Ontology-Driven IoT System for Monitoring Hypertension
Pedro Lopes de Souza
1,2 a
, Wanderley Lopes de Souza
1,2 b
, Luís Ferreira Pires
João Luiz Rebelo Moreira
, Ronitti Juner da Silva Rodrigues
and Ricardo Rodrigues Ciferri
Semantics, Cybersecurity & Services Group, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science,
University of Twente, P.O. Box 217, Enschede, The Netherlands
Ubiquitous Computing Group, Graduate Program in Computer Science, Computing Department,
Federal University of São Carlos, P.O. Box 676, São Carlos, Brazil
ronittirodrigues@estudante.ufscar.br, RRC@ufscar.br
Keywords: Internet of Things, Ubiquitous Computing, Cloud Computing, Interoperability, Ontology, Healthcare.
Abstract: Hypertension is a noncommunicable disease (NCD) that causes global concern, high costs and a high number
of deaths. Internet of Things, Ubiquitous Computing, and Cloud Computing enable the development of
systems for remote and real-time monitoring of patients affected with NCDs like hypertension. This paper
reports on a system for monitoring hypertension patients that was built by employing these techniques. This
system allows the vital signs of a patient (blood pressure, heart rate, body temperature) to be captured via
sensors built in a wearable device similar to a wristwatch. These signals are transmitted to the patient's mobile
device for processing, and the generated clinical data are sent to the cloud to be properly presented and
analysed by the health professionals responsible for the patient. To deal with semantic interoperability issues
that arise when multiple different devices and system components must interoperate, a semantic model was
conceived for this system in terms of ontologies for diseases and devices. This paper also presents the semantic
module that we developed and implemented in the cloud to perform reasoning based on this model,
demonstrating the potential benefits of incorporating semantic technologies in our system.
Hypertension is a cardiovascular disease that affects
22% of the world's adult population over 18 years of
age, being the cause of death for approximately 9.4
million people yearly. Diagnosis and monitoring of
hypertension patients are necessary to maintain blood
pressure within levels considered normal, typically
120 mmHg for systolic pressure and 80 mmHg for
diastolic pressure in adults (WHO, 2013). However,
this task is not always trivial, as for more assertive
diagnosis and treatment, it is necessary to consider
risk factors and correlate them with the disease
progression data. In addition, blood pressure
measurements are usually performed by health
professionals during consultation and these data are
often stored in an unstructured way and are not
always available when needed (Sandi, Nugraha and
Supangkat, 2013).
This paper presents the System Based on Internet
of Things for Monitoring Patients with Hypertension
(SBIoT-MPH) (Rodrigues, 2022), which is a
distributed system that allows timely and efficient
monitoring of vital signs. SBIoT-MPH has been
realised using IoT, Ubiquitous Computing and Cloud
Computing technologies to automatically acquire and
process clinical data from hypertension patients and
make them available to health professionals. SBIoT-
MPH allows patient vital signs to be captured and
transmitted from the patient's mobile device to the
cloud. This allows early warnings to be sent to the
Lopes de Souza, P., Lopes de Souza, W., Ferreira Pires, L., Moreira, J., Rodrigues, R. and Ciferri, R.
Ontology-Driven IoT System for Monitoring Hypertension.
DOI: 10.5220/0011989100003467
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2023) - Volume 1, pages 757-767
ISBN: 978-989-758-648-4; ISSN: 2184-4992
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
patient, health professionals and other caretakers
when critical situations are detected.
One requirement to be addressed by SBIoT-MPH
is to transparently support a multitude of different
devices. In addition, it should be extensible to cope
with other diseases, which means that it should be
able to handle heterogeneous data. Furthermore, once
we decide to integrate our system with other systems
(e.g., IoT platforms), the interoperability issues will
get even more stringent. To represent these issues, we
developed a semantic model based on ontologies for
diseases and devices. This paper then also reports on
the semantic module that we developed based on this
semantic model and implemented in the cloud to
support reasoning based on the collected data.
The objectives of this paper are twofold: (i)
demonstrate how a system (hardware and software)
can be developed to monitor vital signs and make
clinical data available in the cloud for analysis and
visualisation and (ii) demonstrate how to extend this
system with other devices and applications with
support of semantic technologies to cope with
semantic interoperability issues.
