore, this allows insti-
tutions to build on top of the baseline architecture of
Smart Surveys to efficiently meet their specific needs.
Its modular design allows for updating or replacing
components without affecting the overall functioning
of the program. Table 1 lists the technical components
and their functionalities used in Smart Surveys.
This section illustrates the capabilities and effec-
tiveness of the proposed architecture through two
use cases: Student Research and Course Evaluation.
These use cases were chosen as they represent com-
mon scenarios in which survey data is used to gain
insights and make informed decisions in Education.
The first use case, Student Research, demonstrates
how the Smart Surveys architecture can empower un-
Smart Surveys: An Automatic Survey Generation and Analysis Tool
Table 1: Programming modules implemented in Smart Surveys.
Technology Version Description
Numpy (Oliphant, 2006) 1.24.1 Array manipulation library for numerical
computation in Python.
OpenAI (Openai, 2020) 0.26.0 Access GPT-like models for language pro-
cessing tasks.
Transformers (Wolf et al., 2020) 4.25 Python module for loading publicly avail-
able models and fine-tuning them.
Pandas (Wes McKinney, 2010) 1.5.2 Data manipulation and analysis library for
handling large datasets.
Requests (Foundation, 2011) 2.28.2 Library for making HTTP requests in
NLTK (Bird et al., 2009) 3.8.1 Natural language processing library for
text preprocessing, tokenization and other
language-related tasks.
Rake-nltk (Rose et al., 2010) 1.0.6 Library for extracting key phrases in a
body of text using the RAKE algorithm.
Scikit-learn (Pedregosa et al., 2011) 1.2.0 Access machine learning models for text
mining tasks.
TextBlob (Sloria, 2013) 0.16 Natural language processing library for
tasks such as part-of-speech tagging, noun
phrase extraction and sentiment analysis.
Json (Van Rossum and Drake, 2009) 3.11.1 Data storage method for survey data, al-
lows for easy modification and integration
with other platforms.
Pyvis (Perrone et al., 2020) 0.3.1 Library for creating interactive network di-
Matplotlib (Hunter, 2007) 3.6.3 Data visualization library for creating dif-
ferent types of plots and charts.
Spellchecker (Barrus, 2018) 0.4 Library for spell checking and language
re (Van Rossum and Drake, 2009) 3.11 Built-in python library for working with
regular expressions.
dergraduate students who are not familiar with survey
methodology or software to conduct accurate research
with minimal technical requirements; flattening the
learning curve and reducing development time. The
second use case, Course Evaluation, illustrates how
the architecture can be used to improve the effective-
ness of course evaluations and provide actionable in-
sights to course instructors and academic departments
from anonymous surveys with the aid of AI systems.
4.1 Student Research
Consider an undergraduate student who has decided
to conduct a research project on the study habits of
his peers before and after the move to hybrid ed-
ucation during the COVID-19 pandemic. The stu-
dent has limited experience with survey methodology
and software, and must complete the project within
one semester. Therefore, he/she has approximately 4
months to choose the technology stack, become fa-
miliar with it, design the experiment, learn to write
good questions, manipulate the data, conduct statis-
tical analyses, and write a report on the survey data
with meaningful insights. This example shows how
Smart Surveys reduces the number of tasks by au-
tomating various components of survey design. In
turn, students can allocate more time on the exper-
iment design and critical thinking activities such as
interpreting insights, trends, or visualizations.
Initially, the student provides a brief description
of the study, including the main goal and purpose, as
well as a few sample questions for reference and any
other relevant details. This information is used by the
pipeline’s Data Generation component to automati-
cally generate a set of relevant survey questions. The
student then has the opportunity to review and edit the
generated questions before they are stored in a local
JSON database for later use.
Next, the student uses the pipeline’s Survey Dis-
tribution component to take advantage of the integra-
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
tion with Google Forms to easily create the survey, set
deadlines, and distribute it to participants via a link
that can be shared via email or social media. As sur-
vey responses are submitted, the pipeline’s Data Col-
lection component automatically collects and stores
the survey data for preprocessing.
The Data Preprocessing component corrects
grammatical errors, removes any irrelevant or biased
data, and performs other optional normalization tech-
niques for both text and numerical data. Cleaning
the data is essential for the accuracy of the insights
generated later on; yet, modern techniques are rarely
taught outside computational statistics-oriented ma-
jors. Thus, automating this step will allow students
from all majors to implement a variety of methods
without any programming knowledge required. The
collected and preprocessed survey data is then fed to
the Text Mining and Smart Insights components for
further analysis.
For the project’s purposes, no advanced analysis
technique is needed, so the student uses the Text Min-
ing component to extract the ten most frequent key-
words and compute the sentiment analysis of each
textual response. These techniques help to identify
patterns and trends in the data that would be difficult
to discern from manual analysis. One of the most
powerful features of the Smart Surveys architecture
is the ability to visualize the data in an interactive and
easy to understand format. The visualization features
available via the Visual Insights include interactive
network graphs of bigrams, word count histograms,
polarity comparison charts, and other types of plots
that aid in the analysis of survey results.
