Determinants of Learners' Self-Directed Learning and on-Line
Learning Attitudes in on-Line Learning
Jing Li
, Chi-Jen Chuang
and Chi-Hui Wu
Music and Film College, Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin, China
Ph.D. Program in Management, Da-Yeh University, University Rd., Chunghua, Taiwan
Department of Management and Information, National Open University, ZhongZheng Rd., New Taipei, Taiwan
Keywords: Self-Directed Learning, on-Line Learning Attitudes, Fuzzy Delphi Method, Fuzzy DEMATEL.
Abstract: Self-directed learning and online learning attitudes are important learning behavioral factors for learners in
online learning; meanwhile, they affect learning outcomes too. In addition, the criteria of self-directed
learning and online learning attitudes have complex, tangled, interconnected relationships. Therefore, this
study applied the Fuzzy Delphi method and Fuzzy DEMATEL method to clarify the complex relationship
between self-directed learning and online learning attitudes and to provide schools with teaching strategies
and curriculum design to motivate learners' learning behavior. The study revealed that, in terms of the
dimensions, "self-directed learning" is the defining dimension of learners' learning behavior, which
influences the "online learning attitudes" dimension. Furthermore, in the criteria section, "self-learning",
"computer and network confidence", "online learning", "computer and smartphone use" and "computer and
smartphone preferences" are the decisive criteria that influence the other seven criteria. Among them, online
learning, computer and smartphone use, and computer and smartphone preferences are the three key criteria
for learning, and therefore, enhancing learners' attitudes towards online learning is an important task.
The Internet is a common learning platform for
learners and teachers to interact, communicate, and
collaborate in a specific way (Baran et al., 2011),
and the use of information technology (IT) in
teaching has been implemented worldwide for
decades. The purpose of developing online learning
is to use IT to enhance the quality of teaching and
learning, create a high-quality learning environment,
eliminate time and space constraints on learning,
improve the management of teaching resources, and
establish the integration of IT into teaching and
learning in various fields (Wu et al., 2019).
Although there is a large literature on the
association of learning behavior (Laer & Elen, 2019),
learner's learning behavior is still a complex
behavioral pattern and a complicated, multifaceted
and uncertain concept (Wu et al., 2019), learners' on-
line learning behaviors include self-directed learning
(Oddi, 1986; Chen & Liang, 2009), learning
motivation (Boshier, 1971; Chen & Lin, 2018),
learning attitudes (Loyd & Gressard, 1984;
Okwumabua et al., 2010), learning engagement
(Handelsman et al., 2005; Tsai, 2016), and self-
directed learning, on-line learning attitudes are
important dimensions of learning behavior (Wu et
al., 2019).
Since learners' self-directed learning affects their
motivation (Song & Hill, 2007; Saranraj & Shahila,
2016), learning attitudes (Zhang et al.,2012),
learning effectiveness (Khodabandehlou et al., 2012;
Chen et al., 2022), and that learning attitudes affect
motivation (Maclntyre et al., 2012), self-directed
learning (Khodabandehlou et al., 2012), learning
engagement (Lauren, 2017; Josephine et al., 2018),
learning satisfaction (Wang & Liao, 2008) and
learning effectiveness (Masgoret & Gardner, 2003;
Wang & Liao, 2008). Therefore, there is no
consistent conclusion on the relationship between
self-directed learning and online learning attitudes,
and there are many different indicators of self-
directed learning and online learning attitudes, and
measuring self-directed learning and online learning
attitudes requires consideration of multiple
quantitative and qualitative criteria (Wu et al., 2019).
In order to understand the complex relationships
and determinants between learners' self-directed
Li, J., Chuang, C. and Wu, C.
Determinants of Learners’ Self-Directed Learning and on-Line Learning Attitudes in on-Line Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0011988900003470
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2023) - Volume 2, pages 550-557
ISBN: 978-989-758-641-5; ISSN: 2184-5026
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
learning and online learning attitudes in online
learning activities, this study used the Fuzzy Delphi
method to survey scholars and experts on learning
behavior to obtain indicators of self-directed
learning and online learning attitudes and to
establish a framework of self-directed learning and
online learning attitudes. The study also analyzed
the causal relationships between the dimensions and
criteria of self-directed learning and online learning
attitudes through the Fuzzy DEMATEL method and
identified the determinants in order to provide
educational institutions and schools with reference
for teaching strategies and curriculum design for the
integration of IT into online teaching. The study also
constructs a causal model of self-directed learning
and online learning attitudes for academics to further
explore the complex interrelationships between key
learning behaviors of learners who learn online.
