Implementing Remote Driving in 5G Standalone Campus Networks
Michael Kl
1 a
, Adrien Bellanger
, Tobias F
, Dirk Stachorra
, Thomas Otto
and Gerhard Fettweis
Fraunhofer IVI, Fraunhofer Institute for Transportation and Infrastructure Systems, Dresden, Germany
Vodafone Chair, Mobile Communications Systems, TU Dresden, Dresden, Germany
Remote Driving, Teleoperation, 5G, Campus Networks, Yard Automation.
While there have been enormous advances in automated driving functions in the recent years, there are still
circumstances where automated driving is not feasible or not even desired. Teleoperation is one approach
to keep the vehicle mobile in such situations, with remote driving being one mode of teleoperation. In this
paper we describe a 5G remote driving environment based on a 5G Standalone campus network, explaining
technological and hardware choices. The paper is completed with experiences from practical trials, showing
that remote driving using the proposed environment is feasible on a closed area. The achieved velocities are
similar to that of a direct human driver.
Vehicle automation has seen huge advances in the re-
cent years and the number of Operational Design Do-
mains (ODDs) where autonomous driving is possible
increases. Still, there are situations, which do not al-
low autonomous driving. While the vehicle can still
obtain a risk-minimal state, teleoperation in the form
of remote driving might allow the possibly uninhab-
ited vehicle to continue its journey. Further applica-
tions of remote driving might be to allow individual
mobility for people with disabilities (Domingo, 2021)
or yard automation, where traditional drivers can hand
over their trucks at the gate. Afterwards, the truck will
be remotely driven to parking positions. This is, for
instance, of interest in regions undergoing structural
changes like the Lausitz region in eastern Germany,
where truck drivers might be hard to find and employ.
Freeing the drivers from parking tasks allows them to
complete more tours.
1.1 Remote Driving
While teleoperation is regularly used in reconnais-
sance and disaster recovery as well as in Unmanned
Aerial Vehicles (UAV), commercial applications in
the vehicle driving domain are still scarce. To the best
knowledge of the authors, only one company
in Eu-
rope is currently undertaking remote driving studies
with uninhabited vehicles on public roads.
Research into remote driving is ongoing for more
than ten years, with a first demonstration using a
3G public network to remotely control a vehicle go-
ing back to 2013 (Gnatzig et al., 2013). While this
proved the feasibility of remote driving, latencies of
more than 1 s were too high for commercial applica-
tion. This also highlights the main bottle necks in the
widespread deployment of the technique, namely, la-
tency and bandwidth requirements. Although there
was hope for the next generation of mobile networks,
in the form of Long Term Evolution (LTE), even these
proved not to be enough (Liu et al., 2017). The results
for the current 5G technology look more promising,
with first show cases of an end-to-end remote driving
solution provided on public roads (Kakkavas et al.,
2022) already presented. Other authors agree that 5G
remote driving is possible, at least at sites with excel-
lent coverage by 5G base stations (Saeed et al., 2019;
Kim et al., 2022) and careful positioning of the remote
operators at key locations of the network (Zulqarnain
and Lee, 2021).
In this paper, we examine remote driving using 5G
Standalone Campus networks on restricted areas, like
yards. Our key performance indicators are an end-
to-end latency in the video transmission lower than
Klöppel-Gersdorf, M., Bellanger, A., Füldner, T., Stachorra, D., Otto, T. and Fettweis, G.
Implementing Remote Driving in 5G Standalone Campus Networks.
DOI: 10.5220/0011985900003479
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems (VEHITS 2023), pages 359-366
ISBN: 978-989-758-652-1; ISSN: 2184-495X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Figure 1: Main components of the remote driving demon-
300ms, reliable transmission of control signals, and
achieved velocities similar to a normal human driver.
In contrast to the commercial implementation men-
tioned above, we use a more simple sensor setup with
only one camera, and we do not implement measures
to handle connection loss due to the presence of a
safety driver. Furthermore, we are using a 5G Stan-
dalone Campus network, i.e., we do not have to share
bandwidth with other users and avoid having to use
a multi-provider approach to guarantee connectivity.
Implementation details are given to enable other re-
searchers to build their own demonstrators.
