Promoting Long-Lasting Interest in Computer Science: An Analysis of
High School Teachers’ Perspectives
Lucia Happe, Isabel Steidlinger, Ingo Wagner and Kai Marquardt
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Computer Science Education, Interest, Engagement, Interdisciplinary Teaching, Curriculum Design, Teaching
Methods, Teacher Perspectives, Subject Relevance, Diversity, Content, Topics, Teaching Materials.
This study explores the perspectives of high school computer science (CS) teachers on students’ interest in the
subject. Using structured interviews, we identified factors that may influence students’ interest in CS, such as
curriculum design, teaching methods, and the use of materials and technology in the classroom. The findings
reveal the importance of making CS relevant and exciting to students to increase engagement and understand-
ing and promote acceptance of the subject in society. Additionally, the study highlights the challenges and
benefits of interdisciplinary teaching of CS and the value of pre-designed teaching materials in supporting this
approach. The presented study provides valuable insights for educators and policymakers looking to promote
and sustain students’ interest in CS. Overall, the study emphasizes the crucial role of CS education (CSEd) in
preparing students for success in a digital world.
The field of computer science (CS) has become in-
creasingly important in today’s world, with its ap-
plications spanning various industries and impacting
nearly every aspect of our daily lives. As such, it is
crucial for students to understand this subject compre-
hensively to be well-equipped to navigate and shape
the future. However, research has shown that many
students, especially those in high school, struggle to
maintain a lasting interest in CS (Vidal et al., 2020;
Webb et al., 2012).
Given the importance of CS in today’s world, in-
terdisciplinary teaching of CS is crucial. It helps
students understand CS’s real-world applications and
implications by connecting it to other subjects, such
as math, science, and language arts (Takeuchi et al.,
2020). This approach can also break down stereo-
types and misconceptions about CS being solely
a programming-based field and showcase the wide
range of possibilities and career opportunities within
the field (Marquardt et al., 2023; Graham and Lat-
ulipe, 2003). Additionally, interdisciplinary teach-
ing can also help to attract diverse students to CS,
as they may be more likely to see themselves in the
field if they can see connections to their interests and
passions (Ng and Fergusson, 2020; Marquardt and
Happe, 2023). However, the study also acknowledges
the challenges that teachers face in implementing in-
terdisciplinary teaching of CS (Tytler et al., 2019).
Despite the benefits, interdisciplinary teaching of CS
can be difficult for teachers. It requires a broad un-
derstanding of the subject matter and the ability to
connect it to other subjects. Additionally, it may
require additional planning and preparation for the
teacher and the ability to adapt lessons and materials
to the class’s specific needs. Furthermore, it may re-
quire more creativity and flexibility in teaching meth-
ods and a willingness to incorporate new technologies
and tools into the classroom. Moreover, teachers may
not be familiar with the other subjects they would be
teaching in an interdisciplinary format and may need
additional training.
Overall, this study aims to understanding how to
promote long-lasting interest in CS by providing in-
sights into the factors that influence students’ interest
in the subject from teachers’ perspectives.
This study is a follow-up to our survey on methods
and strategies for establishing an inclusive environ-
ment that has the potential to engage a broad and
diverse audience in the study of CS (Happe et al.,
2020; Buhnova and Happe, 2020; Happe and Buh-
Happe, L., Steidlinger, I., Wagner, I. and Marquardt, K.
Promoting Long-Lasting Interest in Computer Science: An Analysis of High School Teachers’ Perspectives.
DOI: 10.5220/0011986000003470
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2023) - Volume 1, pages 337-344
ISBN: 978-989-758-641-5; ISSN: 2184-5026
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
nova, 2021) and aims to understand what are teach-
ers’ perceptions on the most effective strategies for
engaging CS teaching identified from existing litera-
ture in our comprehensive survey (Happe et al., 2020).
The survey found that interdisciplinary context in CS
teaching is highly beneficial and has the potential to
engage students through the relevance of the appli-
cation area to their own interests. However, the re-
quirement to teach CS across disciplines leads to an
increased amount of preparation required from teach-
ers and adds to the already high workload imposed on
them. Since there is a large amount of ready-made
material on the internet today that teachers could use
to alleviate this burden, we investigated what their re-
quirements are for these materials and what obstacles
currently stand in the way of using such materials.