Self-directed learning is an effective learning
method, it is flexible and not limited by time and
space, and learners can continuously enrich their
professional knowledge, diagnose their learning
needs, find learning resources through their learning
goals, and implement appropriate learning strategies
to achieve learning outcomes (Chen et al., 2021).
Enhancing learners' self-directed learning can
motivate learners to learn (Chen et al., 2021), and
the higher the propensity for self-directed learning,
the higher the satisfaction level of learners (Chen et
al., 2021); in addition, the higher the self-directed
learning, the better the learning outcomes (Chen et
al., 2021; Chen et al., 2022).
Researchers who study self-directed learning
have different perspectives, for instance, some
scholars have adopted the readiness argument
(Fisher et al., 2001; Chen, 2021), and self-directed
learning readiness refers to the attitudes, abilities,
and attributes that one possesses when engaging in
self-directed learning (Chen, 2021). Scholars who
have studied self-directed learning readiness have
different views on its criteria. Fisher et al. (2001),
Chen (2021) suggested that the criteria of self-
directed learning readiness include self-management,
desire for learning, and self-control. However, Chen,
(2021) considered that the criteria for self-directed
learning readiness include hope for the future,
understanding of the self, active learning, self-
confidence in learning things, and self-management.
Chang & Chang (2010) and Liang & Lai (2007),
suggested that the criteria for self-directed learning
readiness are effective learning, enjoyment of
learning, motivation of learning, active learning,
independent learning, and creative learning.
Other scholars (Tough, 1979; Tang et al., 2022)
have applied the ability argument that self-directed
learning ability affects online learning performances
(Chou, 2012), and self-directed learning ability is
often seen as valuable skill in school settings (Rees
& Bary, 2006; Chou, 2012). Tang et al. (2022)
suggest that the criteria for self-directed learning
ability include self-management ability, information
ability, and cooperative learning ability.
Some scholars (Knowles, 1975) have suggested
the learning contract theory, which is considered to
be the process by which learners, with or without the
assistance of others, can diagnose their own learning
needs, set learning goals, identify learning resources,
select and implement appropriate learning strategies,
and evaluate learning outcomes (Knowles, 1975).
Self-directed learning from the learning contract
theory can be applied to the effective planning of
teaching and learning (Siriwongs, 2015), and
emphasizes learner autonomy, two-way interaction
between teacher and learner, and learner-centered
teaching to develop learners' independent and
autonomous learning skills (Chen et al., 2022).
This study integrates different perspectives on
self-directed learning and classifies it into seven
criteria: self-learning, continuous learning,
efficiency learning, independent learning, self-
understanding, planning learning, and favorite
Learning attitudes are determined by the
interaction between learners and their surroundings
during the learning process; therefore, the factors
that influence learners' attitudes are complex (Huang,
2003). Learning attitudes refer to learners' attitudes
toward their interactions with the learning
environment and, depending on their abilities and
experiences, their more persistent affirmative or
negative behavioral tendencies or internal states
toward learning things (Liu et al., 2010).
Online education is an important delivery
method in various educational settings (Ku & Lohr,
2003), and computers and the Internet designed for
education have fundamentally changed university
education (Liaw & Huang, 2011), with learner
attitudes affecting not only online teaching (Chang,
2000) but also learning satisfaction (Wang & Liao,
2008) and learning outcomes (Masgoret & Gardner,
2003), while some other scholars argue that learning
attitudes affect motivation in learning behavior
Determinants of Learners’ Self-Directed Learning and on-Line Learning Attitudes in on-Line Learning
(Maclntyre et al., 2012; Çevik & Bakioğlu, 2022) or
self-directed learning (Khodabandehlou et al., 2012).
