Ethical Considerations in the Use of Disfluencies in AI-Generated Speech
Ralph L. Rose
Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan
AI Agents, Natural Language Generation, Disfluencies, Ethics.
Disfluency occurs regularly in natural, everyday speech. Such phenomena as silent pauses, filled pauses
(uh, um in English) and repairs occur with regular frequency and training data for natural language speech
generation systems may be replete with these. This raises the question whether these items can be used
productively in such systems in educational contexts and whether, as non-authentic phenomena, they can
be used ethically. This position paper takes the five principles of AI ethics—beneficence, non-maleficence,
autonomy, justice, and explicability (Floridi and Cowls, 2019)—as a starting point and proposes the Disfluency
Instrumentality Audit as a tool to evaluate the ethical considerations of disfluency in AI-generated speech. The
facilitative nature of disfluencies is explained in detail in order to argue for the potential beneficent nature of
these phenomena in educational contexts. Sample scenarios are presented and discussed in order to illustrate
how the audit might be used to evaluate the ethical considerations. Although presented here as applying
to educational contexts, the audit would be applicable to wider contexts involving AI-speech generation for
interactive agents.
Human speech communication inevitably involves
some periods during which the communication does
not flow smoothly. It may be evidenced by momen-
tary delays in communication such as short silent
pauses or longer and more overt delays involving ar-
ticulations like ‘um’ or self-repair sequences. Such
disfluency occurs regularly in everyday speech (e.g.,
some estimates suggest an average of at least 10 in-
stances per 1000 words for native speakers of English;
e.g., Shriberg, 1994). Such disfluency in naturally-
occurring speech has been disparaged in the popu-
lar literature (see, e.g., Erard, 2008; O’Connell and
Kowal, 2004, for reviews). Yet numerous arguments
have been made that disfluencies are a normally-
occurring part of speech production—one way by
which speakers actually construct fluent speech (cf.,
Allwood et al., 1990; G
otz, 2013). Furthermore, far
from being just meaningless delays in speech, listen-
ers seem to capitalize on these delays, noticing where
and in what form they occur in the speaker’s speech,
in order to draw inferences about the speaker’s in-
tended meaning. In this sense, they may be facilitative
to the communication process.
Based on this understanding of disfluency in
speech communication, it is worth considering how
disfluencies could be productively used in natural lan-
guage speech generation to help facilitate the learn-
ing process in a student. In fact, a number of appli-
cations exist to insert disfluencies into AI-generated
speech (cf., Qader et al., 2018; Yang et al., 2020; Dall
et al., 2014; Wang et al., 2022; Matsunaga et al., 2022;
Ohshima et al., 2015; Pfeifer and Bickmore, 2009).
Many of these are presently proof-of-concept appli-
cations to test whether such inserted disfluencies may
sound natural to listeners.
In any event, the use of such disfluencies to fa-
cilitate learning immediately raises certain ethical is-
sues because disfluencies spoken by, say, an AI tu-
tor, are arguably not authentic disfluencies (even if
they sound natural), like those produced by a speaker
struggling to decide what to say next. The AI tutor
is either drawing from scripted speech or generating
speech automatically, maybe sentence by sentence,
before it is sent to a text-to-speech engine. Thus, there
wouldn’t be any processing difficulty motive to insert
an ‘um’ for example, or an in-line speech error which
the AI tutor would need to cut off and then repair. In
this sense then, disfluencies in the AI tutor’s speech
might be seen as manipulating the learner.
A brief description of a more concrete scenario
helps to illustrate some ethical issues. Consider an ap-
Rose, R.
Ethical Considerations in the Use of Disfluencies in AI-Generated Speech.
DOI: 10.5220/0011987200003470
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2023) - Volume 2, pages 128-135
ISBN: 978-989-758-641-5; ISSN: 2184-5026
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
plication that generates lengthy responses to prompts
for educational purposes (e.g., “Explain the water cy-
cle in nature.”). If a system is generating a response
and converting it to speech, there may be moments
in the generation process when there are system de-
lays (due to CPU interruptions from other processes,
network slow-down, etc.). Presently, these might be
reflected to the learner by temporary spinning icons or
hourglass images. But what if these were replaced in-
stead with a filled pause, ‘um... in the output speech
stream. While this may seem to be a correlate of hu-
man speech processing, the causes are totally different
and the distribution of these pauses may seem unintu-
itive or even random to the human listener. In this
respect, they could become irritating and distracting
to the listener. And if the listener were to start to em-
ulate those patterns, it may disadvantage them in later
communication with other human interlocutors.
The present work is intended to examine the ethics
surrounding the use of disfluencies in AI-generated
speech in such scenarios as these. It begins by first
reviewing some of the existing literature on ethics in
artificial intelligence and then based on it, proposing
a simple instrument for evaluating the ethics of disflu-
encies in AI-generated speech in educational settings,
called the Disfluency Instrumentality Audit (DIA).
Thereafter, the paper summarizes the literature on dis-
fluencies in communication with a special focus on its
facilitative nature to listeners and argues for a careful
use of such disfluencies in education. Finally, some
sample scenarios are discussed in order to illustrate
the application of the DIA in some circumstances.
Discussions of ethics in artificial intelligence are plen-
tiful (see e.g., Jobin et al., 2019; Floridi and Cowls,
2019, for recent overviews and links to various in-
dustry and academic declarations). In recent years, A
consensus seems to have formed in this literature that
five basic principles underlie ethical considerations in
AI, as follows (summarizing from Floridi and Cowls,
Beneficence revolves around the question of
whether the AI system benefits the user and en-
hances their well-being.
Non-maleficence focuses on whether the system
harms the user. This is seen as independent
from—and not simply a negation or inverse of—
beneficence: A system conceivably may both ben-
efit yet also harm a user. Of particular concern are
preservation of user’s privacy and security.
Autonomy is the question of whether the system
affords the user freedom and independence in
their use of the system. Even where a user del-
egates some decision-making to a system, they
should be free to regain control.
Justice asks the question of whether the system
treats the user fairly, avoiding bias in its treatment
of the user.
Explicability refers to whether the system’s ac-
tions can be explained and can be explored with
respect to two sub-principles: intelligibility of the
system’s actions and its accountability.
The application of these basic principles (or their
equivalents) can be seen in some work that focuses
on the ethical considerations in natural language gen-
eration (cf., Smiley et al., 2017; Henderson et al.,
2018). However, at present, there is no work that ad-
dresses the specific issue of the use of disfluencies in
AI-generated communication. The following section
deals with this and proposes a tool for considering the
ethics of systems that may use disfluencies.
This section applies the five principles to the use of
disfluencies in AI-generated communication in order
to propose an instrument that may be used to evalu-
ate the ethical considerations. This tool is called the
“Disfluency Instrumentality Audit” (hereafter, DIA).
Here, the five principles are applied to the eth-
ical consideration of the use of disfluencies in AI-
generated communication in educational contexts.
However, it is worth noting that the audit described
below could be equally useful in other contexts as
well (e.g., customer relations, user assistance sys-
tems, or social networking). However, the contexts
discussed herein are all presumed to be in education.
Before explaining the audit in detail, it is neces-
sary to identify two technical considerations which
have some interaction with the ethical principles. This
section will start by discussing these two considera-
tions and then move on to explain the audit scheme in
3.1 Technical Considerations
One consideration is the fundamental question of
which kinds of disfluencies to use in AI-generated
communication. The different types will be explained
Ethical Considerations in the Use of Disfluencies in AI-Generated Speech
in greater detail further below in Section 4, but each
type does carry with it some different possible impli-
cations and effects on listeners. Silent pauses may be
somehow seen as most ‘natural’ and thus least contro-
versial. Filled pauses, may seem somewhat less nat-
ural, especially if the system’s pronunciation of the
filled pauses is marked. Repairs may seem the most
unnatural as listeners might find them implausible and
hence jarring. Thus, any system will need to consider
first what inventory of disfluencies to use.
A second technical consideration is the manner
in which the disfluencies arise in the communicative
output. Here are four likely architectures for this.
3.1.1 Organically-Produced Disfluencies
If the training data for a machine learning-based nat-
ural language generation system contains numerous
cases of disfluencies, then the generated output could
(and theoretically, should) contain instances of dis-
fluencies. These could be described as organically-
produced disfluencies and are simply a reflection of
the speech patterns extant in the training data. In this
respect, the fact that a disfluency appears is effectively
no more remarkable than if the system varies its use of
‘soda’ and ‘coke’ for ‘soft drink’, due to the naturally-
occurring variation in the data. (Of course, whether
this is pedagogically desirable is important, but is a
different question.) In this architecture, ethical con-
sideration of the system would have to focus on the
training data and any questions it may raise.
3.1.2 Filtered Disfluencies
A machine learning-based system may output
organically-produced disfluencies which are then
monitored and filtered according to some predefined
criteria. In this case, ethical consideration may focus
more on the criteria than the training data.
3.1.3 Inserted Disfluencies
In some cases, the training data for a system may
not contain disfluencies (it may be scripted speech,
or the data may have been ‘cleaned’). As such, the
generated output would not contain disfluencies ei-
ther. However, an insertion method could be used
to intentionally insert disfluencies at specified loca-
tions according to predefined criteria. In this case, as
above, ethical consideration would focus on the crite-
ria. Note that this case is paralleled by a non-AI case
where generated speech is simply manually scripted,
with intentionally inserted disfluencies. Here again
ethical consideration would focus on the criteria for
disfluency insertion.
3.1.4 Filtered + Inserted Disfluencies
The final case is rather a hybrid of the previous
two: AI-generated output may contain organically-
produced disfluencies which are filtered according to
some criteria. But, in a complementary fashion, other
disfluencies may be inserted according to further cri-
teria. Clearly, then both sets of criteria would need
ethical consideration.
3.2 Five Principles in the DIA
Following the five principles of Floridi and Cowls
(2019), the ethical considerations of the use of dis-
fluencies in AI-generated speech for educational ap-
plications can be described as follows (see also Fig-
ure 1).
The question of beneficence should be addressed
by asking the question whether the disfluencies used
in the speech benefit the learner. In the educational
context that is under consideration here, an affirma-
tive answer here means that the disfluency somehow
helps the user (here, learner) achieve some pedagog-
ical goal. Of course, it’s possible that the disfluency
has other benefits which are not directly linked to a
pedagogical goal, such as influencing the learner to-
ward some positive affective state. To the extent that
this facilitates the achievement of a separate pedagog-
ical goal, then this could also be seen as beneficent.
Non-maleficence requires that the disfluency does
no harm to the learner and, as further above, the fact
that it may benefit the learner is not an ameliorating
factor. In the case of disfluencies, an affirmative re-
sponse here should mean that the disfluency does not
have a negative impact (either singly or cumulatively
with earlier disfluencies) on the learner such as influ-
encing them toward a negative affective state. If they
are distracted or even irritated by the presence of the
disfluencies, this may be counterproductive and prob-
Where there might be a risk of maleficence, the
next principle becomes more important. Autonomy
means that the learner is not constrained in any way
by the disfluency. That is, they retain the agency to
control their reaction to the disfluency, perhaps most
simply by the capability to disable the feature as a
settings option. Further, they should not not feel their
speech is somehow restrained due to the AI agent’s
communication: They shouldn’t be made to feel as if
they themselves have to produce disfluencies in order
to carry on communication with the agent.
The next principle is justice: whether the disflu-
ency treats the learner in an unfair manner. An unfair
treatment might be asserted by the user if the system
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 1: Disfluency Instrumentality Audit (DIA) summary.
seems to the user to be echoing the user’s own use of
disfluencies in what might be seen as a disparaging act
(e.g., as might be seen among children on the play-
ground). Alternatively, justice might be questioned
if the user feels that the AI agent is “talking down”
to them—speaking in a condescending manner. Con-
versely, though, the principle of justice might be sat-
isfied if the user feels a high degree of solidarity with
the agent’s speech.
Finally, explicability revolves around the question
of whether the use of disfluencies in the generated
speech can be explained. In natural human speech,
the explanation that such disfluencies occurred be-
cause the speaker was trying to decide what to say
next or was overwhelmed with simultaneous demands
for their thought processes may be taken as sufficient
explanations. For AI-generated speech, such an ex-
planation is probably not justified and thus not satis-
factory. Instead, it will be necessary to explain the dis-
fluencies with respect to other principles, perhaps as
determined by the technical considerations described
above. An explicable system should have an intelligi-
ble explanation behind it with the human agents that
designed the system accountable for how the system
uses disfluencies.
A starting point in the evaluation of the use of dis-
fluencies in AI-generated speech is the first question
of beneficence: Does the use of disfluencies benefit
the user? In this section, after first defining some of
the various disfluency types that have been examined
in the past several decades of disfluency research, an
overview of the various facilitative effects of disflu-
encies will be given to support an argument for the
beneficence of their use in educational contexts.
4.1 Disfluency Types
Although disfluencies have been studied in many
fields for several decades, there is not a widely
agreed-upon typology of disfluency types and ter-
minological usage varies significantly. The follow-
ing definitions are one way of delineating these fre-
quent features of speech (cf., Maclay and Osgood,
1959; Goldman-Eisler, 1961; Kasl and Mahl, 1965;
Shriberg, 1994).
Silent pause refers to an interval during which the
speaker makes no speech sound. This does not
include very short pauses that may be directly re-
lated to articulatory functions. Rather, they are
silence of ‘excessive’ length. Exactly what counts
as excessive has varied in the literature, though
most researchers define a cut-off or threshold du-
ration beyond which silence would be classified as
a silent pause (e.g., 250 ms in Goldman-Eisler,
Filled pause refers to a non-lexical vocalization in
a conventional form such as uh/um in English or
e-/e-to in Japanese.
Prolongation is a protraction of the articulation of
some portion of a word such as we-ll and some-
times accompanied by a vowel change such as
when the definite article the is pronounced as thee
(e.g., give me thee blue one).
(Self-)Repair is a sequence of speech in which
a later chunk of speech should be understood as
a correction to the immediately preceding chunk
(e.g., pick up the blue the red one). Self-repairs
most often comprise the repair of just a single
word, but in some cases may extend over several
Repeat is a sequence of speech in which a chunk
of speech is repeated as-is (e.g., pick up the the
Ethical Considerations in the Use of Disfluencies in AI-Generated Speech
the red one). The repeated chunk may be repeated
multiple times before speech resumes.
False start refers to an utterance which is begun
and then abandoned in favor of some different ut-
terance (e.g., is the class ... how long until the
class ends?).
Note that many of these disfluency types can be
observed also in pathological cases such as stuttering
or aphasia. However, the present work is focused on
the non-pathological occurrence of these disfluencies.
4.2 Facilitative Disfluencies
The facilitative nature of disfluencies in speech com-
munication has been shown in a number of studies,
most notably in recent decades. This section summa-
rizes several observations that have been made. For
each observation below, a number of studies have pro-
vided evidence, though only a few citations will be
given here as samples. For fuller treatments, see the
respective sample citations.
One of the earlier known facilitative effects of dis-
fluencies is related to word frequency. Listeners are
more likely to judge words following filled pauses
as being words with low contextual frequency (e.g.,
Beattie and Butterworth, 1979; Corley et al., 2006).
Thus, while listeners find nails in (2a) odd (or un-
expected), this oddness is ameliorated in (2b). Con-
versely, they would find tongue in (1b) more odd than
in (1a).
(1a) The hot drink burned his tongue.
(1b) The hot drink burned his uh tongue.
(2a) The hot drink burned his nails.
(2b) The hot drink burned his uh nails.
In a possibly related finding, listeners also judge
noun phrases following filled pauses as being more
likely to introduce new entities to the current dis-
course (e.g., Arnold et al., 2003). Hence, listeners
are more likely to expect that the uh in (3b) will be
followed by a new entity and are surprised to hear an
already given entity (blue box) repeated.
(3a) Put the red ball on the blue box. Now put the
green ball on the blue box.
(3b) Put the red ball on the blue box. Now put the
green ball on the uh blue box.
Researchers have also observed that listeners as-
sociate both silent and filled pauses with clause struc-
ture. They are more likely to judge a pause as occur-
ring at a clause boundary than at a non-boundary (e.g.,
Bailey and Ferreira, 2003; Rose, 2019a). Thus, listen-
ers find (4c) very difficult to understand compared to
(4a). For similar reasons, they find (4b) the easiest
to understand where the disfluency coincides with a
clause boundary. The same effect is found with either
filled pauses or silent pauses.
(4a) While the man hunted the deer ran into the
(4b) While the man hunted uh the deer ran into the
(4c) While the man hunted the deer uh ran into the
Listeners also understand a speaker’s self-repair
faster when it is accompanied by a filled pause (e.g.,
Brennan and Schober, 2001). Thus, they will under-
stand the instruction in (5b) faster and respond more
accurately than in the case of (5a).
(5a) Put the red the blue ball on the blue box.
(5b) Put the red uh the blue ball on the blue box.
While the above facilitative effects are clearly re-
lated to the immediate processing and understanding
of speech, higher level effects have also been ob-
served. For instance, listeners recall information that
occurs in a disfluent discourse better than when it oc-
curs in fluent discourse (e.g., Fraundorf and Watson,
2011). Furthermore, at the sociolinguistic level, lis-
teners regard speech containing filled pauses as more
polite (e.g., Jansen and Janssen, 2013). This effect
has long been discussed in the sociolinguistics and
discourse analysis literature where these kinds of hes-
itation phenomena have been described as mitigating
devices (cf., Levinson, 1983).
4.3 Question of User Design
One issue to note here is the question of user design.
That is, it is easy to think that speakers use disfluen-
cies in a volitional manner in order to communicate
certain things to the listener such as warning of im-
pending delay (cf., Maclay and Osgood, 1959; Clark
and Fox Tree, 2002). However, this question is con-
troversial and remains under debate. Some evidence
exists to show that disfluencies are not used intention-
ally but rather occur symptomatically in the course of
language processing difficulties (cf., Finlayson, 2014;
Finlayson and Corley, 2012).
In order to illustrate the ethical issues described thus
far in this paper as well as to provide some con-
crete examples for consideration, this section imag-
ines three different practical educational scenarios in
which disfluencies might be used as facilitative de-
vices and discusses the ethical considerations in terms
of the DIA. Each scenario will outline an imaginary
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
pedagogical situation where an AI system uses dis-
fluencies in its generated speech to facilitate learn-
ing. Then the ethics of the situation will be examined
using DIA. Note, however, that because the specific
technical designs of such AI systems is beyond the
scope of this paper, they will not be described here.
But each scenario should be seen as encompassing a
reasonable range of possible system designs.
5.1 Scenario 1: Second Language
The first scenario takes place in the context of sec-
ond language learning. An AI agent communicates
with a learner in a tutor-student arrangement. The
tutor guides the learner through pre-designed lesson
plans that have specific pedagogical focal points and
learning objectives. Interaction takes place in a rel-
atively free form where the tutor may have nominal
control of the interaction, but the learner may ask
questions freely. As a teaching strategy, the AI sys-
tem will insert disfluencies (hence, using an inser-
tion or filtering+insertion architecture as described in
Section 3.1 above) in order to highlight certain peda-
gogical points. For example, disfluencies may be in-
serted to highlight certain new or target vocabulary,
to highlight a new or complicated syntactic structure,
or around certain key points in order to make those
points more salient and memorable to the learner.
Provided that learners could have the autonomy
to disable this disfluency insertion feature, this sce-
nario would, in principle, meet the five principles of
DIA. The expected benefits are clearly based on the
facilitative nature of disfluencies as described in Sec-
tion 4 and this further makes their inclusion explica-
ble. There appears to be no potential harm to learners
and the disfluencies would be fair to learners because
exposure to the disfluencies themselves would help to
advance their capability to process such disfluencies
more easily (cf., Griffiths, 1991).
5.2 Scenario 2: Lecture and Discussion
The second scenario takes place in the context of an
academic lecture with follow-up discussion. An AI
agent delivers a lecture at some length to learners and
then interacts with them in a guided discussion based
on the content of the lecture. Disfluencies occur in
the lecture and interactive speech of the agent in an
unsupervised manner (hence, using an organically-
produced architecture as described in Section 3.1).
The training data for the AI agent includes sponta-
neous speech data from the same age group as the
target learners and the disfluencies (and other speech
patterns) are unfiltered so as to allow them to reflect
the learners’ peer group and to establish a more ca-
sual, familiar tone with the learners.
In this scenario, the agent would likely produce a
natural (i.e., average) rate of disfluencies, while also
including some common discourse markers associ-
ated with the age group (e.g., you know, like). How-
ever, when considering the five principles of DIA, it
becomes clear that the benefit of the disfluencies is
doubtful. They would have none of the facilitative
effects described in Section 4, except perhaps estab-
lishing some solidarity with the learners as an ‘in-
group’ member. Whether this really is beneficial is
unknown. Furthermore, although the agent may use
disfluencies in a manner that is typical of the train-
ing set as a whole, this may not necessarily match the
disfluency pattern of every individual student. If there
is wide discrepancy, a learner might actually regard
the speech as condescending. Even if it is similar to
their own, they may even fail to recognize it (people
are actually not very capable of recognizing disflu-
ent rates as shown in Lickley, 1995), and therefore
may endure some harm as a result, or at least feel that
the agent was treating them unfairly. Finally, since
this approach relies on the organic use of disfluen-
cies, there may be little explicability beyond an appeal
to the overall disfluency patterns of the cohort repre-
sented in the training data. In short, this approach
would seem to fail the ethical standards of DIA.
5.3 Scenario 3: Adaptive Tutoring
The third scenario involves an AI tutor that interacts
with a learner on a specific topic following a prede-
fined lesson plan. Disfluencies are used in the inter-
action in an adaptive manner. At first, the tutor uses
minimal disfluencies and in a neutral manner. Then,
as the conversation progresses and the tutor begins
to recognize the individual learner’s own disfluency
patterns, the agent’s own pattern may be adapted to
approach and align with the learner’s (e.g., as in Fin-
layson et al., 2010). The intended purpose would be to
establish solidarity with the learner in a suitable man-
ner under accommodation theory (Giles and Smith,
Under the ethical consideration guide by DIA, this
case has some overlap with Scenario 2, above. How-
ever, the adaptive nature of the use of disfluencies
means that there would be greater explicability and
perhaps less risk of harm. Still, the actual benefit is
questionable even if the use of disfluencies is fair to
the learner. At the very least, this system should allow
the learner the autonomy to disable these disfluencies
if they find it irritable or degrading. Nevertheless, this
Ethical Considerations in the Use of Disfluencies in AI-Generated Speech
scenario is an improvement over Scenario 2, though
still remaining in an ethical gray zone.
This final discussion section describes some wider is-
sues related to the DIA and disfluencies. While the
present paper has focused on the use of disfluencies
in AI-generated speech in educational contexts, the
DIA would be applicable in wider, non-educational
contexts. For instance, it could be used to make ethi-
cal decisions about interactive agents in customer re-
lations, user assistance systems, or social networking.
Furthermore, while the DIA has focused on speech
generation, some disfluencies are used in text-based
communication with similar facilitative effects (e.g.,
Rose, 2019b). Thus, DIA may also prove valuable
when evaluating the ethics of disfluency use in chat-
bots or similar text-based communications.
In Section 4, the facilitative nature of disfluencies
was described at length. Much of the work done on
this facilitative nature has focused on filled and silent
pauses. Further work is yet needed to establish more
conclusively that all the other disfluencies show the
same basic trends, though it has long been hypothe-
sized that these hesitation phenomena are common in
this regard. In the event that later work disproves this
hypothesis, then the DIA may need to be revised or
limited in its scope.
It should also be noted that some of the facilitative
functions ascribed to disfluencies could also be han-
dled by non-disfluent lexical means including such
phrases as well, let me see and I mean. Where this
is the case, it is proposed that the DIA would still be
applicable to the ethical consideration of whether the
use of such phrases in AI-generated speech.
This paper has outlined ethical considerations for the
use of disfluencies in AI-generated speech in educa-
tional contexts. In this process, an adaptation of the
the ve principles of Floridi and Cowls (2019) has
been made as the Disfluency Instrumentality Audit
(DIA). This tool may be used to consider whether
certain applications that seek to use disfluencies with
learners meets ethical standards. Information has also
been given to show how disfluencies may serve a fa-
cilitative role in communication and that this may
satisfy ethical concerns regarding the beneficence of
considered systems. As system designers report on
their system designs, it would be valuable if they
would explain how DIA facilitated (or failed to fa-
cilitate) the ethical development of their systems.
Then, as technology advances and educational appli-
cations grow ever more sophisticated and capable (ei-
ther knowingly or unexpectedly) of using disfluencies
in AI-generated speech, it is hoped that the DIA will
help system designers, system managers, and others
consider carefully whether and how to use such dis-
fluencies in an ethical manner to improve the educa-
tional experience of learners in various contexts.
This paper is a part of research outcomes funded
by Waseda University Grant for Special Research
Projects (project number: 2022R-052).
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