The remaining of this paper has been structured as
follows: Section 2 gives the background to this work;
Section 3 introduces the SBIoT-MPH architecture in
terms of its layers; Section 4 presents the SBIoT-
MPH semantic model and describes the architecture
and design of the semantic module; Section 5
discusses our results; Section 6 discusses related
work; and Section 7 presents our conclusions and
suggestions for future work.
Hypertension is a prevalent cardiovascular disease
and is a strong risk factor for other diseases acquired
during life, such as coronary heart disease, left
ventricular hypertrophy, cardiac arrhythmias
including atrial fibrillation, stroke and renal failure
(Kjeldsen, 2018). Hypertension is characterised by
sustained levels of systolic blood pressure greater
than or equal to 140 mmHg, and diastolic blood
pressure greater than or equal to 90 mmHg, is
considered a silent killer, with symptoms not visible
for many years, and is usually discovered when a
complication occurs, or a vital organ is compromised
(WHO, 2013).
For a more effective treatment of hypertension,
periodic monitoring of the health conditions the
patient is necessary. Continuous monitoring enables
patients and their health professionals to actively
exert disease control. This requires vital signals to be
periodically collected, via equipment or sensors, and
the corresponding clinical data to be stored, treated,
and made available for analysis.
Internet of Things (IoT), Ubiquitous Computing,
and Cloud Computing can be effectively used in
combination to build telemedicine systems aiming at
providing pervasive healthcare (Husain et al, 2022).
Wireless sensor networks and mobile devices have
been used to develop mobile applications and smart
environments. In this way, it is possible to increase
the quality of health services and keep costs down,
allowing for less direct but more effective interaction
between patient and health professionals, and
providing ubiquitous access to health services.
Furthermore, data provided by different sensors can
be combined to produce more complete reports,
allowing more accurate medical diagnoses, and more
effective treatments.
IoT technologies are heterogeneous in terms of
hardware and software at different levels, with
different data formats and semantics, different
devices from different manufacturers, different wired
and wireless networking technologies, and different
communication protocols. Usually, IoT devices
produce large amounts of data, which can be first sent
to a gateway to be pre-processed, for example, in
mobile devices, and then forwarded to the cloud for
further processing (Gawanmeh, and Al-Karaki 2021).
IoT heterogeneity can lead to incorrect or
inefficient use, in addition to making it difficult for
users to access the offered services. To cope with
these different levels of heterogeneity, one should
strive for semantic interoperability, which aims at
providing a common data representation for the
meaningful data exchange between different
applications and services. This encompasses the
meaning of the data and their relationship, and
requires common vocabularies to describe the data
and ensure that data are unambiguously understood
by the devices (Noura, Atiquzzaman and Gaedke
2018). Many semantic models and approaches were
proposed recently for IoT semantic interoperability,
most of them employing ontologies, middleware,
semantic web, and knowledge management systems
(Souza, Souza and Ciferri 2022).
Figure 1 presents an overview of SBIoT-MPH and its
components, which have been structured according to
their locations and functionality in three layers
(Zhang and Zhang, 2012): Sensor Layer, Fog Layer
and Cloud Layer.
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: SBIoT-MPH overview.
The Sensor Layer encompasses wearable devices
attached to the patient's body, which have different
sensors responsible for capturing the patient's vital
signs and making them available digitally. In its
current implementation, this layer collects these vital
signs and automatically transmits clinical data related
to these signals to the Fog Layer via the Bluetooth
Low Energy (BLE) standard. The Fog Layer contains
the Mobile App application, which processes the
received clinical data and forwards it to the Cloud
Layer via WiFi or 3G/4G networks. The Cloud Layer
contains the API Server and Web App applications.
The API Server allows other applications to query
and store system data, while the Web App provides a
User Interface (UI) for health professionals to view
and analyse patient clinical data and for system
In its current implementation, the Sensor Platform
collects, analyses and stores blood pressure, heart rate
and body temperature. However, the modular
architecture of this system allows other vital signs to
be captured, simply by adding new sensors.