Before generating the full report, the student lever-
ages the Smart Insights component default function-
alities to identify the main patterns or phrases in the
textual responses, accounting for each response senti-
ment scores and extracted keywords. Alternatively,
he/she can supplement the baseline prompt with a
custom instruction to generate insights that are tai-
lored to the specific needs of their research. Finally,
the Report Generation component generates a full
report by aggregating the survey data and all the in-
sights generated. The report gives the user a com-
prehensive understanding of the survey data and ex-
tracts insights while keeping the intended audience in
mind. For instance, it is common to produce reports
of different granularity for the different departments,
within a company, involved in the research.
In summary, Smart Surveys provides an easy and
efficient solution for students conducting research
with survey data. By automating the main compo-
nents of survey design and analysis, Smart Surveys
reduces development time and encourages more stu-
dents to use surveys in their research. Additionally,
the architecture is designed to be easy to use and
understand, allowing students to learn about survey
methodology as they progress through their project.
4.2 Course Evaluation
The second use case for Smart Surveys is for course
evaluations. The goal of this use case is to demon-
strate how the architecture can be used in a more tra-
ditional setting, where the user already has a set of
survey questions, but wants to leverage the AI fea-
tures of Smart Surveys to improve the survey results
and generate a report automatically for various audi-
In this scenario, a professor at a university wants
to evaluate the effectiveness of a course he/she is
teaching. The user already has a set of survey ques-
tions that have been used in the past but wants to make
sure that the questions are still relevant and effective.
To do this, the survey questions are uploaded to the
Question Upload component of Smart Surveys.
Once the questions are uploaded, the professor has
the option to access the AI features of Smart Surveys,
such as paraphrasing or generating similar questions,
and can edit the questions to ensure they are rele-
vant and appropriate for the course evaluation. Once
the questions have been edited, they are stored in the
database for future use. The professor then decides to
download the questions and use personal software to
distribute the survey to students.
As the students complete the survey, the responses
are uploaded to the database for the Data Collection
component to fetch. Then, the responses are prepro-
cessed and fed as input to the selected insight genera-
tion functions, where the data is cleaned, normalized,
and analyzed using various text mining techniques
such as sentiment analysis, named entity recognition,
and topic modeling. This is done while accounting
for the anonymity of survey responses, which limits
the granularity to which we can access information.
Finally, the insights generated are aggregated in
one temporary database optimized for rapid data ex-
traction. The Report Generation component fetches
all of the information and generates a comprehensive
report of the entire survey, including the insights dis-
covered previously, automatically using a Large Lan-
guage Model. This report can be customized via
The course evaluation use case demonstrates how
Smart Surveys can be used in a traditional setting,
while still leveraging AI features to improve the sur-
vey results. The flexibility of the architecture allows
the user to use their own method of survey distribu-
Smart Surveys: An Automatic Survey Generation and Analysis Tool
tion, while still being able to access the powerful AI
features of Smart Surveys.
In this position paper, I proposed the Smart Sur-
veys architecture, a pipeline for the automated gener-
ation, distribution, and analysis of survey data. The
architecture is built using the Python programming
language and leverages a large language model and
multiple modules for text processing, question gen-
eration, recommendations for improving the survey
questionnaire, generating custom prompt-based in-
sights, and a full report that aggregates the various in-
sights generated automatically. Applying Smart Sur-
veys in two selected use cases, it has been demon-
strated how it can empower undergraduate students
and researchers to conduct accurate research with
minimal technical requirements, and provide action-
able insights to course instructors and academic de-
partments with the aid of AI systems.
One of the main benefits of the Smart Surveys ar-
chitecture is its scalability. It is built using Python
and open-source libraries, making it easy to adapt to
different industries and research goals, and it can be
easily scaled to handle a large number of survey re-
sponses. However, it is important to note that the
quality of the generated survey questions and insights
depends on the quality of the data and the information
provided by the user. Thus, it will be important to in-
corporate educational material for the users on best
practices when communicating with LLMs.
Looking forward, there are several areas of fu-
ture research that could further enhance the capabil-
ities of the Smart Surveys architecture. One avenue
is to improve the baseline features of the pipeline to
incorporate more robust survey design methods and
sampling techniques to improve the AI’s suggestions
and capabilities. Another important area for future
research is to further investigate the ethical impli-
cations of using AI in survey research, such as pri-
vacy, bias, and explainability. With the increasing use
of AI in survey research, it is crucial to ensure that
the data collected is protected and that the AI sys-
tems used do not perpetuate biases and discrimina-
tion. Furthermore, it is important to explore ways to
make AI systems more transparent and explainable,
allowing for greater trust and understanding of the re-
sults generated. This can be achieved by incorporat-
ing techniques such as counterfactual analysis, which
can help to identify and understand the factors that
influence the AI’s predictions and decisions, and by
providing more detailed explanations of the AI’s rea-
soning behind its insights and recommendations. I
hope this research encourages researchers to explore
other avenues in which AI can help enhance survey
data, a valuable resource for all social sciences.
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Smart Surveys: An Automatic Survey Generation and Analysis Tool