Before designing the study, we formulated the follow-
ing research questions:
RQ Interest. With what interest and what expec-
tations do students start their studies on the sub-
ject of CS? Do teachers consider taking or need to
take special measures to engage and support equal
participation of all students in CS classrooms?
RQ Content. Which topics (e.g. interdisci-
plinary) interest and engage students most?
RQ Material. What are the requirements for dig-
ital materials to be used by the CS teachers?
We used a structured interview guide (Zimmerman
and Pons, 1986) to explore the perspectives of high
school CS teachers on students’ interest in CS. The
Table 1: Structured Interview Guide.
T1 Special features of the mandatory CS subject in grade 7
T2 Exciting topics for students
T3 Strategies and Challenges in regard to girls inclusion
T4 Experiences with digital materials
(platforms, problems, and requirements)
T5 Experiences with interdisciplinary teaching
T6 Strategies against stereotypes
T7 Strategies for initial interest and early success
T8 Strategies for self-confidence
T9 Atmosphere and personal highlights
interviews were structured by the topics of Table 1.
To cover all the topics T1-9, we prepared an interview
guide, with seven main questions and two backup (or
in-depth) questions. For every leading question, we
had backup questions to further direct the conversa-
Table 2: Participants’ gender, age, experience [years], and
taught subjects.
Code Gender Age Experience Subjects
A male 31 2 Informatics, Maths
B female 53 11 Informatics, Maths
C male 29 2 Informatics, Maths
D male 40 9 Informatics, Maths, Physics
E male 33 6 Informatics, Maths
F female 30 2 Informatics, Maths, Geography
G male 47 19 Informatics, Maths, Sports
3.1 Participants
We could recruit seven teachers for our interview
study (2 female, 5 male) in age from 29 to 53 (see Ta-
ble 2). All teach at German secondary schools (Ger-
man gymnasium). The teachers have teaching expe-
riences ranging from two to 19 years. Additionally,
five of the teachers are engaged in the field of CS
didactics beyond the school context, for example in
teaching CS didactics at the university or the seminar
for teacher training. Five of the teachers are also in
close contact with the Hopp Foundation, which offers
workshops for teachers and is involved in the creation
of teaching materials. One teacher is active in the
Chaos Computer Club (CCC) for the promotion and
support of young computer scientists. This illustrates,
that the interview sample consists of very active and
engaged teachers.
Two interviews were conducted in person and five
online in a private Jitsi conference room. All inter-
views have been recorded. The duration of one inter-
view was about one hour. Prior to the start of the in-
terview, the teachers were informed of their rights and
the purpose of the study. They were also informed
that the interview would be transcribed and that the
data would be anonymized for the purposes of analy-
3.2 Context
Since all teachers are teaching at German high
schools (called gymnasium), most of them in the state
urttemberg, we will give a brief overview of
the CSEd situation there. The German gymnasium is
a school type with the dedicated goal to prepare stu-
dents for higher education at the university. It is one
of the possible educational paths after the 4-year el-
ementary school (grades 1-4, ages 6-9). The gymna-
sium usually has an 8-year curriculum (grades 5-12,
ages 10-18). In the study area, CS is only in grade
7 a mandatory subject (called informatics, which is
the more common term for CS in Germany), and also
only since 2016. The curriculum in this grade in-
cludes topics from ‘data and encoding’ (e.g. binary
code, image coding,. . . )), to ‘algorithms’ (e.g. condi-
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
tionals, loops,. . . ), to ‘computers and networks’ (e.g.
internet communication, local networks,. . . ) to ‘soci-
ety and security’ (e.g. encryption, copyright,. . . )
. In
grades 8, 9, and 10 there is no dedicated subject for
CS. Students can choose it only as part of the subject
IMP, which is a combination of informatics, mathe-
matics, and physics. Only in the last two years (grades
11 and 12) students get the opportunity to choose CS
as a dedicated subject again.
3.3 Interview Analysis
The transcripts of the interviews were analyzed using
qualitative data analysis techniques (Denzin and Lin-
coln, 2011). The data was coded and themes were
identified Theron (2015). The findings of the study
were based on the analysis of the interview data. The
interview analysis was conducted systematically, fol-
lowing the steps outlined below.