3.1 Sensor Layer
The Sensor Layer contains a Sensor Platform, which
consists of a Wireless Body Sensor Network (WBSN)
built in a bracelet that the patient can wear on her
wrist like a watch and captures the patient's vital
signs. Clinical data obtained from these signals are
transmitted via Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) to an
application that runs on the patient's mobile device
(smartphone, or tablet). Figure 2 shows the main
hardware modules of this platform.
Figure 2: Hardware architecture of the Sensor Platform.
The MKB0805 module is a heart rate and blood
pressure sensor that employs the
Photoplethysmography (PPG) method to detect
changes in blood volume in the microvascular tissue
bed. This non-invasive and low-cost method applies
a light source to the surface of the skin and measures
the variations in light intensity caused by the
absorption and reflection of this light by the skin
tissue through a photodetector (Castaneda et al.,
2018). Since these variations depend on the amount
of blood present in the optical path, this sensor reads
the signals and estimates systolic and diastolic
pressures and heart rate, making these clinical data
available to the main module.
The MPU6050 module is a sensor that measures
the acceleration of an object according to three
coordinate axes (X, Y, Z), and is employed to detect
the patient movements necessary to enable the
MKB0805 module to read clinical data. The
DS18B20 module is a digital temperature sensor that
measures temperatures between -55°C and 150°C
with an accuracy of ±0.5°C and is used to measure the
patient's body temperature.
The signals and data obtained by the sensors are
processed by the TTGO T7 V1.3 MINI 32 module, a
hardware board often used in the development of IoT
systems. This board is equipped with a low cost and
low energy ESP32 microcontroller from Espressif
Systems and offers WiFi 802.11b and Bluetooth v4.2
connectivity. The platform has also the Vibration
Motor module, which consists of a small motor
capable of generating vibrations to alert the patient
when critical situations are detected.
Figure 3 shows two photos of the Sensor Platform
prototype: (a) the components of this prototype,
which are fixed to a base structure to be inserted into
the bracelet; and (b) the bracelet already fully
assembled. The plastic frame was produced with a 3D
printer from the 3D models that were designed using
the FreeCad software.
Ontology-Driven IoT System for Monitoring Hypertension
(a) (b)
Figure 3: Sensor Platform prototype. (a) Prototype
components; (b) Assembled prototype.
3.2 Fog Layer
Mobile App is an application we developed for
Android devices that runs on the patient's smartphone
or tablet and acts mainly as a gateway, receiving data
from the Sensor Platform and forwarding it to the
cloud. Two components interact with the Mobile
App, namely the Patient Service and the Background
Service. The Patient Service represents the
hypertension patient and supports the following
a) Authentication: the patient provides the
previously registered username and password and
once authorised, she can manage the sensors, and
view her clinical data, messages, and risk alerts.
b) Sensors Management: the patient registers the
sensor platform and can check the connection
status and battery level of the platform.
c) Data Visualisation: the patient consults the data
records of the last 24 hours, which are stored in a
database on the patient's mobile device.
The Background Service runs in the background
in the Android device, and provides the following
a) Physiological Data Collection: once sensors are
registered by the patient, the connection and
authentication process of Mobile App with the
Sensor Platform is triggered. After this connection
is established, clinical data are collected,
processed, and sent to the cloud, where they are
stored and made available to health professionals.
b) Patient Data Analysis: the received data are
analysed and classified according to the
recommendations of the American Heart
Association shown in Table 1
into four health risk
levels: NORISK; LOW, indicating that hyperten-
sion can be controlled with lifestyle changes, such
as more physical activities and healthier eating
habits; MODERATE, indicating hypertension
needs to be controlled by medication, in addition to
lifestyle changes; and HIGH, indicating a critical
situation so that the patient needs immediate
intervention of a health professional;
c) Alerts Management: alerts are generated
according to the risk levels and sent to the cloud
for analysis by a health professional, and the
patient automatically receives notifications
regarding these alerts on their mobile device and
on the Sensor Platform. For MODERATE and
HIGH risks, the health professional and an
emergency contact immediately receive a text
message with information related to the patient's
health status; and
d) Messages Management: messages recorded by the
health professional on the Web App, such as
recommendations for lifestyle changes, treatment
adjustments involving changes in drug dosages, or
the prescription of new drugs, are received and
stored on the patient's mobile device, who in turn
receives notifications related to these messages.
Table 1: Blood Pressure Category.
Category Systolic mmHg Diastolic mmHg
Normal Lesss than 120 an
Lesss than 80
120-129 an
Lesss than 80
Hypertension Stage 1 130-139 o
Hypertension Stage 2 140 or Highe
90 or Highe
Hypertension Crisis Higher than 180 and/o
Higher than 120
Figure 4 shows two screenshots of the Mobile
App User Interface (UI): (a) the interactive Data
Collection screen, which allows the patient to view
the sensors and update the data collected by each
sensor, and allows the patient to access the screen for
viewing the data history related to a sensor; (b) the
Data History screen, which allows the patient to view
the data history in a graph.
(a) (b)
Figure 4: Screenshots of the Mobile App UI. (a) Data
Collection screen; (b) Data History screen.
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Mobile App was implemented in Java using the
API level 21 for Android 5.0 applications, compatible
with around 94,1% of the Android-based devices. To
safeguard the security of the data stored on the
patient's mobile device, the SQLite library with the
SQLChipher extension has been used, which provides
a database with 256-bit AES encryption. The Apollo
GraphQL library 2.4 was also used, which allows
Java models for GraphQL queries to be generated
(Jeon, Liuhaoyang and Hwang, 2019).
3.3 Cloud Layer
Web App and API Server were deployed in the Cloud
Layer allowing cloud resources to be used on
demand, as these applications perform tasks that
require more computing resources. Cloud
deployment also enables access to these applications
via Internet. Web App is accessed via a Web browser,
by health professionals to view and analyse their
clinical data, and by an administrator to manage
health professionals and patients.
The following functionality concerns the
a) Patients Management, to support the registration
and maintenance of patient data, such as their
personal data and the types of diseases to be
b) Patient to Health Professional Assignment, to
assign a patient to a health professional who will
be responsible for monitoring the patient's clinical
c) Health Professionals Management, to support the
registration of health professionals.
The following functionality concerns the health
a) Health Data Analysis, which allows the health
professional to access their patients' clinical data,
analyse these data and then make decisions
regarding their treatment.
b) Message Exchange, which allows messages to be
sent to the patient's mobile device via the Mobile
App, with recommendations regarding that
treatment or lifestyle. These messages can be
categorised by the health professional into 3
priority levels for determining the order in which
they are displayed to the patient.
c) Alerts Monitoring, which allows alerts to be
automatically shown on the Mobile App once they
are forwarded to the API Server, allowing health
professionals to analyse clinical data.
Figure 5 shows a screenshot of the Web App UI,
which allows the health professional to apply filters,
such as the desired clinical data type and the analysis
period. To help the health professional in this
analysis, reference lines related to pre-established
normal values for each clinical data type are plotted.
Figure 5: Screenshot of the Web App.
API Server operates as a server, providing a
secure API so that Mobile App and Web App can
store and retrieve system information. This API
employs the GraphQL query and data manipulation
language, which uses more parsimonious messages
and therefore generates less network traffic than
Representational State Transfer (REST).
Web App was implemented in JavaScript, and the
React and Material UI libraries were used since they
facilitate UI development. Integration with the API
Server was carried out via the Apollo Client library,
as it supports queries to a GraphQL API, managing
the cache and automatically updating the UI data.
API Server was also implemented in JavaScript,
and Node.js was used as a server-side runtime
environment due to its improved performance when
compared to others server technologies (Chitra and
Satapathy, 2017). The Apollo Server open-source
library version 2.16 was used since it supports
GraphQL APIs compatible with any GraphQL client.
API Server provides an authentication and
authorization mechanism that uses JSON Web Token
(JWT), supporting secure communication via the
HTTPS protocol.
Figure 6 depicts the IoT semantic model that we
developed based on a model that has been proposed
in (Rahman and Hussain, 2020). In an IoT-based
platform, components may not be able to properly
exchange and understand the raw data generated by
IoT devices (e.g., sensors, actuators, RFID devices)
from different manufacturers due to the lack of
Ontology-Driven IoT System for Monitoring Hypertension
common semantics. To solve this problem, the first
step can be to send the data to a gateway for pre-
processing and aggregation, aiming to increase their
quality via an algorithm such as the one presented in
(Rahman, Ahmed and Hussain, 2018). These
aggregated data can be then stored in the cloud so that
semantic operations can be performed on them.
Figure 6: IoT semantic model (adapted from (Rahman and
Hussain, 2020)).
In this model, all processing to achieve semantic
interoperability is performed in the cloud, which must
comprise ontologies to provide semantic annotations
to the aggregated data, adapters to convert aggregated
data into semantic data, a conventional database, and
a triplestore, which is a database in RDF format. The
aggregated data are converted to the RDF triples
format with the help of ontologies. Some work has
already been performed in this direction (Buneman
and Staworko, 2016), but further investigation is still
The semantic module improves SBIoT-MPH by
addressing the following requirements of each layer:
a) Sensor Layer, where the sensors have different
data formats based on different data types with
different semantics, and it is necessary to
predefine data according to BluetoothGatt API.
b) Fog Layer, where the interpretation of the data
received from the Sensor Layer, with respect to
the hypertension risk levels, is restricted to the
Patient Data Analysis functionality; and
c) Cloud Layer, where data exchange is not
meaningful, and it is not possible to personalise
the Patient Data Analysis functionality.
Therefore, we adapted the semantic model shown
in Figure 6 to deal with these problems. We worked
mainly on the Cloud Layer, in order to add semantic
annotations to the aggregated data received from the
Fog Layer, as illustrated in Figure 7.
Figure 7: SBIoT-MPH semantic model.
When designing the SBIoT-MPH semantic
model, we sought to keep as much as possible the
original structure of the system. To this end, the
semantic module was introduced in the cloud,
communicating with the SBIoT-MPH applications,
the RDF database and the ontologies, which are also
implemented in the cloud.
Figure 8 shows the components of the semantic
model, which are discussed in the sequel.
4.1 API Listener
This component is responsible for capturing
aggregated data from API Server, transforming them
into RDF format and publishing the result of this
transformation. Initially, a GraphQL API has been
employed to send to the API Listener all data in JSON
format received by the API Server from the Mobile
App. API Listener uses the GraphQL subscription
operation, which acts like a publisher/subscriber
protocol. Whenever API Server receives data from
Mobile App, API Listener is notified and receives a
copy of those data.
The next step has been to semantically enrich
the aggregated data with RDF annotations, where
additional knowledge expressed in ontologies.
The SBIoT-MPH Semantic Module uses the
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 8: SBIoT-MPH Semantic Module architecture.
to represent devices,
sensors, data, and actors. To incorporate concepts and
properties related to hypertension, the Chronic
disease class of SAREF4EHAW was extended with a
subset of the NCDs-related SNOMED CT ontology
A conversion algorithm transforms the aggregated
data into a set of RDF triplets with the help of the
ontology and a mapping file that employs a
lightweight JSON-based mapping language. The
relationship between the schema and the ontology is
stored in this mapping file, which describes how to
extract any information from the ontology (Rahman
and Hussain, 2020). An MQTT client function
connected to the broker publishes the semantically
structured data produced by the conversion algorithm
as a JSON-RD format to the FogHeathData topic.
Figure 9 shows the main activities of API Listener.
4.2 Inference Engine
This component is responsible for real-time
processing of the patient data published by API
Listener, and for detecting possible deviations from
normal values based on a pre-defined classification of
health data, such as the risk levels of Patient Data
Analysis. Furthermore, it is responsible for triggering
the Alert Handler component by publishing in the
broker topics related to each detected deviation type.
Figure 9: API Listener main activities.
Health data are classified based on acquired
knowledge, being used in real health data to assess
and predict situations. The Inference Engine deals
with two types of knowledge: objective and
subjective. Objective knowledge is present in general
medical standards, well known by health
professionals, easily found in the literature, and
widely disseminated by large health organizations
such as the WHO. Subjective knowledge is related to
the patient’s profile and context, such as medical
history, genetic diseases, and personal lifestyle.
Objective knowledge can be described in the
ontology and, therefore, accessed by the Inference
Ontology-Driven IoT System for Monitoring Hypertension
Engine. Subjective knowledge can be manually
described by the user, usually the health professional
responsible for the patient, and stored in the
subjective rules database.
When a FogHealthData topic is received, the
Inference Engine identifies the data type and the
patient associated with these data, and the following
steps are applied involving subjective rules:
a) The Inference Engine verifies if there is any rule
in the subjective rules database for this patient
regarding this data type.
b) For each rule found, it checks whether the data fit
the rule.
c) If a deviation from normal values is detected, a
specific topic describing this deviation is
published, which triggers an alert.
Afterwards, the same steps are applied involving
objective rules. The only difference is in the first step,
where the Inference Engine verifies in the ontology
for these rules regarding this data type.
Objective rules can be skipped if a subjective rule
is found that explicitly states that. Some health data
have variations by default, which invalidates standard
analysis. This may occur due to the patient’s profile
and context, which must be informed by the health
professional when storing a rule in the subjective rule
database. Figure 10 illustrates these steps.
Figure 10: Steps of the Inference Engine.
Rules are described as Semantic Web Rule
Language (SWRL) expressions of the form IF
health-data-preconditions THEN
variants-effects. SWRL expressions can be
evaluated by description logic reasoners, such as
Pellet, for the evaluation of health data, inferring at
runtime new knowledge based on the ontology and
rules database. For example, the SWRL rule below
defines the Patient Data Analysis normal risk level:
?diastolic_mmhg), Patient(Pedro),
lessThen(?systolic_mmhg, 120) ^
), lessThen(?diastolic_mmhg, 80) ->
hasHypertensionStage (Pedro, normal).
Each classified deviation from normal heath data
values triggers a topic-related alert message, which is
published and consumed by Alert Handler.
4.3 Alert Handler
This component is responsible for processing real-
time alerts related to topics published by the Inference
Engine, and for contacting the patient and their health
professional. Three alerts related to the topics blood
pressure, body temperature, and heart rate were
respectively implemented in SBIoT-MPH. Alerts of
these topics provide the following information: the
user identifiers (patient and their health professional);
the sort of data and their values, and the timestamp of
the data and of their sort; and a set of actions to be
executed. The actions include sending an email to
notify the patient, their heath professional, or both.
The user identifier is used so that a request to the
Data Handler can be published for retrieving all
required information to execute indicated actions
(e.g., patient email address). Data are used to create a
historic log of all patient alerts, which can be useful
for improving pervasive healthcare by helping health
professionals to define more accurate subjective rules
for each patient. Historic data can be also explored by
data mining and knowledge discovery algorithms. An
alert log is published as HealthAlertLog, and stored
in the RDF database by the Data Handler.
4.4 Web Manager and Web Mapper
These components interact with Web App by
capturing and redirecting all requests and responses
to Data Handler. Furthermore, they provide
additional information not available in the relational
database to Web App (e.g., alert log).
Web Mapper uses an interface similar to the API
Server for receiving a Web App request described in
the Apollo Client definition language for GraphQL.
Web Mapper converts the received request to a
JSON-LD request and publishes it under the
HTMLRequests topic. After receiving the converted
request, Web Manager formulates the corresponding
SPARQL queries, and publishes them for being
processed by the Data Handler, which in turn returns
a response with the processing result. After receiving
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
the response from the Data Handler, the Web
Manager structures the received data for being
published in the HTMLData topic. After receiving a
response with these data, Web Mapper converts it into
a GraphQL response for sending to the Web App.
4.5 Data Handler
This component processes any direct request to the
RDF database that is made by other components. It is
an endpoint channel that isolates the persisted data,
and simplifies mutations and queries management, in
accordance with the SOA architectural principles.
SPARQL was adopted for requests and responses
because it is a structural query language designed for
querying RDF data. Since SPARQL queries can be
represented as query graphs, they can be answered by
performing graph pattern matching over RDF graphs.
Among the main lessons learned is the use of a holistic
approach from the system developer perspective, who
needs to be knowledgeable in many technologies that
play different roles in the solution. For message
exchange, JSON was chosen instead of XML due to
the simplicity of its structure and its minimal syntax,
which makes it lightweight, and easier to learn, use and
read. For the query language and data manipulation, a
benchmark was performed between GraphQL and
REST using Apache JMeter, in which we concluded
that GraphQL has a better performance in terms of
response time and a lower average data size rate
(bandwidth) than REST (Rodrigues, 2022).
We conceived a semantic model to enable SBIoT-
MPH to handle heterogeneous devices, data and
services. This has been realised in the Cloud Layer,
involving ontologies, RDF database (triplestore) and a
semantic module. This module was designed keeping
as much as possible the original SBIoT-MPH structure
and, for this purpose, it has an interface that translates
all the messages received by the API Server from the
Fog Layer and the Web Server. The SAREF4EHAW
ontology, which stands out for representing several
aspects of health sensors (Moreira, 2020), was
extended to describe NCDs especially hypertension,
with SNOMED-CT ontology concepts, which is
another prominent ontology in the health domain.
RDF was adopted for dataset representation to
encode the data with semantic relationships to the
ontology, and SPARQL was used to express queries
on this data source, since it is capable of querying
mandatory and optional graph patterns along with
their conjunctions and disjunctions. The Patient Data
Analysis functionality was incorporated to the
ontology as a set of SWRL rules employed by the
reasoner to determine the hypertension risk level of a
patient, turning into an accessible resource to all
services in the Cloud Layer.
Furthermore, the proposed rule-based solution is
dynamic and adjustable to meet possible changes
related to the patient profiles. The semantic module
allows the reuse of existing services, and facilitates
debugging, update, and maintenance of this module.
The messages were encoded in JSON-LD to link the
properties of an object represented in a JSON
document to concepts defined in the ontology, thus
providing additional mappings from JSON to an RDF
model. ActiveMQ is the MQTT Broker used to
handle the message exchange between services as a
publish-subscribe message broker.
The original SBIoT-MPH design presents some
problems related to interoperability that gives
directions for future work. At the Sensor Layer, our
sensor platform is the only IoT device able to
communicate with the Mobile App in the Fog Layer
at the moment. A solution to allow different IoT
devices in the Sensor Layer to transmit their data to
the Fog Layer is to develop a set of drivers describing
multiple authentication protocols.
In the Cloud Layer, the semantic model needs
refinement to improve reusability, specialisation, and
independence of its components. All services need
the Data Handler to access information from the RDF
database, which creates a communication bottleneck
and deteriorates query performance as the database
grows. A solution is to migrate from a single data
storage that is shared by all services in the application
to a microservices architecture, in which each
microservice has its own database (Database-per-
service pattern). To achieve this, we still need to
investigate how to decompose an RDF dataset
without compromising its integrity.
Recent studies have shown that IoT semantic
interoperability can be improved if implemented not
only in the Cloud Layer but also in the Fog Layer
(Rahman and Hussain, 2019). Since this will require
the redesign of the SBIoT-MPH architecture, a tool
for modelling and simulating IoT computing
environments, such as the one presented in (Mahmud
et al., 2022), will be used to investigate this problem.
This section discusses some relevant developments
that employ IoT, Ubiquitous Computing, and Cloud
Ontology-Driven IoT System for Monitoring Hypertension
Computing in different domains, while also dealing
with semantic interoperability.
An IoT-based large-scale SOA (IoT-LSS)
ontology that extends the SSN ontology for
addressing dynamic service creation, composition
and adoption is presented in (Mishra and Sarkar,
2022). The benefits of this ontology have been
illustrated in the healthcare domain by mapping the
elements of Clinical Decision Support System
(CDSS) ontology with IoT-LSS, supporting
interoperability, scalability, extendibility, flexibility,
manageability and heterogeneity among different
entities. Although this work is interesting from the
point of view of developing ontologies aimed at IoT
semantic interoperability, the application of the
proposed ontology in a realistic system like SBIoT-
MPH was not reported.
An Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) framework
called Medical Data Interoperability through
Collaboration (MeDIC) is presented in (Jaleel et al.,
2020). MeDIC provides services, such as registration,
subscription, probing, translation, and publishing,
and employs translation resources by means of
probing and translating agents at the network edge,
where medical data originate. MeDiC is distributed,
scalable, and extendable to other IoMT dimensions,
such as protocol interoperability, and to other IoT
applications, and it will be extended to support
protocol and semantics compatibility. Although this
work enriches clinical data and translates them from
one format to another, it does so by employing agents
and not ontologies like in our solution.
An IoT-based health system to monitor and report
patients' health conditions at real-time is presented in
(Bhuiyan, 2022). This system can transmit health
information such as blood pressure, body
temperature, heart rate and oxygen saturation, from
anywhere, to medical centres and caregivers. It tracks
the patient's location using different sensors, transmit
data online and offline to mobile apps, and provides
alert signals to caregivers once are identified critical
health conditions. According to the authors, this
system is potentially suitable for rural and urban areas
in developing countries. Although this system has
some similarities with SBIoT-MPH, it does not deal
with semantic interoperability.
A healthcare system based on ontological
reasoning to monitor patients with chronic diseases
called Do-Care is presented in (Elhadj, 2021). Do-
Care infers medical information and
recommendations based on IoT data, subjective and
objective knowledge, and a dynamic rule-based
approach. This system employs a modular ontology
that integrates three different ontologies: ICNP
medicine ontology, SSN/SOAS sensor network
ontology, and FOAF personal profile ontology. The
efficiency of Do-Care was tested as well as its
ontology, and they intend to integrate the Decision
Tree Learner algorithm to this system to predict
diseases and provide additional support to physicians
in recommending preventive medications. Although
this work is similar to ours, some differences are: the
Fog Layer in Do-Care only performs data aggregation
and transmission and, therefore, the patient can only
visualise their data in the cloud; Do-Care employs an
ontology built upon different ontologies than the ones
we used; and Do-Care does not have a relational or a
graphical database, requiring additional functionality
when using the semantic module.
In this paper, we reported on SBIoT-MPH, a three-
layer IoT-based system to monitor hypertension
patients. To enable semantic interoperability in this
system, a semantic model was designed to
incorporate reasoning by using disease and device
ontologies. This semantic module was deployed in
the Cloud layer, and communicates with the SBIoT-
MPH applications, the RDF database, and the
ontologies, which are also deployed in the cloud.
A possible drawback of our solution is that we
replicated the original persisted data in an RDF
triplestore. Although data duplication enforces
resilience, it also requires mechanisms to guarantee
data integrity. For the SBIoT-MPH, this mechanism
may be rather complex since the databases of this
system use different technologies. To investigate this
problem, different scenarios will be simulated to
check the trade-off of keeping two databases.
As future work, we also intend to extend the
sensor platform for collecting other types of clinical
data, and to adapt/reuse the SBIoT-MPH applications
for monitoring patients with other types of NCDs,
such as Diabetes, Asthma and Obesity. In addition,
WHO recommends the practice of physical activity
for preventing NCDs, and since the scenarios for
monitoring physical activity are similar to the ones
for monitoring NCDs patients, we believe SBIoT-
MPH can be extended to be used for this purpose.
In the literature, several fog-based approaches that
provide solutions for heterogeneity problems have
been reported, but semantic approaches are usually
implemented in the cloud. Since the SBIoT-MPH fog
layer is suitable for pre-processing of delay-sensitive
data at the network edge, in future work we intend to
investigate and propose a semantic approach in which
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
semantic support is partially deployed in the fog and
partially in the cloud.
This study was financed in part by the ‘Coordenão
de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior’ -
Brazil (CAPES) - Finance Code 001. We also thank
the Brazilian National Council of Technological and
Scientific Development (CNPq) and the São Paulo
Research Foundation (FAPESP) for sponsoring our
research in the context of the Brazilian National
Institute of Science and Technology in Medicine
Assisted by Scientific Computing (INCT-MACC).
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Ontology-Driven IoT System for Monitoring Hypertension