The paper is organized as follows: The next chap-
ter introduces all the components required to perform
the remote driving task, whereas Section 3 presents
the obtained results, which are discussed in the fol-
lowing section. The paper concludes with an outlook
in the last section.
Fig. 1 shows an overview over all components of the
demonstrator as well as the interconnection between
all parts.
2.1 Remotely Controlled Vehicle
The test vehicle is a VW Passat, which was equipped
for automated driving by IAV GmbH. The vehicle has
an automatic transmission, freeing the remote driver
from having to shift gears remotely. Steering is ac-
cessed using the servo motors employed by the park-
ing and lane assistant. While the motors are only cer-
tified to carry out larger steering wheel motions at
velocities up to 10km/h, they can actually be oper-
ated at speeds up to 130 km/h. Both acceleration and
steering wheel angle can be controlled using a custom
Controller Area Network (CAN) interface. For video
capture a single Logitech StreamCam with a resolu-
T C P - U L T C P - D L U D P - U L U D P - D L
2 0 0
4 0 0
6 0 0
8 0 0
1 0 0 0
1 2 0 0
D a t a t r a n s f e r [ M b i t / s ]
Figure 2: Box plot showing up- and download (labeled UL
and DL, respectively) of eight commercially available 5G
modems/routers using UDP and TCP.
tion of 1280x720 pixels is used. It is mounted be-
low the rear-view mirror. The opening angle of 78
provides sufficient information during forward mo-
tion. The CAN bus is accessed via a USB CAN bus
interface, which is connected to the car computer, a
NUVO 7160 GC. This computer features an Intel i7-
8700 processor, 32GB of RAM and a NVIDIA 1080
graphics card. The latter was not utilized in the de-
scribed implementation.
For 5G connectivity, eight different commercially
available routers and modems were evaluated. Tests
were carried out at 50 m distance to a base station
under line-of-sight conditions. As shown by Fig. 2
there is a certain spread in the capabilities of the dif-
ferent routers, especially with regards to UDP data
transfer. This is of interest since the implemented so-
lution requires high data rates for UDP upload. Al-
though the transmission of control variables relies on
TCP, this is not relevant due to the low volume of con-
trol signals being sent, i.e., only two float values are
transmitted (for acceleration and steering wheel an-
gle, respectively). Finally, we decided on a Mikrotik
Chateau 5G. While this device is marketed as office
router, it proved more than capable for the task, ac-
tually scoring first place in our comparison at UDP
upload (153 Mbit/s), while being the cheapest option.
2.2 5G Edge Cloud
Edge clouds were introduced to move computation
power nearer to the mobile devices, thereby saving
bandwidth and allowing faster responses in compari-
son to traditional cloud computing (Cao et al., 2020).
Our edge cloud is directly connected to the 5G ra-
dio and also features high bandwidth connections to
both infrastructure as well as remote driving desktop
VEHITS 2023 - 9th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
Table 1: Overview over the computation resources used in
the edge cloud.
Virtual machine #Cores RAM Graphics
Video processing 12 32 GB X
(compare Fig. 1). It consists of a server system com-
prising two Intel Xeon Gold 6338 with 32 physical
cores each, clocked at 2.0GHz. Each CPU is com-
plemented by 128 GB RAM. Additionally, the sys-
tem contains one NVIDIA RTX A6000 for video pro-
cessing. The required software components (Message
Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) broker, video
processing, TURN/STUN server) are deployed in vir-
tual machines, an overview of which can be found in
Table 1. The TURN/STUN server is required to en-
able the video connection. Additionally, it also pro-
vides a port forwarding to access the car computer.
Please note that the computation resources are not
completely used, allowing for additional tasks for the
edge cloud. Especially the TURN/STUN server is
massively over-provisioned, allowing for other non-
project related tasks to be executed without interfer-
ing with remote driving. Furthermore, even in the pre-
sented solution most computational resources are re-
served for the optional infrastructure monitoring (see
Section 2.7).
2.3 5G Standalone (SA) Campus
We use a 5G SA (Standalone) campus network
(Rischke et al., 2021), which employs a specific car-
rier frequency between 3.7MHz 3.8 MHz, outside
of the public 5G networks. It is provided by a
Nokia Digital Automation Cloud (NDAC) with 3GPP
Release 15 (Dahlman and Parkvall, 2018) support,
which consists of a 5G SA edge core server for local
user and control plane with additional network man-
agement functions for SIM configuration and high
level monitoring, and a 5G NR Radio Access Network
(RAN), a distributed solution with Nokia Airscale
Baseband Units and 2x2 AWHQF remote radio heads.
