Designing a Career Exploration Corner for Children with Less Access to
Role Models
Fathima Assilmia and Keiko Okawa
Graduate School of Media Design, Keio University, Yokohama, Japan
Career Exploration, ICT for Rural Education, 360-degree Video.
Aspiration is substantial in children’s learning and career development. Unfortunately, the isolation of infor-
mation in rural areas left the children with a narrow vision of future careers. Utilizing the combination of
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and analog learning methods, the project aims to broaden
children’s horizons and build a sense of connectedness between them and the world of work. Exploration
components and delivery methods were designed and validated with schoolchildren aged 9 to 13 who live in
Panglungan Village, Indonesia. Observation, survey, output analysis, and interview are combined to examine
the impact of the learning components and the program’s sustainability. The result shows that the learning
component designed also help promote aspiration in children in rural area. The research also emphasizes the
use of new media in non-formal learning like career exploration and the role of a learning center in rural areas.
The question “what do you want to be when you grow
up?” is often asked of children. The answer could be
a job or the type of person they dream of in the future.
This answer comes from the information they are ex-
posed to up to that point. The information may come
from the closest people in their household, the peo-
ple they interact with daily, information from school,
television, etc. While these childhood aspirations may
not be the career they pursue when they are older, it is
believed to correlate to how they perceive careers and
impact their learning. Students with long-term goals
are more engaged in learning because they feel it is
a process to be someone they dream about and con-
tribute something to the world (Dweck et al., 2014).
This engagement in learning is also seen to positively
influence achievement (Martins et al., 2021).
Widening children’s awareness of the varieties of
careers can open more possibilities for them and help
them make better career decisions. Among many
sources that children can get career information from,
learning from the people in the working world may
help broaden their horizons (Chambers et al., 2018).
Learning directly from them could show the relevance
of learning, bring a different point of view and break
the stereotypes related to a certain job. However, chil-
dren who live in rural areas are lacking exposure to a
variety of career models as there are not that many
career examples available in the area. They also have
fewer encounters with what “people like them” can
be in their careers. This isolation of information may
narrow children’s vision of their future careers.
The existing efforts by the volunteers, in Indone-
sia for example, where work people from various
backgrounds visit elementary schools in rural areas
to share their profession with them (Inspirasi, 2016;
Pulau, 2014), are faced with some limitations in mo-
bility and access to the location (Bosma and Firdaus,
2017). This problem can be solved with Information
and Communication Technology (ICT), as many re-
search suggested (Chinapah and Odero, 2016; Poko-
rska, 2012; Ito et al., 2013). However, ICT solutions
for education in rural communities are often discon-
tinued because they are not designed based on local
needs. It is suggested that ICT solutions in rural ar-
eas should empower the local people (Warsihna et al.,
2013), combined with a network to the more extensive
community outside of the locality (Lowe et al., 2019).
Considering the infrastructure in the local area, figur-
ing out the right balance between the utilization of
technology and traditional learning method would be
crucial in ensuring the learning operation.
This research aims to design a sustainable ca-
reer exploration program for children with less ac-
cess to role models to promote their aspirations. To
deal with the disconnect between the world of work
and children in rural areas, the exploration of learn-
Assilmia, F. and Okawa, K.
Designing a Career Exploration Corner for Children with Less Access to Role Models.
DOI: 10.5220/0011987500003470
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2023) - Volume 2, pages 229-236
ISBN: 978-989-758-641-5; ISSN: 2184-5026
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
ing components using immersive and analog media
for schoolchildren children ages 9-13 or grades 4-6
of elementary school was conducted. The delivery
method for sustainable practice in rural and disad-
vantaged areas was also explored. For this study, the
design was experimented with children and the com-
munity in Panglungan Village, a mountain village in
East Java, Indonesia. A combination of the quanti-
tative and qualitative evaluation was used to validate
the impact of the learning components in promoting
aspirations and the efficiency of the delivery method.
2.1 Career Exploration for Elementary
Career development programs often neglect the child-
hood stage, which is still far from the decision-
making period. In recent years, more people have
been interested in the importance of child career de-
velopment (Watson and McMahon, 2016). It is sug-
gested that at the elementary school level, the fo-
cus should be on raising aspirations and broadening
horizons instead of career advice (Chambers, 2018).
Gottfredson (1981) theorizes that the development of
children’s aspirations between 9 to 13 years old is
based on social valuation before evolving into unique
personal characteristics in the next stage (Gottfred-
son, 1981). This stage is the ideal age for children
to explore careers as a foundation of their career de-
velopment before developing their unique selves.