Due to the different content emphasis in the in-
terview responses, an evaluation was based on mean-
ingful quotations, between which connections were
revealed and established. Relevant quotations were
marked, extracted, and provided with an ID, result-
ing in a collection of 198 quotations. The contents
of the quotations were assigned to one or more cat-
egories using rough coding, with the first differenti-
ation comprising 15 categories, which were later re-
duced to ten categories. The quotations were grouped
thematically and overarching main statements were
formulated. The contents of the quotations, which
were coded with ”interest”, ”content” or ”material”,
were each systematically arranged in a separate table,
providing an overview of the experiences gathered by
the teachers regarding interest development, individ-
ual teaching contents as well as teaching materials or
tools. A total of 36 teaching contents and 29 teach-
ing materials/tools were identified. For the contents
of the quotations, which were coded with ”motiva-
tion” or ”material - requirement, a separate tabular
overview was also created, showing which motivat-
ing circumstances the teachers perceived in learners
and which points were considered decisive for the use
of teaching/learning materials in class.
The following section presents the results for each
question, highlighting key themes and insights (see
Table 3) that emerged from the interviews.
see the curriculum (only in the German language):,Lde/LS/BP2016BW/
Table 3: Most mentioned reasons for interest and require-
ments on the content.
Motivation Description Mentions
General education and life-world
relevance to understand the world
and everyday things
Implementing one’s ideas and
products, and helping oneself
to progress with own plans
Ability to create new things,
unhindered creative freedom,
artistic freedom and expression
4.1 Development of interest in CS
Int Q 1: With What Interest and What
Expectations do Students at Secondary Schools
Start the Subject of CS?
The teachers’ experiences in this regard indicate that
high school students generally have a positive attitude
towards CS as a subject and are motivated to learn it.
The teachers see the origin of the interest among other
things in the novelty of the subject, the social presence
of information technology topics, the assumption that
it is an important subject, and confirm that everyone
knows that CS is an important topic” (D,19). The in-
terest of students is therefore presumably not based
on the content of the subject, but on the assumption
that it is an important subject. Often the relevance
is also conveyed by the parental home. Parents have
a fixed image and say that CS is important and
good for life (B,16). One of the teachers observed
in this regard students “who already get something at
home about what CS is” and remarked: actually ev-
eryone imagines programming under it”. As a possi-
ble reason for narrowing the subject area to the activ-
ity of programming, the teacher later reflected: I can
imagine that programming is a relatively easy answer,
even if that is not the main activity at all. So, that it is
something that you can most easily imagine ” (E,23).
The mental focus on programming on the part
of the students was noted by all interviewees. One
teacher described the students’ ideas with the follow-
ing statement: They don’t know what CS is and they
imagine something else, namely exactly coding, how
to program games, how to use mobile phones, and
hacking. (D,20). The other teachers describe the ex-
pectations in a similar way. On the one hand, this
assumption certainly contributes to the fact that, as
mentioned above, there is a fundamentally positive
attitude towards the subject among the students. On
the other hand, some teachers see this as a cause for
the differences in behavior between girls and boys.
While some of the students, especially boys, often
Promoting Long-Lasting Interest in Computer Science: An Analysis of High School Teachers’ Perspectives
approach the tasks briskly (B,8) and without fear,
because they have already dealt with programming
themselves, inexperienced students, who on average
include more girls, are skeptical about their future
performance in the subject: First of all, the students
and especially the female students have great respect
for programming. They imagine it to be incredibly
difficult and often don’t have the confidence to do it
(F,2). Some teachers also described that girls increas-
ingly felt an initial tension (G,7) in addition to the
strongly differentiated prior knowledge within a class
due to a lack of previous skills in dealing with com-
puters, which is recognized as a problem for teaching.
Int Q 2: To What Extent Do Students’
Expectations of the Subject of CS Match What Is
Actually Happening in the Classroom and to
What Extent Is Their Image of CS Changed by
the Lessons?