The installation uses a single sector installed at
4.5m height. Even at this height, it is able to cover
the whole test track, even providing sufficient signal
at 200 m distance and non-line-of-sight conditions.
The same hardware was able to achieve coverage up
to 1 km under line-of-sight conditions and when in-
stalled at 10 m height. In both cases, the transmission
power were the maximum permitted 10W.
Figure 3: Screen shot of the remote driving desktop, show-
ing the video stream from the vehicle as well as current ve-
locity and the status of the acceleration (AC) and steering
(ST) interfaces. The gray color indicates deactivated inter-
faces, i.e., no remote driving is possible at the moment.
2.4 Remote Driving Desktop
The remote driving desktop consists of a Lenovo all-
in-one computer, providing an Intel i7-8700 CPU,
8GB of RAM and a 23.8 inch display. A Logitech
G29 racing wheel (including pedals) is used for real-
istic driving. This wheel is also able to provide force
feedback and automatic centering.
2.5 Software
The software stack in the given implementation has
to solve two tasks. First, sensor information has to be
transmitted from the vehicle to remote driving desk-
top and second, control inputs have to be relayed to
the vehicle. For the first task, it is necessary to deter-
mine which sensor information is actually required to
perform the remote driving task. According to Nash et
al. (Nash et al., 2016), the main sensory inputs used
by drivers in the control of vehicle speed and direc-
tion are visual, vestibular and somatosensoric infor-
mation. In the implemented solution, we concentrate
on the visual sense by providing appropriate video in-
formation. The other two sources of information are
far more difficult to duplicate since these would re-
quire a far more sophisticated workplace for the re-
mote driver and are not considered here. Instead, ad-
ditional speed and aural information is provided, as
this might be necessary to evaluate certain driving
scenes involving other participants (e.g., shouting or
honking) as well as providing feedback on the vehi-
cle (e.g., motor sounds or the sound of slipping tires).
Hence, the task at hand is to provide video and audio
from the vehicle as fast as possible. In the end, we de-
cided to use WebRTC (Sredojev et al., 2015), which
while not being optimal (Sato et al., 2022) is easy
Implementing Remote Driving in 5G Standalone Campus Networks
Figure 4: Data flow in the implemented solution. On the remote driving desktop, telemetry data (velocity, system state) is
injected into the video stream (see Fig. 3), explaining the need to connect the WebRTC client directly to MQTT.
to deploy and works out-of-the-box
for video and
audio. Other possible solutions are custom streams
generated by ffmpeg or gstreamer, but these require
a careful choice of parameters. We also considered
a commercially available protocol, but did not con-
sider it further as it required all participants to use the
same local network. Although this could be achieved
in our setup, it is generally not achievable in praxis.
In prior tests using WiFi both WebRTC and the com-
mercially available protocol achieved Glass-to-Glass
latency (also called end-to-end latency) below 100 ms,
whereas with a custom ffmpeg stream only latencies
in the 800ms range were achieved. In our case, the
WebRTC server was deployed on the vehicle com-
puter. Normally, the server would have been deployed
in the edge cloud, but this would then require a se-
cure connection to access the vehicles camera. This
is a restriction imposed by all modern browsers to
avoid loss of private video data, the only exception
being connections to the local machine. Since re-
mote driving desktop and vehicle are in different net-
work segments and cannot access each other directly,
a TURN/STUN server, which uses coturn, is imple-
mented in the edge cloud to allow the WebRTC con-
nection. The implemented solution runs inside a web
browser and provides a custom website including the
video stream and additional status information as seen
in Fig. 3.
MQTT (ISO/IEC 20922:2016, 2016) is used to
transport control information to the vehicle, using two
MQTT topics for acceleration and steering wheel an-
gle, respectively. These values are obtained from the
Logitech steering wheel using PyGame 2
. An addi-
tional topic is used to relay the readiness of the re-
mote driver (see Section 2.8 below). In the vehicle, a
Python software module translates the values received
to appropriate values for the custom CAN interface.
MQTT is an obvious choice, since it has wide trac-
tion in Internet of Things (IoT) projects and is easy to
deploy. An overview over the complete data flow in
the deployed solution is shown in Fig. 4.
Figure 5: Test track used within the project. The locations
EC and R mark the position of the edge cloud server and the
radio, respectively.
2.6 Test Track
The test track used can be described as pretzel (see
Fig. 5), with dimensions 90 m × 50m. The green ar-
eas inside the track are actually two hills of approxi-
mately 1.5m height. This complicates remote driving
tasks, as it is not possible to look over these areas.
The road inside the curves has a width of 3.5 m, cor-
responding to the standard width of a lane in public
traffic in Germany. The container containing the edge
cloud server and the post carrying the 5G radio are
located at the eastern side of the test track.
2.7 Infrastructure
The complete test track is covered by eight cameras,
located at two masts on top of the hills of the test
track. Image recognition algorithms carried out in
edge cloud detect objects moving on the track and
have the possibility of generating warnings in case
of impending crashes (Kl
oppel-Gersdorf and Otto,
2022). Using the provided NVIDIA RTX A6000 al-
lows to update objection positions with up to 12 Hz,
i.e., video processing adds a latency of about 80 ms.
Given the speed limit on the test track, this means
that even in the worst case the position of the object
reported is less than a meter away from the current
VEHITS 2023 - 9th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
A detailed description of the video surveillance
system can be found in (Kl
oppel-Gersdorf et al.,
2.8 Safety Architecture
The safety architecture of our vehicles requires a spe-
cially trained safety driver to be always present, es-
pecially in teleoperation mode. The systems are de-
signed such that the safety driver can override any
steering or acceleration command being sent by the
remote driving desktop. In case of disturbances, the
interfaces can be completely disabled, i.e., only the
safety driver can operate the vehicle. Since a trained
driver is always present, no measures for handling
connection loss were implemented. Furthermore, we
implemented a custom protocol for activating the re-
mote driving functionality: First the safety driver has
to enable the vehicle interface, which will be relayed
to the remote driver. The remote driver then indicates
the readiness to carry out the remote driving task by
setting the interfaces in the ready state by pressing a
special button on the gaming steering wheel. Finally,
the safety driver has to confirm by setting the inter-
faces to active. Both, the safety and the remote driver,
can abort the remote driving functionality at any time.
In this case, the vehicle returns to standard operation
mode. In addition, a loud acoustical signal is pro-
If desired, objects recognized by the infrastructure
can be visualized in a top-down view providing the re-
mote driver with additional information of the scene,
even of objects not captured by the vehicle’s cam-
era. This can be useful to increase the remote driver’s
telepresence, i.e., their feeling of actually being inside
the remote situation.
We conducted several test drives on our test track
under various environmental conditions, including
sunny days as well as roads covered by ice. Re-
mote driving was successful under all this conditions,
where success is defined by completing several laps
without leaving the track. As the width of the lane
on the test track coincides with the width of public
lanes, this indicates that our solution would also be
suitable to drive on public roads. Maximum veloc-
ities achieved where 28 km/h under dry conditions
and 15 km/h when driving on ice. The speed un-
der dry conditions is similar to what a driver directly
driving the vehicle could achieve due to the radius of
the curves on the test track. While higher velocities
0 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0
2 2 0
2 4 0
2 6 0
2 8 0
3 0 0
3 2 0
3 4 0
3 6 0
3 8 0
4 0 0
G l a s s - t o - G l a s s l a t e n c y [ m s ]
T i m e [ s ]
Figure 6: Glass-to-Glass latency for one minute. Mini-
mum, maximum and average latency were 230 ms, 380ms
and 272.7ms, respectively, with a standard deviation of
would have been possible when driving on ice, we
had to deal with the fact that the vehicle automati-
cally canceled all required interfaces when activating
Anti-lock Braking System (ABS), which happened
frequently at higher velocities under such conditions.
Other difficulties included driving in the direction of
the sun, as this turned the camera essentially blind.