Online learning is the use of computers and
smartphones as a medium of transmission, providing
a diverse teaching environment where different
learners have different problems and attitudes when
using computers for learning. Rainer and Miller
(1996) suggested that one of the most important
factors in computer use is the learner's attitude
towards the computer, so building positive learning
attitudes and computer skills can have a positive
effect on the learner's learning outcomes. Hignite
(1990) argued that computer attitudes refer to
learners' general perceptions of personal and social
use of computers. This study was conducted on
learners who were taking online music lessons, so
online learning attitudes are defined as learners'
willingness, interest, and emotional response to
learning and interacting with computers and the
Internet, as well as their ability to use computers and
the Internet to equip and operate computers at speed.
This study focuses on the integration of IT into
teaching and learning, where learners have to use
computer devices and the Internet to learn the
content of music lessons; therefore, it refers to the
computer attitude scale (Loyd & Gressard, 1984),
the online teaching attitude scale (Graff, 2003), and
related online learning attitude studies (Okwumabua
et al., 2010), the online learning attitudes were
categorized into five components: computer and
network confidence, network use, online learning,
computer and smartphone use, and computer and
smartphone preference.
In this study, the main factors of learners' self-
directed learning and online learning attitudes were
summarized based on the literature review, with a
total of 12 criteria in two major dimensions. The
main targets of the study were scholars and experts
in western Taiwan and Beijing-Tianjin, China, who
studied online learning (IT-assisted music teaching).
The study was conducted by using the Fuzzy Delphi
method first to select the criteria with higher relative
importance and then the Fuzzy DEMATEL method
to explore the relationship among the dimensions
and the criteria, construct a matrix of the relationship
among the dimensions and the criteria, draw a cause-
effect relationship diagram, and analyze the path of
the cause-effect relationship. This study aims to
explore the determinants of learner self-directed
learning and the attitudes of learners in online
This study uses the fuzzy Delphi method to
screen out relatively important criteria of self-
directed learning and online leering attitudes. The
Fuzzy Delphi Method (Lin et al., 2020) is a four-step
process. Step 1: Gather the views of the decision-
making community; Step 2: Create a triangular
fuzzy number; Step 3: Defuzzification; and Step 4:
Selection of evaluation criteria. The retention
dimensions and criteria questionnaire were
distributed to 20 academics and practical experts
with more than ten years of experience in studying
online music learning programs at universities, who
used their knowledge and experience to determine
whether to retain the criteria. The threshold used in
this study is 70% (Wu et al., 2022), meaning that the
criterion will be kept if more than 70% of academics
and experts agree to keep it. The two dimensions
and 12 criteria identified in this study have all been
kept because more than 70% of experts and
academics agree to keep them, as shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Fuzzy Delphi Method Questionnaire Item
Self-directed learning
(S)/ online learning
attitudes (O)
Thresh hold
(Fuzzy performance
Retain /
1 Self-learning (S1) 0.870 Retain
Continuous learning
0.889 Retain
Efficiency learning
0.726 Retain
Independent learning
0.744 Retain
0.844 Retain
6 Planning learning (S6) 0.898 Retain
7 Favorite learning (S7) 0.825 Retain
Computer and network
confidence (O1)
0.836 Retain
9 Network use (O2) 0.879 Retain
10 Online learning (O3) 0.870 Retain
Computer/smart phone
use (O4)
0.853 Retain
Computer/smart phone
preferences (O5)
0.799 Retain
The Fuzzy DEMATEL is a method that
combines fuzzy semantic variables and DEMATEL
method. The formula and calculation steps (Wu et
al., 2020) as followed have seven steps.
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Step 1: Define the evaluation criteria and design
a fuzzy semantic scale, and
Step 2: Create a direct association matrix.
Step 3: Build and analyze the structural model.
Step 4: Total association matrix
Step 5: Defuzzification.
Step 6: Centrality and Causality.
Step 7: Result Analysis.
In this phase, 20 scholars and practical experts with
more than ten years of experience studying online
music learning programs at universities were invited
to take the survey. The questionnaires were then
distributed on-spot to these researchers and
practitioners for completion. After three months of
the survey, there were 20 valid questionnaires,
including 10 for researchers and 10 for practitioners.
The results of the various dimensions and criteria
were then analysed.
4.1 Results of the Analysis of Each
The evaluative dimensions are self-directed learning
(S) and online learning attitudes (O). First is
defining the evaluative dimensions, designing the
fuzzy semantic scales, establishing the direct
association matrix, building and analysing the
structural model, and creating the total association
matrix and defuzzification. The formulae and
calculations, and the defuzzification matrix for each
dimension, are shown in Table 2. The column and
row values of each dimension are shown in Table 3
after the calculation of the centrality and causality.
Then, after obtaining the values of d+r (centrality)
and d-r (causality). The value of d+r (centrality)
represents the strength of the influence between the
dimensions, the higher the value, the stronger the
influence. When the value of d-r is positive and if
the value is higher, it represents the "cause" of the
influence of other dimensions, and when d-r is
negative and if the value is lower, it stands for the
"effect" of the influence of other dimensions.
In the causality (d-r) section, according to the
value of d-r (causality), the dimensions of self-
directed learning and online learning attitudes are
classified into cause and effect clusters. Those
dimensions with positive d-r (causality) values are
classified as cause groups. The positive value of the
self-directed learning (S) dimension directly affects
another dimension. Therefore, schools, educational
institutions, and teachers should consider this
dimension as the main dimension in developing
learners' learning behaviors in online learning
Table 2: Matrix of Defuzzied Total Correlations of the
Learning (S)
Online Learning
Attitudes (O)
Learning (S)
6.941 7.558*
Online Learning
Attitudes (O)
7.094 6.941
Note: * Indicates above the threshold value of 7.133.
Table 3: Collation of Column and Row Values of
values )
S 14.499 14.035 28.534 0.464 2
Affects another
O 14.035 14.499 28.534 -0.464 3
Average 28.534 0
Note: Self-directed learning (S), Online learning attitudes (O).
The main purpose of learners' learning behaviors
is to enforce the dimension in cause groups, namely,
self-directed learning, so as to improve self-directed
learning. Hence, self-directed learning (S) is the
strongest affecting dimension and should be listed as
the main dimension which could strengthen a
learner’s learning behavior. While another
dimension with negative d-r (causality) values was
categorized as an effect cluster, namely, online
learning attitudes (O). This means that it was
affected by others, and the extent to which this
dimension was affected was greater than its own
influence, so schools, educational institutions, and
teachers can therefore consider the online learning
attitude dimension as a problem to be solved in the
long-term development of learners' learning
behaviors. The highest positive value of d-r is self-
directed learning (S), which represents the "cause"
of the most influence on the other dimensions, while
online learning attitudes (O) are the "effect" of the
most influence from the other dimensions. As such,
the higher the value of self-directed learning (S), the
stronger the online learning attitudes (O). Hence, the
self-directed learning dimension is the foundation of
the learner’s learning behavior. In terms of overall
consideration, if learners want to improve their
learning behavior in an online learning course, they
Determinants of Learners’ Self-Directed Learning and on-Line Learning Attitudes in on-Line Learning
should choose the most influential dimension,
namely, "self-directed learning (S)", which directly
affects the dimension "online learning attitudes" (O).
From Table 2, we can find that self-directed
learning (S) affects online learning attitudes (O), and
it is clear that the direction of the arrow of self-
directed learning (S) towards the online learning
attitudes (O) directly and strongly. Hence, learners
should cultivate their self-directed learning to
enforce their learning attitudes, in order to perfect
their online learning course behavior.
4.2 Results of the Analysis of the
The assessment criteria are self-learning (S1),
continuous learning (S2), efficiency learning (S3),
independent learning (S4), self-understanding (S5),
planning learning (S6), favorite learning (S7),
computer and network confidence (O1), network use
(O2), online learning (O3), computer and
smartphone use (O4), and computer and smartphone
preferences (O5). There are a total of 12 criteria.
After defining the criteria and designing the fuzzy
semantic scale, establishing a direct association
matrix, building and analysing the structural model,
the total association matrix, and defuzzification, the
defuzzified total association matrix among the
criteria is shown in Table 4. Once d+r (centrality)
and d-r (causality) have been obtained, the cause-
effect relationship diagram.
In terms of centrality (d+r), these three criteria,
computer and network confidence (O1), online
learning (O3), and computer and smartphone
preferences (O5), are the most important. In terms of
the causality (d-r), the value of these criteria self-
learning (S1), computer and network confidence
(O1), online learning (O3), computer and
smartphone use (O4), and computer and smartphone
preferences (O5) are positive values, which mean
that these are the cause criteria. Among them, the
strongest are online learning (O3), computer and
smartphone use (O4), and computer and smartphone
preferences (O5). Conversely, the values of these
seven criteria - continuous learning (S2), efficiency
learning (S3), independent learning (S4), self-
understanding (S5), planning learning (S6), favorite
learning (S7), and network use (O2), are negative,
which means these criteria are effect criteria. Among
these criteria, independent learning (S4), planning
learning (S6), and network use (O2) have the highest
negative values.
Table 4: Collation of Column and Row Values of Criteria.
Criteria d r d+r d-r Quadrant
S1 4.876 4.418 9.293 0.458 1
Core criteria
S2 4.403 4.428 8.831 -0.024 3
S3 4.329 4.491 8.820 -0.162 3
S4 3.757 4.462 8.219 -0.705 3
S5 4.033 4.464 8.497 -0.430 3
S6 4.042 4.623 8.665 -0.581 3
S7 4.252 4.653 8.905 -0.401 3
O1 4.961 4.497 9.458 0.464 1
Core criteria
O2 4.075 4.530 8.605 -0.456 3
O3 4.966 4.395 9.361 0.570 1
Core criteria
O4 4.916 4.403 9.319 0.512 1
Core criteria
O5 5.140 4.385 9.525 0.754 1
Core criteria
e 8.958 0
Note: Self-learning (S1), Continuous learning (S2), Efficiency learning
(S3), Independent learning (S4), Self-understanding (S5), Planning learning
(S6), Favorite learning (S7), Computer and network confidence (O1),
Network use (O2), Online learning (O3), Computer/smart phone use (O4),
Computer/smart phone preferences (O5)
According to the causal relationships obtained
from the combined centrality and causality analyses,
computer and smartphone preferences (O5) have the
strongest influence, while the most influential
criterion is independent learning (S4). Among the
criteria of self-directed learning and online learning
attitudes, Online learning (O3), Computer and
smartphone use (O4), and Computer and smartphone
preferences (O5) are the most influential criteria and
are the main criteria for improving learner’s self-
directed learning, online learning attitudes.
In the causality (d-r) section, the 12 criteria of
self-directed learning and online learning attitudes
can be grouped into cause-effect clusters based on
the d-r (causality) values. Criteria with positive d-r
(causality) values are categorized as cause clusters,
with a total of five criteria categorized. Positive
criteria have a direct impact on the other criteria.
Therefore, scholars should consider these criteria as
important targets for enhancing self-directed
learning and online learning attitudes and strengthen
the criteria ability of the cause group to enhance the
other criteria of self-directed learning and online
learning attitudes. The most influential criteria are
"online learning (O3), computer and smartphone use
(O4), and computer and smartphone preferences
(O5)." These three criteria are the most influential
criteria and should be treated as the most important
criteria for self-directed learning and online learning
attitudes and the most influential "cause" of the other
criteria. The higher the proportion of online learning,
computer and smartphone use, and computer and
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
smartphone preferences, the stronger the influence
of other criteria on self-directed learning and online
learning attitudes. Therefore, the learners' online
learning, computer and smartphone use, and
computer and smartphone preferences are the basis
for self-directed learning and online learning
attitudes. The negative value of d-r (causality) is
classified as the effect cluster. A total of seven
criteria were categorized as "effect clusters,"
representing the extent to which they are influenced
by other criteria. The extent of being affected by
these seven criteria is greater than their own
influence; therefore, schools, educational institutions,
and teachers can consider these seven criteria as the
long-term development of learners' self-directed
learning and online learning attitudes to be
addressed in online learning programs.
Learners' self-directed learning and online learning
attitudes are complex, multi-criteria indicators of
competence that cannot be precisely defined and
measured, and there are a complex and entangled
relationships among criteria. The results of this
study show that the dimension of self-directed
learning influences the dimension of online learning
attitude, that the criteria for self-directed learning
and online learning attitude are correlated with each
other, and that the degree of influence on online
learning attitude varies between criteria.
In terms of the dimension, firstly, self-directed
learning influences the online learning attitude. In
terms of the dimension level, self-directed learning
is the cause that influences another dimension, and
online learning attitudes are the effect that is
influenced by it. Therefore, to strengthen learning
behavior in online learning, learners can start by
constructing a self-directed learning dimension.
Secondly, self-directed learning is the main
determinant dimension of learners' learning behavior,
and it directly influences the online learning attitude
and is a fundamental factor in enhancing learners'
learning behavior. Therefore, learners need to
develop self-directed learning to establish the
foundation of their learning behavior in online
In the criteria section, firstly, self-learning,
computer and network confidence, online learning,
computer and smartphone use, and computer and
smartphone preferences are the main influencing
criteria for the other criteria. In particular, computer
and smartphone preferences are the most influential
criteria, and among self-learning, computer and
network confidence, online learning, computer and
smartphone use, and computer and smartphone
preferences, these criteria affect each other and also
affect other criteria. In addition, the criterion of
computer and smartphone preferences is the
strongest influencing criterion for the other criteria.
Learners can start with the strongest and most
influential computer and smartphone preferences to
enhance their online learning attitudes by getting
learners to enjoy accessing and operating computers
and smartphones. Learners can also enhance self-
directed learning through self-learning to develop
skills for continuous learning, efficient learning, and
other skills.
Self-learning, computer and network confidence,
online learning, computer, and smartphone use, and
computer and smartphone preferences are the main
influences on the other criteria of online learning
attitudes and self-directed learning. Therefore,
learners should have the skills of computer and
network confidence, online learning, computer and
smartphone use, computer and smartphone
preferences, etc. Furthermore, learners need to
develop self-learning skills. Secondly, self-learning,
computer and network confidence, online learning,
computer and smartphone use, and computer and
smartphone preferences are key determinants of
online learning attitudes and self-directed learning.
Learners should be able to grasp learning
opportunities and overcome barriers to learning;
learners should be confident in their learning
abilities and performance on computers and
smartphones and the Internet; learners should enjoy
and look forward to learning online; and learners
should be able to use computers and smartphones in
their studies, life, and work and enjoy accessing and
operating them.
The determinants and interactions of online
learning attitudes and self-directed learning have
been less explored in previous studies, online
learning attitudes and self-directed learning are
important dimensions that influence learners'
learning behavior. In addition, scholars who study
online learning attitudes and self-directed learning
have different theoretical perspectives. To
understand the problems mentioned, this study
combines the Fuzzy Delphi method and the Fuzzy
DEMATEL method to propose a more
comprehensive and complete set of determinants of
self-directed learning and online learning attitudes.
There is no research paper on this subject, so this
study has academic value. In summary, the academic
value of the findings of this study includes 1. The
Determinants of Learners’ Self-Directed Learning and on-Line Learning Attitudes in on-Line Learning
study integrates theoretical perspectives on self-
directed learning and online learning attitudes and
uses a wide range of perspectives to collect and
analyze relevant literature to select indicators of self-
directed learning and online learning attitudes and to
identify the dimensions and criteria of self-directed
learning and online learning attitudes by integrating
the views of researchers and experts in online
learning. 2. Using the Fuzzy DEMATEL method to
evaluate the dimensions and criteria of self-directed
learning and online learning attitudes, the cause-
effect diagrams computed and analyzed provide a
clear and easy understanding of the complex cause-
effect structure between the dimensions and criteria
of self-directed learning and online learning attitudes
and the strength and extent of the influence of these
In terms of practical implications, the findings of
this study reveal a number of important implications
for the learning behavior of learners in online
learning. Schools, educational institutions, and
teachers can use the results of this study to identify
the structural interrelationships and causal
relationships among the indicators of learners' self-
directed learning and online learning attitudes and to
select the most important key indicators of self-
directed learning and online learning attitudes,
which will help schools, educational institutions, and
teachers to understand learners' learning behaviors in
online learning programs, target learners' self-
directed learning and online learning attitudes, and
improve online learning programs. This will help
schools, educational institutions, and teachers
understand learners' learning behaviors in online
learning programs, focus on the key criteria of
learners' self-directed learning and online learning
attitudes, improve online learning programs, and
cultivate the key criteria of learners' self-directed
learning and online learning attitudes, which can
effectively enhance learners' self-directed learning
and online learning attitudes, and potentially
improve learners' learning behaviors and learning
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