A Security Evaluation Framework for Software-Defined Network
Architectures in Data Center Environments
Igor Ivki
, Dominik Thiede
, Nicholas Race
, Matthew Broadbent
and Antonios Gouglidis
Lancaster University, Lancaster, U.K.
University of Applied Sciences Burgenland, Eisenstadt, Austria
Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh, U.K.
Network Security, Data Center Architecture, Software-Defined Networks, Security Evaluation Framework.
The importance of cloud computing has grown over the last years, which resulted in a significant increase of
Data Center (DC) network requirements. Virtualisation is one of the key drivers of that transformation and
enables a massive deployment of computing resources, which exhausts server capacity limits. Furthermore,
the increased network endpoints need to be handled dynamically and centrally to facilitate cloud computing
functionalities. Traditional DCs barely satisfy those demands because of their inherent limitations based on
the network topology. Software-Defined Networks (SDN) promise to meet the increasing network require-
ments for cloud applications by decoupling control functionalities from data forwarding. Although SDN
solutions add more flexibility to DC networks, they also pose new vulnerabilities with a high impact due
to the centralised architecture. In this paper we propose an evaluation framework for assessing the security
level of SDN architectures in four different stages. Furthermore, we show in an experimental study, how the
framework can be used for mapping SDN threats with associated vulnerabilities and necessary mitigations in
conjunction with risk and impact classification. The proposed framework helps administrators to evaluate the
network security level, to apply countermeasures for identified SDN threats, and to meet the networks security
Over the last years, the evolution of cloud comput-
ing has triggered a rethinking of the entire Data Cen-
ter (DC) network architecture (Bilal et al., 2012).
One of the main drivers for cloud computing is vir-
tualisation, which enables a massive deployment of
computing resources like Virtual Machines (VMs)
(Eswaraprasad and Raja, 2017). However, the rise
of cloud computing impacts legacy Data Center Net-
works (DCN) since the number of network endpoints
increases, and the Central Processing Unit (CPU)
capacity and amount of Random-Access Memory
(RAM) of the servers become limiting factors. Ad-
ditionally, VMs are dynamically created on-demand
and can be deleted or moved in the same way. These
circumstances bring new requirements to DCN, since
(especially in large scale environments) former com-
munication networks and DCs used specialised and
costly hardware equipment.
Software-Defined Networks (SDN) aim at provid-
ing solutions for these challenges by adding more
flexibility compared to traditional DCN. SDN is an
emerging architecture that decouples the control plane
from the data plane. This separation facilitates the
shift of the network control from network devices
towards a logically centralised software-based en-
tity called an SDN controller. The SDN controller
resides in the control plane, where centralised for-
warding tables are calculated and pushed to the net-
work elements living in the data plane. Through the
SDN architecture, the network control becomes pro-
grammable and provides an abstracted layer where
application and network services are applicable. This
new solution enables a dynamic, cost-effective, man-
ageable and adaptable network solution matching the
increasing network requirements for ambitious cloud
applications (Chica et al., 2020). Even though the new
SDN architecture opens up new possibilities, it also
brings new security challenges.
Compared to traditional network architectures
consisting of many distributed forwarding devices the
network intelligence is now aggregated in a single vir-
tualised SDN controller. This centralisation of the
c, I., Thiede, D., Race, N., Broadbent, M. and Gouglidis, A.
A Security Evaluation Framework for Software-Defined Network Architectures in Data Center Environments.
DOI: 10.5220/0011988300003488
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2023), pages 277-288
ISBN: 978-989-758-650-7; ISSN: 2184-5042
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
network control is one of the most significant advan-
tages and, at the same time, the biggest weakness of
the SDN topology. A successfully launched cyber-
attack where the SDN controller or application is
compromised has the potential to affect the entire net-
work (Al-Saghier, 2019). Network security is highly
prioritised in DC environments; especially when criti-
cal infrastructures are involved, a DC outage resulting
from an attack could have disastrous consequences.
In this paper we present a Security Evaluation
Framework for SDN architectures in DC environ-
ments. Similar to the work of Anisetti et al. (2021),
the framework consists of four phases where the out-
put of one phase is used as an input for the next one.
In the first phase a threat and vulnerability analy-
sis is performed based on Spoofing, Tampering, Re-
pudiation, Information Disclosure, Denial of Service
(DoS), Elevation of Privilege (STRIDE) and Process
for Attack Simulation and Threat Analysis (PASTA)
(UcedaVelez and Morana, 2015). Next, a risk and im-
pact evaluation is executed for each identified threat
and vulnerability, including ranking each risk by its
severity by using the Common Vulnerability Scoring
System (CVSS). Based on the results of the CVSS,
attack scenarios are modelled for the highest-ranked
risks. Furthermore, we verify the impact of the mod-
elled attack scenario in an experimental study us-
ing a basic SDN setup consisting of Mininet (Kaur
et al., 2014) and one Open Network Operating Sys-
tem (ONOS) controller. Finally, we discuss how the
identified SDN threats could be mitigated by either
using built-in features or by implementing a central
security solution.
The remainder of this paper is organised as fol-
lows: Section 2 summarises the related work in the
field. Next, in Section 3, we present the Security Eval-
uation Framework and explain how it can be used to
evaluate the security of SDN-components. Further-
more, we show the general applicability of the pro-
posed framework in an experimental study in Section
4. Finally, in Section 5 we conclude our work and
give an outline of future work in the field.
Since SDN are increasingly becoming more relevant
in the cloud computing field, more and more security
evaluations and tests have been performed on the new
architecture. Ruffy et al. (2016) used the STRIDE
model to identify several SDN vulnerabilities and
proposed solutions for each of the six security risks
to mitigate them. Based on that they sketched a sam-
ple of secure SDN design for two network domains.
Their design integrated multiple SDN controllers for
redundancy together with traditional and new protec-
tion solutions, including Intrusion Detection Systems
(IDS), firewalls, and access control via Authentica-
tion, Authorisation, Accounting (AAA) servers. Nev-
ertheless, they considered just one threat analysis ap-
proach based on six generic Threat Categories (TCs),
which leads to unrecognised security flaws that are
not part of the STRIDE categories.
Iqbal et al. (2019) identified several SDN vulner-
abilities and possible attack scenarios including their
impacts and focused on possible resolutions for their
determined SDN security flaws. Their proposed so-
lution concentrated on the communication channels
between the SDN layers instead of considering the
entire SDN. Therefore, the resolution proposals are
limited to data encryption via Secure Sockets Layer
(SSL)/Transport Layer Security (TLS), ciphers like
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and Data En-
cryption Standard (DES) and role-based authorisation
adapted from FortNOX3 instance. Iqbal et al. (2019)
outlined a summary showing the correlation between
attack scenario, affected SDN layer/interface, and se-
curity. However, in contrast to the approach of Ruffy
et al. (2016), the threat analysis and countermeasure
proposal from Iqbal et al. (2019) is solely based on a
literature review.
Varadharajan et al. (2019) have discussed a
policy-based security architecture for SDN and cat-
egorised SDN-specific threats into (1) threats against
an SDN controller, (2) threats against the networking
devices (switches), (3) threats against communication
between the controller and the networking devices,
and (4) threats against communications between dif-
ferent SDN controllers. Based on those categories
they determined five attack scenarios and four secu-
rity requirements to prevent the successful execution
of the attacks. They developed a policy-based security
application that resides on the northbound interface of
the SDN controller to meet the previously identified
security requirements. Furthermore, they analysed
the performance of their policy-based security archi-
tecture as well as discussed, the capabilities to coun-
teract various security attacks and meet different se-
curity requirements using policy-based mechanisms.
Even though the approach is promising, their policy-
based mechanism provides one option to overcome
security flaws in SDN. Considering that one counter-
measure does not fix all vulnerabilities, an appropri-
ate solution should include several remediations to in-
crease the security of the entire SDN.
Chica et al. (2020) conducted an SDN secu-
rity analysis where they highlighted network attacks,
threat vectors, and attack surfaces on all three SDN
CLOSER 2023 - 13th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
layers and the interfaces in between. In this re-
gard, they discussed to what extent SDN can increase
network security and how SDN security can be im-
proved. In addition, they briefly discussed potential
flaws and inconsistencies still present in the design of
security mechanisms for SDN. Moreover, they men-
tioned potential attack scenarios and their possible
impact on the network. However, they did not con-
sider the technical implementation of those attacks
and how the network impact can influence their SDN.
Al-Saghier (2019) proposed a framework for eval-
uating SDN security that is capable of automatically
instantiating known attacks against SDN elements.
The framework was implemented by adding addi-
tional components to the SDN topology, particularly
the agent manager, application agent, agent chan-
nel, and agent host. Furthermore, misconfiguration,
malware, and insider attacks were categorised as at-
tack vectors. Finally, he provided a Proof-of-Concept
(PoC) SDN testbed and evaluated the impact on the
network when running different attack scenarios.
Sjoholmsierchio et al. (2021) focused on strength-
ening SDN security by improving the TLS encryption
for OpenFlow. According to them, TLS is currently
the only mechanism for protecting the control chan-
nel and is only considered an optional basis. Based
on their claim that TLS is vulnerable to downgrade at-
tacks, they used a protocol dialecting approach to pro-
tecting the TLS encrypted OpenFlow protocol against
it. In addition to that, they conceptualised a new form
of policy-based networking by extending the proto-
col dialecting functionality into a policy enforcement
proxy. Finally, they simulated a downgrade attack
in a Mininet-emulated SDN environment and demon-
strated how their proposed security mechanism could
be used to detect and prevent these attacks. Their re-
sults showed a higher security level on the control
channel at the cost of increased communication la-
tency by 22% compared to standard TLS.
Shaghaghi et al. (2020) presented a brief overview
of the latest security enhancements in the SDN data
plane. Furthermore, they identified five character-
istics of SDN that can have the most impact on its
security. These characteristics include a centralised
controller, open programmable interfaces, forwarding
device management protocol, third-party network ser-
vices and virtualised logical networks. They provided
an appropriate overview of SDN characteristics prone
to exposing security vulnerabilities. In detail, they
highlighted the data plane security challenges, solu-
tion requirements, and existing solutions.
Jiasi et al. (2019) designed a monolithic security
mechanism for SDN based on Blockchain. Their sug-
gested solution decentralises the control plane while
maintaining a network-wide view. Furthermore, their
mechanism guarantees authenticity, traceability, and
accountability of application flows and provides fine-
grained access control of network-wide resources and
a secure controller-switch channel. They achieved
this by adding a Blockchain layer between the con-
trol and data plane. In addition, they added attribute-
based encryption for access control at the northbound
interface and a high-performance securely authenti-
cated protocol, called HOMQV, for communication
between the Blockchain and the data layer. In conclu-
sion, the Blockchain-based mechanism can be used to
record all network flows and events including an im-
plementation of secure protocols with smart contracts.
Kreutz et al. (2013) described several threat vec-
tors that may enable the exploit of SDN vulnerabil-
ities and sketched a design of a secure and depend-
able SDN controller platform. They identified seven
different attack vectors and discussed several mecha-
nisms to address their threats. Their proposed con-
troller platform design introduced three SDN con-
trollers (instead of one) to improve the system’s de-
pendability through replication. In addition, their de-
sign sketch included the requirement that the switches
need to associate with more than one controller dy-
namically. Moreover, they explained that the repli-
cation between the controllers should not rely on a
single one to leverage the diversity in the controller
platform. Their proposed design to increase the se-
curity and dependability of SDN is mainly based on
using several SDN controllers which is already appli-
cable in DCNs or other large-scale networks.
Prathima Mabel et al. (2019) gave a brief in-
sight into vulnerabilities of OpenFlow and counter-
measures to secure the SDN controller, data plane,
and OpenFlow channel. Furthermore, they presented
the “flow tracer”-solution for securing the SDN con-
troller from being misused. Their solution can iden-
tify and isolate fraudulent flow entries that a hacker
may inject. In addition, the flow tracer encrypts the
packets towards the data plane using symmetric key
encryption. Finally, they simulated a DoS attack in
the Mininet emulator to validate their proposed solu-
tion. Overall, they showed that this single mechanism
can be an effective countermeasure since it can im-
prove the security of the SDN controller, data plane
and OpenFlow channel.
Cabaj et al. (2014) highlighted three considera-
tions regarding SDN security and proposed a theo-
retical solution to detect SDN threats through data
mining. The three mentioned SDN drawbacks in-
cluded (1) limitation of the OpenFlow protocol, (2)
centralised network operations, and (3) lack of mid-
dleboxes in SDN. Their proposed solution, called
A Security Evaluation Framework for Software-Defined Network Architectures in Data Center Environments
Table 1: Summary of Related Work on Evaluating Security in SDN (template adapted from Scott-Hayward et al., 2013).
Related Work
SDN Layer/Interface
Analysis Remediation
New Security
App App-Ctl Ctl Ctl-Data Data
Ruffy et al. (2016) ✗✓ ✗✓ ✗✓ ✗✓ ✗✓
Iqbal et al. (2019) () () ✗✓ ✗✓★ ✗✓ ✗✓★ ✗✓
Varadharajan et al. (2019)
Chica et al. (2019) () () ✗✓ ✗✓ ✗✓ ✗✓ ✗✓
Al-Saghier (2019) ()
Sjoholmsierchio et al. (2021)
Shaghaghi et al. (2020) () () ✗✓
Jiasi et al. (2019)
Kreutz et al. (2013) () () ✗✓ ✗✓ ✗✓★ ✗✓ ✗✓
Prathima Mabel et al. (2019) () () ✗✓★ ✗✓★ ✗✓★
Cabaj et al. (2014)
Fawcett et al. (2018)
This Paper () ✗✓ ✗✓ ✗✓ ✗✓ ✗✓
aaaaSecurity AnalysisaaaaaaSecurity RemediationaaaaaaNew Security Solutionaaaaa() Fully Based on Literature Review
Distributed Frequent Sets Analyzer (DFSA), allows
fast detection of attacks that generate massive traffic.
DFSA implements different modules in the SDN ar-
chitecture to facilitate an automatic reaction as soon
as a threat is detected which protects the SDN con-
troller against DoS attacks.
Fawcett et al. (2018) introduced a multi-level dis-
tributed monitoring and remediation SDN framework
for scalable network security called TENNISON. In
this regard, they briefly described the main attributes
of their proposed security framework, including ef-
ficiency and proportionality, scalability and visibil-
ity, p programmability and extensibility, transparency,
availability and resiliency, and interoperability. The
TENNISON architecture is based on the ONOS con-
troller and several appliances distributed across the
application, coordination, and collection layers in a
top-down manner. In addition, TENNISON provides
a security pipeline with four flow tables prepended
for the other network application tables. This ap-
proach achieves network monitoring and remediation
without interfering with forwarding functionality and
other network services. Fawcett et al. (2018) cre-
ated a PoC testbed with 350 nodes and 19 switches in
Mininet to evaluate the scalability, analysis, and per-
formance of TENNISON using four attack scenarios
including DoS, DDoS, scanning, and intrusion.
As shown in Table 1, the identified related work
focuses on performing security analyses, remediation
or providing new security solutions. Some authors
even used a combination of multiple approaches and
covered multiple aspects. Various researchers vali-
dated their developed solution using a testbed setup,
while others argued their suggested solution on a the-
oretical level. One of the most significant differences
of the identified related work is the amount of consid-
ered SDN layers/interfaces. For a comprehensive se-
curity analysis, all five SDN main components (three
layers and two interfaces) should be part of the evalu-
ation. However, several authors concentrated on spe-
cific parts of the SDN architecture and did not pro-
vide a holistic view including all SDN components.
Compared to the identified related work, this paper
(1) analyzes threats and vulnerabilities based on the
STRIDE and PASTA model on the entire SDN archi-
tecture, (2) examines risks and impacts on a DC envi-
ronment with the aid of CVSS, (3) models attack sce-
narios for the most critical security flaws and verifies
their impact in a PoC testbed, and (4) highlights meth-
ods to improve the SDN security. The output of this
approach is a comprehensive SDN Security Evalua-
tion Framework, enabling the DC owners to evaluate
the security level of their networks including possible
subsequent impacts and provide them with remedia-
tions to mitigate elaborate security risks. Table 1 pro-
vides an overview of the identified related work and
draws a comparison to this paper.
The architectural recomposition triggered by SDN
brings up exciting opportunities to DCN. Mainly dis-
tributed cloud applications hosted in DCs benefit from
the emerging solution. However, from a security per-
spective the SDN topology creates new challenges,
since the centralisation of the network control can be
a strength and weakness at the same time. More pre-
cisely, the entire network is affected as soon as the
SDN controller or application is compromised (Al-
Saghier, 2019). In this section we present an SDN
Security Evaluation Framework and describe its four
CLOSER 2023 - 13th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Figure 1: Security Evaluation Framework for SDN Architectures in DC Environments.
stages. In this regard, we explain how the frame-
work can be used to identify threats and vulnerabil-
ities, analyse their risks and impact, model possible
attack scenarios and apply countermeasures to miti-
gate them (as shown in Figure 1).
3.1 Threat & Vulnerability Analysis
Since an SDN controller represents a single point of
failure for the entire network, Ruffy et al. (2016) sug-
gest performing a risk-benefit analysis when consid-
ering deploying SDN technology. However, before
assessing risks, threats must be identified first. Since
many threats could be relevant for a security evalu-
ation, threat groups or categories are typically used.
The STRIDE model developed by Microsoft is a com-
mon approach to distinguish security design flaws on
a technical basis and is therefore feasible for the se-
curity assessment of SDN (Ruffy et al., 2016).
Categorising threats with the aid of STRIDE is
helpful to get an overview of the relevance of certain
threat groups. Still, product managers and supervi-
sors are keen to know which threats are relevant to
their business, product, and platform. The STRIDE
model categories may not include specific threats
to SDN. Therefore, a far-reaching risk-based threat
modelling methodology, called PASTA also needs to
be considered. PASTA integrates business impact,
inherent application risk, trust boundaries across ap-
plication components, correlated threats, and attack
patterns that exploit identified weaknesses from the
threat modelling. This methodology helps to model
SDN-specific threats and assess their business impact.
Summarising, the first stage of the Security Evalua-
tion Framework incorporates both the STRIDE and
PASTA approaches to evaluate SDN-based security
threats and vulnerabilities.
3.2 Risk & Impact Analysis
Once the SDN threats and vulnerabilities have been
identified in the first step, the next step requires to
categorise them based on their impact to the DC en-
vironment. Threats with similar impact are then com-
bined to TCs which enables a faster risk and impact
analysis. In order to achieve such classification, the
outcomes from the STRIDE and PASTA analysis are
compared to eliminate possible redundancies. The ap-
proach to defining the TCs follows the reverse way
compared to the PASTA analysis. During the PASTA
assessments, root and sub-threats were determined,
and afterwards, attack scenarios and vulnerabilities
were derived from the threats. For categorising the
security flaws, the effect on the SDN is first defined,
and later, the threat correlation occurs.
Next, a risk and impact analysis has to be per-
formed using the Common Vulnerability Scoring Sys-
tem (CVSS). For applying the CVSS scoring system,
the National Vulnerability Database (NVD) provides
a CVSS calculator which calculates a score in the
range between 0 and 10. Based on that score the
severity of the TCs can be mapped to one of the fol-
lowing five categories:
Table 2: CVSS Scoring with Severity Base Score Mapping.
Severity Base Score Range
Critical 9.0 - 10.0
High 7.0 - 8.9
Medium 4.0 - 6.9
Low 0.1 - 3.9
None 0.0
The CVSS scoring calculates a base score and an
overall score for each identified threat. The base score
is the foundation for determining the severity, while
the overall score represents the severity under consid-
eration of the environmental metric group. In case the
overall score is higher than the base score, the TC has
A Security Evaluation Framework for Software-Defined Network Architectures in Data Center Environments
a higher impact on the environment as assumed by the
threat examination and vice versa. Summarising, the
second stage of the Security Evaluation Framework
uses a standardised approach (CVSS) to calculate the
severity and impact on SDN DC environments of the
previously identified threats and vulnerabilities.
3.3 Attack Modelling
After identifying threats and vulnerabilities and com-
pleting a risk and impact analysis, the third stage
focuses on the creation of attack scenarios validat-
ing their impact against an SDN testbed. The over-
all goal at this stage is to validate the results from
the risk and impact analysis by modelling attacks for
each TC. This could either be done on a real SDN-
based DCN, or by creating a close-to-reality test en-
vironment (testbed) where the attacks can be exe-
cuted without disrupting the production environment.
Furthermore, in some cases it might make sense to
choose between which TCs should be tested based
on the calculated CVSS score. For instance, the at-
tacks are modelled for the most likely and most crit-
ically ranked threats first before evaluating the other
(less likely and less critical) ones. Summarising, the
third stage suggests conducting an experimental study
where attacks are modelled which provides an addi-
tional measure to ensure the correctness of the SDN
Security Evaluation Framework.
3.4 Threat & Vulnerability Mitigation
The final stage of the framework provides counter-
measures that can be applied to mitigate identified
threats and therefore improve the overall SDN secu-
rity. In general, SDN countermeasures can be divided
into two main categories that either include methods
that mitigate specific threats (e.g., man-in-the-middle
attacks) or that increase the security of multiple SDN
components and prevent several types of attacks (e.g.,
Policy-based SDN Security). Mitigations within the
first category can be directly mapped to the SDN iden-
tified threats from Stage 1 of the Security Evalua-
tion Framework. Such a correlation supports the user
of this framework in applying necessary countermea-
sures to mitigate identified threats and vulnerabilities
of their SDN. Those mitigations typically do not re-
quire a complex implementation of external tools or
software. Instead, the underlying Operating System
(OS) or protocols used in SDN environments often
provide functionalities to improve security, and it de-
pends on the administrator to enable them.
The second category of mitigations provides a
more central solution. Instead of applying counter-
measures against each identified SDN threat, a more
generic solution can be implemented to secure the
network against several attack types of multiple SDN
components. These solutions usually go along with
a complex and more time-consuming integration of
external systems. On the one hand, this approach
prevents several threats with one solution. On the
other hand, implementing such mitigations requires
external systems that have the potential of introduc-
ing new vulnerabilities to the SDN. Summarising, the
final stage considers both categories to complete the
Security Evaluation Framework for SDN in DC envi-
4.1 Experimental Testbed
For the PoC evaluation a testbed was implemented
that simulates the basic functionalities of an SDN in
DC environments and follows a simple architecture
to reduce any unnecessary functionality overhead. In
order to achieve the right balance between simplicity
and functionality the testbed uses Mininet for creat-
ing a virtual SDN using process-based virtualisation
and network namespace features as provided by re-
cent Linux kernels. Mininet simulates links as vir-
tual ethernet pairs which reside in the Linux kernel
and connect the switches with the hosts. The Open
vSwitch (OVS) is software-based and uses the Open-
Flow controller communication protocol which is a
key feature for SDN simulation (Mininet, 2022).
Even though Mininet can emulate a rudimen-
tary SDN controller, this controller does not provide
enough functionalities for the test network. For this
reason, a separate SDN controller is necessary to sim-
ulate functionalities from DC environments, for in-
stance, multi-tenancy. The ONOS SDN controller is
used as an external controller to manage the switches
hosted by Mininet. The combination of the emulated
network hosted by Mininet and the ONOS SDN con-
troller provides a suitable base for designing a testbed
for the PoC evaluation.
The architecture of the test network is designed
as simple as possible but simultaneously complex
enough to measure the impact of the different attacks.
The test network topology consists of one SDN con-
troller connected to three switches, with links to three
VMs each (shown in Figure 2). The SDN applica-
tions are not running on a separate machine; instead,
the ONOS controller is a platform where SDN appli-
cations can be installed directly (ONOS, 2014). One
of those applications is Virtual Private LAN Service
CLOSER 2023 - 13th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Figure 2: SDN Testbed using Mininet, ONOS Controller and VPLS Services for Network Isolation.
(VPLS), used in the testbed to isolate multiple do-
mains from each other (Lasserre & Kompella, 2007).
This way, multi-tenancy can be simulated, which is a
crucial functionality for SDN in DC environments.
The testbed was configured in a way that hosts can
only reach other hosts from the same VPLS. This ser-
vice is later used in the testbed to verify whether cer-
tain attack scenarios can bypass the isolation or re-
configure the service and allow the communication
between isolated hosts. In order to run different attack
scenarios (Stage 3 of the Security Evaluation Frame-
work) against the testbed, an additional node running
Kali Linux is used. Kali Linux is an open-source,
Debian-based Linux distribution aimed at advanced
penetration testing and security auditing. This pro-
vides several tools to test the security in various cate-
gories, such as penetration testing, security research,
computer forensics and reverse engineering. Due to
the comprehensive security tools, Kali is a suitable
source to attack the SDN-based testbed.
4.2 Experimental Study
As shown in Figure 1, the first stage of the Secu-
rity Evaluation Framework suggests to perform an
SDN Threat & Vulnerability Analysis using STRIDE
and PASTA. The main SDN components were inves-
tigated separately for all six threats of the STRIDE
analysis. Afterwards, the PASTA model was adapted
to analyze SDN environments. The modified PASTA
model composed of three steps was used to execute
an SDN threat and vulnerability analysis. The analy-
sis identified four root threats subdivided into 18 sub-
threats and linked to the same amount of vulnerabili-
ties, as summarised in Table 4 and Table 5 in the Ap-
pendix (Output 1). Additionally, it turned out that the
SDN threats are similar to traditional network threats.
However, due to the SDN architecture’s centralisation
and the SDN components’ dependencies, the same
threats have different impacts on the DC environment.
In Stage 2, the identified threats with the same im-
pact on the DC environment were aggregated into cat-
egories to eliminate impact redundancies. Next, the
CVSS methodology was used to rank the TCs based
on their impact severity on a DC environment. As
shown in Table 3, the TC with a critical or high sever-
ity can potentially harm the entire DC environment
and need to be mitigated first. Table 3 shows all 14
TCs, their base and overall score, and severity classes:
Table 3: CVSS Results ordered by TC-Severity (Output 2).
In Stage 3, three attack scenarios are modelled for
the three highest-ranked TCs from the previous stage.
These attack scenarios are then executed on the ex-
perimental testbed which has been deployed without
A Security Evaluation Framework for Software-Defined Network Architectures in Data Center Environments
any hardening. That means no countermeasures to in-
crease the security of the testbed have been applied.
This allows to verify the impact of an attack against
the SDN in case security measures are not considered.
The following three attack scenarios have been exe-
cuted (Output 3):
Brute Force Attack: this attack was executed
first on the ONOS controller by using four tools
on the Kali VM. The fastest tool (Patator) cracked
the ONOS default password in 4 seconds, while
the slowest (THC Hydra) took 22 minutes.
Man-in-the-Middle Attack: this attack was exe-
cuted on the Mininet VM where packets were cap-
tured for the ICMP, Telnet, and OpenFlow proto-
cols. All traffic was analyzed with Wireshark, and
it was possible to expose the entire SDN testbed
including network services. The same attack also
facilitated eavesdropping on an entire Telnet ses-
sion, including login credentials.
DoS Attack: the DoS attack in the form of an
SYN flood attack was executed from the Kali VM
against the OpenFlow port (6653) of the ONOS
controller. With the aid of the hping3 tool, over
4 Mio. SYN packets were sent to the controller,
which caused a traffic interruption between all
hosts within their VPLS after 8 seconds and de-
stroyed all three VPLS services. Due to the dis-
rupted network services, the data traffic did not
recover, which required a VPLS service reconfig-
uration to restore the testbed to its initial state.
Finally, in Stage 4 the Security Evaluation Framework
provides countermeasures for mitigating the identi-
fied and ranked threats and vulnerabilities from the
previous stages. For the first category, the mitiga-
tions can be directly mapped to the identified SDN
threats from Stage 1. In Table 6, we have identified 18
mitigations (M1 M18) that can directly be mapped
to the previously identified threats (T1 T18) from
Stage 1. Moreover, Table 6 provides specific coun-
termeasures per threat based on the MITRE Corpora-
tion and OWASP . The presented mitigations (M1
M18) typically do not require a complex implementa-
tion of external tools or software. Instead, the OS or
protocols used in SDN environments already provide
functionalities to improve security, and it depends on
the admin/operator to enable such measures. For in-
stance, the threat (T6) ”Network Sniffing” can be mit-
igated by applying encryption for sensitive data (M6).
Data encryption via TLS is a built-in feature of the
OpenFlow protocol but is disabled by default. En-
abling TLS for the OpenFlow channel increases secu-
rity. Furthermore, the man-in-the-middle attack from
Stage 3 (Attack Modelling) showed how much infor-
mation about the SDN could be exposed when the
OpenFlow protocol is not encrypted.
For threats where the corresponding mitigations
are not applicable (M5 and M7), preventive controls
are difficult to apply since the threat exploits system
features. However, that does not mean that there is
no countermeasure present at all. Mitigations in the
second category can protect the SDN against such
threats by using a central solution. Instead of applying
countermeasures against each identified SDN threat,
a more generic solution is implemented to secure the
network against several attack types on multiple SDN
components. These solutions usually go along with a
complex integration of external systems.
One of the solutions to mitigate several attack
types is the Policy-Based SDN Security Architecture
(PbSA) which is a security application implemented
in the northbound interface of the SDN controller.
The main objective of the PbSA is a security policy-
based authorisation of flows in an SDN environment.
The security policies use different flow parameters to
authorise flows within the SDN. The policy adminis-
trator can specify fine-grained security policies based
on various attributes such as users, devices, or Au-
tonomous Systems (AS). Furthermore, the PbSA en-
forces a default deny policy which drops flow requests
that are not permitted explicitly. The PbSA contains
an additional module to secure the communication
between network devices with the aid of distributed
keys. A novel feature includes path-based policies
establishing an alternative path through the network
when the original path is blocked (e.g., DoS) (Varad-
harajan et al., 2019).
The PbSA mitigates several threats across multi-
ple SDN layers. For instance, it can detect DoS at-
tacks, block suspicious flows and redirect the data
traffic over alternative paths. Furthermore, the archi-
tecture is capable of blocking all traffic (e.g., drop-
ping malicicious flows or denying misconfigured ser-
vices) by default that does not satisfy a permit policy
which represents an extra security layer in form of
an internal SDN firewall. Moreover, the new module
ensures a secure communication between several net-
work devices by mitigating the ”Network Sniffing”-
threat (T6) which enhances the SDN security for the
control and data plane, and the southbound interface.
Another central solution was proposed by Weng
et al. (2019) which is based on a Blockchain layer
between the SDN controller and the data plane.
Attribute-based encryption is used to ensure a fine-
grained access control for encrypted data at the
northbound interface. For the communication be-
tween the Blockchain layer and the data layer they
establish the HOMQV protocol. The Blockchain
CLOSER 2023 - 13th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Figure 3: Correlation Map for SDN Threats, Vulnerabilities, and Mitigations (Output 4).
layer provides functionalities of resource-sharing and
resource-recording among multiple SDN controllers
on the control plane. Therefore the Blockchain is used
to record the network resources of each controller and
to share recorded resources (network events) among
all controllers to ensure the same network view.
The Blockchain notes all application flows and
network events associated with the respective network
condition. Such information is stored as a raw trans-
action in the Blockchain. Furthermore, smart con-
tracts are used to implement security protocols, for
instance, to alert the failure of an SDN controller.
In addition, the controllers participating in the un-
derlying Blockchain send their recorded network data
(from the application and data layer) as raw transac-
tions into the Blockchain. This makes the Blockchain
layer a real-time reliability instance of all recorded
application flows and all time-series of the network-
wide views. The proposed solution provides mono-
lithic security mechanism for each SDN component
that can also mitigate threat T5 which cannot be eas-
ily mitigated with preventive controls since it is based
on the abuse of system features. However, due to the
introduced Blockchain layer and HOMQV protocol,
this security mechanism provides secure authentica-
tion for applications, controllers and switches.
Another way of mitigating several threats with
a central solution was developed by Fawcett et al.
(2018) where they provided a multi-level distributed
monitoring and remediation SDN framework for scal-
able network security called TENNISON. The TEN-
NISON framework presents an adaptive and extensi-
ble security platform that is technology-independent
and qualified to support a wide range of security
functions. The TENNISON security framework is a
comprehensive solution which mainly focuses on the
security enhancement of the SDN control and data
plane. The distributed ONOS controllers enable avail-
ability and resiliency, and the monitoring and reme-
diation functionality detects attacks and drops mali-
cious traffic in the data plane. Fawcett et al. (2018)
proved the effectiveness of their solution for four dif-
ferent attack types: DoS, DDoS, scanning, and intru-
sion. This security framework can also overcome the
burdens of mitigating threat T7 which cannot easily
be mitigated using specific countermeasures.
Summarising, Figure 3 provides a correlation
mapping between the identified threats and vulnera-
bilities, and the two types of mitigating countermea-
sures. This mapping enables the user of the frame-
work to find the proper correlation between an SDN
vulnerability, the resulting SDN threats and the coun-
termeasures to mitigate them. As shown in Figure 3,
there is no single SDN security solution that can mit-
igate all threats. Therefore, a combination of miti-
gations against specific threats and a central security
solution are required to provide proper security mech-
anisms for SDN in DC environments.
A Security Evaluation Framework for Software-Defined Network Architectures in Data Center Environments
Using SDN in DC environments facilitates the utili-
sation of cloud applications for multiple users. The
emerging architecture enables a dynamic, manage-
able, and adaptable network solution by decoupling
the control from the data plane. However, it also poses
new network security challenges.
In this paper we presented an SDN security eval-
uation framework and showed how it can be used
to identify SDN threats and vulnerability including
a risk and impact analysis. Once a security threat
has been identified, the correlation mapping within
the framework directly indicates which vulnerability
caused the threat and which countermeasure can be
applied to mitigate it. Furthermore, the CVSS scoring
shows the impact severity of the threat on the DC en-
vironment if countermeasures are not applied. In case
a security flaw has been identified which is not men-
tioned in the evaluation framework, it still provides all
necessary models, tools, and procedures to facilitate
the extension of the correlation mapping and classi-
fication of the impact. The presented framework en-
ables network administrators to evaluate, classify and
enhance security of their SDN-based DC networks.
In future work, the SDN threat and vulnerability
analysis will be enhanced by adding a complete list
of attack scenarios. Due to the enormous number of
possible attacks per threat, a complete list would pro-
vide more insights into their technical realisation and
help to provide mitigating solutions. Furthermore, we
plan to increase the accuracy of the CVSS scoring by
comparing long and short-term severity impacts on
DC environments. We aim at answering the ques-
tions, whether attacks that affect the functionality of
an SDN for a short period of time are more harm-
ful compared to attacks that longer remain undetected
(e.g., eavesdropping on sensitive data). In future work
we will provide an answer to this question by intro-
ducing an additional metric to the CVSS model to
evaluate the impact of long- and short-term effects on
DC environments.
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CLOSER 2023 - 13th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Table 4: Threat Analysis based on MITRE Corporation and OWASP Top 10 (2021).
A Security Evaluation Framework for Software-Defined Network Architectures in Data Center Environments
Table 5: Vulnerability Analysis based on MITRE Corporation and OWASP Top 10 (2021).
Table 6: Mitigations for identified SDN Threats (T1 - T18).
CLOSER 2023 - 13th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science