This could be circumvented by using a more suitable
camera model, which is able to adapt light sensibility
As also remarked by other researchers (compare
for instance (Tener and Lanir, 2022)), estimating
the vehicle’s velocity proved difficult for the remote
driver. Therefore, a direct measurement was included
in the video stream (see Fig. 3). Furthermore, we
also found that owning a suitable drivers license and
even regular driving experience are not enough to act
as remote driver. To the contrary, our remote driver
needed intensive schooling over several weeks while
slowly increasing the velocity as well as direct drives
in the remotely controlled vehicle to get acquainted
with the peculiarities of the vehicle.
Fig. 7 shows the round-trip-time from edge cloud
and vehicle to the remote driving desktop while car-
rying out the driving task. While the time from edge
cloud to remote driving desktop is negligible (due to
the usage of 10Gbit fibre network), communication
over 5G adds some measurable latency, with a mean
latency of 17.6ms. Comparing this with the results in
(Gnatzig et al., 2013), latency in 5G networks is down
to 10% of the latency observed in 3G networks. As
described above, two MQTT topics containing a sin-
gle float value are used to transmit the control infor-
mation to the vehicle, i.e., the payload is much smaller
than the Maximum Transfer Unit (MTU) of the con-
Implementing Remote Driving in 5G Standalone Campus Networks
0 5 0 1 0 0 1 5 0 2 0 0
0 . 1
0 . 2
0 . 3
0 . 4
0 . 5
0 . 6
0 5 0 1 0 0 1 5 0 2 0 0
1 0
1 5
2 0
2 5
3 0
3 5
4 0
R o u n d - T r i p - T i m e [ m s ]
T i m e [ s ]
( a )
M e a n : 0 . 3 2 m s
M i n : 0 . 1 7 m s
M a x : 0 . 5 6 m s
S D e v : 0 . 0 8 m s
R o u n d - T r i p - T i m e [ m s ]
T i m e [ s ]
( b )
M e a n : 1 7 . 5 7 m s
M i n : 6 . 2 9 m s
M a x : 3 6 . 0 m s
S D e v : 5 . 1 1 m s
Figure 7: Round-Trip-Time from edge cloud to remote driving workplace (a) and from vehicle to remote driving workplace
(b) while carrying out the remote driving task. Red lines are the result of low-pass filtering.
nection and every control value is encapsulated in a
single network packet. We did not observe any packet
loss during the experiments. Transmission time was
similar to the round-trip-time reported above, i.e.,
about 20ms. Besides network latency there is also
the question of Glass-to-Glass latency of the whole
video system, which also includes pre-processing in
the camera as well as encoding and decoding an h.264
video stream. The corresponding measurements are
shown in Fig. 6. The numbers achieved confirm the
simulated results in (Sato et al., 2022), but contradict
our initial measurements using WiFi. We later con-
firmed that part of this discrepancy can be explained
by using older hardware in the actual demonstration
than during the initial tests. Tests using a modern
notebook for displaying the WebRTC stream reduced
Glass-to-Glass latency to values just below 200 ms.
Still, even at the present state, we are able to stay be-
low the 300ms given in (Neumeier et al., 2019) for
comfortable remote driving. Also, the relatively low
variance in latency means we do not need to add arti-
ficial latency to smooth out the latency distribution as
employed in (Gnatzig et al., 2013; Liu et al., 2017).
0 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0
2 0
3 0
4 0
5 0
6 0
7 0
8 0
R o u n d - T r i p - T i m e [ m s ]
T i m e [ m s ]
M e a n : 3 7 . 3 m s
M i n : 2 4 m s
M a x : 7 4 . 3 m s
S D e v : 9 . 2 m s
Figure 8: Round-trip-time from edge cloud to a server in
the building, where the remote driving desktop is located,
using a public 5G connection.