Figure 1: Early phases of career management competencies
in learning and work exploration area (Australia, 2010).
While “career” is closely related to paid jobs, it
embodies a person’s life roles and journey (Hodgetts,
2009). Learning about someone’s career is not lim-
ited to knowing their current job description but in-
cludes their learning and journey up to that point. An
Australian Blueprint for Career Development iden-
tified four competencies for learning and work ex-
ploration area (Australia, 2010). The competencies
were designed in five developmental phases, where
the Awareness and Exploring phases are the most suit-
able for elementary school children (Figure 1).
2.2 Combining Immersive Media and
Traditional Learning Method
Among many learning methods, Kolb’s Experiential
Learning Cycle (ELC), is an adaptive learning style
that emphasizes active contribution from learner (Mc-
Carthy et al., 2016). This learning style is based
on concrete experience, followed by reflective obser-
vation, abstract conceptualization, and active experi-
mentation, where learners grasp and deconstruct ex-
perience to gain knowledge (Illeris, 2018). The im-
plementation of ELC in virtual computer laborato-
ries helped learners gain a deeper understanding of
the subject matter (Konak et al., 2014). This study
also promoted peer learning to facilitate the reflection
and conceptualization stages of ELC. The application
of Experiential Learning or Active Learning with a
balance utilization of immersive and traditional me-
dia for children’s career exploration in rural areas is
explored in this study.
2.2.1 Immersive Learning Using 360 Video
Immersive media is beneficial in reintroducing some
of the crucial tools that exist in the traditional ed-
ucational space, like presence, immediacy, and im-
mersion (Bronack, 2011). Immersive Virtual reality
(IVR) as a learning source is believed to help de-
velop re-engagement to content over time (Makran-
sky and Petersen, 2021) and may also elicit a short-
term state of wanting to know more (Knogler et al.,
2015). Among many technologies categorized as im-
mersive, 360
video is one of the more accessible
technologies as a mobile device, and a 3-DoF device
like Google Cardboard is sufficient to enjoy the ex-
perience. An example of the use of 360
video in a
religious studies classroom resulted in students valu-
ing the experience, stating that it helped them deepen
their knowledge of religions and elicited feelings of
empathy toward other religions (Johnson, 2018).
Creating a learning experience using storytelling
in 360
video requires different techniques compared
to the traditional two-dimensional (2D) video. Some
problems that could occur when creating educational
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
videos in 360
video are related to the point of
view (POV) and attention (Kavanagh et al., 2016).
In a 360
camera, the lens position represents the
viewer’s eyes. The placement and actors’ interac-
tion with the camera could give the illusion of inter-
action (Elmezeny et al., 2018). Because the viewer
can control their view, they might unintentionally lose
track of the main information when exploring the
spherical environment. It is suggested that having fo-
cused characters, a simple storyline, and using audio-
visual direction cues can help direct viewers’ atten-
tion (Elmezeny et al., 2018). But it is also emphasized
not to overly restrict viewers’ field of view to gain the
full advantage of 360
video (Elmezeny et al., 2018).
2.2.2 Visual Journaling for Reflection Method
While immersive technology helps engagement in the
learning content, reflection as a way to extract mean-
ing from experience (Boud, 2001) could aid the com-
prehension process. Journaling is one of the practices
that is often used as a reflective method in learning
new material (Chang and Lin, 2014). Journaling is
believed to help us look more closely at a subject
and see things from an unexpected perspective (New,
2005). Furthermore, using it in its manual form en-
couraged students to be active learners and practice
critical thinking (New, 2005; Hash, 2021). Similarly,
a worldwide survey on primary school children’s as-
pirations used drawing to draw information from the
children (Chambers et al., 2018). Some of the rea-
sons that the report mentioned are the ability to help
children tell a better story, to encourage children who
are usually shy, and to avoid intimidation from other
people, especially teachers or adults.
2.2.3 Gamification in Children’s Learning
To make learning more exciting for children, gami-
fication, an approach using game features, is often
used (Faiella and Ricciardi, 2015). It is recommended
to use gamification in activities that include a repe-
tition to elicit interest (Faiella and Ricciardi, 2015).
Gamification in learning has been proven to benefit
the learning outcomes from a cognitive, motivational,
or behavioral perspective (Sailer and Homner, 2020).
Among many game elements used in children’s ed-
ucation, challenge, and achievement are some of the
most popular and present within (Nand et al., 2019).
2.3 Learning Center in Rural Areas
While ICT solutions can help bridge children with
the outside community, a physical center in the rural
area is deemed necessary (Svendsen and Lind, 2009;
Svendsen, 2013). Considering the difference in learn-
ing supporting tools available in every household,
a base or learning center that provides technology-
based solutions could expand the inclusivity of learn-
ing opportunities for the local people (Sharma, 2014).
Among many places available in the rural ar-
eas, the technology-supported physical space for non-
formal learning could be installed in existing Tele-
center (Yasya, 2020), public spaces like public library
(Svendsen, 2013), and mosque (Cheema et al., 2014),
privately owned space like coffee shop (Afifah, 2021),
and many other places depending on the characteristic
of the village.
3.1 Target User
The main target of this research was children ages 9-
13 or grades 4-6 of elementary school who live in ar-
eas with less access to role models. In these areas, the
transition from elementary to middle school is often
a crucial period for them to either continue school or
directly join the workforce, making the time before
this transition a critical period for intervention.
These areas usually have a homogenous commu-
nity with the main livelihood coming from the direct
use of natural resources like farming, fishery, min-
ing, etc. Even though many rural areas are already
provided with internet infrastructure, the stability and
access are not evenly distributed to every household.
Most children in these areas neither have individual
gadgets nor many adults who can guide them in ac-
cessing the internet productively.
3.2 Career Exploration Design
The Career Exploration components were designed
for children to explore various career journeys, see
how they impact people’s lives, and how the jobs can
relate to their daily lives. Through the preliminary ex-
plorations with children in Pramuka Island, Indonesia
(2017), Thien Binh Orphanage, Vietnam (2019), and
Panglungan Village, Indonesia (2021), different com-
binations of components were implemented and eval-
uated in each exploration (Figure 2).
Choosing an interest is a very personal and re-
peated process. The preliminary design results show
that individual exploration is the most efficient way
for children to explore based on their interests. The
children also enjoyed exploring the 360
ment, especially the working process part. However,
verbal communication was not something they were
Designing a Career Exploration Corner for Children with Less Access to Role Models
Figure 2: Exploration component design process.
comfortable with. The use of visual journalling and
written communication may help the exploration pro-
cess. Additionally, the children desired interaction
with peers and their context, which was also deemed
necessary to increase their engagement.
There are four components to the career explo-
ration program. They are (1) Experience, (2) Reflect,
(3) Interact, and (4) Practice. Below is the improved
design of the components based on the lesson learned
from the preliminary research.
3.2.1 Component 1: Experience
In the Experience component, children experience
various people’s working lives in 360
video format.
They choose one video content that they want to
watch each time. For this research, 13 video content
from five job categories were designed. The contents
are compiled in a Padlet (Figure 3).
Figure 3: Contents provided for the Experience component.
The purpose of the video content is to give a
workplace experience and tell an inspiring story of
a real working person. The video is created in the
first-person PoV around the workperson’s workplace,
where the workperson and children drive the story as
the main characters. Using audio and visual cues,
the viewer may have a sense of interaction with the
characters and environment in the video. The 7 to
10 minutes video contains one key point or statement
that guides the story. Based on that key point, the
story also includes (1) the career path of the workper-
son, (2) interesting working processes, (3) important
skills, (4) the social impact or value of the job, and (5)
an encouraging message from the workperson.
3.2.2 Component 2: Reflect
After watching the video, children internalize the ex-
perience. Initially, the reflection method was done
verbally, which did not work. Instead, using a visual
journaling method, children internalize their experi-
ence in two prompts (Figure 4). The prompt is a re-
flective drawing “If I were...”, where children imagine
how it would look like if they had the same profes-
sion as the workperson. The second part is reflective
writing “I should learn or do...”, where children con-
template the things that they can learn or do now to be
like the workperson.
Figure 4: Visual Journal template.
3.2.3 Component 3: Interact
Children interact with work people and peers through
comment writing and verbal communication in this
component. To the workperson, children write com-
ments or questions related to the video content or the
job. To their peers, they share their drawings from the
Reflect component.
3.2.4 Component 4: Practice
The Practice component is when children exercise
how skills from the job can be transferred into daily
life. With the supervision of guardians at home, they
do a practical challenge following the Mission Card.
Each Mission Card is designed based on the video
content provided to the children. Each mission card
contains the details of the video, instructions for the
mission, an activity report column, and a reflection
column (Figure 5). The recommended duration for
each activity is around 2 hours across a 1-week time
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
frame. For every completed mission, they may re-
ceive a collectible reward.
Figure 5: Mission Card example.
3.3 Exploration Corner Design
To facilitate repeated exploration, children should
have a space to return to. Considering the diverse
availability of technology in every household, design-
ing a learning center that provides all the equipment
necessary for the exploration could ensure the inclu-
sivity of the program. This learning center, which
I call Exploration Corner, operates outside school
hours, where children can do the Experience, Reflect,
and Interact components with their peers. The mod-
ule for these three components is designed for 20 min-
utes, two children at a time. Therefore, for every hour
the Corner runs, it could accommodate 4-6 children.
The corner is supported by an internet connection, fa-
cilitated by a volunteer, and provides all the equip-
ment required for career exploration.
3.3.1 Corner Facilitation
The facilitator is someone from the local community.
The facilitator helps the children with the equipment
and time management during the activity. The fa-
cilitator should provide a safe space and encourage
children to express their thoughts throughout the ex-
ploration. They should be mindful not to do the ac-
tivity for children. Unlike how a classroom is usu-
ally conducted, there is no right or wrong answer
in the exploration process, so the facilitators should
not judge or give negative remarks about children’s
thoughts. Instead, a conversation based on chil-
dren’s opinions could expand their understanding of
the working world.
Supporting Materials. A program guideline and
supporting materials are provided to help the facili-
tator run the Exploration Corner. The materials in-
clude the 360
video contents, corresponding Mission
Cards, and a visual journal template.
Equipment. A fundamental requirement to run the
Corner is a 360
Video Viewing Set which includes
a 3DoF VR viewer, a gyroscope and accelerometer-
equipped smartphone, and an earphone. And last but
not least, colorful stationery and some stickers for the
Mission Card reward were also required.
I implemented the Career Exploration and the Explo-
ration Corner in Panglungan Village. Panglungan is a
village located on the slope of Anjasmara Mountain
in East Java, Indonesia. The village is surrounded
by forest on three sides, and the only access to a
nearby village is through the north area of the village.
With the primary economic sector in agriculture, most
people here work as farmers or stay-at-home moms.
While 100% of the children in this village are regis-
tered in Elementary School or equivalent, the num-
ber of school enrollment continues to decrease even
though this area has school facilities with free tuition
up to High School. And only 10% of the students
in this area continue their study to higher education.
Most of them work as farmers or factory workers in
neighboring cities after discontinuing their studies.
The Career Exploration Corner was installed on
the front porch of Mr. As house. He was also the
facilitator for the corner. The house is near a Musholla
(prayer hall), where some children usually spend their
afternoon for religious education. (Figure 6). The
exploration ran for two cycles on July 2022. Each
cycle consists of four days, 2 hours each. A total of 43
children aged between 10 to 12 joined the exploration.
Participants were free to return to the second cycle as
they liked within the given schedule.
Figure 6: Career Exploration Corner at Panglungan Village.
Designing a Career Exploration Corner for Children with Less Access to Role Models
Through the Career Exploration implementation, the
impact of the activity on children’s aspirations us-
ing observation, survey, and output analysis methods.
Combined with real-time observation, a video camera
was set up to observe the participants during the ac-
tivities. A deeper analysis of communication and in-
teractions between participants was conducted using
video recording. After each activity, a post-activity
survey related to exploration was given out to partici-
pants. After excluding some data for consent and va-
lidity reasons, 69 data from the Corner Exploration
and 40 from the Practice component were used for
evaluation. Additionally, the efficiency of the corner
and its replicability were looked upon through obser-
vation during and after the installation of the corner,
along with interviews with the Corner Facilitators.
5.1 Promoting Aspiration in Children
5.1.1 Children Identify the Relationship
Between Learning, Life, and Work
The observation showed that children could explore
the video in all directions through the cues given
in the video. The result from the Reflect compo-
nent showed that children internalized the learning in
many different ways. Some identified the items in the
environment, while others interpreted what was being
said in the video and created their interpretation of
how they would look doing that job (Figure 7).
Figure 7: Children’s learning internalization.
Additionally, they reflected on what they should
do or learn to become like the person in the video.
The answers include general answers like I should
study hard” and “I have to study in college”; more
specific knowledge or skills to the job like “I should
draw better (to be a Game Illustrator),” “I should learn
how to edit video (to be a Video Designer), “I have to
learn how to plant coffee seeds (to be a Coffee Quality
Controller)”; and attitudes or soft skills like “leader-
ship (to be a Creative Manager),” “discussion skill (to
be a Professor),” “experimenting (to be a Biotechnol-
ogist), “discipline (to be an Animator), and “helping
mom in the kitchen to be able to cook.
5.1.2 Children Experience How Skills Can Be
From the Mission Card result, it could be seen that
children experienced how the skills can be transfer-
able. One of the missions related to a professor’s job
was to gather data and retell the information (Fig-
ure 8). The children commented that they learned
about research skills, saying “I learned) to look for
information from the internet and interviewed the vil-
lage head.” The children also thought that the activity
helped them understand the vital attitude introduced
by the workperson. One of them commented “I have
to be brave to ask questions and know how to col-
lect data properly. One of the parents’ feedback also
stated the activity’s benefit to children’s daily life. “I
am happy with this activity; my child has new experi-
ences and broader insights about everyday life.
Figure 8: Children’s finished Mission Cards.
5.1.3 Positive Attitude Towards Their Future
After going through the activity, the children ex-
pressed their initial interest in the jobs. One of the
children wrote comments directed at the workperson,
saying “I want to be a professor”. The positive atti-
tude was also reflected in the survey result, where the
children were asked if they thought that they could be
like the workperson. The majority of them answered
“Yes” (Figure 9). The children also commented that
the activity motivated them to learn and pursue their
interests, stating “I gain experience and enthusiasm
to pursue my aspiration” and “I gain experience and
becoming more enthusiastic about going to school.
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 9: ‘Do you think you can be like the person in the
video?’ (n=66).
5.1.4 High Interest to Explore More
According to the comments the children wrote for
work people, they showed curiosity toward the job.
They asked questions like “What do you usually do
in the office?”, “How to make it (video mapping)?”
etc. The parents also commented that the children
asked many questions at home, saying “... they asked
many questions; it forces us to think about giving log-
ical and reasonable answers. From 39 children who
joined the first time, 28 children came on the sec-
ond cycle. 89.3% of them said they wanted to watch
another video. Most of them found the activity fun
and would like to know more about other professions.
The observation also showed the influence of peers
on children’s learning decisions, from choosing the
video to returning to the Corner for another cycle.
5.2 The Efficiency of Exploration
5.2.1 Strategic Location Encourages Interaction
Since the Career Exploration Corner location was
very close to the Musholla, many interactions were
observed during and after the running of the Corner.
During night prayer time, a group of children who
did not join the exploration visited the Corner asking
“What is this?”. Once they saw their friend’s name,
they called that kid to explain about the Corner. Some
kids also talked to the facilitator outside the explo-
ration hours and asked “when can we watch another
video again?”. After the validation period, two groups
of children visited the Corner and asked to do the ca-
reer exploration again.
5.2.2 The Technology Readiness
Due to the instability of the internet connection, the
video contents were downloaded using a Premium
YouTube account so that they could be played in high-
quality even without an internet connection.
5.2.3 Corner Facilitators Feedback
From the interview with Corner Facilitator, he under-
stood the project’s goal and stated that the guideline
was sufficient for them to comprehend the whole pro-
gram. He also had enough time to understand the
learning materials and prepare the logistics required.
However, he stated that he needs more experience to
help children who are shy to be more comfortable go-
ing through the exploration. He suggested that further
training in dealing with children with various charac-
teristics was necessary to facilitate better facilitation.
This research explored the design of a sustainable ca-
reer exploration program for children with less access
to role models to promote their aspirations. The val-
idation investigated whether the exploration compo-
nents help promote aspiration in children and whether
the Corner Exploration supports the program’s sus-
tainability. The result shows that new media could fa-
cilitate non-formal learning, like career exploration,
in rural areas. It also emphasizes the important role
of a learning center and facilitation. However, further
research on facilitator training needs to be explored
before moving forward to the service deployment.
Despite the promising result, the design is mainly
implemented in Indonesia. Replication in other re-
gions can increase the validity of the result. Addition-
ally, the long-term impact on children’s career deci-
sions could be evaluated later in the program. Lastly,
While we were able to adapt to the speed of the inter-
net during the implementation, it emphasized the need
to improve the infrastructure quality in rural areas.
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