The teachers report, that students at the beginning of
the 7th school year have a predominantly positive at-
titude towards the new subject of CS. The reason for
this is often the assumption that the main content of
the lessons will be programming. In reality, however,
programming fills only about one-third of the time in
7th grade. In addition, the topics of data and encod-
ing, computers and networks, as well as information
society and data security, are dealt with. Furthermore,
only a part of the lessons takes place on the computer,
which also does not correspond to students’ expecta-
tions. This design of the curriculum risks disengag-
ing students who had especially programming in their
minds and have to do something else now. One ob-
servation of the teachers was that due to the discrep-
ancies between the anticipated image of the students
and the actual teaching reality, disappointment on the
part of the students quickly became noticeable at the
beginning of the school year: The fact that we don’t
work on the computer for a large part is a bit of a
damper for the students because they imagine it to be
more exciting on the computer. That is actually a bit
of a problem” (E,4). It is difficult to get them excited
about other topics because the students want to have
their expectations fulfilled: So, even the boys who say
they are totally pre-educated in CS and have a clue
and interest, that is actually only limited to program-
ming. (E,9)
The experience, that one’s own previous knowl-
edge was overestimated, which tends to occur more
with the boys in a class, is less observable with girls
who often start the school year unsure of their own
ability, but then they realize that it is easy to grasp
and that it can be done well (G,7).One strategy to
arouse interest, especially at this age when the topic
of career choice does not yet play any major role,
is not to open the barrel [to think] about job pro-
files, but [...] to arouse intrinsic interest in CS. Aes-
thetically, but also to simply understand the world
(A,4). Through a sense of achievement in class, stu-
dents begin to feel enthusiastic about the subject and
thus gain advantages. Some teachers were also con-
vinced that with the right tools, lessons can be de-
signed appealingly enough to get over the increased
initial disappointment: Well, I have the feeling [...]
that if you package it relatively well, in an interesting
way, the students will still find it just as interesting. If
you work it up methodically and didactically well, it
can definitely be effective (E,22). Once this hurdle
has been overcome, the students also get involved in
the other contents of the lessons, because they no-
tice that it is also very cool content that explains a
bit of this world that exists around them (G,2). Es-
pecially those subjects that have a clear connection to
everyday life arouse interest. As a result, the students
are “involved for a long time during the school year
(E,2). According to the assessment of some teachers,
the experience of small successes and “aha moments
(B,17) is decisive for this and can be achieved much
more often in CS lessons than in other school sub-
In one case a teacher states that due to different
approaches, the class should be divided according to
gender (or alternatively experience) and taught sep-
arately. While boys try things out and approach the
tasks quickly, girls are more hesitant and ask for more
precise instructions. This makes them feel insecure
and gives them the impression that they are not good
at the new subject. Separation eliminates the constant
comparison with each other and the girls in the class
can become more courageous and gain positive ex-
periences: [Girls] do easier on all the topics that
are written down, which are more cognitive. But the
implementation, I’ll say hands-on, many girls have a
harder time with that. They simply don’t have enough
confidence, they are too cautious in their approach.
And you have to provide much more support here.
Int Q 3: Why Is It Important to Start CS
Education in Schools at an Early Age?
This question is intended to show arguments for the
introduction of the subject of CS in the lower grades
of secondary school. From the answers of the teach-
ers interviewed, various reasons can be derived as to
why the introduction of CS as a subject is advanta-
geous for students at a young age. A frequent obser-
vation is that the young students approach the subject
in a more unbiased way than they would at an ad-
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
vanced age. The later the students get to know the
subject, the more they are influenced by their envi-
ronment. It is often the case that by 10th grade they
are somehow influenced to think that CS is always
a boys’ thing, for some reason (A,2). Later in the
life phase of puberty, some girls often decide to dis-
tance themselves from the subject. In 7th grade, two
counteracting effects occur instead. On the one hand,
the young students are still learning for the teacher
and can build up new interests more quickly than at
a later point in time when the interests have already
been consolidated. They may find a role model in the
teacher or through the suggestions in class from other
people from the world of CS, which they gladly ac-
cept at that age and otherwise look for elsewhere. On
the other hand, it is a compulsory subject in 7th grade.
This means that students do not have to justify why
they are taking this subject and do not have to choose
for themselves in which learning group they want to
spend their time with more or less. In this way, the
view of CS can be shaped positively and create the ba-
sis for students to be interested in the subject area in
the future. A long-term consequence of interested stu-
dents gaining a better understanding of the contents of
CS through the lessons is the sharpening of the idea
about the subject of CS in the broader society. One
teacher describes the current situation with the fol-
lowing words: And in my opinion, a comprehensive
idea of CS has not yet arrived in society. Something
about computers and something about programming.
But it’s so fuzzy and so woolly (F,19). CS can thus
be perceived as part of today’s general education. The
contents of the subject are becoming increasingly im-
portant in order to be able to cope in this world
4.2 Content of CS lessons
Cont Q 1: What Lesson Content Can Strengthen
the Existing Interest of the Students and Arouse
New Interest?
At this point, it will be summarised which topics of
CS lessons, according to the experiences of the teach-
ers, capture the interests of the students regardless of
their initial ideas about the subject.
At the beginning of the school year in 7th grade,
students in the study area are introduced to CS for
the first time by looking at common codes they
have mostly encountered in their everyday lives (e.g.
Morse code or Braille). The students show interest be-
cause they mostly already know the contents and can
now look at them in a different way. For other topics,
too, it is of great importance that students can see a
connection to the world in which they live. One of
the teachers states: I think CS always has the possi-
bility of motivating students through its content. That
the students are motivated for it when you make it vis-
ible to them that it always has something to do with
their own lives. I think this relevance is extremely im-
portant (G,14). One possibility is to take up news-
paper articles and current topics in class. This works
well because timeliness is one of the things that distin-
guishes the subject of CS. Some learners really enjoy
[...] discussing the impact of CS (A,7) and are very
interested in the social components of the subject.
Since many students mainly associate program-
ming with CS, they usually show the greatest interest
in this unit. Teachers reported that games and anima-
tions can be programmed in a simple way, which is a
lot of fun for both the girls and the boys in the class.
The teachers report that the topic of cryptology
also works well (D,13), creates interest (E,7),
and they definitely [enjoy] it (G,9). The contents
are inviting because a sense of achievement can be
achieved quickly. At first, the students show less in-
terest in the topic of data protection. However, as soon
as they see how they themselves are affected by it,
then it suddenly becomes exciting” (B,7).
Art and languages can be used to inspire girls in
particular. Unplugged materials are also suitable for
explicitly addressing female learners. They can work
creatively while building an understanding of CS top-
ics. Overall, girls at that age seem to be more inter-
ested in the big picture (D,25) and are particularly
inspired by far-reaching visions.
Q 2: What Kind of Lesson Content Makes
Students Lose Interest in the Subject?
The aim of this question is to find out what content of
lessons reduces learners’ motivation to engage with
CS topics. In the study area, it is common, that CS
at school starts with the topic area of encoding. One
teacher (E,6) reports, that this topic can also weaken
motivation, in particular encoding text, numbers, and
pictures can be too abstract for some. Programming
also holds the potential for failure. Less experienced
learners are quickly left behind because the com-
plexity of algorithms increases rapidly. Furthermore,
there is hardly any opportunity to look beyond the ap-
plication of the theory of programming in the lower
classes: I can’t really teach the concept of software
at that age, they can’t understand it yet” (D,17).
The history of CS and the question of how the
technologies have developed up to the present time
arouses little interest among the learners. They are
most likely to be enthusiastic about the emergence
of the internet, since the topic is so present in their
Promoting Long-Lasting Interest in Computer Science: An Analysis of High School Teachers’ Perspectives
everyday lives. However, one of the teachers (B,10)
also observed that not all of them are eager to learn
about the functioning of the internet and the appli-
cations in this area. Two other teachers also stated
that they had the impression that networks quickly
become too complicated for many” (F,6) and “are not
a typical girls’ topic” (G,8).
If the lessons are strongly mathematically ori-
ented, this has a rather deterrent effect for some
(A,5). One teacher (C,7) had the experience of even
losing half the class with mathematical tasks.
One of the teachers sees one reason for difficul-
ties in teaching content in the design of the education
plan: [. . . ] the curriculum is far too full. [. . . ] it
both burdens the teachers in the subject and also be-
comes a setting for the students, where perhaps the
depth is missing or they are simply put under even
more pressure” (D,4).
4.3 Usage of Pre-Designed Teaching
Table 4: Most mentioned problems, advantages, and re-
quirements on the teaching materials.
Description Mentions
Structure or content does not
fit teacher’s own teaching plans
Necessary only for beginner
teachers or career changers
Student independence and
personalisation of teaching
easier achievable
New Topics
Content not usually covered
are available, about relevant
problems, topics from the
students’ life
Special Needs
Special support is possible, like
communication through female
role model
It has to be well-structured,
small-steps with milestones
Reference to or coverage of
educational plan needed
Technical and didactical
background information
for teachers is necessary
Mat Q 1: Which Freely Accessible Educational
Materials and Tools Are Used in CS Lessons and
The aim is to determine what added value the mate-
rials available on public platforms bring to the class-
room in order to provide clues as to which criteria
need to be taken into account when creating and pub-
lishing new teaching material (see Table 4).
All teachers interviewed use the programming
language Scratch for the topic area of algorithms.
This language, including its development environ-
ment, is also suggested by the state institutions. This
becomes clear through the training materials offered
on the state’s teacher training server
, administered
by the Centre for School Quality and Teacher Train-
ing (ZSL), which include teaching materials on the
topics of the educational plans of many school sub-
jects in the study area. The teachers use the Scratch
environment because the playful environment arouses
the interest of the students , the direct feedback lowers
the inhibition threshold to try something out and sev-
eral small feelings of success are possible within one
lesson . In addition, the tool offers a lot of freedom for
open projects and especially female students are en-
thusiastic about it . For the design of the lessons, some
of the teachers use additional materials that are freely
available on the internet. The website, for
example, offers an introductory module that the stu-
dents can work on independently . The added value
for the teachers is that during the independent work of
the learners, individual support can be given, which
otherwise there is often not enough time for . Two
other teachers (A, C), on the other hand, stated that
they only draw inspiration for using the platform from
external materials and mainly create their own mate-
In addition to Scratch for programming, the teach-
ers in higher grades use the simulation tool Filius be-
cause here results are also directly visible and thus
success can be achieved quickly . The didactic tool
was explicitly developed for teaching computer net-
works at German schools and therefore appropriately
maps the contents of the education plan . One of the
teachers remarks with regard to didactic tools like Fil-
ius: It gives me the possibility to act didactically, di-
dactically reduced. Not everything is presented. Some
things are faded out, specifically faded out. The es-
sentials are pointed out ” (G,22).
Another goldmine for teaching materials for
CS lessons is the website for many
teachers. On the one hand, the CS topics are pre-
sented by many examples , so that the learners can
work independently and at their own pace . On the
other hand, the site also provides a good overview of
the lesson topics and can serve as a textbook substi-
tute . The lesson topics are structured in particular by
supplementing the introductory materials with subject
2 matnatech/
informatik/gym/bp2016/fb1/2 algorithmen/
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
concepts that make connections clearer .
Many materials for teachers can be found on the
App Camps website. However, videos and flashcards
also provide the students with a predefined structure
for independent work . In the materials, explicit at-
tention is paid to female actors who are to act as role
models for young schoolgirls .
Learners can work just as independently and only
guided by a guidance program with materials from
ETH Zurich and In this context,
however, one of the teachers directly mentions the dif-
ficulties that this form of working entails:
It works moderately well, I think. Because it has
the difficulty that the teacher then thinks he can lean
back and ”It’s all there”. But students don’t read
everything very intensively and you have to be very,
very awake as a teacher and support very, very much.
Many teachers, therefore, use selected materials
and do not leave the learners alone with the mate-
rial for a longer period of time without providing the
structure . Other elements such as HOUR OF CODE,
LIGHBOT and unplugged materials from
, YOUTUBE videos by Alexander Lehrmann and the
Finnish website on the topic of artificial intelligence are integrated in the lessons.
One of the teachers reported using a CORNELSEN
textbook in class. However, the contents are not suffi-
ciently prepared there and it is mainly used for struc-
Important building blocks of CS lessons are so-
called digital devices, such as the microcontrollers
Arduino and Calliope Mini and the programmable
sewing machine TURTLE STITCH. The special added
value of this is to get results that you can hold in your
hand (D,49) and thus quickly achieve great effects.
One teacher (D) found that working with the Arduino
appeals more to male learners due to its physical fo-
cus and working with the Calliope Mini appeals more
to female learners due to its artistic focus. The com-
plexity of working with accessories increases rapidly
and the challenge can be quickly underestimated.
In summary, the reasons for using pre-designed
teaching materials are ease of use (e.g. Scratch), rel-
evance to the curriculum (e.g. Filius), flexibility (e.g., support for special needs (e.g. role models
in app camps) and variety of topics and activities (e.g.
ETH Zurich/Swiss-Educ). However, the teachers also
note some problems with using these materials. One
issue is that while students can work independently
with these materials, they still require guidance and
support from the teacher, otherwise, students may not
engage with the materials as deeply as needed. Ad-
ditionally, these materials may not fully cover all as-
pects of the curriculum and teachers may need to sup-
plement them with additional resources.
Mat Q 2: What Requirements Must Materials
Fulfill So That They Can Be Used in the
This question complements the previously high-
lighted criteria for teaching materials. In this context,
the reasons for not using external material are also
A decisive criterion for materials that present CS
topics in an age-appropriate way is the coverage of
the curriculum goals . Furthermore, some of the in-
terviewed teachers stated that the material should be
easy to integrate into their own lessons. In addition to
the goals, the underlying concepts and the structure
of the material , should also fit well into their own
lessons. One teacher stated that the material should
be editable accordingly and should be under a free li-
cense so that, among other things, putting adapted or
extended content online could not lead to legal prob-
lems. Two of the teachers (A, C) interviewed stated
that they were generally reluctant to adopt material
and only used other sources for inspiration. The ma-
terials usually did not fit the class situation and their
own planning and had a software or platform at their
core that was unsuitable. One of the teachers added:
I think this supports people who don’t have a CS di-
dactics background now, for [them] it’s good. I think
the longer I’m here, I realize I don’t need these of-
fers at all ” (A,10). Other teachers, on the other hand,
were in favor of the material, when it is easily acces-
sible and can be used with little time expenditure. An
important topic for teachers is data protection when
using external materials.
Also with regard to accompanying materials, not
all interviewees held the same opinion. While one
teacher (D) preferred materials that spoke for them-
selves and saw no added value in receiving additional
information , two others (F, G) stated that background
information on the topic and further didactic consid-
erations could be an important help.
One limitation of this interview study is that it was
conducted with a small sample of teachers, which
may not be representative of the larger population
of CS teachers. Additionally, the sample consisted
mostly of male teachers, which may limit the gener-
alizability of the findings to female teachers. Another
limitation is that the study relied on self-reported data
Promoting Long-Lasting Interest in Computer Science: An Analysis of High School Teachers’ Perspectives
from the teachers, which may be subject to bias or in-
accuracies. Furthermore, the study was conducted in
Germany, and the results may not be generalizable to
other countries or cultures where the education sys-
tem and attitudes towards CS may be different, and
further research would be needed to confirm the find-
In conclusion, the study found that, according to the
interviewed teachers, students in 7th grade have a pre-
dominantly positive attitude towards the new subject
of CS. However, it was also found that as the students
progress in their understanding of the subject, their
interest may wane if they do not see a connection to
the world in which they live. Students are more likely
to be interested in the subject if it is made relevant to
their everyday lives and if they can see a possibility
to have a relevant impact in their world (Marquardt
et al., 2023). Additionally, the study found that the
later students get to know the subject, the more they
are influenced by their environment, highlighting the
importance of starting early.
Pre-designed teaching materials can help teach-
ers with interdisciplinary teaching by providing them
with a framework and resources to integrate CS con-
cepts and skills into other subjects. The teachers
noted that the use of pre-designed teaching materi-
als can be beneficial in terms of ease of use, rele-
vance to the curriculum, flexibility, support for spe-
cial needs, and variety of topics and activities. How-
ever, the teachers also noted some problems with us-
ing these materials, such as the need for guidance and
background information, and the fact that these ma-
terials may not fully cover all aspects required by the
curriculum. Overall, the study emphasizes the impor-
tance of making CS relevant and interesting to stu-
dents in order to increase their engagement and un-
derstanding of the subject and to promote its wider
acceptance in society.
CS is not just about computers and programming.
It’s about understanding the interdisciplinary nature
of digital world we live in and using that understand-
ing to shape a better future for humanity.
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CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education