The answer to this question very much depends on
the use case. For applications on restricted areas, like
yards or parking decks, which can be completely cov-
ered by 5G antennas, the answer is a definitive yes,
VEHITS 2023 - 9th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
- 1 1 0 - 1 0 0 - 9 0 - 8 0 - 7 0
0 . 0 0
0 . 0 5
0 . 1 0
0 . 1 5
0 . 2 0
R e l a t i v e f r e q u e n c y
R S R P [ d b m ]
B e f o r e r o t a t i o n
A f t e r r o t a t i o n
Figure 9: Histogram showing the distribution of RSRP
on our testing grounds before and after adjusting the ra-
dio. Measurements were taken using a Rhode and Schwarz
QualiPoc. Adjusting the radio significantly improved the
especially if one is able to deploy a private 5G campus
network and guarantee mostly Line-of-Sight (LOS)
connections. While we also had success under cer-
tain Non-Line-of-Sight (NLOS) conditions, this very
much depends on the geometry of the premise and
would at least require a careful positioning of the ra-
dio heads. On the other hand, regarding applications
in public traffic, the answer is still no, due to data rates
and complete coverage by 5G radio required. This is
evident from Fig. 9, where even a slight readjustment
of the antenna led to improved reception. For public
traffic, this means, that either a large number of ra-
dios is required to allow the service during the total
duration of the trip or outages of the service are to be
expected, which is also confirmed by the theoretical
considerations in (Saeed et al., 2019). More generally,
as den Ouden et al. (den Ouden et al., 2022) pointed
out, a certain level of robustness of the network must
be guaranteed to safely carry out the remote driving
In addition to the 5G SA campus network, the test
track is also equipped with a router accessing the pub-
lic 5G network. We choose this connection to get an
estimate of the round-trip-time in such a setup, i.e.,
how much latency would differ if the connection to
the vehicle was routed over the public network instead
of using the campus network. As endpoint, a server
in the same building as the remote driving desktop
was chosen. The results are shown in Fig. 8. While
the values are higher than in the campus network, the
difference should not matter much in practical imple-
mentation at least with regards to the video transmis-
sion. On the other hand, doubling the latency in com-
parison to the 5G campus network could have some
detrimental impact on the transmission of control val-
ues to the vehicle, but this is still a question of re-
search. Nevertheless, one has to keep in mind that the
5G router was immobile at the time of measurement
and in close vicinity to a 5G base station, actual re-
sults while driving would certainly be worse.
The current implementation uses only a single
camera with 78
opening angle. According to EU
directives (Economic Commission for Europe of the
United Nations, 2010), the horizontal field of view
should at least be 180
. When using the current cam-
era model, at least three cameras would be required
to achieve this requirement. Incidentally, the cur-
rently used resolution of 720p is exactly three times
the number of pixels of three camera streams with
640 × 480 pixels, i.e., with a slight decrease in reso-
lution also three cameras could be supported by our
solution. Furthermore, it would be possible to ap-
ply selective downsampling to further decrease the re-
quired bandwidth (Dehshalie et al., 2022) at the cost
of increased latency due to processing. Alternatively,
it would also be possible to employ cameras with in-
cluded encoding capabilities as this would lift the bot-
tle neck on the computation power of the vehicle com-
puter. In this case, the number of cameras is only lim-
ited by the available bandwidth.
Another topic relevant for driving in a public 5G
network is cyber security. While this topic is out of
the scope of this paper, we still want to mention that
this is actually one advantage of using 5G campus
networks, as these can be operated completely sepa-
rate from public internet, making it more difficult for
threat actors to access the network.
In this paper we examined remote driving using a 5G
Standalone campus network. The results indicate that
remote driving is indeed feasible under these condi-
tions. While parts of these results also carry over to
remote driving in public traffic, there is still the ques-
tion if the mobile connection is good enough, espe-
cially at locations having bad reception.
For practical deployment the question of how to
handle connection loss has still to be answered, as we
relied on a safety driver in this case, who might not be
available in practical deployments. Another avenue of
future research considers speeding up the video trans-
mission system. While this can be achieved by em-
ploying newer hardware, even lower latencies might
be achievable by carefully tuning the video codec.
Last but not least, due to constraints on the test track,
only velocities of up to 28 km/h were achieved. Even
Implementing Remote Driving in 5G Standalone Campus Networks
when only considering driving in urban areas, veloc-
ities of 70 km/h and more should be safely demon-
strated, especially since higher velocities also put
higher load on the video transmission due to faster
changing scenery as well as the possible need to
change base stations.
This work was supported by the project “5G Lab
Germany Forschungsfeld Lausitz” under contract
VB5GFLAUS, funded by the Federal Ministry of
Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI), Ger-
many. We would like to thank Lars Natkowski for
acting as remote driver and Ina Partzsch for the valu-
able feedback.
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VEHITS 2023 - 9th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems