Predicting Moisture Content on Wood Using Machine Learning
Classification Methods
ıtor Mendes Magalh
, Giancarlo Lucca
, Alessandro de Lima Bicho
and Eduardo N. Borges
Centro de Ci
encias Computacionais, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, FURG, Brazil
Moisture Content, Wood, Intelligent Systems, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence.
The growing demand for wood in several industry segments and for its economical value increased illegal
deforestation in several countries. As a direct consequence, climate changes across the planet have been
aggravated, which further increases the prominence and concern about the issue of deforestation. So that these
potentially catastrophic effects can be mitigated, it is necessary to better use wood in production processes.
In this sense, a key point is the variation of the moisture content of the wood as a function of storage time,
since, as the wood logs are stored outdoors, they gradually begin to lose water. Dry wood usually cracks,
which makes most of its use unfeasible – depending on the purpose – which can even lead to the disposal of
the log. Considering that there is a direct relationship between moisture content and wood weight, this work
aims to develop different possible solutions for this problem using explainable machine learning methods,
contributing to the effectiveness in controlling the variation in moisture content and, consequently, to a better
use in the production processes in which wood is used as a raw material.
Different countries has increasingly established its
position as an exporter of natural products – as for ex-
ample, Brazil. Precisely, the Brazilian relation with
the Asian market have increased. With the grow-
ing demand from Chinese industry, exports have been
gradually required, and this has had a great impact
both on the organization of Brazilian agriculture and
on its technological configuration (Vieira et al., 2019).
Brazil has been studying and forecasting an in-
crease in demand for wood since the 1960s, when
tax incentives were created for farmers who produce
wood by planting fast-growing species, such as Pinus
and Eucalyptus (Kengen, 2001).
As much as the advances are continuous, histor-
ically Brazil has difficulties about promoting the ex-
pansion of planted forests while controlling deforesta-
tion. When dealing with farmers who are not used to
planting trees for this purpose, some specific charac-
teristics of this market can greatly reduce its attrac-
tiveness. The fact that the financial return is only re-
alized after many years can be cited as the main cause
of the lack of attractiveness.
Deforestation is a growing concern, especially for
developing countries. It has global repercussions, as
forest losses can directly imply changes in the wa-
ter balance, in the carbon cycles and obviously in the
supply of wood (Allen and Barnes, 1985). Even the
United Nations (UN) consider this issue as one of the
17 goals to a sustainable development
Regardless of the destination that will be given
to the wood, many products that have wood as raw
material go through the same stage: the storage of
wood logs in piles. But as the storage time passes,
the moisture content on wood will reduce (Rezende
et al., 2010). Such changes directly alter all mechani-
cal properties of wood.
While the wood logs are stored in piles and ex-
posed to weather conditions, their weight decreases
due to moisture loss (Tomczak et al., 2018). For this
reason, the storage time of the logs in the piles is deci-
sive (Lima et al., 2017; J
unior and Alves, 2019). So,
For more informations see
Magalhães, V., Lucca, G., Bicho, A. and Borges, E.
Predicting Moisture Content on Wood Using Machine Learning Classification Methods.
DOI: 10.5220/0011988600003467
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2023) - Volume 1, pages 607-614
ISBN: 978-989-758-648-4; ISSN: 2184-4992
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
the moisture content is considered a key factor in the
storage of wood, and ideally it should be kept within
the standards (Estuqui Filho, 2006), because the stor-
age time can lead to losses in the production process
precisely because of cracks caused by moisture loss.
Companies in the sector, seeking to reduce and
even avoid the cracks problem, use some devices.
One of the most used devices is the anti-split, which
basically consists of two metal plates installed at the
ends of the logs (cross sections).
It was not possible to find machine learning-based
methods to predict the variation of moisture content
in wood logs, as a function of the weight of the logs.
In this sense, there is a study that presents a review,
with several other methods published in recent years,
which use other variables to solve the current prob-
lem (Magalh
aes et al., 2022).
So, the aim of this work is to develop a Artificial
Intelligence-based model (Russell, 2010) specif-
ically using machine learning classification meth-
ods (Tan et al., 2005; Tavana et al., 2022) to pre-
dict the moisture content on wood. Precisely, we have
consider the application of different methods that are
able to produce explainable models, which can be lat-
ter used to better understanding the problem.
This paper is organized as follows. First, the the-
oretical foundation of the present work is presented
in Section 2. Then, the methodology, describing the
considered dataset and pre-processing is shown in
Section 3. After that, in Section 4, the results are dis-
cussed. At the end, the main conclusions are drawn.
This section provide the concepts related with the pa-
per. It starts presenting the concepts of machine learn-
ing and the considered methods.
2.1 Machine Learning
The machine learning process can use different meth-
ods to solve problems. Usually, it is emphasized that
there is no single approach that best solves all prob-
lems. Therefore, it is important to incorporate the spe-
cific knowledge of the problem into the behavior of
the algorithm(Yazdi et al., 2018; Khorhidpoor et al.,
2023), as well as to understand the limitations of the
algorithms, preferably using methodologies that al-
low evaluating the concepts induced by them in the
resolution of certain problem (Mahesh, 2020).
When dealing with supervised learning, verifying
the dataset and its relationship with the problem that
must be solved, it is necessary to analyze the target
attribute from two different perspectives: classifica-
tion and regression problems (Harrington, 2012). As
some classes will be created to represent the weight
loss intervals of wood logs as a function of moisture
content variation (see subsection 3.1.3), in addition to
being a supervised machine learning problem, should
be treated as a classification problem.
2.2 Considered Algorithms
There are different approaches to deal with classifica-
tion problems. Decision Trees – DT (Freund and Ma-
son, 1999), Support Vector Machines SVM (Stein-
wart and Christmann, 2008), Fuzzy Rule-Based Clas-
sification Systems FRBCS (Cord
on et al., 1999) and
Artificial Neural Networks ANN (Yegnanarayana,
2009) are a few approaches. It is necessary to point
out that each one have a large set of related algo-
rithms. In what follows, the considered algorithms
used in this study are introduced.
It is important to observe that each algorithm pro-
duce an interpretable model – that can be used to bet-
ter understand the decision made in the prediction of
new examples.
FURIA: Fuzzy Unordered Rule Induction Algo-
rithm FURIA (H
uhn and H
ullermeier, 2009) is
an algorithm that consider the IREP (Incremental
Reduced Error Pruning) to generate the rules, im-
proving the performance in comparison to the use
of a default rule.
RIPPER: Repeated Incremental Pruning to Produce
Error Reduction RIPPER (Cohen, 1995) is one
of the most used algorithms for rule induction. It
orders, in an ascending way, the classes involved
in the problem according to their frequency in the
training set, being suitable for the development of
models that deal with unbalanced datasets.
C4.5: Based on decision trees which is able to deal
with continuous values, unavailable values, prune
the trees and derive rules from that, C4.5 (Quin-
lan, 1993) aims to generate a classifier model pre-
senting two different states during the process: a
leaf and a decision node. Based on the attribute
under analysis, it may result in a branch, or a sub-
tree, for each value found in the base.
Random Forest: Being a classifier formed by a set
of classification trees, each constructed from a
random sampling of the original training set, Ran-
dom Forest RF (Breiman, 2001) is a algorithm
that obtains the forests through bootstrapping ag-
gregating, a method used to generate multiple ver-
sions of a predictor, that are built re-sampling the
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
original set. The classification of a feature vector
is done by voting.
The methodology adopted in this study is described
in this section. We start by the issues related with
the dataset, such as data integration and exploratory
analysis. Later, the statistical tests are discussed and
the parameters used by the algorithms are shown.
3.1 Dataset
The data used for the construction of specific predic-
tion models have different origins. For this reason,
it becomes very important to describe the integration
process of different databases, resulting in the final
dataset considered in this research.
When it comes to data composition, it can be cate-
gorized into two distinct groups: operational data and
meteorological data.
The operational data are the specific storage data
of the wood logs, such as information about the
piles, dates and weights; and biological-forestry
data of the logs, such as the type of wood, species,
length, diameter class as required by the inter-
national market, and the presence (or not) of bark.
The meteorological data are the atmospheric or
climatic data that have relationship with the vari-
ation of the moisture content in the wood. Such
data are extremely important for the construction
of prediction models because it is known that the
process of variation in moisture content is also
based on specific meteorological data.
These two groups of data were obtained from dif-
ferent sources. For this reason, its categorization is
even more important. Next, the ways of obtaining
data will be detailed, as well as their description.
3.1.1 Obtaining Data
The operational data were provided by a company
whose purpose is to buy Brazilian wood and then ex-
port to the European and Asian markets, especially to
China. The referred company’s log storage yards are
located in the city of Rio Grande, state of Rio Grande
do Sul, in the south of Brazil.
As the exact location of the storage yards is
known, it was possible to obtain all historical me-
teorological data available by the specific measuring
station through the National Institute of Meteorology
– officially linked to the Ministry of Agri-
culture, Livestock and Supply of Brazil (MAPA)
Then, in INMET’s own system on the internet
, the
automatic measurement station closest to the storage
yards was searched. Precisely, the data were obtained
from the A802
measuring station, located at coordi-
nates 32º04’43.7” S 52º10’03.8” W.
For each existing pile of logs in the database of the
referred company’s storage yards, was obtained the
first date on which any input occurred and also the last
date on which any in/out happened. With this period
in hand, historical meteorological data for the same
location were searched in the INMET database – me-
teorological data recorded daily and automatically by
measurement stations.
As the equipment of the automatic meteorological
stations can have problems, some dates were found
without any measurement. For these instances, the
arithmetic mean between the two closest dates be-
fore and after in which there is measurement was
3.1.2 Description of the Variables
The generated dataset, then, resulted in a total of
759 instances and 23 different attributes, divided into
nominal, ordinal and categorical types. It contains
all the data that can be extracted from the different
sources, categorized into operational data and mete-
orological data, as explained above.
The list of all the attributes of the dataset is shown
in Table 1. For each one of them, the data type is pre-
sented, as well as its minimum, maximum and mean
(mode for categorical and median for ordinal), as well
as its description for a better understanding.
3.1.3 Pre-Processing Data
Starting the data pre-processing step, a new attribute
was created in the dataset, named PERCENTAGE. It
represents the percentage of wood weight loss (rever-
sals) in relation to the sum of wood inputs in each
pile, and can be represented through the equation
P = (E × 100) × T
. Where P is the percentage of
weight loss, E represents the reversed weight of each
pile, and T represents the sum of the input weights of
wood in each pile.
After creating the attribute, instances representing
piles from which there was no record of output were
removed. In theory, either such instances of piles con-
tinued to receive loads of wood, or they were not yet
Predicting Moisture Content on Wood Using Machine Learning Classification Methods
Table 1: Details of the attributes present in the final dataset.
Attribute Type Min Max Average/Mode Description
pile categorical na na na id of the wood log storage stack
initial date date na na 29/03/2022 start date of depositing logs in
the pile
final date date na na 24/05/2021 end date of deposits and/or
withdrawals of logs from the
product categorical na na eucalyptus type of wood stored in the pile
(pinus or eucalipto)
species categorical na na grandis species of wood stored in the
diameter ordinal 8 a 12 40 a 60 20 a 30 cross-section diameter class,
measured by the thinnest end of
the wood logs in the pile
length ordinal 3,1 6 5,2 length class (size, in meters) of
wood logs
bark categorical na na yes whether the wood logs in the
pile have bark or not
temp min continuous 1,9 24 5,4 minimum temperature (in °c) of
the period
temp max continuous 12,7 39,4 28,5 maximum temperature (in °c) of
the period
temp mean continuous 7,73 37,7 17,2 average temperature (in °c) of
the period
temp po continuous 4,2 29,4 12,6 average temperature (in °c) of
the period in which the wa-
ter present in the ambient air
changed to a liquid state
precipitation continuous 0 1156 95,4 total precipitation (in millime-
ters) for the period
atmp mean continuous 1.005 1.535,4 1.016,4 average atmospheric pressure
(in hpa) of the period
ru min continuous 21 91 32 minimum relative humidity of
the air (in %) of the period
ru med continuous 59,5 117,5 76,4 average relative humidity of the
air (in %) of the period
wind mean continuous 1,1 5,4 3 average wind speed (in m/s)
over the period
raj max mean continuous 3,7 19,3 10,3 average maximum wind gust
speed (in m/s) for the period
qtd days discrete 0 425 47 number of days in the period
tot in continuous 940 8.128.820 216.740 total entries (in kg) of logs in the
tot out continuous 0 6.628.260 168.480 total outputs (in kg) of logs from
the pile
difference continuous -169.280 1.500.560 18.990 difference (in kg) between total
inputs and total outputs
reversals continuous 0 1.500.560 9.220 amount reversed (in kg) of the
pile in theory, this attribute
should be directly related to wa-
ter loss
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
finalized at the time of obtaining the operational data.
They may also represent data entry errors by the oper-
ational sector of the company that provided the data.
Instances that had no reversed amount were also
removed, that is, instances representing piles that, in
theory, had no weight loss. Such instances need to
be removed based on the specialist’s knowledge: in
natural drying, under the conditions of the captured
data, there will always be a loss of weight.
After removing these instances, the feature selec-
tion process was started. In real-world situations, in
which data are not available in the ideal format to start
the knowledge discovery process and are often ob-
tained from different sources, it is necessary to use of
tools that make data mining more effective.
For the creation of classification models, it is
necessary to create a new attribute, which is called
LOSS INTERVAL. This attribute will represent the
weight loss percentage intervals of each pile in rela-
tion to the total inputs. We present it in Table 2, where
is possible to observe the total number of instances re-
sulting in each weight loss interval.
Table 2: Breakdown of weight loss intervals.
Name of the interval Interval Samples
A 0% and 10% 478
B 10% and 20% 173
C 20% and 30% 58
D 30% 17
After analyzing the data in the Table 2 (samples
column), it can be observed that the largest number of
instances of the dataset is represented in classes A and
B, that is, the vast majority of the piles have a loss of
weight, in percentage, less than 20%. It is necessary
to verify the integrity of this information.
One possible way is to compare the weight loss
with the number of days of storage in the piles. After
all, the longer is the storage time, the greater will be
the weight loss – until the variation is close to zero.
When it comes to the loss of moisture content in
wood stored outdoors, 20% is a small percentage. It
can be inferred that the observed piles, due to the av-
erage number of days of storage (almost 65 days),
had already been cut longer – information discovered
from descriptive data analysis and which is important
for the subsequent analysis of predictive models.
With this, it can be understood that the final
datasets intended for the development of the classifi-
cation models is ready to be submitted to the next step
of this research, the data mining, being composed by
726 instances.
3.2 Parameter Set-up
In this paper, 5 different algorithms are considered to
tackle the proposed classification problem. These al-
gorithms were applied through the WEKA software
In Table 3, for each algorithm, the used parame-
ters are shown. We highlight that these are the default
ones used in the tool.
Table 3: Set-up of the hyperparameters used by the machine
learning algorithms.
Algorithm Hyperparameters
T-norm: Product minNo: 2.0
batchSize: 100 numDecimalPlaces: 2
checkErroRate: True optimizations: 2
debug: False seed: 1
doNotCheckCapabilities: False uncovAction: Rule streching
folds: 3
batchSize: 100 minNo: 2.0
checkErroRate: True numDecimalPlaces: 2
debug: False optimizations: 2
doNotCheckCapabilities: False seed: 1
folds: 3 usePruning: True
batchSize: 100 numFolds: 3
binarySplits: False reducedErrorPruning: False
collapseTree: True saveInstanceData: False
confidenceFactor: 0.25 seed: 1
debug: False subtreeRaising: True
doNotCheckCapabilities: False unpruned: False
doNotMakeSplit: False useLaplace: False
minNumObj: 2 useMDLcorrection: True
numDecimalPlaces: 2
bagSizePercent: 100 NumDecimalPlaces: 2
batchSize: 100 numExecutionSlots: 1
BreakTiesRamdomly: False numFeatures: 0
calcOutOfBag: False numIterations: 100
ComputeAttributeImportance: False OutputOutOfBagComplexity: False
debug: False PrintClassifiers: False
doNotCheckCapabilities: False Seed: 1
maxDepth: 0 storeOutOfBagPredictions: False
BatchSize: 100
debug: False
doNotCheckCapabilities: False
numDecimalPlaces: 2
In this study, we validate the models considering
a hold-out approach. That is, the original dataset is
splitted into different partitions of training and test.
To avoid a split that facilitate the model training, we
have considered 5 different runs with different values
(and amount of data) in each one, setting a seed
. The
relation of seeds and the considered runs are: 1 (Run
1), 1234 (Run 2); 500 (Run 3); 98765 (Run 4) and
999999 (Run 5).
In this section, the obtained results are shown. Pre-
cisely, the results are provided in Table 4, where for
each hold-out configuration we provide the obtained
For more information about this software, visit https:
A seed is a number used in the pseudo random value
generator. Observe that it is possible to set a value to this pa-
rameter to guarantee the reproducibility of the experiment.
Predicting Moisture Content on Wood Using Machine Learning Classification Methods
accuracy for different runs and methods. we point out
that the baseline is considered as the majority class.
In order to ease the comprehension of the obtained
results, we highlight for each execution with boldface
the highest accuracy and underline the lowest. Simi-
larly, in order to provide a general analysis among all
the experiment, we check with
the largest general
accuracy and with
the lowest.
Starting with a general analysis of the obtained re-
sults, it is noticeable that the FURIA method achieved
the largest accuracy mean in 3 different runs. The RF
method presented one largest accuracy run for the last
run in the hold-out 75-25. Also, it is interesting to
notice that the Baseline was not outperformed for any
method for the run 4 in the hold-out 90-10. This be-
havior is probably due to the generalization caused by
the division of the data.
Taking into account the cases where the ap-
proaches provided the lowest general accuracy, the
Baseline is outperformed by 4 out the 5 runs. It can
be considered as an expected behavior since this is a
simple approach that indicate if the learned models
can be considered as satisfactory. However, it is nec-
essary observe that for the RF method, in one specific
situation the obtained accuracy is the lowest one.
Up to this point, considering the achieved means,
the largest one is obtained by FURIA, which also
presented the largest result among all methods. The
reverse occurs with the Baseline approach, which
achieved accuracy means around 60%. A satisfactory
performance was provided by the RIPPER method,
around 70% of accuracy in general. Considering the
C4.5 and RF the similarity of these approaches is also
In a closer look to the obtained results, per hold-
out, in the first analysis (a) the dominance of FU-
RIA is observable, for 4/5 of the runs this approach
achieved the largest mean. A similar situation also is
noticeable, in the otter cases (b, c and d) since for 3
out 5 runs, FURIA achieved the largest mean. The
Baseline is completely outperformed in two analysis,
a and b, and for 4/5 and 3/5 for the analysis c and d
While RF achieve at least one satisfactory result in
all analysis, C4.5 only have the largest accuracy in the
one situation (d). It is interesting to mention that this
last hold-out present a behavior in the last run where
all the dataset performed equally.
4.1 Statistical Analysis
The analysis of the methods considering the accuracy
is an interesting approach that demonstrated the supe-
riority of the FURIA. However, the analysis of each
hold-out and in a general way can not be enough to
state any conclusion. In order to provide a complete
study, a statistical group comparison is performed.
Precisely, the aligned Friedman rank test (Hodges
and Lehmann, 1962) to compare the group of 5 differ-
ent approaches, shows the achieved rankings per col-
umn in Table 5. Additionally, the values are sorted
from the lowest to highest obtained ranking and is
considered as control variable. We also compute the
Holm’s post-hoc test, to check whether the control
approach is statistically better, showing the obtained
APV with the obtained rank for each method. It there
are statistical differences, considering a significance
level of 10%, we underline it.
From the results obtained by the statistical analy-
sis it can be concluded that FURIA is the best option
to tackle with the presented issue. In fact, this method
is considered as control variable in all situations.
Considering the obtained differences, we can ob-
serve that FURIA is statistically superior in relation
to the Baseline in 80% of the study. Moreover, the
performance is superior than C4.5 and RF in some
situations as in a and b. In consideration of RIPPER,
in all cases no differences were found.
4.2 Analyzing the Generated Models
As observable in the previous analysis, FURIA was
the method that achieved the superior performance in
the study. Thus, this subsection aims at analyzing the
rules generated by this model.
Regarding the comprehension of the rules, its
necessary to state that FURIA consider the usage
of trapezoidal membership functions with a con-
cept of soft boundaries. For example, as stated
by the authors, a generic fuzzy rule R (A
(, , 6, 9)|class
) indicates that the rule is com-
pletely valid for A 6, invalid for A > 9 and partially
valid in-between.
In what follows we provide the rules generated
by the model in the cases that it is considered as the
largest global accuracy. That is, highlighted with
Table 4. It is important to mention that the generated
rules are the same for all cases. Also, consider CF
as the confidence of the rule (H
uhn and H
] - (TEMP MAX in [32.5, 33.2, inf, inf])
and (ATMP MEAN in [1014.46, 1014.5, inf, inf])
] - (TEMP MAX in [-inf, -inf, 32.5, 33.2])
] - (PRECIPITATION in [-inf, -inf, 104.4,
105.6]) and (TOT IN in [203680, 246120, inf,
inf]) LOSS INTERVAL = A (CF = 0.9)
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 4: Results achieved in test by the different approaches and validations.
Hold-out 75-25 Hold-out 80-20
Run 1 0.746 0.730 0.705 0.648 0.623 Run 1 0.732 0.742 0.701 0.670 0.608
Run 2 0.754 0.697 0.730 0.689 0.598 Run 2 0.763
0.753 0.742 0.711 0.577
Run 3 0.770 0.738 0.713 0.697 0.639 Run 3 0.763 0.722 0.711 0.711 0.619
Run 4 0.697 0.689 0.664 0.631 0.582 Run 4 0.660 0.701 0.639 0.639 0.577
Run 5 0.746 0.721 0.631 0.762
0.623 Run 5 0.742 0.701 0.711 0.742 0.619
#Mean 0.743
0.715 0.689 0.685 0.613 #Mean 0.732 0.724 0.701 0.695 0.600
(a) (b)
Hold-out 85-15 Hold-out 90-10
Run 1 0.767
0.740 0.712 0.726 0.616 Run 1 0.714 0.735 0.653 0.714 0.551
Run 2 0.753 0.671 0.726 0.671 0.575 Run 2 0.714 0.673 0.694 0.673 0.531
Run 3 0.795
0.767 0.726 0.671 0.630 Run 3 0.735 0.673 0.735 0.673 0.694
Run 4 0.644 0.658 0.616 0.548
0.616 Run 4 0.633 0.673 0.612 0.612 0.714
Run 5 0.712 0.712 0.712 0.740 0.589
Run 5 0.735 0.735 0.735 0.735 0.653
#Mean 0.734 0.710 0.699 0.671 0.605 #Mean 0.706 0.698 0.686 0.682 0.629
(c) (d)
Table 5: Statistical results with Align Friedman rank test
and Holm post-hoc test.
Hold-out 75-25 Holdout 80-20
Method Ranking APV Method Ranking APV
RIPPER 10.1 0.19 RIPPER 7.7 0.65
C4.5 13.7 0.08 C4.5 13.4 0.18
RF 14.2 0.08 RF 15.3 0.11
Baseline 23 0.00 Baseline 23 0.00
(a) (b)
Hold-out 85-15 Holdout 90-10
Method Ranking APV Method Ranking APV
RIPPER 2.6 0.33 RIPPER 11.3 0.73
C4.5 2.866667 0.23 C4.5 12.9 0.73
RF 3.233333 0.08 RF 14.3 0.68
Baseline 4.9 0.00 Baseline 17.8 0.2
(c) (d)
] - (RU MIN in [-inf, -inf, 21, 24]) and
(QTD DAYS in [76, 78, inf, inf]) and (RU MED
in [-inf, -inf, 74.64, 74.66]) and (TEMP MEAN
in [-inf, -inf, 20.24, 20.25]) LOSS INTERVAL
= C (CF = 0.62)
The rule generated by the algorithm in the Rule
states that when the maximum temperature is greater
than 32.5°C (high temperatures) and the average at-
mospheric pressure is medium to high, the weight loss
of the wood will be becoming considerable. Typi-
cally, maximum temperatures above 32.5°C occur in
In the Rule
, the algorithm says that when the
maximum temperature of the period is up to 33.2ºC
(high temperatures), the weight loss due to the mois-
ture content will be considered small, with an 84% of
The rule generated in the Rule
states that when
precipitation is low during the storage period, and the
total input of wood logs in the pile is considered high,
the weight loss due to moisture will be small. This
rule is important, as it contradicts the relevant scien-
tific literature, which establishes that rainfall (precip-
itation) is not a variable to be considered in the vari-
ation of moisture content. Based on the data consid-
ered in the development of the current research, the
rainfall in the period is an important variable, with a
confidence measure of 90%.
Finally, the Rule
establishes, with a confidence
of 62%, that when the minimum relative humidity of
the period is up to 24%; the number of days that the
wood logs remain stored in the piles is high, from
76 days; and the average temperature of the period
is up to 20.25ºC, the loss of moisture in the logs will
be considerably high when it should have a lower
weight loss. What may have happened in the genera-
tion of this rule is a sample problem, as the generated
result is different from the expected one.
Wood is a scarce resource. It serve as raw material
for the industrialization of countless finished prod-
ucts, and even as fuel for factories, the use of this
resource has grown in an increasing way around the
world. However, after the tree is felled down, the
wood gradually begins to lose its moisture content,
causing cracks in the logs. Such cracks cause ir-
reparable losses in production processes, as much
wood that could be used in industry ends up being
Predicting Moisture Content on Wood Using Machine Learning Classification Methods
used very little – or even being discarded.
So, the objective of this work was to develop a
method of predicting the moisture loss in wood while
the logs are stored in piles a step prior to indus-
trialization, applying Machine Learning classification
based methods to solve this problem.
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consider. A tuning of the algorithms’ hyperparame-
ters as well as a regression approach.
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ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems